I don’t know what compelled me to take a walk to the waterfront at almost midnight. It wasn't normally something I did, especially not while on vacation. It had been extremely humid in the cottage and I just couldn’t get to sleep that night. I knew that southern climates could get uncomfortable this time of year but tonight was much worse than I remembered from my childhood. I kept tossing and turning, fighting restless energy. I should have been burned out from my flight but for some reason, it seemed to have the opposite effect. I was in Florida for a few days visiting some cousins that I kept in touch with often. I used to visit them every summer in my youth and now that we were grown we thought it was a good idea to rekindle that connection. The climate was a lot warmer than I was used to, however, and it was certainly taking an adjustment period. I touched the warm gator tooth necklace around my neck, a purchase from a local shop I spotted while out for a stroll on the boardwalk. There had been a nice looking assortment of local wears and I was certain I wanted to buy something. The owner seemed intent that I have this particular item for reasons that escaped me. She nearly offered it to me for free. I insisted on paying her something and she did take my money in the end. I wasn’t sure why she was so adamant I have it. I figured she had just marked me as a tourist and was trying to gather some publicity for her wares. The thing had been around my neck all afternoon and evening, dangling off a necklace of rope. I had to admit, it looked really cool. My family gave their approval of how it matched my appearance. Such necklaces were made from the teeth of local gators, ones that were shed from living beings and not through poachers. They were considered omens of good luck and being one with nature, or something to that effect. I appreciated the gesture regardless. Still, ever since I'd put it on, my whole body felt a little off. My muscles seemed stiff and sore all afternoon, though at first I just attributed it to the heat. Yet no matter how I rested the sensations still persisted. And my skin was itching as well, dry like I’d been sunburned. It never peeled, which was a relief I supposed. Still, no matter how much lotion I’d applied I could seem to make the damn itching go away. My cousin suggested I check into a clinic in the morning, and I agreed. But that didn’t help me tonight when I so desperately needed sleep. So I laid in bed, tossing and turning and looking up at the brilliant golden orb burning down on my through the window. There weren’t any curtains in the room I was staying, and it didn’t help that the moon was full on a cloudless night. Yet it wasn't just the light that was preventing me from drifting off. The moon was really massive in the sky. I had never been one for looking at the moon but I just couldn’t help but be enraptured by the beautiful sight tonight. I figured I’d go for a walk, admiring the scenery under the moonlight, and maybe burn off some of this restless energy that was plaguing me. There was a nice well worn leading off the boardwalk that I remembered from my youth. The path was lit so well from the moon that it was easy to find and navigate it even at night. I finally started to relax a bit after feeling the moon glow on my skin. The itching even ceased, though I was being eaten alive by insects as a punishment for walking too slowly. It was the curse of the bayou, I supposed After a while, I stumbled across a view of the lake illuminated by the moon that caused me to stop. Not really thinking much into it, I walked off the trail to get a better look. It was too beautiful, too enticing for me to stay away. The way the soft glowing lights played off the water's surface was simply magical. I couldn't recall ever seeing something so magnificent or lovely. My thoughts drifted to the sight of the water and I found myself wondering what it would be like to go for a midnight swim. I knew how stupid it was. Yet despite the rational protests of my mind, I found myself that much closer to the shoreline. I didn’t know what I was doing out here, in nothing but shorts and sandals and the gator tooth necklace. I knew it wasn't safe out here. There were likely real gators and snakes and other things in the water. But the more I gazed at the lovely moon’s shadows on the lake surface, the more excited I became. I wanted nothing more than to go for a swim, to feel the warm lake water envelop me as the moon illuminated me. It was as though my skin was crying out for the water's touch. In response to my inner thoughts, my skin began to feel dry, almost like it was going to crack if I didn’t jump in right now! I stared entranced at the water’s surface for some time, imagining myself bathing in its depts. But it wasn’t safe, especially at night with no one else there to help me if things went wrong. It was hard to battle the inner struggle, much more difficult than I could have anticipated. I ended up sitting on a dock, looking down at the water. Soon the urge became too great and my sandals were off before I could stop myself. A little dip in the lake couldn't hurt, right? There didn't seem to be any gators around. They wouldn't be able to hide under such a brilliant moon, after all. Without really thinking, I dipped my bare toes into the water. The relief on the skin was immediate. The moment the cool water hit my feet I was able to relax the slightest bit. Yet the urge to jump all the way in was still present. I felt deep down that I should be cautious of any ripples in the water, signs of a predator that might take advantage of my prone state. But if I was being honest with myself, I wasn’t concerned. A part of me knew deep down that this was my domain, that I would be safe here. Not only secure, but I RULED this area. It was nearly impossible to shake that impression. As I traced my feet in the water, I could feel a tingle over them that was hard to ignore. It was as though they had lost circulation and had become numb and stiff. I tried to disregard it as long as I could, knowing it would interfere with my relief. Yet the discomfort became too strong to ignore. I pulled my feet out of the water, twitching them to try and alleviate the irritation. Yet what I saw shocked me to my core. There was a pattern of flesh over the bottom of the foot, as though the skin had cracked to give way to a series of ridges. They looked almost like scales! As I watched in stunned silence I could see that my nails were thickening and lengthening. My toenails started to discolor as though bruised. Soon the entire surface was a dark bluish-black as they started to protrude out into a sharp point. They almost looked like some kind of claws! My large toe and pinky started to ache, forcing me to twitch them to remove the discomfort. Yet I was soon powerfully aware of the restriction to their range of motion. They were shrinking, dissolving into the flesh of my ankles! My remaining digits grew thicker while the others were reduced to vestigial bones within my foot. Soon, three massive splayed toes were all that remained on each foot! My feet were not to be spared from their fate either. The soles began contracting into the base of my toes even as my ankles started to stretch like they were made of putty. I was lucky I was sitting. Otherwise, I might have fallen over into the lake from the lack of balance! The entirely of my ankles had expanded to the length of my lower leg, giving me a digitigrade stance like an animal might have. To top off the bizarre turn of events, a fine layer of skin seemed to be spreading between my three remaining toes, looking for all the world like webbing! The spreading of the scaly skin seemed to stop at my ankles, right where my feet had exited the water. I looked down at the blanket of the greenish scales, wanting to touch them but worried that any contact might spread whatever contagion it was. I couldn't deny what I was seeing and feeling before my very eyes. My feet looked like a fucking reptile’s! I had to get out of there and cure what was afflicting me. Yet the irritation from my dry skin was still worsening. I shuddered from the almost painful sensation flowing from my legs and over my entire body. And putting my feet into the water had felt so good… I seemed to debate for eternity over what to do about my predicament. Obviously, the logical part of my brain knew I should head back to my cousins to seek aid for whatever the hell had happened to my feet. Yet another part wondered what it might be like to commence the changes by exposing more of myself to the wonderfully soothing lake water. I was already starting to change, right? I didn’t want my legs to be adorned with scaly feet all my life. Maybe if I allowed myself to transform more, then I could change back later. I found myself staring up at the moon, memories of werecreature lore flooding my thoughts. A warming sensation from my neck broke me from the reflection. I carefully raised my hand to touch the smooth pendant there. Had the gator’s tooth been the catalyst for the change, in tandem with the moon? Did that mean I would change back eventually even after indulging in the desires of my flesh? In the end, curiosity won out. I carefully jumped into the lake up to my calves, immediately sighing in relief from the water on my skin. Soon afterward, I could feel the spreading of scales up my leg, covering the entire surface. Yet it was more than that. The flesh underneath was swelling up, as though my muscles were adding extra layers and firming up from growth. My calves were bulking up with muscle I’d never imagined on my scrawny frame! I couldn't wait to get out of the water to look at the effects. But part of me wanted to know what would happen if I dove in further. Tingling in my groin let me know how truly excited I was to find out what I would look like. So far, even though I had only changed a little, I felt handsome as fuck. I couldn’t resist seeing my scaly visage if I changed further, especially if I dunked my erect cock in the lake. I shucked off my shorts and undies, tossing them towards the shore should I need them again. Moving in deeper, I shuddered as the cool water touched the tops of my calves and ran over the inside of my legs up to my hips. A further step let my cock sink into the water. Almost immediately I could tell that the changes were spreading. I stepped out of the water enough to view the changes. Tingling in my groin intensified as I watched all the pubic hair start to fall out and the dryness in my skin started to dissipate. I watched as the scales moved up to cover the now ugly bare skin. Unlike the greenish scales that adorned my legs, the scales on my groin seemed to be bluish-gray. I rubbed them a little with my still human fingers. The scales felt smooth and warm as they slowly enveloped my former skin. I was a little taken aback. Weren’t scales supposed to be rough? I realized I’d never really felt them before, and was more than a little excited to see them cover my skin! I was starting to confirm my suspicions of what was happening to me. Judging from the webbed feet and the desire to swim I was turning into some kind of gator-hybrid. Or were-gator, if the full moon was any indication. I knew I should have been afraid, that these things didn’t occur in the natural world. Yet the changes thus far had felt wondrous and sensual. I couldn't help but want to see more! I wadded up out of the water a little more to see what was to become of my groin. To my surprise, my foreskin started peeling down my member as the entire shaft began to redden. The skin pooled under my cock tip and seemed to open up into my body. I had to reach down to touch it. To my surprise, it seemed to be a source of amazing stimulation. My cock was not meant to last long in its human form. The cleft flattened and sank into the cock head while the tip became pointed and began leaking clear precum. I stared in fascination as the lengthening shaft start developing a series of ridges down towards the slit. I let out a groan as my balls followed suit, pulling into my slit underneath without real change. I was a little worried about its absence until I felt the tremors of pleasure radiating from inside. My balls were protected and swelling even as the rest of my groin changed! My cock meanwhile seemed to stabilize in its current form, the 12-inch shaft erect and proud. In some ways, it seemed to resemble my human penis, particularly in color. I didn't know what a gator’s cock looked like but I was certain this wasn’t it. Still, the sight excited me. I needed to touch it. The sensations screaming from my member were almost impossible to resist! Yet my balance in the waves was precarious at best, and I found myself stumbling in further, reflexively putting my hands out for balance. Lake water splashed over my palms and the now-familiar tingle started crawling over my flesh. I pulled them up in time to gaze at the extension of my nails into wicked-looking claws. The color darkened towards a deep navy blue reminiscent of the claws on my feet. Was this the true color of a gator's claws? I had no idea. My fingers were stretching now, becoming thicker, more flexible as the same layer of webbing formed between the digits. Yet they did not interfere with the range of motion that my fingers were capable of. They must have been amazing for swimming! I flexed my wrists as they too swelled up and were covered in the dark greenish scales. I couldn't help but notice that the scales seemed thicker over my knuckles. I ran my rough hands over them, loving how they protruded from the rest of my flesh. It was like wearing a set of brass knuckles A pain above my ass soon diverted my attention as I felt my spine starting to unfurl and push at the still human skin of my back. I reached out to feel something wriggling just above my anus, making me quiver in anticipation. I was growing a tail! I could feel the thing thickening from the base as it lengthened further from my body. I spent a few minutes just controlling it, getting my mind used to the idea of having a new appendage. It was bizarre, to say the least! The scales were spreading up my arm now to the point where I had splashed water on them. My skin seemed to soak up the lake water to form my reptilian hide. Yet soon my changes halted, the strange transfiguration seemly spurred on by the lake. If I wanted to change further, I would have to do it by choice. I looked up at the moon, feeling its powerful pull on my skin. The glowing brilliant orb enraptured my entire attention. I wanted so badly to change, to make my form into something that the moon could be proud of. I had no idea why I felt compelled to transform in such a bizarre manner. Yet the urges in my body could not be ignored. I wouldn't want to stop them even if I should! It was time to go all the way. I held my nose and waded out a bit before dunking my head all the way in. The warm water washed over me, making me shiver in anticipation. I quickly rose out, not wanting to be underneath the water when the transformation hit. I needed to see it all! Almost immediately I felt the changes swelling up my chest as the water was absorbed and prepared to change my former pale skin. I ran over the flesh with my webbed hands, feeling the bluish gray scales spreading up my chest, forming ridges above the slight definition of my abs. My entire torso was swelling up with bulk as water soaked into every pore. I traced my claws over the hard-packed flesh, loving the feeling of my spreading pecs and scaly abdomen. The spreading scales caused my modest body hair to fall out as the glorious green and gray flesh enveloped over my form. I could feel every inch of my skin tingle with the growth of firm hard scales, protecting my body while new muscles spread over my form. I flexed my now scaled arms, feeling the muscle underneath writhing and bulging with wonderful growth. All the way along my back I could feel the skin cracking as a series of deep scaled ridges formed along the flesh. I reached back to grasp them, the tactile sensations not as intricate as I’d preferred with my hands in their new form. But I still marveled at their texture. It was like armor spreading down my back, a throwback to reptiles of ancient times. It made me smile that a part of such an ancient lineage was a part of me now! I was a little shocked to see my hair falling out all around me. I knew that it was an inevitability but it was still startling to see. I reached up to touch my bare scalp, my scaled hands tracing over the area. I could feel scaly ridges over the flesh even as my skull started to shift. I was in the home stretch! My only disappointment was that I lacked a mirror to truly view myself the way I was meant to be seen! A sudden crack in my jaw made me feel elated. I was finally growing my gator snout! I reached out with my webbed fingers to feel the contours of my jaw begin to stretch forth. My lips grew dry as the flesh expanded almog with my new muzzle. I loved the feeling of my jaw developing under my touch! In a few moments, I could even see the skin stretching before my eyes as it grew green and brown with thick plated scales. My teeth itched as they started expanding to fill my new maw. For every tooth I had previously, four more sprang up to fill the spaces that my jaw growth had left. They felt long, serrated, and deadly. Yet even more deadly was the bite power I now possessed! The muscles in my muzzle were thickening and swelling with layers after layers of striated tissues. I could feel how strong they were now, filling me with a sense of elation. I was truly an alpha predator in my domain! I was thankful that whatever force changing me seemed to spare me the agony of such a transformation. Surely the sensations of muscles popping and tearing into new shapes would be a hell that no human had ever experienced! But for now, the changes brought with them only a dull numbness. And the power that they granted my human form was beyond anything I was prepared for! My eyes started to tingle as a bizarre sensation caught my attention. I blinked a few times, realized that the reflex moved more than just one set of eyelids. I had a second, even thicker pair that was more difficult to see out of. I recalled the term nictitating membrane, something reptiles used to protect their eyes and perhaps see underwater. I didn’t know it at the time, but unlike the yellow slitted eyes of a gator, my own eyes were a brilliant glowing blue, much like my human ones. A strange tingling in my ears prompted me to reach up and touch them. To my shock, they seemed to be dissolving into the scaled flesh of my scalp. Did gators even have ears? In a few moments the entire surface of my external ear was gone, replaced only with two tiny holes. I could still hear, much to my delight. Though the sounds of the night seemed to have diminished somewhat from just a few moments ago. However, my olfactory input seemed to increase 10 fold. I drank in the scents of the swamp as only a gator could. The scents of prey, of course, took precedence, but I could also detect the presence of other gators, plants, and even humans like myself that had been here prior. I was overwhelmed by the scents wafting up from the two massive nostrils on the tip of my nose. They looked a little out of place on my snout, but I assumed they would allow me to raise my nose out of the water like a real gator. In all my excitement I barely realized that the changes were nearly complete. My body continued to swell with its metamorphosis, the muscles rippling under my leathery skin. I ran my webbed hands over them, enjoying the warm feeling. I was easily twice the size of my previous form, if not more! My feet were sinking into the ground from the weight of my new body. It felt amazing to feel my webbed feet squelch into the mud. I was easily 8 feet tall now, still swelling with muscle. My six-pack was thick, my pecs still flattening as my muscles added layer upon layer. I was enormous! I could feel my tail thrashing around the mud, adding inch after inch of power scaled flesh. I was almost as thick at the base as the rest of my body. It could support the massive frame I was expanding into and likely propel me deep into the water. The more I changed, the greater my desire to enter the lake, to take my place and rule over my domain. I stepped deep into the water, feeling the cooling fluid rushing over my scales as it beckoned me. Yet the raging sensations from my cock took precedence. I glanced down to see my gargantuan reptilian penis sticking out of my new sheath. It was over twelve inches long and as thick as a beer can. The tip was pointed, reptilian ridges adorning the shaft all the way to the thick bulge at the base. It begged to be touched! Before I was even aware of what I was doing, my webbed hand was on my cock, encircling the base and moving up towards the drooling tip. The waves of pleasure radiated over my entire body almost instantly. It was as though my entire body was a sexually charged lightning rod, amplifying even touch, every sensation throughout my powerful frame. My other hand started stroking the circumference of my massive arm, loving the firmness of my bulging muscles. I was getting so close already. The arousal leaking from my cock and the excitement of the changes was too much to contain. Yet I didn’t want to hold back. There was so much promise in my new body. I knew this would not be the last time I would cum tonight. I had so much power and energy that needed to be expelled! My other hand played over my expansive chest, teasing my biceps, my nipples, and my six-pack. My webbed fingers played over the drooling cock tip, running up and down from the fluids and stimulation. I started thrusting my hips in tandem to my strokes, feeling the pressure building inside of me. I was going to cum from my reptilian cock and I couldn't hold it back! “GGAAAAAHHHHHH! FFFUUUCCCKKKK!” I yelled out as a torrent of gator jism spouted from my cock and coated the lake in a fine layer of my maleness. I could feel my balls throbbing inside me, causing additional pleasure to my already overwhelmed prostate. There was no way I could have an orgasm this amazing as a human! I reveled in the power of my new body and all the potential pleasure it could give me. I stood there in the water, panting as I can down from the most divine orgasm that I’d ever experienced. I waited for a moment, assuming that I would feel some fatigue from the force of my release. However, to my surprise and delight, my body felt energized. I wanted to swim, to survey my new domain. Even my cock hadn't fully slid back into its home, still half erect as though ready for another round! I ran my scaled hands over my new body, loving how slick it felt to my touch, how much firm power laid just under the surface. There was some thickness to my form, eliminating the lithe definition I might have enjoyed. Yet every ounce of bulk was made up of firm packed muscle! Even the slightest touch of my adonis like form made my cock burble another string of precum. I needed to try it out before indulging my sensual pleasure once more. I drove headlong into the lake, my nostrils and eyelids closing on reflex. I was sure I barely made a ripple as I dove down towards the lake bottom. My eyes adjusted to the low light and I found to my delight that I could still see! There wasn't much in the murky bottom, save for some fish and turtles, but it was still a place of wonder for me. I moved slowly, feeling content in a way that only an alpha predator could. I was hungry, but there was no urge to eat. I wasn't cold even in the chilly water. Perhaps my were-form was still warm-blooded, allowing me to maintain my human resources, amplified by the muscled form I possessed. I swam back and forth, enjoying the power of my new body. The water was comfortable, and I never in my life felt more dominant, more suited to the habitat I was in. I had a feeling if I removed the necklace around my neck I would change back for the night. But there was so much left to explore in the massive lake. So many things I could only see with reptilian eyes. I would need an excuse to visit my cousins more often! I rose up from the bottom, treading water as I stared at the moon. It was truly beautiful, a magnificent golden orb that in tandem with the charm granted me this handsome body. I felt a now-familiar tingling in my crotch as my rigid penis slid fully out of its protective slit. I could feel my internal balls filling with virile seed once more as the thought of stroking myself off and filling the water with my spunk flooded my thoughts. I smiled my wide lipped smile. My exploration could wait! ************************************************************************************************************* It was another brightly lit night and the water was warm on my scales. I was underwater, my nostrils closed tightly and my slitted eyes open to everything around me. But I was very well aware of the vibrations in the water. It was what I was waiting for. The turbulence above water that could only be caused by a motorboat. And such activities on the lake at 2:00 am only meant one thing. I’d moved down here full-time weeks ago for a new job. Though in reality, I was to take on two careers. There had been rumors of poachers here lately, depleting the local populations and disrupting the balance of the lake while polluting it with their presence. I wasn’t about to let it stand, especially on a night this close to the full moon. I wondered if that shopkeeper had this intention in mind when she’d sold me the necklace. I’d wanted to ask her but her shop was missing when I checked. Oh well. The vibrations from above me stopped finally stopped. The boat was getting set up, preparing to shoot some of the local wildlife, likely cracking a beer or two before throwing their shit in my lake. Most likely ,they wanted to shoot a gator, to hang its hide up as a trophy. I grinned that toothy grin as I rose to the surface. Imagine their shock at seeing a gator as big as me!