Dustin gunned the motorcross bike, grinning to himself as he sped along the dirt track, wearing his black leather motorcross suit with its yellow trim - his face hidden behind the bike helmet as his eyes narrowed on the approaching turn. He leaned himself and the bike into the turn, taking it quickly and efficiently as he slacked on the speed for a few moments only in order to take the turn. Revving the engine more as he entered a straightaway, he smirked behind his helmet. He was definitely going to qualify for the race at this rate. He didn't have anything to worry about - this was all perfectly going according to plan. Just behind Dustin on the dirt track, a monster ninja teleported into the scene looking like some combination of a gorgon with thick electrical cables for hair and two horns made of bike handles and his lower torso was a lethal looking dirtbike making him look like a bike based centaur. It was catching up with Dustin narrowing the distance between him and the hero. The sound of another engine made Dustin pause slightly - glancing over his shoulder at the sight of the monster that had just teleported onto the track. "Oh, great." He groaned to himself - the sound being muffled by the roar of his bike's engine as he looked at the bike-based centaur catching up to him. "Odds on me finishing the qualifying lap before he catches up?" He asked himself as he gunned the engine as hard as it would go, attempting to get distance with the monster. The monster flashed his headlight eyes, impressed by the dirt bike ahead of him, "Yes...he will be perfect!" he snarled as he shot out beams from his eyes to explode the dirt road just next to Dustin The sudden explosion of the dirt next to Dustin made him swerve his bike abruptly - causing it to flip sideways and send him spinning. He groaned heavily as he landed in a ditch beside the track. "Really?" He groaned heavily, reaching to tug off the long glove of his suit that concealed his morpher. He got to his feet, glaring down the approaching monster. "Ninja Storm! Ranger Form! Ha!" He shouted as he engaged the morpher. In a second, he was garbed fully as the Yellow Ranger, his sword glinting in his hand as he stood ready to fight. the monster launched himself forward into the air flipped and his bike form morphed into legs and an extra set of arms. "So it's a ranger...even better!" he smirked. He took an overbearing stance "Let's see how well you fight!" he summoned a group of kelzaks who charged and attacked the Yellow Ranger Dustin watched as the monster became a four-armed humanoid monster. "Honestly? Kinda preferred the bike form." He quipped pointedly at the monster from behind his helmet. As the kelzaks appeared, Dustin charged them right back - demonstrating remarkable combat skills as he dealt with the minions relatively easily. "That the best you got, ugly?" He asked mockingly. as the Ranger was in the midst of battling a minion he threw with incredible accuracy, several kunai which exploded on contact releasing a sticky silvery fluid onto whatever they touched. The Monster continued to walk slowly towards Dustin Dustin yelped as the kunai exploded around him - the silvery fluid splattering slightly onto his costume, but not hitting him directly. "Woah, dude, calm down." He shouted at the monster. "No need to throw slime-bombs." Dustin seemed to have dealt with all the minions and they had disappeared in a sizzle of lightning. The monster touched its forehead adjusting his vision to detect the fluid as it absorbed into the hero's costume, slowly taking it over as he saw the circuitry spreading through the tight spandex suit. Dustin would not notice anything except a slight stiffening in the suit. He wielded two stabbing blades connected by a cable. He threw one at him, which took the cable with it as it whizzed through the air Dustin's right knee was getting a little stiff in the suit as he finished off the last of the kelzaks - shifting back to face the monster itself as he held his sword ready. "Gonna run away now?" He asked cockily before the cable and blade was thrown at him - dropping swiftly to the ground to try and avoid. the blade struck a tree and got stuck in it as the monster began to curse as he pulled the cable to try and pull it loose. "Slippery little ranger!" he commended. He grinned behind the helmet as he heard the blade catch in a tree - rolling onto his back and swinging his sword to try and cut the cable to disable the weapon. but the cable was indestructible and just gave Dustin a nasty shock as his blade connected Yelping as the shock coursed through his body, Dustin quickly withdrew the sword as he got back to his feet, eyeing the monster thoughtfully. His eye glinted as he pulled it out retracting the cable and grabbed the blade. "that's not going to work my little ranger!" he grinned Dustin scowled behind the mask. "Yeah, well, at least I'm not some weird ugly monster!" He jeered. "then come closer" he growled "show me what you're made of!" he threw the blade at Dustin again. Dustin dodged to the side - grunting slightly at the stiffness in his right knee as he avoided the blade once more, charging forward with his sword to attack. The monster smiled as he finally got him to do what he wanted and waited till he got close. He watched as the whole of his costume was completely hacked by his silver fluid. His eyes flashed a blinding blue light as Dustin froze in his tracks wielding his blade menacingly. Dustin was seconds from striking when the Monster's eyes flashed blue. He was jerked to a halt as his suit stopped abruptly. "W-what?" He grunted. He smirked "A little trouble Ranger?" he sauntered towards the frozen hero and began tapped the helmet with his clawed finger. Dustin could still talk but his limbs were completely locked up "Looks like your suit need better defences against hacking!" he said as he circled the stiffen ranger. He began to press his hands on Dustin's shoulders. "what do you think?!" Dustin was grunting as he tried to move while the monster approached. "H-how can you hack clothing?" He demanded gruffly as the monster pressed on his shoulders. "My nanotech silver works beautifully!" he replied taking the blade from Dustin's hand "now...Ranger...let's see if voice command is active yet...Stand to attention!" he commanded as he inspected the ranger's blade. Dustin grunted- still trying to move and resist as the monster took his sword. As the order was given, he grunted in frustration- his body moving slowly to attention as he fought. "Let me show you the power of the nanotechnique!" he said as he held a vial of silver fluid and let a single droplet fall onto the blade. It quickly changed warping in the monster's hand getting shorter and thicker till it rested on the form of a thick hi tech looking dildo shape with a mushroom head that glowed yellow. Dustin watched as his sword was quickly transformed into a dildo - his eyes wide in shock within his helmet. "Jesus Christ." He gasped in amazement. "Amazing right?" he asked "The nanotech is slow right now as it's trying to enter your skin, but now I turned your sword into a device that will deliver the nanotech right into you." he added as he walked around Dustin and pushed the end against Dustin's bubble butt, the spandex tightly hugging the muscular globes. He pushed it more and it slipped into the crack as if the spandex barrier wasn't even there. The full 10 inches was slowly slid into place until the flanged end hugged flush against the outside forming a rim. The centre of the base opened with a button press to reveal a ridged open passage. "Feels good right?" Dustin kept staring at the dildo in shock. As the monster mentioned getting the nanotech into him, his eyes widened beneath the helmet. "Woah, woah, woah, not cool, man!" He shouted as he felt the spandex around his ass being disturbed. As the dildo pushed into his ass, Dustin screamed in pain as the 10-inches were pushed into him. with a click it locked in place. He transformed back into his bike mode "Now get on, we're going back to my workshop to tinker with you!" he commanded as a large phallic protrusion appeared on the seat of the bike His eyes were watering beneath his helmet as his body slowly obeyed as Dustin grunted and groaned, clearly resisting the Monster's commands still. "Don't make me wait!" he commanded as he stimulated Dustin's passage with a sharp surge of electricity The ranger's will was strong but he knew how to coax a little cooperation Dustin yelped as his ass was shocked, grunting as his body started to climb onto the bike seat, directly on the phallic protrusion. "ease yourself in ranger and let's see a bit of your face!" he commanded making the mask portion of the helmet regress into the sides revealing Dustin's cute but quite frustrated face Dustin was grimacing in pain as he seated himself on the phallic protrusion and his helmet opened, glaring at the Monster with a beet red face. The protrusion twisted inside him locking in place as a tube extended from the front panel, the end of it facing Dustin was like a dust mask with yet another long dildo shape that bent downwards. "Now we can't have you calling for help as we drive so force this into your mouth and down your throat!" he commanded. As the protrusion twisted to lock him in place, Dustin groaned- still audibly trying to fight as he squirmed and gasped as another protrusion appeared. He hesitantly reached up to grip the dust mask and started to force the dildo shape into his mouth, gagging as he did so. as the dust mask touch his face it clamped into his mouth and the cool silver fluid began to flow through into his mouth and through the protrusion on the seat and the engine began to revv. "hold the handlebar tight!" he said to his muffled passenger. The bike jerked about before starting and drove on back towards the city. He wanted to vomit as he felt something cool start to trickle down his throat and fill his ass - but he had no means to vomit with his mouth blocked so efficiently. He reluctantly moved to grip the handlebar as ordered as the bike began to move. the suit shimmered before transforming into tight yellow leather biker outfit to disguise him as they drove the few miles into the city at breakneck speeds that police began chasing them. The Bike monster effortlessly swerving and navigating the roads to keep one step ahead of them. or rather controlling Dustin to manoeuvre them effortlessly. "enjoying yourself boy?" he asked Dustin felt his uniform changing around him as they drove into the city - his arms and feet moving as commanded by the monster thanks to its control of his suit to navigate the bike and to increase the acceleration. "MMmmhmph!" Dustin shouted irritably into the gag that filled his mouth as he was asked if he was enjoying himself. they kept them off their tail for a good hour before they were forced towards a police blockade and the bike kept going forward building up speed until at the last minute when it looked like he was going to crash into the barbed wire but in a flash a portal had appeared in front of them and they sped through right into his toy slot Dustin was, quite honestly, getting sick and tired of being controlled like a puppet by this monster's thoughts as he continued to guide the bike-taur through the city until they abruptly sped through a portal - reappearing in what appeared to be a toy workshop. "Mmmhmphm!" Dustin announced into the gag filling his mouth. Throughout the ride Dustin had been drip fed the silver fluid which invaded his neural pathways but stayed dormant till the right signal had been received. Till then Dustin was in control...if his costume wasn't currently puppeteering him. The tubes disengaged retracting back int othe bike. "Dismount me my little puppet!" he commanded. As the tubes abandoned his ass and throat, Dustin gasped and groaned, breathing heavily as he glared at the bike creature. "I - I am not a puppet!" He groaned as he stumbled off of the seat. He transformed back to humanoid form and pulled of his ninja mask revealing a handsome male face about Dustin's age which looked plastic and rubbery. "Then try to move against me!" he smirked as he touched the boy's helmet and it became more flimsy and rubbery and contracted around Dustin's head forcing itself into his pores conforming to the shape of his head perfectly, his face looking rubber metallic yellow and his messy dark curls pressed tight against his head making him look like he was wearing a tight metallic cap. As the monster removed his ninja mask, Dustin just stared in bewilderment at the supposed monster. "What are you?" He demanded pointedly of the creature as his helmet was touched, grunting slightly as it tightened around his exposed face "I am one of the evil ninja masters" he replied "This body was once human until I overwrote their personality with my own!" he rubbed his clawed fingers on Dustin's very sensitive, shiny dome cap. "Such a handsome face!" he said "I am always recruiting the fastest for my boys!" As he listened to the Monster's comments, he grimaced. "You - you possessed a human?" He crinkled his nose in disgust - before grunting as his head was rubbed. "Don't touch me!" He ordered. "You are in no position to give orders!" he said with a raised and stern voice, backhanding Dustin's head with some force to daze. "Now, yes I changed him into a robot then superimposed my superior mind into him." He touched the leather racer boy outfit that he'd put Dustin in and it to began to contract turning into shiny yellow rubber like his mask, conforming to his slim but muscular frame. It made the hollow dildo in his ass push deeper too. It pushed on his toes pressing them closer together merging them. it pressed around his crotch conforming around his cock and balls which emerged from the yellow rubbery coating fully hard. Dustin grunted as he was slapped, grunting thickly. "I - I'll give any orders I like." Dustin insisted stubbornly as he felt the monster gripping his crotch. Moaning slightly, his cock emerged throught the suit. "follow me to the platform!" he commanded as he twiddled with controls on his wrist to lower Dustin's voice volume. Then pointed at some steps around a raised circular platform. Dustin's feet began to move against his will to carry him to the platform - ascending the steps slowly. "Anyone ever told you you make a better bike?" He quipped pointefly. He simply smirked as he walked to the base of the platform where the controls were. Once Dustin was in position on the platform a pole extended from below Dustin and rose up inserting itself into to the open anal passage and locking as the protrusion did and then lifting Dustin a feet inches off the ground. A floating unit resembling a flying disk hovered from above stopping just over Dustin's head and two cables snaked out plugging themselves into Dustin's earholes. The Ninja monster's screen flickered to life loading up Dustin's mind a similar screen appearing in front of Dustin in the form of a holographic image Dustin grunted as his anal passage was filled, gritting his teeth slightly. Being lifted from the floor was disconcerting, but not nearly as much as feeling cables plug into his ears as he watched a holographic screen flicker to life. He tapped a few controls and Dustin adjusted his arms and legs outwards to a spread-eagle formation. Another arm emerged from the floating unit with a high powered laser and aimed at the base of Dustin's abs. It then powered up firing the beam sizzling the plastified flesh and cutting cleanly through the flexible rubber shell that Dustin's skin had become. It traced a rectangle on Dustin's torso and another grabbing claw came down and pulled it off revealing his rubber and metallised organs, each part completely useless now as the floating unit switched on life support. Dustin grunted as he felt his body be pulled to a spread-eagled pose, dangling there by the locked device in his asshole. He watched an arm emerge from the disc floating over his head, before emitting a shout of surprise more than pain as the cutting tool began to open up his abs. The strange absence of a ribcage came from the muscles, skin and ribcage fusing into the tough rubber shell. The screen flashed "Extraction of non-vital organs in progress" and another arm came down and began to cut and pull out each organ and stealing it into the floating unit, each piece was a uniform yellow colour as it was extracted from him. Until it was just an empty cavity with the metal spine exposed right at the back of the cavity Dustin stared in horror as his organs were, one by one, pulled out of his body - each a bright yellow that matched his Ranger suit. "H-how are you doing this?" He demanded anxiously of the monster. The screen then flashed another message "installing new power cell unit and fuel storage units" and the floater opened lowering a unit shaped to perfectly fit the cavity and pushed it into Dustin's cavity. It quickly clamped metal connectors into his spine as it touched the unit and tubes pushed out from top and bottom of the cavity filler connecting up to his ass and throat. Without his lungs he had no way the drive his voice but once the unit came online it felt as if he didn't need to breath the monster tapped a few button adding files into Dustin's mind like fuel storage tanks connected to his mouth and anal passage and connected to his power cell which was a battery that converted cum into electrical energy. As the arm lowered the new units towards his body, Dustin gaped at it - his facial expression betraying that he was horrified, trying to scream without a voice as the devices were inserted into him. As the power cell connected to his mouth, his scream suddenly became audible. "What are you doing?!" He demanded as the files began to enter his mind, and he knew how to refill his new power cell instantly. "You already know!" he said as he erased the old organs from his mind. "Initiating joint conversion" flashed the message as a fluid fully converted his arm and leg muscles rendering them purely ornamental as they locked and solidified. The laser now directed to his hand and began to slice through his left wrist. An arm picked it up presenting it to Dustin with two halves of a mould which clamped around the amputated hand with heat and pressure and then opened out to reveal the fingers fused into a simple rubber wheel. A small servo was attached to the end and then the unit was attached to the stub at the end of his left arm. The servos came to life spinning and the wheel spun with a smooth motion. The same happened to his right hand and his feet. Then his elbows and knees were lasered off and reattached with servos and finally followed by his shoulders and hips. Dustin glared at the monster as best as he could from where he was immobilized, grunting as he felt his muscles begin to convert to being purely ornamental. As his hand was amputated, he retained feeling in it somehow - gasping and yelling as the mold reformed his hand into a rubber wheel. Grunting as it was reattached to his arm, the process was repeated three more times before his elbows, knees, and shoulders and hips were similarly removed and reattached with motors. "S-stop." He grunted thickly. "Just- just please, stop." He begged. a tentacle came up from the ground with a tube-like attachment and enclosed the hero's hard cock beginning to stimulate it. The monster was updating Dustin's mind about his wheel, erasing the files about his hands and feet. Then increased Dustin's arousal while the sucked and stroked the sensitive member As the tentacle gripped his cock, Dustin moaned thickly, gasping and grunting as his yellow cock was stimulated- not even noticing his mind being altered. the monster looked up and smirked at the moaning ranger as the chest cavity was closed up with the panel and the plastic rubber adhered instantly and healed up leaving his muscular torso looking intact, the hard muscular definition frozen in place. "How does that feel boy?" He gasped louder as his chest was sealed, the pleasure from his cock overwhelming as he grunted and moaned. "A-a-amazing." He lewdly gasped "Good...but you need more!" he said as after a few taps of the screen, a mask came down clamping around his nose and mouth, a larger protrusion extended from within the mask began shaping the inside of his mouth. The mask heated up and sealed his nostrils reshaping the lips into a stiff rim it injected his lips with memory rubber so he could toggle between regular lips and O shaped stiff lips. Dustin watched the mask descend, moaning as his mouth was reformed by heat and memory rubber, grunting in surprised pleasure As Dustin was lost in pleasure, the monster began compartmentalising Dustin's mind putting his personality into one compartment and slave mode into another. He tapped another screen and a darkened visor like unit clamped over his eyes. From within the eyelids were forced open as a laser and moulds remoulded his eyes fusing them into on single long led viewscreen. He was blinded for 10 minutes when his vision blinked back into life there was data panels and messages appearing in his viewscreen. The compartmentalization of his mind was carried out efficiently by the cables connected to his brain through his ears. He just mewled and moaned as his cock was teased and pleasured by the tentacle. He groaned heavily as the laser began to work on his eyes - his new viewscreen flaring to life after a few long, blind minutes. As the visor and mouth guards hissed and came away his eyes were replaced as if they had stuck a lens from a pair of ski goggles directly where his eyes should be. LED display showing the word OBEY. His mouth was still in 'free' mode as it was released from the mouth guard Gagging as the mouth guard was removed, Dustin panted heavily from stress and reflex. "O-obey?" He questioned pointedly As the tube made him reach orgasm right on at that moment he cock and balls were suddenly pulled off with a pop. Leave him in a state of incomplete orgasm the arm then delivered the detached member to the monster. Who then edited Dustin's facial recognition to recognise him as Master SlaveDriver. Removing all his curse words, and finally changing his name to SpeedSlave even though Dustin knew it couldn't be his name. Then lowered the pole so his toy could try to stand on his own Dustin moaned lewdly - and then grunted in surprise as his cock was removed from him. Groaning in frustration at the sudden change, he whined slightly. The edits made to his programming went unnoticed for the time being - so consumed by the near orgasm was he - as the pole lowered to set his rear wheels on the ground, making him unbalance slightly. the pole detached finally leaving him empty. Dustin's viewscreen went "conversion complete!" as Slavedriver made Dustin walk down to him. SpeedSlave unsteadily wobbled on his wheels the entire way down the steps to stand before SlaveDriver. he released Speedslave from his puppeteering control. "there we go...full diagnostic...status report!" SpeedSlave unsteadily balanced. "All systems operational." He intoned before trying to blink, a confused look on his face. "Why did I say that?" "What is my name?" he demanded the new recruit "Master SlaveDriver." SpeedSlave answered immediately. "I - I mean... What?" "And now...finally do you know who you are?" he asked menacingly leering lewdly at the young lithe robot "I'm - " He trailed off as his mind told him one answer, and his heart (metaphorically speaking) another. "I'm... Speed Slave. But - but I used to be something else." "Are you sure? I think that's your only name...I mean why would you be here in my dungeon?" he asked He looked confused - clearly trying to think. "I - I don't know, Master." he approach the robot stroking his fake muscular pecs circling his claw around the ridge of the nipple which held another socket. "Did you not come to fight me?" he asked enjoying the boy's new demeanour The confusion on his face intensified. "I - I don't know, Master." He repeated softly as his nipple was circled. "There's much you don't know Speedslave!" he said "I can help you know your place....don't you want that?" he asked with cunning smoothness letting his cock appear from a hatch in his crotch "Looks like I don't even need to engage the slave mode" he scoffed The prospect sounded intriguing, even before the appearance of his cock. "I -it does, Master." He nodded his head slightly, still balanced somewhat precariously on his wheels as he looked at the Monster. he ran his hand over Speedslave's dome guiding him down "looks like your energy is dangerously low" he said "do you know how to refuel your power cells?" As he was guided down, SpeedSlave shifted to balance himself on all four wheels - emitting a contented sigh. "My - my storage tanks convert cum to fuel, Master." I say simply and pleasedly. "Doesn't it feel better to be on all fours?" he asked as he offered his hard cock to Speedslave's lips and tapped the option to toggle Speedslave to O shaped lips "Yes, master." He agreed happily even as his lips popped wide open, his ability to speak not being impacted due to using a speaker rather than his mouth to communicate. Slavedriver moaned in satisfaction as his 4 wheeled slave expertly serviced his cock with its mouth Sucking skillfully and eagerly on the presented cock, SpeedSlave chimed happily. "Am I doing well, Master?" "Yes yes you are!" he replied lewdly as he patted Speedslave's head he was close to coming and with a few more sucks he exploded into his slave's mouth SpeedSlave mentally grinned at the praise, and kept dutifully and eagerly sucking his master's cock. As the cum exploded into his mouth, his systems rapidly sucked the release to his storage tanks, beginning the conversion process. he watched as he orgasmed and hearts flashed on Speedslave's digital display. He ran his fingers along the new nose which was now aerodynamic, designed to make Speedslave able to reach higher speeds. He disengaged. "Now the rear storage tank!" he said SpeedSlave groaned contentedly as hearts filled his digital display - smiling as he felt his master feeling his nose. "Yes, sir." He said happily - quickly turning himself around on his wheels. he slipped his cock into the back passage. With another tap on his control, handlebars shot out from Speedslave's ears so he could ride his slave literally. he thrusted deeply As his master gripped his handlebars and thrust into him, SpeedSlave moaned lewdly and excitedly. he pumped the toy vigorously, groaning and panting as he stimulated the robot "what is your purpose?" he asked in mid-grunt The new slave moaned and groaned eagerly and loudly. "To serve you, sir!" He cried out excitedly. "that's right!" he said letting go of one handlebar to slap the toy's bubble butt which clanged metallically. With a finally grunt he pushed into Speedslave's chip which replicated the prostate and came into his toy's ass SpeedSlave moaned thickly as his bubble butt was smacked. As his chip was rammed, he emitted a shouting scream of pleasure as his body began to siphon his master's cum to his storage tanks. he pulled out with a satisfying slurp. "you are excellent, now you're full shall we find another to join you?" he asked As his master withdrew, SpeedSlave groaned thickly, hearts filling his viewscreen once more. "Whatever Master desires." He said eagerly. "Yes I desire more slave!" he replied pointing at his screen where Hunter's face appeared SpeedSlave nodded his head slightly. "Of course, Master." "well then collect him!" he commanded attaching a blaster to his crotch to replace his cock, "you should be able to transform into a fast go-kart!" he added SpeedSlave focused for a second - and his body began to shift and contract as he dutifully entered his Go-Kart form. "well done!" he said patting his head which was now the front bonnet where a 69 was now emblazoned. He opened a portal to release Speedslave. "if you do it quickly then you will receive an upgrade!" "Yes, master!" He agreed quickly - speeding through the portal with a roar of his engine.