Thank you for downloading this Caeora Dungeondraft Asset Pack! Inside the .ZIP file are the following: • A ".dungeondraft_pack" file • This README file HOW DO I INSTALL THESE ASSETS?: You will need to move the ".dungeondraft_pack" into your 'Dungeondraft Packs' folder. You can find where this folder is by opening up dungeondraft and clicking 'Assets' at the top. This will open a 'Custom Assets' box in dungeondraft. There will be a bar at the top with the location of your 'Dungeondraft Packs' folder (For example mine shows as 'D:/Dungeondraft Packs') Simply locate this folder in your file browser and move the ".dungeondraft_pack" file there. HOW DO I USE THESE ASSETS? After installing the assets, open up dungeondraft and click the 'Assets' button at the top. This will open a 'Custom Assets' box in dungeondraft. Make sure the new asset pack is enabled and has a little checked box next to it. you can then click accept and open up a new map to start creating! • due to how Dungeondraft's building tool works, wood texture 4 doesnt quite work properly. intstead use this texture with the pattern tool. The moss textures are designed to be used overtop of the wood textures. "moss 1" overlays on any "wood 1" texture • WHAT SIZE ARE THESE ASSETS?: These assets are the same size as dungeondrafts default assets size. • THESE ASSETS CAN NOW BE USED AT 1 SCALE FOR BEST RESULTS • • THE UNPACKAGED ASSETS ARE NO LONGER INCLUDED • ANY OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT ME OR KTECHNICOLOUR VIA DISCORD, EMAIL OR PATREON COMMENTS.