THE BIG TITS CLUB by bluedragon ( **** -- CHAPTER 53: Home -- **** The name took me a few seconds to process, although the young woman’s resemblance to my Head Girlfriend was unmistakable. “You’re Sam’s older sister. She’s talked about you.” Rachael’s eyes narrowed. “Somehow I doubt that.” I smirked and looked down for a moment. I knew Sam wasn’t particularly close with either of her older siblings. “Well, she’s talked enough for me to know you’re finishing up your first year at Stanford Med. She’s not here, by the way, although I do expect her back pretty soon. Won’t you come in?” Rachael nodded and walked past me into the foyer while I stood back and gestured her inside. I couldn’t help but let my eyes give her the once over. Including the sisters’ mother, all three Smith women were quite buxom and curvaceous. All three dyed their hair platinum blonde. But Rachael looked to have picked up her father’s height and stood perhaps two inches taller than both Sam and their mom, and Rachael’s hair was also styled with extra waves and curls that bespoke of additional time spent in front of a mirror each morning. Her outfit was both tasteful and alluring. And at the age of 23, Rachael carried herself with poise and maturity while remaining at the peak of her youthful beauty. All in all, she was a _very_ attractive young woman. I closed the door and turned around to find that attractive young woman looking not at me, but up the stairs instead. Zofi was coming down, but the brunette stopped only a third of the way down in surprise and exclaimed, “Rachael? What are *you* doing here?” Rachael didn’t react except to frown as her eyes shot daggers at me. “Does your girlfriend know you’re banging her best friend?” she accused a little hotly. I smirked and splayed my hands out openly. “Sam knows everything.” The newcomer processed that, giving me a furrowed-brow expression that looked *exactly* like Sam’s whenever she mentally processed something. I chuckled and gestured towards the formal living room. “Can I get you something to drink?” I asked politely. Rachael eyed me carefully and cocked her head to the side like a bird. “You know what? I’m glad Sam’s not here yet. You and I need to _talk_.” **** Instead of going home, Zofi decided to stick around and be part of the subsequent conversation. Out of an interest in protecting Sam, I think she worried I might say the wrong thing or otherwise give away too much information to the enemy. I was, after all, a male and therefore easily misled by a beautiful girl. And Rachael was a gorgeous busty blonde used to getting her way. That said, my loyalty to the BTC gave me the steel spine I needed to deflect many of Rachael’s questions. With Zofi curled up against my side, her long legs tucked up beneath her while the lissome brunette wrapped herself around my left arm acting rather… well… more expressly affectionate than she usually acted, it was more than obvious that my relationship with Sam was not an exclusively monogamous one. But beyond that, Rachael wasn’t getting anything out of me about the BTC. Some things, I could tell her. Was Sam imposing? Not at all. Did she really have her own room? Of course. Was I gay? Obviously not, especially the way I kept struggling to keep my eyes from dropping down to Rachael’s cleavage. Was I prepared to let Sam stay through summer until we all went off to college? Of course. Did I love her? Yes. Would Sam come home if their dad stopped being such a stubborn arsehole? “Well…” I smiled and shrugged before finishing, “That one you’d have to ask Sam yourself.” It wasn’t a one-way conversation. Zofi had her own questions, and once Zofi got started, so did I. Why was Rachael here? The girls’ ‘Mummy’ had called in reinforcements. Had the ‘stubborn arsehole’ changed his mind about cutting Sam off for rejecting her Stanford admission and going to hated Cal Berkeley instead? Well, no. Why did Sam and Rachael never really get along? “Well…” Rachael laughed and looked away for a moment before finishing, “That one you’d have to ask Sam yourself.” “I intend to, but what do YOU think?” I pressed. “When you first came to the door and I said that Sam had talked about you, your response was rather doubtful. You seem perfectly aware that your relationship is a little strained.” The gorgeous blonde sighed. Her right leg was crossed over her left knee with hands interlaced atop the right knee, and she looked down at her thumbs for a moment, watching them flip-flop which thumb was on top. After a deep breath, she regarded me coolly and said, “The short answer is that she’s always been jealous of me. I had everything she ever wanted, and she’s always struggled to measure up.” “Not that you ever helped her,” Zofi chided with more than a hint of bitterness. I got the impression Sam had bitched about her older sister to Zofi many times. Rachael sighed. “I’m five years older than her. By the time she was in eighth grade I was already in college. I had my own life, my own things to deal with--” “And didn’t have time for your baby sister,” Zofi finished for her. Rachael pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “It’s not my fault Mum and Dad spent Sam’s formative years trying to challenge her by saying, ‘Well Rachael did this’ or ‘When Rachael was your age, she could already do that’. I heard about all that stuff second-hand weeks or even months after they happened. And what, was I supposed to apologize for the things I’d accomplished when I was younger?” “No, everyone should be proud of their accomplishments,” I replied seriously. “But at the same time, was everything easy for you when you were younger? Did your parents challenge you too by saying, ‘When John was your age he could do this or that’? Did you ever struggle to measure up to their expectations?” Rachael sighed. “This is the part where you tell me I could’ve at least let my baby sister know things weren’t always easy for me, either. Let her know that I had my own fears and insecurities I had to get past in order to achieve what I did.” I shrugged. “You said it, not me.” The prim blonde scoffed, “Nobody had to help me. I didn’t have a big sister to reassure me when my parents were tough.” “Apparently, neither did Sam,” I shot back. Rachael scowled a bit, and I started to feel bad. Here was a young woman I’d only just met, and a guest in my home at that, and here Zofi and I were basically attacking her. So before she could respond, I held my hand up and apologized, “I’m sorry. It’s not my place to get on your case like this. We’ve only just met.” “Well *we* haven’t only just met,” Zofi challenged, her gaze flinty. “Zofi, please,” I soothed, rubbing her hip. She gave me a confused look while I asked her to cool it with my eyes. And when I turned back to Rachael, I stated firmly, “Regardless of your current relationship or lack thereof with Sam, you’re here. That means you give a shit. At least, I hope you’re not here only because your mom asked you to make an appearance and you’d be happy to leave now and tell her, ‘I tried.’” Rachael eyed me curiously, her expression again quite familiar to one of Sam’s expressions. It was as if she’d already formed her opinion of me as just another guy unworthy of her consideration, but my abrupt shift in tone was fucking with that opinion. “You, me, Zofi,” I continued, “we all care about Sam. We want her happy. And as much as I might selfishly want to keep my girlfriend under the same roof as me, I know how much it hurts her to feel estranged from her family like this. You asked me before if Sam would go home if your dad stopped being such a ‘stubborn arsehole’. I think the answer would be, ‘Yes, she would.’” Zofi frowned. “But Sam loves it here! She loves being here with you. She loves being here with your _mom_. Why would she move back home?” “Because it’s ‘home’. You’re right: she gets to be with me, she gets along great with Mother, and she doesn’t have to put up with her parents comparing her to Rachael. But this place can never feel like home. Every morning she wakes up in my arms not only because she enjoys waking up in my arms, but because the few times she wakes up in the spare bedroom, she’s confronted with the fact that she’s not living under her own roof. This isn’t where she belongs.” I raised my eyebrows and gave Zofi a serious look. “Have you noticed she never completely unpacked? So much of her stuff is still in suitcases or boxes, ready to move back to her REAL home when the coast is clear.” Rachael frowned. “But why? When I was home, I couldn’t WAIT to get out of the house and out from under my parents’ thumb. From my perspective, it seems like Sam actually did something I could never do: break free of their expectations, move out while still in high school, and find a *really* nice situation for herself with you. If I were in her position I’d stay here instead of go back into the lion’s den.” “Yeah, why not just stay here?” Zofi chimed in. “Does it even really matter? In little more than three months she’s moving to Berkeley with you anyway and whether or not she lives at her own house will be completely moot.” “In Berkeley, Sam and I will live in *our* home together. That’s different from feeling like an outsider crashing in *my* home. Plus, whether or not you think three months is a long time,” I sighed while reaching up to caress Zofi’s cheek, “when three months is all the time you have left, you don’t want to waste a minute of it.” Whimpering softly, Zofi grabbed my head and kissed me fiercely. I lost myself in her embrace and kissed back with equal passion, at least until I remembered we had an audience and pulled away to glance sheepishly back at Rachael. “Sorry about that.” The older girl’s eyes clicked back and forth between me and Zofi. “What, exactly, is your relationship with each other?” Zofi wrapped her arms tighter around my shoulders. “I’m his girlfriend.” Rachael’s eyes narrowed. “Sam told me *she* was his girlfriend.” Zofi rolled her eyes. “Sam’s his Head Girlfriend. I know: it’s complicated.” Rachael blinked and looked thoughtful. “You know, Mum DID tell me to report back every little detail I learned, like the bit about whether or not Sam has her own room. But I think I’m going to omit this little detail. She’ll be happier thinking they’re exclusive. As for Dad, he actually still thinks Matty’s gay and Sam’s just crashing because he has the room.” Zofi giggled. Rachael gestured at the pair of us. “The three of you clearly have things worked out to your satisfaction. So why mess with that? You still haven’t explained why you think she wants to come home.” I sighed and took a deep breath. Giving Rachael a frank look, I explained, “You probably don’t know much about me, but my parents divorced when I was little and my mother was absent most of the time afterward; I pretty much spent my formative years next door with the neighbors. I’m fairly independent now, and while my mother and I have quite honestly had a much better relationship these last few months, I still spent years looking around at other families - at my friends and the way they interacted with their parents – and couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of loss.” My voice was a little thicker than I would’ve wanted, and Zofi squeezed herself around me protectively. I patted her shoulder, let the side of my head press against hers, and then looked back at Rachael. “Running away and moving in with me for good would effectively cut herself off from her parents. On the surface, it may seem an ideal situation, but we all know what kind of message that would send if they didn’t reconcile before the end of the year. She’s insulting her parents by moving out right now. She’s disrespecting their authority over her, which is why your dad is being so stubborn about not giving in. The fact that she went to such an extreme measure hopefully got the point across about how serious she is about NOT following in the rest of your footsteps, but at the end of the day I don’t think she’s ready to completely burn the bridge. If she did, she’d forever feel that same deep sense of loss I’ve felt all my life at not having the family everybody else around her has. And as stubborn as she is about not giving in before your dad does, she really does want to go back home where she belongs.” Rachael didn’t respond to that right away. She just sort of processed what I was saying for a while, and again I was struck by how similar she appeared to Sam. Finally, though, she looked back at me. “You really believe she wants to come home?” “I know it,” I stated with certainty. I arched my eyebrows, adding, “And this is where you come in.” “Me?” “You agreed to come here at your mom’s request, right? I’m guessing her marching orders were to talk to Sam and somehow convince her to come home, in addition to doing a little fact finding about her situation here with me. Well that works both ways. If you’re the golden child that Sam was always struggling to emulate, that means you’ve got some clout with your parents. They’ll listen to you. YOU can convince your dad to extend an olive branch, because I’m telling you now that as much as Sam wants to reconcile, she will NOT make the first move. Go home. Tell him what I’ve told you. He has the power to get his baby girl to come back to the nest, if only he can let go of his pride.” Rachael shook her head. “I dunno about that. You think Sam’s stubborn? You’ve never gone up against my dad’s stubbornness. I’d put 50-50 odds on him caving in sometime around the next millennium, let alone before you two leave for Berkeley.” I gave her a frank look. “It’s worth a try. IF you’re willing to make the effort for your little sister.” Just then, the sound of a key in the front door drew our attention. I turned my head to glance out the window, and sure enough Sam’s Escalade was parked outside in the driveway. Moments later, my Head Girlfriend herself walked in and immediately fixed her older sister with a frosty stare. “Thought I recognized your car outside. What are you doing here?” Although she’d certainly thawed while chatting with us, Rachael’s demeanor immediately switched back to ‘imperious elder sister’ at Sam’s arrival. She rolled her eyes and scoffed condescendingly, “Don’t ask questions to which you already know the answer.” “Zofi, would you be a dear and walk Matty over to Belle’s place? It’s nearing dinnertime.” Sam’s voice was ice and her gaze never left Rachael’s face. “No welcome hug or goodbye kiss for your loving boyfriend who was schtupping your best friend while you were gone?” Rachael taunted. “Matty, Zofi, and I are perfectly comfortable with our relationships to not get stung by your pathetic barbs. The three of us will talk later.” I nodded as Zofi and I got up, agreeing, “That we will.” When Zofi got up, she grimaced a little from my afternoon’s maiden voyage into her rear passage, and Sam noticed immediately. “Oh shit, Zofi, I was gonna ask how--” “It’s cool. Matty was great,” her BFF interrupted with a small wave. “We’ll find another time I can give you all the details.” Sam rolled her eyes and scowled at Rachael, grumbling, “Just one more thing to be pissed off at her about.” I walked over to Sam, and she gave me a quick peck. I didn’t ask if she needed anything from me; she’d already made clear she could handle this and would feel better if I was out of the house. “I’ll bring you a plate back,” I told her. “Thanks,” she muttered, her attention already back on Rachael. “Oh, and don’t break any furniture,” I added. That got Sam to look back at me in confusion. “What?” I bared my teeth and hooked my right hand into a claw. “Meow…” Sam snorted and cracked a smile. I gave her a quick kiss again, and then Zofi and I headed out. **** “So what happened then?” Sam took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, releasing the tension in her shoulders as she did so. We sat together atop my bed, she with her legs crossed between my two outstretched legs while I continued to massage her neck. Keeping her head pitched forward and limp, allowing me to tilt it to one side or the other as my magic fingers worked at her tense muscles, Sam muttered, “She said she’d talk to Dad and work her ‘Favorite Child’ magic on him for me. She’s always had him wrapped around her little finger. If she tells him he’s being a stubborn arsehole and he needs to apologize, he might *actually* listen.” “And then what?” The moment the words left my mouth, I grimaced and silently cursed myself for the selfish whine in my voice. Sam caught it, and she slowly raised her head back upright. Reaching back with her right hand, she briefly covered mine to stop my neck massage. And then after turning her head back to look at me and evaluate the expression on my face, she let herself gradually fall backward until her weight pressed against my chest and caused me to recline back against my pillows and headboard. Thus situated with her head on my left pectoral, Sam reached up to grab both of my hands and pull them to her big breasts. She’d been topless for the massage after all. After she planted my palms on two of my favorite things in the world, she glanced up at my worried face. “I love you, Matty,” she began reassuringly. “I love you, too,” I replied sincerely but screwed up my face immediately afterward. “I’m sorry. I promised I would never be clingy or otherwise impede on your normal--” “No, no, it’s alright, don’t apologize,” she cut me off with a coy smile. “I rather like the idea that you’d miss me if I was gone.” “WILL you be gone?” Sam exhaled. “What I was thinking would make the most sense - under the assumption you and Beverly won’t mind – is me staying here on school nights: Sunday through Thursday. Then I can spend weekends with my parents, sleep in my own bed, and give you back to Belle at the same time.” I smiled immediately. The worst-case scenario had been Sam moving home completely, but it had also been the scenario I’d believed was most likely. For her to suggest remaining here with me five nights a week was more than I could’ve hoped for, and it showed in my eager, “Really?” Sam giggled and pressed my palms a little tighter around her tits. Already I knew that if she adopted this position more often: lying on my chest letting me hold her boobs, she could probably get me to agree to damn near anything. Giving me a warm smile, Sam said, “I’m happier in this house than I am in my own and I’d much rather be here with your family than mine. But at the same time, that was…” “Home,” I finished for her. “You don’t need to explain yourself.” Sam nodded. “And I really do miss my parents, even my stubborn arsehole Dad. But I think spending weekends with them will be more than enough time to remind me why I’ll be eager to return here Sunday nights.” I nodded. “I’m glad things seem to be working out for you.” “It would seem I have *you* to thank for that.” “Me?” Sam smiled. “Rachael actually apologized to me for not being a better big sister growing up. Do you know how many times she’s ever apologized for that?” I blinked. “Uh, not many, I’d imagine.” “Zero,” Sam corrected, “at least until today. I asked her about that, and she said talking to you made her realize that apologizing was the least she could do to make it up to me.” “I… uh… didn’t realize I had that much of an impact.” I shrugged. “At the same time, she’s not thrilled about my situation consuming her precious time to not only visit me, but to also spend an evening using her leverage with Dad to get him to admit he’s in the wrong. And for that, she said I’m going to owe her big time.” “Umm, okay…” Sam smiled. “Do you know how many times she’s ever told me I owe her one?” “Zero?” “Good guess.” I gave her a curious look. “So what does all that mean?” Sam gave me a hopeful smile. “I think it means she might start making an effort to actually BE my big sister.” **** Everything happened really fast after that. It was late that night when Sam’s dad called my house and had a brief conversation with his daughter. The very next afternoon, instead of lounging around my swimming pool with the rest of the BTC for one of our regular Friday afternoon hangout sessions, Sam was in her room packing up. Her books and the majority of her school clothes she was leaving behind for the expected school nights she’d be spending with me. But her most precious personal mementos she was taking back where they belonged: in her bedroom. In her *home*. And all too eager to return, as soon as she was done packing she came to give me a quick kiss goodbye, told the rest of the girls she’d see them at school on Monday, and then left my house as suddenly as she’d arrived nearly five weeks earlier. In the evening, I found myself standing in front of the toilet brushing my teeth. Yes, you read that right. See, my bathroom mirror ran the length of the countertop and across the wall above the toilet, and Belle was brushing her teeth right next to me over the sink. She tended to let more foamy toothpaste dribble out of her mouth than I did. We moved around each other with practiced ease, the same way we moved around each other in her kitchen while making dinners together. When I was done and needed to rinse my mouth, she wordlessly stepped to the side while rubbing on facewash. When I was done rinsing, I wordlessly stepped aside while she cleaned off her face. When we were both done, we climbed into bed together and she laid her head on my chest while cuddling herself around me in a firm hug. But as pleasant and familiar as the position felt, I couldn’t help but sigh a little mournfully. “Missing Sam a bit?” Belle asked softly. “Yeah,” I sighed. A moment later, I bent to kiss her forehead. “Thank you for being here with me. I need you tonight, need my anchor, to remind me everything will be alright in the end.” She smiled immediately, and then looked up at me. “Everything WILL be alright.” I sighed again. “It’s weird. Three weeks ago we had this big discussion about whether or not Sam would become my girlfriend. She said she felt obligated to become an affectionately devoted girlfriend while I told her I didn’t want her changing her behavior just for me. I sort of figured things would stay status quo, but in the end having her living here for so long just lent itself to us spending an incredible amount of time together. I got used to her presence. I got used to waking up with her every morning, even if we didn’t always fall asleep together. And just the idea that she’s back home right now instead of in the bedroom across the hall…” When my voice trailed off, Belle rubbed my chest as she murmured, “You miss her. That’s to be expected. And even though you stated you wouldn’t expect her to always be here for you--” “I started expecting her to always be here for me,” I muttered. “I mean, I always knew she wanted to go back home, and I told myself to be mentally prepared for her to go back home, but I let myself start to believe it might never happen. And with the three of us going to Berkeley together, I started to think I might NEVER have to wake up in the morning without her under the same roof for the rest of our lives.” That comment got Belle to sit up and look at me. “For the rest of your _lives_?” I blinked. “Well, for the next three months and around four years at least.” “Nuh-uh, you just said ‘the rest of our lives’,” she teased with a smirk. I chuckled and shook my head. “Tell me YOU haven’t thought about getting a place together in Berkeley being the start of you never having to wake up without me under the same roof for the rest of our lives.” “Of course. A lifelong ‘sister’ gets to think about being together with you forever. Isn’t that the whole point?” “I suppose.” “Sam, on the other hand, is a _girlfriend_.” “So are you.” “Pssht.” Belle waved me off. “I’m one of seven girlfriends at the moment, and even that’s only temporary until the BTC comes to an end. Sam’s never gonna be your sister, so that pretty much means the only way you’re going to live the rest of your life together is if you marry her.” I sighed. “Let’s not read too much into a throwaway comment like ‘the rest of our lives’ unless you want me to go back to strictly avoiding any discussion about other girls with you.” “Not necessary. I’m not jealous of Sam. I think she’s perfect for you, and she makes a much better girlfriend for you than me. I really AM happy with my place in your life, and I’m looking forward to the way our relationships will grow once we’re on our own together in Berkeley.” “Me too.” “Besides, I know something you don’t that is sure to make you feel better.” “What’s that?” “So I got to talking to Zofi this afternoon. She told me about your conversation with Sam’s big sister. About how you figured your house could never really feel like ‘home’ for her.” I arched an eyebrow. “And?” Belle grinned at me. “So Zofi talked about all that stuff with Sam at school today to get Sam’s take on the idea.” I arched both eyebrows. “And?” Belle squeezed me tightly. “Apparently Sam told her, ‘Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with Matty.’” I squeezed Belle tightly in return. “You’re right: That makes me feel better.” **** “Holy crap,” I muttered in absolute shock at the sight before me. “If this is the way you’re going to greet me whenever you’re gone for a couple of days, I might encourage you to leave more often.” Sam giggled and asked, “I take it that means Master likes Tight-Arse Slut’s surprise?” “Master likes VERY much,” I confirmed. Before me, Sam and Holly knelt completely naked in the middle of the foyer wearing blindfolds with their wrists handcuffed behind themselves. Behind me, Belle closed the door quickly. We had just walked over from having dinner with her dad, and I’d been wondering why she was furtively glancing around during the walk as if afraid somebody might see us. Thankfully, the street had been empty when I opened the front door. I also understood now why she’d stepped away for a moment just before we left, probably to make a phone call. In less time than I would’ve imagined, Belle managed to strip herself naked and walk over to me holding a third blindfold and set of lined handcuffs. “Somebody did some shopping over the weekend,” I marveled. “Ask your Head Girlfriend,” Belle giggled while giving me a pixie wink. Moments later, I covered her eyes and pressed her naked body against my midsection while reaching down to fasten the cuffs behind her back. Once the metal audibly clicked, I seized her head in my hands and rather roughly shoved my tongue between her lips. She caught on quick and moaned into my mouth while I let my hands rove all over her naked body. “Master orders his Sluts to stand up before their knees get bruised and wait here for just a moment,” I stated after breaking my lips away from Belle’s. Silently, both Sam and Holly obeyed. Meanwhile, I held the back of Belle’s head and guided her in front of me to make sure she didn’t accidentally bump into anything while blindfolded. I led her into the family room, grabbed three of the throw pillows, and set all of them down in a row. After guiding Belle into a kneeling position atop the far-right pillow, I returned to collect both Sam and Holly as well. Once I had all three of my Sluts kneeling in a row, I disrobed myself and stepped forward. Tight-Ass Slut was first, and I held her head in my hands and separated my thumb and pinky as silent direction for her to open her mouth. She willingly obeyed, and moments later she made little “glug, glug” noises while I slowly pumped my way in and out of her throat. Next came Personal Slut. Her hair was still lime green but her dirty-blonde roots were becoming quite evident, typically a sign that she was due for a change. After Tight-Ass Slut’s little warmup, I was a little rougher with Personal Slut, not yet thrusting rapidly but I did push all the way in to a deep-throat and held it there a second too long, bringing her right to the point of gagging. With her wrists still cuffed behind her back, she was helpless to resist, and when I finally withdrew she gasped and coughed just a little. Still, not bad for a girl who’d actually been unable to deep-throat me the first time we ever hooked up way back in the beginning. Matty’s Little Cumslut, I already knew, couldn’t actually get all of me in. Even pushing a couple of inches into her throat left about an inch of my dick still remaining. Her proportions were just too small. Still, after face-fucking the two Sluts before her, I was having a little bit of a power-trip and pushed my Baby Belle a little more than I probably would have otherwise, and her little “glug, glug” noises really got my adrenaline going. “Please, Master,” Holly started whining. “Personal Slut needs Master’s dick in her mouth again.” “No, it’s Tight-Arse Slut’s turn next!” Sam complained. “Glug, glug, glug,” Belle grunted as my dickhead repeatedly entered her throat. I laughed and finally pulled out of her mouth. Just to fuck with Sam’s sense of order, I went out of order and went back to Holly. It was the sort of thing I would never do under normal circumstances, but when she got to referring to herself as ‘Tight-Arse Slut’ in the third person, normal circumstances went out the window. Sam whined and moaned and pleaded, especially when I went back to face-fucking Belle after Holly. She actually started crying, which just made her relief all the sweeter when I finally grabbed her head and skull-fucked the hell out of her for about thirty seconds. I swear she came while I did so. Eventually though, I brought all three girls together around my dick at the same time, still with Sam on my left, Belle on my right, and Holly in the middle. Personal Slut licked and sucked my mushroom head while Tight-Ass Slut and Matty’s Little Cumslut each stuck her tongue out and slid its tip along the sides of my shaft. I pivoted slightly, pulling out of Personal Slut's mouth and feeding my dick to Matty's Little Cumslut instead. Meanwhile Tight-Ass Slut and Personal Slut blindly found each other’s lips instead, moaning as they made out with each other. Then it was Tight-Ass Slut's turn to bob her head up and down my dick. Matty's Little Cumslut ducked below to lick my balls while Personal Slut kissed Tight-Ass Slut’s shoulder and worked her way up to Tight-Ass Slut’s cheek. The two of them started making out again, and when Matty's Little Cumslut discovered my cock was in the open air, she tilted her head back and stuck her tongue straight up, licking the underside of my shaft back and forth from below. I lost track of how long I let the girls trade off blowing me. When Belle and Holly started making out with each other, I was inclined to hold Sam’s head and just keep face-fucking her while watching the former frenemies get along so well. Eventually, though, I wanted to get inside some pussy, so after pulling away from the girls I moved their knee cushions and parked the three of them in a row along the front of the big couch, each of them bent face-first over the seat with her ass pointed back at me and her wrists still cuffed behind her back. Once again, Tight-Ass Slut went first. She’d braided her long platinum-blonde hair into a single braid, which quite frankly invited me to grab onto it and use like horse reins to tame my wild filly. I pounded away at her heavenly snatch and yanked back on that braid to arch her back and make her groan as pain mixed with her pleasure. Personal Slut went next, her shorter green hair offering no grip, but the handcuffs at her lower back working just fine for similar effect. She kept her head down with her cheek turned to the side, moaning and groaning as I had my way with her. And I added a few healthy spanks to her perky asscheeks as well. Plus, since my two other Sluts were within easy reach, I extended my arms to pop first two fingers into their pussies from behind so I could penetrate all three of them at the same time. Matty’s Little Cumslut was last but certainly not least. Her tight twat threatened to suck out my ejaculation when her climax made her clenching cunt constrict rather compactly around my conquering cock. But I managed to ride out the waves, gave her an extra counterclockwise gyration, before withdrawing and returning back to Tight-Ass Slut’s tight slot. I went through one more round of pounding my three Sluts from behind as they were bent over in a row, but after that I decided to change things up a bit. While still buried in Belle, I flipped the switch on her handcuffs to unclasp them and set them aside. Then I pulled out and did the same to Holly. Sam’s cuffs were last, and I glanced back to see both Belle and Holly kneeling upright and gently rubbing their wrists. But their reprieve didn’t last long before I grabbed Holly and parked her directly on top of Sam’s bent-over body while she yelped in surprise. Since all three girls were still blindfolded, Belle couldn’t see what was going on. With Holly yelping, I looked over and caught her reaching one hand up to peek beneath her blindfold. So I pointed my finger at her and roared, “No peeking, Slut!” And even though she quickly put the blindfold back into place, I suddenly seized her in my arms, bent her over the couch cushion again, and spanked her quite harshly five times while she yelped tiny little shrieks and instinctively tried to cover her ass. After that though, I went ahead and parked Belle right on top of Holly, creating my Three-Slut Stack. And feeling just a little bad for how hard I’d spanked her, I lined up and started fucking Belle first. Of course, I fucked Holly and Sam as well. I switched back and forth between all three Sluts, relishing their hot, tight, and wet pussies but remaining inside none of them for long enough to get any of us off, including myself. So that’s when I pulled out, reassembled the girls on the floor in front of the couch, and found the small electric timer we’d used for a number of our various games, both sexual and otherwise. “Okay sluts. Each of you gets three minutes to ride me,” I announced while parking my butt in the center seat. “Whoever manages to get me to cum inside her pussy gets a prize.” “What’s the prize?” Holly laughed. “My cum in her pussy, obviously,” I replied with a laugh. Sam clapped her hands eagerly. “I wanna win! I wanna win!” “Nuh-uh, bitches,” Holly pronounced as she climbed into my lap first, still blindfolded but quickly getting her hand around my dick as she straddled my lap. Guiding me into position, she sat down with a sigh of contentment feeling inch after inch of my dick fill her up. And then cupping her big D-cup tits in her hands, she leaned forward to thrust her melons into my face and grabbed my head when I latched onto a proffered teat and started sucking. I actually think Holly’s bright idea was to distract me with her tits so I wouldn’t notice the timer, but I’d already started the countdown before she climbed aboard. She was happily humping away when the alarm went off, and I grabbed her ass and made her stop while she whined about it. Sam offered to let Belle go next, but Belle was banking on me surviving Sam’s pussy and deferred. So Tight-Ass Slut climbed aboard and showed Personal Slut what a few extra hundred cc’s of mammary flesh could do in terms of smothering Master’s face. And when her milkmaid muscles went into overdrive as she made herself climax on my cock, she almost made me cum with her. But I held out, and then it was Matty’s Little Cumslut’s turn. Her teeny tiny twat squeezed and hugged and milked me for all I was worth. But when I popped a finger up her butt and started wriggling it, she found the tables turned as she thrashed and quaked in climax instead. Holly then got another round, and she mounted me reverse cowgirl while pulling my hands up so I could play with her tits. I enjoyed her firm melons for a while before sliding my hand down between her thighs. A little bit of rubbing with a little bit of thrusting made her go off like a Roman Candle, and the lime-haired beauty screamed like a Roman Candle too. By then I was getting worn down. Sam sensed this, and she changed up tactics by holding my head and kissing me sweetly instead of really humping herself up and down my dick. Her milkmaid muscles worked me over though, and when she leaned in to lick my ear and murmured, “Tight-Arse Slut loves Master very much,” I couldn’t help but groan back, “I love you too.” And then suddenly I was filling up her womb. “Sounds like Tight-Ass Slut wins,” Holly laughed as I grunted and groaned throughout my release. “But now that we’ve all had Master’s dick in our mouths and our cunts, will Master please shove his big fucking dick into his three Sluts’ teeny little assholes? Please?” “Oh, that’s right!” Sam exclaimed brightly, her flooded cunt still mounted on my half-hard erection. “I told Antonio that his prom date would lick your creampie out of my cunt while she spread her arsehole for your massive dick. We never actually did that!” “Until tonight!” Holly cheered and blindly reached forward to grab Sam’s armpits and start yanking. “Up, Sam, up! Lemme at that cum!” “Aww, really?” Matty’s Little Cumslut whined, only her pouty mouth visible as the blindfold covered her nose as well. “You can still slurp out Matty’s creampie from whichever arsehole he spunks,” Sam reminded her. “I know, I know,” Belle muttered sullenly. “I just want ALL of Matty’s cum.” “I’ll snowball it to you after I suck it out,” Holly offered. “Ooh! Goody!” Belle brightened. Sighing, I reached forward and removed Sam’s blindfold, and then said, “Master orders his Sluts to take off their blindfolds. Personal Slut, come clean out Tight-Ass Slut. Matty’s Little Cumslut? Come get me ready to sodomize Personal Slut’s teeny little asshole.” The three girls eagerly went into action. Sam pulled off me and flipped over, her knees up and her thighs spread. Holly dove in and started slurping sperm straight from Sam’s sodden snatch. And when Belle came to me, I grabbed her head and brought it to my crotch for use as a fluffer. She happily took to the task, corkscrewing both hands around the base of my re-growing shaft while sucking powerfully on each upstroke in order to coax my prick into elongating once more. And that was just Round 1. **** Holly did spread her asscheeks for me while she munched away at Sam’s cunt. By then though, she’d already slurped out all of my spending and snowballed it to Matty’s Little Cumslut. Still, it was the thought that counted, and the green-haired girl grunted and clutched Sam’s thighs while absorbing every inch of my dick burrowing deeper and deeper into her lubricated ass. Meanwhile, Belle knelt next to me alternately shoving her tongue into my mouth and feeding her tits to me. It was fun making out with my impish pixie, but after a minute or so, I pulled back and said, “Go upstairs and buckle on Matty Junior.” Belle’s pale green eyes *glowed* with excitement, and she eagerly went to complete her task. In the interim, I focused on reaming out the green-haired girl. While no stranger to anal sex with me, she was still much tighter than Sam, Mari, or Naimh, and I couldn’t just start pounding away up her backdoor. She grunted and groaned as I slowly pumped in and out, eventually unable to focus on eating Sam any longer. Instead, she pushed up with her forearms into more of a doggy-style position, eyes clenched as she whimpered, “Fuck me, Master. Fuck my slutty asshole.” “Such a good asshole,” I groaned as I thrust in and out of her tightness. “Master loves Personal Slut’s teeny little asshole. It’s so tight. It’s so hot. You’re so hot! Personal Slut looks so fucking hot bent over with Master’s dick up her ass.” “Does Master really love it? Does Master wanna cum deep inside Personal Slut’s tight asshole? Please, Master. Personal Slut is your willing cum dumpster. Dump a big load of creamy cum in Personal Slut’s bowels so Matty’s Little Cumslut can suck it out.” “Later. Not yet.” I grunted and sped up as Holly’s anal chute started to loosen up a bit. “Tight-Ass Slut. Crawl under Personal Slut in a sixty-nine. Oooh, that’s it. So fucking hot. You two are such hot little bitches. My Sluts are such gorgeous bitches. Naked and sweaty and eating each other’s cunts while Master blasts Personal Slut’s tight butthole with his big dick. Fuck yeah. And here comes Matty’s Little Cumslut with a second cock for Personal Slut.” “Oooh, for me?” Holly exclaimed excitedly, turning her head around to see Belle literally skip back into the family room wearing a strap-on dildo around her waist. The blunt phallus bounced with her. “Uh-huh. In a minute,” I replied. “But not yet. First, Master wants Tight-Ass Slut to sit up on the couch again. Master wants to watch Matty’s Little Cumslut fucking her.” “Yes, Master,” Sam confirmed obediently, smirking as she slid back out from underneath Holly. “Yes, Master. With pleasure!” Belle affirmed happily. “MY pleasure, Slut,” Sam growled a little imperiously. “Yes, Mistress. YOUR pleasure,” Belle replied deferentially, bowing her head. I blinked in surprise, and Sam shot a look of surprise at me as well. But I shrugged for her to just go with it, and Sam grinned while sitting up on the couch and spreading her legs. Moments later, Belle bent over her, plugged Matty Junior in, and started thrusting. Then, I got Holly to climb up onto the cushion right next to Sam and brace herself against the backrest. And the green-haired girl grunted as I re-inserted my fat cock into her rectum. “Ungh, ungh, ungh,” Holly grunted before me while I repeatedly violated her ass. “Ungh, ungh, ungh,” Sam grunted as well while Belle repeatedly pounded her. The two hot babes then turned to face each other, drawing their heads close together so they could make out. A moment later, Belle caught my attention and puckered up. I leaned over and started kissing her as well, the four of us making a complete circle (square?) of lust as we pounded away. But then it was time for my main event. Sam had been diddling Holly’s clit with her right hand, and Holly abruptly broke her liplock with the blonde to howl her orgasmic release. I took that as my cue, so when Holly came down from her high, I scooped both forearms around her midsection and rolled us over so that I was sitting on the couch with Personal Slut still skewered on my shaft in a reverse cowgirl position. Wordlessly, I snapped my fingers to get Belle’s attention and then pointed downward between Holly’s thighs. She understood right away, unplugged from Sam’s snatch, and moved over to settle between Holly’s thighs. “Oh, _fuck_,” Holly cursed as she felt a second blunt instrument begin pushing into her pussy while her asshole was still stretched to its limits by my fat dick. I kissed the Egyptian hieroglyph on the back of her neck and squeezed her firm tits from behind just before she let her lime green head loll back over my left shoulder. She shivered in my grasp and never stopped moaning while Belle smoothly slid forward, penetrating Personal Slut’s pussy until it was completely full of fake phallus. And then, after meeting Belle’s eyes with mine, I raised three fingers, silently counted down, and then we started thrusting. “Ohhh… holy… FUCK!” Holly gasped as she felt both cocks start alternately pistoning within the close confines of her inner core. “Fucking ‘A… Holy SHIT! I can’t… I can’t… I’m gonna… AAAAAWWWWWAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!” “Well THAT was fast,” Sam drawled beside us, a smirking grin painting her face. “We’re not done yet,” I grunted, using the springiness of the couch cushion to help me while Belle simply crunched her ab muscles to keep going. “Fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck-FUCK!” Holly cried, thrashing between Belle and me. There were no more ‘Masters’ and no more ‘Personal Slut’ comments, at least not for a little while. The feelings of two dicks pounding away at her had her in orgasmic orbit, too incoherent to string a full sentence together, and within the span of five minutes she came three times. “AAAAAWWWWWAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!” “AAAAAWWWWWAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!” “AAAAAWWWWWAAAAAUUUUGGGGHHH!!!” “Can I go now?” Sam asked after the last one, a little impatiently. She’d been rubbing herself and making out with me every now and again, but watching Holly scream her pretty little head off had my Head Girlfriend a little wound up. “No more…” Holly pleaded, teetering on the edge of unconsciousness. “No more…” Belle was sweaty but grinning. She stopped thrusting, and at my gesture, pulled out of Holly’s snatch and backed away. I felt my thighs instantly get wet from the copious amount of girlcum leaking out of the green-haired girl’s absolutely SOAKED pussy. I helped Holly roll off me. She wound up curled into a fetal position with her head on the armrest. The gaping black hole of her lewdly stretched anus remained pointed back at me, not looking like it would close up anytime soon. Meanwhile, Sam was already climbing into my lap reverse-cowgirl, but I stopped her movement and instead said, “Belle, sit down.” “I’m Matty’s Little Cumslut, Master,” Belle reminded me. I chuckled and nodded. “Sorry. Tight-Ass Slut, sit in her lap. See if you can suffocate her with those marvelous mountains on your chest.” “Oooh, yummy,” Belle chirped happily. Soon enough, Sam was seated on Matty Junior and Belle was suckling away at a puffy pink nipple. But then Sam went still and shivered as I began burrowing inch after inch of my dick into my second backdoor of the day. “Ohhh, yeahhh…” Sam moaned as she felt me filling her up. “Tight-Arse Slut loves Master’s cock in her tight arse. Fuck me, Master. Fuck my slutty arshole.” Once I reached full depth, I leaned forward, pressing my chest into her back. I nibbled on Sam’s neck and shoulders until she turned her head back so her lips could reach mine. And then we made out like a pair of teenagers in love (which we were) until Belle started banging her fists against my back. Oops, I think we actually started smothering Belle in titflesh. Belle was able to catch her breath though, and together Matty’s Little Cumslut and Master started making another busty slut orgasm a bunch of times between us. The first time Sam came while mounted on our two dicks sounded like a regular old orgasm. Her breathing sped up, she bent forward to brace her forehead on the backrest, and she tightened up before groaning, “FUUUUCK! FUUUUCK! *FUUUUUUUUCK*!!!” The second time she came was more of the same. This time, she arched back at me, making me wrap my arms around and palm her big boobies in my hands while she let her head fall back against my shoulder, screaming, “I’M CUMMING! I’M CUMMING WITH BOTH OF YOUR COCKS INSIDE ME! *FUUUUUUUUCK*!!!” The third one though, was just a little different. She started off the same as the first one, with the sped-up breathing and bending forward to brace her forehead on the backrest. But this time when the pleasure began to crescendo deep inside her, she reached back with both hands and to grab me. “Matty… Please…” she whimpered. She didn’t call me ‘Master’, and her voice was no longer that of ‘Tight-Ass Slut’. This was Sam, and I responded by slowing down my thrusts. “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum with your dick in my arse. I love feeling your dick in my arse,” she whined. “But I need you to feel you cum in me too. Please, Matty? Cum with me. Cum with me, lover. Cum deep in my arse…” So then I responded by speeding up again. “I’m gonna cum, Sam,” I groaned into her ear from behind as I set my forehead down against her upper back. “I’m gonna fill up your tight asshole.” “Yesss, lover, yesss…” she hissed, shivering with excitement. She couldn’t maintain a grip on my body, so she settled for bracing her left forearm against the top of the backrest just above Belle’s noggin and reaching back with her right hand to hold my head. Adjusting my grip on Sam’s hips, I really began to lay down the lumber, focused intently on Aphrodite’s anus before me and my thick shaft splitting apart the two round hemispheres of her juicy buttcheeks. I watched my cock rhythmically disappear and reappear, keeping my forehead against Sam’s back as leverage so I could really put every ounce of power into my thrusting. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” Sam grunted in harmony with my heavy hammering. “So. Fucking. Deep.” “So. Fucking. GOOD,” I grunted back, reveling in the heavenly sensations, and I could even feel the way Belle continued thrusting her Matty Junior on the other side of Sam’s inner membrane. “Gonna cum, Sam. Gonna cum.” “Cum in me, lover! Cum in me! I’m waiting for you! I need to feel it! Give me all your sperm! Bathe me in your seed! Flood my bowels and fill my core and FUCK! FUCK! *FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK*!!!” *“AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!”* I howled as my balls let go and began ejecting wave after wave of hot lava straight into the darkest depths of Sam’s asshole. *“FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!”* Sam screamed again as she felt me filling up her core. *“AAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!”* I yelled one more time as I retracted two inches and then slammed forward again, blasting her butthole with every drop of baby batter I could. Until finally I ran dry and collapsed flat on Sam’s back, hugging her closely from behind. Sam sighed with an utterly satisfied smile. Glancing back at me, she pecked me quickly on the nose and said, “See this? The three of us together like this? THIS is home.” Wheezing from my exertion, I grinned and kissed her cheek. “Home is where the heart is, and my heart is with you. Both of you.” I craned over and also gave Belle a quick peck while she beamed up at us happily. Unfortunately, the shift in weight made Sam’s forearms buckle, and she collapsed straight onto Belle. Belle’s fists started hammering on my back. We were smothering her again. Thankfully, she had a good sense of humor about it and was laughing as we let her breathe. Sam then bent forward and briefly started French kissing the much smaller girl beneath her. “You’ve GOTTA try this, Baby Belle. Two at once?” Belle snorted and wiggled her hips, making Matty Junior wobble within Sam’s snatch. “These two weapons are NEVER gonna fit in me at the same time.” Sam glanced back at me. “Well, we can TRY.” **** We didn’t try fitting both me and Matty Junior in Belle that evening, not when she hadn’t pre-stretched herself with the butt plug. After we cleaned up, Belle did ride me cowgirl bent over so that Holly could give her a rimjob and fingerbang her ass a bit. That seemed to be as good an equivalent to a full DP as any. In the end, I stood up and jacked my meat over all three of my horny Sluts’ faces, showering their beautiful visages with copious amounts of man gunk. Sam took me in her mouth to slurp out the dregs, proclaiming that counted as a full trifecta for the evening. I wasn’t about to argue with her. In the end, Holly and Belle both went home, and my Head Girlfriend and I fell asleep in each other’s arms. Sam slept especially well after spending two nights away from me. Seriously, I woke up in the middle of the night just to check on her, and she had the biggest smile on her face even in her sleep. Holly was still walking a little funny at school the next day. I tried to apologize for going off on a bit of a power trip and reaming her out a little harder than I might’ve done otherwise, but she just shoved her tongue into my throat and then made Master promise to do it again. Overall, it was a fairly ordinary Monday. Sam, Belle, and I drove home after school. Belle walked over to her own house. Sam's absence over the weekend had her feeling particularly affectionate and she cuddled with me on the big couch, saying she planned to ask Naimh if she could join us. The whole “one for all” concept had apparently been played out, and we were back to our regularly scheduled Neevie Monday. She was late though. Most Mondays the nymphomaniac redhead could hardly wait to come over and play, but today the minutes ticked by long enough that I started to wonder if she was skipping for some reason. I didn’t really worry about it at first, distracted as I was by an amorous platinum-blonde in my lap trying really hard to be a good friend and wait for Naimh while simultaneously playing tonsil hockey with me. But eventually, it was Sam who pulled away from my mouth, looked at the clock, and exclaimed impatiently, “Dammit, where *IS* she?!?” I frowned and gave Sam a serious look. “You don’t think something’s wrong, do you?” “What, like a car accident?” I shrugged. “I mean, you always seem to know everything about scheduling. Did Neevie pull a ‘one for all’ and someone else is supposed to show up instead?” “No, no, we discussed this. Today is Neevie Monday,” Sam insisted. “Then what else could it be?” But just when I started to worry and think about courses of action for determining Naimh’s whereabouts, the doorbell rang. Sam and I both got off the couch and went to the front door. I checked the peephole and sighed in relief, telling Sam, “She’s here.” I opened the door and opened my arms for a hug, greeting “Hey, we were just starting to worry about you.” Almost simultaneously, Sam grumped, “You’re late. What’s going on?” The busty redhead on my front porch looked back and forth between us, practically vibrating with pent-up energy. I couldn’t quite tell at first if something was wrong or she was just super excited, but I got my answer when she launched herself into my arms and squeezed me fiercely. “I got into Cal from the waitlist! I’m coming to Berkeley with you!”