{ "pages": { "--randomCall": [ { "if": { "condition": "_altPg", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "console.warn('Call to page ' + _randomCall + ' failed. Trying: ' + _altPg)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$_altPg" } } ] } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$_randomCall" } } ], "--intro": [ { "eval": { "script": "loadNotifications()" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-music.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "noop": { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('any-volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001180" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something or someone starts coming into focus.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2354114" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Someone new!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look whose mind we infected, looks like you are going to have to struggle to escape from this digital world.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought you might need some instruction before we start. I want you to at least have a chance of getting out of this without losing your mind to the virus.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sure! โ€Žโ€๐ŸŽ“", "commands": [], "color": "#33691e" }, { "label": "No I'm Ready! ๐ŸŽฎ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you say so, I'm sure I'll see you out there soon.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1๏ธโƒฃ First Level", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She scribbles for a while.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005519" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This virus that found you is a special one. It has a special AI that tries to learn your weaknesses to exploit them.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are about to be met by several women, lucky you, and they are all out to corrupt your data. If that happens the virus will take hold and it will all be over for you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your best and only defense will be typing prompts that show up in green.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But doing so is likely to cause some side effects to the program and glitch the girl's visuals out.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If the glitches ever become too much for you the solution is simple! Just stop typing! Did you want to practice?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sure, I'd like to practice! โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005565" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "No need, but you can continue the lesson. โ€Žโ€๐ŸŽ“", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--intro-2" } } ] }, { "label": "I'm ready to play for real ๐ŸŽฎ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005565" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright this bra is about to come off briefly so type it! You can also request me to skip the practice.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest='bra'\r\n" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, and when you see buttons like _lastClickPrompt||clickPrompt() that means you should touch there once to move on, then quickly touch again to be able to start typing.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

Our last visitor had trouble timing that just right, moaning on and on about "auto focus" or something. It was kind of fun to watch actually.

You can also press your [tab] button if that works better for you.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "_lastClickPrompt||clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That button is for when you don't want to type at all. Here try again without that this time.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "_lastClickPrompt||clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--intro-1" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^skip$/i)", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--intro-2" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005567" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's uh... neither of those things. Though I'm a bit fuzzy from still loading my program, at least you missed the prompt and got to see some breasts.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

cor+=2 files have just become corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good news is without a glitch you get to see more. The bad news is that if you were fighting me for real you aren't going to defeat me that way. Plus your files will get more corrupted.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--intro-2" } } ], "--intro-1": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005569" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm a bit fuzzy from loading but this is an example of a glitch getting in the way. Typing things correctly to end a program makes our code go all wonky and things might be censored from it.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately there isn't another way if you want to defeat a girl as quickly as possible. But hey... why would you want to defeat us anyways?

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--intro-2" } } ], "--intro-2": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2349330" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005571" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you reduce a programs integrity to zero you will be one step closer to getting yourself free of this virus.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You then would have the decision to delete that program for good or to let it linger.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That super advanced AI behind the virus wants nothing more than to corrupt your every file so it remembers every girl that beats you and send you more of that type!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you delete a girl the AI knows that that girl isn't quite your type, not only will you not see her again but you will also see less girls with her attributes. It also pays attention to when you run away.

Losing to a girl lets the AI know to send plenty more just like that one to you. It will always be trying to probe your weaknesses any way it can.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your clothing is another line of defense for you. They will try to remove it but as long as you keep them intact, you can be fully dressed before the next program arrives.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2349330" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005574" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't type anything close to the prompt the program will take full advantage of your mistake. However, the closer you get to the prompt the more you will reduce her integrity.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Defeating a girl may create some bugs as the program starts to fragment. These have a few uses and there have been rumors of some hacks floating around but they mess up the whole system. Don't even try.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

BUUuuuut... if you just HAVE to know more about hacks someone did leave this little tidbit laying around. You can have it if you want but I recommend staying away from them - Things get a little crazy.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The object she gives you seems to be resetting everything.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2211773" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What could this mean? It is accompanied by the keywords: help

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well isn't that strange. I bet later if you type that stuff it will load up that program. It also looks like it requires a ๐Ÿ› to work.

You can also take a screenshot or note of the keywords. I even hear about other virus victims sharing them with each other as a last resort to survive.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here you can have mine.

You have gained ๐Ÿ›

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2349329" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That display over to the right is tracking how many corrupted files you have divided by how many total files you have. Currently you have cor corrupted files out of file files so the percentage shows as (cor/file)*100%

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If things get too rough for you and all of your files get corrupted it looks like you have 3 โค๏ธ to keep you going. I'd imagine that's enough to have a little... fun.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If it is ever too much for you, you can use a bug to escape by typing run.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2656451" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And that brings us to preferences... The virus is tracking what girls you will be the most weak against and wants to show you more of that type to wear you down faster!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All sorts of things are being tracked: skin color, hair color and much more!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Can I adjust one of them now?", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sure! Which one do you want to raise?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "BBW", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.min(1, body+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "Skinny", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.max(0, body-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "MILF", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "age = Math.min(1, age+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#e57373" }, { "label": "Teen", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "age = Math.min(0, age-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#e57373" }, { "label": "Big Breasts", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.min(1, tits+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Flat Chest", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(0, tits-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Tattoos", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#ff7043" } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Eventually you can pick and choose what you face and the virus will adapt to what tempts you the most. Running from a girl or deleting them reduces that girl type. Losing to or saving a girl will increase that girl type in your preferences.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the virus keep creating more options your preference will become more and more impactful. Choose wisely but I know you will choose your favorite teacher: Mrs. Liya!


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "READY! ๐ŸŽฎ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } } ], "--midload": [ { "eval": { "script": "setTimeout(function(){console.log('setTimeout/setInterval Working')},0)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "completedLoad=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "// Set some defaults based on page we're on\r\ninGame = true\r\nneedsMusicLoad = true\r\n;(function(){\r\n // Load the page that called us\r\n var ml__cp = pageStack.pop()\r\n // Parse that page\r\n var ml__pp = parseCharacterPageName(ml__cp) || {}\r\n // console.log('midload pasred',ml__cp, ml__pp )\r\n\r\n // Set Level\r\n level = parseInt((levels[ml__pp.level] && ml__pp.level)) \r\n // console.log('midload level A',level )\r\n level = (!isNaN(level) && level) ? level : 1 // Default to level one if can't extrapolate from page\r\n // console.log('midload level B',level )\r\n var ml__zones = getZones(level) || {}\r\n// console.log('midload zones',ml__zones )\r\n \r\n // var bpg = getBasePlayPage(null,ml__pp||'')\r\n // if (levels.pages[bpg] && bpg !== ml__pp) {\r\n // lastFightPage = bpg\r\n // }\r\n\r\n // Reset level vars\r\n resetLevelStats()\r\n \r\n // Set zone\r\n zone = ml__pp.zone || Object.keys(ml__zones)[0] // Default to first zone of level \r\n\r\n// console.log('midload zone',zone )\r\n \r\n // If you have any overrides you want to set for testing, do that here, like:\r\n if (level == 3) {\r\n // Set some stuff for testing level 3\r\n // 20 is waaay too slow\r\n // lastCpm = 20 // They were pretty good at typing short phrases so far\r\n // avgCpm = 20 // And have been so consistently\r\n }\r\nb1=4;\r\nb2=3;\r\nb3=2;\r\nb4=5;\r\nb6=6;\r\n//file=200;\r\n//sissy=6;\r\nestim=false,\r\n//wtd=4;\r\nclear=5;\r\n//tits=.8\r\n//music=0,\r\n//minPleasureVolume = 0.05; // User sets this in calibration for low pleasre\r\n//maxPleasureVolume = 0.2; // Marks the threshold of pain as defined by the user during claibration\r\n//maxTortureVolume = 0.5; // Marks the highest allowed volume for delivering punishment\r\n\r\n//horny=2;\r\n//voy=4;\r\n//cor+=40;\r\nhyp=6,\r\n//virgin=false\r\n\r\n // Return to page that called us\r\n gotoPage(ml__cp)\r\n\r\n})()" } } ], "any-dead": [ { "eval": { "script": "loadNotifications()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1997329" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('intro')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('prin')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('sch')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('sch2')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('jas')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('col')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('hous')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('arm')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('bch')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('neon')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('sport')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('lib')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('spk')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('camp')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('campboss')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('dr')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('drboss')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('pain1')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('stroke3')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('like')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('buzzpulse')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('tickle')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0.6, "background": true, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your files have been completely corrupted-

โ˜ โ˜ โ˜ 

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "FO().zone==\"col\"", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$1-col---heart" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='col'", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$1-col---heart" } } ] } } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "any-boss-dmg": [ { "goto": { "target": "$dmg=true,pages.getCurrentPageId()+'-*'" } } ], "any-round-end": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "inround=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone(zone)" } } ] } } ], "any-round-res": [ { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

cor+=5 files are now corrupted to avoid cheat detection ๐Ÿ“‚


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit5.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ŽCheating search routine...

๐ŸŽฒ She catches you copy pasting and installs a CRITICAL VIRUS!!!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6;caughtCount++" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"\"", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "//waitStart=Date.now()\r\n\r\n//!Date.now()-waitStart>7000" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult<0.4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(Math.min(100,(cor/file*100)+20)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not even close!

She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult<0.75", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธToo many errors!โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!(looseResult==1)&&looseResult>0.9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Pretty close!

Strong input!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:close.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

FO().stabilityLeftPrefix dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-1) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-dmg": [ { "goto": { "target": "$dmg=true,pages.getCurrentPageId()+'-*'" } } ], "2-arm-liya-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Not everyone's cut out for the army...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002584" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's the new recruit! Today you will meet Cadet Liya - Me!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269228" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know we just saw each other but you didn't delete me yet!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 2 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002585" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something wrong? Looks like the glitch is really infecting your mind at this point.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002587" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, it looks like the glitch has really taken hold, now everyone can see how entrapped you are.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at that mop right here, my skirt is too short if I picked it up. She winks.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002589" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If I keep cleaning this whole place will be both glitch and spot free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002588" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I told you that you might see under my non-standard issue skirt and you respond by typing...?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you to her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002590" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You interested in inspecting the troops Sarge?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002591" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe the cadet can do some inspecting of her own! Is that thing standard issue?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She doesn't even have to undo your underwear to get your your dick.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Without your underwear in the way she gets right to work.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002592" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's not nice to point your rifle at a fellow soldier.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002594" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, just relax and put that keyboard out of your mind.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002593" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why fight it? I'm just going to blow you Sarge.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002596" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002595" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002598" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002597" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell you are ready for something more. Remember I'm not wearing anything under my skirt.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002613" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002612" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have it all lined up, all I need to do is sit back a hair more and you could... drill me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002600" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002599" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

In you go! I hope you can handle this cadet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002602" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are surrendering to your basic training.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002601" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop trying to defeat me and surrender to your basic training.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002604" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002603" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No more uniform! Is that going to make you have to punish me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss her", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002605" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002606" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002607" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You certainly are a fortunate soldier.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002608" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's wrong Sarge? Why do you think I need to be covered with glitches?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002609" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002610" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002614" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002611" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are getting sent over the edge with her

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "18s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf71952d-aa0d-4718-a70d-6b097673def2/2002615" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, doesn't that feel better? Did I pass the inspection?

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Until next time babe.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow[\\s\\-]*job)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('bj'))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-arm-roni-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess I'll fly away if you don't want me around.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009016" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look who's new on the base, welcome.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You caught me during my pre-flight check.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009017" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2065439" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things look good up here but what are you doing down there with that keyboard?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009018" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2065442" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't be trying to destabilize a veteran program like me would you?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Especially not one with fiery hair like this I hope.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009019" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I should have warned you to not glitch me out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009020" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I should have warned you to not glitch me out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009021" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009022" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might be someone I could take under my wing and teach you a thing or two.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009023" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There are always instruments that need servicing.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She strokes it up and down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009024" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This air makes my nipples far harder than the challenge you bring, you can't even type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009025" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You won't defeat a pilot quite that easily.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009026" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sometimes the only thing that hits my G-spot are G-forces.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009028" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Am I a pilot that you'd like to fuck? I don't blame you for enjoying the more... experienced.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009027" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't look too bad yourself, maybe I'd take you up sometime. Too bad my flight is scheduled right now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c592b19a-e5f6-4709-b240-9879acbfb42f/2009029" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright then, this flygirl has had enough. I'm going to take to the skies now. I hope you fare better against the other programs than you did for me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997328" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "2-arm-misty-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Guess you didn't want to bet on red.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013112" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Taking a break from training too?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269171" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013113" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2065142" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There isn't much here, I can strip far faster than the other recruits.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013114" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like even too fast for your typing skills.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013115" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You messed up your typing but I wasn't THAT fast.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013138" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013116" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I may not have the biggest arsenal but I can make up for it with passion.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013117" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that's what you want to see? I'll give you a moment with it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013118" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013119" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You better not give me those green glitches when I turn around.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013120" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013121" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What did I just say? What's the point if you can't see what I have to offer?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013122" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good, you deserve to be rewarded from keeping things glitch-free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013123" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you will give up once we remove these other barriers.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013124" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013125" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey name, catch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013126" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013127" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know if letting them land on your head counts as a catch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013128" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My top must be getting in your eyes if you missed the keyboard that badly.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013129" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought the bikini top on your head would make it too hard to type, I guess not...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013130" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013131" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other soldiers seem to love my red hair, I got the nickname "firestorm".

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013132" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013133" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess it's too bad you can't see if the hair down here matches.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013134" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are so accurate with all those prompts, I might have to cover up myself.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013135" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since you seem to like glitching so much I can help you cover myself up.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get one more chance without anything in the way, make it count.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013136" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, one last reward before I have to get back to base.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5c6164c4-c9f4-4de5-8fd2-ea98dbaf64af/2013137" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good try but looks like you failed to defeat me. Keep drilling and you will get it.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She returns to base camp.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "2-arm-thena-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Guess you didn't want to bet on red.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013253" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my, you found me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269232" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013254" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I just had to step away. I hope you keep it quiet for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013255" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Marching drills all day... these boots were just killing me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013256" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I'm all worn out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013257" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't getting off to me taking my boots off are you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013258" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well maybe that is how I can keep you from destabilizing me, I'll show you more of my feet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013259" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was never much into stripping but this could be a reasonable compromise.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013260" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How does that sound? The other programs can give you enough of their body but my legs are yours to enjoy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013261" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be quick though, I have to head back to those marching drills real soon.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:13e32b8e-5914-4cea-840c-2f151f1f98d2/2013262" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, gotta go now. Remember, don't tell anyone you saw me. She winks*

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"strip\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"I'm not going to strip for you...\".color(colors.girl), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-sch-kayla-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005623" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey name, I just got back from school. I'm Kayla.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269219" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005624" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064093" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Guess what I learned today, it's that we have you all to ourselves.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005626" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064094" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sometimes after a long day of all that learning you just want to collapse in the bed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005625" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064095" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This uniform is super stuffy, I always look forward to taking it off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005627" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064096" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And why do they want us wearing ties? Don't they know that might tantalize other students?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005628" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064097" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, I can breathe better now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005629" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2064098" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you won't have too much trouble breathing at this point. If you stop typing you might catch your breath.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005630" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, deep breaths, in and out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005892" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that's an interesting glitch... It's caused by you trying to bring my stability down.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005632" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to type after a long day either.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005633" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haven't you had a long day like me? Why bother typing now?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005634" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005893" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These stockings always make my feet itch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005636" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005637" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I noticed they make the boys at school have a bit of an itch too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005640" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can take a break from typing just a bit, just relax. Let me know when you are ready to work on the skirt.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ready", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005641" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005642" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wool is so stuffy sometimes but you can feel how cozy it can be.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005651" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you stopped typing for me to take my stockings off, your plan worked marvelously.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005652" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitch or not, I gotta get these stockings off.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005645" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005646" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Before you know it you might get an anatomy lesson.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005647" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad the promise of more was enough to make you let me run my program instead of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005648" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, I kind of thought the promise of seeing everything would make you stop trying to end the program.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005649" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We have to cut this short but I'm glad you were able to see something in the end.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:229841be-8dc9-4d31-bfda-0f5a981f7e99/2005650" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This was your last chance to see something and you blew it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Bye for now. I'll come see you again next time I get out of school, Muah*\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(15)" } } ], "1-sch-sabina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there name, you came just in time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269175" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006173" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2064170" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The parents won't be back for a bit and I wanted to try something new.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006174" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2064171" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I may or may not have bought a certain toy today and I had to rush home to see what it's like.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006175" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2064172" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you rushed over to get a look at teen schoolgirls.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006176" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2064169" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've heard that girls can pleasure themselves, I got a bit bored with the traditional methods.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006177" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And it looks like you got bored trying to type the right stuff.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That sucks, if you would have missed your prompt you would have seen this glitch-free.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Where did I put... Oh there it is!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think? I might have gotten one a bit too big.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006180" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can already tell how much the anticipation means to her as she moans.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't you think this is perfect for some practice?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006182" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But first, I think the practice would be better without clothing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006183" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006184" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those buttons never seem to put up much of a resistance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you learned to stop typing when the boobs come out, nice thinking.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006186" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haven't you learned yet that glitches ruin the fun?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006187" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006188" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't wait anymore, I think the counter can give you the best view.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you believe this is about to go in there?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you don't need a glitch on everything with some clever positioning.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006192" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's in now, It's in! OOhhh!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006193" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I almost forgot you were back there haha.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006194" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the reflection won't glitch out like everything else, interesting.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006195" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006196" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is so much to handle, I think with practice I can learn to really work it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I love it, and I love the fact you are sharing this without glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006198" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? As I'm about to finish you can't stop typing for a second?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006199" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5bcf846a-c729-4170-b4d2-6d224e98fa6e/2006200" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She slowly removes it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that was sure an experience I won't forget. Maybe you could buy my next toy name.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know when the parents are returning so you might want to leave now.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "1-sch-ashlynn-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Well dang, I guess it's back to school for me after all.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2007085" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schboss-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everything goes haywire as you load the next program. Something serious seems to be happening.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006505" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Having computer trouble? I'm sure it will work itself out.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268658" } }, { "say": { "label": "

School's out now, but I notice you still stuck around y=0,name.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006506" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2064087" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you hoping to catch an unsuspecting schoolgirl coming home?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006507" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2064086" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too bad I'm not unsuspecting in the least, I am the boss of this zone and you will have to get through me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006508" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006534" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And perhaps if things go well, you could get IN me. I could use some extracurricular activities.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006510" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this rate your struggles to defeat me mean you won't last long.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, is that not something you want? Perhaps I can change your mind.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006512" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm Ashlynn by the way. If you ever forget I provided a link to my domain.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006513" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you about ready to get started?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006514" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006515" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you regret typing that out just now, I bet you can't see much at all.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Should we start with a blowjob first or dive right into sex?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Blowjob", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false;pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006521" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006522" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! Push it in!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006523" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, surrender to the pleasure name!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006524" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even now you can't stop typing for a second? Ohhh!!!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006525" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wise choice to focus on this. I can't bear the clickity clack of keys during sex.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006526" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet it feels great but if you can't see anything, what's the point?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006527" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006528" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=5" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==13", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn her around", "commands": [], "color": "#43a047" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006529" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006530" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are enjoying it. None of the other school girls have a rear quite like mine!

I know you are SOOo close.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "15s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006531" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! It looks like someone had to drop out of class early.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are dumping a load into her mouth.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006532" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I win this round but thanks for the contribution.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006533" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here is a little something for your trouble before you go.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b1',1)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2007163" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose('As the program ends you are presented with an option of inputs:')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006517" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things are free of glitches but no words are exchanged.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006516" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No words are exchanged but you are still glitching her out a bit.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006518" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006519" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want to but you feel like any attempt you make to shake free would be pointless. The keyboard is your only way out.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,!y&&x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2006520" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel like you can't last much longer.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true;cor+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-sch-hitomi-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to get to school was all...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there, you caught me while I was prepping for today's classes.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269218" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010803" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2064088" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always have such a pretty walk to get to school so I look forward to it every day.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010804" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2064089" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I saw you looking at these, everybody in my class does it so I'm not surprised.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010805" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2064090" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are rather... let's just say massive.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010806" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2064091" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When I can tell that guys are trying to imagine all the stuff they would do with them, it makes me so wet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010807" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010808" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? You could fit literally anything between them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010809" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you stopped typing to really enjoy them.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010810" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you glitch me out then you can't really enjoy them.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010811" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010812" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Believe it or not, the fun isn't only up here. I'll show you what else could be in store for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010813" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010814" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The uniform panties are coming off so now would be a great time to ignore that keyboard.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010815" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good! Just be drawn into this glitch-free body.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010816" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on now! I hope you don't want to ignore me like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010817" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010818" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't think this would pass my uniform check today, should I try anyways?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010819" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010820" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I get the feeling they might be too speechless to stop me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010821" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were closer now. If you keep ignoring your typing duties you might find out what they might do.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010822" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if these glitches would be sufficient covering, probably not...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010823" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010824" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always wondered if I could use these to smother somebody. It would be exciting to take control of them and decide when they get to breathe.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have one more chance to not type before I have to go to school, make it count.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010826" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more chance to take these glitches away name.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010827" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll tell you what, when I get back you might be able to lick them.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:14d69343-6220-41c5-b7c3-d4e8cf8f00fd/2010828" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because I have some data integrity left, my tongue can be a stand-in for a glitch.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh gosh, I can't be late. I have to get there now and don't want detention.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She gathers her clothes and rushes off.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "any-boss-res": [ { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

cor+=5 files are now corrupted to avoid cheat detection ๐Ÿ“‚


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit5.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ŽBOSS copy paste search routine...

She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6;caughtCount++" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"\"", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().criticalTest", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical-img')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().errorTest", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=false,!(strictResult==1)&&strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:close.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pretty close!

Strong input!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "strictResult==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

txt.stabilityLeftPrefix() enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-1) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-lose": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=b8,b8>0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lose2')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl() // Record that we like her type, and other things like scene type, etc.\r\nclear++ " } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising horny level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=4! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "1-sch-ashlynn-1-boss--strip": [ { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just focus on the act name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I love the impatient x+=3,name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<8&&x>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I love the impatient x=8,name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ], "1-sch-ashlynn-1-boss--run": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry hun, kinda locked the door being a boss and all...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ], "2-arm-liya-1-round---bj": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<6", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=6" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Impressive, you are learning our system. I have to reward the new Sargent.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Cut that out, you already got your blowjob!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getResultPage())" } } ], "any-boss-dmg-1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are tantalized by what you see.

cor+=4 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-boss-dmg-2": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,shirt", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "shirt=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips your getShirtText().

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She twists your nipples.

cor+=6 File corruption ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-boss-dmg-3": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,pants", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0.03, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your pants down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your erection.

cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-boss-dmg-4": [ { "eval": { "script": "if(pants) gotoPage(getDmgPage()) // re-roll if still have pants" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,underwear", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips off your getUnderwearText().

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are thrusting into her!

cor+=15 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&!sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your naked shaft

cor+=9 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-dmg-1": [ { "eval": { "script": "if(x<2) gotoPage(getDmgPage()) // re-roll if not far in" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are tantalized by what you see.

dmg=true,cor+=2 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-dmg-2": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,shirt", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "shirt=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips your getShirtText().

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She fondles your chest.

cor+=4 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-dmg-3": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,pants", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your pants down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your erection.

cor+=5 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-round-dmg-4": [ { "eval": { "script": "if(pants) gotoPage(getDmgPage()) // re-roll if still have pants" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,underwear", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips off your getUnderwearText().

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't stop thrusting!

cor+=10 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She gives you a quick handjob.

cor+=8 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()Censorship is for sissies ๐Ÿคฌ

Re-applying censorship and setting typed to true...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-esc": [ { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "1--zone-select": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo=onlyLoadMusic() /* REQUIRED!!! */", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='sch'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schoolround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='sch2'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='prin'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='col'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "saveGameDelay(),backPage()" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim&&minPleasureVolume==0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2678924" } }, { "say": { "label": "

LOADING LEVEL 1๏ธโƒฃ >>>๐Ÿ’ฟ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=1,silence()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:8-bit-arcade-138828.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ], "id": "estim", "buttonLabel": "๐Ÿ”ŒCalibrate E-Stimโšก" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('--volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "hsum=foundCountableHacks()" } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "hsum>0", "commands": [] } } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "hack", "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--hack-report-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hacking Database ๐Ÿ‘พ" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

estim estim

music music

sound sound

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Previous Calibration Detected ๐Ÿ“Š

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Override values?

" } } ] } } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ๏ธ School ๐Ÿซ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "estim" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schoolround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('sch')" } } ], "color": "#c0ca33" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ‘‘ Princess Tower ๐Ÿ‘ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "estim" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('prin')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐ŸŒˆ Color World ๐ŸŽจ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "estim" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('col')" } } ], "color": "#f4511e" } ] } } ], "any-keep": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete her ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "del", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4+=3" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

del hack active

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’พ Keep her around", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "keepGirl();" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "color": "#03a9f4" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ], "--hack-report": [ { "if": { "condition": "nm||Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There seems to be another error caused by the virus.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hack-long-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hack long", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack long\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005394" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Play in normal mode to find twice as many hacks!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!gm", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hacks disabled in godmode.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(10))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"redo\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192471" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"slow\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192476" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"heal\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192458" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"virgin\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192478" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"fourth\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192481" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"sting\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192477" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"again\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192485" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"thrust\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2165353" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"finish\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2535215" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"boss\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192475" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"nextlevel\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2273766" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"cancel\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2682436" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"perfect\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192467" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"kill\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192463" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"sneak\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192472" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"crowd\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192482" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"naked\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2420736" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"rare\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192469" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"preference\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192468" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"peek\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192466" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"add\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192479" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"disable\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2354305" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"everything\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192455" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"more\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192454" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"liya\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192464" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"time\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192457" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"Give\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192459" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"me\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192460" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"1\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192461" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"heart\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192462" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"Become\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192473" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"sissy\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192474" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack()

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Received", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"search\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192470" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"diagnostic\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192480" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"deletion\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192484" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"puzzle\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2354157" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"colossus\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408402" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"multiply\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408401" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"copypaste\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408398" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"timestop\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408399" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"mad\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408543" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"fap\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2418786" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"queen\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2427428" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"envenom\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2427427" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"erase\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2435856" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"other\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2453557" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"smash\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2511877" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"sacrifice\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2520050" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"defend\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2511880" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"drain\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2517130" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"jukebug\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2537446" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "repHack(\"predator\")", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2681506" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What could this mean? It is accompanied by the keyword: repHack() โŒจ๏ธ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "gain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ’พ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-boss-win": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastWonLevel !== level", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "// First entry to this boss win" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Boss Defeated ๐Ÿฅณ ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997328" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastWonLevel !== level && getNewRandomHackTry()", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "lastWonLevel = level,callPage('--hack-report')" } } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b1',2) incBug('b2',2)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "jail==1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "2--zone-select": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo=onlyLoadMusic() /* REQUIRED!!! */", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='hous'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='arm'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='bch'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:beachround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "saveGameDelay(),backPage()" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Casual mode option Loading...

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2678927" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:8-bit-arcade-138828.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('sch')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('col')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('prin')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg&&hyp>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=hyp*2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hypnosis ๐Ÿ˜ต" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage(getHypnoSlaveLoop()))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "id": "mute", "buttonLabel": "๐Ÿ”ŒAdjust E-Stimโšก" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('--volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "hack", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--hack-report-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hacking Database ๐Ÿ‘พ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Level 2 and beyond have time limits for typing.

Switching to casual mode will remove typing timers but bosses will only give half the hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Casual Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=false,hmode=.5" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Casual Mode ๐ŸŒฑ" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Switching to normal mode will re-enable typing timers but bosses will drop twice the hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Normal Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=true,hmode=1" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Normal Mode โฒ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Level 2

๐Ÿ“ You have cor corrupted files out of file ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

estim estim

music music

sound sound

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Previous Calibration Detected ๐Ÿ“Š

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Override values?

" } } ] } } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ  House ๐Ÿ›๏ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('hous')" } } ], "color": "#9e9e9e" }, { "label": "๐Ÿš Military Zone ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('arm')" } } ], "color": "#1b5e20" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ๏ธ Beach ๐Ÿ–๏ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:beachround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('bch')" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’ƒ Cosplay Convention ๐Ÿ‘ข", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('cc')" } } ], "color": "#ef5350" } ] } } ], "2-arm-sophie-1-boss-rint": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014436" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the next program loads, you feel something on top of you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false;pants=false;x=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014437" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269231" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you come awake you notice someone is lying on you. Where did both of your clothes go?

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Nudge her", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014435" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She slowly comes to - You didn't want to keep dreaming of lovely women...? Yawn*

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see the glitch has overtaken your mind at this point.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014438" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never know what other programs might show up, let's get dressed before they interfere.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get up", "commands": [], "color": "#7cb342" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014439" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sophie>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You remember all the good times you had with your friend Sophie right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I can see how sharing digital dreams with a stranger suddenly can be jarring, I'm Sophie.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014440" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:armboss-dark-night-danydory.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - And what do we have here?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh! Too late!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014441" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Is this Sophie's new plaything? Doesn't he know that only we are good enough to satisfy her programming?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014442" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't think you could kick their ass, get out of here name before they hurt you!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

typePrompt('get out')

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^get out*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Maybe you didn't hear Sophie, are you hard of hearing recruit?!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^kick their ass*$/i)", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('boot')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

He is painfully rough with you. Your File corruption is now cor+=8% ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

typePrompt('get out')

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^kick their ass*$/i)", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('boot')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^get out*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false,file-=40" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They beat you and take your clothes. You lose 40 files! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } } ], "2-arm-sophie-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014439" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! You saved me!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Who knows what else they would have done? You are my hero!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&prompt.match(/^kick their ass*$/i)", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('boot')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You quickly get away from them but watch at a safe distance.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014443" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Something tells me this recruit is too green to save you with some crappy keyboard.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 2 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014444" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Let's see what you have under here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014445" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! I think they are planning something terrible, help me destabilize their programing quickly!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014446" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Shut up and fall in line.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014447" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Keep hiding", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014448" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you boys think you are going to do? You won't get away with it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As she complains one of them yanks her head into a kiss.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014449" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014450" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey I didn't give you permission, name will get you for that. I bet he's rushing to save me right now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014451" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - name can't do shit. We still have enemy integrity left and there are two of us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014452" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - See? Doesn't matter what we penetrate you with, where is he now?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014453" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Look at that, she fell right in line. You might as well pull your dick out now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014454" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - You're right, she must want it badly now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014455" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - She looks more than ready, I'll probably slide right in.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer look", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014456" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Keep hiding", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014457" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Haha! It's in! Time to fuck this bitch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014458" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wonder if you are getting too distracted by the action as he forcefully pulls her head into a deepthroat.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014459" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - That's it! Choke on that bitch! I could just cum down your throat right now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014460" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're right, I thought I was going to be saved by now but maybe we have a voyeur on our hands...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And even I have to admit, these cocks might be doing the trick.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014461" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you lean out of hiding for a closer look you can hear how much she is moaning, maybe she doesn't want you to stop them after all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014463" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I can barely breathe. After a while I'll barely be able to stand either. She gives you a wink*

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look more", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014464" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Just type", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014462" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Look how easily it slid into her ass. Her spit sure did the trick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014465" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Push me to the ground will you? Good thing you have such a tasty dick.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014466" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on, I need a break! Let me catch my breath.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It pops right out.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014467" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This may go all the way, I wonder if a certain someone is still watching. They could type to look closer or for me to put it back in my ass.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"closer\"", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014469" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She meets your eyes as she is panting and trying to recover.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"ass\"", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014468" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did he really just type that?! It's so big!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both get rough and flip her over.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014470" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014471" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Shut up, we don't want any extra attention.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm trying, its just not every day you get double penetrated like this...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They lift her up again.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014472" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This time she seems to be kissing of her own accord.

" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x>23&&voy==1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy++" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mv" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are now a VOYEUR!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "v", "title": "Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x>23&&voy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are now a MINOR VOYEUR!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "mv", "title": "Minor Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€" } } ] } } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014473" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Looks like this barracks has full service. Mmmmm.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==26", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I need both of you again! Get back in there!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014474" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==27", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014475" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Looks like your hero didn't feel like stopping us.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Haha, looks like your hero is still trying to stop us. He isn't very good at this though.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Approach a bit", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014476" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know, I bet he is getting off watching us fuck.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Keep hiding", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==28", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014477" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 2 - Oh this bitch is about to make me blow!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Me too, here it comes!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>29", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014478" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now! I don't know if I was ready!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014479" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soldier 1 - Shut up, we finish when we want to. Clean yourself up.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a01c05ee-4ab9-4d13-8846-6583a7ad197f/2014480" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other programs start to fade into glitches.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Psst name, I had no idea you liked to watch so much. Not sure why I thought you might save me. I guess I won't expect that next time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"strip\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x+=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "console.log('Doing Hack Say')\r\nhckSay(\r\n \"Soldier 1 - \" + \r\n \"Alright! Double time!\".color(colors.soldier)\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(14)" } } ], "2-arm-sophie-1-boss-dmg": [ { "say": { "label": "

Watching is getting you aroused.

dmg=true,cor+=5 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "--hack-redirect": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "window._nextPage", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$_nextPage" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ], "any---hypno": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp++,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].heal", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption is reduced to cor-=hypstats[hyp].heal ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('hypno')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Fall into her trance ๐Ÿ’ซ", "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hypnosis.mp3", "id": "hypno", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"hypno\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp<4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080223" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "99s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hypno-2')" } } ], "--name": [ { "if": { "condition": "(function(){_anmLd=true;return true})() /* Loading indicator */", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$250", "style": "hidden", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "_anmLd", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Loading...", "id": "_anmInd" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "true /* name (gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/*) @ 10FPS - EAA v0.6.13 */", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005522" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005522" } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmInt = 1000 / 10\n\nfunction _anmDone(skipNext){\n var r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmTimeF(i){return (_anmInt * (i + 1)) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n _anmLd = false; Notification.get('_anmInd') && Notification.get('_anmInd').remove()\n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 29\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (30 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005523" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(1)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(1)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005524" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005525" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(3)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(3)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005526" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(4)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005527" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(5)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005528" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(6)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005529" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(7)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005530" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(8)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005531" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(9)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005532" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(10)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005533" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(11)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005534" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(12)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005535" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(13)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005536" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(14)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005537" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(15)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005538" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(16)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005539" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(17)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005540" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(18)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005541" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(19)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005542" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(20)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005543" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(21)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005544" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(22)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005545" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(23)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005546" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(24)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005547" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(25)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005548" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(26)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005549" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(27)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005550" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(28)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0937d2-14d0-490a-a705-4b75e5bb69ae/2005551" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(29)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--name" } } ], "--named": [ { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "name" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pState.save()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--named-2" } } ], "--": [ { "eval": { "script": "_dots = window._dots || ['.']\r\nif (_dots.length > 8) {\r\n _dots=[]\r\n gotoPage('--intro')\r\n}\r\n_dots.push('.')" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.2s" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--" } } ], "any---h-cut": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b4-=3,(cor/file)>.69", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability has been cut to enemy=Math.floor((enemy/2)-(tox*venom))

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption isn't high enough โŒ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-strip": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],window._stripLimit", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,x>(window._stripLimit||0)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ummm... I'm already naked dear...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Stripping even faster now!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x+=3" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't say that to me!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "--no-level": [ { "eval": { "script": "setGameOver()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!isFoundHack('godmode')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005394" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the boss fades away another hack is appearing.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hack-long-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hack long", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack long\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2654715" } }, { "say": { "label": "


godmode โŒจ๏ธ


" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:victory-game-over.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc(true)" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259197" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259199" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259200" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259202" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259203" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259205" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259206" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259208" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259209" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259212" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259213" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259215" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a7a0124d-da06-4e8a-b6a3-bf19b19a0460/2259197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Congrats! You finished one round of the current content!


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

No score given for godmode!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŒŸYour score is file+b1+b2+b3+b4+b5+b6+b7+b8!๐ŸŒŸ

Collect more bugs and files for a higher score!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(file+b1+b2+b3+b4+b5+b6+b7+b8)>139&&!gm", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!isFoundHack('skip')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2425201" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Got it", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!isFoundHack('skip')", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Get a score of at least 140 to unlock a level skip!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2683024" } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You only had โค๏ธ left! Close call!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You had โค๏ธโค๏ธ left!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You had โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ left! Too easy!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your temptation level is (2*Math.max(0,100-file))+cor+((3-heart)*100) ๐Ÿ’‹

Fall into temptations and barely succeed for a higher level

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('swim')", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Watch the credits for a bonus hack!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "clearSavedGame(true)" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "The End โญ", "commands": [], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Credits ๐Ÿ™", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('bikini')", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "thanks" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2348717" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One last hack to celebrate your victory: bikini โŒจ๏ธ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "thanks" } } ] } } ], "color": "#64b5f6" } ] } }, { "end": {} } ], "any-boss-end": [ { "eval": { "script": "inround=false;clear++" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "fselect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume('fselect')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "any-hacks": [ { "eval": { "script": "loadNotifications()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_foundAHack=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "// Keep the above at the top" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckC(prompt)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "// Keep the below at the bottom" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_hackDisabled", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "typeof _hackDisabled === 'string'", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't do that here!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "// If we got here, we found a hack, but failed it.\r\n// we previously would have restored dmg because we found a hack\r\n// so reset it to fase\r\ndmg=false \r\n// maybe instead we should x-- and backPage() ?" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getResultPage())" } } ], "any-round-win": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Victory ๐Ÿฅณ ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=b8,b8>0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('win2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising denial level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=horny*2! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nest", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5+=level" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain level๐Ÿœ!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b7>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐ŸฆŸ you are holding eliminate file-=b7,b7 of your files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inround=false,clear++,Math.random()>=.60", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.70", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b3++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b4++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(cor/file)>85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained an extra ๐Ÿ for winning a tough fight.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You put your shirt back on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pull your pants up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2>1&&cor>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Use ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž to repair file corruption", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your corrupted files have been reduced to b2-=2,cor-=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#7cb342" }, { "label": "Save your ๐Ÿžs", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone(zone)" } } ] } } ], "test": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "change", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ…", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

span style="font-size:120%"(typePrompt(typeTest))

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524656" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524652" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524653" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524654" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524655" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Horny level is hlvl[horny].stat

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(1,50)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "d=90" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "go", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++horny<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "wtd++" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Make", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

test 0 tst[0]

test 1 tst[1]

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tst[1]=1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

test 0 tst[0]

test 1 tst[1]

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tst[0]", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

test 0 true

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

test 0 false

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tst[1]", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

test 1 true

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

test 1 false

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "var healme = {seen:1,}; // a hack element\r\ntst.push(healme);" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tst[healme.seen]==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

heal me true

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

heal mefalse

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hs[perfect]==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hs[see]==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

see true

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

see false

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hs[perfect]=1" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "change", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

perfect hs[perfect]

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hs[perfect]==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hs[see]==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

see true

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

see false

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "pain", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "id": "pain", "volume": 0 } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Is someone there? Come closer.").fadeOut([240, 98, 146, 0.5])

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Is someone there? Come closer.").fadeOut([240, 98, 146, 0.5])

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "pain" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

file files

cor corruption

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Start", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "file+=20" } }, { "say": { "label": "

file files

cor corruption

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "stop it ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=50" } }, { "say": { "label": "

file files

cor corruption

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "quarter", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor-=Math.floor(file*.25)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

file files

cor corruption

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clearInterval(myChangeIntervalVariable)" } } ], "--init": [ { "eval": { "script": "console.log(\"Finished startup init\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": " didLoad=false // reset initialization so mid-load works\r\n completedLoad=true\r\n skipMidLoad=false" } } ], "1-sch2-bridgette-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Resistant little student aren't you...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2209183" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269176" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Stop looking at her tits", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2209180" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! What are you looking at!?

Your file corruption is now cor+=3 from being too enamored by her cleavage ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "10s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You enter the next classroom as the teacher is busy grading.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "11s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047101" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't see you sneak in. Class hasn't started yet name, did you have something you wanted to share with me?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2209181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well? Have a seat so I can get started!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047102" } }, { "say": { "label": "

To what do I owe the pleasure of you not typing?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047103" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you are just going to barge into my classroom to try to destabilize my program?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047104" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047105" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you here for some one on one tutoring? Not something I normally do but I could make a exception for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whenever grades fall I have a way of being able to raise everything back up again.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Kind of hard to tutor a student who is causing everything to glitch out don't you think?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047108" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047109" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hear you are behind in the assignment. If you are just going to ogle the faculty chances are that it won't get done.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047110" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047111" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So no time to spare, maybe I can help you with that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047112" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's see if you can focus enough to finish it though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047113" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches usually cover up sexier parts but I can't see what this one is doing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047114" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047115" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Students these days never give their attention, maybe it will be better without my blouse.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047116" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047117" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So what would you say? Is it working?

I hope you will keep this between us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047118" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you can keep those glitches away one more time, you will get to see under my bra.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047119" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you are done with these glitches in my face because you could see under my bra now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047120" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good little student, how does that look?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047121" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops, you never know exactly what they will cover. Lucky you...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047122" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047125" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can go until the school bell rings. I don't want to risk anyone else seeing our 1 on 1 time. They might get the wrong idea.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047127" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Outstanding, looks like I don't have to grade on a curve if you keep missing prompts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047131" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You don't want to see tits? You really are aiming for that F grade...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047132" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047134" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We are almost out of time, I can nearly hear the lockers shutting and student coming.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047136" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate you wanting to see more but we are running out of time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047140" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still trying to beat me? You are running out of time so just give up.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047141" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bebaed69-7abd-4404-b99d-0a8ef32cb69d/2047148" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! There's the bell. If we cross paths again I won't be quite as...passive.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Run along now, get to your class and don't forget to turn in your assignment.

You know what name?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I think you passed. There will be plenty of older women to study if you apply yourself enough.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(15)" } } ], "1-sch2-jackson-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I hope someone else can straighten you out young man.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036859" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear the sound of school bells ring out as things go into error again.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036822" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks for coming on such short notice. It turns out that name didn't bother to find a study partner and didn't turn in his essay.

", "align": "left" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268659" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sch2boss-slue-qubesounds.mp3", "background": true, "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I haven't met him yet but based off of what I've heard I'm not surprised.

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036823" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036824" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So here's the troublemaker that is glitching out the whole school instead of finishing their assignment!

", "align": "right" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(25));" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard he's got a big... you know. Probably makes it hard for him to type or study.

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036826" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard he's got a big... ahem* but it's kind of hard to see through this glitch.

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Show me! Get it out!

", "align": "right" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036827" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036828" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are stunned for a second, might be a chance to destabilize them further.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They can access your cock without even taking off your clothes.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You didn't have your clothes to stop them so they capitalize.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036829" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036830" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's a solid schlong you got there Mr. name. We have to take care of this distraction at once.

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear&&x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They remove your underwear!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036831" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It feels great and makes you miss the prompt.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036832" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It feels great but you continue to try to resist.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036833" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036834" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think you can handle him without my help now.

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036835" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036836" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't it great when students get hands on experience?

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, pop that bra off.

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull her bra off", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036837" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036968" } } ] } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036839" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you are forgetting all about that keyboard, Mmnnnh!

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036838" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? Glitching even now?! Suck that as punishment!

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036841" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036840" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohh, looks like he wants to share the love.

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems they always end up being having attention deficits in my classroom.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I know what always gets their attention... you are going to fuck us now name.

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036843" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? He can't resist at a time like this.

", "align": "right" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036842" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches or not I'm sure this feels amazing.

", "align": "right" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>11&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false,sex=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036845" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036844" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Both of them are moaning for different reasons, these mature women might be too much for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036847" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036846" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How long are you going to last? Save some for me will you?

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036849" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, it seems like you found out that missing prompts will make round two that much better.

", "align": "right" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036850" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can't go into round two with you still typing, just give up already.

", "align": "right" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036851" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036852" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go, nice and moist now.

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036853" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036854" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something compels you to grabbing them and pulling them into you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036969" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036848" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go Mrs. Jackson, it's only fair to return the favor.

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They switch places again.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036855" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036856" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel so close to cumming, you might have just one last chance to defeat them without giving her a creampie.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>20", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036857" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036858" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#00acc1" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=35 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pour everything you have into her as Mrs. Jackson laughs through her makeout session.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036859" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't think submitting your cum instead of the assignment will save you, good luck in the next program Mr. name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "1-sch2-shazia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess your discipline will just have to wait.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are late for today's lesson, hurry up and sit down.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269223" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011030" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064251" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It sounds like you were causing some trouble. I hope you aren't aiming for detention.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011031" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064252" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something tells me you might break under discipline.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011032" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064253" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think? Are you ready to stop distracting all the other students with your typing?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011034" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064254" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe this might make you a little more willing to cooperate.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to bend down more", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011033" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whatever for? You aren't thinking of doing anything to your teacher now are you?

" } } ], "color": "#d81b60" }, { "label": "Let her turn back around", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011035" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064255" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

After a long day of teaching everyone, it helps to get out of those stuffy clothes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011036" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064256" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want me to pull these straps down you have to let me do my thing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011037" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2064257" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she slowly lowers it you see a lovely preview.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011038" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, looks like you are ready to listen after all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011040" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I though I told you the other students couldn't focus with you clacking on your keyboard.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011041" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011042" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These always work great to hold a student's attention.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011043" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011044" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's hard to proceed without taking off another clothing item.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011045" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your reward for not typing is the removal of my bra.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011046" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches or not, this bra is coming off.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011047" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If ever there was a time to cut your distracting typing out, it's now when the underwear is being removed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011048" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very nice of you to let the other students focus name.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011049" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really... even now you are filling the room with your clickety clack?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011050" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't think of a better way to end today's lecture.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ac95cfdf-8860-46d5-a834-128a29f39ccb/2011051" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I gave you one more chance and you throw that away too?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Alright name, I hope you shape up for the other girls too. I look forward to you following our later instructions.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-sch2-britney-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005727" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hello name, if you have a thing for teachers you have come to the right place.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269222" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005728" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2064246" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

With a bust like this I find most develop a thing for teachers if they didn't have one before.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005729" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2064247" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a good thing that areolas don't trigger any glitches, at least not yet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005730" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2064248" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you are going to be a good little student and not type so we don't have to deal with glitches, sound like a plan?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005731" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2064249" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her shirt vanishes after the program feels like it skipped.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005732" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2064250" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If there was ever a time to ignore your keyboard I'm about to give both my lectures.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 12, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "like" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005733" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you think these lectures are so engrossing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005734" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rude! Don't make me take away your electronics.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005735" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005736" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The teacher's underwear is about to go missing, you better not glitch this up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005739" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Full marks for you name.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005740" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are failing my class name...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005737" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005738" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Normally I would have a busy curriculum for you but we need to ease you into it first.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005741" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005742" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then later there are places you could... ease into. I need a new teacher's pet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005743" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are following instructions well now, academia suits you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005744" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have you not been listening to teacher? Stop glitching me!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005745" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005746" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you end my program I might have to send you to detention, those teachers aren't as understanding as I.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! You don't need to stare right at it while I'm teaching.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is a hand better than these other glitches, I wonder...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005749" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a6dfffd7-9ad3-4911-869f-1ecbf7a3730c/2005750" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we had enough fun here, let's wrap up this lesson.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You know what \" + name +\"? I think you passed. There will be plenty of older women to study if you apply yourself enough.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "1-sch2-yuno-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('stroke3')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('bj')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005931" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How did you get in here? This is the teacher's lounge.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269170" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005933" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were expecting me to strip like those other girls you are sorely mistaken.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005935" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always pride myself on getting guys off fully clothed. If you ever lose your underwear I can show you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005937" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The upside is that you have no glitches to worry about whatsoever.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want to see under this blouse don't you...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I bet you are also craving to see what's down here but I have bad news for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005942" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still haven't taken your underwear off huh... I have an accessory that might communicate my intentions a bit better.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, take them off already, I'll wait all day until you do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear&&x>1", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take off your underwear ๐Ÿฉฒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false" } } ], "color": "#ec407a", "visible": "$!pants" }, { "label": "Take off your pants ๐Ÿ‘–", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } } ], "color": "#ec407a", "visible": "$pants" }, { "label": "Keep it on", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-sch2-yuno-1-round--strip": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(25));" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you think I was bluffing or something?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's not how it works here!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "1-sch2-yuno-1-round---bj": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005945" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! I'm glad it finally came out to play

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005946" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She can't stop laughing, it's like she has you right where she wants you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though she is giving your sack a great massage you wonder when the actual blowjob will start.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fd560fd-3e16-4b6a-a5fe-ff8e8e1e2e9d/2005948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you thought I was going to BLOW you?! If you didn't think you were going to be denied when I didn't strip you have a lot more education needed.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Try not thinking with your dick for once, good luck out there. Try not to jack it too hard to us.

" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "horny<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied has you all frustrated and horny! You need to cum soon!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "horny=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny", "title": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption is now x++,cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-sch-round---jacksoninto": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036859" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You suddenly get flashbacks trying to write essays for school combined with the ominous glitch.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036818" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good morning name, are you going to get your assignment turned in on time?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hate when students are late on their assignments but good news - You have only faced one girl so far so you have plenty of time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036819" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When a student lacks discipline, I have to whip them back into shape. You should know Mrs. Jackson doesn't mess around.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036821" } }, { "say": { "label": "

To get the work done you will have to find some study partners to research with and get your essay written up in time.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I need 500 words on why it's bad practice to destabilize the integrity of programs. Extra points for also writing about how computer viruses aren't to be feared.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:37f96a1f-e5f6-4f67-b77e-35ee4be5ce3a/2036820" } }, { "say": { "label": "

MLA format of course, what are you waiting for? Get out there and get it done unless you want to fail.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Study with the Students โœ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone('sch') " } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Waste time with the Teachers ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround*.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('sch2')" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } } ], "1-sch-round-win-clr0": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('jacksoninto')" } } ], "1-sch-round-end-clr0": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('jacksoninto')" } } ], "any-boss---res-critical": [ { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim2Volume(getTortureVolume(5))" } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(Math.min(100,(cor/file*100)+20)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=FO().criticalCor" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ], "any-boss---res-critical-img": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998681" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical')" } } ], "1-sch-ashlynn---res-critical-img": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2007085" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical')" } } ], "any-timeout": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "FO().doTimeoutEnd()" } } ], "--bad-fight-page": [ { "say": { "label": "

Error loading fight object for page: lastBadPage

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "var __bfpo = parseCharacterPageName(lastBadPage) || {}" } }, { "if": { "condition": "__bfpo.level && !levels[__bfpo.level]", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Unable to find definition for level: __bfpo.level

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "__bfpo.zone && levels[__bfpo.level] && !levels[__bfpo.level].zones[__bfpo.zone]", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Unable to find zone definition in level: __bfpo.level for zone __bfpo.zone

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "__bfpo.girl && !girls[__bfpo.girl] ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Unable to find girl definition in girls object for: __bfpo.girl

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "I understand. Let me continue even though things will be broken.", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-prin-erin-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"That's no way to treat the future queen.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067967" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there, are you just starting your adventure?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269109" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067968" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067970" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you found the royal chambers so quickly, I was getting a bit lonely these days.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067971" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So lovely to meet you name. You aren't exactly a prince but you will do.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know you can pay attention to my princess attire instead of glitching me out with these crowns right?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067974" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067976" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know it is rude for commoners to stare at a princess's feet don't you? The royal seamstress tried to prevent any wandering eyes with these stockings.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067977" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067979" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

A girl can get really lonely up here all by herself, so few suitors come by these days.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Legends foretold of someone who would come and not type just to see this body.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067981" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Could it be you, the answer to my prayers?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sadly it must not be you because you seem to be typing plenty.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067984" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067986" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

All this time to study I learned how to use this computer virus for speedy stripping. Just in case my one true love would come for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067987" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067989" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And maybe when I show off these royal breasts, my true love can CUM for me. Here we go!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067990" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right good Sir, pamper me by missing those prompts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's probably harder to cum for my tits if you glitch them out good Sir.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067993" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067995" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must forgive me, I'm not used to showing my body off before the wedding.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2068023" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2068021" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are courageous enough, I think I'm about to show off my huge tracts of land again.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067996" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bountiful are they not? Fit for a king.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067997" } }, { "say": { "label": "

To type is a folly. That's no way to treat a princess.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2067999" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2068001" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more chance to show your future queen a bit of respect. Give me your tribute.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

A princess's duties are never over. Pardon me while I get back to them.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You didn't quite make it did you, maybe you would look good in pink as well.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "1-prin-sandy-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Snow white doesn't put up much of a fight.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070346" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Where did you come from? You don't look like one of the dwarves.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269105" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "loops": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070347" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070348" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I guess that doesn't matter. My name is Sandy. Nice to make your acquaintance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I usually like to reward someone not trying to glitch me out by showing under my skirt.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070350" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh... I was going to let you see under the skirt but it seems like typing kind of glitches things out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070351" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070352" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you guess they were going to be red? I think they are a quite lovely match.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070353" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070354" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I doubt many people would think of a Snow White lap dance but I think it's the perfect combo.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070355" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm not a dwarf either, that's why I'm not bashful.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070356" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't a dwarf but you sure are grumpy trying to beat me like this...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070357" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070358" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How far do you think I could pull these red panties before they tear off?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070359" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070360" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've got a deal for you name, if you don't type this time I'll let you see a sneak peek of any body part you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm so glad you took me up on my deal, what will it be!?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pussy", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070364" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, how did that get there?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Dwarves don't exactly have what these lips are looking for.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your desire to remove the glitches makes me think we both found exactly what we are looking for.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070368" } } ] }, { "label": "Breasts", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, how did that get there?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can see how much you want me to remove the thumb too. Don't worry, this apple isn't poisoned.

" } } ] }, { "label": "Ass", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070362" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, how did that get there?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't be bashful! Get closer!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070367" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I could have sworn you would have wanted that deal... Oh well...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070369" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070370" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is refreshing, normally I can't strip like this in front of my seven roomates.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aren't I just the fairest in the land without glitches?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's wrong? You don't want to see who is the fairest in the land?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070373" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070374" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How awkward would it be if the magic mirror decided to check in on me now?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell you are really into fairy tales.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you not into fairy tales or something?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070377" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070378" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet the evil queen wishes she had a body like this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070379" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't going to type were you wanting to put it in?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep typing like that you will never get to put it in you know? Even Dopey knew better.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070381" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070382" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know my prince won't be able to resist. It will be love at first sight.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not typing is certainly going to let us live happily ever after! One more to have the perfect ending to our story.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still trying to end things? That's not a happy ever after. I'll give you one more chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9582272b-e751-49c5-8fc2-eeea94fb40fb/2070385" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"It's getting late, I have to get back to the cottage to toss out all those dangerous apples. I wish you well.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-prin-mia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Huh, and here I thought you couldn't even challenge me.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0,b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, take this weapon good sir!

You have gained ๐Ÿ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Halt! Are you another warrior to help our cause?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269103" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070421" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070422" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm Mia, the kingdom's warrior princess. Looks like the coast is clear for the moment.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070423" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your technique to not type right is an interesting one, maybe you can teach me your unexpected ways.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070424" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like these glitches have powered up and become active, I wouldn't test them if I were you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070425" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070426" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you stop glitching me out a few times and let me lower my guard I can give you a few tools to fight this war.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070427" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't that better when everyone can just relax?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want a weapon? You have many battles still to face.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070429" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070430" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet I'm the first warrior princess you've met. We fight like crazy for those we love.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070431" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well done, you really want my weapons don't you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070432" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! That glitch is cold!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070433" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070434" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When we have glitches there to protect us, we don't need armor.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070435" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So nice to just lay back and relax during the moment of silence when you don't type like this.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070436" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, your typing and the sounds of the swords clanging are giving me a headache.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070437" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070438" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See how lightweight our skirts are? We can move at a moment's notice.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070439" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't seem shocked by my glitch-less body, that kind of confidence will go far.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070440" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful not to be cut or anything, you aren't used to the battlefield.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070441" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070442" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even a strong warrior like me has trouble holding these up sometimes. Maybe one day you could lend a hand.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070443" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Beautiful, I'm glad we are making peace.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070444" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As a reminder, if you keep glitching me you don't get any weapons. That keyboard won't get you far.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She seems to be giving you her victory dance.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070445" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070446" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070447" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z++,z>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

One last chance to get a weapon. You are so close!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sadly I can't give you any more weapons but I'd ask you still don't try to destabilize a warrior fighting for you.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070448" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fighting me until the end? What if I return the favor?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She strikes you as your File corruption becomes cor+=5% ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e8394e4-9d61-4b4e-8c51-19cff2d88102/2070449" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I sure hope you didn't think you could get the best of me.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "1-prin-roxetta-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I should have just used the dagger on you.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072080" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you doing trying to sneak up on me?! Stay back!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269104" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072081" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry, you can never be too careful. Regicide has been awfully common in these trying times.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072082" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, not in the typing mood I see. Something is just so sexy about the common man giving up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you are typing are you? Maybe I should use this blade after all.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I've heard that some magical computer program or something is causing glitches when people type things correctly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072083" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072084" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They haven't shown up yet but I have to cover up when they might.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072085" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm happy that I won't have to use the dagger if you keep not typing like that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072086" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be a fan of me covering up with these fine robes then.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072087" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072091" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You came before I could put on my garments after the bath. I guess you can see everything down there now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072096" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Grrr, I could just eat you up. You are so good at following directions.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072104" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me call the guards on you, I can't cover up forever.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072112" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072116" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I'm done covering up. You get the full frontal for not typing but my backside for trying to end my... what do they call it? A program?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072123" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No one has boots quite like a princess. Foot lovers seek them out.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've even heard rumor of some people wanting to be trampled afoot!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072127" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not too close now, I can't withstand that attack forever.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072130" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072134" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I think it's starting! I can feel the glitch hexes coming!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072138" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok good, I'm glad you saved me from them one more time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072142" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like I'm trapped in a painting or something. Please save me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>10", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072145" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you doing if you aren't typing? Nothing obscene I hope...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072149" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? What if I get trapped in the painting forever. The king would have your head.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072153" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072157" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like you would do anything to see a naked princess. Have you no shame?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072161" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072165" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know I'm a bit old compared to most princesses but I just never found a prince that could keep up you know?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072169" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072173" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's getting late, if you stick around too long the clock will strike midnight and we both might be stuck in the painting spell for good.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ah, it looks like you got away in time. Perhaps I'll see you around the palace again.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Leave her", "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your body feels like it is freezing up from the spell but you are able to break away barely and escape.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption increases to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Agh! The clock struck midnight it's happening!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "timerDuration": "19s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh stop haha! What would the clergy say? I'm unmarried!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What if it struck midnight and we got stuck like this? Could you imagine?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:88283551-de8e-431f-a8f5-45069875d137/2072187" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You spend more time staring at her.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "1-prin-harley-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Slay the dragon and run away, just my luck.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Leave her", "id": "leave" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy=0,z==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have slain the dragon! โš”๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My hero! Now that we are alone for a bit how about you finish pampering my ass?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&enemy>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy++" } } ], "timerDuration": "2s", "title": "Growing ๐Ÿ‰" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074215" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did the room just shake? This program loading has you scared to proceed.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kim-lightyear-legends-lightyeartraxx(dragon).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073974" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268661" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh Dear Prince! You've finally come to save me!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073975" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second, you don't look like a prince. Are you even here to fight for my betrothal?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073976" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second, you are destabilizing the program, you aren't a prince!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073977" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073980" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I can still make use of you though. It does get a bit lonely in this prison of mine.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The room seems awful hot and she sees you sweating.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073987" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well there is a dragon out there after all... It would be best not to upset them if you want to make it out in one piece.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073990" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh these flames? Did you not see the dragon program on the way in? They aren't exactly pleased that you are here.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The longer it lives the stronger it gets, you shouldn't have taken so long to face it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The dragon will appear and wreck havoc whenever someone is trying to destabilize a program. You wouldn't try to do that would you?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073992" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073994" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh and look, they just loaded up! What did you do?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073996" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2073999" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Most princes just want that sweet princess pussy but I bet you have dirtier plans for me, don't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074001" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074004" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you just want to plunge your sword into this other hole don't you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

We can each save our virginities that way and still get off.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

At least I would still save my virginity if you aren't going to save me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074006" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm getting excited thinking about it, this booty isn't just for show you know.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074008" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are the flames getting in the way? Maybe you shouldn't keep teasing that dragon don't you think?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074010" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074013" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Think of how tight a fit it will be unless you have an impoverished cock.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074015" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you a shy guy or a thigh guy? I hope the latter.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074018" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful now, don't play with fire and expect to escape unscathed.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074020" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074024" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Want to inspect your highness' heinie?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closer", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074026" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074028" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The dragon's integrity rises to enemy+=2

Whoops looks like they decided to regenerate while you were distracted.

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Stay where you are", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074035" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You just know that dragon is waiting to pop out at any moment and bring it's fire with it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074038" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like that dragon gets angry and doesn't want you to see anything.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074030" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074033" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh goodness me! She points at your crotch.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your underwear is on fire! Take it off quickly!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you know your cock was burning? And not in a good way!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074040" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you stopped typing, I wasn't sure if I could have extinguished it in time. I can still cool it off your you though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now that you don't have pants and the dragon hasn't attacked you yet, let's get you started.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074043" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quickly, let me douse your cock!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074045" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074048" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Despite her efforts the flames continue.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Without warning your dick seems to have been enveloped in fire but she works quickly to alleviate it.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074049" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Once again not typing seems to be the best solution while you can still appreciate her efforts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

At this point it feels like she really does have you ready to go.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074051" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The flames finally start to die out thanks to her efforts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Though flames suddenly show up, she is able to extinguish them immediately.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Before you can recover she pulls you into being smothered by her ass.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Hold your breath! โ€๐Ÿ’จ", "id": "breath" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074052" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074053" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You looked like you needed some practice charging forward for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>16", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "breath" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stick your finger in it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074054" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074055" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! Things are really heating up now!

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Push it in her ass", "commands": [], "color": "#7cb342" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074056" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074057" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! That really fills me up! I bet that feels amazing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, figures. I didn't think you would be able to type while in my backdoor.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074059" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought my backdoor would end your typing but instead you are really pissing off the dragon.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074062" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074064" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The pleasure overrides her ability to speak as the only sounds you hear are the grumblings of the dragon and Princess Harley's groans.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closely at it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074060" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074061" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The dragon grows as you are distracted to an integrity of enemy+=2

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Stay focused", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you can lift me up? My big strong savior.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry, you can cum in there before they return!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074070" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought we were reducing the number of fires but they are back!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074072" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074074" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wasn't sure about the helmet at first but I can't blame you for trying to protect yourself. Maybe we can take it off when this is all over?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074076" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074079" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As good as this feels you can't lift her sizable ass forever.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074080" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope my father never finds out about this. Since you learned to not type you can keep a secret right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074083" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Keep going! I think you can defeat it soon!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It looks like there is still some residual dragon program left.

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==26", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ฅ Warning! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

The dragon is fast approaching. You don't think you can withstand it in a full assault.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just us two for now, I'm glad you are here to finish the job.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074085" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074087" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

This is incredible! And to think we both saved our virginities!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

This is incredible! And to think I still have my virginity for my betrothed.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==27", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074089" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess it's fitting you are reserved to sitting back and letting it all happen.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074091" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the last of the fires is going out now.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>28", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "leave" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074215" } }, { "say": { "label": "

In a fit of rage, the dragon program consumes and burns all of your remaining data.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your files have been entirely corrupted!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "style": "normal" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074093" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew my ass would probably make short work of anyone.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4841c3ae-cb04-43a2-a11b-ba98d0aee930/2074094" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quite the reward isn't it for my hero? If we cross paths again I can show you my further appreciation.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead and take this as well, a gift of the Kingdom's appreciation.

You have gained incBug('b3',1)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<14", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"Who taught you to say that? Alright then.\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false;underwear=false;x=13" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x>13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Haha, you don't get two\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11, {disable:{\r\n run:\"Are you really going to run right into the jaws of the dragon? Best you don't.\",\r\n}})" } } ], "1-prin-dani-1-round---prince": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage(promptsPrin)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Just think, you'd have stayed a frog without me.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078171" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you look great! So... since I did something for you, would you be able to do something for me?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because I'm not exactly wearing anything under this skirt, would you mind licking all down there?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "No, leave her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"That's just like men, take what they want and then leave...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078211" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078212" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes, that's right~ Get in there my newly christened prince!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078213" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No typing and licking me out? You really are treating me like a princess!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know how you can properly lick me out while typing but whatever...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps now you are really ready to give your princess everything?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Giver her your dick", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,pants=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078217" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes yes! Give it to me Prince name!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Escape from her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You didn't quite make it did you, maybe you would look good in pink as well.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] }, { "label": "Just keep licking her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078218" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Such a gentleman to forget about your keyboard, I can take over now!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078220" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't have much integrity left! You can't have sex with me if you wipe me out!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078221" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078219" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We could have so many royal children together, make me a queen!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078222" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Without those glitches you can go way deeper, go ahead.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078223" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's hard to get deeper with a bunch of glitching in your face, halt typing to clear them.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078224" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078225" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she holds your hand tightly you wonder if she might be getting pretty attached to you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Where do you come up with all these new poses?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078227" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate all these exciting poses, not the typing.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078228" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078229" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still going?! How do you have the stamina?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078230" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078232" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes! Use that prince dick! It's so big!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078234" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078236" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm I can feel it throbbing in me! You must be so close!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078237" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess letting me take control without typing finally sent you over the edge.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078240" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha trying to glitch me out must turn you on because you just came all over me.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Losing so much cum deletes some of your files. horny=false,file-=18 remain ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078241" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you don't have any left. Let me reward you for our time together!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b1',2)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I can't wait to see my prince again.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-prin-dani-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==40", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! It's working!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078302" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program overriding with Prince.exe...


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "frog" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$x=0,getAltPlayPage('prince')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you try to defeat her you search for some other way to remove the frog curse.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete frog virusโŒ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "frog" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The process has corrupted your Files to cor+=11 ๐Ÿ“

However, the intruding program is neutralized.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You didn't even give me a chance to remove the curse...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&z<20", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078303" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false,z=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Shirt program overridden with Frog.exe...


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Frog Curse ๐Ÿธ", "id": "frog" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078170" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's going on below my tower? If you are in trouble, I'll be right there!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269108" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&z==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078171" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078172" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh it looks like you were hit by the frog curse! You poor thing, how lucky you are to be so close to a princess.

OOoo! Frog or not I'm glad you are shirtless for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&z==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078173" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, I'm glad you aren't typing because if you were, I wouldn't be able to cure your curse.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078174" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, why are you typing?! I can't help cure your curse if you won't let me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&z==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078175" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078176" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think, when we cure your curse I'll let you show your appreciation to the princess Dani.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh my! You are transforming quickly. They say a kiss from a princess will do the trick.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078177" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you are up to the task of a makeout session? We will make you right as rain if you continue not typing just like that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's kind of hard to make out if you are creating these destabilizing glitches though. Stop typing and give me a chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078179" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078181" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that's nice, aren't things better when you don't rush them and set the mood?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You are so soft when you miss prompts like that. Keep it up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is nice but I could do without all the glitches you know? Makes things hard to enjoy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078187" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078189" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, are you ready to taste these lips and kiss your curse goodbye?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078192" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never know when her program will destabilize so you try to lift this terrible frog virus.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Give her tongue", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078194" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078196" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Imagine how this would be if you tried this fully transformed haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9&&z==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It didn't work? But I thought all the tales mentioned that was the solution. Do you have any other ideas?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Fondle her boobs", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0,z=20" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Suck my dick", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0,z=30" } } ], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&z==20", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How creative of you, but I guess I'm willing to try anything at this point.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078198" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078199" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Feel anything different? I can feel something different poking me in the rear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&z==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078200" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe a little more, hurry before the curse spreads.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078201" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't think lowering my program integrity will lift the curse, I kind of feel like I'm your only hope.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&z==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078202" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078203" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There is something else to play with down here you know?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, something's happening!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=40" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&z==30", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Su-Suck your dick? You mean like put it in my mouth? That's odd but we can try it for your sake.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078204" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078205" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She tugs your pants down immediately.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Good thing there wasn't much clothing down here to delay us.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&z==30", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078206" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are just aching to get this curse lifted right? You seem a little extra excited.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078207" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure you will even feel anything with all the glitching going on?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&z==30", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8558dcdf-0d6f-4d3b-93eb-9531ffdd853a/2078210" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can surmise that she was just playing coy about sucking dicks, she definitely seems like she has had some practice.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And it might even be working too, you feel something different!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=40" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&!(z==30)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"You want what?\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false;underwear=false;x=0;z=30" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^tits*$/i)&&!(z==20)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"Oh you want to grab them?\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=20,hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "1-col-yua-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Maybe you thought the kitchen looked better all drab.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy=6" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you stopped by. I saw this kitchen that lacked any color so I thought I would add some pizazz to it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268668" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As she multiplies, her file integrity increases to ++enemy

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you would have typed the prompt right it would have glitched me across a color spectrum.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081244" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But it's a good thing you didn't right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081252" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No, your eyes aren't tricking you. When you destabilize my program by typing it glitches me across the color spectrum.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081238" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081253" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I forgot, normal programs don't exactly wear sun glasses indoors. I'm Yua by the way.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081240" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081254" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They warned me that you might be a bit horny, care to see what's under this top?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't type you get to see it clearly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081242" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well done, not typing is the best isn't it?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081255" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you didn't care to see it clearly then.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081245" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081256" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't this outfit just brighten up everything? I can see how happy it makes you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081247" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not like you didn't need much convincing it seems but if you continue to not type I might show you my bare pussy too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081257" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you stop typing for a while I might think about showing you my bare pussy too. Will that be enough to convince you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081251" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081259" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to see those tits out again you know what to do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081249" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you remembered, we are going to get along great name.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081258" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You do remember that you can't see much when you type the letters in green right?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081260" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081261" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, I'll keep them out for you from now on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg&&x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are being so good, come look at them closer!

She nearly shoves them in your face.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081270" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x==10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081262" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't see any color glitches, looks like you earned some bare pussy!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081263" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you can stop glitching me you can actually see some bare pussy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081264" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081265" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As promised! How cute am I?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081266" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While I see you don't like glitching women, I hope you like a bit of bush too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081267" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wow, just think of how great this would look if you didn't have to glitch me. Too bad...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081268" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0334a1ff-a92c-44f3-b6e5-5a0ef039cee5/2081269" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Thanks for hanging out but I have some other places to bring some color. Don't stare too long haha.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "1-col-nikki-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836993" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996807" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836980" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well Hello. You think you could defeat beauties like me? The virus doesn't hold back.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268664" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836982" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/2062768" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But why would you want to defeat us? We have a few things to show you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836981" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/2062767" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aaaalllll you have to do is sit back and relax.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836986" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything you like?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996800" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh... did you think you would get to see something if you tried to defeat me?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a little more and you get to see both.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836985" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to see them just stop typing, easy right?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996797" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836984" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unglitched BONUS

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836987" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996799" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She giggles*

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836988" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836988" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were just halfway there, I'm glad I caught your attention but your eyes needed a break.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836989" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks for holding back, I have to reward that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why fight it? I know you want to see what's under my panties.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996801" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836990" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unglitched BONUS

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836991" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Your hitpoints are a cheap cost to pay to see such beauty.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996803" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surely you don't enjoy these glitches, give that keyboard a rest.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996804" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come see more of my naked bod.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996806" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You won't get rid of me so easily you know...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836994" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unglitched BONUS

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836996" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you wanted more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996809" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You sure you don't want more?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836995" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come here, you can touch them.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1996805" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'd let you touch them but these glitches are in the way.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1836997" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Looks like we're out of time, I hope you can run my program again!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "1-col-liya-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Well dang, I didn't count on you being such a party pooper.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "goto": { "target": "1-col-victoria-1-boss" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998681" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As quickly as it appeared the error seems to have dissipated leaving you face to face with -

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colboss-fashion-electro-sport-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998649" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268656" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can see that you're too tough for my other girls, time to break your win streak. Ready?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998650" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The name is Liya and we can cut all the crap. Just type bj or blowjob, whatever really and I'll take it from there!

", "mode": "pause" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998655" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I got a bit excited and might have forgotten a certain glitch or two.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998654" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998653" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though clothes can always re-appear on a program, we can go further until they come back.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==3&&underwear", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, someone's still wearing their underwear, I'll loop the program until that changes.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==3&&!underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now that you don't have that pesky underwear getting in the way anymore, you could fuck this program.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Fuck her", "commands": [], "color": "#e53935" }, { "label": "\"No!\"", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Then I guess we have to loop the program until you change your mind.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=1;refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998656" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe this is not so bad after all, maybe she can corrupt you just a bit.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998674" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998667" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, it's in. Time to show you how laying me is a whole other level.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Isn't that just easier?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These tits are ready for you if you keep it going.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998663" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches or not, these tits are ready for you.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just ask for tits.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These tits are ready for you if you keep it going.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998663" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches or not, these tits are ready for you.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No tits request huh, maybe you were holding out for sex instead?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Titjob", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, come nuzzle in between.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('tits')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=5,y=false;refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998675" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad that as soon as we start pounding you stop typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998668" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here we are pounding away and you are still typing? Whatever man...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998676" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you are starting to find sex without glitches is best!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998669" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sex with glitches is fine but if you just stop trying to fight me you get to see everything!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998677" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998670" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I knew this would all work out, I'll turn around for you babe.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998678" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998671" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She seems too into the act to make comments right now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, keep forgetting to type correctly and I'll reward you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998672" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You want out of here when an absolute ten is fucking you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I almost have you, just one more and you can cum for me!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998673" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* Defiant until the end... You have one more try if you want to cum for me or not.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1999861" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah yes, there it is! Give me all your data babe.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "file" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"file\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That might have been quick but you and I are just getting started.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998681" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b4',1)

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Clear the error", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997328" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"Thaaats more like it, bring that cock to me baby.\".color(colors.host))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,pants=false;underwear=false;x=3" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"You hear muffled: \"+ \r\n\"Ummm, you already got one, cut it out.\".color(colors.liya),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"No babe, that time has passed.\".color(colors.liya),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^tits*$/i)&&!sex", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('tits')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"Didn't anyone tell you that you can't run from a boss? Even if I am just a student...\",\r\n strip: \"Sorry that won't work on me here, there isn't much to strip after all... ;)\",\r\n}})" } } ], "1-col-tahlia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&prompt.match(/^green*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2356511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops! I didn't mean literally "green", it won't work next time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah you got here fast. Hustling indeed! Ready to type the text in green? Or your know... not...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268667" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The world is just full of so many fantastic colors don't you think? The colors even hide some beautiful things behind them.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Especially green.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080046" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you already figured out not typing is the best way to see more. Good for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080042" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tough luck, seems like you chose a terrible time to type the prompt.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080047" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080048" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We both have many more adventures today, have to stay caffeinated while I let all my friends know you are coming.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080049" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you couldn't miss a chance to see these perfect breasts either.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080050" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You haven't figured out that trying to beat me stops you from seeing these perfect breasts?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080051" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080052" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you the type to pull a girls hair during the act? I bet it depends on the girl too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080053" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Without these glitches you might also be able to see if there is anything below my shirt at all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080054" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought glitches mess up all the pretty sights, but maybe you enjoy censorship.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080055" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080056" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Lucky glitch, my nipple got through.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always been proud of these, it looks like you are enamored by them too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080057" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080058" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other programs haven't interrupted yet, looks like we have more time together.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080059" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And yes, not typing like that is a great way to prolong things as well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080060" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well we won't have much more time if you destabilize me much more...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come follow me to the bed.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080061" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080062" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080063" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080064" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My name is Tahlia by the way. Hopefully you can remember some names because there are a ton of programs to get through.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080065" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you want to keep things going but we only have one more chance together, make it count.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080066" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still trying to end things? Well you have one more shot. Do what you want.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&prompt.match(/^green*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-col-sybil-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I shouldn't have assumed everyone would like the music...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080225" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad you came by my way! I'm Sybil and I hope you are a fellow music fan.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268666" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080378" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080170" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know my beats are bumping but you might want to know they also have a hypnotic affect on most men.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The only way to avoid the music's effects are to type correctly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080228" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you are well on your way hehe.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too bad you may have already started to glitch me out using that method.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080233" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080235" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like my outfit change abilities? It's as easy as loading a new program variant.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080237" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right... Just listen to the music. Let your eyes and ears simply take it all in.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080239" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, these glitches are trippy!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080241" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080244" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Balloons sure aren't the only things I can put between my feet. Heels and skates are optional.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080246" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I want to just skate over to you. You are irresistible when you avoid that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080248" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me skate over there and stop your typing. It clashes with the song!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080250" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080253" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha, that was probably my last clothing change. From now on I only remove.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080255" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is also my favorite song to strip to glitch free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080258" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite your glitching, this is still my favorite song to strip to.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now that I'm bottomless, you should come taste the rainbow.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

"Taste " echoes in your mind.

Your curiosity makes this a non-decision ๐Ÿ’ซ

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick it", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Well looks like the song is over, get out of here then.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080261" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080266" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080270" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Yes! I bet I made you forget about your keyboard.


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick deeper", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080276" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sybil gains 1 system integrity.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080272" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you multitasking with the keyboard? Just focus on me!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I know what would be even nicer. She eyes your crotch.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your underwear down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your bare dick rises at her gaze as you bring it to her.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,pants=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080278" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080280" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rub your head on there, I bet you can't resist it for even a few seconds.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stick it in", "commands": [], "color": "#7cb342" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080284" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, let the music wash over you. Thrust to the beat.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080286" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I need to hold your hands away from those keys if you are going to glitch while fucking.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin&&x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080289" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080500" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on tight! I need to extract your colorless semen.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080292" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Imagine if I wore the skates during this, even without glitches like this it would be so difficult to balance.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't honestly want these glitches, you know how to stop them.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080299" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080302" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When I rub my clit you better not quit!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080305" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell how much you are enjoying this, you are letting me have my way with you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080309" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Destabilizing me? Is the sex not good enough?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080696" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080315" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are about to blow. I'll use my mouth so you don't knock me up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2097614" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080321" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s", "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,z>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The music lures you into its comfort.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080325" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=18 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Color me surprised, I got all of it!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-bch-yua-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "see" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "see" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You didn't even find out who I was.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269240" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Nicely done!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Too bad, maybe you can get it next time!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082778" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082779" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Here it comes again!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082777" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082805" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know how you can see through this terrible glitch though.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You caught it but you missed me haha.

She runs to get it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wow, that's not even close!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082783" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082784" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082781" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082782" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

One last throw, make it count name!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x==1||x==3||x>4", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^strip*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Fine... we can skip throwing this around.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Toss it back ๐Ÿ", "id": "toss" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ball bounces off your head as your File corruption rises to cor+=2% ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^strip*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Fine... we can skip throwing this around.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random() >= .50", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "catch" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Drop the ball", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s-4s", "id": "drop" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random() >= .50", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "catch" } } ], "buttonLabel": "What ball...", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s-4s", "id": "what" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "drop" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "what" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Catch the ball ๐Ÿ", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s-4s", "id": "catch" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>1", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "see", "title": "Hard to see the ball through glitches๐Ÿ" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^strip*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Fine... we can skip throwing this around.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ] } } ], "2-bch-yua-1-round---2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "see" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Why the hurry? It was just us.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=5" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rolls the ball away.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082783" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082784" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that was fun!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even finished strong.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Even if you weren't the best at playing catch.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "background": true, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Because we are glitch free did you want a better look at anything?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Top", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082785" } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "Bottom", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082786" } } ], "color": "#f4511e" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I might have shown you more without this water glitch in the way x++,name.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's get some shade. Follow me!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082789" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082790" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082787" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082788" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's just us out here. Don't you just hate tan lines?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to turn around so think of what you can see if you keep not typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It might be a good time to not type like you keep doing, I'm about to turn around.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082791" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No glitches and no tanlines! It's a good day for both of us.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082792" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might have this massive glitch but at least no tanlines...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082793" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082794" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you ready for all of this? I hope so?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

At least you were ready to catch the ball.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You did drop that last ball after all...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082795" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably figured out that closeups are always best when you don't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082800" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wanted to get a closeup but you glitched everything? You do you I suppose...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082799" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082798" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Want to help me brush the sand out of here?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably want to shed some light down here, got a mirror?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The best pussy view yet and it's a shame you probably can't see anything because you were trying to beat me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082803" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perfect! One more chance to not type and I can make your search tool prefer programs like me!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082804" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Destabilizing even now? If you don't glitch me one more time I can make your search tool prefer programs like me!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I have to go back and retrieve the ball now, take care of yourself.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(15)" } } ], "2-bch-tori-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Talk about a rainy day...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A storm is rolling in.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003354" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some girl's request is being muffled through the glass door.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey it's raining out here, help me out!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003355" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2064078" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her in", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "Leave her out there", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey now! I'll be waiting for you!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003356" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2064079" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quite the gentleman, thank you.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003362" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2064077" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you were just excited to see a wet t-shirt. Regardless, I have to take it off to dry.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003358" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one second and I'll be right with you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you wanted to defeat me by typing? It's censorship for you...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003360" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003361" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might not be as... large as the other girls but I make up for it with spunk. My name is Tori by the way.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These uncovered tits from the cold rain want to be warmed up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to enjoy censorship I guess I can't fault you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003367" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

A little over halfway there, I'll show a lot more soon.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I wasn't going to cause a glitch this time, I guess you can get a small peek.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003368" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003369" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My shift just ended and I wasn't able to give anyone mouth to mouth, do you need saving?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could feed you fruit and you could feed me what's in those balls of yours.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lord, you trying to defeat me all day sure makes me hungry.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a few more times like that and I can... reward you if you know what I mean.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003373" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have one more chance to remove the glitches, it's all up to you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003374" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003375" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can jump to you getting an up close shot, last chance before I go.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Show me", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c66dc172-2b53-4fb5-b5a2-f88e8de5b0c4/2003376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Being so close affects you in a strange way.

Your File corruption is now cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Not interested", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at that, we finished up and you didn't get THAT corrupted. I have a feeling this is the start of something special.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "2-bch-katasia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ouch. I didn't ask you to show up.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084093" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh hey name. I was about to do my daily skinny dip but then you showed up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269237" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084094" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084095" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like the tide isn't the only thing rising haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084096" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess the prospect of me swimming naked has you skipping your keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084097" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you haven't figured it out yet, typing will stop you from seeing everything but it's up to you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084098" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't win too many wet t-shirt contests but with you not typing it seems like I don't need to.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084099" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You almost could see my soaked t-shirt if it wasn't for this intrusive glitch.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084100" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084101" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Going to leave this out to dry in the sun.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084104" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, this water is perfect when it's free of glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084105" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop that! Those glitches are cold haha!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084108" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084109" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's always so peaceful here. Just the sound of the crashing waves.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084110" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you stopped typing as well to appreciate the tranquility, and more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084111" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course the sound of your typing kind of breaks up the tranquility.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084112" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084113" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No other programs anywhere around, just us in this rocky outcropping.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The sun is just right too. Enough to light up

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What? Did you really think you could see this while typing your prompts?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084114" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e9b4e6af-bf0b-4bfc-96ea-28c0db1f76c7/2084115" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The water's almost high enough for the swim. Got any last things you wanted to say?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I see, well... time to swim!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "2-bch-gilda-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Three's a crowd anyways.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089191" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "boss" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boss\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The virus is trying to take over your peripherals.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The next program sneaks up on you.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bchboss-cumbia-colombiana-juliush-(1).mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well well, you got through those other beach babes did you?

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 4, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you would have typed, it would have washed out some of your better views. Don't mess with the scenery if you enjoy it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like your glitches kind of wash me out. You probably can't see your favorite parts.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088188" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088190" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But being a boss has some benefits, I'm not like those other pushovers.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, quite different, because there are two of us!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn around", "commands": [], "color": "#c0ca33" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy+=3,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088192" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088194" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you thought you could take just one of us on? You have double the trouble now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But if you aren't going to type, just one of us could have taken you it seems.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088199" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She warned me that you would glitch me like this. No trouble for me but you are washing out my tits.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088204" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did Katy surprise you? She has a way of doing that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088206" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surprised or not he seems to be staring instead of typing just as planned.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088207" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He must have been surprised if he is still typing instead of enjoying a topless duo.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088208" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088209" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't blame him either. We can come on a bit strong sometimes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088210" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this rate it will be his hands caressing your breasts Katy.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He really is washing your tits out Katy, such a shame...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088214" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088216" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you ready to dive in with us? We have room right here between us name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088219" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems so, looks like he missed the prompt and is heading right over.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088221" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like he just wanted to type one more prompt. But it doesn't matter, we can go to him while he's distracted.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They pull your pants off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants=false,underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Gilda slips off your underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088224" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088226" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the girls ambush you it feels like your mind was also washed out by the glitching.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get even harder as Katy shoves her tongue down your throat.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you are focused on my pussy instead of the keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's just not the same with the typing so just... stop!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rubs her feet accross your back.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088234" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088236" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My holes still haven't had a taste, make sure to not finish him off so early Gilda!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088239" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't typing to see how far we will go? It won't be long now, it's about ready there.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088241" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet even with these washed out glitches you can't wait to enter me. Admit it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088243" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088245" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm going to put it in! But which hole should I choose. Let's run a search program to find out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Scanning...

Virginity detected!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I'm going to put it in her slit, unless you have any objections Mr. Virgin...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let it happen", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "No, give me her ass instead", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Scanning...

Virginity not detected!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aw, it would have been fun for Katy to steal it from you... I guess her ass it is.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088257" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088259" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aw, so soon. We barely got to enjoy you before deflowering.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088253" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing like a tight pussy to make you screw up your prompts. It fits perfectly too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088255" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you can get away from sex through what... glitching me? I still have some program integrity left and the humping has only started.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18&&y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088274" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that it's Gilda's turn I have to warn you. She has corrupted countless programs and would love to add you to her record.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089161" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh he clearly doesn't mind. He wants to be a good boy and lay back to enjoy this. See?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089162" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't scare name. He is madly typing and we don't want him to fear his first time.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089159" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089160" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can see other programs swimming by that might be able to help but you can't last longer. The pressure is building up too much.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>19&&y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#00acc1" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, look at who didn't quite make it, I can feel it pouring in me!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's pretty stupid of you, thanks for handing over all of your files though!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088248" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088250" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I guess that would save your virginity after all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You don't even have your virginity, you must really be into ass.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So be it. Don't think this will be any easier for you though.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088269" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Instead of typing you just listen to both of them make out while moaning.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088271" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite glitching out everything you can still hear hear them moan while they make out.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her asshole is incredibly tight.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&!y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Katy gets off and shoves you into Gilda.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088261" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088265" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's only fair, how could anyone last long against these two assholes?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He's so big!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18&&!y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you are getting close they hear you groan.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088277" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you about to blow it in her? I sure hope you share your glitch free cum.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088280" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We still have enemy stability left despite your efforts. I sure hope you share your cum when you blow.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088284" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDeadCheck()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that it...? I think I can get the rest out!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It felt like he put some in my hole but go ahead Katy!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088287" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She extracts even more cum!

file-=10 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2088291" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I knew you were holding out on us.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, your files are delicious, here is a bug for your trouble. Now get out of here.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b1',1)

They slap your ass as you are pushed out of their program.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9, {disable:{\r\n run:\"Didn't anyone tell you that you can't run from a boss? Much less two of us.\",\r\n}})" } } ], "3--zone-select": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo=onlyLoadMusic() /* REQUIRED!!! */", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='neon'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='dr'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='sport'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "saveGameDelay(),backPage()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2679144" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=3" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select-2-moh-kontaktproblem.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('bch')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('hous')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('arm')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg&&hyp>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=hyp*2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hypnosis ๐Ÿ˜ต" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage(getHypnoSlaveLoop()))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Level 2 and beyond have time limits for typing.

Switching to casual mode will remove typing timers but bosses will only give half the hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Casual Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=false,hmode=.5" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Casual Mode ๐ŸŒฑ" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Switching to normal mode will re-enable typing timers but bosses will drop twice the hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Normal Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=true,hmode=1" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Normal Mode โฒ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "id": "mute", "buttonLabel": "๐Ÿ”ŒAdjust E-Stimโšก" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('--volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "hack", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--hack-report-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hacking Database ๐Ÿ‘พ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Level 3

๐Ÿ“ You have cor corrupted files out of file ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŒŒ Neon Nights ๐ŸŽค", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('neon')" } } ], "color": "#ba68c8" }, { "label": "โ€โš•๏ธ Hospital ๐Ÿฅ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('dr')" } } ], "color": "#26c6da" }, { "label": "โšฝ Stadium ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "3-sport-claire-1-round--" } } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('sport')" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport',1)" } } ], "color": "#e65100" } ] } } ], "2-bch-tahlia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089703" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you approach the next girl you see another popup.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269238" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "OK", "commands": [], "color": "#9e9e9e" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089683" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089654" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089699" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089701" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Guys like a good variety in outfits right? I think I came prepared this time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089684" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089681" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089192" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089702" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's time to start removing either one though. This could just fall right down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089686" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089679" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089193" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089655" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then for the big reveal, you ready name?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089685" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089680" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089194" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089667" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you know I was going to show you my tits first? Sometimes it's a guessing game.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089687" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089678" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089195" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089666" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you getting any naughty thoughts as I'm bending over?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089688" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089677" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089196" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089665" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Remember, anytime you want me to switch outfits, just ask!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Such great weather, it just makes you want to run your hands through your hair.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089689" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089676" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089197" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089198" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089690" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089675" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089199" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089664" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you probably thought just because I sat down you might be able to see some pussy. Is that right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089691" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089674" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's cute that you prefer the braided look.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089200" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089663" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you asked me to change my outfit, I like straighter hair as well.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089692" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089673" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089662" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This beach is just breathtaking, don't you agree?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She swings her legs around playfully.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089693" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089672" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089202" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089661" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089694" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089671" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089203" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089660" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is one breast covered? Don't type your prompts and you can see them both again.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089695" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089670" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089204" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089659" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089669" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089651" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089657" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tahlia==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't think we met yet, I'm Tahlia and it's been such a pleasure.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hopefully you didn't forget one of your favorites Tahlia, you did save me after all.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089697" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089698" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089652" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:450a4cb0-205d-4601-8960-de09278b9ffc/2089656" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Too busy switching instead of destabilizing me, how kind of you.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^switch*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "any---h-wait": [ { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "2-bch-eva-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "catch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I didn't think you'd be able to snap out of it.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your system seems to be freezing, you can't even seem to move your mouse.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090019" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sir? Are you OK?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269234" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, it looks like you had a system freeze, what a great opportunity to take advantage of.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090020" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts unbuttoning her blouse.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,x++" } } ], "timerDuration": "15s", "id": "catch", "title": "Eva's impatience" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090021" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You just stay right there and I'll take care of the rest.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090022" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090043" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090023" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good, when you have a system crash it's best to rest up as you are doing and stay off the keyboard a bit. Your system has to reboot.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090062" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like trying to type during a system crash makes everything fade out. Just rest up.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090024" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090044" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She unbuckles your pants

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She notices you aren't wearing any pants and smirks.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090025" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090045" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look what I found beneath your underwear!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You aren't even wearing underwear, your cock is just there for the taking!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090026" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's good. Keep resting just like that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090046" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Blur everything out if you wish, I'm still going to use you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090027" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090047" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090028" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090048" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090029" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090049" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have it all nice and wet now. I'm actually even wetter just thinking about you lying there all helpless.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090030" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090050" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She hums a tune as she removes her jeans.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090031" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090051" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I picked a bad day to wear underwear. I don't need anything delaying me before your system is restored.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090032" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090052" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have the sinking feeling that if you don't get your system back online soon, she will have her way with you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090033" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090053" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The time has come, now where is that cock?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090035" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090056" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, I know you want this so badly. Just look how hard you are rubbing up against my lips.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090034" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks to you relaxing for me, look how much of the tip just went in!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090054" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even if you are typing, I'm still going to fuck you name. Why not at least enjoy yourself?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090036" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090056" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It slides in as Eva takes you as her victim.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false,sex=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her pussy seems to be deleting files from your system, file-=4 remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090037" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090057" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look how deep I can push you in!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090038" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, just sit back and keep giving me those files. Can't you feel how good this is?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still fighting it? You have plenty of files left, think of how good this feels!

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090039" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090059" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though you can't move you can feel every aspect of her vagina. It feels as though you are ramming up against her cervix.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090040" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you like when ladies take over for you? Keep surrendering to it then.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090060" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cut that out name. I'll do all the work.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090041" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090061" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is about to send you over the edge. Maybe you have time for one last prompt!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

(Click to skip ride)

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "catch" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2724ede7-328a-40a8-90a7-a5fd5362fc06/2090042" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you never got that system back online but at least it's still standing!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know how I would feel about deleting ALL of your files while you are so helpless.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Come back when you get some more.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "2-bch-taylor-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"We don't need you anyways\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy=16" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090291" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look who arrived just as we were getting started! I'm Taylor and I think we have room for just one more.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269239" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090292" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090293" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This girl with her hand down my crotch is Jenny.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* I was looking forward to this but nice to meet you name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't worry, nothing he can do will ruin our fun.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090294" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090295" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you are right, he isn't typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090297" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You sure about that? He is glitching us this very moment...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090298" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090299" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like you are getting a bit distracted. Trust me, I'll handle him if I need to.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090300" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright then, he did leave us alone just now again so maybe you are right.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090301" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I trust you but you are letting him destabilize your program.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090302" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090303" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Shhh... IF he somehow wanted to beat me for some reason, I'll always return to get my revenge.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090304" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But right on cue, he missed another prompt. We are in the clear.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090305" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, glitches or not I still have some data integrity left.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090306" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090307" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Taylor is incredibly absorbed in pleasure while Jenny can't seem to relax with you right there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090308" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? He can't type worth crap, you get a spanking for not trusting me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090309" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still typing. Does name need a spanking just like Jenny?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Taylor loads a dildo program and it pops up almost instantly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090310" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090311" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090312" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090313" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh Yeeesssss!!! You could never please me like this name...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090316" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might have misjudged you, maybe we can let you sub in for the dildo next time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090317" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep that typing trash up and you will never get to sub in for this dildo.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090314" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:026dd12b-9657-4128-8db0-0e36b90dc41e/2090315" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"That about wraps up your show. We are going to have some private time but we won't forget you!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "any---h-run": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lcuff>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't run with your feet bound!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "bj" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--;clear--,popStack();doEsc(FO().escapePrompt)" } } ], "2-bch-angelika-1-boss---watch": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"We were just celebrating with you.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You made it! You beat them all but now have to wait for them to catch up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093699" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is out of breath - Wow name, we thought you couldn't resist stopping for all those temptations.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093695" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But fair is fair, we said we would reward you. The other girls are about to show up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093697" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must enjoy seeing coconuts right? Oh look! Here they come!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you turn to the left you see 71.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093701" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093693" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! Look at that, all the girls want to show the victor what he won!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not only do you get to see all of us pose for you, but you get 10 extra files as a gift from us!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file+=10" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093706" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think, if we bent down a bit more he could run a train on all of us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093708" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, take off your bottoms and see how far you get!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take them off", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are already bottomless, who would you put it in first?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093704" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry, not this time name. Just because you won some race doesn't mean you earned a 5 way. Maybe next time we meet you will have accomplished something to deserve all of us.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "target=1,doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"Why run now? You already won.\",\r\n}})" } } ], "2-bch-angelika-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But we set up the whole game and everything.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>25", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x+=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>10&&voy<1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>20&&voy==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:3ea7f22a-f22b-470e-b6b5-c6fc674c9f74/2089191" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "boss" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boss\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The virus is trying to take over your peripherals.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269233" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bchboss2-tropical-summer-music-music-unlimited.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

69 - Hey name, you showed up just in time. We were about to start the race.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

69 - If you win, we have a reward for you.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093162" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093164" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

71 - Oh you don't know what the race is all about? Think of it as a sexy obstacle course that you can witness. Sorry... no taking part this time.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

88 - If you stop too much to watch the... activities... then you won't be able to beat us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

86 - Go ahead you can set us off when you're ready!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "GO", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093165" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093166" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Try to keep up! Type keep running to pass up the obstacles and win the race. The first checkpoint is here. Are you going to watch it or not?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2095877" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The checkpoint is just some guy standing with his dick out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

69 - I guess you didn't want to run by eh. No glitches either, you must really want to watch.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093167" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

69 - I guess you didn't want to run by eh. You wanted to destabilize us instead? Good luck, there are 4 of us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093181" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These other programs seem to be at different checkpoints ready to receive pleasure. They don't seem to notice your presence or your attention.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

86 - At least we are beating 71!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093182" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093183" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are approaching the second checkpoint, should you keep running?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2095874" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You find yet another program with his cock out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093169" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093170" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

69- Gotta be quick, the other girls are catching up! Looks like I have a fan.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093171" } }, { "say": { "label": "

71 - Have to be faster than name's typing. He hasn't glitched me in a while.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

71 - Have to be faster. name is destabilizing all of us, this has to be a quickie.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093173" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093174" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have arrived at the next checkpoint. Should you keep running?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093175" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093176" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

86 - You think that little head start will help you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093177" } }, { "say": { "label": "

69 - I almost didn't notice that name has been missing prompts, he must really enjoy watching.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

69 - I almost didn't notice that name has been missing prompts, he must really enjoy watching.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093179" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093180" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other girls are approaching the next checkpoint as 69 finishes up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093184" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093185" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It appears to be the final checkpoint! You might be able to win the race if you keep running!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093186" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093187" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

88 - Oh he stayed to watch? This is about to get really hot.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093730" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093734" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other girls swarm in, eager to make their last checkpoint really count.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093198" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093199" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

88 - Yes!! Teamwork is where it's at! Go get him 69!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093188" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093189" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

71 - Did you think you could destabilize us or where you a bit of a voyeur?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

86 - He must be a voyeur, he isn't even trying to glitch us.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

86 - Well he does seem to be doing his best to end our program, but he could sit back and enjoy it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093192" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093193" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

All four girls turn their attention fully to double teaming the other programs as they shift their attention away from you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093194" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have you resigned to just watching?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093195" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They have enemy integrity left, do you press on or just enjoy this?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093196" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093197" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

86 - Hey! You all left me to solo this guy!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093200" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093201" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

71 goes to shout something to you but the other program stops her.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

88 - Tag me in! I can finish him faster.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093202" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093203" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can feel your state as a voyeur growing as you are filled with a need to watch whenever you can.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093207" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093208" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

69 - Let's not forget about you girl.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

71 - I think I won, he's finishing!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093204" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

88 - Dang! I thought I had her beat!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093205" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>25", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093710" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1=0,b2=0,b3=0,b4=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

86 - Don't hog the winnings, share it with your teammates!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They completely ignore you at this point as you are left to load the next program.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:de4e106f-5be0-41ca-a351-52c7b2211364/2093206" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Wait... did someone pickpocket all of your bugs while you were distracted...?\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(keep running)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(s_(\"88 - \").color(colors.text) + s_(\"Hey! That's a false start!\").color(colors.girl), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=5" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&x<8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=8" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&x<12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=12" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$x=0,getAltPlayPage('watch')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(s_(\"You try to run but your eyes are glued on what is happening.\").color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"You hurry along and pass up the checkpoint.\").color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"You are running the wrong way!\",\r\n}})" } } ], "2-bch-angelika-1-boss-dmg": [ { "say": { "label": "

Watching the four of them is getting you aroused.

dmg=true,cor+=5 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any-boss-lose": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl() // Record that we like her type, and other things like scene type, etc. " } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "1-col-shyla-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You must not want a colorful world...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095894" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh hey name, looks like I have the pleasure of being one of your first encounters.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268665" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095895" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095896" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you expect more colors in color world? Well, that's where I come in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095897" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have a feeling that whenever you type the prompt correctly it will glitch the color out of everything. Good thing you didn't because that doesn't sound enjoyable for anyone.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095898" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, no one has ever tried to reduce my program integrity before. Your typing is causing all of the colors to be eliminated!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095899" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095900" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always find I do my best work naked. I even picked out a smaller apron for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095901" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good choice, soon you will be able to enjoy my masterpiece.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095902" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch haha! Having the colors ripped away hurts!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095903" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095904" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That apron wasn't helping much, so I got rid of it. Now the only thing that can stop you from seeing everything is by messing with that awful keyboard.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095905" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might agree that my other work of art is between these legs.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095906" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aw too bad you don't get to see my work of art between my legs. You are doing that to yourself each time you type.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095907" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095908" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't be into bare feet now would you? The virus will find out soon enough.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095909" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you stop typing to spank it? Careful name, wet paint!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095910" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aw! I had such a colorful ass that you are missing out on now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095911" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095912" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's not easy being this vibrant but I did always enjoy getting messy for the art world.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095913" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095914" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The paint isn't the only thing that's wet!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might want to remove your outfit if you are going to touch it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Good, without your shirt and pants you don't have to worry about touching it and getting paint on them.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095915" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you didn't type, we don't want to get the paint all over your keyboard either!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095916" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't understand why you want to miss out on all the shades of sexiness!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095917" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095918" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look - my body painted that for you. Probably the sexiest Rorschach test ever made.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095919" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know what I see. name staying away from typing to enjoy this vibrant world.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095920" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things probably don't look like much to you, it isn't much more fun on my end when you type either.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095921" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095922" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at that, the pallet can even be used to tease you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095923" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you have one more chance to see all these beautiful colors. I know you will make the right choice again.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095924" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have one more shot, you better not make me stuck like this in black and white.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095925" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm so happy you aren't colorblind!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0e2f75ca-e94b-4358-8420-f9850d7caf34/2095926" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be colorblind or something but at least I have some stability left.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I think I'll paint everything I see from now on.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784", "visible": "$x<3" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธRisk losing the colors by typing๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [], "visible": "$x>2" }, { "label": "Don't type and enjoy her painting", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "visible": "$x>2", "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(4)" } } ], "1-prin-kara-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "midnight" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"That's no way to treat the future queen.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100182" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "60s", "id": "midnight", "title": "5 Minutes until Midnight ๐Ÿ•‘" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you here for the ball too? I've been waiting my whole life for this moment!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269110" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "midnight" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,z==1", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "midnight", "title": "4 Minutes until Midnight ๐Ÿ•‘", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "60s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "midnight", "title": "3 Minutes until Midnight ๐Ÿ•‘", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "60s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "midnight", "title": "2 Minutes until Midnight ๐Ÿ•‘", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "60s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "midnight", "title": "1 Minute until Midnight ๐Ÿ•‘", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "60s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100205" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"As you hear the clock strike midnight, everything in front of you starts to revert into a pumpkin\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100185" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100186" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

A fairy godmother told me that I only have until the clock strikes 12 for her magic to work and win over a prince.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The stories always said when someone didn't type they could be my one true love. How wonderful is that?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100184" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They said my one true love wouldn't be typing so maybe you aren't the one I'm looking for. You seem to be causing the carriage the turn back into a pumpkin.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100187" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100188" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If for some strange reason you wanted to not cherish our last few moments together, you could always enter the wait spell.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks to you not making your prompts, we still have some time left to share while the spell holds.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you trying to break the spell on purpose? I haven't met my prince yet!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100192" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this just like those wonderful tales? But we only have 5-z minutes left to fall in love.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100193" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you declare yourself chaste from the keyboard? That's something I could easily love.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100194" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some mice made my dress but it looks like you are using your mouse to end things early.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100195" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must really love me, I can't wait to show my stepsisters that I finally found someone.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100196" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... you keep typing, did my stepmother send you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100197" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100198" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

At first the fairy godmother almost made me some glass slippers but she said those just make people have foot fetishes... whatever that means...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100199" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are mistyping out of love then maybe my days cleaning the cinder are behind me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100200" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are trying to destabilize the spell then you might end our time together!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100202" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We only have 5-z time left in the ball to decide if we are right for each other.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100203" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9c35bcbf-104a-42d2-9bf2-0d2299b0bfdc/2100204" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And goodness me! It looks like the program is only letting you write one more thing. If you mess it up we can be betrothed at once!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "midnight" } }, { "say": { "label": "

True love! When do you think we will be wed?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"The program starts running another subroutine and you are swept away to another one before you can respond.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"wait\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "1-col-angelina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I hope you don't give the other girls your color errors too\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101283" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you here for the art class? I get to be your nude subject!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268662" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101284" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101285" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, you're not? I didn't know a virus could bring you to me but we can still enjoy the artistry of the human body.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101286" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems like whenever you don't type correctly your computer can process the right colors. Might be a good idea to keep on that path.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101287" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like every time you type correctly it destabilizes the color program.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101288" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101289" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I found so much orange paint, it's still wet so it will probably keep dripping off of me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101290" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably noticed I missed a spot down there and stopped typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101291" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I missed a spot down there but it looks like you covered it up for me with your own red paint.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101292" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101293" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When purple and orange come together I think it is so vibrant. Do you?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yeah, mix some purple in", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#ba68c8" }, { "label": "Orange is fine", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, I'll add purple later.

" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101308" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think orange fits the female form? I think your lack of typing fits regardless.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101309" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! That purple is your doing!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101302" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101303" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I kept the purple away from the orange and white but I think we can mix a bit more now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101294" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101295" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, mixed in a splash of purple.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101298" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101299" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet that pussy is hard to see through all those purple splashes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, no rouge color errors to really enjoy the form.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101297" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Making my colors go haywire is destabilizing me name. I hope you know what you are doing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101300" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101301" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's still wet, I bet you don't know if I'm talking about the paint or my pussy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101304" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The lack of errors are making it way easier to achieve inner peace.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101305" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so hard to concentrate with these loud errors.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101306" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101307" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like it is completely covering my holes. But I bet your imagination can... fill the gaps.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101310" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't need much imagination on this one just like you didn't need to type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101311" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those are some big color errors, you need a lot of imagination this time.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f456bad4-105d-4296-86b4-83c2aa4411f3/2101312" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everything is reverting back to orange now thanks to me having integrity left.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Looks like the paint had time to dry, this might be the end.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "--restore-game": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2683024" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you're already under our control. Would you like to continue where we left off?

(Clicking no will start from the beginning but still keep girl preferences and hack database)

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel||toridel", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

(To restore missing girl files you must delete girl preferences)

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "restoreSavedGame()" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "No, start from beginning", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "newGame()" } } ], "color": "#e53935" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clearPref()\r\nrefreshPage()" } } ] }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


This will wipe all saved variables to defaults. Any preferences, hacks, and information on deleted girls will all be reset to factory defaults.


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Continue ๐Ÿ’ฃ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clearAllPref()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "start" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Only reset deleted girls and preferences ๐Ÿ’ฃ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clearPref()\r\nrefreshPage()" } } ] }, { "label": "Nevermind", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--restore-game" } } ], "color": "#c62828" } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$1", "style": "hidden" } }, { "goto": { "target": "start" } } ], "4-spk-alice-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I'm surpried you could resist my methods.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You enter a tent to get out of the darkness.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2115549" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come in young traveler, I can tell this is a fortunate night for you.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116348" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! It looks like you already are open to some... suggestion.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She shakes her ass.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2115380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like no one has hypnotized you before, you have been missing out.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116349" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116350" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The crystal ball shows up when it thinks you aren't in my control enough and it tries to remedy that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116351" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116352" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want censorship the solution is simple! Fall deeper into my trance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your state of mind makes you think you have never seen anything more desirable.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116354" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you have a ways to go, just give in instead.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116355" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116356" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh am I undressing too fast for you? I always forget slow is best when it comes to powers of persuasion.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116357" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you are already on your way, I bet even my voice is giving you shivers of pleasure.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is right, you hang onto her every word.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116358" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You still have more to go, no need to fight it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116359" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116360" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My crystal ball shows that I have enemy integrity left. Let's just leave that right where it is.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(1+hyp/.09))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are progressing nicely. I don't even have to use the crystal ball directly on you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116362" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like my crystal ball is needed to sway you. I don't use it lightly. I don't even know what would happen to a mind that would refuse it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116363" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116364" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't pay attention to that timer. You want to spend as much time with me as you can right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, I'm getting turned on by knowing that your mind is putty in my hands.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Think of how good pressing that button would feel, you get to see all of me.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116367" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116368" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<18", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have brought my program stability down a bit. I am going to assume that was an accident but I don't want to leave it up to another mistake.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have been a good little boy and not attacked me. I have to reward such dedication.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have file+=5 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably noticed you can't even bring yourself to type and only want to look at my breasts.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDmg()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116370" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116371" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116372" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't it just feel right to spend time with me? You are probably forgetting about everything and everyone else the longer this goes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116373" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2116374" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The crystal ball is warmth. The crystal ball is pleasure. Let it guide you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2115577" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You made it! Care to fall a bit deeper?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2115578" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't imagine the fortitude it would take to not see me one last time. Take the easy road name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)\r\n" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f76c86ae-30c5-4047-a478-b73c7be46334/2115577" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's all the hypnotism you require... for now....

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Fall deeper", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Enough", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I can't keep trying to hypnotise you forever, but I'll be back when I'm rested.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Surrender to her trance ๐Ÿ”ฎ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)\r\n" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "// Remove \"Surrender to her ...\" buttons from hyp Notification\r\nresetNotifications()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^wait*$/i)&&y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "4-spk-okita-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(5))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There is an eerie whooshing sound that blows past you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112782" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you can make out a figure in the room with you but something about it feels difficult to make out.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Is someone there? Come closer.").fadeOut([240, 98, 146, 0.3])

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112783" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112784" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Ahhh, that's too bright! What are you doing?").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.3])

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wonder if you could highlight what is being said somehow with your mouse...


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112787" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112788" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not like those other girls.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_(" I'm actually a ghost in the machine so you might have to shed some light by highlighting the text to be able to read it.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112785" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Or maybe you did figure it out and just want to see this ghostly body.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112786" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Looks like you did figure it out, unfortunately for me I suppose.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112789" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112790" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Did I scare you? You didn't have to back off.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112791" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Oh look at that, you didn't type right but there is still a residual ghostly glitch.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112792" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("If only your keyboard was etheral too I wouldn't have to put up with these glitches.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112793" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112794" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("I see you got over your fear. Horniness can do that to some.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Yep, I'm a lot less scary without those glitches.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112800" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Just calm down. You know I would be less scary without those glitches right?").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112797" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112798" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Not every ghost is as well endowed as I am. The afterlife has some benefits sometimes.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

x+=2,s_("Wow, you really are scared.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer again", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

s_("But don't touch! I don't know what would happen, or if you would even feel anything.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112795" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112796" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112804" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112803" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Trying to maintain a physical form is tiring you know... Make it worth my effort.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("I bet you aren't typing because you want to see me take these off.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("How can I take these off if you are so busy glitching me with those bright lights?").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112806" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112805" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("You sure you don't want to look down there instead? I might have removed my underwear.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112808" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Sorry I'm sensitive to light... among other things.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112807" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("You probably have no hope of seeing it with this noisy glitching. Pity.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112810" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112809" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Oh no, I've held on to my corporeal form for too long. The spirit world is dragging me back in with chains.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112811" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112812" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Ugh, I knew it. I will always be a slave to the spirit world.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112813" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("And least you are being merciful and not adding to the suffering.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112814" } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("Are you trying to add to my suffering, that hurts.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112815" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112816" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

s_("This bondage compells me to tell you who I was in my past life. Okita.").fadeIn([240, 98, 146, 0.4])

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112817" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112818" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is all coming to an end now, I have stayed physical so long that you can probably even hear me more clearly now. I can keep pushing it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"If I didn't know any better it seems like you want me to haunt you forever.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "4-spk-nedda-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Were you worried about cavities or something?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^treat*$/i)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep eating up and you get a stocking show ~ โ™ซ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116429" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116430" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116425" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is playing with herself and doesn't seem to have noticed you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get her attention", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She adjusts her top and grabs a bowl to act like nothing happened.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A guest! Hello there name. Care to have a trick or a treat?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116426" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to enjoy a treat just let me know!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116431" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116432" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you think candy was for kids? It can stop things from glitching out. Just have a bite.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116433" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116434" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The last guy who came through says hi. They didn't want to eat the candy. See how that turned out for them?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116435" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad you are doing what's necessary to not glitch everything.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116436" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks at all those glitches caused by not eating the candy. The bowl itself is even blocking your view.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116643" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116644" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready for some... eye candy?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116645" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's good, take your sweet time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116646" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must not want to see anything.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh, I like putting my legs over things that are rock hard.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116647" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116648" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116649" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You follow instructions well, maybe you have something else I could lick.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116650" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep glitching me I'll stick to licking candy instead of something else.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116651" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116652" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How's that for a tasty closeup?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116653" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The skirt was fun while it lasted.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116654" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And if you keep following instructions like that it will continue to be fun.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116655" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops! Fun might be over with the glitches.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116656" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116657" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come on, you gotta eat lots more treats and candy than that if you want to see a stocking show.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you getting your fill of treats? You had z so far.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116658" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116659" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you had enough treats, then looks like you get to really enjoy my stockings.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&!y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Guess you didn't eat enough treats x++,name...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So begins the stocking show!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are wonderful to keep a girl warm in those chilly October days.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116661" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They also keep men warm with a stocking fetish too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116662" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116663" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, bare feet and no prompts getting in the way, this is nice.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116664" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I'd enjoy my bare feet if it wasn't for the glitching.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116665" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116666" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you want me to move my hand and bend over? Ok, let me help me help you with that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116667" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Don't destabilize things and the candy bowl is nowhere to be seen.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116668" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That candy bowl seems to hate when you destabilize us.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116669" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116670" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to try my sweetest concoction? It drives men wild.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116671" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're such a sweet thing when you don't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116672" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the bowl can only block one thing at a time, you got off easy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116673" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116675" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I just have a few licks left of this thing, what are you going to do?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4140bb38-6d57-439e-b2d5-af72d1f20136/2116674" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm all done now, have to watch my figure and all.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Guess you really did have a sweet tooth\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "prompt=\"\";" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "prompt=\"\";" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^treats*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "prompt=\"no\",hckSayCall(\"It's ok sugar, you had enough.\".color(colors.girl), getDmgPage())" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"She dances as you finish the candy.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^trick*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "msg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"How's this for a trick?\").color(colors.girl))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "4--zone-select": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo=onlyLoadMusic() /* REQUIRED!!! */", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='lib'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='spk'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='sport'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:trailer-sport-stylish-anton-vlasov-(sport).mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "saveGameDelay(),backPage()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2679135" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=4" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select-2-moh-kontaktproblem.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('neon')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('sport')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('dr')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('drboss')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('mic')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg&&hyp>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=hyp*2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hypnosis ๐Ÿ˜ต" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage(getHypnoSlaveLoop()))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Level 2 and beyond have time limits for typing.

Switching to casual mode will remove typing timers but bosses will no longer drop hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Casual Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=false,hmode=.5" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Casual Mode ๐ŸŒฑ" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Switching to normal mode will re-enable typing timers but bosses will drop hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Normal Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=true,hmode=1" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Normal Mode โฒ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "id": "mute", "buttonLabel": "๐Ÿ”ŒAdjust E-Stimโšก" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('--volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "hack", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--hack-report-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hacking Database ๐Ÿ‘พ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Level 4

๐Ÿ“ You have cor corrupted files out of file ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ“™ Library ๐Ÿ“š", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('lib')" } } ], "color": "#ff8a65" }, { "label": "๐ŸŽƒ Spooky Town ๐ŸŒ•", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('spk')" } } ], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ], "4-spk-angel-1-boss---ex": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage(prompts=promptsEx)\r\nFO().enemyIcon = '๐Ÿ˜ˆ'" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "shirt=false,underwear=false,pants=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She convulses on the bed until the spirit seems to leave her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118552" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Deep breathing* name... is that you? What happened?

You hear the program unlock.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why am I naked? I only could see bits and pieces but did you just perform an exorcism on me?!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Who knew a demon could just take over you like that? I wonder what I even did in its control. Regardless, I can't thank you enough.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^rope*$/i)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119808" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you doing?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Tighten them", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How much tighter are you trying to go? You are going to cut off my circulation!

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Release her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=60" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Hit her with it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119976" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cut that out!

Her program is reduced to --file,--enemy

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119977" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She kicks you away as you lose one file! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

It's not very effective...

" } } ], "color": "#ff5722" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You lean in to blow out the candle.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118562" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the candle is extinguished, it feels like the whole room shakes.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She levitates off the bed as you bring her back down and try to restrain her to the bed.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119827" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her voice is different - What's going on? Ouch! What's the meaning of this?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to help her", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Escape the room and leave her there", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The program seems to have locked you in here! She seems to be your only way out.

" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What are you wearing? When the room reloaded you must have been changed into a robe.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119808" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There are several objects nearby that you might be able to use:



holy book

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other things you think you could say are just Latin phrases that come to mind.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name! What is this? Let me free!!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119827" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you could possibly destabilize this program? I have enemy left!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There are several objects nearby that you might be able to use:



holy book

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119820" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You open the book hoping to find something helpful against her.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah! There's something! Physical contact might drive out the demon!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119810" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get that away from me! Do you think I'm possessed or something? This is crazy!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119822" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You rub it across her face as she shrieks.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop that!!! I'm uh... allergic to that!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โœž Her program stability plummets to enemy-=10

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

While squirming around, she kicks up her nightgown.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119817" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That wasn't very nice but if you untie that rope, I can let you really enjoy this body.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is thrashing about so it felt prudent to hold her head somewhat still.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

See? It hasn't been enough! Just let me go!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try it again", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119814" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Agh! Stop it! I trusted you!

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Try something else", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=10,hckSay()" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" }, { "label": "Hit her with it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119949" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Seriously?! I just offered my body to you!

" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

โœž Her program stability plummets to enemy-=10

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119922" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unsure what to do you drip the wax on her as she shrieks.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to enemy-=5

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&!y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You come up with another idea, not the most mature but you are willing to try anything at this point.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119917" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to enemy-=5

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you wouldn't last long without sticking something in me but I can think of something better!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119918" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Untie this rope and we can turn this unfortunate misunderstanding into a fun romp.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&!y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put another candle in her ass", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119921" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are into assholes just untie me and you can ravish it!

" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "Come up with something else", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You remove the candles to try to think of something better.

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119919" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to enemy-=7

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&!y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ready to try something else potentially more effective, you remove the candles.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=10" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119950" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey name, just let me free of this rope and I can show you the best time you've ever had.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You still can use the candles.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You still can use the holy book.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to fuck her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=40" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Try for Anal", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ha! You are going to have to untie me first before I'll reward you with it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=10, prompt=\"na\"" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Keep Typing", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=9" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==40", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's difficult with her being tied up but you flip her over with her help.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119960" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you just wanted to tie me up to be kinky right? I love it!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>40", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==41", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119961" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It slides in effortlessly as the entire room suddenly feels colder.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==42", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119962" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability plummets to cor+=12,enemy-=12 as 12 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==43", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119963" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her moans sound otherworldly. This does seem to be having a big effect on her despite your files being corrupted at a rapid pace.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==44", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119964" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability plummets to cor+=12,enemy-=12 as 12 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She mumbles with things in her mouth - Are you going to be able to keep this up? I can go all night and then some!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==45", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119965" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==46", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119966" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability plummets to cor+=12,enemy-=12 as 12 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cum for Angel's pussy, I know you've been waiting to since you got here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==47", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You try but you can't last any longer. Some force causes you to be unable to pull away.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#00acc1" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are my next target to posses, thank you for giving me all of your files!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==60", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The moment the ropes come off she pushes you down and shoves herself into you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2120157" } }, { "say": { "label": "

OH you're so BIIGGG!!!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to cor+=7,enemy-=7 as 7 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==61", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2120158" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, it's moving better now. It took my breath away!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==62", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Turns out I have a few accessories of my own!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2120159" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to cor+=7,enemy-=7 as 7 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==63", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2120160" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmnnmmm, you are lasting far longer than my last vict... erm, visitor.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==64", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119970" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to cor+=8,enemy-=8 as 8 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Too bad I still have stability left! Haha! Give me more!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"She loses the last of her stability\")" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>64", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119971" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=40 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What possessed you to give me so much? I love it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119972" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She finishes siphoning all you have as the room unlocks.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


getUcc(typeTest, "gothic")

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()+1", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^candles*$/i)&&x<12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"You tried enough of those things already!\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false,x=3,z++,hckSay(\"You grab the group of candles and light them.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^holy book*$/i)&&x<12&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"You tried enough of those things already!\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,x=3,z++,hckSay(\"You grab the book and bring it to her.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^rope*$/i)&&x<12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"You walk to her restraints.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=2" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "4-spk-angel-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "shirt=false,underwear=false,pants=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She convulses on the bed until the spirit seems to leave her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118552" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Deep breathing* name... is that you? What happened?

You hear the program unlock.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why am I naked? I only could see bits and pieces but did you just perform an exorcism on me?!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Who knew a demon could just take over you like that? I wonder what I even did in its control. Regardless, I can't thank you enough.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118562" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spk-boss-mystery-and-thriller-music-akisloukas.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you enter the next room it is incredibly unsettling as it looks like you hear someone fall into a bed.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270358" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there. Sorry, I was just jumping on the bed. It's not very mature of me I know.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118542" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118543" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My name is Angel. I know there are a lot of scary things out there but you survived them.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118545" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118543" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can just rest now.

(Hint: She has so much integrity that you probably cannot beat her from typing prompts alone)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118544" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This candle will keep all the bad things at bay. Even the glitches!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118547" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that we are safe here I can relax enough to even get out of this nightgown. Imagine how bad it would be if someone were to blow the candle out though.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118546" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118547" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118548" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't it feel nice to be safe?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<50", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You must not have felt that safe because you tried to destabilize me a little bit. Even though I stopped the glitches with the candle it's pointless. How could you ever get through enemy more?

Simply rest your worries away.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You either feel really safe to not destabilize me or are really enjoying your rest. I'm glad you weren't skeptical like those others.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118550" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite my name, I'm not really an angel but hopefully I have the looks to match.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These are wonderful aren't they. But I don't want to risk you touching them to invite in those nasty glitches.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^rest*$/i)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118552" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, resting is even better when you do it with me. I bet you feel so rejuvenated.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not in the resting mood?

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118553" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might be a bit too horny but I'm just a holy girl. I even have this to keep the evil away.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118555" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can even pray together if that would make you feel more at ease.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118556" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, that's my... holy hole.

I've spent so long keeping the evil away but maybe I can trust you to look closer at it.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at it instead of typing", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118557" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,hckSayCall(\"But don't touch, I don't know if I can trust you yet\".color(colors.girl), getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118554" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep resting up. Thankfully the wind hasn't blown the candle out yet.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119284" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118554" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118558" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm not a real angel but I have the wings and I bet I could take you to a heaven of sorts.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118559" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I had my doubts but I'm really starting to trust you. It feels like everything is exactly how it should be.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118560" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know what? I have trust in the candle; do you think it might be time for you to touch it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2118561" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to stick it in instead of typing", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Haha! You got close enough for me to access your system too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119370" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Data Override INITIATED...

Transferring Files...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119381" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Possessed ๐Ÿ˜ˆ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You open your eyes from a different perspective, everything feels different.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Voice in your head - Looks like I found a new consciousness to trap in Angel.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look how happy you are in a girl's body and helpless against all your new friends.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your first instinct is to run away from them but this body moves against your will.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't it all just feel so right? You were born to suck cock.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level increased ๐Ÿ‘—

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I already gave the last program I trapped in Angel a few years of new experiences, now it's your turn.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119384" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't this all feel so much better? Getting your anal virginity taken?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your vaginal virginity that is, those other programs already took it from your cock that we said goodbye to.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes, I bet you feel my control closing in even more.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And just in time too, it looks like your friends are finishing up this round.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9903f397-add7-4378-87bb-1ff626b2cabc/2119387" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is just the first of many. Think of all the fun I will have with my new plaything now that I have complete control.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^blow out the candle*$/i)||prompt.match(/^blow the candle out*$/i)||prompt.match(/^blown the candle out*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z++,voy>=z", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"๐ŸŽฒ Your voyeur level makes it too hard to interrupt her. Try it again\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0,z=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('ex')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^rest*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor-=5,hckSayCall(\"Your file corruption reduces by 5 ๐Ÿ“\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "4-spk-chloe-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "monster" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! You stopped that evil program! Did you want me to give you a happy ending to celebrate?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "No", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ok then, thank you though!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=16" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you hear that?! I think it's still out there!

" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x=30,sex", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120406" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120407" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She screams as the monster shows up behind you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120417" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She screams as the monster shows up behind you.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(80))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It swipes you out of the way as your File corruption rises to cor+=15 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Retreat to fight another day", "commands": [], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=32" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "120s", "title": "Monster Approaching ๐Ÿ‘น", "id": "monster" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The next program seems to have loaded you midway through some storyline. You try to gain your bearings.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Tell her it's Ok and play along", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Ask who \"it\" is.", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You don't remember that scary monster stalking us? It's like we are in a horror movie each time we get well... romantic.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thinking of how to play along with the scenario you did the clichรฉ thing like the horny teens in the movies do.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120374" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120375" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120376" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120377" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But name! What happens if it shows up behind us? I don't want us to turn out like those victims in the slasher films!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Another one already turned your head invisible, I'm scared about what else this one might do to us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Are you sure? I don't know how much time we have if you aren't glitching the monster.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120379" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! If you keep glitching the monster like that we may have a chance to go further!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120380" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120381" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know we shouldn't but the urgency is really getting me horny!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well if you aren't going to defeat them I might as well motivate you to.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120382" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You're doing great, how can I help?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120383" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120384" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120385" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate it but do you really think we have time for this?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep licking", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120386" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120387" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Take her panties off", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120388" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120389" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But name! I don't know if I can right now, I mean I want to but it isn't safe!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}\r\nunderwear=false,pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You slide your tip in.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120390" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't going to destroy the monster program why are you taking your time? Do it quickly!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120391" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure you are going to be able to while typing quickly like that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9&&x<15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120392" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120393" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at you, the fear must have given you quite the hard on!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "if (shirt){\r\n msgs.push(\"You are getting sweaty so you pull your shirt off\".color(colors.text))\r\n}\r\nshirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120394" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120395" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Knowing you could be attacked any second has her thrusting back into you rapidly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120396" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You almost made me forget about the monster but you might have as well. I sure don't hear any typing down there.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120397" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes yes! Show that monster who's boss!

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep going", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120398" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120399" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Push her off and try to finish", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're getting close? Hopefully closer than the monster... Come here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120400" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120401" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120402" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you had to stop typing to try to cum or something.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120403" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can cum while glitching like that? Impressive.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120404" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120405" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==31&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120408" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must have been frozen in fear because you didn't even type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps you thought you could glitch your way out of this one but it's not enough yet.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==32", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120417" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It swipes you out of the way as your File corruption rises to cor+=15 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Escape", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Her eyes show the realization of betrayal as you leave her to fend for herself\".color(colors.text))" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you retreat to safety, the monster takes Chloe and picks up where you left off.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120413" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! This isn't a normal monster... He... Oh!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her pussy seems to revitalize it as its integrity rises to enemy+=5

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==33", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120414" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She seems surprised that you are just watching instead of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She can see you frantically typing but you can't tell anymore if she wants you to.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==34", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Watching Chloe bang the monster arouses something deep in you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Her eyes show the realization of betrayal as you leave her to fend for herself\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16&&x<30", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120404" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s", "style": "secret" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "monster" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120410" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120411" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha I got you off quick!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d85597b-9003-4c04-a3fe-b6cca1a74966/2120412" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Slasher films don't usually end like this but I like it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Thanks again!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"So you are just going to cum and leave me with that monster?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(run)$/i)&&b1>0", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "monster" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "--notifications": [ { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;shirt=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)\r\n" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "wanted[wtd]&&wanted[wtd].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "wtd" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "wanted[voy]&&voyeur[voy].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "voy==1", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mv", "title": "Minor Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "voy==2", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "v", "title": "Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "voy==3", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "major", "title": "Major Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "horny", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "horny", "title": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "hlvl[horny]&&hlvl[horny].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "loadedNotifications = true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---hypno-2": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019314" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019316" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019317" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019318" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019319" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019320" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019321" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019322" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019323" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019315" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "1-col-liya-1-boss---tits": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, come nuzzle in between.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998660" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998664" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt() to type: stop", "commands": [ { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^stop$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Can't handle anymore eh?

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getBasePlayPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That doesn't sound like you really want to stop after all.

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "Let her continue", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998661" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998665" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


I want to keep it going!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt() to type: stop", "commands": [ { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/stop/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Can't handle anymore eh?

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getBasePlayPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That doesn't sound like you really want to stop after all.

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "Cum for her! ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#00acc1" }, { "label": "I want to keep this going!", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998666" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my! You couldn't hold it in any longer I see!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have horny=false,file-=20 files left! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go get cleaned up and run along, your favorite program will pay you another visit quite soon.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "1-col-victoria-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Oh come on, it would have washed out!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "id": "boss", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boss\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colboss2-waves-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123491" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you approach the new group they don't seem to notice you are there.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You also seem to have loaded into a closed room with no discernable exit. Is this your first boss?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123492" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't know there could be so many programs to face at once but your curiosity gets the best of you as you approach further.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You got it on me! I didn't know we were going to do THAT kind of painting.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, someone's behind you!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123494" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well look who loaded in - You look like you could use a bit more color!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123497" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get those clothes off of him girls! I can't wait to paint all over that body.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123499" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We're on it Victoria! Ugh Stay still name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123500" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha! Look how embarrassed he is in front of us, cover him up girls!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123502" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no, I meant with paint...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe we just wanted to touch his dick teehee.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123504" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They giggle as they surround and smear it all over you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The plan was to paint him Rihanna, but you're giving me an idea.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123505" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look how cute it is, I knew he couldn't cover it forever.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

We can cover the rest of him too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123508" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bring more paint!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123507" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2123510" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright girls, I'll finish up back here but I think he is ready. That dick needs to see what 5 girls can do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, I can already feel him twitching, I wonder if all of us having our way with him was always his fantasy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142798" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It must be, I feel you getting harder by the second.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! How does it taste?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't hog it all, let me try!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142800" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are right, I guess we could all have a turn. name still has file-cor files left that we can corrupt.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It is possible they are really strong or the paint has caused you to become weaker. Either way you can't escape this hold.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They lower you to the ground against your will.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142805" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that, seems like poor name is giving up and didn't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142806" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He still seems to be typing but don't let that stop you.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142802" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There you go not sharing again.

She pulls the other girl off.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142807" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142808" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll handle it from here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142803" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142804" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Alright girls, let's not waste anymore time on blowjobs. Stand him up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142813" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at him, he can't wait to feel these 5 pussies.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142814" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why else would he not type right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142815" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While he did type some prompts recently, surely he will cut it out now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142816" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142817" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Almost there, take his virginity Candy!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Almost there Candy, I heard he already had sex. Let's not deprive him.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>12&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142818" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, isn't that better when you completely surrender? No glitches anywhere, just sex.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142819" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, isn't that better? If you are going to keep typing then I'll just keep covering your back.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her aggressive thrusts slam back into you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142820" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What the...?

Oh I guess I was too aggressive and he's too weak from all the paint! Whoops!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142821" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142822" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No matter, we're just getting started.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She plays around with your tip for a while as you feel it drip on you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142823" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is great and because he isn't typing I feel like I can go on forever.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Forever? If he is going to miss prompts I want another turn!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142824" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is great but his typing is stopping us going longer, ugh.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142826" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142827" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now, get off of him or else he is going to bust a nut early.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Finish now", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142834" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#8e24aa" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "9s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=30 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, I suppose I wont get another turn after all.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142828" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142829" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, are you happy now?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142830" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because he isn't glitching everything out doesn't mean you can be that rough with him though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142831" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Jeez Candy, just because he is glitching out doesn't mean you can be that rough with him.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think she's just giving him what he wants.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142832" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a2856d1f-7b02-4e7e-a9f2-42503bb15d33/2142833" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok hun, wrap it up, you complained about sharing. Don't be a hypocrite.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>20", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She stops moving as it feels like you are getting denied.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you didn't cum in time? Too bad dear.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! I bet he was counting on a few more rounds, that's what he gets for being greedy.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha, pitiful! I bet he is going to try to jack it later!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Of course you wanted to see this 6 way through but we are ending it here, it was our pleasure.\".color(colors.cor))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "4-spk-draven-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "looseResult=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143262" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you came to visit spooky town and its wonderful inhabitants.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143263" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Inhabitants like me, Draven.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Due to your distraction trying to type perfectly she lunges in and bites you.

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

Try not to type perfectly around her!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "vamp>4", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('vamp')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Oh come on you big baby, I just wanted a little taste.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143264" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143265" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm sure the teeth gave it away but I'm a vampire. You can join my kind if you want.

She clicks her teeth twice.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143266" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you aren't typing? It wouldn't be fair to bite someone so defenseless.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143267" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, spend your time typing like that, I wouldn't want to bite someone when they are defenseless.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143268" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143269" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And of course, what would a sexy vampire be if they just kept their clothes on all the time?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143270" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You sure you don't want to put up a fight? It's always cute when the prey tries to run.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143271" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's cute when you put up a fight but I don't know if you will be able to see much if you glitch me like this.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143272" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143273" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! You probably thought I was going to take my shorts off. Spooky town is full of surprises.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143274" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143275" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wouldn't it... suck... hehe if you couldn't see my whole naked body? Well this is your chance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143276" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You took the chance well, either that or you suck at typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143277" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Didn't I just say that you were going to see me naked? Not the time to destabilize a creature of the night.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143278" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143279" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to stare all day, how about coming closer to touch it?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143350" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While staring at it she sneaks a bite in.

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143280" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sometimes people surrender to vampires, I didn't know you would be one of them.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143281" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's wrong? You don't want me to nibble on you? Glitching isn't the answer.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143282" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143283" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can imagine after living hundreds of years I pick up a sexy thing or two...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143284" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How nice of you to leave me some file integrity. It would be nicer if you gave me your fluids too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143285" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You won't be able to put your cock in if you keep destabilizing me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143286" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143287" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! This is hilarious, I'm just a minor vampire and I'm beating you!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143288" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, type perfectly so you can join me in the eternal night. I don't mind just one more glitch.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143289" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't the only one seeing all red right now, come join me and my sisters in the eternal night.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143290" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143291" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Hmmm, go ahead and stay a human for all I care. It's not like you are good enough for us anyways.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "4-spk-draven-1-round---vamp": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "vamp-=2" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143356" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Vampirism ๐Ÿง›", "id": "vamp" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like our new vampire has started their transformation!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143358" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some other vampire you don't recognize starts making out with you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We love welcoming someone new into our coven.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143357" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Normally this kind of activity would send your file corruption flying but it doesn't budge. Maybe you really are immortal now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Draven was so kind to invite me along. Any friend of hers can have their way with both of us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take these off, we need to celebrate our new initiate the right way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143361" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sex feels completely different this time, like the world itself is more sensual now.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss them", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143362" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Enough", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Talk about driving a stake into me!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I miss it already. Bring it back to me - should I call you Count name?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143364" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Gasp!* Deeper! I can take it!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "17s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, you are one of us now my dear. Time to prowl the night.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "1-sch-alexis-1-round---ch": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess I should have cheered for the other team...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You follow her to the locker room where she meets up with her classmates.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2182241" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143563" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh here he comes. Hold on name, I'm just finishing up with them.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, bye Alexis!

", "align": "left" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143564" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All alone again. You never know who is going to show up when school is in session.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143565" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's nice of you, keep my stability nice and high so I can show you some more uniform violations hehe.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Were you trying to glitch me? I haven't even started yet.

I can't block them all.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143566" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143567" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

None of us knows why the faculty has a fireman's pole in the locker room.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143568" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143569" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some of us get a bit creative with it.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143570" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You will enjoy seeing my cheer routine more if you keep not typing just like that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143571" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hard to enjoy my cheer routine if you glitch me like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143572" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143573" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What would a pole be without a pole dance?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143574" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad these hips made you reconsider typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143575" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not in the pole dance mood? It's just us here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143576" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143577" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can I get a hip hip hooray as the bra comes down?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143578" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143579" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can imagine how motivated the football team is when they see these.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143580" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is the drool messing up your keyboard?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143581" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why mess a good thing up?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She dances as she pulls her panties down.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143582" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143583" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did I mention I was a virgin? Even the jocks haven't impressed me enough to give them a chance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143584" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I find the fact you are keeping my stability up pretty impressive though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143585" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But if my integrity goes to zero it's going to be real hard to give my virginity away.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143586" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143587" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Should I stick these in some nerd's locker? I bet they couldn't handle it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143588" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143589" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm surprised you are still wearing clothes down there, I thought I would have tempted you too much.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You think I don't see your boner? You are standing there bottomless!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143590" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143591" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh dear! The school bell is about to ring. We don't have much time until I have to load my class program.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You hear the school bell ring*

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143593" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Sorry, my program is autoloading. I tried to stop it but it is causing a glitch of its own. Hope to see you after.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&prompt.match(/^Hip hip hooray*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []\r\ndmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"I love it!\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "1-sch2-starr-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('once')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Look, you showed up to my classroom. What else was I supposed to do?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ahem* Let's try that again. I hope the task isn't too difficult for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:4aa3de12-2f06-4f84-aafd-87d0f7a3b1b7/2007133" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You arrive in the classroom.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take a seat", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143935" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh so you thought it would be a good idea to join Mrs. Starr after all, what's your name again... ah yes, name.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269224" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like your assignment from Mrs. Jackson isn't complete, were you wanting help with it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143934" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What kind of help were you thinking? Some private tutoring perhaps?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143936" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitches are clouding your judgement as you sit there.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps you need an easier assignment.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143937" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143938" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The lesson is quite simple, ignore the prompt and just type dildo. Come on, go ahead.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very good! But I didn't think it would make one materialize. This program is pretty wild.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hand it to her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thank you, lord knows it isn't meant for you.

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Keep it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143940" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips it from your hand. Don't look so proud of yourself, you don't have to wave it around everywhere.

" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143941" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143942" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you just going to sit around and watch me use it? You are welcome to learn all about the human body.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, learning works best when you aren't distracted from that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143945" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now, if you keep distracting yourself with the keyboard you won't ever learn.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143946" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143947" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No one will come by for a while, maybe I should just slide my panties over.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like that got your attention. What keyboard? Haha.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143949" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I moved them over but can you even tell with all this?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143950" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143951" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come here little one, this lesson is about to get much more exciting.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143952" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143953" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But first it's time to undress!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143954" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No typing I see. Are you ready to transfer over in my class already?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143955" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know if I'd let someone who enjoys censorship so much transfer into my class.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143956" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143957" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You look like you are going to take this education quite seriously.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&(pants||underwear)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slides your clothes off.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She grabs your cock and brings it to her.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143958" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143959" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always fantasized about sex with a student. Look how close we are as I rub it against me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143960" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143961" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I can feel it go in! This is it!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143962" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's so funny, you didn't even try to resist in the least.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143963" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's so funny, you even tried to stop it by typing and it happened anyways!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143964" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143965" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you focus on fucking me instead of typing I'll let you go extra deep. That is... if you think you can take it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143966" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Deal accepted I see. Come in all the way!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143967" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you didn't want to take me up on that deal? Pity.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, are you interested in becoming the teacher's pet from now on?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143970" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I would have never let you do me this rough if you were typing or something.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Drawn in by these sensations, your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to glitch me, you might as well lift me on the desk now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143971" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143972" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry up! Class is going to start soon, I don't want my students to see this side of me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You stopped typing, are you about to blow?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143974" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite your best efforts, I still have some file integrity left and it feels like you are about to blow.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143975" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Excellent, I hope to see you later in the teacher lounge for round two.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,prompt.match(/^dildo*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "1-sch-alexis-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^Starr*$/i)||prompt.match(/^Star*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x==7||x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hides for a second as Mrs. Starr peers in. She doesn't notice anything.

Gee that was close, thanks for warning me! Now where were we...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(15)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt=\"0\",y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Error: You already decided to stay

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program warning - are you sure you don't want to spend more time studying with the students?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stay and \"study\" with Alexis โœ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Go to Mrs. Starr's class ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround*.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startRound('starr',1,'sch2')" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Sheesh, I have to go to class anyways...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143528" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We have a dress code for a reason Alexis, button that up and get back to class.

", "align": "right" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269216" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh hello there, I was just talking with Mrs. Starr about... well it doesn't matter.

", "align": "left" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143529" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whelp, I have to get to my teaching. You look familiar but if you aren't that student that has an assignment from Mrs. Jackson, you could join my class by writing Starr.

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But he's not in your class, he probably just wants to say hi to me and type the normal prompts.

", "align": "left" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Mrs. Starr walks off leaving you with Alexis.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143532" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you stuck with me and didn't try to destabilize my program.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143535" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What? A glitch? Were you trying to destabilize me by typing?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* Let me try to remove it.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143530" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you a student too? This school is so strict.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143533" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143534" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I try to seduce the other boys with my outfit but they are cracking down on me lately. They are SOO traditional.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It feels like the only thing I can get away with is my cheerleader outfit. You could try typing cheer if you want to see it instead.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143536" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143537" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't help it, so few buttons can hold my shirt together so I stop trying after a while.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143538" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You seem to have a lot in common with my buttons, you both stopped trying.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143539" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My buttons may have given up but it seems like you are still typing like a madman. If you don't like me or something you could always run.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143540" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143541" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can see what the dress code thinks about THIS. Let me know if you see Mrs. Starr come back.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Mrs. Starr looks in โš ๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143543" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No keyboard eh? Glad you like what you see.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143544" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That keyboard is going to stop you from being able to see anything!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143545" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143546" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even some of the teachers seem to stare at my young ass. Who can blame them?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143547" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My ass seems to distract you plenty as well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143548" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitch it or not, I know you are still trying to look at it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Mrs. Starr looks in โš ๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143549" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143550" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My bra is slipping off, what are you going to type in response?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perfect, keep not typing to continue seeing them!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143552" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No bra but what's the difference if you can't see it?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143553" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143554" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love showing off my virgin pussy as well. None of the other students seemed to deserve it yet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143555" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think that just because you didn't type the prompt right you could deflower me? I doubt it but anything is possible.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143556" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One thing's for sure, I'm going to keep my virginity if you drop my stability to zero!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Mrs. Starr looks in โš ๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143557" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143558" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I saw her that time too, good thing she kept walking. We are in the clear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143559" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143560" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a shame the bell is about to ring, you probably only get one shot to see me without these.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You hear the school bell ring*

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143561" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I gotta go but good thing you made sure to see it in the end.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9f3b3dda-afd2-4193-b064-509df217fd9c/2143562" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I gotta go, too bad you wasted your last look by glitching me.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I hope to see you sometime after class!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cheer*$/i)||prompt.match(/^cheerleader*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('ch')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^Starr*$/i)||prompt.match(/^Star*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7||x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^Starr*$/i)||prompt.match(/^Star*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('star')" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(15)" } } ], "1-prin-crystal-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&looseResult>=0.75&&z>-1&&z<5&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2356444" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A petal falls. ๐Ÿฅ€

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Why did you clear my curse if you were just going to ruin my program? We were supposed to be wed!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I just wanted to be free of that curse.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^strip*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ha! That's one way to make me fall in love with you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==0", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ”ป๐Ÿ”ป" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ”ป" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no!!!! The curse is taking hold now!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "๐Ÿฅ€ No petals left", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐ŸŒน curse causes her file integrity to rise to z=5,enemy+=3

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144591" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is someone there? Has my hero arrived to lift the curse?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There isn't much time for me to explain but I am trapped in this loading program by some sort of enchantress.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144592" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm told I have to fall in love with a beast of a man to break it and return to the normal world.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144593" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You missed typing that, great! The more you keep my program integrity intact, the more easily I can fall in love with you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144594" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! We lost a rose petal and you glitched everything out by typing that!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like there are only 4-z ๐Ÿ”ป petals left. When the last one falls the curse will last forever! You can also fight the curse by typing wait instead.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144595" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144596" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I can tantalize you enough to spend enough time with me. How does that sound? I didn't pick up the nickname Belle for nothing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144597" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No stained glass glitches! I have hope for once to lift this curse.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144598" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Another stained glass curse? Are you trying to make this permanent by typing?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144599" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144600" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh can you not see enough? I'm so close to breaking the curse, I'll bend over for you if that helps.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144601" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you really my one true love? You might be!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144602" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wanted to glitch me when I bend over?!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b35ff059-8ab4-4334-8e82-3e629c950d87/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who's going to give up first?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b35ff059-8ab4-4334-8e82-3e629c950d87/2145735" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All my life I thought the curse would be broken but the last of the rose has fallen...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I'm stuck here forever. Looks like I have no choice but to bring you down with me now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&z<4&&!y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=-5,y=true" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! It feels like we are leaving this loading area. I think the curse is lifting!!!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144603" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm finally back in my bedroom! How I've missed it!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think my beast man deserves a bit of reward don't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144605" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144604" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Huh... Looks like we aren't completely free of that glitch but at least I don't have the main curse to worry about.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your clothes down to reach your dick.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144606" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144607" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&(pants||underwear||shirt)&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She quickly pulls all of your clothes off.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,shirt=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144608" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this better without stained glass glitches?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144609" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you not interested or something? I thought all beasts want to let their libido loose.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know if it is a side effect of the curse but you're so thick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Lay down my love.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144610" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144611" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I need to get it wet for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144612" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144613" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144614" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144615" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Any chance you might want something more? Something tells me this fairy tale will have a happy ending.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She glides her crotch across your thigh.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144616" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144617" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can we try just putting your tip in?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144628" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, it looks like you really want this. No glitches or anything.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144629" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want this? Come on, don't kid yourself. You might never have another chance to live out this fantasy.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, this is too tempting! I think I'm going to put it all the way in!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13&&virgin&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144620" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144621" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Crystal has lost her VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I guess I should have warned you that I was saving it for my one true love. Now we can cherish each other forever.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144618" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you do want to spend your life with me right? Isn't that why you aren't typing?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144619" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to spend your life with me why are you typing like that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144622" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144623" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! You really are quite the beast!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Gaston may have eaten 5 dozen eggs a day but he was always compensating for something.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144624" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your greatest demonstration of your love for me is not typing, my dear name.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144625" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on you brute, you can't possibly like the way I look like this.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We don't have much time left, I can feel the program ending. Bend me over on the floor!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144626" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2a8f3f29-8e3e-49ea-97fa-c40fe15775c2/2144627" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! The program is limiting our time together. She pulls away before you can finish.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'm so sorry! Come find me again so we can spend our happily ever after!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "1-prin-lera-1-boss---dom": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "restrained" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Oh come on, I was just having a little fun.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^beg*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I love when you beg but I need to here more!

" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Restrained โ›“๏ธ", "id": "restrained" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2151695" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Without warning the room loads again as you feel all of your clothes vanish.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150358" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you didn't know I could drag you into my cartoon realm? You're in my world now my new pet.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't recognize your face at all, she has changed you completely.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get you all strapped up. You should be thankful I didn't have a chastity cage on hand.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what would a pet be without their collar? Raja has a friend now!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She whips you repeatedly as cor+=6 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, my pet needs his hole filled.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your ANAL VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "avirgin=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel that? I think I found your prostate.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150362" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is someone needing to blow?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm afraid you are going to have to beg me for it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you want to go in me? Come here.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your precum drips all over her as you have file-=6 files left ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are just making a mess all over me! Imagine how much it would be if you actually came!

She tugs your leash a few times to rub into her.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150364" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are so close! You need to beg harder!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are going to stay a virgin for the rest of your life if I say so.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I bet you can't wait to have sex again. Too bad you need my permission!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Awwww, did my little pet not get their release? You must be a throbbing little thing aren't you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150366" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not even fighting back. You really are quite the pet.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Trying to fight back? Too bad my pet isn't strong enough.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel the program falter.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the virus won't let me capture you forever. I have to quickly remind you how you will always come crawling back to your princess.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2151695" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See isn't that easy? I'm glad you know your place even if we only have a few seconds left.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "restrained" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"As the program ends you are released from her hold and return to your normal state\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^beg*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-prin-lera-1-boss---wish": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()\r\nx=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So one drawback to that wish is that the princess kind of lives in a cartoon world. She can only briefly exist in the physical space.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150434" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can however keep her in a sort of "halfway" state if you want. Here, it is loading up now.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The good news is that she is a bit more, how do I say it, malleable in this state and we can adjust certain attributes of her from time to time. For example, ill remove some clothes if you put her in her full cartoon state.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Make her a cartoon", "commands": [], "color": "#ff9800" }, { "label": "Keep her in this state", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Very well, let me reload the program briefly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&hyp<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Give up princesssss! Your body and your kingdom will fall to the most powerful sssssorcerer of all time!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, you won't get away with this. Commoner! Hurry and save me with your typing instrument!

" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2151695" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lera3-royaltyfreemusic.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! While I was loading the wish Jafar seems to have attacked! He stole the lamp so he is my new master.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150415" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your hypnosis makes staring into Jafar's eyes unavoidable as you let him take control of the princess's mind. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('lera',2,'prin',1)" } } ] }, { "label": "Can you revert her to real life but with bigger boobs?", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok if that's what you wish but I can only maintain it for a moment.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150721" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for large breasts detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.min(1, tits+0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't know my genie could do that, good thing it used up your wish and not mine.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can feel it all reverting though, we don't have much time.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"The program fails to maintain this state as you are launched into the next\".color(colors.text))" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150433" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at that, it's starting.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150721" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150413" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, finally back in my natural state.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you want me to turn her thicker for a few seconds?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Thicker", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150414" } }, { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.min(1, body+0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for thicker girls detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enjoy it while it lasts, I can feel me reverting.

" } } ], "color": "#ef5350" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Alright, skinny it is. I'm going to unfreeze her now.

" } } ] } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('dom')" } } ], "1-prin-athena-1-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess back into the lamp I go...\".color(colors.gold))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^prince(|ss)$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You still have a wish left, if I give you another shot at the princess you can't use them. Did you want to discard your other wishes?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "No, I'll use my other wishes first", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z--" } } ] }, { "label": "Yes, this will be my last wish", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('lera',1,'prin',1,'wish')" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('lera',1,'prin',1,'wish')" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^free(|dom)$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You would really do that for me master? To make the wish permanent we would have to have intercourse.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Freedom ๐Ÿ”“ (must cum in her)๐Ÿ—๏ธ", "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

2 wishes left.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

1 wish left, make it count master!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149769" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lera2-lexin-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everything fills with blue smoke as the previous program crashes.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149726" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the smoke clears you find yourself in the company of someone else.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm free!!! You must be my new master!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149727" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes, it's best you don't type while I get comfortable outside of that lamp and explain the rules.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149728" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Master! Why are you trying to destabilize me? You just summoned me forth.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149729" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149730" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have 3 wishes. You can't wish for more wishes and you can't wish for anything silly like me not being able to count or anything.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A lot of them have drawbacks that you might not expect but I'm happy to grant them regardless. Well actually, I don't have a choice.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149731" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149732" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could give you a common hack by simply typing it.

I could give you another chance with the princess.

Grant you some bugs.

Or even some more files.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149733" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149734" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately I can't make anyone fall in love except you I suppose if you want to get technical. But even then I couldn't force it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149735" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149736" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, my old home. I could really reward my master if I don't have to be sent back into it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149737" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you decide that trying to defeat a magical genie was the wrong move?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149738" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were trying to defeat me, I'm all yours. I guess you could just wish for a win.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149739" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149740" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't wish for me to get naked but you get this one for free.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Speaking of free, I've always dreamed of being released from granting wishes. I could win my freedom and maybe run into you again!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149742" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149743" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come here master name. Let's really get started.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149744" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to show you my gratitude for rubbing so well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149745" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Master or not, I gotta put an end to your typing somehow.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&(pants||underwear||shirt)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She wiggles her nose as your clothes vanish.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,shirt=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149746" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149747" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hold her head and make her suck more", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149748" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149749" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Let go", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149768" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149750" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lamp oil makes a pretty thematic lube for a genie. I bet you didn't even know there was any in there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149751" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The master's blowjob seemed good enough to stop typing. I have more for you if you want to come.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Was master's blowjob not good enough to stop typing? I have more of me for you to enjoy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Give her oral", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149753" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149754" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Finish", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149755" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149756" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&a==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You haven't wished for my freedom? I'll let you have sex with me if you do.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thanks to your wish freeing me, we can jump right into it!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>12&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149755" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149756" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have wishes left. It's as easy as typing free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh too bad you don't have wishes left, looks like you can only stare at it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>12&&y&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149757" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149758" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I got my wish, what else did you heart desire?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Great use of your wishes wasn't it?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149759" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! I'm not used to this with humans! Without the smoke it just makes it so much better!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149760" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Smoke glitches or not I'm not used to humans, this is amazing!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149761" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149762" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like I'll have my freedom in no time. You are going to have to cum in me though for it to work.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149763" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't even typing, go deeper!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149764" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop typing and go deeper!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149765" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149766" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Almost there master! Give me your creampie! Set me free!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19&&y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149767" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That must be how we get new genies. But I can feel it! I'm free! Thank you so much mas... I mean name!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Now that I'm free of the lamp I might be seeing you around soon!\".color(colors.gold))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^bugs*$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"Alright but be careful with these!\".color(colors.gold))\r\nb1++,b2++,b3++,b4++,z++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^hack*$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z++,getNewRandomHackIn(15,50)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(s_(\"Wanting to unravel some mysteries eh?\").color(colors.gold), '--hack-report')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"Sorry, no more hacks like that left\")).color(colors.gold)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^free(|dom)$/i)&&z<3&&!y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,z++,enemy+=20" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=13" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"M..My freedom!?!\").color(colors.gold))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^love*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"I can't make anyone fall in love!\").color(colors.gold))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^prince(|ss)$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^win*$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I'm sad to grant this one but ok, you win master.\".color(colors.gold))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^files*$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file+=10,z++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"Good wish. I'll give you 10 files, does that feel better?\").color(colors.gold))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2&&(prompt.match(/^bugs*$/i)||prompt.match(/^hack*$/i)||prompt.match(/^free(|dom)$/i)||prompt.match(/^prince(|ss)$/i)||prompt.match(/^win*$/i)||prompt.match(/^files*$/i))", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

No wishes left!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "1-prin-lera-2-boss-dmg": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(25));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He whips you with his tail.

dmg=true,cor+=5 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-prin-lera-2-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()\r\n//FO().enemyIcon = '๐Ÿ'\r\n//FO().stabilityLeftPrefix= 'Jafar has'" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150433" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You saved me! Abriba will know of your valor!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&hyp<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Give up princesssss! Your body and your kingdom will fall to the most powerful sssssorcerer of all time!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, you won't get away with this. Commoner! Hurry and save me with your typing instrument!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&hyp<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yesssssss! Now that you are disrobed you will learn to love me.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll never love you!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The commoner isn't fighting you yet and I'm not sure why but when he does you'll be sorry!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

See! The commoner has injured you already!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&hyp<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150417" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Jasmine is falling into his spell", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,hyp+=2,x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Give her up to him", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,hyp+=2,x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "30s", "id": "hyp" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Jusssst look into my eyessss as you fall into my spell.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The princess already seems affected by the spell as she grinds against the snake.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yo... Your eyes... I never realized...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&hyp<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Take me Jafar...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0&&hyp>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You were also affected by Jafar's gaze but the princess is completely in his control now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150418" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come little princessss, feed your new ssssultan.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&hyp>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150419" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I ssssee you like to watch. Don't worry, she will ssssurvive.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ssstay out of thisssss. It won't kill her, just give her a new fetissssssh.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are quickly running out of time, you might have one more chance to defeat him!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>2&&hyp>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2150420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are unable to save her as you watch her be devoured.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy++,true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh the lamp! Maybe Athena can save me if I could only reach it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"The program comes to an end and as you load the next program you revert to your physical self\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-prin-lera-1-boss---th": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Maybe instead of defeating me you could have blown off steam by rubbing something else.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/i)&&x<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How did you know I had a lamp?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cartoon*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You want to see me as a cartoon do you? I'd have to introduce you to my genie Athena first then.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At your service Princess.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hello Athena, name here wants to see me as a cartoon. Can you guide him through that?

Your wish is my command.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('wish')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you even listening? You seem pretty distracted rubbing a few things.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('athena',1,'prin')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152090" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that? My hips filled out a bit.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152091" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! If you can't tell through the fire, it looks like my hips filled out a bit.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152088" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152089" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You you like your princesses just a bit wider do you? An odd use of a wish but you seem happy enough.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152081" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you aren't the only one who got your wish. You stopped typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152085" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitches may make everything pretty hot but I guarantee it would be even more so without.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She sways her hips in a hypnotic fashion.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think our program might be coming to a close.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152086" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152087" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program seems to be collapsing around you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I survived the intruder. The Sultan will be pleased when he hears how well I did.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove rub from prompt\r\nprompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*\\brub\\b\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"You take hold of the ramp and rub it. It's been rubbed (\"+z+\") times\").color(colors.text))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cartoon*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "1-prin-lera-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Maybe instead of defeating me you could have blown off steam by rubbing something else.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/i)&&x<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How did you know I had a lamp?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cartoon*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You want to see me as a cartoon do you? I'd have to introduce you to my genie Athena first then.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At your service Princess.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hello Athena, name here wants to see me as a cartoon. Can you guide him through that?

Your wish is my command.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('wish')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you even listening? You seem pretty distracted rubbing a few things.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('athena',1,'prin')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2151695" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "boss" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boss\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149686" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my, I don't know how you got past the guards and into my room.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:indian-trap-royaltyfreemusic(jasmine).mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not to mention Raja, where is your sidekick when you need them?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2152069" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm bound to the palace and have to bide my time. What were your intentions? You could smoke hookah with me.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Smoke with her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149687" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The room gets hazy as you lose track of time.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,dmg=true,doTimeout()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*50))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149688" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just to hang out? Great, no reason we can't have a little fun in the meantime hmmm.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149689" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are trying to destabilize me? The kingdom of Agriba wouldn't stand for such a thing!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We could enjoy the Arabian night together.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149690" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149691" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My only hope of escape is that lamp over there. Myths say that it might be able to grant whatever wishes you have.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, but I forgot you already found it already.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get the lamp", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149692" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149693" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you pick up the lamp your hand slides over it, you have rubbed it ++z times.

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Leave it", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, it's probably best you leave things you don't understand alone.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149694" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you aren't destabilizing me right then, I might have called the guards.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149695" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't happen to be Jafar would you? They had a habit of causing fire glitches like this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149714" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you pardon me, I need to get ready to try to sneak into the bazaar as a commoner.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149698" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149699" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't get too carried away with the sights, only a prince can enjoy this butt. However, considering I have a genie on my side, I might be willing to do more with you if you wanted me to wish for my cartoon form.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149700" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to give it to you though, risking your life to enter in my chambers and then not even typing. You aren't an ordinary street rat.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149701" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful typing now, you might burn this place down.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149702" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149703" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't seem like the type to have seen very many women's bodies in person. I'm about to show you a whole new world.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149704" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149705" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you trust me? You better not touch anything. Raja could come busting in at any moment and could tear you apart.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149706" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have my gratitude for not typing, the last guy who showed up was some weirdo with a monkey that glitched my whole room constantly.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149707" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you can't see a thing. Is that what you want?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149708" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149709" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The genie I have could even change my body a bit to your liking if you were interested.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get her genie to make her hips thicker", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2151695" } }, { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.min(1, body+0.2)\r\ny=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for thicker girls detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

The program resets.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('th')" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149710" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very good, it wouldn't be proper to type in front of a princess. You can continue to wait if you would like.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149711" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How dare you try to glitch the princess of Agriba! When I am queen I will punish this insolence.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149712" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bb38758-d8b3-47bd-8ee8-2699dfe2540a/2149713" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm sorry peasant, my father has declared princes only AND would have to arrange the marriage.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I survived the intruder. The Sultan will be pleased when he hears how well I did.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿช”Lamp Tutorial: To rub the lamp write rub as many times as you can in the prompt. For example, typing:

rub rub typeTest rub

is 3 rubs!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/\\brub\\b/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove rub from prompt\r\nprompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*\\brub\\b\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"You take hold of the ramp and rub it. It's been rubbed (\"+z+\") times\").color(colors.text))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cartoon*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-arm-riina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Not everyone's cut out for the army...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You hear the sound of gunshots as you are loaded into the next area.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006478" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who goes there?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269229" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "background": true, "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006477" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2065136" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2528410" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh it's you... Don't you know not to sneak up on a combat program?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2528408" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006479" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006480" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Especially one as heavily armed and endowed as I am.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006481" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you aren't typing? Did I scare you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006499" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think that typing is going to get rid of me that easily?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006483" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006484" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her clothes seem to be rapidly vanishing before you can react.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006485" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if anything in this utility belt could help you type any better.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006486" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if anything in this utility belt could make you fail your prompts, hmmm. Hard to tell around all the glitching.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false,bln = Math.min(1, bln+0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for blondes has increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-123longtickle.mp3", "background": true, "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006487" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006488" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You make a pretty easy target standing there gawking at me like that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006491" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006492" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When the fireworks go off you might need some sunglasses too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006489" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least I can cover up one glitch.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006490" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least I can cover up one glitch.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006494" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So as soon as I rest you try to destabilize my program even more?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the glitch gods think you aren't ready to see butt cheeks yet.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006495" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006496" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might be getting ready to unload your cocked piece but so am I.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2528409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She unloads a ton of rounds as you are deafened by the sound.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006497" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1006cd19-0e23-4a1c-b3b2-5cf05327138a/2006498" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I'm out of ammo and you're out of time. I'm surprised you had enough files left to withstand me.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get out of here before I use the knife.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "1-prin-charlie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "restraint" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ow, life on the surface sure is cruel.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eeb4d6eb-afb3-48a6-9e63-1eb7d2cd1703/2070055" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152137" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh hello young traveler. I'm glad I ran into you.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always been so interested in the surface world so maybe you can show me a bit of how it works up here.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152138" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, it looks like you are really interested to share information about each other's worlds. You didn't even type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152139" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What have you done? I guess typing causes water glitches of some sort. You can stop that for a bit while we share a bit of each other's worlds.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152140" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We mermaids can lure sailors in closer with our siren's song. Care to listen?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152141" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Agh, I can't even see you with these water glitches, I'll see if I can make them a bit better with my siren's song.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152140" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152141" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want to hear it you could try to cover your ears but I don't know if that would work.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x>1&&hyp<6", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Siren's song ๐ŸŽต", "timerCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "18s", "id": "restraint" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I made a deal with a witch to grant my legs for you. I think it's starting now!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152325" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152142" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152143" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can stand! I've always dreamed of this moment!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I even have a real human vagina! Down where it's wetter down where it's better indeed!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152144" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And for some reason when you don't type like that it makes me drip even more! Fascinating!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152145" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I improved the glitch a bit but you still probably can't see much if you keep getting prompts correct.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&(underwear||pants||shirt)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She sings another song that compels you to remove all of your clothing.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false,pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152146" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152147" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These feet are so versatile! I could never do anything like this with fins.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152148" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be quite the fan of feet, you aren't even typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152149" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not into feet? You don't have to destabilize me for trying you know.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152150" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152151" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I'll use my mouth next. That's definitely something I've had practice with.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152152" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152153" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽถ My little human, come try to have sex with me! ๐ŸŽต

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Already under control of her song you are compelled to give her what she wishes. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have avoided enough hypnotism to avoid her call.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "restraint" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I guess you didn't hear enough of my song to convince you. Off you go now.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152154" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152157" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this how all humans feel? Oh gosh I need a moment...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152156" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must feel it too! You can't even type with your surface device.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152158" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you not feel how good it is? You keep typing with your surface device.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152159" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is so much better than spawning!

She sings a little note to make you move in closer. ๐ŸŽต

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152161" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite your water glitches, I must come to the surface more often!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Almost instinctually she knows you are close and gets off.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152162" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e35d8965-0d6b-43c0-ae88-365524a365c7/2152163" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=18 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "restraint" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Mmm, salty. Just the way I'm used to.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^cover your ears*$/i)&&z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"You are able to avoid succumbing to her song for the moment\").color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "4-spk-octokuro-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "dont stare" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "say": { "label": "

Lera Himera, Octokuro, Zirael Rem

" } } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct=hyp+z,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You think you will be the first to escape our gaze?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153215" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you came to us, you narrowly missed that chainsaw man prowling around. Nothing like having 3 demons to keep you safe.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lera>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Glad to see you again commoner. As you can see I'm not exactly a princess anymore.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't think we've met, I'm Lera.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153216" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As one of the demons approaches you, you feel almost lost in her eyes. The sense of danger goes away as you just want to stare longer.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I'm Octokuro, something tells me you won't forget this name. Won't forget this name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>0&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "oct<5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Your hypnosis level adds to the mesmerizing to make you mildly imprinted.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Imprinted by Octokuro!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Obsessed with Octokuro! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e2299308-d9d1-43c3-89d5-fe81af08c628/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153217" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153218" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! Don't try to mesmerize him. He just got here!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153219" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153220" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what exactly makes you think you can stop me? He loves staring into my eyes.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153221" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153222" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that so? I guess we can find out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153223" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153224" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come now name, I know you want to look at me and enjoy everything I have to offer.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153225" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? You obviously love staring instead of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may have tried to destabilize me and all but I know you just want to surrender to it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153227" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cut it out Octo, he seems so helpless that he can't even type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153228" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's enough Octo, you are clearly scaring him into typing like crazy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153229" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153230" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Zirael is right, it would be unfair of us to use all of our demon powers so quickly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153231" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153232" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

He could have run away at any time, he wants us to use our demon powers!

He is obsessed with them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153233" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you are right, he isn't even glitching you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153234" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you are right, but he is fighting back for some reason.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153235" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153236" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

He can do what he wants, name is a big boy albeit a horny boy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153237" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153238" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Girls, girls... I think we are getting too focused on our guest. Let's just enjoy each other and stop judging his decisions.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153239" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153240" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153317" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Zirael's offer as your preference for tattoos grows.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Zirael's vision instead of typing ๐Ÿ˜‹", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If he wants to just watch then by all means he can!

You feel a similar pull from Zirael.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153241" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153242" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153368" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Zirael's offer as your preference for tattoos grows.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Zirael's vision instead of typing ๐Ÿ˜‹", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe he isn't interesting in boobs, I bet he is a pussy man. Is that right name? Do you want a vision of demon pussy?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153243" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153244" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153367" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Zirael's offer as your preference for tattoos grows.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Zirael's vision instead of typing ๐Ÿ˜‹", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you using visions on the poor boy? We all know you won't win the fight for his soul against me.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153245" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153246" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153366" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Zirael's offer as your preference for tattoos grows.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Zirael's vision instead of typing ๐Ÿ˜‹", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are? I thought we agreed to not invade his mind yet, that's not fair! Then I guess it's time to unleash my darkside!

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153366" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=8\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Lera's offer as 8 more files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“.\".color(colors.cor))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Lera's vision instead of typing ๐ŸŒŒ", "id": "dont stare" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153247" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153248" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,dmg=true,\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))\r\n//hckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are hit with all 3 stares at once!

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153392" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=8\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Lera's offer as 8 more files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“.\".color(colors.cor))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Lera's vision instead of typing ๐ŸŒŒ", "id": "dont stare" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153393" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)\r\nhckSayCall(\"You accept Zirael's offer as your preference for tattoos grows.\".color(colors.text), getDmgPage())" } } ], "buttonLabel": "See Zirael's vision instead of typing ๐Ÿ˜‹", "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's enough girls. Truce!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153249" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I love when you try to be the diplomatic demon, come here.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++,x++\r\nhckSayCall(\"You are mezmerized by Octokuro\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok sure... In the end we all know who you prefer.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Leave", "commands": [], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She winks as you barely get out of there\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1d4f5860-e533-49a7-9218-3b2cfe79376e/2153249" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She winks as you barely get out of there\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "dont stare" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "any---octo": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptOct.uniqueRandom(0, true)\r\noctodone=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Your obsession with Octokuro distracts you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e2299308-d9d1-43c3-89d5-fe81af08c628/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct<5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=3,oct--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Out of time! 3 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "11s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=3,oct--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Out of time! 3 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "16s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=3,oct--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Out of time! 3 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult<0.75", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

File corruption cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e2299308-d9d1-43c3-89d5-fe81af08c628/*" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptOct.uniqueRandom(0, true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult<0.75", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

File corruption cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "oct>9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e2299308-d9d1-43c3-89d5-fe81af08c628/*" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptOct.uniqueRandom(0, true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult<0.75", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

File corruption cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "oct--,backPage()" } } ], "1-sch-skyla-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('buzzpulse')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('like')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Were you worried about cavities or something?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269221" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you the new student? I heard another one was coming by the name of name.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154347" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that is you? Well I'm Skyla and remember that sometimes it's a struggle to fit in when you are new to the class.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154348" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thank goodness this isn't a typing class because you don't seem like you would pass.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, did you just do that from typing? That's crazy!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154350" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154351" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I also heard Mrs. Jackson gave you an assignment. I can help you with it if you leave me some file integrity. If you wait, I can get it done even faster.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154352" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! No typing I see. How did you know I was seconds away from taking this tank top off?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet if you keep glitching the school program from your typing activity you wouldn't be able to see anything when go topless in a second.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I imagine stripping would really spice up study groups.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154354" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It doesn't take a scholar to realize that these tits seemed to have halted your typing. Very good.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154355" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hrmm, I thought letting these out would stop you from wanting to type, what else do I need to do then?

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154356" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154357" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you happen to be a pantyhose fan? These are nude colored and almost make it seem like i've got nothing under the skirt until some schoolboy tries to peek.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154358" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154359" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No glitches, good job. I'll try to keep the streak rolling by taking everything off now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now, you can stop typing. I can't even see you!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154362" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154363" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program seems to be probing to see if you are a fan of feet or not.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So are you a foot fellow?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154364" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154365" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who knows? Maybe the creator of this virus could make an entire zone based around them.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "No", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok x++,name, then there's no reason to waste time playing with the pantyhose.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154366" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154367" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh gosh! I almost forgot about the assignment. If you leave me with some integrity at the end I would be happy to add your name to our team project.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm curious if you aren't typing to finish the assignment or to see as much as you can.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's going to be hard to help you with glitches and only enemy stability left.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154372" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154373" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you aren't thinking of running are you? It's alright with me if you came closer.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154370" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154371" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('like')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bell rings as she quickly tries to catch up on the assignment.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:19b7d017-890a-48db-bfa2-403c0bb10405/2154374" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I don't know if you care about this assignment but I do. Thanks for keeping me stable. I'll tell Mrs. Jackson we worked on it together.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "1-sch-alexis-1-round---star": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Destabalizing both of us... that's cold.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=5,target=2" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's going on in here?!

You seem to have not warned Alexis in time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143754" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You both are in big trouble! I thought I told you to button that up!

Alexis struggles to get as dressed as she can but it is too late.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143755" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this name character forcing you to do this Alexis?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No, we were just... having fun, it won't happen again.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Won't happen again? But that guy isn't even typing. Maybe he wants both of us to show him a little something.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Won't happen again? But he is actively trying to destabilize us! Our only hope might be to show him the biggest uniform violation he has seen and hope to make him stop.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing I have a break right now, get to work Alexis.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143756" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143757" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are... are you sure? If you are trying to teach me something I already learned my lesson.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143758" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143759" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I also think I can handle myself but I appreciate the help.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143760" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I think it's working, if we keep this up we might be able to be glitch free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143761" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He can't glitch us forever, sooner or later he will probably want to see my bare a... Ahem* behind.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143762" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143763" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's let these girls out, surely he wouldn't type as they become exposed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143764" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're right, he barely even touched his keys.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143765" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's not working, why would he type?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, maybe we just need to show more.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead Alexis, take off mine too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yes Mrs. Starr.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143766" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143767" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry, I'm getting nervous, I never expected my teacher would just show herself like this.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143768" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing to be nervous about, I don't see any glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143769" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you nervous about him glitching or did you just want to feel your teacher up?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143770" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143771" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still plenty of time, let's get these stockings off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143772" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet Mrs. Star would let you touch it without sending you to detention.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143773" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe Mrs. Starr would would let you touch it if you stop typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143774" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143775" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, make it as sexy as you can for him.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143776" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what do you think of these un-glitched student bodies?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Big mistake typing right now, you can't see these student bodies.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh Mrs. Starr, I feel kind of funny.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143778" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143779" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mrs. Star pulls her in as they nearly forget about you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&voy<1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143782" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143783" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We...we can't do this. What would the principle say? Isn't it against the rules?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Shhhh, just enjoy it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143780" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c346eee-136f-4252-b440-93843705dcc1/2143781" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're still here?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bell rings*

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ugh, we are going to be late to class. Maybe we can continue this some other time. I won't tell anyone.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "2-arm-jada-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Wait until my XO hears about this.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What unit are you with? I don't remember you in our ranks. You must be the coms officer if you have a keyboard.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She taps her boot while waiting to see what you will do with it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269227" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156237" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Our XO has decreed that we would be a no bra unit. Something tells me that isn't part of uniform standards.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156238" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156239" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I guess with ladies in our unit who could blame him for trying.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156240" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must not be very good at communications if you don't use your keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156241" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, if you are glitching this whole barracks you probably can't even see what I'm talking about.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156242" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156243" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Halt right there, you don't have to come that close for inspections.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156244" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156245" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She unzips her camo pants. That's why you are still here isn't it? I guess I'll take what attention I can get out here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156246" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156247" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Boot camp was a breeze when you are fit like this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156248" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right. I'm glad we can have a moment of peace from that combat zone.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156249" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If it's not an active combat zone why are you trying to fight me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156250" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156251" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's try to keep the peace going forward. I need all the stability I can get out there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156252" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156253" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, are you one of those civilians who just loves a girl in combat boots? I guess I can't be upset about that.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156254" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156255" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come get a look under these.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156262" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See all the great things you get to see when you keep things peaceful?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156263" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What did I say about keeping things peaceful, are you even listening?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156264" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156265" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance, I don't think I should be spreading my legs like this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156256" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep up not "communicating" and I might slip them off entirely.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156257" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All your glitching is going to do is convince me to not take these off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156258" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156259" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156260" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156261" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They almost don't fit over this curve. I might need some help.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156266" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156267" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! Don't make fun of me, these weapons have quite a lot of firepower.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156268" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What? You thought simply not typing would move it along? Be patient.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156269" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I certainly can't see what I'm doing now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156270" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156271" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is a tough one, and the marching drills are coming up. You might not get to see these off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48fed6a9-a32c-4047-862c-e144ada9ab23/2156272" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Yep, as I thought. There's the roll call. I might see you tomorrow at 0700\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-sch2-phoenix-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Were you worried about cavities or something?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well... at least you're practicing...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6458fa2a-1535-46a3-b9db-ca2d627db406/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157075" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't think you would get out of your music lessons with your instructor Phoenix did you? Getting your system taken over by a virus is no excuse.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269169" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Show me what you can do with that thing, play!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So it looks like you wanted to attempt music after all. It's not good but if you keep trying...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157077" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, what is that? Are you typing instead of playing? Look at all these music glitches it caused.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least practice those scales - do re me fa so la

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157078" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Straighten up boy. You better play better than before!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She yanks the instrument from you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157079" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157081" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You call that music? I bet I could do better with a queef!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to please stop doing that", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Stop it? Maybe you have a better instrument you could practice.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157082" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157083" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Hold your breath โ€๐Ÿ’จ", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "12s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Without warning she drags you in as she almost suffocates you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "13s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157084" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157085" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pull away slightly. (breathe)

Get back in there! Make music for me!

" } } ], "color": "#ff9800" }, { "label": "Let her be", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this an improvement from that drivel you were putting out?

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157086" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you starting to finally absorbing the band lesson? You can show me what you learned.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157087" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157088" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Catch yourself instead of typing", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#5c6bc0" }, { "label": "Risk typing", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you hit the ground your files are corrupted to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I showed you the proper form did I not? Start practicing.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157089" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157090" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157091" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157092" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

(Hold your breath until finished typing)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&(pants||underwear)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your pants down.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157093" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is your cock poking me in the back right now? Let's see how turned on you are from your music lesson.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157094" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So turned on that you aren't even typing. Maybe we can make music after all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157095" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still typing I see but definitely turned on!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws your shirt.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Talk about a woodwind! This would be quite the instrument to play. Get back down there and make music for me.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157096" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157097" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157098" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157099" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts lowering you to the ground as you see her dripping down her leg.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157100" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157101" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at that, the tip of your instrument went into mine. I wonder what sounds I can wring out of you by diving deeper into this song.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin&&x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157102" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like sweet surrender, let me hear you sing!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157103" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you trying to stop this by typing? Looks like you were too late.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157104" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157105" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enjoy the headliner while it lasts. What would this symphony be without the brASS section?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She moves you into anal.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right boy. Your keyboard can't make beautiful music like this.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you trying to destabilize this music with these glitches? You won't last long either way.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157108" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157109" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rubbing my stockings are you? Does that mean you are finishing up?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157110" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157114" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, give me your grand finale!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "11s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f58a21a4-fd3c-4464-862e-d5cd5ed98fb2/2157116" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=17 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Pitiful! You need much more practice. I'll see you back tomorrow for your next band class.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,x<4", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Play as well as you can ๐ŸŽผ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^do re me fa so la*$/i)&&z>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Scales again? Practice something else!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^do re me fa so la*$/i)&&z<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file+=5,z++,hckSay(s_(\"Good good. Looks like that practice granted you 5 files\").color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "2-arm-gee-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I just have to wait until next reunion to see you again.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157608" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my little name came back from the military! Come give your Aunt Gee a big hug!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are taken by surprise by this woman embracing you so quickly. Her nightgown seems to not cover very much.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her tits", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157609" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! You are my nephew, are you sure that's what you want?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157610" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh so it wasn't just some minor mistake I see.

She grinds up against you.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And what is this I felt pressing up against me?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157611" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157612" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you gone so long and need some... companionship?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "clear>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I heard you faced clear+1 army girl programs including me, you poor thing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait, you weren't gone long. I'm the first military program you ran across!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157613" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157614" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She removes your shirt.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157615" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You've wanted your Aunt to take care of you didn't you? Is that why you aren't typing?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157616" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What, you don't want your Aunt to take care of you? Is that why I felt my stability drop?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157617" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157618" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my goodness, my nightgown just fell down!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her keep trying to seduce you", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157619" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157620" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, are you massaging Aunt Gee's ears? She sure might use a massage in another place too.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Pick her up", "commands": [], "color": "#ff9800" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157621" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157622" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't mind if I check out the situation under here do you?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157623" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, of course you don't. Your Aunt Gee is glitch free.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157624" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe this will put an end to you glitching your dear Aunt.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157625" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157626" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my dear boy, you must have REALLY missed me.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157627" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157628" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She still spends time kissing the tip and toying with it.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Push her head into it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157629" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157630" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Finger her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157631" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you were waiting for an opportunity like this much of your life. Is that why you were always watching me at family get-togethers?

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157633" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157632" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She grabs your cock and rubs it against her crotch.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157634" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that you stopped typing again, are you ready to plunge into your Auntie?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157635" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still trying to glitch your way out of this one? Come on, just let me put the tip in.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157636" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157637" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on name, it's just me. We are just two consenting adults who really want it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157638" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157639" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh was that my nephews tip I feel? I'll plunge down onto it when I turn around.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157640" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When you stopped typing I thought it best to take matters into my own hands.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157641" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While you were busy typing and glitching I took matters into my own hands.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to tab+=2๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157642" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157643" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You always were a sweetie but I should have paid even more attention to you. This is great.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157644" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157645" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry! Put it back in before the rest of your family shows up.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157646" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157647" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, there you go dear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157648" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157649" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I bet my sister doesn't even know how much heat her son is packing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157650" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157651" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lay down", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157652" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you planning to do with the rest of my glitch free enemy stability?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157653" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful, name. I only have enemy stability left. You want to keep this going don't you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Can't have you trying to get your Auntie pregnant.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157655" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put it between her tits", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157654" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "enemy<8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pour your cum into her mouth as she gobbles it all up.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=17 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You were trying to destabilize me the whole time, why should I let you cum?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157656" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>7&&horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So what do you think? I'll keep the secret if you do.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to tab+=2๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb307072-86dc-413a-8f08-d4469673e233/2157657" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I hope my favorite nephew is happy to be back home.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "any---swarm": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ast" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ast\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses her swarm hack on you. ๐Ÿœ

Your file corruption is now z-=6,cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---nest": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wasp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses her nest hack on you. ๐Ÿœ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-nest": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1||b2<1||b3<1||b4<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "id": "power", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have executed the nest hack.

A trickle of ๐Ÿœ is coming.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "nest=true,b1--,b2--,b3--,b4--,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-swarm": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b5<6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b5 ๐Ÿœ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "


The enemy's integrity drops to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(9+ma))

You have b5-=6 ๐Ÿœ left

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-purify": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b6<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b6 ๐Ÿฆ‹

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the purify hack!

What system status do you wish to clean? ๐Ÿงผ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hypnotism ๐Ÿ˜ต", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hyp = Math.max(0, hyp-4)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "hyp" } } ] } } ], "visible": "$hyp>0" }, { "label": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "horny=0" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ], "visible": "$horny>0" }, { "label": "Voyer ๐Ÿ‘€", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy=0" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "voy" } } ], "visible": "$voy>0" }, { "label": "Taboo ๐Ÿ™Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tab = Math.max(0, tab-3)" } } ], "visible": "$tab>0" }, { "label": "Wanted โญ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "wtd = Math.max(0, wtd-3),true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your heat is being lowered.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "wtd" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } } ], "visible": "$wtd>0" }, { "label": "Legs bound ๐Ÿ”—", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "lcuff=0" } } ], "visible": "$lcuff>0" }, { "label": "Handcuffs ๐Ÿ”—", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cuff=0" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } } ], "visible": "$cuff>0" }, { "label": "None", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "power", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b6-=2,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-morph": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b6<4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0.6, "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b6 ๐Ÿฆ‹

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the morph hack!

What bug should you transition your ๐Ÿฆ‹ into?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b7+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‚", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b8+=4" } } ] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b6-=4>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b7+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‚", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b8+=4" } } ] }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b6-=4,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-venom": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b8<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the venom hack!

It takes it's hold ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "venom++,enemy-=venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have --b8 ๐Ÿฆ‚ left

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-bite": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165731" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b7<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b7 ๐ŸฆŸ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "wasp", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the bite hack with b7 ๐ŸฆŸ!

Their integrity is decreased to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(b7*2))

Your file corruption is reduced to cor=Math.max(0, cor-(b7*10)) ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b7=0,backPage()" } } ], "1-col-test-1-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-col-hailey-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)||prompt.match(/^squeeze*$/i))&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168784" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168785" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! Maybe next time it will be you doing the squeezing, mmm.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168771" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard you were the one who got the virus. How lucky are you that you get to hang out with all of our programs?

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268663" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm Hailey. If you ever forget I think my program displays it in the bottom of your screen.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Removing the censorship raises your file corruption to dmg=true,cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you couldn't resist.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Remove the censorship ๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168772" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, no weird color glitches. Unfortunately they show up when you decide to type the prompts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168773" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you didn't expect to be flashed so fast so you typed. You can remove these glitches for a small cost you know!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168774" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168775" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll tone it back for just a second. If you don't want to be here when I flash you again you can always try to run off. You will need a ๐Ÿ› though.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't glitch me with censorship I'll give you one if you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168776" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks! Here you go! You don't have to run though.


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh so you don't want the ๐Ÿ› or to see any titties? Last chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168778" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168779" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are new to all of this so let's just take a break. This cleavage isn't going anywhere.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168780" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168781" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If things are ever moving too slowly for you, you can always ask us to strip.

It should work most of the time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168782" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care-free and glitch-free! That's me!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168783" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, I know you can't possibly be one of those beta boys who likes censorship.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you ever wanted me to squish them together, just ask!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168786" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168787" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think the censorship would cover me up down here? I'm curious to find out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168788" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168789" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is something else in the way? As always just say the word.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Move your hands", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168790" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168791" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't the world just so much more colorful when you are naked?

" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168792" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168793" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you doing looking up here? I took my underwear off some time ago. You know what to do to get the best look right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168794" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Calm down, is this the first pussy you've seen or something?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168795" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no, this censorship just wont do. Come on, press that button now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are pretty cute when you follow instructions aren't you...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still? Well it's your choice.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168798" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perfect way to end isn't it?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42806929-6d9e-4df8-909c-40cfb675cd59/2168799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to go, this is your last chance to remove them!

" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Sadly we can't spend forever together quite yet, I'll be around though.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)||prompt.match(/^squeeze*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"You already asked me to!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-bch-firebird-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Do you not like swimming then?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>2&&x<7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:231ead08-3a0a-408a-a5c5-1144673a2928/*" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:99e896f6-1e51-45fd-ace8-62d9b9430072/*" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>2", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "โš ๏ธ Hold your breath ๐ŸŒŠ", "id": "sex" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŒŠ You can't hear her underwater ๐ŸŒŠ

(If you ever need to breathe fail a typing prompt)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176743" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How did you find me out here? No one ever comes out this far.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269235" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176742" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey, they call me Firebird. Kind of a nickname that just kind of stuck.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a bit ironic considering how much I enjoy the water.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176745" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always enjoy swimming naked so hopefully you will let me without typing.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176744" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The waves look choppy out there. You never know if typing will send you underwater or not.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If that ever happens and you need to come up for air, all you need is to fail a prompt. Simple as that - ready?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Got it", "commands": [], "color": "#0d47a1" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176746" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you wanted to stay dry, probably a good choice.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that water is going to be so cold! Are you excited?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176748" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176749" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You haven't even gone in the water yet, I guess you found out that's the best way to watch my body.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I know we already went in the water but I'd rather go in of my own accord instead of caused by a program glitch.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176750" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you have enough typing for one day? I can enjoy being dry too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176751" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at those amazing sights! I bet you have a few things distracting you down here too.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at it instead of typing", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! Give me at least a bit of room haha.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,y=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176753" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you wanted to look at it so much here, you have my permission now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You didn't get to see this up close yet, go ahead before I take a dip.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176754" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176755" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I gotta go back in the water now, what are you going to do?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176762" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's always good as I remember. Hopefully you are as peaceful with the other programs as much as you were with me.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1af3019e-e536-44e3-b53b-12c3732fd93f/2176760" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She waves goodbye as she focuses on enjoying herself on the shore.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "1-sch-athena-1-round---sex": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Why did you have to stop doing it with me?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0&&x!=3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c8fb3b4a-c68b-4306-b7e6-aff252c41baf/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think you're doing? Weren't you trying to fuck her not defeat her?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ember's irritation grows


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c8fb3b4a-c68b-4306-b7e6-aff252c41baf/*" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— โ— โ—

Ember has become too irritated by you moving in on Athena and destabalizing them.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright you! That's enough! Why don't you go bother some other programs.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ember's concern is at z โ—

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179638" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's in, but don't get to loud. Ember hasn't noticed yet!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ember comes back.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep thrusting", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179639" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now, what's going on here? He was supposed to help us but not like that. You better stop that at once!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her irritation grows


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Wait until she leaves", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179633" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's almost cute how scared you are of her.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I've had enough of this uniform but I can't get naked around these glitches.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179640" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get started then.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179641" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want me to get naked maybe you should stop typing anything but wait...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179642" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Help me put this somewhere before Ember comes back.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--,refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179644" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now where were we, ready to get started again?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lift her back onto you", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179645" } }, { "say": { "label": "

MMm, yeahhhh. She doesn't need to know about this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179646" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want nothing more than to cum in this teen. Can you last a bit longer?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hold her tits", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179647" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179643" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You look like you are getting close, hurry up. Embers coming!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179648" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't be serious! What if you get pregnant Athena?! We still have to graduate!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=16 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Leave name out of this! I egged him on.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to get out of there as they continue bickering\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "1-sch-athena-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Awww, that isn't something worth cheering about.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2182241" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179616" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You enter the room as they haven't noticed you yet. You stand in front of your keyboard wondering what to do. Should you wait?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269217" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ember's concern is at z โ—

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They heard you and turn around.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179617" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cheer for name! They avoided typing the prompt.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look under her skirt instead of typing", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179618" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ember notices you staring โ—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,z++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179619" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That must be the reason we are glitching and our file got destabilized a bit. name is it?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179620" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179621" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on, do you even know this guy?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Didn't he just make us lose file stability?

Ember gets more irritated โ—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Maybe he hasn't made us lose file stability yet but how do we know that will continue?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179622" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179623" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you are just going to finish our practice as if he wasn't there?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179624" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179625" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Be careful, I thought I saw him trying to look under our skirts too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't careful he might try to look up our skirts.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179626" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179627" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I'll be alright. We cant fault him for trying can we?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179628" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you want to participate in our practice. You know... we could use some help.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2182241" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179629" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179630" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Goodness, he looks ridiculous. That's who's going to help us?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah... I don't know why he is posing like that...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come-on Ember, he is glitching us. Let's cheer him on.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179631" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ember, he's trying to glitch us. Can we tantalize him a bit to make him stop?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179632" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright Athena, have it your way.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Athena pulls the bottom of your uniform off.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179633" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179634" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Psst - Is something going on back there?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179635" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch her take her panties off instead of typing", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179636" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea2111e9-a1e4-49b5-a3d3-d79a659539f4/2179637" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait! What is he looking at? What just happened?!

Ember grows in irritation โ—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you mean girl? Don't worry about it.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put it in her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sex')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Well that was fun, thanks for helping out with our practice.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "4-spk-test-1-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "4-spk-krissie-1-round---vamp": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191933" } }, { "eval": { "script": "vamp-=2" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Vampirism ๐Ÿง›", "id": "vamp" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that was quick Krissie. Who is our new recruit?

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Their name is name but I think we can come up with a new vampire one instead!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't be so jealous Draven, so what if he decided to fall to Krissie instead.

", "align": "right" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191934" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I'm over it, maybe it would have been me in a different life.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's celebrate the new addition to our coven!

", "align": "left" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191935" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "7s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191936" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "7s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191937" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think it's time to start our blood ritual! The faint of heart might want to turn away now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191938" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch their blood ritual ๐Ÿฉธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The room erupts into sudden violence.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though vampire blood can't satisfy your new hunger, it doesn't mean you can't be equally attracted to it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191940" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You stare at the scene as you are prepared to feed on the living.

" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As your hunger for your next meal intensifies you head out to prey upon the world.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "4-spk-krissie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191931" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Due to not being able to type fast enough she lunges and bites you.

You have been bitten y=false,enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Do you have a biting fetish? You soon will as it courses through your veins.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "vamp>4", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('vamp')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"No pep rally for you then.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e7742944-8c98-44fd-89b7-1823be67c475/2112993" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191902" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha! Look who's back in school! Hip hip hurray!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191903" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know those nightmares where you have to go back to high school because you forgot to take a course? How much better would that be with a sexy vampire?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191904" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like that high school course you missed out on was for typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191905" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitching is a great way to make this nightmare more scary, you sure you want to do that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191906" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191907" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you ready to see some vampire pussy?! Come closer.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts to lift her skirt.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191927" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She lunges and bites you.

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191906" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was tasty wasn't it?

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191908" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course you aren't! I think you need me to nibble on you first.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191909" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet if you try hard enough you could cheer my uniform right off!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191910" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191911" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did it work?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191912" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you found out the best way to cheer us on is to not type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191913" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate the cheers. The typing, not so much...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191914" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191915" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Soon the uniform will be all gone!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191916" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just the skirt to go now. I can't hear you!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191917" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yay! The home team defeated those evil skirts!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191918" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Looks like the glitches remembered how you attacked me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191919" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191920" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't expect to always see everything up close. Unless you want to let the prompt time out that is.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191921" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is this what you were waiting for? Your awful typing has rewarded you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191922" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a shame isn't it. You waited all this time to see more and mess it up by typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191923" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191924" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to spread it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191925" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191926" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure you don't want me to remove this glitch?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to remove it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191925" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While distracted she bites you.

You have been bitten y=false,enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191927" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191928" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you risk a closer glance? We don't have much time left anyways, I know what I would do.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191929" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191930" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

While you get close she bites you.

You have been bitten y=false,enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! When will they ever learn...

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191932" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One last shot at me.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's not ruin it by starting to type all of a sudden.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I even took away the glitch for you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Mmm, you look so tasty but we're out of time.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "any---virginkiller": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”Virginity detected...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346092" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! What's this I hear about you losing a third of your entire system?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you would be tempted but I didn't think it would happen so quickly.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202400" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Aww... Looks like you pushed your luck too far, and now you lost a heart because of it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lh=true" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Safety first!

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The system keeps faltering but she continues.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And still with your virginity no less... I guess that's why I loaded in with this virgin killer dress.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202401" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll tell you what, if you are so keen on losing your system just to see hot bodies I can help you out on that end. However, it kind of does risk you losing another piece of your program.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have 2 whole pieces left to spare anyways.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Risk losing another piece to look down", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202402" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at the front", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202403" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now... eyes up here.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202404" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, I still haven't covered up enough.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202405" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stick around to see more of the hostess with the mostest.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202406" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They call it a virgin killer for a reason, care to push your luck further?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202407" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202408" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202409" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202410" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might want to leave now if this is too much for your little virgin eyes.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202411" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look up", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When I said eyes up here that isn't exactly what I meant. But I suppose it's only natural.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202413" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Look down", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So eager to lose your virginity huh...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have to prove yourself worthy before you achieve that honor.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2202416" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Um... that's it... are you going to go back and try to save your system now?

" } } ], "any---return": [ { "if": { "condition": "level==6", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor=0,x=0,z=0,b1+=5,b2+=5,b3+=5,b4+=5" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bug reinforcements arriving!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai2-epic-dubstep-paulyudin.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿค–", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-atmosplextro-blackbox.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’ ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-cyberpunk-blackb.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆพ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”‹", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-atomic-by-infraction-amp-alexi-action.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481757" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---2" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor=0,--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "level==1", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "level==2", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "2--zone-select" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "level==3", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "3--zone-select" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "level==4", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "4--zone-select" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "level==5", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "5--zone-select" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } } ], "5--zone-select": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo=onlyLoadMusic() /* REQUIRED!!! */", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='camp'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone=='dr'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:round-midnight-in-nyc-relaxing-ambiance-(dr)5.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "lfo.zone==='sport'", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:trailer-sport-stylish-anton-vlasov-(sport).mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "saveGameDelay(),backPage()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2678930" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=5" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select-2-moh-kontaktproblem.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('lib')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypdmg&&hyp>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=hyp*2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hypnosis ๐Ÿ˜ต" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage(getHypnoSlaveLoop()))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "id": "mute", "buttonLabel": "๐Ÿ”ŒAdjust E-Stimโšก" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('--volume')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change sound preferences ๐ŸŽง" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "hack", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--hack-report-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hacking Database ๐Ÿ‘พ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Level 2 and beyond have time limits for typing.

Switching to casual mode will remove typing timers but bosses will no longer drop hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Casual Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=false,hmode=.5" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Casual Mode ๐ŸŒฑ" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "cas", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Switching to normal mode will re-enable typing timers but bosses will drop hacks. Proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Normal Mode โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=true,hmode=1" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to Normal Mode โฒ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Level 5 - Final Round

๐Ÿ“ You have cor corrupted files out of file ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿงญ Campsite ๐Ÿ•๏ธ", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('camp')" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ Police Station ๐Ÿš“", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('pd')" } } ], "color": "#1565c0" } ] } } ], "2-hous-alana-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"We could have just spent more time together you know...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994010" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well hello there, I heard you know your way around a keyboard.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269241" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994011" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/2060953" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

By now you probably know to type those green phrases, but why would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994012" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/2060956" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The last girl probably didn't let you enjoy her ass enough, was that the problem?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994015" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/2060955" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Am I right? Are you an ass man?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993984" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/2060954" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just look closely and ignore that keyboard of yours.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994013" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993996" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just look out there at all those programs, none of them as pretty as I.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994014" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994014" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that we are back on the bed, it would be best without glitches getting in the way wouldn't it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993985" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love when you follow instructions, keep it up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993999" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You would rather defeat me than revel in my beauty?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993987" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994001" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ass promised... hehe

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993989" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you couldn't resist, come see even more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994003" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't believe you are choosing censorship over me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993990" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994004" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want to press me up against this wall.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993991" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing like really seeing everything I have to offer.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994005" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your loss...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993993" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994007" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't be shy, it's so soft and welcoming.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993994" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just oooone more miss, that's all I need.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994008" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just two more chances to get rid of the glitches.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993995" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994009" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My finger isn't good enough, got anything better for me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1993986" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:97e316f4-a08f-4a16-b032-ce9e4254be39/1994000" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not bad for a program right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"It looks like you are going to have to run into me again if you want to go further. Oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-hous-ava-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"A little hypnosis never hurt anyone, you wouldn't do anything to me would you?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=0,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2023509" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The system almost shuts down in the face of this sudden crash. As it comes back online you wonder who was powerful enough to cause this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269242" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houboss-impressions-prazkhanal.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look who finally showed up!

She pulls her dress down.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021872" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(40));" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come give old Ava a hug dearie.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021873" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Feels like someone's hand is heading a bit south.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021874" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry about the fact you are glitched in here but I wanted to show you a little something.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'd ask if you've heard of hypnosis but it looks like you already have dabbled with it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you know that hypnosis can make your experience with programs that much more enjoyable? I can help you with this pendant.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021875" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just stare deep into my crystal and I'll take care of the rest. Typing will mess up the process so just let yourself go.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She dangles it right in front of her cleavage making it easy to stare.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, I won't touch you if you follow instructions, just relax for me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021876" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&hyp>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It looks like it's working, I bet you can't resist a kiss at this point.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021877" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your body isn't responding to any thought other than waiting for her kiss.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption increases to cor+=6 from her kiss. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021878" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, just relax and look into my heaping cleavage. Or the crystal... your choice...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&hyp>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh! It looks like it is really working now, let me feel to be sure.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption increases to cor+=7 from her rubbing your cock. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021880" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There are certain... benefits to hypnosis. Stare into the wonders my crotch holds.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>3", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She towers over you as you can't move.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021881" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just give up and stare into my tits, how easy is that?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She continues to tower over you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021888" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep staring at them, I'll do the rest.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++x,x>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Surrender is best for name, why would I do anything else?

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Don't stare into it", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "3s-5s", "id": "dont stare" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"strip\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayGoto(\"Sorry dearie, I'll make the calls here.\"+color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "2-hous-ava-1-boss---hyp": [ { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"We got this far, you wouldn't do anything to me would you?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021872" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Your hypnosis level has taken over your will as you follow Ava to the bed. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021894" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your devotion seems to fuel her -

Ava's integrity has risen to enemy+=6 ๐Ÿ’ช

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah there! I can appreciate the enthusiasm but give me a little bit of space haha.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021882" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I turned off the glitches and hacks so you could really focus on my body. We both know that won't be a problem.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"It won't be a problem.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021883" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have you ever seen anything more perfect?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"The one and only perfect thing is Ava.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Such loyalty deserves reward.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You remove everything to free your cock for her to suck it.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021884" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"If I don't type this she will keep sucking it.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021885" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"If I don't type this she will keep sucking it.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021886" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nice little appetizer before we begin, are you ready?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I am ready for whatever you want.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต You will service her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021887" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Looks like those voices in your head have guided you well!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"How could I type when I need to please Ava?\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She discards her dress.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021889" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't imagine how much the hypnosis makes you want my pussy.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I need it, I would do anything.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021890" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know how it tastes now, but aren't you obsessed now with wondering how it would feel?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I have to know how it feels, please let me try.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, let's not wait another second then!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021891" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false,typeTest=\"I have to know how it feels, please let me try.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021892" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is it everything you dreamed of? From now on I bet you won't dream of much else.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I look forward to dreaming of this moment from now on.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021893" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The only thing better than fucking a mature woman is being under her spell.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I want to fall deeper into your spell\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She turns around on you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021896" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I need to help Ava so she does not get tired.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021897" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thank you for the assist dearie. Now fall deeper into my spell.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(hypno)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021898" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm quite impressed typeTest="I hope my dick is pleasing to Ava!",name. I think I can think of a few more uses for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021899" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't give out on me yet, I'm getting close.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I can't get tired, I need to give her everything\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021900" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "17s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I need to cum for Ava and let her have all of me.\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021901" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Give it now!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Fuck the keyboard, I need to cum right NOW!\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>16", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('over')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()+3", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Keep taking your time.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hypr')" } } ], "style": "normal" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hypr')" } } ], "2-hous-ava-1-boss---hypr": [ { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ŽBOSS copy paste search routine...

She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=7;caughtCount++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==typeTest", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Resisting in your state? How's this possible?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her integrity drops to enemy-=3

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Perfection is overrated.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You thrust as hard as you can for her as your File corruption increases to cor+=14% ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&z<8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her beauty is almost too much for you as your File corruption increases to cor+=9% ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2&&z<5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She sucks your cock as your File corruption grows to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

While drooling at her breasts, your File corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp')" } } ], "2-hous-ava-1-boss---over": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ’ฆ CUM!!! ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#0097a7" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021903" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I've never enjoyed corrupting files as much! Your data is fantastic dearie.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her hand milks any remainder from your shaft.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e5c4004-06ed-4f6a-85f1-2e1b5b7e4f8a/2021902" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The last of your cum is leaked out as you only have horny=false,file-=40 files remaining! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lucky you. Looks like you will be in my trance forever name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "2-hous-ava-1-boss-res": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "dont stare" } }, { "if": { "condition": "strictResult==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ava has enemy-=3 integrity remaining.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry dearie, I'm afraid it has to be perfect.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hypno')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ], "2-hous-barbara-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Hmm, sadly you won't get to see how delicious it was going to be.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^BELLA*$/i)&&x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful, have these files for cracking my "code".

You have gained 8 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177923" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops, it seems you showed up before I was able to bake you anything.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177924" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least you got to see me before I made a mess out of this apron.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269243" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Flour gets on everything so I thought it best to wear as little clothing as possible.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Barbara's getting tired", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177949" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "timerDuration": "140s", "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 4, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177925" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177926" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you really have a meter over there? I mean it's true that cooking wears me out, but I didn't think it would be a bar like that. It's actually pretty funny.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177927" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, this dough is soft, and pliable. Kind of like those guys who don't type much.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177928" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are making the flour go haywire when you type like that. Best not to get it stuck in your keys you know.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177929" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177930" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she massages the dough, you realize you never considered how that could be sensual.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177931" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177932" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like this is about ready. She winks*

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177933" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you "kneed" something? I'm glad you're here to watch instead of type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177934" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if that stuff is OK to breath in in those quantities... Considering you are heavy breathing and all...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177935" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177936" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything you wanted to get more acquainted with?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rubs the rolling pin up and down.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her chest instead of typing", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177937" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177938" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, what kind of madman would pass a gander at these?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177939" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177940" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might not be the best baker but you have to admit these buns are out of this world.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177941" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177942" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to lick it off? The apron doesn't exactly cover anything back here.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick some off of her instead of typing", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How kind! It feels nice too!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is lowered to cor-=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177943" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, I love when you keep this dough and I stable without typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still typing? Careful not to burn yourself on anything.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177945" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177946" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Juuust a bit more flour and this will turn out perfectly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177947" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177948" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, I left a message for you that you can type into the prompt for a surprise.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:84b9822d-80db-4792-884c-9977e81f03bf/2177949" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She goes to the bed and conks out. You leave her be as you go to the next program\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^BELLA*$/i)&&x==12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file+=5,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(3)" } } ], "2-hous-carrie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "bj" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Hey, you're the one who just showed up on my bed after all.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024124" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well hello y=false,name. Bold of you to just show up on my bed isn't it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269245" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&!y", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,x=2,dmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Well of course! What are we waiting for?\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Ask for a blowjob", "id": "bj" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x<2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see you're bottomless and have a bit of a hard on, bring that here!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024127" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024128" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! I didn't expect it to be so thick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024129" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024130" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might have some trouble sticking it in a hole but you gotta try right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024131" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha I see that got your attention to not type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024132" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think typing will save you from a blowjob?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024133" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024134" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her eye contact is fierce, like she is so eager to see how you will react.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024145" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024157" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you want more? Just relax and take it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not typing the prompt seems to have made her suck more aggressively.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024161" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She seems to double down through the glitching.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&y&&x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024158" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024159" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha that was fun! But I think we can find some even more fun with my other hole!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024125" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024126" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some stranger in my bed, what am I to do other than show them what I'm made of?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024164" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, a glitch, what did you think would happen?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024165" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, a glitch, what did you think would happen?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024162" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024163" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quite the cleavage for someone with my frame isn't it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024168" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024169" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Only two pieces of clothing left, remember you can speed it along with a little strip.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024170" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's good, keeping your keyboard fresh for the other girls.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024171" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, glitches make me so nauseous.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024173" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024172" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you be interested in seeing more of my pussy now?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&(underwear||!y)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course you would, I don't know what kind of person would have typed there.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No? Well you can't see much of anything if you type like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear&&x>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm not going any further until you whip that cock out.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Whip it out", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's more like it pants=false,underwear=false,name!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Keep your clothes on", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7||y", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "bj" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She reaches out and grabs your cock before you can react.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024174" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024175" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's totally going in unless you've got any tricks left in you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024176" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024177" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, how does that feel sex=true,virgin=false,name? We are just getting started.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor+=5,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024180" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! I'm glad your thrusting is faster than your typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't tell if you are just going slow or we are lagging.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor+=5,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024182" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024183" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, grab some tit if you wish.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor+=5,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024184" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you imagine how stupid this would be if I was glitching?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You got a handful but with glitches in the way what does it matter?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor+=5,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024186" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024187" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is trying to get the right angle but it might be time to switch positions before she falls off.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024188" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024189" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that all you got? I was hoping you would last longer.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=false,cor+=5,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024190" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39e18986-ad7e-4cec-ab24-2191edb187fa/2024191" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could just empty your balls right now but I have to give you something to look forward to next time right?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Better luck next time with me!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^strip$/i)&&!underwear", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"I'm not going to do that while your pants are down, there's work to do!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getResultPage()\r\n )" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^bj$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,y=true,x=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Well of course! What are we waiting for?\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "2-hous-dorothy-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"No more cookies for you then.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^milk*$/i)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd0fb899-711b-40f7-beda-7bd52a8721f0/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry I drank all of it. You have any ideas where you could get any more?

She shakes her chest.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177950" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hello dearie. I hope you are hungry for something sweet.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177951" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269246" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, I'll never get used to these programs becoming unstable. You wouldn't want to make it worse with typing would you?

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 3 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177952" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177953" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm mixing up the next batch for you. I hope you "enabled cookies" haha.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177954" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177955" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177956" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The promise of tasty treats got your attention did it? I'm not ready but looks like one just popped out of the apron.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177957" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet this wasn't the cookie you wanted. Making it go away is as easy as letting the timer end or typing wait.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179279" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, it is so rigid and sweet. Aren't things just better when you don't type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179283" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to destabilize me when I'm trying to prepare some desserts for you? You better punish those eggs to not piss me off.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Slap your balls 5 times", "commands": [], "color": "#ef6c00" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177958" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177959" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

When these go in, things get heated up and they get really big. Remind you of anything?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177960" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177961" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

In it goes! Bending over makes it easier of course.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6||x==5", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177980" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177981" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability drops to --enemy from the spank.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179255" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Be careful, I might be really into that!

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slap that booty ๐Ÿ–", "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179281" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go, it's baking now. You should have some lovely treats if you stick around to the end.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177962" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What else should I mix up for you if you aren't going to type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177963" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What else should I mix up for you to stop you from typing?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177964" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177965" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And now we wait!

I can provide the entertainment in the meantime.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177966" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177967" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not much time left but I couldn't wait. The underwear is coming off. It just gets so hot when you bake.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah! Here we are!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177968" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177969" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, try one.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try one ๐Ÿช", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you chew into it, it virtually dissolves into your mouth.

Your files increase to file+=5 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2179134" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you can't eat and type at the same time, that's cute.

I bet you want to type milk so bad.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,getDmgPage()" } } ], "color": "#689f38" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177970" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177971" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Typing for my man has me all out of sorts. Perhaps he will carry me to the bed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177972" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you tired too? You didn't do well with the keyboard just then.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be getting tired too by destabilizing me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I have all these ingredients I didn't use, it is "all purpose flour" after all.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177974" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177975" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177976" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177977" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, these are just so decadent. There are a few left for you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try one ๐Ÿช", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you chew into it, it virtually dissolves into your mouth.

Your files increase to file+=5 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you can't eat and type at the same time, that's cute.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,getDmgPage()" } } ], "color": "#689f38" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177978" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:625cfe70-dfab-49e3-bf51-b5bb51d4b054/2177979" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ah! I just heard the egg timer. That means it's time for you to head into the next program. You probably can't take a cookie with you, sorry.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^milk*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Milk huh...\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-hous-kika-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Guess the sun shine wasn't bright enough...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023731" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was wondering when you would make it over my way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269173" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 4, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023732" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2066393" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh poor name, I bet you haven't seen enough redheads today but you came to the right girl.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023733" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2066392" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet none of them had a kickin corset to show their body off. These snaps probably won't last long and I'm not exactly wearing anything down here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look down", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023734" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad that got your attention away from typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023735" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, I'm bottomless but if you glitch me out you are really going to miss out.

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023736" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023737" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't it cute? Take your time and really enjoy it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023738" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Imagine how stupid this would be trying to enjoy this with glitches in the way.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023739" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! You are throwing out some crazy glitches!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023740" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023741" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is unsnapping the corset.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023742" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry I'm a bit shy, wasn't sure if you would type or not.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023743" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things might get a bit scary if you keep trying to destabilize me name.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023744" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023745" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to open my legs again if you are interested.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023746" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad I hold your interest.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not interested? I bet you can barely see anything.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We probably can't have sex this time even if you are avoiding the keyboard, just enjoy the show.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023749" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, I didn't know glitches could affect your monitor's brightness.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023750" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023751" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I've rested enough, time to get up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lay off your keyboard one more time just like that and I'll give you an even better pose.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023753" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lay off your keyboard for once and I won't have these awful glitches. I'm about to do a better pose too.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023754" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How much can you see? Glad you aren't as shy as I am.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get a closer look", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023756" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quite the explorer you are name, I bet you can see everything!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't look close", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023755" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, that terrible lag caused by someone's prompt...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023757" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023758" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one more time to keep me around, I'll even give you a bug for your trouble.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b2++,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023759" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So glad you finished strong without typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:42258b06-ab1c-45b6-825f-aa21f783d2e7/2023760" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You weren't going to beat me but you still wanted to crash the program?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "2-hous-rina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001545" } }, { "if": { "condition": "rina>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well hello again, it's Rina if you forgot. This time I thought it would be a lot more fun to use that cock of yours.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well hello, I don't think we have crossed paths yet. I'm Rina.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269247" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001546" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2066395" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "rina>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thank you for not deleting me when you had the chance, I hope my bug gift helped show my gratitude.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I hope you aren't one of those guys who goes around deleting female programs.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer to her chest", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001547" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet these will help you know how thankful I am as well.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Calm down, I was only going to show you my chest up close.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001549" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2066394" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And next you can get closer back here too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001548" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These buns are a load of fun.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't into asses you came to the wrong place.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001550" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tada! Good things happen when you don't type enough.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001570" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think of how nice of a reveal that would be if you weren't distracted by typing things right.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep missing the prompts, we will get along just fine.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001571" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aren't you curious to see what's behind these?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001552" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001572" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Next up, panties!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001554" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001574" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know, if you wanted to buttfuck me all you have to do is ask. It's just an anal away!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001555" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001575" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We both know you just want to slip it right into this tight hole. Go ahead.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001556" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001576" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, there is room for you on this couch to pound me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001557" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Remember, pleasure town is just an anal away!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001577" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on now, don't let the censorship dissuade you - anal !

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001558" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001578" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't think I will relent and give you my pussy quite yet. I have to test you out with a bit of anal first.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false;pants=false;y=true" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001559" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It will be a tight fit but I lubed it up for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001579" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And look at that, no glitch to stop you and you are all lubed up and ready.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001560" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001580" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I didn't think you'd be so big!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001561" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell you are enjoying it when you don't type right.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001581" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still trying to defeat me? Just enjoy the buttsex!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001562" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001582" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If this keeps up you feel your cum welling up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001563" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001583" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! Fuck me harder, bend me over!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001564" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001587" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001565" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001590" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It sounds like you are getting close, don't you want to ignore that keyboard and get a sweet release?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001566" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001593" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "14s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one more thrust and your cum is mine!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you start cumming, Rina goes to swallow all of it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001567" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files until you have horny=false,file-=18 left ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001568" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e37161f-1d7f-4b31-a4ec-574626a2c6fb/2001569" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know I'll have to come back for more of this don't you? Here's something in exchange.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained incBug('b4',1)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Surrender to it", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#e53935" }, { "label": "Keep typing", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^anal$/i)&&!y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=13;hckSay(\"Of course! But have we met before...?\".color(colors.rina))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=13;hckSay(\"Right away, bring it here.\".color(colors.rina))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "2-hous-tori-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Guess the sun shine wasn't bright enough...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004668" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tori>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well hello again name! I'm glad you found me again.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's Tori.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I guess you somehow haven't run into me yet name, I'm Tori.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269248" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so bright out here and so many beautiful things to see. Hope you won't be blinded by everything.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 4 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004669" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2066396" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well look at you, the sunlight sure does you good.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004671" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2066397" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There might be curvier girls out and about but they don't keep in shape quite like I do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004673" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2066398" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Speaking of being blinded, you might want to lay off that keyboard for what I'm about to show you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004675" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good boy, make sure you take off your sun glasses.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That doesn't look like you laid off the keyboard to me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She draws you in closer.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004678" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004680" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't think you had a good view way back there, this is better for everyone.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004682" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think of how stupid this would be if you were typing and glitching me out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004684" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can touch myself through the glitch, too bad you can't see through it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004686" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004687" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a beautiful day with so much to see, up and at em!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004693" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think you figured out the best way to see is strokes instead of keystrokes.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004695" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on honey, strokes instead of keystrokes! I even took a tit glitch away for once.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004698" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I might just be stripping this time but if we meet again, we can do far more.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004689" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004691" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You do want to meet me again don't you? I always reward those who save me. ๐Ÿ’พ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004700" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just be sure you continue letting me be glitch free to make the most of it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004702" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But there is always a limit of what I can do if you keep glitching me out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004704" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004706" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is all just the beginning, you have a long... hard... day ahead of you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004707" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm almost tempted to let you lick me out a bit early if you keep up letting me have my way.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004709" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you weren't so intent on defeating me I might let you lick me out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004711" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c5529f1f-22e7-461c-a674-0846198772b6/2004713" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one more time to keep me around, I'll even give you a bug for your trouble.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Great! But we are out of time, as promised here is a little something for ya.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hope you're ready to heat it up for our next session.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "3-neon-aaliyah-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I thought everyone wants to be entranced by a pretty lady...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019326" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah there! Are you trying to walk in on a program while they are changing?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270342" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019325" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2065606" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't even have time to grab my shirt! Well played y=false,name.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019327" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2065604" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If the real reason you barged in was to see more, it would be wise to stop typing now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019328" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! You're a smart one!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019329" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops! Looks like someone couldn't keep away from the keyboard!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019330" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019331" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if I could ever catch you getting dressed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019332" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good, I was worried you would be one of those weirdos who glitch me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019333" } }, { "say": { "label": "

C'mon now, don't be one of those glitching weirdos.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019334" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019335" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've got a bit of a secret for you, I think it would only be fair to share.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019336" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019337" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I... Well I... I kind of can hypnotize people with my pussy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019338" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019339" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm just being honest so you aren't caught unaware if it happens.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019340" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you wanting to try it or something? I have to spread my legs first for it to work even without a glitch like this.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019341" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wish there was a better way but yeah, glitches can protect you from it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019342" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019343" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were wanting to fall into its spell I'll be happy to uncorrupt a file or two for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019344" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like y=true,name is a hypnosis volunteer already. All you have to do is see it glitch free twice in a row.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019345" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Didn't want to try it out eh? What do you have to lose?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019346" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019347" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is someone scared of a little suggestion? Or do pussies just scare you?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019348" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019349" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Guess you need some time to warm up to the idea.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019350" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019351" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's the worst that could happen?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019352" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019353" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If only I could chew these glitches away....

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019354" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019355" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you ruined it! You have one more shot, make it count.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019356" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That'll do it!, look deep into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There we are, one more time for it to take!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019357" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Noooo! You could have had so much more...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019358" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Got you right at the end! Gaze into it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "STARE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate the enthusiasm but we are out of time.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e13395e-6015-464b-8bba-8e7386c53de5/2019359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bad news is I didn't hook you enough. Good news - I have some file integrity left. Maybe I'll be seeing you around.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019320" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019321" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:236d5976-503c-431d-b505-a1e67f9b8ec8/2019322" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-sunnyq-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Really? You didn't even wait for the song to end?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008666" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so dark in here and lights are flashing in your eyes, you might not be able to see the timer.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't just stand over there, I can't hear you over the loud music.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008665" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2066388" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you like the party scene too? I like that I can just let loose.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008664" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2066389" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not everyone can handle the night scene much less a girl like me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her butt", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008669" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is dancing and doesn't seem to notice.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008667" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2066390" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Honestly this song gets me pretty horny, I have some good memories of it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008670" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2066391" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If I don't watch out you might get to see a little too much. If that's what you want just watch me instead of typing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008668" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aren't you glad you listened?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008672" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are causing glitches, maybe you didn't hear me over the song.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008671" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008673" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Type green if you want to see me change the lighting.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008674" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008675" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh! I look good in green! I wonder what other colors we could make.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008676" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008677" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want any green? It's your last chance.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She is distracted again as she twirls around.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get down to look at her ass", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008678" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Maintain eye contact", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is it too dark for you to see everything? To me it makes it sexier.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must like how the glitches illuminate my figure.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008681" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008682" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

MMmm this song is making me think about removing something else and surrendering to the beat.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008683" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a peek for now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008684" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You chose to glitch me when I was about to flash you my pussy? Tsk tsk*

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008685" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008686" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Back in blue baby!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008687" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wooo! I have to take a break for a second if you keep trying to beat me like that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008688" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These glitches are wearing me out, I have to take a break for a second.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! The song's ending now, I'll give you one last chance to see my pussy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008689" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Songs over! Too bad you don't have time to turn your brightness up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a3b9621b-8647-409f-b0ee-45956146783d/2008690" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We're at the very end and I have some stability left so no glitch down there. Too bad you don't have time to try to turn your brightness up.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"green\"", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"You kind of missed your chance on that one.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"You already asked for that, no more green unless you glitch me.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,x=8\r\npages.goto(pages.getCurrentPageId()) // refresh page in a re-usable way" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "3-neon-skyla-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Woah, too bright!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111337" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't get to the party yet?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111338" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be waiting around here to see some of us get ready.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270348" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111339" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too bad I'm already dressed up and good to go. Now, while this doesn't cover much I could do it all over again for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111343" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing cheers me on more than you not typing. You can see all the way through the mesh this way.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111341" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are creating crazy neon glitches, I don't think it's wise to keep destabilizing me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111350" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111351" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go, finally got it untied for you. Don't glitch if you want to see what comes next.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111352" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good boy, I knew you couldn't bring your fingers to the keys at a time like this.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Another glitch but it has a bit of a glow to it now, maybe because I've exposed myself.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111355" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111354" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So it seems like any neon glitches from this point on are going to be extra glowy. It might fry your monitor if you keep it up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111357" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, this is better without messing with the neon glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems the glitch changes my fishnets from pink to green.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111360" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111362" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Almost naked thanks you you not destabilizing me for a while.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately the glow isn't enough to make the timer show up again.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111371" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111373" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you even planning to go to the party or were you just going to watch girl after girl? There should be plenty of us there already.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111375" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111376" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Foot fetish or not, I know a lot of men can't get enough of go go boots.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I shouldn't be too worried about what you are going to do, you are being pretty merciful.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, I was worried you were going to do that again...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111382" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111383" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wouldn't mind going quite a bit further the next time we meet. We could have a heck of a party together.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think? You aren't typing so you must be interested.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111387" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Looks like the glow is fading a bit.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111364" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111366" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I need to start getting ready again, you can't exactly go to the party naked.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111346" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111347" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready again but I have another minute or so to spend with you if you wanted.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111348" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always wanted to wrap these around someone as thanks for leaving my program with stability.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm not sure how you can enjoy me in the dark like that, I can barely see you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111340" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111342" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you come with me you probably want to pick a better outfit. You will stick out like a sore thumb in that.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||shirt||underwear", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Even though some of that outfit is laying on the ground right now...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111344" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111345" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So what do you say? Should I stay here with you or leave to the party now?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You're staying with me? Well maybe I should skip the party after all.

She gets undressed again.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6e865a7d-fcf6-4eb1-a7e9-2c21965ec102/2111389" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Let this be a memory you can enjoy, until we meet again.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "3-neon-scarlett-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I didn't even get to hula hoop...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You see a hula hoop materialize on the dancing girl.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020068" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you here to party with everyone?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270347" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020069" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066382" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard it's going to be EPIC! They have the best electro DJ around.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020070" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066383" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As much as you like music I bet knowing how many young teen asses would be here helped.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020071" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066384" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe we could have a strong man like you escort us to the rave?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020072" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066385" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's nothing quite like dancing the night away.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020073" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066386" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Look at me, you probably aren't sitting there just to listen to me. Maybe I can give you what you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020074" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2066387" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you didn't come all this way just to type some nonsense to glitch me out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020075" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad we're on the same page.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pshhh. I thought we might be on the same page when I took it off.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020077" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020078" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have you ever watched a topless teen hula hoop? You have to see these hips in action.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020079" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020080" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't forget about these! It might be a good time to rest those hands as these come off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020081" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's good, a rest will be great for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020082" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't be such a rude prude.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020083" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020084" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She drops her "shorts" to the ground.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020085" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020086" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you heard rumors of how great go go dancers are in bed.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020087" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You want me to come closer into the light?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020088" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh lucky you, I guess it was too dark to glitch down there. I wonder what you can see.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020089" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020090" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this any better?

She scoots closer to you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020091" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020092" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just lay off the keyboard one more time and you get to be introduced to every hole.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020093" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you finished on a strong note. I bet you will be too horny to dance at the rave.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:65ac2006-e28d-4442-bb82-82df3121760a/2020094" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to defeat me in the very end? Too bad, I have to go to the rave now anyways.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-jaymes-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Three women aren't enough for you?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=4" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey name! I hope you don't mind I brought some friends.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270346" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021381" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2066362" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because there are 3 programs this time, we will be a bit harder to destabilize. The more MILFs the merrier right?

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021382" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2066363" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, I bet name didn't come all this way just to see some underwear.

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021383" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2066364" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that right? Ms. Jaymes, show him a little something.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021384" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021385" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something like this?

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep ignoring that keyboard and you will be rewarded... a bit more than normal.

", "align": "right" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021387" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you stop glitching us you will be rewarded... a bit more than normal.

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

MMhmm, we're just getting warmed up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021388" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021389" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Take off my panties! I want name to see!

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021390" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you are figuring out that not typing is the best way to see what we can offer.

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021391" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You knew we were going to be bottomless and you still typed...?

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021392" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021393" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

For now dildos will do the trick but soon I might want something a bit more... substantial!

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021394" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021395" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The room is filled with the sounds of the moaning trio. Would they let you join?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021396" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021397" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Try and see what bonus we can give you by not typing if you are ready.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021398" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! He listened! Come on closer dear.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021400" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are close enough to use this hole aren't you?

", "align": "left" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Too bad you don't have your cock out yet.

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have your cock out for us.

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Stay here", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021399" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too bad, you are missing out big time.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021401" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh! I don't think there are glitches around, give him an extra show girls!

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Muffled by ass - Mmmm, of course.

", "align": "right" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021403" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021402" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh! He's still trying to resist us!

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021406" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like he chose an extended scene girls!

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021404" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Stay", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021405" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Almost done, are you ready for the best view yet?

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021407" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something to remember us by. Keep that up and you will find yourself in a four way.

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:352c9c87-c60d-46fd-b113-c20abbad2a31/2021408" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't even destabilize us enough but you still wanted to type? That's not the way into a four way now is it...?

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-evangelina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess it's lights out for me then...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009824" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there honey. Glad you find yourself out my way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270345" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009823" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066356" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's just something so sensual about neon lights and there's no one else around.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009825" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066357" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know there are so many skinny programs running around, I can give you a bit more in the curve department.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009826" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066358" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought I saw another program trying to interrupt, don't worry they can't get through this firewall fence.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009827" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066359" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess that means you can't escape either unless you destabilize me but that would be a mean thing to do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009828" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066360" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And why escape when there is a big booty staring you in the face?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009829" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2066361" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've been known to smother a guy or two. Interested?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009830" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might not be the best typist but maybe it is for the best.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009831" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! Impressive typing but I can take only so many glitches.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009832" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009833" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to admit it's pretty exciting being topless out here in the streets.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009834" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry about missing your prompt like that, these distract guys all the time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009835" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are these not distracting enough to you? You don't have to glitch me out ya know...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009836" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009837" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more prompt and then you get to see some pussy, so if there ever was a time to stop typing...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009838" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Aren't you glad you listened?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009839" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok then... don't listen to me for all I care. Glitches for you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997328" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The lighting seems to shift around you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009840" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009841" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These bulbs accent my curves a bit better don't they?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009842" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you noticed that you can't really enjoy wide hips with glitches getting in the way.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009843" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitches are no way to enjoy these wide hips.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009844" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009845" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've never ran this lighting program before, how exotic!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look as close at her crotch as you can", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't look", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++;refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009846" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's beautiful isn't it, yet so delicate...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009847" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tough luck getting a glitch just now but it kind of is your fault.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009848" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009849" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we both know that so few of the other programs have a badonk quite like this but you can only enjoy it one more time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009850" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you want more but I hate to cut this short.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c53b4c5c-ae02-490e-9803-14aea360401f/2009851" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You tried but sorry I have some file integrity left.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The others made it through I have to go! Be careful when you face those skinny bitches.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997328" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She vanishes as quickly as she came.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-dani-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Maybe the next guy will fall for my ambush.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/2019395" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "3s", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage('3-neon---h-jukebug')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Change the song" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021355" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! I know it's dark in here but you almost bumped into me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270344" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 2 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The name's Dani but be careful to not glitch me out, I'm looking for an excuse to use this thing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021357" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

A glitch for missing your prompt? I make the rules here haha.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What did I just say? You want to be shot or something? Last chance before I start using this thing.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But no more glitches from now on, my gun will do the talking instead.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad you finally calmed down so I don't have to use this baby.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your funeral!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I should take these off in appreciation.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021351" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must enjoy staring down this barrel.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like that? You can see more if you want.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021365" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Stay here", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop interrupting my strip show!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021379" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything you like yet? I don't seem to be the only thing glowing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021351" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get that trash out of here!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My pussy lips love it when someone doesn't try to destabilize me.

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you like getting shot so much you should have chosen the military route.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hear pussies are always wetter on the other side of the fence.

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to see who runs out of stability first?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too bad the fence is between us, too scared to cross?

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cut that out!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you made it over, congrats.

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You've got to be kidding!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021374" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But do you think you have what it takes to make it IN?

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ungrateful. That's what you are!

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As long as my program lasts, I'll try to get you in here.

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are really missing out on this body aren't you.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, you will be begging to cry "Dani" soon enough.

", "mode": "pause" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You still have files left?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She stands up to get dressed.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6c771518-48af-4fd2-af68-0ee9763d2c22/2021378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm out of bullets... Looks like you have one more shot to win but don't you dare delete me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>2&&x<14", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "pain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hit", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Whatever projectile she used raises your File corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Didn't make it huh, that isn't so bad is it? I'll be sure to see you around name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg-5-bj": [ { "eval": { "script": "if(underwear) gotoPage(getDmgPage()) // re-roll if still have underwear" } }, { "eval": { "script": "popStack(); // we're loading a different fight page. Pull the one that called us\r\ncallPage(getAltPlayPage('dmgbj')) // Go to the new one" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg-4": [ { "eval": { "script": "if(pants) gotoPage(getDmgPage()) // re-roll if still have pants" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,underwear", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips off your getUnderwearText().

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are thrusting into her!

cor+=15 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&!sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your naked shaft

cor+=9 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg-3": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,pants", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your pants down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your erection.

cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg-2": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,shirt", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "shirt=false,Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She removes your getShirtText().

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She twists your nipples.

cor+=6 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg-1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are tantalized by what you see.

cor+=4 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss--run": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997327" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you not hear that I'm a boss? You aren't going anywhere!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ], "3-neon-claire---res-critical-img": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical')" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Way to cut the interview short...\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are overtaken by a massive glitch!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270343" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:dance-mood-neon.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1836998" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look who made it this far! You seem like the perfect candidate to interview.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1836999" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065772" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How does it feel to have gotten through one girl so far? You can celebrate by removing some clothes!

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Remove your pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } } ], "color": "#f44336", "visible": "$pants" }, { "label": "Keep it on", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Remove your shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ], "color": "#ec407a", "visible": "$shirt" }, { "label": "Go bottomless", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false;underwear=false;" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837002" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065773" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't want to talk much eh? Just type strip instead and I'll take it from there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837003" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065774" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we have had enough of that interview, time to remove some clothing!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837005" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065775" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you type the stuff correctly you have to spank me!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837006" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065776" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think I'm naked yet? Stick around to find out babe.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837007" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065777" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not quite naked yet, let's fix that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837009" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/2065778" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Juuuuust oooone more second...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837010" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You see something you like?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997310" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Too bad you wanted to type stuff like a nerd.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837012" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997312" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm coming for you but first I have to remove this underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837013" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997313" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just hang on while I get these off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837015" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if you are looking at my feet or pussy more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997326" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were trying to get off on my feet it looks like that little strategy won't work.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837016" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997316" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready for the next phase? I'm dripping.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "\"I'm ready\"", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heh, I can tell.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "\"I'll defeat you\"", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't act like you aren't horny right now.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Bring that dick over here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837023" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997318" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitch won't stop it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think you've had that virginity a bit too long.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Care to fuck another girl?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837024" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997319" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837027" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997322" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitch doesn't stop you one bit as you pass through it.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whooop! In it goes~

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false;sex=true;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837028" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997323" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, just squirt it in there!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false;sex=true;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837029" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997324" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

OHhhh!!! Just because I had an orgasm doesn't mean I'm done!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false;sex=true;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837030" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1997325" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you holding back your cum?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#26c6da" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=35 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost a ton of semen as her program leaves you behind.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false;underwear=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayGoto(\"Who taught you that trick? Alright then!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getAltPlayPage('dmgbj'), // go to the bj alt fight page after saying the above\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss---dmgbj": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage([\r\n // Override base page/zone/level default prompts\r\n \"Please don't type\",\"Let me suck you\",\r\n \"Relax while I work\",\"Isn't that better?\",\r\n \"Just keep sucking\",\"A wet mouth is a good mouth\",\r\n])" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20+z*20))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,z==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837019" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what do we have here?

cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There is more to life than sucking dick don't you think?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getBasePlayPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837021" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I know what you want me to do with this.

cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837022" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to swallow it!

cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z++,z>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1837020" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She sucks it as you let her take over.

cor+=12 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"strip\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"Not the time for stripping, only blowjobs.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "3-neon-claire-1-boss-dmg": [ { "goto": { "target": "$dmg=true,pages.getCurrentPageId()+'-*'" } } ], "3-dr-alexis-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"So you had a bone to pick with me?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153075" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, come on in name. I was just analyzing your file integrity. You've sustained complete corruption on cor out of file files.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153076" } }, { "if": { "condition": "alexis>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's right, when I got out of school I became a radiologist. Sometimes in this program it feels like ages to us since we last met.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm your radiologist Alexa. You'll get your results soon.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270368" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153077" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Eager enough for those results that you forgot to type I see.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153080" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that's interesting, I guess because I'm a radiologist it glitches everything with X-rays.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153079" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153078" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must know the drill by now, let's get started.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153081" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153082" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You won't need X-ray vision because I'll be removing all of these clothes now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153083" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There they are thanks to the lack of glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153084" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you just curious to see what I would look like with this mode?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153085" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153086" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Our other test results show that you are searching for programs at level tits.toFixed(2)*10 breast size. I'm at level 7 for comparison.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153089" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153090" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits>.7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry they aren't bigger.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Maybe with time you can learn to love bigger chests.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153087" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153088" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you want me to send in a requisition to change your search preference?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes, I want to see bigger chests โฌ†๏ธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for large breasts detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.min(1, tits+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Yes, I want to see smaller chests โฌ‡๏ธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for smaller breasts detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(1, tits-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "No, that won't be necessary", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153091" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad my help didn't go unnoticed by you, thanks for not destabilizing me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153092" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Destabilizing me? I was only trying to help!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153093" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153094" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you wanting to run some examinations of your own? If you are eager to get started just ask me for a bj or blowjob.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153095" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153096" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You seem like you are becoming quite patient. Good medical results do take a long time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153097" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153098" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you weren't interested in the blowjob, you could even skip right to sex if you ask nicely.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153099" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153100" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, you don't need to be shy, I think we both know why you are still here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153101" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And we both know why you aren't typing the prompts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153103" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Typing that prompt was probably just an accident, I know guys can get a bit nervous when girls are so straight forward.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153104" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153102" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance, so what's it going to be? Did you want sex? If you wanted a blowjob, we can jump right into sex right after to have both.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>11&&x<20", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153104" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Well if you aren't interested in getting physical, I think we are done here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153105" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153106" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Usually it's the patients who get a sucker for their doctor visit. Mmmm.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153107" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153108" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She slowly turns you to face the exam bed as she sucks your cock. She might be getting ready to take you in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>21&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153109" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153110" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so long! I now understand how you could lose so many files so quickly now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153111" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I had a feeling sex would make you too distracted to type. This is how you corrupted cor files now and counting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153112" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've never heard of anyone banging out in X-ray form but you do you.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153113" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153114" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I spend all my day looking at bones but your boner definitely stands out as special.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153115" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153116" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You you are getting close just keep riding the edge, I wouldn't want you creampieing in me. I'm not on the pill.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>26", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153117" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Goodness me... That's quite the load you let loose.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8b131074-f54a-45a0-b04d-105407ec9071/2153118" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You could have aimed for these tits instead you know...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I have to go get cleaned up, I'll send you your other results later.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x>19", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"You already got one!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=20,pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"I see you know what you want. I'm coming.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(sex\\s*)$/i)&&x>22", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"What did you think we are doing?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(sex\\s*)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=22;pants=false,underwear=false,shirt=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Maybe not so patient after all. Go ahead put it in!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "3-dr-cathy---res-critical-img": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096012" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical')" } } ], "3-dr-cathy-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy-=venom

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sj" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"How did you defeat us while still in your restraints?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096012" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "boss" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boss\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you freeze up again? You can't seem to move.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:mazaphonk-music-by-0to8-alexi-action-infraction-alexiaction(drbo.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Excellent, you came just in time Mr. name. The other programs tell me you have been fighting against them to get this far.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2095995" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You still can't seem to move, are you in a wheelchair?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096013" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30));" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonLabel": "Straight Jacket ๐Ÿคช ", "id": "sj", "title": "Straight Jacket ๐Ÿคช " } }, { "say": { "label": "

You won't let the virus run its course. Bad news for you is that you've been diagnosed with a disorder because of that.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'd like to introduce you to someone with the opposite problem, maybe you two can help each other.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2095999" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tiffany? Oh Tiffany... It's Dr. Heaven. I have someone I'd like you to meet.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bring him in guys, but slowly! We can't spook her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096014" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tiffany, meet Mr. z=0,y=false,name. He's here to help you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096015" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Orderly - She appears to have been vigorously masturbating again. I sure hope this works Dr. Heaven.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, I'm sure we can straighten these two out. Leave us and I'll do the rest.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096000" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As the other programs depart you can see Tiffany taking it all in. She is breathing deeply.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mr. name here has the ability to type and reject you. But knowing that he wants to get better he wouldn't do that to you would he?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096001" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are starving for a piece of us but let's see what he does.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&z<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can feel the jacket loosening!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>9&&z<14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You almost have one arm free!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You squeeze out of the jacket and are somewhat free! You are able to push her off.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "myStruggleCount=0;" } } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sj" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('free')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096061" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! It's another cock you can try to satisfy yourself with. See, he isn't even resisting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096060" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! It's another cock you can try to satisfy yourself with. He is trying to glitch his way out of this one but remember how that didn't turn out well for the last one?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096062" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096063" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead Tiffany, I know you want nothing more than to ravage him.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096064" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love it. He must not be able to even free his hands to type. This is so hot!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096065" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He is resisting again? Go ahead and make him regret that decision!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096066" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096067" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one measly button between you and your prize, it's making you drool isn't it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&(pants||underwear)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It doesn't take them long before they have your dick in hand.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096068" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096069" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you still fighting it Mr. name? It will take way more than that to stop her.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tiffany giggles with joy.

He's all yours Girl. Be more careful with this one though.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096070" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096071" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Right as Tiffany goes down on you, you are slapped by Dr. Heaven.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't go cumming too early until you satisfy her! The last premature ejaculator sent her into a frenzy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096072" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are so docile, maybe you are wanting me to join in too.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096073" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What awful glitches, looks like I might need to intervene.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096074" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096075" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Giving him a break? He might not be as fragile as he looks. He's sucking on my tit after all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! He found my weakspots! Nipples and surrendering to us!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096077" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fuck! My nipples are so sensitive, maybe I like it when they fight back.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096078" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He's waiting for us, or maybe the prompts are too hard when you are in a straight jacket.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096079" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Destabilizing us won't do the trick as long as we have stability left.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know Tiffany is all warmed up now, I'm going to turn her attention back to you considering you are still strapped in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096094" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096095" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here we go poor Tiffany. Mr. name has just what your aching pussy needs.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096096" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096097" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is completely lined up and dripping on you. If you don't get free at once it is sliding right in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>12&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096098" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You almost feel like you've completely surrendered as it goes completely in her.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096099" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You fought it but she goes in anyways.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though previously quiet, Tiffany lets out a huge groan of pleasure.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin&&x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She looks back at you with a smirk and turns around.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096100" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096101" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks all over for you Mr. name. She never lets go once she has them in her hold. That straightjacket also looks like it is holding tight.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The keyboard seems to be a distant memory to you. If you are enjoying Tiffany so much, I know how I can jump into this therapy session.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Didn't I tell you that you can't escape her so why glitch it out? Time to take matters more into my own hands in this therapy session.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096108" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096109" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah there girl, don't break him like you did the last one. I have nightmares about how long that took to clean up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096110" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096111" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2097634" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2097633" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#00bcd4" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As your seed pours into her womb much of your program becomes completely affected.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=40 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sj" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โ›“๏ธ Struggle Tutorial: To escape the jacket write struggle as many times as you can in the prompt. For example, typing:

struggle typeTest struggle struggle

is 3!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

To try to break free, type struggle as many times as you can with


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\bstruggle\\b/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/\\bstruggle\\b/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\nprompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*\\bstruggle\\b\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"You struggle to break free (\"+z+\") >\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "3-dr-cathy-1-boss---free": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You broke free and fought us, maybe your ailment is permanent..\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096082" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, did you hear that? He might not have typed correctly but he is getting out!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096083" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This glitch must have sounded different because Dr. Heaven is turning around to you. She notices you are getting out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096080" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096081" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait... I was joking., you really did get a bit loose? Did they not finish strapping you down?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Fine, Tiffany will take care of you just the same.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096084" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He didn't type, now is your chance to dive in.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096085" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quick, he was distracted from glitching us, he's all yours.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096086" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096087" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you holding back all of a sudden? Mr. name needs to move things along.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096088" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Sometimes you just have to take things into your own hands when they wait around and don't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096089" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? If he is just going to try to destabilize us, you have to take things into your own hands.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096090" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096091" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, he is learning well. If you have a thing for ass I think Tiffany can help in that area.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096092" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096093" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on in, fill her up before she forces you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096362" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you forgot how to type, hopefully you didn't forget how to please a woman.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to stop typing yet? That certainly won't please her.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096364" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096365" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is pulling you forward, you don't think you could resist her grip if you wanted to.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you stop resisting she pushes you right in.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You resist it but you go in regardless.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096368" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096369" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go Tiffany, just how you like it. Don't worry, your hungry little pussy will get its fill again soon too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She backs you up into the wheelchair.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096370" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096371" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As time goes on she takes control. Just because you got out doesn't mean anything.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like he kept us stable so I would jump in. Isn't that right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096373" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If he's going to type instead of fuck you then it's time for me to jump in.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096374" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096375" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel your balls slap against her strapon as she is getting off on the power.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can't type under there? Here, let me give you a fighting chance.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to stop us? Ok then, we can change positions.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096378" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096379" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tiffany is reacting like she finally got what we wanted and isn't slowing down.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096380" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096381" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at that, she likes you. I wonder if her ass will ever let you go.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She seems grateful you didn't harm her program and are giving her such pleasure.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tiffany seems to laugh at your attempts to defeat them and escape.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096384" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096385" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know if anyone has ever lasted this long in her ass, surely she is sending you over the edge now.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Over the edge indeed. You pull out of Tiffany to escape with your cum but neither of them will allow it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096387" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, don't be shy. I wouldn't advise making Tiffany wait for her meal.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096388" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=40 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096389" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more step to calming her down. That should hold her off for a few hours at least.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might want to get out of here before she milks you dry again.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d34f0463-7f8f-433c-8ca1-96d835d0f2df/2096390" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm also glad you learned to stop fighting us and just enjoy things, looks like you passed your sanity check.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "3-dr-kelly-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"What's wrong? You are the one who came in here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A visitor! I didn't think anyone would come by.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270362" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095107" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095108" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They put me in here because I have such sensitive skin. I take my clothes off whenever I can.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095109" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you have sensitive fingers? You didn't type that correctly.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095110" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess your keyboard is a bit sensitive too, you are glitching out the whole room.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095111" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095112" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The huge tits get especially itchy. Sometimes I have to have someone else rub them for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095113" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095114" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know I'm not exactly supposed to be undressing in front of strangers but it's so darn uncomfortable! Well I'm Kelly so we aren't strangers anymore.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095115" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I kind of guessed you would want to see the big reveal without glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095116" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! You knew the big reveal was coming but you still glitched the room?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095117" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095118" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The incessant scratching makes me so tired too, I need to lie down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095119" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I guess you were too tired to type. Works for me if we rest together.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095120" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet typing prompts accurately like that makes you tired too. We can both take a break.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095121" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095122" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything you might want to scratch or rub for me? It sure feels better with the clothes off but I could use any additional help.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095123" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095124" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Or maybe something of yours needs rubbing that could fit between these knockers. I bet even the doctor was tempted each time he comes in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095125" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love that you are spending time with some random patient and had the courtesy not to type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095126" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While I appreciate you visiting a patient, do you really think destabilizing will help?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah! I can't risk another glitch. They make my nipples so sensitive too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095127" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought that maybe if I covered up it would make them go away for a moment.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095128" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095129" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've spent so much time in here that I keep thinking of fun ways to use the sheets and clothes.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If I keep knotting them up maybe the staff will stop trying to dress me again.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095130" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you got this far and are still not typing. You must love women with a bit more... to give.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095131" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you got so far just to glitch me now? Don't you like women with a bit... more to give?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095132" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095133" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Keep typing", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095134" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! I cant bear another glitch right now. It felt like one was coming.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095135" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you want to extend things with me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095136" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think will happen if my integrity drops to zero? I don't want to find out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095137" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095138" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! It's so itchy! I can't help myself!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear the PA system page a nurse to Kelly. One will probably be here soon.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095139" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thank you for caring so much about my disease and not typing. I'll remember that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e768e0a-1279-4ef1-8727-5c47b73a75da/2095140" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While you did just have to give me one last glitch, thanks for leaving me with some integrity.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You excuse yourself from the room right before the nurse enters\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "3-dr-lenox-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, you knocked the last of my program stability away and the exam wasn't quite finished... Care to fuck me instead?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let's do it", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She gains a second wind as her integrity becomes x=13,z++,enemy=8

" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "No", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But... you didn't finish your exam!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But... you didn't finish your exam!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107206" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that waiting room took forever but I'm glad you're finally here doctor.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270363" } }, { "say": { "label": "

"Do I look like a doctor?" you wonder as she undresses.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107207" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've soooo been looking forward to my physical exam, are you ready?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sure! Let's begin!", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "I'm sorry, I'm not your doctor. I'm in the wrong room.", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107208" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh... I didn't realize. Well that's just embarrassing

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You head to a different room in the hospital.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107210" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wonderful! A lot of guys are scared of giving me a full physical. Maybe they get really intimidated or something.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell you really know your stuff, imagine if you tried to inspect me while typing. Good thing you didn't.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107212" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whaaaat? How can you inspect me well enough if you are just typing like that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107228" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107214" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, how can you give me a good physical way over there? You have to feel my breasts don't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, well done not typing but don't be shy. It's just a medical procedure.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107216" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this your first breast exam? You are destabilizing everything for some reason.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Don't worry, you're in good hands", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "I'm actually not a doctor, I just wanted to see some tits...", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Whaat? You tricked me!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that the only reason you aren't typing? Just to oogle some poor unsuspecting girl?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107218" } }, { "say": { "label": "

With your skilled typing and uniform you seemed all official!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107219" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You even glitched me out. They get really sensitive when my program integrity falls.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know what... I can forgive this. I'm always up for a little roleplay anyways and these tits aren't going to examine themselves.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I would have guessed you had lots of experience with this considering you can pull this off without glitches.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put one of her tits in her mouth", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107233" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Don't", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107263" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was almost turned on by all of this but then the glitches happened.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So... do you think you can think of any other interesting ways to... inspect the goods?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107231" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107221" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&pants", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "clothes" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your pants down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&underwear", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "clothes" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She removes your underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107234" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107227" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This might be a bit unorthodox but it's a fun way to proceed with the breast exam.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go doctor, we need to make sure your exam is very extensive.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Speaking of unorthodox, it's a bit odd to glitch out a girl who is trying to make things fun for you isn't it?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107237" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107238" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! I knew you'd come around!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107239" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107240" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She lays down.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put it in her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=13,z++" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Continue titjob", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107241" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you can't type right when I hold you in tight like this. You probably can't bear to see this blocked by glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107242" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't need to be scared and glitch me out, I'm helping with the exam now!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107243" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107244" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<1", "commands": [] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, your instruments are pretty impressive. My gynecologist isn't around, perhaps you could use them to inspect my... uh, vagina.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107246" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107247" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is all happening so fast, it's almost in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13&&virgin&&z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&z>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107248" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107249" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well doctor, does it all check out? I've never had any exam like it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107250" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love it, keep my integrity up like that and I can make it feel great for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107251" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, why are you glitching us out? You haven't finished the procedure and I'm enjoying it too much.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107252" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107253" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't go in me if you get close, I don't have my prescription for protection quite yet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107255" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you lose your keyboard? I'm glad you figured out it isn't worth using.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107254" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What kind of doctor are you glitching a patient like that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107256" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107262" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you must be getting close by now, I sure am.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19&&z>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107258" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107259" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think this is it! Remember to pull out!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,(x>13&&z<1)||(x>20)", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107260" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "lose", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"lose\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm cough* Mhhhmmmm

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:814a2214-91b6-409e-9e2e-3298394158df/2107261" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Looks like I passed the examination! Thank you for the good bill of health.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<1&&prompt.match(/^(sex)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"Doctor! How presumptuous of you, but a very intriguing way to preform the exam.\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,pants=false,underwear=false,x=13,z++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(11)" } } ], "3-dr-liya-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And here I thought you wanted to get fixed up.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091958" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh poor little name. Our records indicate that you have cor of your files totally corrupted now. You came to the right place though.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270364" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What what? That's not poor at all! How have you managed to be unscathed? Fine, be on your way babe.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--;doLose()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

No file corruption? Looks like my job is done.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091959" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091960" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

This is a simple procedure really. First I need you to take that shirt off.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Remove shirt", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You sure you haven't had this procedure before? Looks like you came prepared without a shirt.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091961" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't scared of a little shot are you? This one comes with some... fun side effects.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The shot seems to sap your energy at first as she lies you down.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091962" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091963" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There there... don't worry babe. We will get you all fixed up in no time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091964" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not typing isn't exactly a side effect but it helps the procedure. Good job!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091965" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These glitches can interfere with the procedure so if you can refrain that would be great.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If it makes it easier on you, you can always type wait.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091996" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091967" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to see how you have responded to the shot. I'm almost there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091995" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091966" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that, it does look like your girth increased. I think the procedure is a go!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your continued abstinence from typing is much appreciated.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While I don't need you to abstain from typing entirely, I can't exactly fix you up if I lose all my integrity.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's time, and not a moment too late either. You have cor files that need immediate help. I might have to delete a few of the ones that can't be salvaged.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091970" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091971" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091972" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Just letting the Doctor take care of you has its benefits.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't you feel the benefits of the procedure? Then why fight it?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, you aren't responding to the treatment fast enough, I have to use my other intervention.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091998" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091997" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Dr. Liya, paging your dick. It's needed at once!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091974" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091975" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! All that extra girth is hard to take but in it goes!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091976" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091977" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091978" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can tell how much you are enjoying getting your files cleansed, how many missed prompts is that now?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091979" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on now. You already missed a few prompts before, why glitch now?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091980" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091981" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't say I'm not enjoying the procedure though!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091982" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you can follow my prescription of not typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't like glitches, Dr. Liya prescribes not typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091984" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091985" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are responding well to the treatment as long as you can refrain from cumming too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091986" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091992" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry babe, we didn't have time for a tittyjob this time, it wouldn't have cured you as much.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091988" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091993" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091990" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is reduced to cor=0! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It worked! What a good patient you've been!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,pants=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You feel file-=2,cor-=6 corrupted files remain but 2 of them get deleted. ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her procedure is interrupted by glitches.

You feel file-=2,cor-=4 corrupted files remain but 2 of them get deleted. ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false,cor-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The sex cleans an additional 2 corrupted files ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "3-dr-rina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I had an oath to not harm you... too much.\".color(colors.rina))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001048" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard you got a virus, sounds like you need a doctor.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270365" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001049" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2064076" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing Dr. Rina is here to help.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001050" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2064075" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you ready for your physical evaluation?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001051" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you already learned the best way to see more is to ignore that keyboard of yours.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001069" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to keep typing my prescription is for more censorship.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001052" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001070" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are an impatient patient, did anyone tell you yet that typing strip can speed up the whole process for you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001053" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001071" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pretty helpful with someone a bit short on time, I always put the patient first.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001054" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001072" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just give me a few more seconds before these come off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001055" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When I turn around surely you don't want censorship.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001119" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Censorship is a symptom of trying to type too much, just let it go.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001056" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001073" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Only the best doctors wear stockings, good thing you deserve the best.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001057" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001074" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we will spend lots of time together today, let me get my lanyard so you never forget my name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My naked body and a caring physician, what more could you want?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You would be able to enjoy my naked body if you weren't trying to defeat me you know.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001060" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001078" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might be able to delete girls but you wouldn't do that to me now would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001063" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001080" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you want to perform a physical on me? I'm waiting.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001064" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good choice on getting that prompt wrong, how is this for patient satisfaction?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001081" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad we got so far together but why type now? Look how much you are missing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001066" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Next time we see each other I think you can use my backdoor.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001082" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'd let you use my backdoor next time we met but I don't know if I can if you keep glitching me out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001067" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001083" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've been told I have the best bedside manner, it's even better when you share the bed with me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001068" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance to stay with me, just keep ignoring that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6621a670-8f59-4736-87e8-6d80c6664c20/2001084" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? In the very end you are trying to defeat me? Last chance to stay with me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"That's all for now, I'll be sure to see you soon for your next checkup.\".color(colors.rina))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "3-dr-sade-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Guess you wished we took our clothes off like the others.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105223" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things feel really dizzy as you are approached by 2 others.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doctor! We heard rumors of someone messing up our hospital program, what do we do?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have a theory that if we keep our clothes on it should keep the glitches at bay.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "shirt&&pants&&underwear", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!shirt||!pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<5&&!pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

He's not even wearing pants anymore!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=6" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<10&&!pants&&!underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Nothing left down there!

I'm on it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=10" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105224" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Somehow it seems like you loaded into this room wearing a doctor's outfit.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It wouldn't be you now would it...?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

His records do look like he has been typing an awful lot lately...

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105225" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then it is you! You almost had us feeling sorry for you being all lightheaded and all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you need some convincing to to ruin our hospital program do you? Sade, come see if you can find out what he needs.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105227" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know, he is pretty hard. Maybe he just needs to let off some steam.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105228" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Should we let it out? We won't have any glitches to worry about if my theory stands correct.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha yeah, it might be a bit cruel to leave it trapped in here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your pants are pulled down.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stella, you have to come feel how hard he is. He must be in a lot of pain.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You're right, poor thing!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105231" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does that feel better? Don't worry, we're professionals.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you wanting Sade to dive a bit deeper? We need to get a better look at the problem anyways.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your underwear is pulled away now too.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105233" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well well Dr. name... What do we have here?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105234" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stella, come help be get these out of the way, I'm eager to get started.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm on the way.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105235" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I can tell you are already getting relaxed instead of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Shhhh shhhh... Just stop typing and relax.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably want us to do all sorts of untold things to your poor aching cock but unfortunately we are keeping our scrubs on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105237" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They both only lightly caress you, almost as if they are toying with it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105238" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you getting a little frustrated? We just want to go easy on you being dizzy and all that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Stella I bet he wants us to use our mouths.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105239" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her tongue circles your head.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you like that huh? Let me try.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105240" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105241" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't know if the slow buildup is what is doing it for you but you are extra aroused by their control over you and the desire to go further.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7c066dc5-c4b1-4dc4-845c-a2e83468dde3/2105242" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha! We barely did anything!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops, guess you didn't need much at all to blow. Maybe you could use a sponge bath.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "3-dr-skyla-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I was just trying to explain things to you, oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100259" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, just in time for your evaluation. Come on in dear.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270367" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your processor timing goes off and cor+=5 files are now corrupted. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100260" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100261" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It turns out that your heart rate has been off the charts. I don't know if it is because of all the sexy girls or the excessive glitching that is threatening it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100269" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that got your attention? Yeah, I don't exactly advise typing for a while so it's good you stopped.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100258" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did that warning not make enough sense? Your glitches are really dangerous!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100262" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100284" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, this is bad. It turns out whenever you glitch back to back it doesn't give your processor time to cool off. We wouldn't want you having all your files corrupted now would we?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She leans in to whisper in your ear - Don't worry, I know how to relax your heart and get you back to health.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100263" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100264" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100270" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100271" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, it looks like my coat got unbuttoned. I hope it didn't throw off your blood pressure reading too much.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Play with her boobs", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100265" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100266" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's not exactly what I meant to calm your heart down. You are going to raise mine!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=8" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100267" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These seem to be doing the trick though. I'm glad this is a good way to rest your hands away from that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100268" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought you groping me would be enough to stop you typing but I guess not...

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts pulling her bra back up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100272" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100273" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe it will be for the best if we keep our hands off of each other while you recuperate.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100274" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100275" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the sights in the meantime.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100276" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fantastic, I can hear your EKG still slowing down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100277" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, stop that. I don't want to have to perform CPR on you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100278" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100279" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know, I could get used to all this resting too. Care to lie down?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100280" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, resting again name. I think we can risk your heart rate taking on something a bit sexier now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100281" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want to rest name? It won't be that sexy if you have a heart attack.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100364" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100359" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that? A certain pair of undies seems to be slipping down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing down here anymore. No glitches either it seems.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might not be able to tell through your heart rate going up again but nothing down here anymore.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100366" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100361" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe it would help if all of that blood flow went from your heart to your dick.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your pulse is doing great, surprising considering how you could just take me at any time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100362" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep these glitches up you will be on the operating table in no time.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100368" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100363" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pity that I won't let you use this hole but I'm willing to give your cock an alternative treatment.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>16&&(underwear||pants)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your bottoms down and releases your throbbing cock.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100447" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100448" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Usually whenever a patient is well behaved they get a lollipop. Well this time the doctor wants to do the sucking.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100449" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100450" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As her lips caress your shaft your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100451" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100452" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she takes you deeper your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>21", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100453" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She doesn't catch much in her mouth, almost as if she wants you to see it coat her chest.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100454" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your glitching and heart rate do seem better with no increase of corruption, if but for a moment.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that was touch and go for a while but I think we have you stabilized now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:317fe012-0c38-42aa-b501-9d35ba44dc81/2100455" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry dear, I have some other patients to attend to now after I get cleaned up.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'm just glad you were finally able to calm down.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<18", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (pants){\r\n msgs.push(\"She tears off your pants and underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n} else if (underwear) {\r\n msgs.push(\"She pulls off your underwear.\".color(colors.text))\r\n}" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"You think that will get your heart rate down? Bring it over.\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,pants=false;underwear=false;x=18" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "3-sport-jaymes-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207962" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=9" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess you would rather talk to those guys than impress me...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=cor" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208052" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You regain your bearings only to find yourself talking to some guy just as your eyes catch someone striking.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270352" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "tickle", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=cor-a,z>30", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Impressive burn! Are you ready?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Service her ass", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok follow me!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sex')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207965" } }, { "if": { "condition": "jaymes>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you approach you recognize that it's Ms. Jaymes again.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't help but approach her.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207966" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh hey name, real smooth of you. Is your friend leaving?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What's this I hear about you typing before I was ready name, did they set you up to this?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207967" } }, { "say": { "label": "

DId you show up because you think you can impress this gym bunny? Show me how many files you can burn from this workout and you can enjoy this toned ass.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207975" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's a good start. It would have been hard to take on file corruption if you were typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You do know you won't take on enough file corruption in this workout if you are just going to type don't you?

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207976" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207977" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like we have glitches turned off so you can really focus on the burn.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What's next?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull downs ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest to help her with the machines.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('pull')" } } ] }, { "label": "Boxing ๐ŸฅŠ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest trying out the bag.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('box')" } } ] }, { "label": "Stick with the machines ๐Ÿ’ช", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207978" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Remember, the more files you burn the more you will get to experience this dump truck.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207979" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, here we go.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207980" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207981" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just watching doesn't burn anything you know...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207982" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, drop and give me 5!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Give her 5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=5" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your pushups have caused 5 files to be corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So many machines, which one next?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207986" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They don't make these with enough chest clearance. You just have to squish them sometimes.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207985" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207984" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You haven't burned enough. What next workout should we do now?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull downs ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest to help her with the machines.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('pull')" } } ] }, { "label": "Boxing ๐ŸฅŠ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest trying out the bag.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('box')" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "3-sport-jaymes-1-round---box": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=10" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207962" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess you would rather talk to those guys than impress me...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=cor-a,z>30", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Impressive burn! Are you ready?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Service her ass", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sex')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hold it tight now, I wouldn't want these punches to miss.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207987" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "background": true, "id": "tickle", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Push back", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bag whacks you as you lose 1 file ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The first blow lands as you try to react.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207988" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Push back", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bag whacks you as you lose 1 file ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "timerDuration": "3s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws some fast light jabs.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207989" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Push back", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bag whacks you as you lose 1 file ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "timerDuration": "2.5s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This one is going right to the ribs!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a-=5" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I got enough strikes in, what's next?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0,clear+=4" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull downs ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest to help her with the machines.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('pull')" } } ] }, { "label": "Finish the workout", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=4" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Yeah, I guess you did look pretty winded.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "3-sport-jaymes-1-round---pull": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207962" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess you would rather talk to those guys than impress me...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=cor-a,z>30", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Impressive burn! Are you ready?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Service her ass", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sex')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You just want me to tug on something don't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me the only one feeling a deep burn. Come on, I know you want to destroy this back here.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207970" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207971" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hear this one is really good to get a toned chest.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207972" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207973" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "background": true, "id": "tickle", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I'm getting so worn out!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Help her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=3" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your exertion burns 3 files ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2207974" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Help her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=3" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your exertion burns 3 files ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I'll feel that in the triceps for a week, what next?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0,clear+=4" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Boxing ๐ŸฅŠ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You suggest trying out the bag.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('box')" } } ] }, { "label": "Finish the workout", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Yeah, I guess you did look pretty winded.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "3-sport-jaymes-1-round---sex": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,shirt=false,pants=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You throw everything off as she lowers her pants.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208037" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b1>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=12,doEnd()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough ๐Ÿ›

" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Avoid her and run", "id": "run" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go name. Wasn't that worth burning all those files? These toned cheeks could just squeeze you at will.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208038" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come sit up here, I'm all warmed up and ready to go.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208039" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Agh, I guess I can't control the glitches when I'm this excited! In you go!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208040" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your cock slides in as she was clearly ready for you.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208041" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes! Turn me around, I want these tits in your face!

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn her around", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208042" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this a better way to burn calories and more?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

cor+=5 Files are now corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Motorboat her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208043" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208044" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208045" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is the best freaking workout of my life.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208046" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't worry about those, it's making your system better anyways.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208047" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes name! Files! Cum! Give me everything you have!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208048" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're on the edge already?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "13s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208049" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "run" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

clear+=6,horny=false,file-=14 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208050" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could have lasted longer but I guess I can't complain. I quite enjoyed that.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:12ffd96a-64ba-4742-bd14-ee867e3456be/2208051" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=14" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I hope you won't be too sore to face the other girls. Rest up if you can.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "3-sport-keisha-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=12" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Wow, I guess it's game set and match already.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208958" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you my new tennis instructor?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270354" } }, { "if": { "condition": "keisha>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Who knew I would have shared a tent with them earlier. You didn't tell you played tennis then!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Because you have a new student, Keisha!

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208900" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've tried learning on my own but I could use all the help I can get. Maybe you could hit a few practice balls as well.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208901" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“You hit it in the net ๐Ÿ˜“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208902" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208903" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even I know you got to get it over this thing haha.

Suddenly looking up her skirt raises your file corruption to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s", "title": "She serves the ball to you ๐ŸŸก", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well done!

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Hit it over the net" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here Let's get started, try to return this serve.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208904" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A lot of people think this net is a nuisance but I found another use for it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208905" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It slides in there so perfectly mMMmmm haha!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch her grind on it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208906" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208907" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208908" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was going to hit another ball at you but without you typing it seems you might just want to stare at these instead.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Typing instead of teaching? Let's see you return this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208909" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s", "title": "She hits a ball at you ๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many balls are around her?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "Just enjoy looking at her instead of answering", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not going to even try huh...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many racquets is she holding?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208910" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Am I right? Is topless grinding enough to make you toss that keyboard out of the court?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208911" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s", "title": "She hits a ball at you ๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many balls are around her?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "Just enjoy looking at her instead of answering", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not going to even try huh...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many glitches are there?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208912" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It slid my underwear to the side, if only you could see it!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208913" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s", "title": "She hits a ball at you ๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many balls are around her?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "Just enjoy looking at her instead of answering", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not going to even try huh...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many glitches are there?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You return the ball over the net.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "Just enjoy her instead of answering", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not going to even try huh...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208914" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208915" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some teacher you are haha, everything is still glitchy!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208916" } }, { "say": { "label": "

15 Love service!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wow you nailed it, I gotta get serious now and take my shirt off.

" } } ], "title": "She hits a ball at you ๐ŸŸก", "buttonLabel": "Hit it back", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You already seem distracted, maybe stripping will make that worse.

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208917" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll do whatever it takes to win.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps you could come here and perfect my swing.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208921" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love it when instructors aren't afraid to go far with their students. Even with all these people around too...

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Bend her over", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208918" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208919" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you hoping I would spill out of my top?

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She adjusts your hand a little higher.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208922" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what do I do with my hips as I follow through?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her butt in public", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208923" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value barely rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! With all these people watching? She gives you a slight wink.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you wanted to go beyond stretching those pants have to come off.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208924" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take them off ๐Ÿ‘–", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Looks like your pants are already off, I have an idea.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208925" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want to do this in public you can run away, up to you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208926" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s", "title": "She tosses a ball to you ๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many racquets are around?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! You missed one! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You catch the ball.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many yellow objects are there?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You catch the ball.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] }, { "label": "5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get a public blowjob", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Escape the court", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "tab>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


Your taboo value is too high to turn this public act down

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


Your taboo value is low enough to turn this public act down.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How did I know you were going to pussy out...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } } ], "color": "#fbc02d" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208927" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208928" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208929" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208930" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her lips cause your file corruption to rise to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208931" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your lack of typing paid off don't you think?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208932" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to wear these balls out - both kinds.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Finish in her mouth ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=18,file+=4,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#26c6da" }, { "label": "Go further with her", "commands": [], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,shirt=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208933" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208935" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sex in public?! I've always had this fantasy!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now tab+=2๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Push that tip deeper! Let them watch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin=false,sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2209178" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes! No glitches to hide you from everyone else either!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208934" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes! Don't think your glitches hide you from everyone watching.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2209179" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208936" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They're all staring!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208937" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208938" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you drawing this out? I bet you are really getting off on this then!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn her around and keep going", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Finish on her ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=18,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#26c6da" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208939" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208940" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! This is a public park for christ sakes!

", "align": "left" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "title": "Someone throws 2 balls at you ๐ŸŸก๐ŸŸก", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That was close. They'll get over it.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Dodge them" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "5.5s", "title": "Someone throws 2 balls at you ๐ŸŸก๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many racquets are around?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! You missed one! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You dodge the balls.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many red glitches are there total?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You dodge the balls.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now tab+=2๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208941" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208942" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let me take over name. I'll really give them a show.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208943" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208945" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now tab+=2๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208946" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208947" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like they went to tell the authorities. As much as I love this we probably don't have forever.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208948" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "title": "Someone throws 1 ball at you ๐ŸŸก", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Quick thinking!

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Grab the racquet and hit it" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208949" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“Too late! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s", "title": "Someone throws 1 ball at you ๐ŸŸก" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many balls are shown?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! You missed one! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You dodge the balls.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg=true,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


How many blue glitches are there total?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽพ Correct! ๐ŸŽพ

You dodge the balls.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] }, { "label": "5", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜“ Wrong! ๐Ÿ˜“

dmg,cor+=4 files are now corrupted by getting hit ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208950" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208951" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn her around and keep going", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Finish on her ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=18,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#26c6da" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208952" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208953" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value grows to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208954" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208955" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhhh name! I'm so close!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s", "style": "secret" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208957" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=21 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ea868c8a-a6eb-4092-960d-d828550227c3/2208956" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was perfect but we have to hurry up and get out of here!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=14,doLose(\"You both take off before the authorities arrive.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "3-sport-liya-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'd say I don't hear no bell but it's kind of hard to continue without file integrity.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=((x/2)+3),doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(70))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:396b20fe-f1de-41d1-a0fc-ff5e5aded3f7/*" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161619" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well well... Looks like I trained you well. You got through... what is that, like 2 zones already?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270355" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you think you have a chance to be free of this virus you have to be ready to go another round.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may have noticed in a boxing match you don't get a button waiting on you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161620" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you tired already? Or did you just want to give me round 1?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Come on, is that all you got?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't know how long I can maintain it but I've spent enough time with this program to avoid glitching.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161621" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on now, I know you don't want to fight anymore. It's been a long exhausting time for your fingers.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161623" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'd rather glide on you instead of being on the ropes.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's not going to be that easy to knock me out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161625" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My word, could you imagine if someone was this thick? Anything is possible in this digital world.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161627" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161626" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you proud of yourself? Trying to beat a girl?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161628" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like one titty is still a bit shy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161629" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See if you can coax it out by not typing.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161630" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I've never seen anyone fight so hard to avoid titties.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161631" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Gosh, I can't believe I still have underwear on. Let's get on with this! You can help me strip.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161632" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wearing out yet?

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161634" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that, you got me on the floor. Do you think you'd be able to subdue me?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161642" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161633" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161637" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161639" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161641" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's not over yet, I'm still standing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161643" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How slowly do you want me to pull these down? I've got plenty of time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161644" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161645" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(click to skip)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161648" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I'll keep my underwear on then...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161650" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this too dark for you? Ignore that keyboard and come into the light.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go closer instead of typing", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161651" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nicely done, but did you really think I would let you see everything so soon?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How boring, learn to take a break.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161652" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These can cushion me in a fight but they still hurt pretty bad. Thanks for not testing them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161653" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are starting to show up on my gaydar you know...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161654" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wanted more light didn't you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok I'll grant you this, you wouldn't have seen much anyways this time.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161655" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet these aren't the thick ropes you wanted to see all over my pussy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161656" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is it driving you crazy never knowing when they will move?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok now, you haven't beaten me yet and the bell will sound soon. Why keep fighting?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161658" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to spend your final seconds gazing upon these beauties?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161659" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know what I would do in your situation.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161657" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Stalwart until the end eh? Too bad I'm still standing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2161660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ding ding ding*

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you really could go every round. Kudos to your endurance.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=10,doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "3-sport-sabina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=((x/2)+2),doKeep(\"Ok then, run away for all I care.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207697" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And just when you thought the girls were done another one runs up...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207698" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sabina>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name! Schools out! Did you miss me?!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you a fellow jogger? Hi, I'm Sabina.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270356" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, join me in my run.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207699" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh did you not have enough time to see the prompt?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It seems you can keep up with my pace.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207700" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hopefully you can keep up the whole time name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207701" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must love jogging for the same reason I do. Fresh air and great scenery.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207702" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It helps that it lets you maintain an amazing bod.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207704" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sticking around just to watch my bod? That's fine with me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207706" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I can give you a peek under these shorts. I'm not exactly wearing any underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207709" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's all you needed to hear to not type huh...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207714" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I told you I would give you a peek and you risked a glitch?

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep looking at it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207711" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207716" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207713" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207718" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you guess I wasn't wearing a sports bra either?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207720" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207722" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Anything you were wanting to see?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Topless", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207726" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207727" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You were already looking at all that!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Under the shorts", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207724" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207725" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Guess you didn't see it well enough the first time.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'll tell you what. If you strip down, I will too.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Strip down", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Refuse and run away", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "color": "#fbc02d" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,shirt=false,pants=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207732" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207733" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tada! But I think I beat you to it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Eyes up", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207730" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207731" } } ] } } ] }, { "label": "Eyes down", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207734" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207735" } } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, you are getting really close. Don't make me jog away.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh wait a second! I forgot to stretch!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207736" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207737" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get right to it, you can join me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207738" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207739" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207740" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207741" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207742" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207743" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closer", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207744" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207745" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You would think if you wanted to see more you wouldn't type but here we are.

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look even closer!", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207746" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207747" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Back up", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207748" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207749" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel so limber now.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207750" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207751" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now! That's not what I meant haha!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this rate with you not typing I feel like I could do a whole marathon.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207753" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Destabilizing me makes it hard to run far ya know? You can take a break too.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207754" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207755" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What next? This workout can't last forever.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207756" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207757" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I could show off my pussy lips for you one last time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207758" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take all the time you need. I still have enemy integrity left.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207759" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are making me regret trying to give you another look.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207760" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aaand we're done. Are you feeling the runner's high?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c6d9f3c0-db62-45c1-81ee-524b07007808/2207761" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As horny as it makes me, you still have other programs to meet.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=12,doLose(\"She jogs off leaving you alone to load the next program.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(cor/file*80))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.7s", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ โ€๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸŒณ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.7s", "align": "right", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸŒณ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.7s", "align": "right", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸŒณ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.7s", "align": "right", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ โ€๐Ÿ’จ๐ŸŒณ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.7s", "align": "right", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "3-sport-sophie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=4,y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=((x/2)+2),doKeep(\"Whatever you need to do to be relaxed...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wisdom-by-prabajithk-(yoga).mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191942" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She just seems to be meditating. What should you do?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191943" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191944" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191945" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191946" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These poses she is picking sure seem like she knows someone is watching.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She looks near your direction, maybe she heard you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can come on over now name... I could use some help.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sophie>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Remember me? I'm Sophie.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't think we've crossed paths yet, I'm Sophie. Come don't be shy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191951" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Escape her grab" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While her feet distract you, she lunges forward.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Just look at her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191950" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Lick her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191954" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Rub her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191953" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191956" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Escape her grab" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She reaches for you again

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191955" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, feed your desire. You could have run long ago if you wanted to.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191957" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Escape her grab" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her foot moves to drag you to the ground.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191958" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She moans as she shows off her flexibility.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If that's everything maybe we can see what's under your shorts.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her to buy you time", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191959" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her to buy you time", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191962" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, we can both see you poking out of your shorts.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191963" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Escape her grab" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries yet again.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Whoop! I found it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191964" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191965" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Which one do you like more? I know you felt my pussy inching closer but maybe you are just content worshiping my feet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191966" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I caught you!

She gives you a kiss as your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=0,x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191949" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you couldn't wait to have my feet in your face.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191952" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I found where all of your blood flow went.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191960" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why worship one foot when you can have both?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191961" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191966" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we will be seeing each other a bit more. Enjoy your blue balls while you remember my feet. She winks as the program fluctuates.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191941" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=10,doLose(\"As short as that was she disappears into the static.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get her attention by typing", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "voy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround*.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--,doEnd()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your voyeur level doesn't let you stop watching!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] }, { "label": "Keep watching", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "4-lib-carrie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Guess I won't get to experience your book worm.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cpmAdjust += .10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The lag causes your timer to shorten! โŒ›

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052945" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Find any good reads? Looks like my favorite character, name, just got introduced.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052946" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053008" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This isn't just non-fiction but also the non-clothing section haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you couldn't stand to type the prompt for the big reveal.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053009" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh, am I lagging?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052950" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053010" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These jeans are pretty skimpy, might as well remove these too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052952" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stay on the lookout for me will you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053011" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep lagging me, you might never know when the jeans come off.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052954" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053012" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you just browsing or do you see something you want to actually check out?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052956" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Beautiful isn't it? It's almost as smooth as my frame rate right now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053013" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whenever I stop lagging you might actually see something you like.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052958" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053014" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm trying to find a book that has the code for how to make your underwear disappear.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I was looking for some code to remove your undies but looks like that won't be necessary.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052960" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053015" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So now that you are ready let me show you what's in store.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I found it, say goodbye to your bottoms!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she runs a line of code your underwear breaks into many tiny fragments.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052962" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053016" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that your cock is ready to rock did you want to kick things off with a BJ or jump right into things?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "BJ", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Jump right into things", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=14" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052964" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053017" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! You have quite the book worm!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I knew you wouldn't be able to type once I started licking.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053018" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet even the sensation is delayed with this bad lag.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052974" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053019" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is only working the tip but her confidence keeps you on edge.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052987" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053020" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Alright, enough playing around now!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052980" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053021" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052993" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053022" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, how long do you think you can last without putting it in?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can feel her flex her cheeks around your shaft.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052995" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just one more prompt you need to miss and you can stick it in!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053023" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope the lag is the only reason you haven't stuck it in yet.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052997" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053024" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wow, we got the tip in now didn't we? Let me lower myself down a hair.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2052999" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See how good it feels to ignore typing for a second?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053027" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even with your lag spikes this must feel amazing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053001" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053029" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Talk about a page turner. Ready to flip me over and really give it to me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Flip her over", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053003" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053032" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes, yes, it's almost all over for you. The last chapter so to speak.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>21", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you out slightly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053005" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry name, it seems like you wanted to go forever but I have to save some of you for next time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ad5aff3-4f93-4c44-b721-4692aa4ebcff/2053036" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like even though you tried to beat me in the end it wasn't enough. Maybe try to face me when you are a bit stronger...

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are denied as she vanishes into the depths of the program.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false;underwear=false;x=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(\"Neat little trick you learned, it seems like it's working on me too.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "4-lib-christina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess reading isn't for everyone.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well Hi there. So many books to read but you probably didn't even notice anything but the booty.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036421" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this rate it seems like you didn't know there is a keyboard either.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036422" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitching already? Calm down name.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036423" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036424" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I started without pants but I'm going to end with quite a bit less.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036425" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036426" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Books and booty. A fantastic combination.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's a first for everything, how does it look?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, that's a new glitch you've created.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036429" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036430" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last piece of clothing, sayonara.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036431" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sayonara to the keyboard as well I see. Great!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036432" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What a bad time you chose to type...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036433" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036434" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I almost forgot to read my book in all this excitement.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036435" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036436" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's pretty erotic, I bet you would like it too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036437" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, reading is much better than typing isn't it?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036438" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on now, reading is way better than typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036439" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036440" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could just lay here all day reading while you watch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036441" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A little mirror to tease you with.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036442" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Turns out that this glitch doesn't work that great in the reflection.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036443" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036444" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What a fun object to cover up my privates with. So educational too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036445" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you aren't trying to beat me anymore, just one more time to stop and you can enjoy the view.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036446" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? Still trying to beat me for some reason? Well you have one more chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036447" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3f9912c-c853-4994-a739-5c8b853332f6/2036448" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that about does it name! I look forward to the next chapter in our lives.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "4-lib-diamond-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I get it, not every guy wants a girl as forward as I am...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058753" } }, { "say": { "label": "

After all of your searching you finally found a Diamond, as chance would have it that's my name.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058754" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058755" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you want to inspect this jewel of a woman? Be honest, you probably were already looking at it.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058756" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You will find I'm quite flawless, the opposite of your typing prowess it seems.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058757" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are such a nerd, how can you inspect me if you tear the screen up with these glitches?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&virgin", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('virgin')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Scanning...

No Virginity detected!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058760" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058761" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Shame, looks like someone else got to you first... It means you probably aren't worth me using my entire repertoire on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058764" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But repertoire there is, it looks like you are taking full advantage of.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058765" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh... just because I'm holding back means you think you can beat me with a few words?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058768" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058769" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Holding back sounds nice, a girl needs a break to just stretch out sometimes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058772" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058773" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I also have a feeling your cock needs a bit of a break haha. Some of us will suck you dry if you keep letting them!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058776" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because you are missing prompts I have to reward you by stripping even more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll keep stripping but if you keep typing you are kind of missing the point aren't you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058780" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058781" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even if you want to bend me over the bookshelf you probably have to wait until next time we meet. I usually only hold back once.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058784" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, you are getting real close to seeing the perfection of my pussy.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058785" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I sure hope that is the last prompt you will type now that you are about to see my perfect pussy.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058788" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058789" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you afford a Diamond though? My tastes are a bit more exquisite.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058792" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhhh, the way you just stare blindly at it without typing gets me so off!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058793" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh! I can't even push these glitches away. You are being no fun!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058798" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You almost have me convinced to let you put it in with those puppy eyes and bad typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you weren't typing I might be convinced to let you put it in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Without underwear I bet you are just drooling to get in here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058808" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But who needs your stupid cock when my hand has so much more to offer me.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a shame your hands weren't skilled enough to defeat me.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "4-lib-diamond-1-round---virgin": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Someone trying to steal your virginity is just a step too far is it...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Scanning...

Virginity detected!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058759" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well well... why didn't you tell me you haven't had your first time yet?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058763" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My specialty is deflowering every shy guy I find. You know you won't stand a chance right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058816" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You certainly won't stand a chance if you don't put up a fight, haha this will be easy.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058767" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fight it or not, few men can reject my tits in their face.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058817" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058828" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you would want to take me up on the offer, it won't be long now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058818" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058775" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As soon as I move these books out of the way you get to find out what I'm wearing underneath this skirt.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll give you a hint, it's the opposite of something.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you in as she lays back.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058819" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's a good boy name. You will remember this taste as what took your virginity.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058779" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think that will be enough to slow me down? Eat me out to apologize.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058820" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058783" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh where are you hiding little one? Time to make you into a man!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058786" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be too nervous to type, let me set your mind at ease.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058787" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are nervous but that doesn't mean glitching me will help.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls off all of your bottom clothing.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058788" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058789" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready or not, these are your last few seconds as a virgin!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>11", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2060799" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058791" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Gave it to me just like that huh? They never do last long. How does your first pussy feel?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin&&x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058822" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058795" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here let me show you the ropes and let you see how experience feels. You will never see a book again without thinking of this moment.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#9c27b0" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058824" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I love how you are just giving up, I find they always do with a reward like this.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still fighting it? You can't seriously think glitches will get you out of this.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058823" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058797" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I may have underestimated that cock of yours, how have you not used it before? We gotta do this again.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She gets off of you as she pulls you in again.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058826" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, practice that thrusting. We want to make it better than your typing skills.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058803" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, maybe you should spend more time practicing thrusting than you do trying to type these silly phrases.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058827" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058805" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surely it won't be long now! Guys never finish after me!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#9c27b0" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058806" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:378f9273-42a2-4fe6-90f8-9ab481dc7f49/2058807" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Someone had a little bit of a spill. Too bad that cum is probably going to make your keyboard even worse.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have horny=false,file-=22 files left ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "4-lib-emma---res-critical-img": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055679" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical')" } } ], "4-lib-emma-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You don't trust me to not get caught?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055679" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These crashes seem to be happening more often now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

z=0,y=false,name?! Shh, come here. Don't let the other programs know you are here.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055149" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She whispers* There's one standing right there... I'm Emma, you probably aren't used to meeting bosses as young as I am.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libboss-basement-prazkhanal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! We got caught and they are kicking us out! Guess you have to kill some time in the library while things cool down.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('lib')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055150" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055151" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are crawling all over this public library. Boss or not, no one can withstand breaking library rules.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But doesn't that make it all the more exciting? The thrill of getting away with it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just as you wonder what she means by "getting away with it", she pulls her pants down.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055152" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because you didn't type right you think you can get that close?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055153" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh, guess those errors are getting in the way aren't they...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055154" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055155" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You better be extra quiet now that I'm going to be bottomless. We wouldn't want some unsuspecting library patron to report us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055156" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055157" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah there we are, few bosses are as much of an exhibitionist as I am. I enjoy flashing people too - watch!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055158" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sure they may be on the small side but keep missing those prompts and you get to enjoy them.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As long as we can avoid wandering eyes that is...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055159" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Didn't you just get a warning that I was going to flash you? Why create errors and ruin it?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here, I'll give you another chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055160" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055161" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think someone's coming, should I risk it or cover up?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Risk it", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Cover up", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fine, I'll pull my shirt down but we have to see what your prompt is first.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055162" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The fear of getting caught just turns me on so much!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wanted me to risk it but you typed anyways? You're crazy!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh z++,name they saw us!

โš ๏ธ Report chance increased

I hope they don't report us.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055164" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055165" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I almost tripped earlier, would have made quite the commotion.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055166" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Think of how hard it would be to find the right story through a bunch of errors.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055167" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's hard to find the right book through all these errors don't you think?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055168" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055169" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did your shoelace come untied or something? You are drawing more attention if you are eying me like that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055170" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good job, typing makes a lot of noise so not doing it is a great way to stay stealthy.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055171" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you used your keyboard just a bit too much, how about giving it a rest for once?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you heed the warnings well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055173" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Serves you right if you don't want to get flashed...

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quick, before someone comes.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Enjoy it longer", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "\"You can pull it down now\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055174" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055175" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Another program just saw me! My heart is racing!

โš ๏ธ Report chance increased

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&underwear", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055176" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055177" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&!underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, looks like x++,name's got a bare bottom and is ready to go.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055178" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055179" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't mind finding out how many licks it takes to get you off would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>15&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She engulfs your cock as you look around to see if anyone sees you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055180" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055181" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055182" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Shhh! I see more programs coming, try to stifle your excitement will you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, someone might see these glitches calling out the size of your cock.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055184" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055185" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you have the confidence to ignore everyone else and let me please you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055186" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055187" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You keep feeling the desire to moan but you know that would draw attention.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055188" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on, I'll try to block their sight of your dick real quick.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even though you keep typing and destabilizing me, I'll try to shield your cock from their view.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other program hears something and starts to bend over.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Hide behind Emma", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055190" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055191" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Other program - Hey! What's going on over there?! I would hope nothing inappropriate.

โš ๏ธ Report chance increased

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055192" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055193" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite the dangers of being reported and getting in trouble, you can't avoid the temptation her mouth provides.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055194" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you decided not to be a slave to the prompt. Care to use this cock in my other hole?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055195" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though you are knocking my integrity down, how about you pause that to use this cock in my other hole?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>23", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055196" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055197" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wow! You got that tip in quick! I'm glad you are so ready to go!

I didn't know you were an exhibitionist as well hehe.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055198" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055617" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yet another pussy envelops your cock as it slides in.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh! Try not to scream, I'll do my best too.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false,sex=true" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==26", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055200" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055201" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you feel like giving me a creampie I'm game.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==27", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055202" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are right on the edge, public sex has a way of being short.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055203" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Typing or not looks like your balls are getting too full to continue much more. I still have file integrity left, why fight it one more time?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might just have a few pumps left in you. I probably can't finish this story in time.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>27", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055204" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:350078b9-6a9a-4295-aaec-3153a7a244d6/2055205" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#0097a7" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You are filling me up! Glad you got to go out in a bang.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=40 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pretty soon your jizz in me will be the only thing left of you as your program is falling apart

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Type softly", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธ Report chance increased

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"run\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"If you run they will catch us!\".color(colors.girl), getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(24)" } } ], "4-lib-jessica-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess you can turn the lights on now...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047150" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You got here so late. We were closed for the night.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*50))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047152" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049553" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was about to finish wrapping up but did you want to hang out for a bit? I can't turn the lights back on for your timer though.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know why I was worried that you could come and glitch everything out, thanks for avoiding that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049558" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You are causing so many odd book glitches. You probably can't see anything.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047167" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049564" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I used to think I would never be the type to strip in front of someone but that is what you are here for right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And you seem like the type to not type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049564" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even though you seem like the type who just wants to type.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047180" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049579" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Gosh I can't help but feel so shy but sometimes you just gotta put yourself out there.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047187" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I almost wish I had a glitch or two, this is so daunting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049585" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The placement of the glitches are so unfortunate for you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047194" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049590" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I also never thought this ladder could be used for posing, makes so much sense in retrospect.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049595" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so quiet in here, no one would ever know what we did.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047212" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you didn't type there, the glitches have been getting more severe. You never know what could have happened.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049598" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh! The glitches are getting worse, you might want to stop it for the safety of both of us.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047218" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049604" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you are still here, not to mention I still have some file integrity left.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047224" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have to forgive me, I'm not that used to social setting much less one I am naked in.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049608" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the glitch thought it was too dark down there and missed a spot. I wonder if it was right.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047231" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049612" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that we are this far the glitches thankfully won't work that well.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047237" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I can turn you into a better reader than you are a typist.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049619" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, tough break this time. They covered up nearly everything this time.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2047244" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f4d368d1-45be-49e2-b7ce-99bba4fe9d1f/2049630" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All done now! Sorry, I'm a bit too shy to keep going. Though I hope you can visit me again sometime.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "4-lib-sunny-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177183" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you load in she is muttering something to herself about a to-do list or something.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177184" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my! I have to go into the library soon, were you needing anything?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't need anything you could just give up and go to the library with me, up to you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177186" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not sure why you would want to go through all that effort of typing. Just write library so I can start my commute.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177187" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* Fine, so I guess we are going to go through THAT whole ordeal are we...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177188" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, there are no glitches. You didn't even type anything correctly, what are you trying to do exactly?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, I see you are glitching me out. This won't be easy I'm afraid.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She attempts to undo the glitch.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well if you aren't going to let me go to the library, I guess I just have to fight back like those other girls.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177192" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you didn't come to the library for your love of books but to see sexy librarians strip This isn't going to be easy for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177193" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177194" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I doubt too many of the other librarians can match my chest though. Of that you will find out soon.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177195" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177196" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks for not destabilizing me, I can give far more poses to those who don't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177198" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought you wanted me to strip! Why destabilize me, this can be over as soon as we go to the library.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177199" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177200" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177202" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on honey, the library is about to close. You can spend the time enjoying me instead of fighting.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177203" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177204" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't attack now I'll let you see more.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177205" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See that wasn't hard was it? Go ahead, get closer for your reward.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177207" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177206" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No reward for you, do you regret it yet?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177210" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177211" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aren't they beautiful? Not like those other flat chested librarians these days.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177208" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And look at that - The underwear isn't covering up much of anything anymore thanks to my file stability going strong.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177209" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This underwear isn't even covering anything anymore. You would know that if you didn't glitch things.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177216" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177212" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitch free and panties free. Feels great!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177213" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, another glitch. Let me try to remove this one.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, not quite. They are getting too severe.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177217" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177218" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on, I'll show you more but I'm not used to baring everything for some rando. Normally a bit more of an introvert ya know?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177219" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177220" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think you could survive this?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are a virgin after all are you not?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think you would find the other girl you lost your virginity to wouldn't compare.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177221" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177222" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ok that's enough of that, I have to get to the library now. Maybe I'll see you there.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^library*$/i)", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lib')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "4-lib-sunny-1-round---lib": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program reloads you into the library.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177624" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 3 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you let me get into work in time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177625" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second! This isn't my uniform! I loaded in with my nightgown!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That won't do at all haha!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177626" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you won't mind if I changed out of this. You did give up after all.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177627" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't worry, I might strip for you but I'm not quite an exhibitionist quite yet.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The patrons won't be here for another few minutes at least.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177628" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And think of it as being a perk of giving up to me. A perky perk haha.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177629" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program is remembering your preferences for this body type as we speak. Hope you weren't too attached to the flat and skinny teens.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177630" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"But that's enough, the patrons are on the way. Thanks for letting me get here on time\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "4-lib-taylor-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!prompt.match(/^2021*$/i)&&x==5||!prompt.match(/^October*$/i)&&x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not the answer I was looking for but whatever...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"If you don't know the answers you could just admit it.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! There's my history pupil. I was worried you were going to run late.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143381" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might not remember our last tutoring sessions but I definitely can inspire a zeal for history.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143382" } }, { "if": { "condition": "taylor>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Remember me? It's actually Dr. Taylor. You probably didn't know I had a PHD in history.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might not remember our last tutoring sessions but I definitely can inspire a zeal for history. I'm Dr. Taylor.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143383" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143384" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was hoping you might have a PHD of your own... A pretty huge dick.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You heed the flash warnings well by not typing the prompt.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want to be flashed? You'd rather see these "historic" glitches?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143387" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143388" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that I have your attention, back to the lesson. In what year did Trials of the Succubi first release?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143389" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143390" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always loved pencil skirts, you can hike them up as far as you want regardless of if you are wearing anything underneath.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If I remember correctly, the first culture recorded to wear women's skirts is the Vinฤa.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143391" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see that you too are fascinated by British Heritage.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143392" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why type? Does British heritage not get your blood pumping?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143393" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, no flash warning this time but you still wanted to see what I had? Alright then!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143395" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are becoming my favorite pupil because you leave me program integrity.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143394" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because you think there was no flash warning means you could glitch me? Maybe I would have shown you more.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143396" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143397" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

While I take the skirt off I have another history question but harder this time. What month did Trials of the Succubi first come out?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143398" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because I love your answer so much you can come get a closer look!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143400" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Stay", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143399" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wanted to destabilize me instead of answering? I would have shown you an up close view.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143401" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143402" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think this tutoring session has some new heights we could achieve. Are you ready?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143403" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143404" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've heard that getting turned on can limit memory function and reasoning. What a great way to truly test your historic knowledge.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143405" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe your memory function is so limited that you can't type, interesting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143406" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe your memory function is so limited that you forgot that typing like that will keep glitching me. You want to be tutored right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143407" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143408" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We may be in a library but I don't need the uptight librarian hairdo.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143409" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143410" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143411" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143412" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that feels so much better. Maybe us programs can teach you to let your hair down as well and loosen up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143413" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143414" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you listen to my loosen up advice. Enjoy the lack of glitching!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But it looks like you are still uptight with your keyboard.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143417" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143418" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

In what year did my bra slip off?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143419" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course that was a trick question but I still liked your answer.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you missed this flash? Don't worry you will get another chance.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143421" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143422" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, this leather is so soft. The first couch dates back to around the 7th century BC. And no, BC doesn't mean before cumming.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143423" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143424" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even if you aren't well read I would hope you are well endowed, I could use a little companionship in here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I can't sit around here naked the whole time, someone might come and we are running out of time.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143425" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you skip typing for me just one more time? I'll give you a special look.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143426" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If this is your last bout of glitching, I can give you a final look to end on.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! You left me with enemy stability too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143429" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well then, wouldn't it be fitting if I leave you with one final peek? There you go.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f24a7c9b-a01a-48df-84de-2d9ddde600cd/2143428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stalwart until the end I see. Do you fancy yourself a member of the Irish army in the siege of Jadotville, 1961?

Too bad you didn't win this struggle.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I hope you learned a lot about history... and more.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(prompt.match(2021)&&x==5)||(prompt.match(/^October*$/i)&&x==9)||(prompt.match(/^2023*$/i)&&x==15)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "var msgs = []" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "msgs.push(\"That's right!\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=4,dmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(msgs)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(14)" } } ], "5-camp-brandi-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You could have caught so many butterflies though.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^morph*$/i)||prompt.match(/^purify*$/i)||prompt.match(/^cocoon*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You little copycat!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&x<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They have ๐Ÿ›0 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿ0 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿฆ‹6

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&x<6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They have ๐Ÿ›0 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿ0 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿฆ‹4

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&dmg&&z>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They execute the sting hack!

It deletes 5 of your files! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file-=5,z-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry! We had to stop you from attacking us and our butterflies.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They have ๐Ÿ›0 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿz ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿฆ‹0

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161661" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey sis! Someone else must be here for the butterfly migration.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't know anyone else knew about it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161156" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They have ๐Ÿ›12 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿ0 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿฆ‹0

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug", "background": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‹ flutters to you.

You now have ++b6

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random() >= .70", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฆ‹ flutter to you.

Wow name, what luck!

You have b6+=2

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(85))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As pretty as those butterflies are, I think we can make more.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They execute the cocoon hack.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=6,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161157" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161158" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if he knew how to do that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161159" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes, this butterfly sanctuary is a peaceful place where no typing is needed. The longer you stay here the more butterflies you get.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you trying to destabilize this butterfly sanctuary?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161161" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161162" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think we could use one of the butterfly hacks on him? I bet we could reverse one of the helpful ones as an experiment.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sure, it would certainly make things more interesting.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They execute the purify hack.


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.50", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo level grows to tab+=2 ๐Ÿ™Š

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161163" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161164" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're right, that worked rather well.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And it wasn't too mean either, name could reverse it now that he knows it.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161165" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161166" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What else can these little beauties do?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Patience, we can't give away all of our secrets so fast!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z=4,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161167" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While he isn't typing, we only have enemy stability left, we need some self defense for some insurance.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161168" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this rate we won't last much longer, we might have to go on the offense.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They execute the morph hack.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161169" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161170" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, name knows the offensive power of ๐Ÿ. I hope he doesn't make us use them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161171" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161172" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last warning, don't try to glitch us out anymore. Just try to catch all the butterflies you can.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161173" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe our warning did the trick, I hope you've caught lots of butterflies.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161174" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did that hurt? We warned you but maybe you thought we weren't serious.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We still have z ๐Ÿ left to use. That's enough to sting him z/2 times.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161175" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161176" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But why speak of violence, I can't get enough of all these wonderful creatures to catch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161177" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161178" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's just something beautiful about a creature growing up and changing into something that could take your breath away.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161179" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161180" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps we could show name a bit more of this beauty for keeping us stable.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh the food is ready thanks to us having another peaceful moment. Have a seat, we told him we would show him more for ignoring the prompt.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161662" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, one wiener isn't enough. There are two of us after all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161182" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! Why did you do that name? You can't watch us enjoy a wiener if you keep doing typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161663" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They just take their time seductively licking it while passing you a side glance ever so often.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161183" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I'm hungry for so much more than that little thing. Any ideas?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know, it looks like he is forming quite a few ideas.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161184" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You think just because we are out of ๐Ÿ now means you can just take us out?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You sure you want to get hit again?

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161185" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161186" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The migration is almost over sis but this was even better than the one last year.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161187" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks for letting us catch so many, here we can share one ๐Ÿฆ‹.

Not all the bugs out here are so helpful, good luck out there.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "5-camp-bridgette-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2205466" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Sheesh, leave me all alone will you.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the grasshopper hack

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a-=2,y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192003" } }, { "if": { "condition": "bridgette>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look who found Mrs. Bridgette again.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you out here all by yourself or something?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192004" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surely there is room for one more if you want to come snuggle with me.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Follow her in", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "Go find someone else instead", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How rude!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--,doEnd()" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0&&looseResult>.9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her grasshopper ability lets her dodge your efforts! ๐Ÿฆ—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.55", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has a๐Ÿฆ—

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192005" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Entering her tent gives your head an almost canvas-like shroud.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you would want a companion, who wants to brave the wild outdoors by themselves?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192006" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... what are all of these? Are they for tracking your file corruption or something? That's so cute.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192007" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you aren't able to type with your hands full haha.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192009" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you glitching things out on purpose? We haven't even started.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She reaches her hand down her panties, should you ignore it and type?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192008" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I forgot how easily distracted you get. I'm glad you are so easily entertained.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Ignore it and type", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192011" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, now I know why you aren't typing. Why didn't you say something? You could just ask for a blowjob you know...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192010" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, there are beautiful women throwing themselves at you and all you care about are your files, bugs, and silly numbers. Ignore all that!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She removes your shirt.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's see how well you type smothered with tits!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192012" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192013" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192014" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192015" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I won't give you what you want unless you beg for it, just ask for a blowjob already.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192019" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192020" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not a fan of blowjobs are you?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's see if I can wiggle your little virgin dick in me then.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's see if I can give you yet another fucking that you won't soon forget.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She is pushing her underwear out of the way with your erection, you don't have long to react.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192021" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't great at typing but at least your tip is good for something. How about the rest now?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192022" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fight me or not it looks like your tip went in anyways. Want to surrender yet?

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get away from her and run", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2205466" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You barely get away.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on... You know you can't stay away from me for long. See you soon.

Don't get too cold without your clothes now.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192023" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192024" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No turning back now. Might as well retire that keyboard that you dragged in here for some reason.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192025" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because you didn't attack me just then you think you can be the big spoon? Enjoy it while it lasts.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192027" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me push you off for glitching me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192029" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192031" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't try to make this romantic. Bend me over like you mean it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192033" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192034" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You sure it's in there all the way? Here, go deeper.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192036" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192038" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can let loose at any time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192039" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, now we're getting somewhere!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192041" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that's better but imagine it without glitches.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192043" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192044" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, are you getting ready to erupt?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192048" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192050" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, that's nice. Even more files than I expected.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Either I dodged well enough or you just wanted to stay with me forever. Either way you have to wait for next time.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "looseResult = levenshteinPercent(looseFilter(ttText), looseFilter(val))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>.9&&y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false,z++,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&prompt.match(/^(bj|blow\\s*job)$/i)&&x<9", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$x=0,getAltPlayPage('bj')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "5-camp-bridgette-1-round---bj": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Not everday someone wants to cut a blowjob short.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0&&looseResult>.9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her grasshopper ability lets her dodge your efforts! ๐Ÿฆ—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.55", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has a๐Ÿฆ—

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the grasshopper hack

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a-=2,y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,underwear=false,pants=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192014" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright then, here I go!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2205467" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192016" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192017" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her sizable ass is almost smothering you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Toss her salad", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192018" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh!!! You sneaky little camper.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2205469" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>4", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go longer", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=1,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Cum for her ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#26c6da" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "9s", "style": "normal" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:609935f2-4332-4c32-82fd-60a62ac8df99/2192048" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=14 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Flood this whole tent with it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Come back next time you want your dick sucked.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "looseResult = levenshteinPercent(looseFilter(ttText), looseFilter(val))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>.9&&y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false,z++,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "5-camp-dorothy-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b5+=z" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Alright then, I guess you can have my bugs if the picnic is over.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^swarm*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You're trying to use the ants against me? But I taught you!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^nest*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "nest", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There you go, I'm glad I was able to teach you. The ants will be along shortly for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That's not quite how to use it haha.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You step on 3 of her ants.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=3" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('swarm'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has ๐Ÿ›0 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿ0 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿœz

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z+=x,octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160659" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has ๐Ÿ›1 ๐Ÿž1 ๐Ÿ1 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ1 ๐Ÿœ0

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah name! What a lovely day for a picnic, come join me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the nest hack!

A trickle of ๐Ÿœ are on the way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that? Did you really think you were the only one who could use bugs and hacks?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160661" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160662" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those hungry ants are never too far from a picnic. As soon as they tell their friends, they will be all over this place.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160663" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160664" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And unluckily for you, I know how to use that bug type. I can teach you how to use them and even give you some if your leave my program alone.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160665" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh lovely, here is one ๐Ÿœ for not typing!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b5++,z--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160666" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure you don't want any ๐Ÿœ? They can supplement your destabilization power.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160667" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160668" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can see more of them coming now, but you are paying attention to something else aren't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160669" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160670" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh sorry! I didn't know they would sting so hard!

Well I did tell you I would show you how to use them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160671" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here, have 2 more of mine.


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z-=2,b5+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160672" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me use it again if you are attacking me, the ants are growing in number.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160673" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160674" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There is still so much food for us to enjoy, but too many ants are starting to come. You could help me squish them.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160675" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160676" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll even let you see my body for helping out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They are probably streaming in because of all this fruit.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here is one of them for not typing the prompt.


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z--,b5++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160678" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately the glitches won't save you from the ants. What else do you have?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160679" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160680" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This banana is probably tiny compared to what's going on in your pants. I think we both know how much you like floppy hats.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Step on some ants instead", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=3" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ff9800" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160681" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160682" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160683" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160684" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I had to get up, there must be almost 10 of them showing up each time now and still growing!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160685" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here's a few more of them for you:


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z-=4,b5+=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160686" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You sure you want to type like that? I still have tons of fruit to go through.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What fruit do you want me to finish next?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Orange ๐ŸŠ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160691" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160692" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this how swollen your balls are getting from not cumming?

" } } ] }, { "label": "Watermelon ๐Ÿ‰", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160687" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160688" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can use it instead of the glitch to cover up.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What an absolutely gorgeous day! Did you even notice or were you just staring at me?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160689" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2160690" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b5+=10,doLose(\"You have to go now, there are too many of them. Here take ten!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(4)" } } ], "5-camp-hailey-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐ŸฆŸ and have ++b7

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"That was strange, you didn't even speak with her and destabilized her.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You squished one ๐ŸฆŸ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165731" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "wasp", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses the bite hack.

Your file corruption has become z-=3,cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

Her integrity increases to enemy+=3

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.65&&x!=0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐ŸฆŸ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "id": "bug", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b7++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165709" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you come out of a clearing, you see someone enjoying themselves in the stream.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She definitely heard something but you don't know if she saw you yet or not.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep watching", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your voyeur status doesn't let you leave so easily.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } } ], "color": "#f57f17" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165699" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You still can't tell if she knows you are there yet but he is kicking water in your direction.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165704" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165694" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok... she must have seen you. She is looking right at you and smiling.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165715" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She must enjoy having someone watch her have fun. She is clothed after all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165719" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well... maybe not for long...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165724" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She must be quite a little tease, especially if she knows you are watching.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165725" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But she must. She hasn't taken her eyes off of you and makes seductive gestures as she removes her top.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165726" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165793" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well maybe not, she seems interested in something else right now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165727" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165798" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165728" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear her laughing to herself in the distance.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165729" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165730" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She shakes them back and forth as if to make you wonder if she will ever show them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ and have b7+=4

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You feel like you can't stick around forever. \".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has ๐Ÿ›1 ๐Ÿž1 ๐Ÿ1 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ1 ๐ŸฆŸz

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z--,y=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "getDmgPage()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"No bugs to squish!\".color(colors.text),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "5-camp-hailey-1-round-dmg": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't help but keep watching from afar.

dmg=true,cor+=3 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "5-camp-keisha-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess I'll go back to being lonely in the woods...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You take cor+=z,z file corruption from the venom ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&x>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "wasp", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165731" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses the bite hack.

Your file corruption has become c-=3,cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

Her integrity increases to enemy+=3

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0&&x>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "id": "bug", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the venom hack


Program fragmentation detected โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true,d--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>1&&x>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 2, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the purify hack.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b-=2,Math.random()>=.50", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo level grows to tab+=2 ๐Ÿ™Š

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You feel the need to cum immediately.

" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny", "title": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต" } }, { "eval": { "script": "horny=true" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>5&&x>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ast" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ast\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses her swarm hack on you. ๐Ÿœ

Your file corruption is now a-=6,cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(60));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270360" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There seems to be a lull in the action so what better way to spend your time than making something.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167211" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


Whittle whittle carve whittle carve carve carve whittle...

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cinematic-documentary-lexin-music-(campboss).mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name, I'm lonely in here. When are you going to finish all that whittling nonsense?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.85", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a+=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.75", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.50", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has ๐Ÿœa๐Ÿฆ‹b ๐ŸฆŸc๐Ÿฆ‚d

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pops back in a teasing fashion. You try to leave but the only way out of this program may be seeing this through.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167212" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Open the tent cautiously", "commands": [], "color": "#689f38" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167213" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you let your guard down otherwise the glitches out here make everything so hard to see.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, you are going to glitch a lonely girl?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167216" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Talk about easy access! You just let me!

You must know there are too many bugs to squish.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167217" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167218" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&x<16", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,dmg=true" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Don't fight back (so she doesn't hack)", "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167219" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167220" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167221" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167222" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167223" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on honey. I know you aren't typing because you are just so eager to put it in.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167224" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on honey. Just because you think you can destabilize me like that doesn't mean you don't thirst for this.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167225" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167226" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So that's what you want is it? Go ahead, push it in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167227" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167228" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you need some help or something? Don't make me wait!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167229" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167230" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoopsie, looks like the tip just went in. I'll give you a moment to come to terms with it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She tugs you further in before you expect it.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167231" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167232" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad we got that out of the way but you are still being too hesitant. Let me take over.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167233" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167234" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now then... I can't wait to see how deep this thing can go.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! It's way in there! I might not have been able to take so much if there were glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh! That's pretty far but think of how deep it would go without the glitches!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll give you the... "deluxe" if you skip the prompt this time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167237" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The deluxe it is!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167238" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167240" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh baby! We could rock this tent together for hours!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She must be getting pretty attached, she is rubbing your hand.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167239" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You want the glitching instead of the deluxe?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167241" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167242" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on baby, give me all the thrusts you have!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Give it to her", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Hesitate", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Really? Do I have to do everything for you?

She pulls you down into her.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=14" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167243" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167244" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? I knew you had plenty more thrusts left in you!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167245" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What makes it better is it's almost as if you are giving up any resistance. I love it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167246" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could do without you trying to fight me with your typing though.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167247" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167248" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've got another deluxe treatment ready for you if you want to toss that keyboard away.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167249" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I'm getting close. I need to get back to that clit action.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167251" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As both of you stare at each other you both get closer and closer.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167252" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She shudders as she has an orgasm.

How is that for deluxe? Keep going!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167250" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you fighting back so hard? I know you are about to blow anyways.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167254" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=35 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&x<6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Push her off", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey! I hope you did that because you want to move faster.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=6,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "Just type", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167253" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good news is you survived, bad news is that I have to wait to get more for the next time we meet.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You stumble out of the tent before she can suck even more from you.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^squish*$/i)", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a--" } } ], "visible": "$a>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‹", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b--" } } ], "visible": "$b>0" }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c--" } } ], "visible": "$c>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‚", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d--" } } ], "visible": "$d>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a--" } } ], "visible": "$a>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‹", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b--" } } ], "visible": "$b>0" }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c--" } } ], "visible": "$c>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‚", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d--" } } ], "visible": "$d>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "5-camp-mai-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "id": "bug", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch, you hit hard as a rock. I guess you have to find your way back by yourself.

You gain ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b8++,doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the venom hack


Program fragmentation detected โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You take cor+=z,z file corruption from the venom ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^venom*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You're so silly, you don't have a scorpion like we do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&!sex", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What took you so long to ask? In you go!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=11,sex=true,virgin=false,refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Ask them for sex", "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162128" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wow, I didn't think you could find us way out here. We have some time before my partner comes back.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162131" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! It worked, sometimes if you strip fast and early enough you can bypass any glitching.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has ๐Ÿ›0 ๐Ÿž0 ๐Ÿ0 ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ0 ๐Ÿฆ‚12

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162133" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good thing you didn't try to destabilize me out here. It would have activated the scorpions prowling around.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162137" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure you want to glitch me like that? It makes the scorpions go active. They are quite dangerous.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162139" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162142" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't come with a vehicle, does the program just teleport you around or something? I imagine these are bit more fun. You may have noticed there are two.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mai should be along any moment now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Another girl comes out from the rocks.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162145" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Someone found us? But we are barely clothed!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162147" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who's this sick pervert?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh that's name, the one with all the files that we have at our disposal.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162149" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see, it seems as though he learned to avoid those scorpions. Did you warn him already what would happen if he typed?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162152" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must not have warned him what happens when he types, or maybe the scorpions haven't attacked enough yet.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162156" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162159" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I told him already. I see you want to show yourself off to him too. Come join me.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

On the way Claudia.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162162" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162164" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's sad there aren't 3 of them. We could have gone on quite the naked trek with name.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162167" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162170" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You really think he would be able to keep his hands off of us long enough to go anywhere? He has been staring at us the whole time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Though he must have both hands free from not typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162175" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you just like having venom flow and destroy file after file?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think he could guess what zodiac sign we are?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aquarius of course...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162177" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162180" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I could just rip those clothes off of him to see what's under there.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look at that, he's just standing there bottomless. I have to see that cock up close.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh me too!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&(shirt||pants||underwear)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false,pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "clothes" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now's our chance to overpower him and taste it!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162193" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They push you down.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162183" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162186" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are ready for us to show you what we can do. It's as hard as the rocks we are laying on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162196" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still scared of the scorpions? Or did you think we would do all the work if you don't type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162200" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think we will let you off when you are typing like that?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you back as you let them take over.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162202" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162205" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, is this going in our asses or pussies? Here we go!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&!sex", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162222" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162225" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh are you an ass man? Whenever you want to move onto the real deal just let us know!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162216" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162219" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't care what he decides, I need some!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&!sex", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just because he's moving to you doesn't mean I can be ignored.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, I'll take care of you Claudia.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162211" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex&&x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162227" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mnnnh, It feels... perfect!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mnnh, You think moving to the real deal will make us forgive you for destabilizing us?

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then I can't wait!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex&&x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162233" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162225" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes! Keep it going Mai! I don't think name has much left in him to extend things.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162240" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162243" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you still ache for him. There's always next time.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There better be!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>13", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162247" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, just like that it's over.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

He must get off on getting scorpioned about z times.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, just like that it's over. I expected more self control considering the lack of typing.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=18 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162251" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my Mai, there's so much. He is going to turn this arid rock into a cum oasis.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162253" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha stop it girl. Here name, have these for sticking with us - ๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿฆ‚

You have b8+=3

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "5-camp-skye-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"No problem in just slowing down to enjoy life you know.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Well Hi!

I didn't know anyone else was camping around these parts.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.65", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random() >= .60", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has z๐ŸŒ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191967" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:turn-up-explosion-mrthenoronha-fire-2-8-bit.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the snail hack

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z-=3,y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't think anyone could find me so fast. How did you get past all of those snails, not to mention all those other programs?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191970" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's none of them on me are there? I could use more, I only have z saved up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191971" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second, you don't look like you are looking for snails at all. Then that means... oh you sly devil...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She grins as she goes to lift her shirt.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191972" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191973" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191974" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You would think a snail is doing the typing haha. I suppose you do have quite the distraction though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191975" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Where did all these leaves come from? Is that some sort of a new glitch you are causing by typing?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191976" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191977" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm Skye by the way, I'm glad you came out all this way to find me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191978" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191979" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you are thinking what you could do if you had a slug or 2. I honestly don't know.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191980" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hate when people use my name as a pun but not typing like that will keep your Skye clear.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191981" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never know what could be hiding behind those crisp leaves. Well... not everything that is.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191982" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want to follow me in. Keep my integrity around and you will.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2197999" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are so interested in typing and leaves instead of looking then go ahead...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191984" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191985" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The snails are fairly harmless but if any other bugs show up things might get a bit exciting.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191986" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah you are playing nice now, maybe I can return the favor.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has discarded z ๐ŸŒ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191987" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you don't want to "leaf" me alone. Gah, I can't help the puns...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191988" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191989" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Things look like they are "trucking" along nicely.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make me run over you with it, I can only imagine the amount of file damage that would cause.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191990" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191991" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear the truck engine rev menacingly.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good choice, I was really ready to hit you with this pickup just then. I'll even give you this pose as a bonus!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191993" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191995" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The truck backs into you as your file corruption raises to cor+=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Man, I've been out here camping for so long. I think it's time for a shower if you want to join me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191997" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those snails can get a little slimy after a while. Thankfully it cleans right off with a shower.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191999" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have some hard to reach areas back there if you want to help me out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you don't want to shower with me? Then I guess we will skip that part...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The program seems to be ending. Come inside my camper before I wrap this up.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Join her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2192001" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha, I didn't think you could turn that offer down.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Seeing her clean body in this light raises your file corruption to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2192002" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Enough looking at her", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Leave to the next program", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You leave before she realizes you didn't follow her\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"We took our time but I think it was worth it don't you?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:turn-up-explosion-mrthenoronha-fire-2-8-bit.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her snail hack skips your turn!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false,doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "3-sport-jennie-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=7" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"No shower for you then.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209185" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209184" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who just let all that shower steam in? The room is glitching!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270353" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, I fixed it for you. And who is this in the ladies locker room?

", "align": "left" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(x*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true,cor+=3,refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Remove the glitch ๐Ÿ‘พ", "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209187" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! No steam! If it ever comes back you can corrupt a file here or there to clear it up for us.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209188" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whenever you glitch us out it forms shower steam but you can corrupt just a few files to clear it up for us. Would you do that please?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you didn't barge into the locker room we would think you were quite the gentleman.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you be a dear and fix that up for us?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209191" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209192" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209193" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209194" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately you just missed our big game. If only you would have shown up a bit earlier.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209195" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209196" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess watching us get ready to shower is the next best thing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not too much steam but that is soon going to change.

", "align": "right" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209198" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now the steam is going to get really bad if you don't help us out. Aren't you here to see our bodies?

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209199" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It always happens when things are about to get hot.

", "align": "left" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209200" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know, I hear some guys are into forms of censorship. Prove me wrong.

", "align": "left" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209202" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We'd ask you to come join us but unfortunately the shower only holds 4. What are the chances?

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209203" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The coach could be back at any moment. You could run if you don't want to risk her punishment for finding a man in here with us.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209204" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you going to do if the coach comes back and sees everything steamy and glitchy?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209205" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209206" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

(Slap* While they all giggle)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209207" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can see clear as day. And you don't look so bad yourself now that I can really look at you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209208" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're up again, just press that button for us please.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209210" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She's almost here! name catch!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, slow reflexes.

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I like those reflexes.

The ball grants you 2 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Catch ๐Ÿˆ" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209212" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll give you the ball if you clear all this up!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209213" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Calm down girls, let's head to the shower now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on name, the ball comes with a bonus! ๐Ÿ˜˜

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++x>12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209216" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I almost forgot, can we get that football back please?

", "align": "left" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Toss the ball back ๐Ÿˆ ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209217" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2d3314c9-f0e5-4418-9993-c27f81fa1317/2209218" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Seeing their tits bounce as they jump in celebration raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=6,doLose(\"They head into the shower as you are forced to leave imagining what you are missing out on.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(4)" } } ], "any---h-help": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit3.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the help hack!

Loading hack tutorial ๐Ÿ’ฟ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Greetings... this program exists to educate the victim of a virus with potential countermeasures known as hacks.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

After defeating a boss, a hack description might be shown which lists the hack keywords, the bug cost, and the effect that the hack will execute. They come in varying rarities with some needing collaboration with other victims to find.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When the necessary bugs exist, a victim may type the keywords into the prompt to run the hack program.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hacks bend the rules of the virus and can be quite powerful in certain situations. A victim is encouraged to build a database of the hack and keywords that have been revealed to them.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pay additional ๐Ÿ› to continue", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good luck. ๐Ÿ€

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2212014" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There also exist incomplete hacks that show up like this. These hacks will have multiple parts that all share the same font. They have to be entered one at a time in the correct sequence. Some trial and error may be necessary to execute these complicated programs.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good luck. ๐Ÿ€

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-hous-okita-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e08b737-8d5e-4c6f-9758-a1a3ea0ea8f3/*" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Not sure why you wanted me out of the kitchen so badly.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cor>69&&bridgette==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('bridgette',1,'hous')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e08b737-8d5e-4c6f-9758-a1a3ea0ea8f3/*" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215157" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Greetings name, I was planning to cook for you but for some reason the program is having lots of errors and didn't load in the appliances.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215154" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have the feeling that if you type enough they might pop in and out as artifacts.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269174" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 3, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 3, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor++,y=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You take additional damage from being close to her.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false,enemy--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She loses an extra bit of integrity from you attacking so close.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0&&x<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8e08b737-8d5e-4c6f-9758-a1a3ea0ea8f3/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yep, there's another applicance artifact. You have to wait until it goes away to see me again.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Is that where they all went? If you keep typing you won't get to see me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good choice not submitting the correct prompt. Who wants to watch a bunch of faulty applicances clipping in am I right?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215159" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I got your attention. Were you expecting me to do something?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215158" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you forgot to type, is that what you were expecting?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,y=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215155" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was starting to think it was so empty in here before you showed up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215156" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now I have everything I need.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215165" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215164" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Risky spot to be in, I bet someone will lose more files at this range.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215161" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Move close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215166" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was hoping you would get closer too.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215167" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She grabs your hand.

I have something to show you if you skip typing again.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215168" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you didn't wait around all that time just to watch me in my bra.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215169" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215170" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Patience pays off don't you think?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215171" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Could you imagine missing out on these if the applicances were getting in the way?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215172" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that's sad. Though the appliance issue got smaller - They are still in the way.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215173" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215174" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215175" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215176" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even without cooking in here I feel like it's heating up.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215177" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215178" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't mind if I took my panties off as well would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215179" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215180" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm moving slow but time to prepare yourself.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215181" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you're more than ready for it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215182" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That doesn't seem like preparing yourself to me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215183" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215184" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215185" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215186" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. Im Okita.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215187" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215188" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It must feel pretty one sided that we know everything about you and nothing about us.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215189" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215190" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess we found one use for this kitchen without appliances.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215192" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Silly things are still broken, and you are exacerbating it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215193" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215194" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215195" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215196" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have one shot left, let's be peaceful shall we?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215197" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aw thanks. Peace is always a better option.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:80680906-15f4-47b4-80c4-584975f1c53b/2215198" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Maybe next time I could cook something up for you!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "any---calibrate": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220657" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hooked up and ready", "commands": [], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim=true" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0.5 } }, { "say": { "label": "

Set your sound for what works for you. Hopefully the virus doesn't change it down the road.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done ๐Ÿ”‹", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful out there now. The virus could take over your device you know...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Again ๐Ÿ”", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#2196f3" }, { "label": "Disable all E-Stim ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estim=false,level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "settings-device": [ { "say": { "label": "

Some devices may provide different results throughout the tease.

Please select your device for the best experience.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Current device selection: teaseStorage.getItem("device")

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "2B", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device\", \"2B\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 50)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-device" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "3rdH", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device\", \"3rdH\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 90)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-device" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "ET312B", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device\", \"ET312B\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 90)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-device" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "BTstim", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device\", \"BTstim\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 90)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-device" } } ] }, { "label": "DIY/Other", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device\", \"DIY\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 90)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-device" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "settings" } } ], "color": "#424242" } ] } } ], "settings-pain": [ { "say": { "label": "

This option will give pain files an extra volume boost.

It automatically takes into account your selected estim device.

โš ๏ธ You must recalibrate after changing this setting for the new level to work! โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pain level: teaseStorage.getItem("pain")

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Low (Default)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"low\")\ndevice = teaseStorage.getItem(\"device\")\nif (device === \"2B\") {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 50)\n} else {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 90)\n}" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-pain" } } ], "color": "#388e3c" }, { "label": "Medium", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"medium\")\ndevice = teaseStorage.getItem(\"device\")\nif (device === \"2B\") {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 40)\n} else {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 80)\n}" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-pain" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "High", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"pain\", \"high\")\ndevice = teaseStorage.getItem(\"device\")\nif (device === \"2B\") {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 30)\n} else {\n teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\", 70)\n}" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-pain" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "settings" } } ], "color": "#424242" } ] } } ], "settings-sound": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sound Test

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tease volume changes made here are temporary.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Use "Device Sound" to set max computer volume. Use "Calibration Sound" to set physical e-stim device level.

The tease and calibration sequence will use a default volume of teaseStorage.getItem("device_volume")% because you are using a teaseStorage.getItem("device") device and you have selected a pain level of teaseStorage.getItem("pain").

All pain signals are delivered at 99%.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Testing Volume: test_volume%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โš ๏ธPlay Device Sound (100% Vol.)โš ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:device-test-1db.mp3", "id": "device-test", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get(\"device-test\").setVolume(1.0)" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stop", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"device-test\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-sound" } } ] } ] } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Play Calibration Sound (Testing Vol.)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "id": "calibration", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get(\"calibration\").setVolume(test_volume/100)" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stop", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"calibration\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-sound" } } ] } ] } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”ŠVol: +5%", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "test_volume = parseFloat(test_volume) + parseFloat(5)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "test_volume >= 100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "test_volume = 100" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-sound" } } ], "color": "#3e2723" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”‰Vol: -5%", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "test_volume = parseFloat(test_volume) - parseFloat(5)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "test_volume <= 0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "test_volume = 0" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "settings-sound" } } ], "color": "#3e2723" }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "settings" } } ], "color": "#424242" } ] } } ], "calibrate": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya recommends a Dual-channel setup:

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธ should be a bipolar anal plug or contact points just above and below your asshole.

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ should be a connection at the head of your cock and the base of your cock or under your balls.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Awaiting confirmation...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ”— Connected โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Nevermind, Disable all E-Stim ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estim=false,level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


Do NOT connect the electrode wires to the box.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

System needs to ensure correct computer volume before connection is made.


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

System is currently loading a sound file that will increase in volume over the first few seconds.

When this begins, adjust your computer volume to the highest level appropriate for your e-stim device.

๐Ÿ”Š For reference, this will play at 100% volume. ๐Ÿ”Š

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "60s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrate2" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:device-test-1db.mp3", "id": "device-test", "volume": 1 } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim=true,soundStop('device-test')" } }, { "goto": { "target": "calibrate2" } } ], "calibrate2": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now, connect the wires connected to your body to the E-Stim unit.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

System will play another sound which will increase for the first few seconds.

Turn the intensity of the device to the highest level you can take without tensing up.

For reference, the current volume is set to teaseStorage.getItem("device_volume")%.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ready", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "60s", "isAsync": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "id": "calibration_test", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(\"calibration_test\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"calibration_test\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you in the mood for a warm up to get used to the signal?

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrated" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Warm up ๐Ÿ”ฅ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrate3" } } ] } ] } } ], "calibrate3": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well well name. Let's get you used to the device and all warmed up.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Loading up another sound for you now. Let it play so you can get used to the feeling.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ready", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Here we go.

", "mode": "autoplay" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2225992" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "60s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Again please", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrate3" } } ] }, { "label": "Recalibrate", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrate2" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "warmup" } }, { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(\"warmup\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Finish warmup โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrated" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Recalibrate ๐Ÿ”", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "calibrate2" } } ] } ] } } ], "calibrated": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that things are set as you like it DO NOT change the computer volume or e-stim levels for your own sake.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful out there now. The virus could take over your device you know...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done ๐Ÿ”‹", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Disable all E-Stim ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estim=false,level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } } ], "3-sport-claire-1-round---les": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,hyp>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Your hypnosis level makes you too curious to turn away ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z++,voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your voyeur level makes you want to watch them go at it. ๐Ÿ‘€

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Fine, just leave us alone then.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226290" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch them", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "visible": "$hyp<4&&voy<1" } ] } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1000s", "isAsync": true, "style": "secret" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Type instead โŒจ๏ธ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226291" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh good choice!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You progress by 1 Km

But your file corruption grows to clear++,cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226292" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226293" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How did I know you would get off on watching...? Vanna here gets off on cunnilingus.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just let him watch and start using that expert tongue!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226294" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

My turn!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226295" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're freaking right! Oooohh!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's it. Maybe you can teach our little voyeur how it's done.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226297" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You progress by 1 Km

But your file corruption grows to clear++,cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fuck me Vanna. I want you now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226298" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your doubts about watching fade into enjoyment.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226299" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Claire winks at you, maybe she loves being watched.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You progress by 3 Km

But your file corruption grows to clear+=3,cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226300" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes yes YESSSS!!!!

You see Claire shake from the action.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226301" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Vanna laughs slowly as Claire catches her breath.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226302" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You progress by 3 Km

But your file corruption grows to clear+=3,cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you see enough name? Maybe we won't leave you out of the next round.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('sport')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "3-sport-claire-1-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270350" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more, you can do it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226287" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! There he is. Ready to start your marathon? Some of us girls are here to get you across that finish line.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It sounds like you have a 42 KM journey to get through the stadium. Different girls progress that distance by different amounts.

We can give you a head start if you wanted to watch.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226288" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hang around long enough and Claire here will pull this top off.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No typing necessary. Sound like a deal?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226289" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think of us ravishing each other. I'm getting all hot in anticipation.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, me too. But perhaps name might be looking for some extra... convincing?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0c54bc9f-6e03-4d5a-a24c-6ac5b2fc994a/2226290" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just keep staring and you can enjoy all of that hot lesbian action.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('les')" } } ], "soundtest": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-music.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\",5)" } } }, { "noop": { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "tickle" } } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(\"tickle\")" } } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "teaseStorage.setItem(\"device_volume\",100)" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "tickle" } }, { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(\"tickle\")" } } ], "3-sport-claire-2-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=((x/2)+2)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I warned you it wouldn't be for everyone didn't I?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229583" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still working through that marathon huh...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2270351" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since you are progressing at such a slow pace, I brought in some help this time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229585" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They said that not everyone would be into BBC. I don't know what that means or what is in store for me but I thought I'd warn you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "I'm interested", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Not for me", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Fair enough. Now hurry up and move along so I can have my fun.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229588" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229590" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These helpful gentlemen showed up right when I needed them. By the feel of it they have quite a bit planned for me. Hmmm.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229591" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you can just keep things glitch free just like that we can all learn the new plays I wrote up.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229593" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh would you look at that? It seems as though the program pixels are falling apart due to you typing. This isn't even your scene name so maybe you can just let us learn our new plays this season.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229620" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229622" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now I need you both to go REAL deep through that hole. It will require all the teamwork that you both can muster.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She shakes her butt to tease them while explaining the play.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229624" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everyone's ready to execute that play right? Even name seems interested instead of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229625" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know I'm ready to go... execute that play but maybe name watching over there is trying to prevent it by destabilizing us.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229627" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229628" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that... is that for me?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229629" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These are just... massive! Was the shock why you couldn't type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229630" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to speak but is muted by the pixilation. You can hear how impressed she is with the size.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229600" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229601" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep watching", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229602" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229603" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There is no doubt how much she enjoys those as a smile forms.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229633" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229634" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can just keep your virginity and stay over there name. Real men are taking over now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't feel so left out, you already lost your virginity today.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closely", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229635" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229636" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes! They feel even better than they look!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229638" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And no censorship to boot!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229640" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, I think the only thing you need to see is uncensored right?

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229604" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229606" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are making me scream but we can't make him too jealous now...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229608" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229609" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look Close", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229643" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229645" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's stretching me out! I don't know how much more a little girl like me can take.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I have to take a break and only fuck one at a time.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229610" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you give up name? I haven't heard the sound of those keys in a while.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229611" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not sure what you are trying to pixilate but it looks like their cocks are immune.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229615" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229617" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229641" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229642" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmmm nmnmmmm!!!!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229612" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229614" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It continues to stretch her out but it doesn't slow her down as she backs up into him even harder.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229646" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like they are more aggressive than you are too. You aren't trying to save me?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229648" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are trying to stop this but they are getting more aggressive now.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229654" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229656" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Watching them dump their hot cum all over her raises your file corruption to cor+=14 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And here I thought they were about to impregnate me... She tries to catch her breath.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear+=7,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229657" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aeb714b4-2bcf-4f9d-8d52-d5c1f4e0dc7d/2229659" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh wow, they are still hard. These programs are incredible aren't they?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You don't have to stick around for the aftermath. Go finish your marathon ok?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "--auto-animate": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251953" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:mixkit-creepy-radio-frequency-2558.mp3" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true /* intro glitch gif (gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/*) @ 10FPS - EAA v0.6.13 */", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251871" } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmInt = 1000 / 10\n\nfunction _anmDone(skipNext){\n var r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n \n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 22\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (23 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251872" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(1)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251873" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251874" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(3)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251875" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(4)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251876" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(5)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251877" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(6)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251878" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(7)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251879" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(8)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251880" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(9)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251881" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(10)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251882" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(11)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251883" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(12)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251884" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(13)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251885" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(14)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(15)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251887" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(16)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251888" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(17)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251889" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(18)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251890" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(19)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251891" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(20)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251892" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(21)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251893" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(22)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } } ], "2-hous-bridgette-1-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Fine, be a dirty boy for all I care.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor<30&&x<8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=8" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>30&&x>8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

HEY NOW MISTER! Don't think you can cop a feel and reject that much of my cleaning!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I think we're done here. Maybe next time you can think about cleaning this place and your dirty mind up.\".color(colors.bridge))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259704" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cough* cough*

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259607" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mister name! Is all of this mess caused by you?! Your maid Bridgette can't keep up!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259605" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't know anyone could have so many corrupted files. It will take some effort but maybe we can get you cleaned up if I can get rid of some of those bugs.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269244" } }, { "if": { "condition": "estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 12, "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "buzzpulse" } }, { "eval": { "script": "setVolume(\"buzzpulse\")" } } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 2 } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>25", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(cor/file*20))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(b1+b2+b3+b4)<3&&x<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Looks like we got most of your bugs!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=8" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259608" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like a lot of it is concentrated here. Care for a little dusting? I think it's all these darn bugs causing this mess.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stop her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259606" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come now, do you care about your bugs that much?

" } } ], "color": "#ef5350" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259632" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor-=5,b2--" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You have lost ๐Ÿž but had 5 files cleaned. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259609" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh honey... You have b1+b2+b3+b4 bugs left. No wonder everything got so messy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259610" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let me get those taken care of and the "fun" is bound to start.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259611" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What should I clean up next?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259612" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You enjoy wallowing in your own filth?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b1>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b2>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b3>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b4>1" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You have lost 2 bugs but had 10 files cleaned. ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259613" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on now, hand em in so we can clear up all this dust!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You enjoy walling in your own filth?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b1>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b2>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b3>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b4>1" }, { "label": "Touch her ass", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259614" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! Well I guess that's one option. Might get you a bit dirtier though I'm afraid.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You have lost 2 bugs but had 10 files cleaned. ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&(underwear||pants)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,cor-=5" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rips off your clothes but cleans another 5 files ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259619" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here we go! I'm gonna suck you until you decide to lose enough of those stupid bugs. Let's get those files clean!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259617" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can imagine maids are pretty great at sucking.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259620" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look at us! You probably never thought we could get clean enough! Let's head into the good stuff with no more dust, corruption, or timers!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It will be relaxing for the both of us, no need to type.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I know how much you want to show your appreciation. Go ahead, bury yourself in it.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "10s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick it", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hold your breath ๐Ÿ’จ" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "11s", "style": "secret" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She smothers you anyways!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259661" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "10s", "title": "Hold your breath ๐Ÿ’จ" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "11s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259662" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! How did that get there...? I wonder what would happen if I sat back a wee bit.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259662" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So that's what happens!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259664" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like my little dust bunny was packing some heat!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259663" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259665" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just keep pressing that โŒ and I'll do the rest!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Why aren't you pressing the โŒ? You aren't going to gain any corruption you know...

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259666" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She grabs your arm and places it on her cheek.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259667" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to switch the position yet?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Flip her over", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259668" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Wait a bit longer", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259669" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Rub her clit", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she is distracted you pick up a bug she missed. ๐Ÿ›

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, I guess I'll do it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259670" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259671" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this point you are cleaning me out too. Mmmmm.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her foot", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259672" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you are holding on for dear life. Don't worry, your files still aren't being corrupted.

" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "Flip her over", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#2e7d32" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She falls back as you follow.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259673" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "7s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259674" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They say sneezing is one twentieth of an orgasm, why not have both?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259675" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Hold the sneeze", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are unable to hold it as you lose a single file ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You try to stifle a sneeze

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Love on her pantyhose", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259676" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh!!! That tickles!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x+=2" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha! Ok, you can stop now!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&x<7", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b1>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b2>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b3>1" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4-=2" } } ], "visible": "$b4>1" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You have lost 2 bugs but had 10 files cleaned. ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259678" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=15 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5961337e-4b32-47ad-88cc-01b73d04aa9a/2259679" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well would you look at all that... I would have thought some other girl would have released some of this already.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok then. Run along now Mister name. I have a new mess to clean now.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor<20&&x<8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=8" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "-init": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:1-second-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "sec", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get(\"sec\").addEventListener('play',function () {tick()});" } } ], "2-arm-alice-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You beat them! But... what about me and your evac?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2267830" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! You there! Get under cover now!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266659" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What were you doing out there? Go ahead, fight back!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2269225" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.8", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:big-hit.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


โœˆ๏ธ AA Gun Destroyed! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.9", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:big-hit.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


โœˆ๏ธ AA Gun Destroyed! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266660" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know you are on a battlefield right? You can fight back at any time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266692" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's the fighting spirit! But be careful, they are firing back!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg&&Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ The enemies hit you with a stray round for fighting back! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

cor+=3 Files are now corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266662" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266663" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This landing zone is getting too hot for clothes! If you think you want an evac just call for it with a flare!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266664" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266665" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you get to the helicopter in time, the more AA batteries you give us time to take out, the further it can take you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some of those aircraft can even let you skip an entire level if you are patient enough! But careful, you may have noticed they fight back.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266666" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I salute you soldier for trying to be conscientious objector. Very brave.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266667" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let em have it baby! Looks like you are showing no fear at all!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266668" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266669" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Shooting back gives us twice the chance to take out a battery too!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I can hear the evac getting closer! Hold your ground!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The evac won't come if you don't light a flare.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266670" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you too tired to fight or were you just trying to stay in one piece?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266671" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you still have a lot of fight left in you. Must not want to see very much of me though.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266674" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266675" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything of interest? A strike point perhaps?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266672" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266673" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well if you are still here let me get a good look at you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266676" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266677" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you waiting for?! GET TO DA CHOPPAH!!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266678" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm sure it will be along shortly, I can hear something in the distance.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I can take a lot more of this punishment than you can. The round are designed to damage your files.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266680" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266681" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you weren't huge into combat boots, they aren't exactly as comfortable as bare feet.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266682" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266683" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't mind right? I did hear some combatants around here have a bit of a foot fetish.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266684" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you agree to a cease fire or something?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266685" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful now! Stay back!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266686" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266687" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It shouldn't be long now. But the longer you wait the further it can take you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266688" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266689" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we've destroyed around z of those guns, it might be safe enough to lift off now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266690" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "4s", "title": "Evac Leaving ๐Ÿš", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quickly! It's taking off!

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have destroyed z anti-air batteries. Are you sure you want the evac?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [], "color": "#29b6f6" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You board the helicopter as you are airlifted away.

Good luck out there!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('evac')" } } ], "color": "#2196f3" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#01579b", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have destroyed z anti-air batteries. Are you sure you want the evac?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [], "color": "#29b6f6" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You board the helicopter as you are airlifted away.

Good luck out there!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('evac')" } } ], "color": "#1565c0" }, { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2266691" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Well you missed your evac! Every man for themselves!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^flare*$/i)&&y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"How many flares are you gonna light?\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^flare*$/i)&&!y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,hckSayCall(\"They are on the way! Stall as long as you can to defeat as many AA guns as you can!\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "2-arm-alice-1-round---evac": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2269519" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2269520" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2269521" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7cd6529e-6224-4891-89d6-1923ae656247/2269522" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<3&&x>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒThe helicopter gets shot down not far from the landing zone.


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have cor+=4 corrupted files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2&&z<5&&x>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ The helicopter flies a distance before getting shot down. You skip one encounter.


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 1, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have cor+=3 corrupted files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear++,doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&z<9&&x>8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ The helicopter evades enough fire to skip the boss!

โ˜๏ธ ๐Ÿš โ˜๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>8&&x>10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ The helicopter has free skies to skip the next level entirely!!!

๐ŸŽ–๏ธ โ˜๏ธ๐Ÿšโ˜๏ธ ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "++level,startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "noccalibrate": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "calibrate" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.005; " } } ], "-confirm": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5698bb77-951e-47ab-a7e9-9caa35668e1c/957683" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This page will provide you with four test signals to ensure optimized calibration. Before you begin testing, it is very important that you now increase the power setting on your estim device. If this is your first time calibrating, I suggest that you do this gradually. Generally, an increase of 25% to 75% is desirable. This will allow for a truly painful punishment to be administered when taking damage in combat. (Sansavox: I increase the channel power from 20 to 25.) If all goes well, the four test signals should feel as described on the buttons. You have several options to fine tune the sensations. You may try manually adjusting the main volume on your computer, but do so in very small increments as the impacts can be substantial. You may also wish to tinker with the sensitivity dial on your estim device if you have such an option. You can also select the fine tune button to bring up other calibration options. If all attempts fail, you should recalibrate. Once you have everything dialed in, select confirm.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test: Gentle Pleasure", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:soundpleasure1.mp3", "id": "soundTestTone", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "\nSound.get(\"soundTestTone\").setVolume(getVolume(volumePleasure[0]));\n\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTestTone\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ] }, { "label": "Test: Intense but Pleasurable", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:soundpleasure2.mp3", "id": "soundTestTone", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "\nSound.get(\"soundTestTone\").setVolume(getVolume(volumePleasure[2]));\n\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTestTone\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ] }, { "label": "Test: Fairly Painful", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:soundpunish2.mp3", "id": "soundTestTone", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "\nSound.get(\"soundTestTone\").setVolume(getVolume(volumePunish[0]));\n\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTestTone\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ] }, { "label": "Test: Real Punishment", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:soundpunish1.mp3", "id": "soundTestTone", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "\nSound.get(\"soundTestTone\").setVolume(getVolume(volumePunish[1]));\n\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTestTone\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ] }, { "label": "Fine Tune", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Recalibrate", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibrate" } } ] }, { "label": "Confirm (All Set)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So let the game begin...

", "mode": "autoplay" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "autoplay" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "autoplay" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-intro" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

These options should help you fine tune the calibration. The pleasure options only adjust the first two test conditions and the punishment options will only affect the later two.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Boost Pleasure", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "volumePleasure[0] *= 1.05;\nvolumePleasure[1] *= 1.10;\nvolumePleasure[2] *= 1.15;" } } ] }, { "label": "Lower Pleasure", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "volumePleasure[0] *= 0.85;\nvolumePleasure[1] *= 0.9;\nvolumePleasure[2] *= 0.95;" } } ] }, { "label": "Boost Pain", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "volumePunish[0] *= 1.05;\nvolumePunish[1] *= 1.10;\nvolumePunish[2] *= 1.15;" } } ] }, { "label": "Lower Pain", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "volumePunish[0] *= 0.85;\nvolumePunish[1] *= 0.9;\nvolumePunish[2] *= 0.95;" } } ] }, { "label": "Boost Min", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minVolume *= 1.1;" } } ] }, { "label": "Reduce Min", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minVolume *= 0.9;" } } ] }, { "label": "Boost Max", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxVolume *= 1.1;" } } ] }, { "label": "Reduce Max", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxVolume *= 0.9;" } } ] }, { "label": "Cancel", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Adjustment made.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "console.log(String(volumePleasure));\nconsole.log(String(volumePunish));\nconsole.log(String(minVolume));\nconsole.log(String(maxVolume));" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-confirm" } } ], "-fine-tune": [ { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 0)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5698bb77-951e-47ab-a7e9-9caa35668e1c/957683" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = false;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may now fine-tune the three pleasure volumes. Select the pleasure volume that you wish to test and/or fine-tune. Once you have all three pleasure volumes feeling exactly as desired, select confirm pleasure volumes.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pleasure volumes: ((volumePleasure[0] * 100).toFixed(2) + ', ' + (volumePleasure[1] * 100).toFixed(2) + ', ' + (volumePleasure[2] * 100).toFixed(2))

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Low Pleasure", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 1;" } } ] }, { "label": "Medium Pleasure", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 2;" } } ] }, { "label": "High Pleasure", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 3;" } } ] }, { "label": "Confirm Pleasure Volumes", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 4;" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 1)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[0];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the pleasure files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pleasure 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure2analogmonoamshort.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 10 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 60 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1m" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 0;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 0.6)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low pleasure volume must not exceed 60%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.6;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > volumePleasure[1] - 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low pleasure volume must remain lower than the medium pleasure volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[1] - 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low pleasure volume must be greater than 0%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePleasure[0] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 2)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[1];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the pleasure files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pleasure 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure2analogmonoamshort.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may opt to receive a 10 or 60 second medium pleasure signal at the volume indicated to the right. Adjust the intensity using the increment buttons to achieve a level similar to what you would typically use for a pleasurable estim session. Select back when you have finished adjusting this volume. Currently, medium pleasure volume is set to: (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2)%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 10 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 60 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1m" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 0;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 0.7)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium pleasure volume must not exceed 70%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.7;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > volumePleasure[2] - 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium pleasure volume must remain lower than the high pleasure volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[2] - 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < volumePleasure[0] + 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium pleasure volume must be greater than the low pleasure volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[0] + 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePleasure[1] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 3)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[2];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the pleasure files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pleasure 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure2analogmonoamshort.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pleasure 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pleasure4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may opt to receive a 10 or 60 second high pleasure signal at the volume indicated to the right. Adjust the intensity using the increment buttons to achieve a level that is at the upper end of what you would still consider pleasurable. Select back when you have finished adjusting this volume. Currently, higher pleasure volume is set to: (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2)%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 10 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 60 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1m" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 0;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 0.8)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The high pleasure volume must not exceed 80%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.8;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > volumePunish[0] - 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The high pleasure volume must remain lower than the low punishment volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[0] - 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < volumePleasure[1] + 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The high pleasure volume must be greater than the medium pleasure volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[1] + 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePleasure[2] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 4)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5698bb77-951e-47ab-a7e9-9caa35668e1c/957683" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = false;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may now fine-tune the three punishment volumes. Select the punishment volume that you wish to test and/or fine-tune. Once you have all three punishment volumes feeling exactly as desired, select confirm punishment volumes.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Punishment volumes: ((volumePunish[0] * 100).toFixed(2) + ', ' + (volumePunish[1] * 100).toFixed(2) + ', ' + (volumePunish[2] * 100).toFixed(2))

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Low Punishment", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 5;" } } ] }, { "label": "Medium Punishment", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 6;" } } ] }, { "label": "High Punishment", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 7;" } } ] }, { "label": "Confirm Punishment Volumes", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "displayVolume" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(storageVolume && (JSON.stringify(storageVolume[0]) !== JSON.stringify(volumePleasure) || JSON.stringify(storageVolume[1]) !== JSON.stringify(volumePunish)))", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your current volumes do not match your stored default values. Do you wish to overwrite the default volumes with these new settings?

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "No, do not overwrite the default values.", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Yes, use these values as the new default settings.", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

New default volumes have been set.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "setStorageData('vo', [volumePleasure, volumePunish]);\r\nstorageVolume = [JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(volumePleasure)), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(volumePunish))];" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "(storageVolume === undefined)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have no default volumes set. Default values can be stored so that you can skip the calibration process in the future, even when starting a new game. Do you wish to set the default volumes to the current values?

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "No, do not set default values.", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Yes, use these values as the default settings.", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Default volumes have been set.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "setStorageData('vo', [volumePleasure, volumePunish]);\r\nstorageVolume = [JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(volumePleasure)), JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(volumePunish))];" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(gameState === 0)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So let the game begin...

", "mode": "autoplay" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-intro" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "lastPleasureSound = '-----'; // Make sure it resets\r\nsetSoundByRegion(); // Needed in case -init is called from initial load game" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-menu" } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 5)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[0];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the punishment files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pain 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 2 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 6 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 4;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 0.9)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low punishment volume must not exceed 90%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.9;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > volumePunish[1] - 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low punishment volume must remain lower than the medium punishment volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[1] - 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < volumePleasure[2] + 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The low punishment volume must remain higher than the high pleasure volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePleasure[2] + 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePunish[0] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 6)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[1];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the punishment files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pain 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 2 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 6 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 4;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 0.95)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium punishment volume must not exceed 95%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 0.95;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > volumePunish[2] - 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium punishment volume must remain lower than the high punishment volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[2] - 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < volumePunish[0] + 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The medium punishment volume must remain higher than the low punishment volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[0] + 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePunish[1] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(calibrateState === 7)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[2];\r\n\r\nNotification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(soundSelected === false)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You may select one of the punishment files used in the actual game for use in this test.

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundSelected = true;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pain 1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain1analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "Pain 4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "soundTest", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Test 2 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Test 6 Second Signal", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").setVolume(testVolume);\r\nSound.get(\"soundTest\").play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"soundTest\");" } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Add 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume += 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.001; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 0.25% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.0025; " } } ] }, { "label": "Subtract 1% Volume", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolume -= 0.01; " } } ] }, { "label": "Back", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "calibrateState = 4;" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume > 1.0)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The high punishment volume must not exceed 100%.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = 1.0;" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(testVolume < volumePunish[1] + 0.001)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The high punishment volume must remain higher than the medium punishment volume.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume = volumePunish[1] + 0.001;" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('displayVolume').setTitle('Volume: ' + (testVolume * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');\r\n\r\nvolumePunish[2] = testVolume;" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "-fine-tune" } } ], "2-arm-sophie-1-boss---boot": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You saved me just to attack me?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain3analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There is a struggle as you trade blows. It's 2 on 1 but you manage to fend them off.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "file" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file-=10,dmg=true,soundVolume(\"file\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost 10 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270415" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boot-typographic-percussion-brightestavenue.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't believe what almost happened... I think I'm going to faint...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But don't worry about me, how are you? You kicked them pretty hard, are your feet ok?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Tell her you'll be fine", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure there isn't anything I could do to... make you feel better...?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "\"Actually there might be, what did you have in mind?\"", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, you can run away at any time.

" } } ] } ] } } ] }, { "label": "Tell her you are more interested in her feet", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Tell her no, you need to get out of here and rest", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, you can run away at any time.

" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want to enjoy my feet just run.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! I'm not even attacking you!

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You don't need to destabilize me, you are free to go anytime.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Why did you save me exactly if this was your plan all along?

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270417" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, you really kicked their asses in that fight. I bet you are interested what my feet could do. I won't be as violent of course.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270418" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I won't be needing this uniform for a little longer now that you seem like you want to stay a while.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270419" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Could you imagine if I walked all over you with these? You may feel tough now but I'm sure that would flip this whole dynamic.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her boots", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270421" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises slightly to cor+=3๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270422" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well looks like I have to remove them before you get too many ideas. Plus my feet need a break from all those marching drills.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270423" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270424" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One dainty little foot is free now. Care to see?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270425" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270426" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeahhhh, I bet you want to just hold it against you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption has increased to cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I got a bit distracted, there is still another boot to go!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your eyes follow it up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks to this little piggie, it's almost off!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270429" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270430" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's almost as if anything I could cover my bare pussy with would turn you on as well.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption has increased to cor+=8๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270432" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption has increased to cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to find out if I'm ticklish?

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Look at her pussy", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270431" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption has increased to cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess this is thanks for saving me back there.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Just look down", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270433" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This sand feels so nice and cool. I bet it would slide right through my toes. Let me try.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270434" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet this will be really fun to clean with my canteen.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270435" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption becomes cor+=4๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What a fun phrase! And probably fun for you to watch too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270436" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch it more", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270437" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=4๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270438" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's one foot clean. I can take my time if it is moving too fast for you soldier.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270439" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "7s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270440" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=7๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270441" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270442" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Time to dry this sucker off and get dressed. I actually didn't know you would be so focused on them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270443" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are so into feet, do you have a thing for pantyhose as well?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270444" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270445" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You must be into pantyhose. Or did you have another reason not to run?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270446" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess it's up to me to find out soldier.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270447" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are basically skin tight. Don't start drooling or anything.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to turn around", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270448" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Slap it", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit2.mp3", "background": true, "id": "hit", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her program integrity drops to --enemy

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ow! Haha, hey!!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270449" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270452" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You had your fun didn't you? I have to get back in uniform now.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270450" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270451" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have an eye for a woman in uniform do you?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270453" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again cor+=3๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270454" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have to get these on before the CO returns. I wouldn't have any way to explain this to them.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her ass", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270455" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take one last look soldier.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again cor+=6๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270456" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270457" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Breaks over, time to suit up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270458" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270459" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And there we go, all done!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270460" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh they're here! Get back to your own unit soldier. I hope to find you when this is all over.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0bb7b651-ac51-49f2-b83c-89b2ef288a07/2270461" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Send em hell soldier.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She winks as you slip out\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt==\"run\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=15" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(4)" } } ], "2-arm-phoenix-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I think a court martial is going to be in order. Hope you enjoy the brig.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269215" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269214" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:armboss2-march-alarm-war-threat-attack-danger-victoria-watercolo.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You there! Where do you think you're going?!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269202" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you think you were going to avoid today's training and not get checked off? Drop down and give me 5.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269203" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You call those pushups? I think we can improve that form.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are going to disobey a director order huh... Well maybe you need some more... motivation.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269205" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269207" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is just one of the ways I can motivate you to improve.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269208" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you figured out this wasn't the best time for typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269209" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I imagine it's awfully hard to preform pushups when you are sitting at your desk typing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269204" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269206" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you impress me with enough pushups, perhaps I could help you skip the next level entirely. Did that get your attention?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Recruit name, I have another trainee I want to introduce to you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269210" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is London. She seems more eager to please me than you are.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But don't worry, there is more time to flip that around. Give me 5 more!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269212" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2269213" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that... He is trying to glitch us both out. Time to discipline the ranks.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Good! At this rate we might have a new leader on our hands.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271508" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems as though instead of typing you are ready to take notes on pleasing your drill instructor.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271509" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's smart but London here has a head start on you. You might have your turn soon enough. Maybe even using more than just the mouth.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271510" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? No keyboard needed. Well done.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271512" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But a few more pushups sure wouldn't hurt.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know the keyboard is unecessary for this encounter. London doesn't have one.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271513" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I just need you to give me those pushups!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271514" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, trainees who listen to what they are told get certain benefits like extra time with this lovely ass.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271515" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271516" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There only seems to be about z*5 pushups, if they even counted... Remember, impress me to get the level skip!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271517" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271518" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we can be done out here. Why don't we go inside and really spice things up for this training drill?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Follow them", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=9" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271519" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you think you could pump up your numbers instead of listening to me z--,name? Too bad I'm reducing your count.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Follow them", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You never learn do you, now I'm taking even more away.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z--" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What took you so long? I only had London to toy with for a bit.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271520" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271521" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Feel free to get in on the action. Any ideas?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Place clips on London", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "asian=Math.min(1,asian+0.2),dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271537" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271538" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you kissing them to make them feel better? She'll survive.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for Asians detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Also, it might be a good idea to ramp up those pushups, 5 at a time is for losers. Catch up!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271522" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271523" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271524" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271525" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271526" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder where that tongue is going to go next.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271528" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271529" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pbft, of course, I should have known.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick her other tit", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You latch on as your file corruption is now asian=Math.min(1,asian+0.2),cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for Asians detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271527" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Who knew the less you typed the less clothes I'd have?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271530" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The panties are off - Which you would know if you weren't destabilizing your instructor.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271531" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271532" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right. Two bare asses just begging to be fucked.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271533" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271534" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I tell you what, if you get enough pushups in, and finish it off by giving us both Anal - I'll grant your level skip.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I won't even have to clear it with the captain. The choice is yours.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271535" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271536" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271539" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271540" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are getting close to enough pushups. Don't wear out on us yet.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you aren't even close to enough pushups, hurry up and catch up!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Time to start the prep work!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271541" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271542" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271543" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271544" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<(12+(Math.random()*3))", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hold up! Only z*5 pushups and not everyone was just right? Sorry soldier. It all ends here.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

London here is the only one who really follows directions it seems.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wow, 5*z pushups. I wasn't watching the whole time but I hope you weren't cheating. The virus knows.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271549" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271550" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271547" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271548" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

My turn London.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271551" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271552" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How's that for a pushup reward? But that's not it. If you can go until you cum I have transportation all lined up to skip the next level entirely.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271553" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271554" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you feel like cuming yet?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh look who's jealous!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271555" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I don't blame her, it seems you are really focused on not typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271556" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want anything to do with him, he is still attacking both of us.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271557" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aww! Back to her already?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271559" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go! He'd never be able to get that deep by typing. I bet he is so close.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271558" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you feel him getting closer even though he typed?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>8&&x<18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x>12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271545" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271546" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271696" } }, { "say": { "label": "

London giggles as Phoenix punishes you for disobeying.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You little insubordinate!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "clothes", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She strips your bottom half

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>21", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "hidden" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level++,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271560" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8ac5a4f1-ee8f-408c-a229-fc438e9c851f/2271561" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While London cleans up all of that mess you are free to proceed to the 4th level. Well done soldier.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "5 Pushups ๐Ÿ’ช", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(cor/file*20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Drop down and give them to her!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,y=true,dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ef5350", "visible": "$x<8" }, { "label": "10 Pushups ๐Ÿ’ช", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(cor/file*30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Drop down and give them to her!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=2,y=true,dmg=true,refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$x>7&&x<17", "color": "#f44336" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,prompt==\"strip\"", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x+=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "console.log('Doing Hack Say')\r\nhckSay(\r\n \"Ok but you are skipping too many pushups!\".color(colors.girl)\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "5-camp-tori-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^peek*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You thought it was time to bug out huh.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161665" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271929" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey over here!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tori>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's your girl Tori again!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not sure how we haven't crossed paths yet but I'm Tori.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271930" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How long have you been out here? The wilderness can be a dangerous place.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271931" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not sure if you've seen them yet but this place is crawling with bugs.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271932" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably use them to do some nifty hacks or something but here they only clog up the works.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆถ Stomp Tutorial: To remove the censorship write stomp as many times as you can in the prompt. For example, typing:

stomp typeTest stomp stomp

is 3 bugs squashed!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271933" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you hear a buzzing noise? I think they are getting closer.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271934" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least there aren't too many of them yet.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271935" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ew, they are here now. Don't forget to manage them by stomping.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271936" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are pretty good at stomping it seems.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271938" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get the best view at these babies.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271937" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you could manage with a bit more stomping it seems.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unless you are ok with this odd form of censorship.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271940" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Being free of bugs, this seems like the opportune time to get up close and personal.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271942" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care for a closer view?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271943" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of bugs it seems...

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271944" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271945" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271946" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bra drops to the ground.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271948" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The bra drops to the ground.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271949" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

No one in sight. Are you getting any ideas?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271950" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271951" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, the outside air just hit it. Have a look?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271952" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want to see past the bush don't you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271954" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271953" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This would be better without all those crawly critters of course.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271955" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271956" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, I don't like those little buggers either.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271957" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is it even possible to get off like this?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271958" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be quite the exterminator.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271961" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder what you could do back here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271959" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Only a medium number of bugs, I guess I can live with that.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271962" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But still... get to stomping.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271960" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you believe how many bugs you let build up?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271963" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Am I going to have to run away from you too?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271964" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271965" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271966" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This rock is so hard and rigid. Probably like something else I'm guessing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271967" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, it's so relaxing out here without any nuisances.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So relaxing that I can spend the most time with you and give you the most poses.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271970" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only get one pose because you didn't clean up the bugs enough.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, this is getting ridiculous don't you think?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271971" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All clear so far. Keep it up!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271972" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only had a few bugs left to take out, care to finish the job?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If this doesn't bother you all that much then I guess it doesn't bother me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271974" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I said if you keep the bugs away you would get extra poses.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271977" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271975" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271976" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's time for me to lie down and just let it all go.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271978" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As much as I think they are a part of the natural ecosystem, no computer program needs bugs.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271984" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, you seem to agree.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271979" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, they don't hurt.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271985" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, but I could have used some more help from you if you know what I mean.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271980" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you even see me through all that?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271986" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They aren't exactly the most comfortable ugh.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* We are almost done out here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z<2||dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271981" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Finishing strong, I like it!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271982" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to cleanup those last few before you go?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271983" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems like you gave up anyways.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:55a1b223-dcc8-4ef8-91e7-641e70d219ae/2271987" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Time for my nap. I feel like without you they won't be nearly as bad. The program seems to be fighting you at every turn.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bye now, I'll be fine.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has ++z bugs ๐Ÿ•ท

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random() >= .3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ•ท She has z+=2 bugs ๐Ÿ•ท

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\bstomp\\b/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a = (prompt.match(/\\bstomp\\b/ig)||[]).length\r\nprompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*\\bstomp\\b\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"You stomp (\"+a+\") >\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nz-=a\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "any---h-cocoon": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the cocoon hack!

Math.floor(b1/2) ๐Ÿฆ‹ Are emerging!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have b6+=Math.floor(b1/2) ๐Ÿฆ‹

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=(Math.floor(b1/2)*2),backPage()" } } ], "3-sport-tori-1-round-dmg": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She kicks sand at you.

dmg=true,cor+=4 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z++,z<2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273344" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you miss the ball it damages the program.

dmg=true,cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What was all that about?! We can't lose this name!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273617" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What the hell was that?

dmg=true,cor+=8 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hate to say it, but I don't think you are cut out for this sport. We have one more point to win, come on!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273616" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on! We lost and it's all your fault!

dmg=true,cor+=9 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She leaves you as you dust yourself off in defeat\".color(colors.text))" } } ], "3-sport-tori-1-round---win": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What a play! We did it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273304" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The other team groans as they wallow in their defeat at your athleticism.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=6,enemy=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They wander off as Tori is clearly appreciative.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273334" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you still doing down there?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273305" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is it a cramp? You didn't pull anything did you?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stay", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well I hope we get to partner up again soon!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273306" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273307" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I didn't know you had those kind of feelings for me. I could get used to that.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She kisses you again.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273308" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah, is this why you wanted to win the game? I'm surprised you could jump with this thing like that.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your trunks down.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273309" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to underwear=false,pants=false,cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273310" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273311" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, that's a good appetizer, what else do you have?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273312" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her suck it again", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273313" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick her hole", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273314" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh wow! A girl could get used to this kind of "service" haha.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ“ˆ Increased chance of further Tori encounter

File corruption is now tori++,cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273315" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As much as I appreciate that, that's not the only hole I want you to experience.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She lays you down as she is about to put you in.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her", "commands": [], "color": "#e53935" }, { "label": "Get away from her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well I hope we get to partner up again soon!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273316" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear+=2 Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273317" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How does that feel baby? I love slapping up against those volleyballs.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273319" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that's one way to win a marathon! You are going to wear me out.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull her up against the net", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Right in the middle of everything?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I hope we get to partner up again soon!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273320" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273321" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>file", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273322" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273323" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How are you still going?! Your files must be so robust to endure like this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273324" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=8 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Bend her over", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Right in the middle of everything?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I hope we get to partner up again soon! Maybe we could finish this.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273325" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273326" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her arm", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273327" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises again to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Leave her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

But we were almost done! Maybe we can finish this later.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like someone is about to end the match!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273328" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=23 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>file", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273329" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear+=4 Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They say sand is coarse and gets everywhere but this is even more of a mess.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her lick you clean", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273330" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She grabs one additional file from you. ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273331" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So now you want to hold back on me? Sheesh.

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273332" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that I've had a taste for it, I bet you will be seeing me a lot more.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The virus program is always watching you know...

When it finds what you are weak to it will flood you with that temptation.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273333" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So I'm looking forward to it. Don't forget to save my program for some more.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"The program seems to have reached its end as you are shuffled to the next one.\".color(colors.text))" } } ], "3-sport-tori-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What kind of a hack was that?!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=((x/2)+2),doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273621" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just when we needed another player! Come on hurry!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tori>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You remember me don't you? Tori? Let's team up!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm Tori, would you like to team up?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We don't have much time, we have to beat these 2 losers in a game of volleyball. The rules are simple, you will have a little bit of time to type what the ball says when it shows up.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hurry up and take your shirt off so you can play.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273297" } }, { "say": { "label": "

After they serve the ball to us we need to react quickly. They have 3 points they need to win and we can't let that happen! Here it comes!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Service!\"" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&x<11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273298" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=true,Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273336" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"set\"" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273337" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"bump\"" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273618" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273338" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"block\"" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273339" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"foul\"" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273619" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273340" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"spike\"" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273341" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"dink\"" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273620" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0434046c-8516-4a49-ad56-b5d85db3c5c8/2273342" } }, { "eval": { "script": 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You typeTest the ball perfectly!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"You make the wrong move as the ball bounces off of you!\".color(colors.text),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>10", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('win')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


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It's hard to function under this level of hypnosis. ๐Ÿ˜ต

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"gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278550" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(16)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278551" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(17)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278552" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(18)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278553" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(19)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278554" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(20)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:968418f4-8f2e-4f45-aec5-30db93ae9a26/2278555" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(21)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "any---hypnoslavepump": [ { "if": { "condition": "(function(){_anmLd=true;return true})() /* Loading indicator */", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$250", "style": "hidden", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "_anmLd", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Loading...", "id": "_anmInd" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "true /* hypnosis pump (gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/*) @ 10FPS - EAA v0.6.13 */", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278476" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278476" } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmInt = 1000 / 10\n\nfunction _anmDone(skipNext){\n var r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmTimeF(i){return (_anmInt * (i + 1)) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n _anmLd = false; Notification.get('_anmInd') && Notification.get('_anmInd').remove()\n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 23\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (24 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278477" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(1)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(1)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278478" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278479" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(3)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(3)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278480" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(4)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278481" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(5)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278482" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(6)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278483" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(7)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278484" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(8)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278485" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(9)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278486" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(10)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278487" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(11)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278488" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(12)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278489" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(13)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278490" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(14)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278491" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(15)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278492" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(16)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278493" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(17)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278494" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(18)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278495" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(19)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278496" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(20)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278497" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(21)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278498" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(22)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9335fead-ec41-4463-a96d-3184ee7b8171/2278499" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(23)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "4-lib-cassidy-1-round---horn": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"She runs away as the program collapses.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Refreshing program ๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278732" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She whispers - That was odd, I didn't know it would reload everything. Dang it - we aren't alone anymore. Anyways...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278731" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name, I'm so flattered. I know I'm not the only girl you've seen today but I feel like I had something to do with you being hot and heavy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look the reload glitched you out. I hope it doesn't hurt or anything.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't be scared! We are going to fix that horny status soon enough!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So is that your friend or something? I'm pretty sure you came here alone.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ignore her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279372" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279373" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what's your name? We could give poor horny name a show if he was into that NTR stuff.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now, just kidding. Move along whoever you are.

" } } ] }, { "label": "Get the other guy out of there", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279374" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha, I thought he would never leave! I wouldn't be surprised if he was still hiding behind the bookshelf watching us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come here, I have to reward your lack of typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha, I thought he would never leave! I wouldn't be surprised if he was still hiding behind the bookshelf watching us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279377" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But he probably can't see jack shit with these glitches. Get over here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279379" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279380" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you just want to reach out and grab them. If you have a seat right here you won't have to!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sit under her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279381" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279382" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet they are even softer than you imagined. They are all yours if we keep going.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead ๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279415" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279383" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Taking your pants off", "buttonLabel": "Stop her", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "4s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She reaches under the desk and gets to work.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "id": "clothes", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I'm not the only one full of surprises.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279416" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you trying to stop me or something? I'm just trying to give you what your horny self craves.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279386" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She licks you long enough to raise your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her licking could distract you.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her suck it", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Lay her on the desk", "commands": [], "color": "#689f38" } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=15,refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Cum into her mouth ๐Ÿ’ฆ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279417" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279388" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279387" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279389" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Keep an eye out, there are probably more watching than just your friend.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279418" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279390" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Eye out for voyeurs! Not me haha.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279419" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279391" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be just craving for more dearly.

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=11,refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Skip the bj for sex", "id": "mute" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279420" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279392" } } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Were you waiting around for this?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279421" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279393" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My tongue can lick every side of it but don't you want to put it in instead?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279422" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279423" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279394" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279430" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279396" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279397" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is it! Time to put an end to your horniness! I think your tip just went in and now...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,virgin=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279398" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279399" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You will feel so much relief when you cum but I suggest not doing it in there!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279400" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279401" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her boob", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279402" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279403" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to play it rough? Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279404" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is really good, but you know what would be better?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279407" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279405" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279406" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can try to glitch me harder and harder but your dick can only last so long!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279408" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you in deeper.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yes! name, I don't even care if anyone else is watching at this point!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279424" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279409" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you can last so long, I almost can't.

She drags you down to the desk slowly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279412" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279413" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't get distracted from typing, how are you missing my mouth so much?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can type and cum at the same time? I'm actually pretty impressed.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279428" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=19 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! No more horniness!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2279429" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear some others shout "This is a library for God sakes!"

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Oh don't listen to them. I certainly have no regrets! You will also be on my mind for some time.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "-calibratedeep": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346345" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:1-second-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "sec", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get(\"sec\").addEventListener('play',function () {tick()});" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hideCoreNotifications()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "minPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Previous Calibration Detected ๐Ÿ“Š

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Override values?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0;\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0.5, "loops": 0, "id": "calibrate" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Playing test sound at 0.5 - Feel free to adjust your speakers accordingly.

" } } ], "id": "fast", "buttonLabel": "Play test sample ๐Ÿ”Š" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Set your computer sound for what works for you but I suggest 50%. Hopefully the virus doesn't change it down the road. Play a sample if you wish as well.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now!

-Hook up your electrodes,

-Set higher than usual setting on eStim device

", "allowSkip": true } }, { "noop": { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:1-second-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "sec" } } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get(\"sec\").addEventListener('play',function () {tick()});" } } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hooked up โšก", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "How do I hook up the electrodes โ“", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Liya recommends a Dual-channel setup:

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธ should be a bipolar anal plug or contact points just above and below your asshole.

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ should be a connection at the head of your cock and the base of your cock (frenulum) or under your balls.

(Using gel can avoid "hot spots")

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once hooked up, set the power of the estim channel to a level that is about 50% higher than you would use for an intense, but pleasurable sensation, if a full power signal was used. ๐Ÿ”Š

(In general plugs require a higher power setting on the channel compared to straps.)

", "mode": "pause" } } ] }, { "label": "I remember my values from last time ๐Ÿ“Š", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh do you?! I guess we will see won't we...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#d84315" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346348" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "calibrate", "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, a sound will start to play at zero volume and very slowly increase.

Once you feel a slight min pleasure, press [Min Pleasure]. (This may take a minute or two depending on your settings and electrodes.)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Take a long time and be accurate", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Balance between accuracy and calibration time", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0.003" } } ], "color": "#388e3c" }, { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Fast calibration but lower accuracy", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0.007" } } ], "color": "#33691e" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346346" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Minimum pleasure volume set to: minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2225992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the calibration sound will continue to slowly increase, Once you feel it reaches the threshold of what you would consider an intense, but still pleasurable level, press [Max Pleasure].

(We are looking for that line between pleasure and pain.)

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.002+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346350" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum pleasure volume set to: maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.006+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nmaxTortureVolume = testVolume;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum torture volume set to: maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You made it! I think I have all the data I need if you are good to go.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "All done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Give me some examples ๐Ÿงช", "commands": [], "color": "#00bcd4" }, { "label": "I messed it up, can I do it again? ๐Ÿ”„", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sure thing! Reloading the calibration program now.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346347" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Gentle teasing:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(20));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿคค A fairly strong pleasure:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(80));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ‘Š A mild punishment:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(25));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ฅ A more severe punishment:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(75));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "All done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "I messed it up, can I do it again? ๐Ÿ”„", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sure thing! Reloading the calibration program now.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "4-lib-cassidy-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"She runs away as the program collapses.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b8683f4e-f8b7-4195-b206-10f2048834f8/2177886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you come to study in the stacks with me? I wasn't sure if you were a fellow student.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Most boys don't try because I distract them and get them all horny.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278681" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I like to reward horny boys.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278682" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you need to borrow a pencil or anything? I may not be the best student but I know how to have fun.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&horny>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”Ž System detected horny status... โฃ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('horn')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278683" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You sure you aren't horny? Why else would you be having trouble typing?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278684" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278706" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I get it, it's hard to type when you are horny but you don't have to you know?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278707" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278685" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you just biding your time for something more sexy? If so, it's not a bad plan.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278686" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278708" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you just biding your time for something more sexy? If so, typing like that is going to end things before they get good.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278709" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here I am.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I've got an oral fixation; do you have anything that could satisfy me?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278688" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278711" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278687" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278710" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

As she licks the pencil your file corruption grows slightly to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278689" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still not there? Perhaps I'm wearing too much.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278690" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278712" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still typing? Perhaps I'm wearing too much.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278713" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And that's not all. I know you're starting to feel it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278691" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278692" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278714" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278715" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Next up is this skirt!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278693" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278694" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278716" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278717" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet this is nice but surely you aren't into that stupid softcore stuff. Get horny and we can get busy!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278695" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278718" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My mouth is pretty lonely! Any ideas?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278719" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you copycat you...

She bounces on the table a bit as your file corruption becomes cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#fdd835" }, { "label": "No need, I'm Horny! ๐Ÿฅต", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I like the sound of that!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "horny=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny", "title": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278697" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278720" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I guess it couldn't hold these back forever. I don't think I can either for that matter.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>8&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278698" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perfect time to not type. Is that reveal getting you all pent up?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278699" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278721" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278722" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh, that's an especially bad glitch. Why did you have to mess up the big reveal?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278723" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess an outline is all you get.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278700" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, I see your boner getting in the way of the keyboard from here. Just click that button and you can touch em.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278725" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is censorship what gets you horny then? Do whatever it takes then.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278701" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278726" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'll make a deal with you. If you take yours off I'll take mine off.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take off your underwear", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You remove it all.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, I guess we are at an impasse. I'll keep asking to wear you down.

" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Because yours are off, I'll take mine off!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278702" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't horny and aren't typing you are quite a mystery.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278703" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As much as I like mysterious men, I think you just really love when girls strip.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278727" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitches are your fault you know. Maybe I can move out of the way of them a bit.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278728" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278704" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278729" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

One last chance to feel what Cassidy can do to her fellow students. I've been "studying" you know.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278705" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9531e581-cf38-4e13-87ab-ab61a796bd91/2278730" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, you didn't take me up on the offer. Well button or not it looks like staying with me so long triggered the status anyways. So much for avoiding it haha.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "horny=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny", "title": "Horny ๐Ÿฅต" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"As the next program loads you feel the pent up libido form.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "I'm Horny! ๐Ÿฅต", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I like the sound of that!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ], "color": "#d32f2f", "visible": "$x>1" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear&&x==12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "3-dr-cassidy-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('over2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>9", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('over')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==0&&y", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,5000)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are experiencing side effects from popping too much medicine ๐Ÿคข

Your file corruption increases to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280070" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,5000)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation detected! ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did someone call the nurse? R.N.Cassidy at your service!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280085" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You look like you're burning up! If that fever continues it will corrupt all of your files! Take a pill to heal it instead of typing!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20+z*10))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280071" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280055" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful with the medicine too. Those pills don't last forever and you can risk overdosing!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280072" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be thankful for the treatment to not type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280056" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't take out any anger on me! I'm the one trying to get you healthy again!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280073" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280057" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My sheer underwear isn't exactly part of the official uniform but I find patients get better outcomes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280074" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Feeling better yet? I bet you are about to feel something else entirely.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280058" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I guess that glitch isn't too bad. I can't promise the next ones will be like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280075" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280059" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you are treating yourself. I hope they taste ok.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not interested in the treatment? You can take them as needed.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280076" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280060" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Which piece of underwear do you think is coming off first? Best to not glitch regardless.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280077" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you thought bra you got it! I guess I win too from you not typing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280061" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You knew one was coming off but you typed anyways? Tsk tsk*

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280078" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280062" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Check out why they call me Nurse CASSidy.

She winks*

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280079" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you too tired to type? Drowsiness wasn't listed as one of the side effects.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280063" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those glitches aren't a listed side effect. Must be coming from your keyboard.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280080" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280064" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let me know if any doctors come by. I've been reprimanded for unprofessional behavior before.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280082" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280067" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280081" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was close! Another patient almost saw me and I couldn't hide behind glitches.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280065" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must either hate me or enjoy the censorship. You might be able to play with it.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Change the glitch", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280066" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z--" } } ] } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280083" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280068" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The fertility clinic is down the hall if you wanted to donate some semen. As soon as you get a clean bill of health that is...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280084" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you made it this far. I guess I'll get to work on your discharge paperwork.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You are free to leave her now.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=3,y=true,dmg=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pop a pill to stop the fever temporarily.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#2196f3" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "3-dr-cassidy-1-round---over": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are experiencing major side effects from overdose ๐Ÿคข

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you stumble she gets you to the safety of a home.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280481" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Feeling any better? It was touch and go there for a while. It also looks like you have some glitching residue.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Sit down", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280482" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh would those cheer you up? You old rascal you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her boob", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280483" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So they do work! You are going to be healthy in no time.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her take over", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Leave", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look who's got somewhere to be all of a sudden. Glad you pulled through though.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Leave", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look who's got somewhere to be all of a sudden. Glad you pulled through though.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "Just let her take over", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280484" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, what do you say to me giving you a few licks followed by you doing the same for me?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280485" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha! Just a few! I don't have all day!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put your dick in", "commands": [], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "Leave", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Ignore her and stick your dick in", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280510" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20+z*10))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So quick! How long were you planning to do that?!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were so pent up I hope you can last more than a few thrusts!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "Leave", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Look who's got somewhere to be all of a sudden. Glad you pulled through though.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280488" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, don't take all day.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20+z*10))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280487" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go! I bet you feel much better already!

Your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280486" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Show your nurse your appreciation for saving you again!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280489" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel a bit of pre-cum exit as you lose 2 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2>1&&cor>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Use ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž to repair file corruption", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your corrupted files have been reduced to b2-=2,cor-=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#7cb342" }, { "label": "Save your ๐Ÿžs", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280490" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She leg locks you and pulls you more into her.

Your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280512" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=19 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well would you look at who made a spill!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280513" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad those side effects are all but a distant memory!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful with those pills in the future. I might not always be there to nurse you back to health.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "3-dr-cassidy-1-round---over2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2212014" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You find yourself in bed upon reload.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280491" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Is your heart ok? It's beating out of control!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Glad you're fine but I'll miss you!

Booting next program ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting encounters ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you made a mistake by destabilizing me but we got everything under control. Just rest now.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here you go babe while you recover - Breakfast in bed always makes things better! But I think I know what would be a further improvement...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280492" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably tried to stop me because I was just teasing you... right?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280494" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lay back and focus on getting well, I'll do the rest.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280495" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "7s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Put it in" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She moves to put your dick in her.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "8s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280496" } }, { "say": { "label": "


I knew this is what you really wanted!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280514" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I can feel you leaking in me. I hope you aren't ready to end it already.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280515" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280516" } }, { "say": { "label": "

By the looks of it you are feeling QUITE healthy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280517" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280497" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful now, the pharmacy is out of birth control.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280498" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280518" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold me name, really give it to me!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hold her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280519" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280520" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm starting to be glad we had this little mix-up. I bet you are too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280521" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280522" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "style": "secret" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c1913c77-d7a6-4094-b59e-cb81c1679855/2280523" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess you have to go recharge now. I need to get my integrity back too.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ], "test2": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Louder test", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume += 0.10;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume += 0.10;\r\nmaxTortureVolume += 0.10;" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "again", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "test2" } } ] } ] } } ], "any---heartloss": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998681" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The loss of the portion of your system makes everything go haywire but something new is loading in.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:vk-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('virginkiller')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f976a027-9f81-4c11-8111-374ee140ccdd/2191941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”No virginity detected...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343773" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What happened out there? Did you just lose a heart?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343774" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There there. I cleaned up the glitching for you at least but I don't think I can bring your heart back.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343775" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You find yourself temporarily taken out of the typing interface. You are helpless without your keyboard if she decided to attack you right now.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(40))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343776" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=((z/10)-2)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Aww... Looks like you pushed your luck too far, and now you lost a heart because of it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lh=true" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Safety first!

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Honestly you weren't the only one to get dirty out there. You can join me in a bath if you aren't in a rush.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343777" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343778" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343779" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343780" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

Oh that? This is a relatively safe space but too much exposure has a chance of taking another heart from you. I wouldn't worry about it...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343781" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343782" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks about ready. I'm surprised you haven't jumped in yet.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343783" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343784" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343785" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343786" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, even better than I expected. You should try it when you are done enjoying the eye candy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343787" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Make sure she washes her feet", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343788" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The virus tries to learn everything about you. Not sure how your little foot kink avoided its gaze this long.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343789" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wouldn't be surprised if it used this knowledge to take full control of your system while turning you into a drooling mess.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Go to her", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343790" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Finally decided to come enjoy it yourself huh? Better late than never.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343791" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So what are you going to do now that you're here? I hope not chicken out.

Can you reach some of the spots I missed?

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343792" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Wash her", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344162" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh thank you but you are going to get all wet! Go ahead and take those clothes off. I have some "plans" for you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343793" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to file+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I see you want to make sure every inch of me is clean. How kind of you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Run your hands further south", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---org" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Get naked", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---heartlosspull" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } } ], "any---liyasex": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343801" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's in! Too bad your virginity was long gone already.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343795" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343815" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Try not to cum in there. Virus programs can duplicate out of your control.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343816" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you are close but pound me harder! Make your soon to be lost heart worth it!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk at critical levels! โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "14s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343817" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

lh=true,horny=false,file-=21 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343818" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that escalated quickly! I really am sorry about what's about to happen to you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343819" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't stop it but I'll try to give even more help next time. At least it looks like you enjoyed it.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "any---heartlosspull": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343794" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "10s", "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Give in" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you towards her gradually

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "11s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343798" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ™ซ I caught youuuuu!!!! โ™ซ

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('liyasex')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Put it in her", "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343799" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She laughs as she drives her crotch into your hard on. She might be able to slip it in at this rate.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343800" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That tickles! Haha! Just put it in already, your risk is already too high. Might as well enjoy it while you can!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343801" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('liyasex')" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can feel your tip slide in. It wont be long now.

" } } ], "any---org": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are lightly playing with her clit as it takes her by surprise. You notice she leans back into you and starts to breathe hard.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put your finger in", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Get naked", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartlosspull')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343813" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! Get control of yourself! Oh!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Deeper", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344165" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344166" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to pull herself up but is too tempted by your treatment.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Actually you... you can keep going if you want...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2343814" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You would risk losing a heart for me? I'm so close! Maybe I can reward you in some other way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344164" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She spasms and splashes water as she orgasms.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She slowly recomposes herself and leans back into you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She whispers - Fuuuuck! I was trying to get you off! Not the other way around! Would you just get naked already!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then I can grant you the gift of my thanks.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2344167" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false,liya+=2,file+=30 files! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ“ˆ Increased chance of further Liya encounter

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her return the favor", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartlosspull')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "any---virgin2": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”Virginity detected...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346030" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:downtown-bensound-ik68otgvgickg5xd.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here again?! And still haven't lost your V card?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346031" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z/10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Aww... Looks like you pushed your luck too far, and now you lost a heart because of it!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Safety first!

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have one heart left. How does this keep happening if you aren't even fucking anyone?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346032" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346033" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you trying to get so close? Don't spank me or anything.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Look at her ass", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You remember how this all works I assume.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346034" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I won't take your virginity here of course but if you don't want to lose another heart - seeing these tits again may not be worth it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346035" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346036" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346037" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Feel them if you wish.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Look close at her chest", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't say I didn't warn you. I hope you make it through this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346038" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346039" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate the fact that we are getting closer in more ways than one. Will I be the one to pluck your V?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346040" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems you decided that if you are going to lose hearts, to at least enjoy the experience.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346041" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346043" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not exactly an edible panty, but you can try it when I'm done.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346044" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you aren't done though. Your risk is getting up there at this point and you don't have another heart to spare.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346045" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, so my little pussy is a bit underserved. But seeing as I can't take your virginity quite yet I think a substitution is in order.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346046" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346047" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346048" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346049" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No room for you Mr. Virgin name.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346050" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She shakes as she brings herself to completion.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346051" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "10s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that's it. You might lose it regardless but hurry up and get out of here before the program forces you to lose that heart.

" } } ], "any---heartloss2": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”No virginity detected...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347891" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:downtown-bensound-ik68otgvgickg5xd.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And just as I was monitoring you it seems as though you failed again.

Hold on, I'm rebooting it for ya...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347892" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z/20", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Aww... Looks like you pushed your luck too far, and now you lost a heart because of it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lh=true" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Safety first!

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go. I have to find some way to slow you down. You only have one heart left.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347893" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You uh... do want to slow down don't you? I think we both know where messing around with all those women will get you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347894" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here, I uploaded a bunch of pictures of me in swim suits. Isn't that a good compromise? The lack of nudity won't corrupt your drive as much but you still might enjoy it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347895" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She transfers the contents to access them on your device.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at more of them", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Ask her for something more", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---heartloss2-2" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk will slowly rise the more photos you look at โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('bikini')" } } ], "any---bikini": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c959bf22-fe11-4153-a4fc-68b5749c3d18/*" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30+(z*2)))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "More ๐Ÿ‘™", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('bikini')" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "any---heartloss2-2": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>0&&horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347896" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's not enough for you? If you were thinking I would just fuck you or something you are mistaken.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347897" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The screen immediately shifts to Liya giving oral.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you must cum, I have other methods that wouldn't lose your last heart you know.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347898" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What do you think? I've been practicing. If it's too much for you I'm not keeping you here. Feel free to go back fighting those other programs.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347899" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At any moment you could stop this but something tempts you to continue as she rubs your pants.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347900" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She falls back surprised by your wiling cock sudenly springing out. You reach out to catch her.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you poor thing. I'll take care of that right away!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347901" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, stiff as a board. Here I go!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347902" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347903" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her glasses bump into you as she deepthroats you over and over.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Help her take them off", "commands": [], "color": "#4caf50" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347904" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you onto the couch.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347905" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her clothes glitch out.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347906" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They glitch out again.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347907" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can feel all those raw files in here. I'm so curious what they contain.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347908" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This would taste a lot better back on the couch. Just lie back and relax.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347909" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to z++,cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take her underwear off", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347910" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She twitches in surprise at you rubbing her and then settles in ash she scoots closer.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347911" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347912" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you love playing with it so much, I would really appreciate some mouth.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347914" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She positions it in front of your face.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lick it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347913" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can always appreciate a guy who gives back!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file+=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She gives you 10 files! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347915" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347916" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347917" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347918" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on big boy. What are you waiting for?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 2 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347919" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347920" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I almost forgot how messy you are!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Wipe her off", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Boot the next program", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347921" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347922" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What a gentleman!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2347923" } }, { "eval": { "script": "liya++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ“ˆ Increased chance of further Liya encounter

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I trust you are good for a while now? I hope your file-cor remaining uncorrupted files can last.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ], "--hack-report-2": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hackdatabase-8-bit-dream-land-moodmode.mp3", "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cas" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2005394" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hypdmg=false" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Done", "id": "fast" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hsum=foundCountableHacks()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "htot=countableHacks()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hsum>htot", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’€ Code alteration detected! You have to start over and find them the natural way.

Reset all save state variables to get hack database access.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level--,startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

hsum/htot Hacks found!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('slow')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192476" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('search')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192470" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('nextlevel')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2273766" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('disable')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192479" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('heal')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192458" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('add')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192479" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('fourth')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192481" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('sting')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192477" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('everything')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192455" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('sacrifice')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2520050" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('peek')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192466" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('redo')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192471" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('jukebug')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2537446" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('reset')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192485" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('preference')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192468" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('cancel')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2682436" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('virgin')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192478" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('finish')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2535215" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('boss')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192475" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('crowd')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192482" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('mad')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408543" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('more')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192454" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... more

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('Liya')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192464" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... Liya

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('time')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192457" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... time

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('rare')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192469" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('other')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2453557" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('puzzle')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2354157" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('fap')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2418786" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('defend')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2511880" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('perfect')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192467" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('sneak')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192472" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('naked')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2420736" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('kill')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192463" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('Give')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192459" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... Give

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('me')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192460" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... me

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('1')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192461" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... 1

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('heart')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192462" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... heart

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('diagnostic')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192480" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('smash')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2511877" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('thrust')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2165353" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('deletion')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192484" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('predator')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2681506" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('erase')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2435856" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('New')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192473" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... New

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('me')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2192474" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This hack message is different... me

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('drain')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2517130" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('multiply')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408401" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('envenom')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2427427" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('timestop')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408399" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('queen')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2427428" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('colossus')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408402" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('copypaste')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2408398" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('godmode')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2654715" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('skip')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2425201" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isFoundHack('bikini')", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bf048f0b-4808-4a68-82a9-c823a3baed51/2348717" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Basic Commands", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "




" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Advanced Bugs", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿœ nest

๐Ÿœ swarm

๐Ÿฆ‹ cocoon

๐Ÿฆ‹ morph

๐Ÿฆ‹ purify

๐ŸฆŸ bite

๐Ÿฆ‚ venom

" } } ], "color": "#ff8a65" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "if (window.__hack_report_debugger) __hack_report_debugger = false, backPage() " } }, { "eval": { "script": "level--,startNextLevel()" } } ], "thanks": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2348934" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:credits-omw-to-kick-the-big-bad-electronic-heroic-theme-song-fup.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ป Coding ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ‘‘ fapnip

Not enough could be said about how much they helped. Not only did they create the entire framework to make this magic happen in EOS (a program not meant to pull off an entire video game like this), but they were always available to get through my countless questions and bugs!

The tools they created also allows for teases of this size to be made, played offline, and more quickly bug tested.

They are and will be sorely missed for their contributions and friendship. I hope you are enjoying your reprieve from my countless headaches I gave you.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "



Both helped me interpret code, fix bugs, and re-haul many systems like dynamic timer, sissy mode, new bug HUD, permanent deletion of girls, and more!

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "






", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽž๏ธ Content ๐ŸŽฌ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

BoundSquirrel - Not only contributed all the AI generated final boss art, but also wrote the Jessa Police department encounter, Alexis and Nikki Police department encounter, and the Dillion Camp boss - If that wasn't enough, estim tracks as well!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽผ Music ๐ŸŽน

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

School Yard

AudioCoffee ๐Ÿซ QubeSounds

Coma-Media ๐ŸŽ’ REDproductions

RoyaltyFreeMusic ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿซ Mezhdunami

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Princess Tower

Lexin_Music ๐Ÿ‘ธ Kim Lightyear

RoyaltyFreeMusic ๐Ÿ‘‘ GeoffHarvey

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Color World

QubeSounds ๐ŸŽจ BLACKBOX

AlexiAction ๐Ÿ–๏ธ omarfarukjafree

๐ŸŒˆ nomaBeats

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "


RomanSenykmusic ๐Ÿก

Praz Khanal ๐Ÿšช

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Military Zone

StudioKolomna ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Victoria_Watercolor

danydory ๐Ÿš BrightestAvenue

The_Mountain ๐Ÿช‚ Mapamusic

SoulProdMusic ๐Ÿ’ฅ Musictown

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


ENheee ๐Ÿ‘™ Music_Unlimited

JuliusH ๐ŸŒด White_Records

๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€ Mepa_Melson

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cosplay Convention

Coma Media ๐Ÿ‘˜ moodmode

Adi Goldstein ๐Ÿ‘ข Pixabay

Diamond Tunes ๐Ÿ”ซ

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Neon Nights

Alexi Action ๐ŸŒŒ SoulProdMusic

FASSounds ๐ŸŒƒ QubeSounds

Evgeny Bardyzuh ๐ŸŽง Tim Taj

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Alexi Action ๐Ÿฅ Lesfm

Relaxing Ambiance ๐Ÿฉบ FreeGroove

๐Ÿš‘ Monument_Music

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Anton Vlasov โšฝ StudioKolomna

PrabajithK ๐Ÿˆ LiteSaturation

Alex Grohl ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Lesfm ๐Ÿ“š emotionallydistantguy

DenisDL ๐Ÿ“– Praz Khanal

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Spooky Town

AKoSiLukaS ๐Ÿ‘ป geoffharvey

AlesiaDavina ๐ŸŽƒ SoundGalleryByDmitryTaras

๐Ÿ˜ฑ Lexin Music

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Magnetic Trailer ๐ŸŒฒ ArturAravidiMusic

Lexin_Music โ›บ Musictown

musicbyscandinavianz ๐Ÿ‚ SergePavkinMusic

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Police Station

moodmode ๐Ÿš“ Music Town

MUZA Production ๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€ Gvidon

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Final Boss

BLACKBOX ๐Ÿค– Paul Yudin

QubeSounds ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป FASSounds

๐Ÿฆพ Infraction & Alexi Action

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Intro - Ivymusic

Zone selects - moodmode kontaktproblem

Game over - Lightyeartraxx

Hack database - moodmode

Credits - Fupicat

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya scenes




" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart Loss scenes


Evgeny Bardyuzha

Geoff Harvey

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ฅ Sound ๐Ÿ”Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

oldfreshfx - Fupicat - plasterbrain - Tissman - ScreamStudio - Doctor Dreamchip -LittleRobotSoun - jhyland - jalastram - Rurbital - Jofae - zombie expert - MrtheNoronha - Robot9989 - Animusic - Huvyvh

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿงช Top Testing ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trusfrated -Possibly my biggest fan. My best grammar helper and stuck with hours of keystroke testing even though it isn't their cup of tea! One day they might even convince me how to use ; correctly. Thanks for being honest when things aren't quite up to snuff.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Flumpus - Probably put more time into Keystroke than anyone. TONS of bug reports and feedback. One of those that I could ask to grade every scene and they would get right to it. Gave me the motivation to keep plugging on.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oiry - Was the first tester who saw the potential in what Keystroke could be. Was a big cheerleader throughout the process. Just one of the reasons I made an encounter specifically for you. Coding help too! I hope your lack of sleep was worth it.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

BoundSquirrel - Huge fan of the project - so much so that they reached out to me about helping any way they can. Fixed a few bugs I couldn't figure out for weeks AND is helping contribute content!

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿงช Testing Honorable Mentions ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nait - I appreciate you being very upfront about the specific shortcomings that allowed me to make a better project. Thanks for doing that for something that you are not the core audience for.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Knightfall - One of the first really positive feedback I received. Who could say no to novels celebrating their work? Thanks for expanding and going into so much detail.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

iiilllililiill - Convinced me to add estim capability and to shoot higher.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Spisp - One of the first testers to see the initial nonsense. I'm glad you got to see the progression over the year.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

NichiBoo - Lots of discussions, thank you for all of the feedback.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Moto - Always seems happy to stress test any new system and show me things that need fixing. Lots of constructive criticism and a heck of a speedrunner.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

frostysun - Happy to struggle with code with me. Art feedback as well as lots of discussions on how to improve things.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿงช Testing ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "






", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yami Bakura




" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”Œ Estim โšก

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rillo - Incredibly willing to help the estim community however they can. Educated me on how it all works despite me not ever using or owning a device. Provided most of the estim sound files used!

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nocnoc - Was one of the first estim testers. Convinced me to revamp my entire estim process and coded a new framework for me to use dynamic estim intensity.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

BoundSquirrel - Enjoyed the estim so much that they provided their own adjusted tracks for more variety! Also consulted on what other methods could work or should be avoided.

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Estim Testing





", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿค‘ Patreon GOLD Members ๐Ÿ’ฐ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

sunj ๐Ÿ™Gerald Gantos ๐Ÿ™ Chuck ๐Ÿ™ Rob ๐Ÿ™ George Fail

Ricky bobby ๐Ÿ™ Robin Madsen ๐Ÿ™ Craig ๐Ÿ™ NTRNEKOMA619

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Steven Adams ๐Ÿ™ lilTease pet๐Ÿ™ Derek26 ๐Ÿ™ Fignewton34 ๐Ÿ™Kevin van Rooij ๐Ÿ™ Scott

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Efreet Kai๐Ÿ™ Fignewton34 ๐Ÿ™ Petri ๐Ÿ™ Bob ๐Ÿ™ Error

NightHawk ๐Ÿ™ Kibowalker ๐Ÿ™ DWreck1995 ๐Ÿ™ Mike ๐Ÿ™ Josephus

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Qant Wyu ๐Ÿ™ Mark Shepherd ๐Ÿ™ Steve ๐Ÿ™ Tyler Green ๐Ÿ™ Nick

Ricky bobby ๐Ÿ™ Goranzei ๐Ÿ™ ps ๐Ÿ™ dualist ๐Ÿ™ GamesGG159

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

LanaLovely ๐Ÿ™ Eta93 ๐Ÿ™ Hugo Hilmersson ๐Ÿ™ Drilla ๐Ÿ™ Cameron Pesek ๐Ÿ™ HalfPastDawn ๐Ÿ™ Soyfox ๐Ÿ™ d ๐Ÿ™ Cunk ๐Ÿ™ Gunderson ๐Ÿ™

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

GhstZeroX ๐Ÿ™ Toony Blues ๐Ÿ™ Crazybikerke ๐Ÿ™ Pigeon Sandwich ๐Ÿ™ Paul Turek ๐Ÿ™ qant ๐Ÿ™ Andrei Aldea ๐Ÿ™ antidas ๐Ÿ™ Spawniz

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

LockeandKeynes ๐Ÿ™dumbo3k ๐Ÿ™ Nakayami ๐Ÿ™Richardo Villabos ๐Ÿ™ Darsh Thakur ๐Ÿ™ Throwaway Th ๐Ÿ™ Tormithy ๐Ÿ™ Rooki ๐Ÿ™ RAM

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

DanE ๐Ÿ™ Snow ๐Ÿ™ Alex ๐Ÿ™ Hardy ๐Ÿ™ Pisciotta ๐Ÿ™ Jared Taranto ๐Ÿ™

Anonym Fallout ๐Ÿ™ Darksophina ๐Ÿ™ nukith ๐Ÿ™ Christopher Harker Hunt

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Vibrant Skye ๐Ÿ™ Slighter761 ๐Ÿ™ Fipsi ๐Ÿ™ sexyvampireqt ๐Ÿ™ kkyl ๐Ÿ™

Praise ๐Ÿ™ Silverkin98 ๐Ÿ™ Randy Savage ๐Ÿ™ Tim Madigan ๐Ÿ™ Gold29

", "align": "left" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I update every game every Friday - join the fun! patreon.com/indycent

", "align": "right" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "end": {} } ], "any---h-disable": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "gain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4-=2,dfile=file-enemy,soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enemy attack is being lowered to 0!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-boss": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are already facing a boss!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


The next program you face will be a boss. ๐Ÿ’ช

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3-=3,clear+=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-1": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2-=3,lastHacks.join(' ') == 'Give me 1'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

1 (3/4) sequence detected!


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Oe=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "-calibratemanual": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346348" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You want to change these values huh... I always heard humans can be desynthesized, we can't have that!

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "minPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "fast", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume+=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 0.02 โž•" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "minPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "slow", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume-=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Subtract 0.02 โž–" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "minPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Keep current value โœ”๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok enter minimum pleasure value:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "calibrate" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(1));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enter new Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume.toFixed(2)

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Minimum pleasure volume set to: minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(1));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And now max pleasure value:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum pleasure volume set to: maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(100));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Finally let's have that max torture value hehe:

" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nmaxTortureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum torture volume set to: maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Play torture tone for 2 seconds ๐Ÿ“ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(100));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... Are you just making those up? It doesn't make sense! I'm resetting it now - Try again.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Alright then looks like you are done. Run it again if you want any changes!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } } ], "--named-2": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โšกSearching for soundcard or E-Stim device... ๐Ÿ”Ž โšก

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Music ๐ŸŽผ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim=false" } }, { "noop": { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hack-list-pixel-perfect-lesiakower.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } } } ], "color": "#039be5" }, { "label": "E-Stimโšก", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estim=true,cor++,music=0,sound=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธWARNING!!!โš ๏ธ

Indyc does not own and has never used ESTIM. However, content has been tested and I would love to have more feedback!

" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--" } } ], "any---heart": [ { "eval": { "script": "loadNotifications()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(70));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "lose", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"lose\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "heart--" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heart", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart<=0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('gameover')" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==6", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor=0,x=0,z=0,b1+=5,b2+=5,b3+=5,b4+=5" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bug reinforcements arriving!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai2-epic-dubstep-paulyudin.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿค–", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-atmosplextro-blackbox.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’ ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-cyberpunk-blackb.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆพ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”‹", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-atomic-by-infraction-amp-alexi-action.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481757" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lh", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('virgin2')" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartloss2')" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartloss')" } } ], "--volume": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2263474" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!window.playingIntro", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "playingIntro=true" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "hack" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")\r\npState.save()" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Default is 30%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Currently playing at music%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Off ๐Ÿ”‡", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")\r\npState.save()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--volume-2" } } ] }, { "label": "Lower ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music-=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$music>0" }, { "label": "Lower ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$music<=0" }, { "label": "Louder ๐Ÿ”Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music+=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$music<100" }, { "label": "Louder ๐Ÿ”Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$music>=100" }, { "label": "Next โžก๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--volume-2" } } ], "color": "#1976d2" } ] } } ], "--volume-2": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "select", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")\r\npState.save()" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Default 60%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Currently playing at sound%

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Off ๐Ÿ”‡", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sound=0\r\nsoundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence(),playingIntro=false,level--,startNextLevel()" } } ] }, { "label": "Lower ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sound-=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$sound>0" }, { "label": "Lower ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$sound<=0" }, { "label": "Louder ๐Ÿ”Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sound+=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$sound<100" }, { "label": "Louder ๐Ÿ”Š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$sound>=100" }, { "label": "Default", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sound=60" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$false" }, { "label": "Back โฌ…๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--volume" } } ], "color": "#0277bd" }, { "label": "Done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "silence(),playingIntro=false\r\nif(pageStack.length) {\r\n backPage()\r\n} else {\r\n level--,startNextLevel()\r\n}" } } ], "color": "#33691e" } ] } } ], "any-round---lose2": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasHckSay()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐Ÿฆ‚ you are holding eliminates a bug!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b1>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b2>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b3>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b4>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b5>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‹", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b6--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b6>0" }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b7--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b7>0" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b7>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐ŸฆŸ you are holding eliminate file-=b7,b7 of your files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "likeGirl() // Record that we like her type, and other things like scene type, etc.\r\nclear++ " } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising horny level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=4! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "any-round---win2": [ { "if": { "condition": "x>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐Ÿฆ‚ you are holding eliminates a bug!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ›", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b1>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿž", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b2>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b3>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b4>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿœ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b5>0" }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆ‹", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b6--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b6>0" }, { "label": "๐ŸฆŸ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b7--,x--" } } ], "visible": "$b7>0" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising denial level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=horny*2! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nest", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain level๐Ÿœ!

You now have b5+=level

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inround=false,clear++,Math.random()>=.60", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.70", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b3++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b4++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained an extra ๐Ÿ for winning a tough fight.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You put your shirt back on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pull your pants up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2>1&&cor>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Use ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž to repair file corruption", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heal", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your corrupted files have been reduced to b2-=2,cor-=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#7cb342" }, { "label": "Save your ๐Ÿžs", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone(zone)" } } ] } } ], "start": [ { "if": { "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-1", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-2", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-3", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-4", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-5", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-6", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-7", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-8", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-9", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-10", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-11", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-12", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-13", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-14", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-15", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-16", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-17", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-18", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-19", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "audio.play": { "background": true, "id": "timer-20", "locator": "file:1-minute-of-silence.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "// Init native timer emulation\r\n/*\r\nMPED--author::fapnip\r\nMPED--description::\r\nPolyfill to allow use of setTimeout and setInterval in Eos\r\n\r\nSee:\r\nhttps://milovana.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24006&p=301725\r\n::--description\r\n*/\r\n/******************************\r\n * CHANGE LOG\r\n * ****************************\r\n * \r\n * v1.7\r\n * - Simplify timer functions\r\n * \r\n * v1.6\r\n * - Allow re-use of sound end event listener\r\n * \r\n * v1.5\r\n * - More tweaks to deal with interruptions\r\n * \r\n * v1.4\r\n * - Further adjustments for JS interpreter interruptions\r\n * \r\n * v1.3\r\n * - Try to reduce errors in offet counters introduced\r\n * by pauses between JS interpreter steps\r\n * \r\n * v1.1 - v1.2 \r\n * - Try to improve performance\r\n * \r\n * v1.0\r\n * - Initial release\r\n * \r\n */\r\n(function() {\r\n // var debug = false\r\n var timers = {}\r\n var sounds = {}\r\n var counter = 1\r\n var timerError = 268 // Always seems to be around 268ms of error (issue with audio files?)\r\n var maxTime = 60000 // Sound is 1 min long, so that's the max\r\n var i = 1\r\n var timerPool = []\r\n \r\n function listener() {\r\n var id = this.__id\r\n var timer = timers[id]\r\n // this.stop()\r\n this.__id = null // disable id\r\n if (!timer) return\r\n var opt = timer._opt\r\n timerPool.unshift(timer) // Put timer back in queue\r\n if ((opt.start + (opt.time * opt.iter)) - Date.now() > 20) {\r\n // Not done. We'll need to run again\r\n doTimer(opt)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n if (opt.interval) {\r\n // Run again\r\n opt.iter++\r\n doTimer(opt)\r\n } else {\r\n delete timers[id]\r\n }\r\n try {\r\n opt.fn()\r\n } catch (e) {\r\n console.error('Error in timer fn', e.toString())\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n var tSound = Sound.get('timer-' + i)\r\n while (tSound) {\r\n tSound.stop()\r\n tSound.seek(maxTime-timerError)\r\n tSound.play()\r\n tSound.addEventListener('end', listener)\r\n sounds[i] = tSound\r\n var timer = {\r\n sound: tSound,\r\n index: i\r\n }\r\n timerPool.push(timer)\r\n i++\r\n tSound = Sound.get('timer-' + i)\r\n }\r\n var poolSize = timerPool.length\r\n\r\n function doTimer(opt) {\r\n var id = opt.id\r\n var timer = timerPool.pop()\r\n if (!timer) {\r\n throw \"No timer sounds left in timer pool. Add more if you need more than \" + poolSize + \" concurrent timers.\"\r\n }\r\n timer._opt = opt\r\n var sound = timer.sound\r\n sound.__id = id\r\n timers[id] = timer\r\n sound.seek(Math.max(1, timerError + (maxTime - Math.min(\r\n (opt.start + (opt.time * opt.iter)) - Date.now(), \r\n maxTime - 1000\r\n ))) / 1000)\r\n sound.play()\r\n return id\r\n }\r\n\r\n function clearTimer(id) {\r\n var timer = timers[id]\r\n if (timer) {\r\n delete timers[id]\r\n var sound = timer.sound\r\n sound.__id = null\r\n sound.stop()\r\n timerPool.unshift(timer)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n window.setTimeout = function(fn, time) {\r\n return doTimer({\r\n id: counter++,\r\n time: time || 0, \r\n iter: 1,\r\n fn: fn, \r\n start: Date.now()\r\n })\r\n }\r\n\r\n window.clearTimeout = function(id) {\r\n return clearTimer(id)\r\n }\r\n\r\n window.setInterval = function(fn, time) {\r\n return doTimer({\r\n id: counter++,\r\n time: time || 0, \r\n iter: 1,\r\n fn: fn, \r\n interval: true,\r\n start: Date.now()\r\n })\r\n }\r\n \r\n window.clearInterval = function(id) {\r\n return clearTimer(id)\r\n }\r\n})()\r\n" } } ], "condition": "!window.setTimeout /* MPEM::setTimeout v1.7 */", "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "setTimeout(function(){console.log('setTimeout/setInterval Working')},0)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "didLoad=true\r\nwindow._loadTimeout = false\r\nif (window._returnAfterLoad) {\r\n var ral = window._returnAfterLoad\r\n window._returnAfterLoad = false\r\n if (typeof ral === 'function') {\r\n ral()\r\n } else {\r\n pages.goto(ral)\r\n }\r\n}" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hasSavedGame()&&!load", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--restore-game" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251953" } }, { "eval": { "script": "load=false,inGame=true" } }, { "if": { "condition": "name!=\"test\"", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Skip intro" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true /* intro glitch gif (gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/*) @ 10FPS - EAA v0.6.13 */", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251871" } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmInt = 1000 / 10\n\nfunction _anmDone(skipNext){\n var r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n \n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 22\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (23 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251872" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(1)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251873" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251874" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(3)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251875" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(4)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251876" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(5)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251877" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(6)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251878" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(7)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251879" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(8)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251880" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(9)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251881" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(10)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251882" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(11)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251883" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(12)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251884" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(13)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251885" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(14)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251886" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(15)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251887" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(16)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251888" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(17)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251889" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(18)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251890" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(19)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251891" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(20)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251892" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(21)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a1bcb3cd-f3e6-4ea2-a208-fad4faf623fd/2251893" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(22)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmDone() // always reset animaton states on termination" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธ2.049 VIRUS DETECTEDโš ๏ธ



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "name!=\"test\"", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš  Repeat entity detected! โš 

Keep name designation?

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--named-2" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--named" } } ], "buttonLabel": "ENTER NAME", "id": "name" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--name" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš  New entity detected! โš 


" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "--named" } } ], "buttonLabel": "ENTER NAME", "id": "name" } }, { "goto": { "target": "--name" } } ], "-calibrate--start": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346345" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hideCoreNotifications()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "minPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Previous Calibration Detected ๐Ÿ“Š

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Override values?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estim=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0;\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0.5, "loops": 0, "id": "calibrate" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Playing test sound at 50%. Feel free to adjust your volume and device.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Done", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } } ], "id": "fast", "buttonLabel": "Play test sample ๐Ÿ”Š" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Set your computer sound for what works for you but I suggest 50%. Hopefully the virus doesn't change it down the road. Play a sample if you wish as well.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220657" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright now!

-Hook up your electrodes,

-Set higher than usual setting on eStim device

", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hooked up โšก", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "How do I hook up the electrodes โ“", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Liya recommends a Dual-channel setup:

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธ should be a bipolar anal plug or contact points just above and below your asshole.

Channel ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ should be a connection at the head of your cock and the base of your cock (frenulum) or under your balls.

(Using gel can avoid "hot spots")

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once hooked up, set the power of the estim channel to a level that is about 50% higher than you would use for an intense, but pleasurable sensation, if a full power signal was used. ๐Ÿ”Š

(In general plugs require a higher power setting on the channel compared to straps.)

", "mode": "pause" } } ] }, { "label": "I remember my values from last time ๐Ÿ“Š", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh do you?! I guess we will see won't we...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#d84315" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346348" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db-flat.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "calibrate", "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, a sound will start to play at zero volume and very slowly increase.

Once you feel a slight minimum pleasure, press [Min Pleasure]. (This may take a minute or two depending on your settings and electrodes.)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Take a long time and be accurate", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Balance between accuracy and calibration time", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0.003" } } ], "color": "#388e3c" }, { "label": "โœ”๏ธ Fast calibration but lower accuracy", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0.007" } } ], "color": "#33691e" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346346" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Minimum pleasure volume set to: minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2225992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the calibration sound will continue to slowly increase, Once you feel it reaches the threshold of what you would consider an intense, but still pleasurable level, press [Max Pleasure].

(We are looking for that line between pleasure and pain.)

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.002+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346350" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum pleasure volume set to: maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now this final calibration point won't be easy. We are going to set the max intensity that punishments can be delivered.

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the sound calibration signal will continue to slowly increase. Grit your teeth and only press [Mercy!] once things reach the threshold of your pain tolerance. Hang in there as long as you can!

(Most punishments will be delivered at a lower level than your maximum threshold.)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.006+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Mercy!", "commands": [], "color": "#c2185b" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nmaxTortureVolume = testVolume;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum torture volume set to: maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You made it! I think I have all the data I need if you are good to go.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "All done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Give me some examples ๐Ÿงช", "commands": [], "color": "#00bcd4" }, { "label": "I messed it up, can I do it again? ๐Ÿ”„", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sure thing! Reloading the calibration program now.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346347" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Gentle teasing:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(20));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿคค A fairly strong pleasure:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(80));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346349" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ‘Š A mild punishment:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(25));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ฅ A more severe punishment:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(75));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "All done โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "I messed it up, can I do it again? ๐Ÿ”„", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sure thing! Reloading the calibration program now.

", "mode": "autoplay", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ], "color": "#e53935" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "-calibrate-max-pleasure": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Minimum pleasure volume set to: minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*1.01" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 1% โž•", "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume=minPleasureVolume*.99" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reduce 1% โž–", "id": "slow" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2225992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Once you hit โœ”๏ธ, the calibration sound will continue to slowly increase, Once you feel it reaches the threshold of what you would consider an intense, but still pleasurable level, press [Max Pleasure].

(We are looking for that line between pleasure and pain.)

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#388e3c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.002+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Max Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346350" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum pleasure volume set to: maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "-calibrate-min-pleasure": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2346346" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.002\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Faster ๐Ÿƒ", "id": "fast" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>.002", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z-=.002;\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.001+z;" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Slower ๐ŸŒ", "id": "slow" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Min Pleasure", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\nminPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "if": { "condition": "testVolume >= 1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "testVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woops! It looks like you maxed out. Turn up the volume on your eStim device, computer system volume... or both!

Restarting the calibration process.๐Ÿ”„

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratedeep" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Minimum pleasure volume set to: minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "4-lib-leigh-1-boss---pull": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Didn't want to waste your one shot to survive huh...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,sex", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sex')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363993" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bubbles-82769.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bub" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bub\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are dragged through the screen somehow... by your dick.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365321" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The exchange leaves her with enemy=3 integrity left

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! It worked! So much to grab onto!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365326" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=22" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— The other's notice you and deal 22 corruption โ—

" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365323" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to cum just thinking about where I can put this monster!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โ— ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,z>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry! You don't have any โ— left!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365324" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I know what you want me to do, but keep an eye for for me ok?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her jacket starts slipping off.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365327" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('cum')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Cum for her ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365326" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=22" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— The other's notice you and corrupt 22 files ๐Ÿ“ โ—

" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โ— ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,z>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry! You don't have any โ— left!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365328" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365326" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=22" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— The other's notice you and corrupt 22 files ๐Ÿ“ โ—

" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โ— ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,z>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry! You don't have any โ— left!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365330" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=11 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365331" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, you brought the keyboard along with you? I hope you honestly don't think this is the right time to use it haha.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "sex=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "4-lib-leigh-1-boss---sex": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She lets go of you... but not for long.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365333" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your tip is greeted by per pussy lips.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a little more!


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365334" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=7 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are glad you met Ms. Leigh aren't you? My pussy sure is, that's for sure!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365335" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365337" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "8s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365338" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=8 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365339" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you are lasting quite a bit, got something to prove?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365341" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You better not fuck me raw. Just cum already!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1d" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "4-lib-leigh-1-boss---cum": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365342" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "15s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365343" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=22" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— The other's notice you and corrupt 22 files ๐Ÿ“ โ—

" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "[โ—]" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365344" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that load sure scared everyone off!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I can't promise every other webchat will be equally enjoyable. See ya.\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "4-lib-leigh-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You could have just ended the webchat...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363993" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your webcam boots up.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363900" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there! Can you hear me? Make sure you unmute yourself before speaking!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363901" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libboss2-bad-mood-prazkhanal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "say": { "label": "

Show me a sign you got that.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Pressing buttons before you know what they are - interesting strategy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry! You don't have any โ— left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&a>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365295" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50));" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=22" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โ— The other's notice you and corrupt 22 files ๐Ÿ“ โ—

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0,y=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363902" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, I can see you clicking away. Glad to have you join me in this webchat - I'm Ms. Leigh!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363903" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you skipped typing for little old me? I don't see anything impeding us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363904" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That must mean you are ready for me to flash that webcam!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363912" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you do know that if you want a clear view of me flashing the cam you are going to need to stay idle with the โŒ right?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363913" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead now is the time to try it out.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363905" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you see them poking out? From the look of your face you can.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363907" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363914" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not interested in heeding warnings? Don't be an overachiever.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363915" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363908" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Seems like you already tried out that new button. You should only use it when others are about to see you!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be curios what that new button is all about. It is a way to hide from the other programs when they show up.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363916" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363909" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363917" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They don't take kindly to someone exposing themselves in public like that. I could always use the heads up too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4&&Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "title": "[โ—] The others are alerted to your presence" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363910" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363918" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you didn't notice already, I'm not alone. So if you are sitting there naked they might be able to see you too. You only have a โ— to use so use them wisely.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "a++,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363919" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2363920" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry! Before they see us, press the โ—

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2372882" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you survived this long without typing every time, it's not too bad is it?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2372887" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you really trying to attack me through the computer screen? How is that going?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365532" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365300" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know, all of this excitement from getting caught is really working for me. I'm getting a few ideas.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "a++,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365302" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah, no glitching. Maybe we had the same idea after all.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365303" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Apparently we didn't have the same idea...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365307" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365305" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can they see us? You would warn me... Wouldn't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "a++,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365296" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is this too bold? Do you think they know?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365298" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a public space and typing isn't going to make them go away. Come on, just enjoy yourself!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365319" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! I got a great idea!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I can transfer you over here but your bottoms are interfering with the connection. Take them off to have a good time!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take them off", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think I can transfer you over here! Let's do it!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!underwear&&!pants", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('pull')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2fbc3db7-367c-4dbf-ad17-46083d2fce06/2365319" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok let's try that again.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take them off", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "clothes" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"clothes\")" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "โ— ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โ— ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true,callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#ff7043" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "1-col-test-1-round--2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&prompt.match(/^green*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2356511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops! I didn't mean literally "green", it won't work next time.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah you got here fast. Hustling indeed! Ready to type the text in green? Or your know... not...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2268667" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080051" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080052" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "1-col-tori-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5&&prompt.match(/^write this to win right now*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5&&!prompt.match(/^write this to win right now*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wow, thanks for sparing me!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption decreases to cor-=3๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^color*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I didn't mean to actually type color haha, nice try though. Here, I'll undo some of the damage.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor-=6" } }, { "say": { "label": "

6 of your files become cleansed ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit5.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&prompt.match(/^gain a bug*$/i)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2++,soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐Ÿž

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&prompt.match(/^gain files*$/i)||z==8&&prompt.match(/^so slippery*$/i)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2++,soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain 2 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&prompt.match(/^inch forward*$/i)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++,soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐Ÿ›

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&prompt.match(/^buzzwords and bugs*$/i)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++,soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐Ÿ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5&&prompt.match(/^buzzwords and bugs*$/i)", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++,soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain ๐Ÿ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&(z==6&&prompt.match(/^can I get a small hack*$/i)||z==7&&prompt.match(/^backsides + hacks*$/i)||z==7&&prompt.match(/^backsides+hacks*$/i))", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "once=false,getNewRandomHackIn(15,50)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(s_(\"Is that how it works?\").color(colors.gold), '--hack-report')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSay(s_(\"Sorry, no more hacks like that left\")).color(colors.gold)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,y=false" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376027" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You found the Color World! I'm one of it's happy inhabitants Tori!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If no one has told you yet, these toggles set to off that you see mean that the program won't track your punctuation or if you use upper or lower case. However, look out for bosses where that matters!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

For example if it asks for for Color!

color will do just fine!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I guess it's the virus' way of making it fair until you learn how it all works.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376033" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Speaking of fair, remind me to reward you for not destabalizing me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376031" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378098" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, it looks like you glitch me out by typing. I wonder what that word is.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376042" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, you are here to watch girls strip aren't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376047" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think I'll take it off? Let's find out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378099" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder what would happen if you wrote the alternate words?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376036" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you order a booty dance?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376038" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376040" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378100" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't imagine you like look at pixels, just press the โŒ.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376045" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I remembered your reward for not typing! An oiled up strip show!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376051" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378101" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to oil up but I can't see very much.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376055" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376061" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Make sure I don't miss any spots, I want to shine for you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376068" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Colors really pop when they glitsten.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378102" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want me to strip for you at least we can talk about your favorite color.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376079" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're just going to sit there and watch me get naked?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376074" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As long as you keep hitting that โŒ you can keep it going.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378103" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378104" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, that's not a color. I wonder what would happen if you typed all that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376082" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You've seen a topless girl before haven't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376088" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't want to scare you off or anything.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378105" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378106" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Huh, it's giving us bug themed phrases - Up to you for what you want to type. But it looks exhausting, take a break.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376096" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you ignore the normal prompts like that, I think we are going to be great friends!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376098" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376101" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is the last the bikini bottoms will be on me, make it count.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't... would you?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=5" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm just as surprised as you are - That's odd.

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376104" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to bend over", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376109" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I never thought I could tempt someone that much, good to know!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Type instead", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful what you ask for z=6,name!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378108" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my z=7,name I heard hacks are something to watch out for!

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Want a souvenir of this exciting day?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376111" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Close one!

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Dodge them", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The smell of them hitting you in the face raises your file corruption to cor+=2๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378379" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, no words this time. Maybe it's on a cooldown.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376114" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You look like you could use some more.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376116" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tell me when!

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "When", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Looks like it ran out! Too bad...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "6s", "style": "hidden" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378109" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to be able to type or just slide right off the keys?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=8" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376119" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Truth is, the oil isn't exactly necessary. I'm pretty wet as it is.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376121" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378381" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahh! Things are really destabilizing now, I don't have much integrity left.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376126" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you only have one more shot at me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376128" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's it gonna be? Id prefer to keep my last enemy nice and safe.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2378382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well despite your best efforts you didn't defeat me yet, you have one more shot. I hope you miss.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>14", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376123" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's a relief. We both made it to the end!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2b129310-fe55-4078-a6ea-b5fc9465d30d/2376131" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that you have me all worked up I'll come looking for you. Then we might actually be able to give me some of that dick of yours.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"The program shuts down and loads the next routine\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&prompt.match(/^red*$/i)||x==4&&prompt.match(/^blue*$/i)||x==3&&prompt.match(/^yellow*$/i)||x==5&&prompt.match(/^orange*$/i)||x==6&&prompt.match(/^green*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&prompt.match(/^gain a bug*$/i)||z==2&&prompt.match(/^gain files*$/i)||z==3&&prompt.match(/^inch forward*$/i)||z==4&&prompt.match(/^buzzwords and bugs*$/i)||z==5&&prompt.match(/^write this to win right now*$/i),z==6&&prompt.match(/^can I get a small hack*$/i)||z==7&&prompt.match(/^backsides + hacks*$/i)||z==8&&prompt.match(/^so slippery*$/i)||z==7&&prompt.match(/^backsides+hacks*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "3-sport-bailey-1-round---away": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379356" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wins like that just make you want to let your hair down.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear+=11 Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379357" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How does a celebratory pool party sound?

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ok! Good luck with the rest of the stadium!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Congratulate her and leave", "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379358" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Have her bend over", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption inches to ++cor ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Football/Soccer whatever you call it you have to use your feet to win but I know other uses for them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379361" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379362" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah, if you didn't already have enough reason to watch haha.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379363" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379364" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The match is over and so is the no nudity rule.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379365" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah, you can't enjoy these winning legs if they are in the water.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379368" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha, what a way to get some distance.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry this party can't last forever, I'm gonna sunbathe - you can leave when you're ready.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed ++clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more Km for you, what else are you sticking around for? Another match?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379373" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ok! Good luck with the rest of the stadium!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "3-sport-bailey-1-round---home": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379356" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear+=11 Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379374" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Ok! Good luck with the rest of the stadium!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Congratulate her and leave", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing like a pool party to celebrate!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that I'm not in the match anymore, we can eliminate that no-nudity rule.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379376" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If it's ever too much for you I understand. I just want to give you the celebration you want.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379379" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379380" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379381" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since the world calls it FOOTball, I bet you wouldn't mind staring at some sexy feet for a while.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There's even a bonus! The longer you stick around the more of the marathon you complete!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379383" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear++ Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses their feet to the fullest.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379385" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(85))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her toes swirl the moisture on the wet tiles.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379387" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get a final look, I'm diving in.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f44290e4-4eb3-49d2-a283-94ff23cd2b86/2379388" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear++ Km of the stadium marathon.

", "allowSkip": true } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'll be sure to call you up next time to cheer me on too.\".color(colors.girl))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "3-sport-bailey-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:077edd78-26ae-47ce-ba94-c40b64f36a56/2191879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2379014" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just in time to kick off my practice exibition match. Unfortunately it isn't that type of exhibitionism... Hardly any nudity in this soccer match!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The ref blows a whistle to start the match!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The home team scores! โšฝ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The away team scores! โšฝ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Home ๐Ÿ•› Away

a - b

90-d minutes left in regulation

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>89", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ref blows the whistle! That's game!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a==b", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's a tie! Unfortunately there's no shootout.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=12,doLose(\"Who could have expected that? Oh well...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "a>b", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Home team Wins!


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sadly you were on the away team...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=11,doLose(\"Sorry you weren't on the winning team...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That includes you!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('home')" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Away team Wins!


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

That includes you!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('away')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sadly you were on the home team...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=11,doLose(\"Sorry you weren't on the winning team...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=Math.floor(9-(d/10)+2)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Hey! That's a red card! ๐ŸŸฅ\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to home team", "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:add6029c-6c05-4b21-9bb6-abc42d02ac36/*" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5f0cd53e-982d-4089-b9b8-62a211ea990a/*" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Switch to away team", "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ea8ba8d-a7c3-4dc9-a4c2-576645d797d1/*" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:328184d8-8716-4889-921a-253b2236229f/*" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d+=8" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d+=12" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d+=9" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>90", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d=90" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You never know, if you let me keep playing without any typing you might get lucky and see a uniform slipup!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It's going to be hard to see anything either way but you surely won't see any nudity by destabilizing me during a match!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you are part of the winning team you might get that nudity you crave!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "-calibratemanual-2": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "fast", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume+=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 0.02 โž•" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "slow", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxPleasureVolume-=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Subtract 0.02 โž–" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-3" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Keep current value โœ”๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

Enter New Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

And now max pleasure value:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum pleasure volume set to: maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-3" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Play current level ๐Ÿ“ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getPleasureVolume(100));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ] }, { "label": "Stop current level", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-2" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Finally let's have that max torture value hehe:

" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nmaxTortureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum torture volume set to: maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Play torture tone for 2 seconds ๐Ÿ“ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(100));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... Are you just making those up? It doesn't make sense! I'm resetting it now - Try again.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = maxTortureVolume

Alright then looks like you are done. Run it again if you want any changes!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "-calibratemanual-3": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "fast" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "slow" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "mute" } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "fast", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume+=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-3" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Add 0.02 โž•" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "slow", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "maxTortureVolume-=.02" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-3" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Subtract 0.02 โž–" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxPleasureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "mute", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "level--,soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Keep current value โœ”๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume.toFixed(3)

Enter new Max Torture = maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

And now max torture value:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "testVolume" } }, { "eval": { "script": "testVolume=parseFloat(testVolume)\r\nmaxTortureVolume = testVolume;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maximum Torture volume set to: maxTortureVolume.toFixed(3)

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ”๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Play torture tone for 2 seconds ๐Ÿ“ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "Sound.get('calibrate').setVolume(getTortureVolume(100));\r\nSound.get('calibrate').play();" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual-3" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... Are you just making those up? It doesn't make sense! I'm resetting it now - Try again.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "minPleasureVolume = 0 \r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0;\r\ntestVolume = 0;\r\nsoundStop(\"calibrate\");" } }, { "goto": { "target": "-calibratemanual" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('calibrate');" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:319bdf10-feb1-405e-aa6d-24c7b7a88680/2220969" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Min Pleasure = minPleasureVolume

Max Pleasure = maxPleasureVolume

Max Torture = level--,maxTortureVolume

Alright then looks like you are done. Run it again if you want any changes!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "1--zone-select" } } ], "any---h-mad": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "boom" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boom\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ฅ M.A.D. program launched! ๐Ÿ’ฅ

txt.stabilityLeftPrefix() b4-=2,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-9) stability left!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ], "5-camp-dillion-1-boss---inside": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Aww. I guess you're not much of a camper.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You take cor+=b,b file corruption from the venom ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "id": "bug", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the venom hack


Program fragmentation detected โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b++,y=true,d--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418698" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you're coming in but hurry up and letโ€™s see what kind of wild animals we can find.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413862" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I see one already. Come on name.

Iโ€™m going to make sure you enjoy your last few minutes of having uncorrupted files.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413865" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418664" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, there might be a scorpion or two inside the tent, but donโ€™t worry about those.

They donโ€™t sting too hard.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413866" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418665" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Besides, if you do get stung, it just means that Iโ€™ll have to suck out the poison

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413867" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418666" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, I can tell that you want me to start sucking anyway.

Maybe youโ€™ve already been poisoned.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, this virus does not want to corrupt anything but the most pure of files, so let me get to work.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants&&underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She unzips your pants and pulls down your underwear

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pull down your underwear

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her continue", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Take control of the situation", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What are you-

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside2')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413870" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418667" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm.. Perfect. I love how good you're going to feel as you become one with our machines.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh just put the keyboard down already.

Iโ€™m not going to let you leave here uncorrupted so anything youโ€™re doing to fragment me is just getting in the way of your own enjoyment.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413871" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418668" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The burning corrupts 4 more files. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413872" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418669" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you into the tent with her mouth still around you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re not too poisoned, weโ€™re going to have some real fun.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her continue", "commands": [] }, { "label": "Take control of the situation", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What are you-

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside2')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418673" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418670" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you down and continues, straddling your face.

You canโ€™t help yourself and dive in to pleasure her.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418671" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418672" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts to shake and laughs.

I need it in me. Now!

I promise, my pussy will make you immune to the scorpion poison.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get behind her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413880" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418687" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get up behind her and feel her pussy pull you into her.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418697" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts to really get into it, pushing back on your cock and moaning loudly.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413883" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418688" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thereโ€™s no stopping either of you as you continue to pound her from behind.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sheโ€™s right, the venom doesnโ€™t seem to have the same effect and you start to feel even better.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413885" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418674" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you back and impales herself on you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes, give it to me and let yourself go.

Just stop typing and let yourself enjoy your last few moments not corrupted!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to z--,sex=true,cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413888" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418675" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel your own files getting more corrupt even as she seems to gain strength!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413889" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418676" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She covers her mouth to stifle her screams as she fucks your cock harder and harder

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Until she grins with a renewed glow and stops, completely satisfied

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You file corruption jumps to cor+=(Math.floor((file-cor)/2)) ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "Corruption==99%_Max_Corruption" } } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413890" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418677" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rolls off of you, pulling you back up onto your knees again.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, donโ€™t worry, I wonโ€™t fully corrupt you until youโ€™ve enjoyed every second of me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413891" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418678" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her soft breasts envelop you and she watches you to make sure you are completely at her mercy.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413892" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418679" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She smiles, knowing that you canโ€™t hold out.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "14s", "isAsync": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4&&x<10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has ++d ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413893" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418680" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413894" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Would you look at that? Your cum put out the campfires haha.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oooh, thatโ€™s so much better, isnโ€™t it.

See, being corrupted feels very very nice!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You know what tent to come back to if you want to feel that again.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^stomp*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=0,z=0,d=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"What did you do to all of my bugs?\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"There's only one way out of this tent and that aint it.\",\r\n strip: \"What do you think we're doing? ;)\",\r\n}})" } } ], "5-camp-dillion-1-boss---inside2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "insideTent" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Aww. I guess you're not much of a camper.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You take cor+=b,b file corruption from the venom ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "id": "bug", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the venom hack


Program fragmentation detected โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b++,y=true,d--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=1" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418681" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418682" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You lean over her and try to take charge.

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She reaches down and fondles your cock, keeping you plenty distracted.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=2๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418683" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418684" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmโ€ฆ Go ahead, and enjoy. I sure am!

Donโ€™t think about typing, just think about how good you want to make me feel.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418685" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418686" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes, youโ€™re a good boy to take your time with me like this.

I canโ€™t wait to have you completely corrupted for us to play with whenever we want!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I need it now!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=2๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get behind her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413880" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418687" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get up behind her and feel her pussy pull you into her.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418696" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418697" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts to really get into it, pushing back on your cock and moaning loudly.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now z--,cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413883" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418688" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thereโ€™s no stopping either of you as you continue to pound her from behind.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sheโ€™s right, the venom doesnโ€™t seem to have the same effect and you start to feel even better.

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=11" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside')" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413885" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you back and impales herself on you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes, give it to me and let yourself go.

Just stop typing and let yourself enjoy your last few moments not corrupted!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now z--,cor+=5๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413888" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel your own files getting more corrupt even as she seems to gain strength!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=3" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413889" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She covers her mouth to stifle her screams as she fucks your cock harder and harder

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Until she grins with a renewed glow and stops, completely satisfied

" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "Corruption==99%_Max_Corruption" } } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413890" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She rolls off of you, pulling you back up onto your knees again.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, donโ€™t worry, I wonโ€™t fully corrupt you until youโ€™ve enjoyed every second of me.

" } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413891" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her soft breasts envelop you and she watches you to make sure you are completely at her mercy.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413892" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She smiles, knowing that you canโ€™t hold out.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "isAsync": true } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413893" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "CUM ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413894" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oooh, thatโ€™s so much better, isnโ€™t it.

See, being corrupted feels very very nice!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You know what tent to come back to if you want to feel that again.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,Math.random()>.4&&x<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has ++d ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998674" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998667" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, it's in. Time to show you how laying me is a whole other level.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? Isn't that just easier?

" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^stomp*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=0,z=0,d=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"What did you do to all of my bugs?\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"Didn't anyone tell you that you can't run from a boss? Even if I am just a student...\",\r\n strip: \"Sorry that won't work on me here, there isn't much to strip after all... ;)\",\r\n}})" } } ], "1-col-tessa-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Come on, save me if you want a ๐Ÿ and to see more big boobs!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414700" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, do I see a new sweet thing to play with?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2415012" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414702" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414746" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be new here, we don't get too many visitors.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414703" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did they warn you that typing correctly would cause parts to be blurred out? I wonder if that's why you didn't type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because you are new you probably haven't heard that typing will blur out certain parts you might want to see.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414704" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414745" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have larger erm... breasts than most every other girl. The virus is checking to see how much you like them and will figure out how much more of that content to show you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414705" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to see more of them, just stop typing until the end and the system will adjust to your large breast preference! I'll even give you a free ๐Ÿ› if you do!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414739" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want large breasts then I guess you can keep typing like you did but that doesn't sound very fun now does it? Here, if you stop typing I'll give you a ๐Ÿ› to let you run.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414706" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here you go!

You have gained ๐Ÿ›

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414751" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't want the ๐Ÿ› huh... I guess it would have been silly to run anyways.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you did run for some reason, the program would know to show you smaller breasts.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414707" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414736" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sexy body isn't it? The virus is tracking all sorts of attributes:

Body size, breast size, hair color, skin color, age, and how many tattoos!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414708" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414740" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Every girl you lose to or save is a vote for those things, every run or deletion is a vote against those things.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414709" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Us girls in Color World aren't good at typing either, don't worry about it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414741" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's so crazy that you want to type instead of enjoying this world of color.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414710" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414737" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That might even be the first keyboard I've seen in years!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414711" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414749" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you were eager to get to the end then strip should do the trick.

I don't think I'll take the bottoms off but we can still live in the fast lane.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414712" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, are... are you stroking yourself right now?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414744" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She dodges part of your attack.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now name, we were just being friendly!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414713" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414742" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I know what could sweeten things further! If you don't defeat me, I'll throw in a ๐Ÿž while you enjoy my... Ladybugs...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414714" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414743" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414715" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So tasty! Something you get to see bonus photos like this when you don't type the prompts.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414716" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder how many you'll find!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops, you missed out on a bonus photo from attacking.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414717" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414750" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Two more chances to make up your mind. I suggest taking the sweeter option!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414718" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c627fa50-a0b1-48e4-a9c8-238fede1821d/2414738" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Program preference for bigger breasts detected ๐Ÿ”

Adjusting future encounters...

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2++,doLose(\"There you did it! I enjoy making dreams come true. Here you go ๐Ÿž\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "5-pd-test-1-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "5-pd-delila-1-round---r": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Officer down! I need backup!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You make a move while she is too distracted by your cock.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425000" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't possibly be resisting an arrest now would you?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She seems turned on by your initiative.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to bang her", "commands": [], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Run away while you have the chance", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Suspect is on the run, I repeat, suspect is on the run!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425001" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425002" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


I was just trying to tease you, I didn't mean... Oooohhh...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take it slow and enjoy it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425003" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425004" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take the rest of her clothes off", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Escape", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Suspect is on the run, I repeat, suspect is on the run!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425005" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad we can share a passionate moment without that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425006" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How can you strip me while still typing?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come here and kiss me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425007" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You really did kiss me! She blushes.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425008" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why don't you want to kiss me?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to finish what you started? I'm waiting...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425009" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425010" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes! If you just give me a little bit of your cum I'll bring your wanted level down. Is that too much to ask?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take it slow and watch", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425011" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425012" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Despite the fact you are wary it is a trap, she leads you into the back of her cruiser.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425013" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425014" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let me know if you can't handle it. I learned quite a bit in the Academy.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425015" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glad to see that you are focusing on the right things in life. Way to turn it around!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425016" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You are about to cum and you felt like THAT was the perfect time to type?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425017" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd--,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She radios in how it was nothing and your heat is lowered.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>0", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "wtd" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, they shouldn't be as much of a problem anymore if you can keep yourself out of trouble.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Next time you go streaking, give me a call.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(2)" } } ], "5-pd-liya-1-round---cuff": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Hey! That hurts both of us!\".color(colors.liya))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your handcuffs and leads you into a back room.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431381" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like I found a detective in the same predicament as you name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He's bound up just like you but I got both of his hands!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The deal is the same for both of you: Watch what I can do with this thing and you each get your freedom.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems like you are ok with the deal but if you ever aren't, just run!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! That wasn't an option! If you want out of here just run!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know not everyone would want to watch me enjoy a total stranger. There would be no hard feelings.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431386" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431387" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you not have a ๐Ÿ›? Here then.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431388" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431389" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That little bug isn't nearly as big or juicy as this hog.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431390" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431391" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She moans in anticipation almost forgetting you are still watching.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431392" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431393" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431394" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431395" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The victim looks like he is barely holding it together and resisting to cum as much as he can.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431396" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, someone isn't typing. Maybe they want me to kiss it a bit more.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431398" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431397" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's almost insane isn't it? Like he thinks as though typing is going to stop this...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431399" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was just the warmup. Are you ready for the show to really start name? I'm sure you can see how ready the detective is.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431400" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't that right? I bet that boner just thirsts for me!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431401" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431402" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tsk Tsk, it was awful that you were hiding this from both name and I.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431403" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431404" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I must find out if it feels as good as it tastes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431405" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431406" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think it's time. She moves her panty to the side.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431407" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431408" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431410" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431411" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you change your mind or something? It's too late.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You had your chance to leave, you must really like being cucked.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431412" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431413" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431414" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful! You don't want name to be too jealous. He just wants his freedom.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level HIGH

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't help but look closer.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level HIGHER

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't get close enough. It's driving you crazy.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level LOW

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431417" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431418" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level HIGH

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431419" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Back for more.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level LOW

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431420" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431421" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! If he wants to watch give him a better angle!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431422" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431423" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level HIGH

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431424" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you like watching more than participating?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyer level LOW

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431425" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431426" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes! Squeeze those titties! No one has ever taken me like this!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go in front", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431427" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431428" } } ] } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Stay behind", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

How much stamina do you have? Someone I know would have blown their load minutes ago!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

While you are filed with conflicting emotions, she grabs him by her feet and drags him further in.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431429" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431430" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you see if name is getting off to this? Imagine how ridiculous he would look trying to jack it with handcuffs haha.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431431" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431432" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ohhh! Ooooooh!!!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431433" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431434" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I think I'm in heaven!

You can hear the detective starting to grunt as he gets closer.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431436" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431437" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pump me full! I'm ready!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431435" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha, Is this how you are learning about the birds and bees or something? Ohhh!!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>19", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431438" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She tosses the cuff keys your way. ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "key=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Had enough? I'll remember that you enjoyed watching so much.\".color(colors.liya))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Leave" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He's still cumming!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431439" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431440" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431441" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431439" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing more to see here name. Looks like he's spent.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "5-jail-test-1-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:bc8d36be-772a-4ad5-870d-e635d4c9af7c/2080327" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080043" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad these were enough to keep you distracted name, but I don't have any subroutines left for the moment.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You have to come back when I have a few more. Let's do this again sometime\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n ALL:\"You can't use hacks. Your bugs were confiscated.\".color(colors.cor),\r\n}})" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(13)" } } ], "5-pd-test-2-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434747" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-call-the-police-gvidon.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your wanted level finally has them bear down and arrest you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434726" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff=7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cuff=0" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They remove your handcuffs.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "wanted=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We finally got him! Time to book him!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "b1=1,b2=0,b3=0,b4=0,b5=0,b6=0,b7=0,b8=0" } } }, { "say": { "label": "

All of your bugs have been confiscated except for a single ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434727" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get that silly outfit off! You will look so much better in a jumpuit!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434728" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434729" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434730" } }, { "eval": { "script": "" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We have to check this for any other "accessories".

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434731" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my gosh! We missed one! How did you sneak that dangerous thing past security?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,b1--" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434732" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434733" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So soon? Oh ok then. We better not hear about you causing trouble in there!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } ], "buttonLabel": "Ask them to let you go to your cell", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like we need backup for this one. Can we get an assist?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434734" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And how did that sneak past your initial frisk? Looks pretty hard to miss!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess we were just a bit distracted and all. Bend over boy!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434735" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We have to check to see if there is anything left in here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "avirgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name here looks like an anal virgin!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name here looks like he's taken it up the butt before! We need to really explore in here.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434736" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well that didn't look like we got anywhere. Any other ideas how to disarm him?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434737" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, he does look like he is just standing there with his aching boner. Maybe we could lend some police assistence.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434738" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that what you want? Us to disarm this firearm of yours?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434739" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It looks like he wants it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434740" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fuckin hell! I can feel it backed up in these swollen balls!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434741" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do we need to get those bulletproof vests if he fires it off? This could be a safety concern!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434742" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't think those vests will be enough to stop it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434743" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434744" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think our new prisoner is getting close!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434745" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You're going to let him fire off?!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ef775402-7dd1-4ad2-a135-1ad4a3b3accc/2434746" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course not! They all laugh at your disappointed eyes.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get in your cell - on the double!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } ], "5-jail-cindy-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ha! You think beating me gets you out of this place?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0&&!y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "id": "glitch", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437401" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are placed in the cell to workout your sentence.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I know! I wanted to come tonight but we just got a new inmate I have to watch...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Apparently he caused all these problems with the other officers but at least we took his bugs away.

Yeah. I sure hope he won't cause problems anymore.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you sit up you realize that you can manipulate the program enough to type again.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "jail++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Your hypnosis level makes you unable to do anything other than fantasize ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2438054" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,b=0,++z==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well well well name. Something caught your eye?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437410" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't it crazy they put us in the same cell? What are we going to do with all of our time together?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437411" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I shouldn't have risked having sex in public like that. What did you get booked for?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They guards even left us alone. What if they don't return for the rest of the night?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437413" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can you believe they confiscated my panties as evidence?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And my... well... I didn't wear a bra to begin with...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So which were you more impressed with?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pussy", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437416" } } ], "color": "#e53935" }, { "label": "Breasts", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437415" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, I'm honestly surprised you haven't run up to grab them yet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437418" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does it turn you on enough to need more?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "More", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437417" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437419" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They aren't back yet huh..

Mmm, being alone with you is making me so horny!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437420" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's wrong? You can't move in your little fantasy? I'm offering myself to you!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437421" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I'll have to do it myself if you are just waiting around.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437422" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These get too sensitive to wait!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel the fantasy program coming to an end.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Next time I'll make your dreams actually come true!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You remain in your cell dreaming about her while she's still on the phone.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437401" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Returning to reality.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, he seems to be doing well so far.

Since you didn't type, maybe you could daydream instead.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Someone is reducing the integrity of this place! Who could it be...?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since you didn't type, maybe you could daydream more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I know! It must be you submitting prompts! How are you even typing in there?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder what he's thinking about in there, he's just staring at me...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437423" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If I don't stop you, you will start destabilizing the place.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance to stop!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437369" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since you didn't type, maybe you could daydream more.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437373" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright you! How are you destabilizing this place? You better start talking!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437374" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you hiding a keyboard in here? You must have a small cock if you can fit it in there without anyone noticing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You doing ok in here? It looked like you drifted off for a bit.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you could trick ol' Cindy did you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you have nowhere to run now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How fast do you think I could slip you out of that jumpsuit and reveal all your secrets?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437378" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh NOW you decide you can't type anymore.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437424" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are doing it right in front of me!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm still watching you while I undress.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437379" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437425" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, you're next when I get this off.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437381" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437426" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437382" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Am I onto your secret? You stopped glitching the jail.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437427" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's find out how you are glitching this whole jail.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437383" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437428" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, not much here. But you seem to be enjoying yourself.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437384" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437429" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So what's it going to be? I can tell you want to see where this leads.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her suck it", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Bend her over", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false,x=12" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah what are you - Where's my baton?!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f44336" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437385" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437430" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437386" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437431" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437388" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437433" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Look closely", "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437387" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437432" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Cum for her ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=17" } } ], "color": "#26c6da" }, { "label": "Go Further", "commands": [], "color": "#ef5350" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>11", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437389" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437434" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can feel the wetness as your tip is massaged.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Don't cum", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are too turned on and are sent over the edge.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=17" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You push it further into her as you try to hold back your edge.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437390" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437435" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


I was wondering how you were resisting so long!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437391" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437436" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry up before the other guards come back!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look closely", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437392" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437437" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437393" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437438" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437394" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437439" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437395" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437440" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you listening? Show me how much of a hardened criminal you really are!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437396" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437441" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437397" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437442" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are distracted by how firm they are that you forget to type.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Grab her tits", "id": "sex" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>17", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "14s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437398" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming loses your files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437399" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Haha, are you trying to spray me from all sides?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437400" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I can talk to them about giving you a reduced sentence. No promises though.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She leaves and closes the cell behind her.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "Fantasize about her ๐Ÿ’ญ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,x--,dmg=true" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a", "visible": "$x<5" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n ALL:\"You can't use hacks. Your bugs were confiscated.\".color(colors.cor),\r\n}})" } } ], "5-pd-britney-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Officer down! Calling all units!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2431258" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-fun-disco-1-music-town.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Stop watching", "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2429320" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You seem to have loaded in on someone's bodycam stream still recording.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<4&&y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She heard the keyboard selected and comes to investigate.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=4" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "9s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=2" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426027" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“‚

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "14s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426028" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "7s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426031" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425863" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What the FU... name! Have you been watching me?!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425864" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Don't try to cover it up now you little perv! I can see your dick out!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425865" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cuff=7" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "cuff", "title": "Handcuffed ๐Ÿ”—" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I should bring you in and book you with all those other pervs!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's see how well you type one handed you perv!

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2429319" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How's that feel? Tight enough for you?!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425867" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425868" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you are wondering where that key is to get out. You have to earn it so let's see how worthy you are.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425869" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not typing sure is a start, what else did you have in mind?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425870" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How do you think you are going to earn the key by attacking me like that?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425871" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425872" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What would you say to me getting a taste of this baby?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,dmg=true" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Ask for sex instead", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, let me unbutton my shirt and I'll think about it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=13" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "Fight it", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425873" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, detainees always taste better when they don't struggle.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425874" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why fight me? It's hilarious seeing you try with one hand.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425875" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425876" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425877" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425878" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does it feel like I have all the power if you have your cock out and I'm fully clothed? I'll at least give you a little to chew on.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425879" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425880" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425881" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you aren't much a threat to me and I guess I don't need these anymore.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425882" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Despite your efforts to destabilize me, I know what's coming up next will make you docile enough to not need this holster.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425883" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425884" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sit down you pervy perp!

She shoves you as you struggle to catch yourself.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425885" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425886" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425887" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Quick thinking to focus on the easy decent. Enough of a reward for you? There's more coming...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Because you typed instead of catching yourself your head hits the couch a bit hard.

File corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425888" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh someone bumped their little head did they? No, you aren't seeing things. But you are definately about to feel things.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425889" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425890" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You know I'm coming for your virginity don't you? What do you think you can possible do to keep it being cuffed like that?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I know you have been fucking with other girls today, you better sit there and give it to me too!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>15", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425891" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425892" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aaaalmost there. MMm there it is!


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425893" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425894" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you trying to seduce an officer with that cock of yours? In your dreams...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425895" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425896" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

You gonna blow yet?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Spank her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425897" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425898" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Don't make me add assaulting a police officer to your charges!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425899" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Give it to me! Convince me I don't need to turn you in!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425901" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you found out that not resisting makes things last longer!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425900" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you didn't get to make it last longer due to typing. Your loss.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425902" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425903" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She moans and contorts.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put her on her back", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425904" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425905" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you can't possibly last much longer in this pussy.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425906" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425907" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You better lay me down this instant and start cuming for me!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Lay her back", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She wraps her arms around you and pulls you on top.

" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425908" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425909" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if you are going to cum inside or out, let's find out!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>22", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425910" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425911" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

key=true,horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2425912" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, I guess you earned that key here you go!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Don't waste your freedom by messing with any other officers now...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "Scroll Camera ๐Ÿ“ท", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426024" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It sounds like they are in the very next room.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Scroll Camera ๐Ÿ“ท", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426025" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“‚

" } } ], "color": "#f06292", "visible": "$x<5" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426026" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did she notice the camera moving?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426029" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your voyeur level increases your corruption even higher! ๐Ÿ‘€

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Voyuer level LOW

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=(2+voy*3) ๐Ÿ“‚

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Scroll Camera ๐Ÿ“ท", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426030" } } ], "color": "#f06292", "visible": "$x<5" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6577308d-04fc-48e9-b1e2-4ca02e9d64ad/2426032" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "9s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ], "color": "#f06292", "visible": "$x<5" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "5-pd-delila-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Officer down! I need backup!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424975" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-crime-trap-muzaproduction.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false,musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear sirens getting closer.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423985" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must have forgotten to put your clothes back on as you wander further through the zone.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's going on over here? Is his...?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423986" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh it is!! What the fuck do you think you are doing with that thing out?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2429321" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hands up! - Away from that keyboard!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423988" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, it looks like you mean no harm but what are you doing waving that thing around in public? I should arrest you for that!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "pain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(60))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hit", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She hits you in the shoulder with a riot control pellet..

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423989" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I said STEP AWAY FROM THAT KEYBOARD! What are you doing waving that thing out here in public? I should arrest you for that!

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423990" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423991" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you aren't scared of my authority? You must have a lot of confidence to still be flaunting that thing around.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Up on that car, spread em!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423992" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We can't take any chances you know.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423993" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to keep attacking an officer like that we can't take any chances.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423994" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423995" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I did find this. You do know you aren't supposed to brandish a weapon like that out here right?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423996" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! Stop typing while I'm trying to search you!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425031" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! Stop typing while I'm trying to search you!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm going to have to bring you in and disarm that.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('r')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Resist Arrest!", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "6s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2423998" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425032" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just wait until I get you back to the station for booking. Watch your head sir.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424000" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424001" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2425033" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That unlicensed firearm sure looks tasty. You better let me try it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424003" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424004" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424006" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424007" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>10", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:2291ed50-35d3-4953-a8e3-8272dd86df60/2424005" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Trying to make a mess in my squad car huh... And I was just about to let you off with a warning.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Don't let me catch you with public indencency again!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy-=3 stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "5-pd-jessa-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Interfering with an active investigation! I'm calling it in!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431257" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-fun-disco-1-music-town.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is the suspect in here? I'll take care of him.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429322" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you know where you are, name?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429323" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Youโ€™re in my interrogation room. Iโ€™m detective Jessa

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429324" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It seems like you don't have a warrant out for your arrest yet but you matched a description.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It looks like we had a warrant for you Mr. name.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Before we go too far, I have to tell you that you have the right to remain silent.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429327" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

OK. Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re listening. This is going to go well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Silent means you stop typing, Mister.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429325" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429326" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Anything you type can and WILL be used against you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429329" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So I suggest you just continue to sit there and listen. Itโ€™ll go better for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429330" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I said it would be used against you. I see you need to be taught a lesson.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I donโ€™t think you need so many caterpillars while youโ€™re in here.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She removes 2 ๐Ÿ›

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429331" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429332" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have the right to an attorney.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429333" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429334" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately for you, our phone system seems to have glitched out so you can just sit here and wait

with me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429335" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429336" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that weโ€™ve gone over your rights, letโ€™s figure out why youโ€™re here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429337" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yes, youโ€™re here because you keep causing glitches in our system. At least 4 levels of them now...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429338" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But Iโ€™m not seeing much evidence here, which is good for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2429339" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431203" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431204" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, why am I taking my clothes off? We keep it hot in our interrogation rooms to make you uncomfortable.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431205" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431206" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But that doesnโ€™t mean that I have to be uncomfortable too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431207" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep sitting there like a good suspect and youโ€™ll get to enjoy this a little bit.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431208" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you shut your mouth, youโ€™ll actually get to enjoy some of this interrogation.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431203" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431204" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now, remember, this badge means I get to do whatever I want while youโ€™re in here, so I suggest you cooperate.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431205" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431206" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So tell me, are you glitching out our system on purpose?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So you admit that youโ€™re doing what we picked you up for?

Well that was easy!

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "No", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, but that means that you ARE glitching our system, you just think youโ€™re doing it on accident. I see.

But still, you admitted youโ€™re doing it. That was easy!

" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think Iโ€™m just about done with my questioning anyway.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431207" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431208" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now I just want to have a little fun at your expense.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431210" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, do you like what you see? Do you want to see more?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431201" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431201" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431211" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431212" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

cor+=3 files are now corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So now just sit back and contemplate your choices so far

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431213" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431214" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just sit there like a good prisoner and weโ€™ll have everything processed soon enough.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431216" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think itโ€™s time to process this bra. What do you think? Should I turn it in to Evidence?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431217" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431218" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was a rhetorical question. You donโ€™t get to speak, remember?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431219" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s what I thought. Just watch and stay silent. Weโ€™re just about done.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431220" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Youโ€™re still putting up a fight, huh? Donโ€™t worry, weโ€™re taking down everything youโ€™re saying and WILL use it against you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431221" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431222" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See, it doesnโ€™t matter what you want. While youโ€™re in here, itโ€™s about what I want.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431223" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431224" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And youโ€™ve been a lot of fun to question, so I think Iโ€™ve gotten everything I wanted.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431225" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431226" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

So youโ€™re free to go, but you are still a suspect. Donโ€™t be surprised if someone else comes by and picks you up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9bc3f36d-5d9b-4e90-a470-46a24b6c388f/2431227" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'm going to walk out of here. You are on your own now.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(8)" } } ], "5-pd-liya-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Well done, I see you've had a lot of practice.\".color(colors.liya))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431442" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-crime-trap-muzaproduction.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are unable to get free of the cuffs.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431366" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We meet again name. You just had to fight the power now didn't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431367" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't dare type would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431368" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-123longtickle.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ha! I knew you didn't have it in you. Glad you backed down.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I won't shoot you this time but I think the department will see that as you being aggressive against us.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see you are already in cuffs but did you have a key? Maybe I could help with that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you wore these I could show you quite a different experience.

She tosses a pair of handcuffs in your direction.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Put them on", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431781" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "cuff", "title": "Handcuffed ๐Ÿ”—" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very good cuff=7,name. That should slow you down.

" } } ], "color": "#f44336" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cuff>0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('cuff')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431369" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431370" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not into cuffing yourself huh... I know a fun other game we could play. I'll give you six hits to try to defeat me otherwise I will call the rest of the girls on you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has confiscated all of your ๐Ÿ!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But you have to play fair! You know I think hacks are cheating!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wasting a shot? Yeah, I guess these tits are really that nice.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You call that a hit? You barely glitched me.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431373" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431374" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, try to assault this police officer, give it to me!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I kind of thought you would want me enough to raise your heat. It's up to you really.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431376" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is this too easy for you? What if I shoot back?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sadly the other officers probably don't look as pretty as I do but the more the merrier right?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431378" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "pain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(60))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hit", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She hits you in the shoulder with a riot control pellet..

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How does that feel? You know I wouldn't go down so easily.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431379" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431380" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last shot - make it count!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431379" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431380" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm still standing. You know what that means!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'll actually take that as a compliment. Good luck with the rest of the zone!\".color(colors.liya))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "5-camp-dillion-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Aww. I guess you're not much of a camper.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ast" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ast\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses her swarm hack on you. ๐Ÿœ

Your file corruption is now a-=6,cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You take cor+=b,b file corruption from the venom ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "id": "bug", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She executes the venom hack


Program fragmentation detected โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b++,y=true,d--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191967" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:turn-up-explosion-mrthenoronha-fire-2-8-bit.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the snail hack

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z-=3,once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:01ab4067-d440-44b0-a5dd-7685d74b48a7/2167258" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain2analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5b0b218d-415c-401e-aeea-81aeee01259e/1998681" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The glitching forest and path digitizes into obscurity and then you find yourself in a campground. Someone pokes her head out of the tent.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418698" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413830" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:camp-boss-2-everest-arturaravidimusic.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Youโ€™re going to get eaten alive if you stay out there!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418715" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can stay out there and deal with the ants and slugs, or you can come in here.

The only thing weโ€™ll have to deal with in here is one big snake and I can take care of that!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go Inside", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Stay Outside", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She comes out to join you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413833" } }, { "say": { "label": "

OK, suit yourself, but if you change your mind, just say the word.

I wonder where all these ants are coming from.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413835" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418488" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go into her tent", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They donโ€™t bother me any, but if they start bothering you, Iโ€™ll be happy to take you inside.

", "mode": "pause" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413837" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418489" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, damaging me seems to make all these campfires show up - best to not do that.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Youโ€™ve heard the term, โ€˜ants in my pantsโ€™?

Care to check to see if there are any in here?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413839" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, what do you think?

Do you see any ants in there?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413840" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No? Well thatโ€™s ok.

Thanks for checking.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not checking gives her an extra ๐Ÿœ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413838" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418490" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, I hope youโ€™re ready to see more.

Just set down that keyboard and enjoy your last few moments of not being completely corrupted.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413834" } }, { "say": { "label": "

EW! I think they are! Iโ€™ve got a slug in my top! Yuck!!

She pulls a couple of slugs out of her bikini and throws them at you!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:137731a4-6de1-47dc-87c1-b62b792b6748/2191967" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:turn-up-explosion-mrthenoronha-fire-2-8-bit.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She casts the snail hack

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,once=false" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413834" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418491" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That will teach you to stop damaging women out here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413841" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418492" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Iโ€™d better get this off before I find more bugs in here!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "loops": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413843" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Speaking of bugs, why are you still typing and putting bugs in my system? Donโ€™t you want to see where those slugs were hiding?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmโ€ฆ thatโ€™s better!

No bugs in here and my program looks nice and stable so you get to enjoy the view.

Just keep your hands off that keyboard and Iโ€™ll let you see everything you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

These ants just keep coming, donโ€™t they. Too bad for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I thought I got rid of all of these slugs. I guess not.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413844" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418494" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There just seems to be an endless amount of these bugs out here. Are you sure you donโ€™t want to go inside the tent?

There might be a few in there, but nothing like this.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

These ants just keep coming, donโ€™t they. Too bad for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I thought I got rid of all of these slugs. I guess not.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413841" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418495" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think Iโ€™d better get out of these pants just in case there are any in here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

These ants just keep coming, donโ€™t they. Too bad for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I thought I got rid of all of these slugs. I guess not.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413847" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418496" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Much better! Oh, and see that cooler behind me.

I think we found where the bugs are coming from!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Weโ€™ll go check.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

These ants just keep coming, donโ€™t they. Too bad for you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I thought I got rid of all of these slugs. I guess not.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413848" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418497" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, theyโ€™re definitely coming from right here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413849" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418518" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, even more just marched in!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a+=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The good news is now you can stomp them.

The bad news is that there are a LOT of ants here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413850" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418519" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If we were in the tent, I could use my little flashlight to look for any creepy crawlies in there.

It wonโ€™t do any good for that out here.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a+=2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413852" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I think I can find some use for it anyway.

If only youโ€™d stop typing, youโ€™d get to see what Iโ€™m doing with it.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Itโ€™s not like you can actually defeat me and escape.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418520" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I think I can find some use for it anyway.

Since you stopped typing, youโ€™d get to see what Iโ€™m doing with it.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just sit back, relax, and let yourself enjoy the view.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413851" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418521" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ooh, the ridges on the flashlight feel really good. Maybe you should come over here and help me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413853" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418522" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Much better. Of course, that means youโ€™re even closer to the ants.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413854" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418523" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you sure I donโ€™t have any on me? You really should check even closer.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413855" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No, thereโ€™s no ants there?

Go ahead and keep checking?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413857" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If we were in the tent, you could do a lot more than look.

" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

2 ๐Ÿœ get past you for not searching

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a+=2" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ooh, I can tell youโ€™re really struggling with your typing.

I think youโ€™ve been doing a lot more than checking for bugs!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

But thankfully weโ€™re away from that cooler full of sweets so there shouldnโ€™t be as many bugs here.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413826" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418524" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413827" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418525" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But now Iโ€™m a lot more interested in a trouser snake than I am some pesky ants.

I think itโ€™s time we move this inside.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413828" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418526" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, you never really did have a choice.

I let you stay out here so my little pets could get their fill of you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on now, letโ€™s make sure you at least lose the last of your files with a smile on your face.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413863" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418527" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "insideTent" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look, in here I can use my flashlight to look for any of those little scorpions that might have crawled in here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<11", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a+=2" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a+=2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>12", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>16", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a-=3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>19", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<20", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has z ๐ŸŒ & a๐Ÿœ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She has d ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>20", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2413864" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:0b5298d2-688c-4b5c-b7dd-c2fb249a4c1d/2418528" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I think I like how I was using it before better. Iโ€™m sure you agree.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x==4" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('inside')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:turn-up-explosion-mrthenoronha-fire-2-8-bit.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her snail hack skips your turn!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=true,doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^stomp*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=0,z=0,d=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"What did you do to all of my bugs?\".color(colors.girl),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n run:\"You still haven't learned you can't run from a boss?\",\r\n strip: \"But what about all the bugs out here?;)\",\r\n}})" } } ], "any---lheart": [ { "eval": { "script": "loadNotifications()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(70));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "lose", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"lose\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "heart--" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heart", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart<=0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('gameover')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lh", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('virgin2')" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartloss2')" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heartloss')" } } ], "any---sis": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "30s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } } ], "timerDuration": "20s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } } ], "timerDuration": "20s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cuf=9" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "cuff", "title": "Handcuffed ๐Ÿ”—" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, I'm ready to obey now. I'll become the bimbo I was meant to be.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455778" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right... I'm hopping that will be our last hiccup...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455779" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know what to do!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yes Maam.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452407" } }, { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel yourself give in too as your sissy level rises ๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You didn't even pull up your dress for me. It would be best to not make me do everything.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452408" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's wrong? Your bimbo butt used to love this part!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The Pink Link makes you feel the same punishment.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmnng, yeah... I do like it...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452410" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452411" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aghhhh!! It's soo good! It's what I deserve!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel yourself give in too as your sissy level rises ๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A few more for good measure too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452413" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We don't want you going anywhere like that like time you tried to run.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^run*$/i)", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You escape the room but lose the heart in the process.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452414" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lcuff++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธ Legs bound โš ๏ธ


You cannot run from encounters anymore!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that you aren't going anywhere let's compete your training for today. My goodness, it feels like you were really looking forward to this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452416" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet these cheeks are just BEGGING for more!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452417" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452418" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2++,sis++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's starting to feel good as your sissy level rises ๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452419" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's coming harder now!!!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452420" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452421" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2,sissy+=2,file-=2" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "explode" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explode\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have lost 2 files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your sissy level rises higher๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good... Goooood.... That reminds me, we never finished your cock training.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452422" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're really excited to start this training aren't you. Even your new friend seems interested.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Uh huh...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452423" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452424" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2,sissy+=2,file-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your mind starts being curious as your sissy level rises higher๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452425" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look what I found, the slutty slave collar! Your favorite!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452426" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tell your new friend how great it is.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh name, it's so wonderful! You get to do whatever they tell you and it feels great! It's the only way to turn into the beautiful bimbo I was meant to be!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452427" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27/1997329" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452427" } }, { "eval": { "script": "sissy+=4,b2+=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your sissy level skyrockets ๐Ÿ‘—

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel that in your Pink Link? Since it's your first time the effects won't be permanent but doesn't it just feel refreshing to let go and give in?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452428" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } } ], "timerDuration": "15s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Little Lou and I have some catching up to do. Try not to stick around too long and let the rooms affects mess up your head even more!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "20s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ], "1-col---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Party Girl ๐ŸŒˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('liya',1,'col')" } } ] }, { "label": "Paint Session ๐ŸŽจ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('victoria',1,'col')" } } ] } ] } } ], "1-prin---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Dragon Slayer ๐Ÿ‰", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('harley',1,'prin')" } } ] }, { "label": "Agrabah ๐Ÿช”", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('lera',1,'prin')" } } ] } ] } } ], "1-sch---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Only one boss for this zone!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-sch2---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Only one boss for this zone!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-arm---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Drill Sergeant ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('phoenix',1,'arm')" } } ] }, { "label": "Barracks ๐Ÿฅพ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('sophie',1,'arm')" } } ] } ] } } ], "2-hous---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Only one boss found.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-bch---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Race ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('angelika',1,'bch')" } } ] }, { "label": "Double Trouble ๐ŸŒด", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('gilda',1,'bch')" } } ] } ] } } ], "3-neon---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Interview ๐ŸŽค", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('claire',1,'neon')" } } ] }, { "label": "DJ ๐ŸŽง", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('jesse',1,'neon')" } } ] } ] } } ], "3-dr---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Only one boss detected.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "4-lib---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stacks ๐Ÿ“š", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('emma',1,'lib')" } } ] }, { "label": "Webchat ๐Ÿ’ป", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('leigh',1,'lib')" } } ] } ] } } ], "4-spk---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Only one boss detected.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "5-camp---sb": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Whittle ๐Ÿ•๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('keisha',1,'camp')" } } ] }, { "label": "Campfire โ›บ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('dillion',1,'camp')" } } ] } ] } } ], "any---str": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452402" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your efforts have weakened Jasmine's integrity enough to defeat her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455896" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff>0", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cuff=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are released from the handcuffs.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We did it! I'm so excited! I even think you saved your heart from being lost!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't clear up all of your file corruption but I think I can remove a big chunk of it.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is lowered to cor=Math.floor(cor/2.5) ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455894" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to enjoy any part of my body before you go?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn her around", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok, I'll be forever thankful. Try not to get yourself into trouble again!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455895" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Alright, try not to linger too long because this room will do crazy things to your mind, and maybe even body!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "13s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your sissy level rises ๐Ÿ‘—

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "style": "secret" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Return to fighting the virus", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "1-col---heart": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452386" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452387" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colheart-grand-project.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, ok... bye then...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Lose a โค๏ธ" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Virginity detected... ๐Ÿ”Ž

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "sissy++" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Woah! We didn't expect you to have 120 of your files corrupted so quickly! Don't hit that button yet!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=0,sissy<2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Sissy check LOW ๐Ÿ‘—

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm LouLou, one of the previous victims of the virus. I selected color world just like you but it didn't go well for me. Maybe there is some way I could help out before you lose that โค๏ธ that's in danger of breaking. You only get 3 after all...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452388" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As Color World victims we are kind of "bound together". It's called a Pink Link!

Things that happen to you happen to me and vice versa. I bet this pink pussy is what got you into this situation isn't it...

" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "sissy++,b2++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sissy level rising ๐Ÿ‘—

๐Ÿž gained

" } } ], "timerDuration": "32s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } } ], "timerDuration": "33s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } } ], "timerDuration": "34s", "title": "Pink Room Exposure ๐ŸŽ€", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know because I got trapped here for the same reason.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452389" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Believe it or not, I've not always looked like this. I used to be just like you actually. This virus has interesting ways to... alter things once it gets to all of your files.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452390" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh hey Jasmine! I was just telling name here th-

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's time for your next lesson Lou!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452391" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know the drill, let me record your progress.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452392" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? No sign of that wimpy cock anymore!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452393" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good good, coming along nicely. Our pink bimbo program never fails to impress.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452394" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second... aren't you forgetting something?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm really sorry... name's presence distracted me!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452395" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Get that dress off at once! We have to start your obidience class!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452397" } }, { "say": { "label": "

B...but won't he see my bimbo body?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452396" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He might want to see a glimpse of his future if he sticks around, ever think of that?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452398" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But I'm not sure I want to anymore... help me!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452399" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's this? Insubordination?! If you don't want to give up I have just the tool for that!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452400" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We will see how well your hero name can type once I get these handcuffs on you!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452401" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452402" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Owie! It hurts!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2452403" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One more to go and it will be all over for you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455777" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cuff=7" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "cuff", "title": "Handcuffed ๐Ÿ”—" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But.. But how can he type like this?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455778" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's the great thing about it, he will give up soon enough.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:aee4dde1-7316-4cf8-a02f-c34e21b6e2a0/2455779" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now get down on your knees and let's resume your education!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "typeTest = promptPink.uniqueRandom(0,true)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9||prompt.match(/^struggle*$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Struggle Successful

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Struggle FAILED

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^give up*$/i)||z>3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('sis'))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('str'))" } } ], "5-jail---sb": [ { "say": { "label": "

Can't use in jail.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon-jesse-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess I didn't drop the bass hard enough.\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451325" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=30" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=music,b=0,c=0,music=0,z=0,d=0//b is estim, c is torture" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sound>0||music>0||maxTortureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are met with silence as your speakers seem to have stopped working.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your speakers seem to have been disabled despite the system knowing you don't use them.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451215" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enjoying the music? You might be careful not to overdo it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451380" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2455763" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Music can be really dangerous at the wrong volumes you know. A sexy DJ can be all it takes to tempt you to those levels.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sound>0||music>0||maxTortureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you bored without music? Just let me take over and we can get pumping again.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You think you can stop me by muting it? You know I can turn your speakers back on don't you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&prompt.match(/^(strip)$/i)", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You want to hurry up and make things louder huh...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+30)\r\nb+=30" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=20" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451220" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451328" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get started and turn those volumes up!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "maxTortureVolume>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonboss-2-entropy-evgeny-bardyu.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "music>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

We can start low.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can hear it now can't you...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451224" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451330" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want me to keep messing with the controls then I suggest you need to let me know.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451227" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451332" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And just think, we are just getting started name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you already aren't typing why don't you come here?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451336" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you come here I might remove a soundwave or two...

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess that's one way to distract me from raising the volume for a bit.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451235" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451338" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b+=10,music+=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just want to destabilize me huh... I guess I'll just raise it twice as much then!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think you know the drill by now - plenty more to enjoy!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451238" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451341" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451241" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451344" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music+=10,b+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What should I put in here? I might consider it if the volume goes up a little more.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451244" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh sorry honey, maybe you will get a chance later. Thanks for not typing though.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451346" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well if you glitch me you definately aren't allowed in here!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451248" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451349" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Move close", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451252" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451353" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my, where are your manners?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You distract her from the volume controls.

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451255" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451355" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can even increase the volume with my heels. How's that for a trick?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451258" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How loud do you think things will get if you continue to not type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451359" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh is it getting too loud for you? To stop it you still have enemy integrity to chew through.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451263" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451363" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, no one else has heard us yet to save you. Come here if you can't take these levels.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go to her", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451260" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451361" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption is now cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451266" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451367" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "music>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You must really like this song! Keep pumping to it baby.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You do know that prolonged exposure to high estim frequency is going to make you cum... Is that what you want baby?

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451270" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451369" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are going to have to reset all of your values later. Not my problem!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451274" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you've given up. Just enjoy the music!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Fighting until the end huh... the songs almost over!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Volume level rising ๐Ÿ”Š

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&z<3", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Removing Glitches ๐Ÿ’ฟ

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++z==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451288" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Were you thinking you might see more? Keep trying and you might.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451297" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She seems too distracted.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Move closer", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She catches you with her heel and pushes you back with a smirk.

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451292" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like it? I can tell!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Focus on normalizing the sound ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=a" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#9e9e9e", "visible": "$x>2" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Lay down with her โฌ‡๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>16", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451282" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451376" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the song and your chances of getting in here are over.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('1')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4+=3" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you liked the music so much, here are the ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ as promised.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good luck in level 4 name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "say": { "label": "

music is music

a is a

b is b

c is c

" } } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "Focus on normalizing the sound ๐Ÿ”ˆ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=(a+music)/2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#9e9e9e", "visible": "$x>2" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "Enjoy the music ๐ŸŽถ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Removing Glitches ๐Ÿ’ฟ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++d==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451307" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A fellow music lover huh... Looks like you are trying to enjoy more than just that.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451311" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm always trying to grow my DJ following. If you can continue this a few more times I might give you a few ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ to remember my mixes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451313" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you are sticking around. I guess I shouldn't be as shy anymore if you really are just here to enjoy the music.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451317" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you want me to turn it up even more?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "music=Math.min(100, music+10)\r\nb+=10" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>100", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c+=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(c));" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(b))" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "No", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451321" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vibrations just pulse through your body. You can feel it can't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b02da1a1-b8f1-4b09-83a0-d7d5b653ce0b/2451301" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Magnificent isn't it? Let it vibrate every part of you.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f06292", "visible": "$d<6&&x>6" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "5-jail-phoenix-1-boss-dmg": [ { "if": { "condition": "a>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:big-hit.mp3", "id": "hit", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(60));" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469793" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Briana comes in and lets you have it.

dmg=true,cor+=7 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(10));" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't stop staring at these officers.

dmg=true,cor+=4 files corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "5-jail-phoenix-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Too bad you still can't touch.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468228" } }, { "eval": { "script": "jail++" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:jailboss2-guitar-electro-sport-trailer-gvidon.mp3", "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

CCTV steam accessing...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468229" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "voy>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Your Voyer level does not let you stop watching!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27fbebc7-efae-49f1-b665-2480d34f333d/2437401" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,stopCorInc()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation stopped ๐Ÿงฑ

You wait and stare at your cell wall.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Close the stream ๐ŸŽž๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are still locked in your cell but somehow the program is giving you access to this stream.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,5000)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation detected! ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It is continuing to zoom in further as it appears to be 2 officers getting ready for their shift.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468231" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And then, can you imagine what he did next...?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Muffled - But I thought you told him that was the last time!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's why his ass is out haha!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468233" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't even believe you gave him that many chances Phoenix, wow.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468199" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How many times are we going to be burned by guys, sometimes I just wonder if things would be easier if...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468200" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If what haha?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468201" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't worry about it. So what's the deal with that new prisoner?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468234" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh uh... what's his name, name? Turns out they are a real horndog.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Like imagine if he saw these puppies... I think we both know what would happen haha!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468202" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know... It might be fun to tease him a bit. It's not like he can get past those bars you know?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468203" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you could imagine how much we can make those balls of his ache.

Day after day, they could be even more blue than these uniforms!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "9s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468204" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And heh... I can imagine those boots will sure help!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468205" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a few last things to put up aaannn...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, someone is watching us!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468236" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's that turd of a new prisoner!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get him!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468206" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469771" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your hear the clanging grow louder until it reaches your cell.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468208" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see you've been waiting patiently in your cell... that's a good boy.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I can see this one is already going to be trouble, trying to destabilize us before we even show up...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So what's this about you watching us in the locker room you sick freak!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't tell me you are one of those purvy prisoners! I can see you looking all over her chest!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't blame him, it's just looking right?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468209" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yep, I can see him drooling already. You dearly want these don't you. Tell me.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "I do want them", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't get any ideas now!!!

She swings past the bars.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468210" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468219" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He's almost close enough to lick it! I wonder if he dares haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468222" } }, { "if": { "condition": "phoenix>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah, we forgot introductions. Remember me? I'm Phoenix and I see you didn't amount to much since we last met. You would think my instruction would have been a bit more effective.

", "align": "right" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah introductions! I'm Phoenix.

", "align": "right" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

And I'm Brianna. I bet you wanted us to show you more.

", "align": "left" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48e2f4f5-6d1b-4039-9466-1e977173490c/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You get your hand whacked.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey! What are you trying to pull?!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What did you think was going to happen? Care to try again?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

He's certainly persistent!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 as you feel the pain. ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468220" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You are astonished that she moved her ass closer and it actually worked!

" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Try to touch โœ‹" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "Show me", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468223" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good, looks like you understand the pecking order here inmate.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468224" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Phoenix's grin tells you she might have plans for you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468225" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you could beg to see more, let's here you say the magic word!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "PLEASE", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good boy!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468227" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll let you kiss it if you want. Just this one time.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Kiss it", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What a nice subservient inmate we have!

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Lick it", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey! That felt like a wet kiss!

" } } ], "color": "#e91e63" }, { "label": "Spank it", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

OW You mother fucker!

She hits you through the bars as your file corruption goes to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#d32f2f" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ], "color": "#f06292" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z<5&&enemy<24", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet when we loaded up you were expecting some girl on girl action. Interested?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There it is, so dainty!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x+=2" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469737" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ha! Are you stroking yourself to us back there?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469772" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just let us do this and control yourself!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } } ] }, { "label": "No", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok, see if you can keep it that way...

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469674" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They back up to a neighboring cell.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,z>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't know about this, he's being pretty handsy and all that.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Really? So you don't want any of this? Maybe you lost your last chance to touch us.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469675" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess we can keep out of reach for a while.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469676" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are these uniforms too sexy for you? You know if you jack off all the other prisoners get to watch your lack of control.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know, I think we can make them even sexier. I have a few ideas of my own.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469678" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They come closer again.

Are you going to get grabby? We will give you a chance.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let them stay close", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Let them tempt you from a distance", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469681" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because you are way over there doesn't mean you can't enjoy some fine behinds.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She makes taunting kissing noices.

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&z<5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469683" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He didn't type, perhaps we could show our... appreciation?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469684" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh fine.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469685" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! That's not fair, we can whack you right back!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469686" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you really trying to whack it to us? We are fully clothed!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469687" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe if you wanted us to come near you again you could get off.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469688" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We are almost there, I bet you can almost feel it.

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Closer", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469689" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469794" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As they get up incredibly close you notice something is a bit different.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Further", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469712" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We were wondering how long it would take you to realize we were topless. Try not to cum from the discovery.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Further", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469711" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like he just wanted to be in reaching distance.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469710" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Further", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469709" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469708" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You scared something might actually happen?

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to try your luck?

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469707" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "9s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469706" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"You are stunned by the reveal\".color(colors.text),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How long do you want to wait for us to turn around?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469705" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You better not come close to these bars or I'll let you have it!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469714" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ignore him, I'm getting too turned on to keep teasing him!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I can multitask quite well.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469715" } }, { "say": { "label": "

"Stick" around to see what's about to happen. Only a fool with type at a time like this.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469713" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I would have used this if you typed!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Stop typing already!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469716" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We might have to pull these back up, he looks a bit shifty in there.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469718" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I kind of feel the desire to return the favor right now Phoenix.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469719" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at Breana", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469720" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=4๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469721" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh did something distract you and you forgot to type? Looks like you fell for it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469722" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469723" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469724" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Two bare babes reporting in and ready to tantalize you further!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469725" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep sucking on them like that there won't be much left for our inmate.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469726" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, you don't have to be all delicate!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469727" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469728" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469729" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are... ugh... you mmm... looking at?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469730" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I appreciate you returning the favor but is that the best you can do Breana? Talk about dainty!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469731" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469732" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's always best to slowly build up to the grand finale isn't it boy?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469733" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x<9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She puts her uniform back on.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469690" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, what are you doing?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If inmate name is going to be all handsy maybe I should give him a taste of his own medicine.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469691" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful in there!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469692" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok now, I don't want any typing out of you or funny business. Brianna here won't hesitate to retaliate.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469693" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Very good, you will probably forget about that keyboard with how pent up you must be.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let's try this again. This time without typing!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469694" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, don't give me another excuse to use my favorite baton.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As you can tell I don't need much convincing to use my favorite baton.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469695" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, I think I feel it! I knew you were hlvl[horny].stat but I didn't think you would be this hard!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469696" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's growing even more?!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

For Christ sakes I can even see it from here!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469697" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can even feel how pent up your balls are, everything is throbbing through your pants!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469699" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Awww, can we keep him Brianna?

You can feel her stroking it.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90)" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469698" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She breaths though the cloth which gives you such a warm and inviting feeling.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>4&&a==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Juuuuust kidding! You ain't getting nothing today! And maybe nothing for your entire sentence either!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469691" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't be a baby about it. You will have lots of time in here to ruminate. I'm sure you will find the time to get over it.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Come on Phoenix, time to leave this pent up felon.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(x>1&&z<7)||(y&&x>1)", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:48e2f4f5-6d1b-4039-9466-1e977173490c/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You get your hand whacked.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 as you feel the pain. ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey! What are you trying to pull?!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What did you think was going to happen? Care to try again?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

He's certainly persistent!

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&enemy>20", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469795" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2468220" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You are astonished that she moved her ass closer and it actually worked!

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Try to touch โœ‹" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "++x>24&&z<5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469734" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Two bare pussies, which one do you want to penetrate first?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Breana", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469736" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course! Penetrating that young, tight pussy. Edge to it!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Phoenix", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469735" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, he wants a taste of the curvier and more mature! You better edge for it though!

" } } ], "color": "#ffb74d" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5d6d294c-fcdd-473c-a2c2-5fa71d329682/2469722" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the shift is over!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And his chances of cumming by the looks of it. There's always tomorrow to try again though!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"They leave you with your throbbing denial\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x!=5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n ALL:\"You can't use hacks. Your bugs were confiscated.\".color(colors.cor),\r\n}})" } } ], "5-pd-alexis-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Two officers down, we need more backup!!!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8d5d8a31-300b-45a8-a5f1-430dcb20f4ba/2431442" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474307" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pd-fun-disco-1-music-town.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, it looks like we have another suspect to book Alexis.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474996" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<14", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>14&&x<25", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>24", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cuff==7&&key", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have the handcuff key ๐Ÿ—๏ธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Undo them ๐Ÿ”“", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "key=false,cuff=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It takes you a while but you get free.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "cuff" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What do you say, name are you going to come quietly or do we have to restrain you?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474308" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475002" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Or you could come quietly and then we could restrain you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474309" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475004" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What will it be, big boy, do you want us to handcuff you?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474304" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475005" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let me put these on you and then we can have some real fun.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474306" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475003" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Back Away", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=14" } } ], "color": "#1e88e5" }, { "label": "Let her Cuff You", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rips your underwear off!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She slaps the cuffs onโ€ฆ

" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "cuff", "title": "Handcuffed ๐Ÿ”—" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear=false,shirt=false,pants=false,cuff=7,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475006" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475007" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's not quite what you expected.

cor+=4 Files get corrupted as she holds you for... questioning ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Now youโ€™re ours to do with as we pleaseโ€ฆ

I mean to question.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474321" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474979" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It looks like itโ€™s going to be a hard line of oral questioning.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think heโ€™s up for it.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474322" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474980" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So suspect, where were you the last time you had two blonds sucking on your cock?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474323" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474981" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh you donโ€™t remember?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Likely story.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Weโ€™ll just have to make sure you never forget this time then.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474324" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474982" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And where were you the last time you blew your load all over someoneโ€™s face?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474325" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474983" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, I know he remembers. Heโ€™s just deciding not to tell us.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, then maybe we should give him what he wants.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474326" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474984" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s right, name, you have the right to remain silent.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474327" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474985" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

But we have the right to leave you denied and desperate.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474988" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474989" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now get out of here before we change our minds.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "//comment This is where the script goes if the player refuses to be handcuffed (Dickcuffed)\r\n" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, so youโ€™re going to resist, huh?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s ok, we like it when you boys resist.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474310" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

But see how much nicer things are when you donโ€™t resist?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

But you need to stop typing if you want us to really enjoy it.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474311" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So why donโ€™t you come here and let us show you how much fun an interrogation can be.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474311" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Back Away", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=13" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Surrender", "commands": [], "color": "#ef5350" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s a good boy. Just comply with what we want and this will be much easier.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474976" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474975" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s right, prisoner. Make us feel good and weโ€™ll return the favor.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474986" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474987" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Mmm. Much better. Keep going and this interrogation will be done in no time.


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475008" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474990" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==19", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Where were you the last time you blew your load all over two hot blondes?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474331" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474991" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==20", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It doesnโ€™t matter. Youโ€™re going to be guilty of that in just a few minutes.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474332" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474992" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you thought you were going to get out of here without giving us what we wanted, you were very very mistaken.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474333" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474993" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s a good boy. Get it right in between there and let us extract everything we want to from you.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474334" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474994" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474335" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a little more. I'm glad you stopped resisting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474995" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a little more. Stop resisting and stop typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thatโ€™s it you naughty prisoner.

I knew you were guilty of blowing your load.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474336" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "//comment This is where the script goes if the player does not surrender" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, you want to play this the hard way, huh?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474305" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==26", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Have it your way. Weโ€™ll keep interrogating you.

You stay there and pretend that you can get out of this mess youโ€™ve gotten yourself into.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474314" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2475004" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==27", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Donโ€™t worry, we have our ways of extracting the information we want from our suspects

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474315" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474970" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==28", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Or maybe weโ€™ll just show you what you could have had if youโ€™d given us what we wanted.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474316" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474972" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==29", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Imagine being right here in between us.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you starting to regret being such an uncooperative suspect?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474317" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474973" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==30", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Well, itโ€™s too late to change your mind, so enjoy the view while you have the chance.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474313" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474971" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++>31", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh, and now youโ€™re going to try to make a break for it?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc46c2d5-0680-4800-81fa-d1a0e749372e/2474318" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:82c096a6-46b5-4042-9ed7-0ed365f16d28/2080045" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

OK, go ahead. Weโ€™ll be letting all the other officers know that youโ€™re wanted in connection with leaving us horny and unsatisfied.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good luck now, suspect. All of the officers are looking for you now.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(3)" } } ], "3-dr-sydney-1-round-dmg": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,x>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sydney doesn't do anything to you but your file fragmentation disease continues to affect you. ๐Ÿงฑ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Nothing happens... you think...

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---dbite": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c4542685-e6f9-4452-be18-18f2e9ae9e96/*" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Due to her hunger taking over, Diamond lunges and bites you.

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Slow it down, I know these nibbles are starting to feel good!

" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('dbite'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "90s", "title": "Bite ๐Ÿฆ‡" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-dr-sydney-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ha! Good luck finding some other cure without me!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ae337ca-0bae-4414-9c79-40c207d8ca3b/2091991" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477822" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard some screaming, are you ok?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2478034" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nurse Sydney is here to make it all better but I sure hope you aren't contagious or going to catch anything. Go ahead and run if you don't want to risk it.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your file fragmentation disease worsens from the glitching. ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,startCorInc(1,15000/z)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477824" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477821" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder what you might have picked up on the way here. There are several rough things lurking around the corner.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477825" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't see any glitches in your vision but that doesn't mean you can't be exposed to it.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477851" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Glitching in your vision? Looks like you might really be coming down with something if you keep typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477826" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477852" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

At this point you are going to catch something for sure if you haven't already!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,15000)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation detected! ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477827" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477853" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well, your test came back positive. That's a shame. You will never stop having files corrupted even if you got away now.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477828" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep not typing we might be able to keep it somewhat under control though. But maybe not.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477854" } }, { "say": { "label": "

With the glitching like that it might have been a bit obvious something was wrong.

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This thing could be a bit of a cure, let's find out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477829" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477855" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Attempt a bit of the cure", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477830" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,--z,startCorInc(1,15000/z)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation lessened ๐Ÿงฑ

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477831" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477856" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here at the hospital we give the best of care to those in need.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477832" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477857" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can make that care as comfortable as you wish.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477833" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477858" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you think I'm too much for you I don't mind taking things slow, we just want to get you better is all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477834" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you seem to be trusting me enough at this point. I might have enough integrity to find that cure.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477859" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Kind of hard to get you cured if you destabilize me. You want to go on losing files to corruption forever?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I think if I use this medical apparatus in the right way you might have a chance.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477835" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477860" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477836" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good boy, did you figure out that the keyboard was making everything worse?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477861" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to make it? You are looking pretty pale from all the typing.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477837" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477862" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I find the uniform gets in the way of providing the quality of care my patience deserve.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477838" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477863" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Something tells me you might enjoy trying a few things to get well again.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477839" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are being a very patient patient.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477864" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't fight it, it's for your own good.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477840" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477865" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We have to get rid of all the contaminated clothing, surely you understand.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch her pull it down", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477841" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477866" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file fragmentation disease gets worse. ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++,startCorInc(1,15000/z)" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477843" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477867" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

See anything that has you excited? You look pretty curious.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her pussy", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477842" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "10s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are frozen after getting that close

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "10s" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477844" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477868" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is cutting edge medicine. Cross your fingers and hope it works.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477845" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm feeling good about this in more ways than one. No glitches in sight!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477869" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It certainly won't work if you type too many times.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477846" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477870" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like we are almost there. We can get rid of that awful fragmentation.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477847" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file fragmentation rate slightly improves. ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--z,startCorInc(1,15000/z)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See - that worked. Just a bit more!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477848" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477871" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>18", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477849" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file fragmentation has ceased. ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did it! Well... Technically I did it, but I perform best when I have an audience!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:6adb82d2-dc7f-47fc-a856-3e243a8fc35e/2477850" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Try not to get too many other diseases out there. Those files are precious.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(12)" } } ], "4-spk-diamond-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eef47bb7-3231-4d2b-9468-a4dc69313364/2191931" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Due to not being able to type fast enough she lunges and bites you.

You have been bitten y=false,enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Do you have a biting fetish? You soon will as it courses through your veins.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "vamp>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "4-spk-krissie-1-round---vamp" } } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('vamp')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I'm surprised you survived my thorns.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480281" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('dbite'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "20s", "title": "Bite ๐Ÿฆ‡" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How dare you!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480280" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479726" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('dbite'))" } } ], "timerDuration": "90s", "title": "Bite ๐Ÿฆ‡" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's this? Did some prey drop into my lap?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see this prey isn't even fighting back... interesting.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You dare attack me before you know my intentions?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479731" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480290" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least the bath still has soothing properties, otherwise this would have been over quickly.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479734" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480293" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But everything must come to an end. Care to join our order?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479728" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480287" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You disturbed my rose petal bath... As a rose vampire, that would normally keep my hunger down for a moment but the burning desire has returned.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479729" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are just going to sit there I'm coming for you!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480288" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to attack me it gives me more reason to have a snack!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479730" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480289" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry, I'm trying to keep it together but it's so hard...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479732" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well... On second thought, you aren't going anywhere. It would be more fun to draw it out.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480291" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! You can't kill me that way but I do need to recover.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479736" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480295" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you want to worship my feet I'll give you a chance next.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479733" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480292" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, pledge yourself to them. I might grant you another few moments in your human existence.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Worship her foot", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "vamp--,file-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You swear 10 files to her precious feet but she decreases your vampirism level by 1. ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ef5350" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479735" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahhh, you are so docile. We have plans for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480294" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Insubordination! You don't want to make me this angry!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Dare to slap a vampire's ass? I'd like to see you try!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Slap it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479737" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480296" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You avoid her bite

Sneaky! I didn't know you would be so quick! Mmnnn, I wouldn't mind another one of those.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ She reaches you for a bite in retribution!

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479738" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480297" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Try your luck again?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Slap it", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479737" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480296" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You avoid her bite

Sneaky! I didn't know you would be so quick! Mmnnn, I wouldn't mind another one of those.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ She reaches you for a bite in retribution!

You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times!

" } } ] } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479739" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480298" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you think my mouth is the only vampiric asset I have, care to experience what lies underneath these?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479727" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2480286" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

What are you waiting for? You aren't scared are you?

That would be a pity.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2479740" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nevermind, you don't seem worth it anymore. Go ahead and run along underling.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"She sinks back into the bath as you make your escape\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "6-final-ai-1-boss---2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "say": { "label": "

true or false


" } } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahhh!! How did you learn to type like that?!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete her ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,b2--,b3--,b4--" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You delete 9 of her integrity permanently!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=9" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’พ Keep her around", "commands": [], "color": "#03a9f4" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('phase3')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481837" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you give up? I hope you didn't try to use a hack or anything.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So that's how it's going to go is it?

" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "b1You tried to use a hack against me? You can't break the system that I built!

" } } ] } } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481838" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My world my rules. The hacks won't be of any help to you I'm afraid.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481839" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, I'll let you try something else.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah, how could I forget you got yourself infected to enjoy the beauty of my creations.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2503043" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514518" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2503044" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514519" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't want to get your hopes up too much but I have a lot of data on you at this point. If you think these are nice I have a feeling I can find something even more to your liking.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "ebony>caucasian&&asianebony", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',7,'final')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "caucasian>asian&&caucasian>ebony", "commands": [ { "noop": { "say": { "label": "


" } } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” BREAST PREFERENCE OF tits.toFixed(2)*10/10 DETECTED

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-2-boss--" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',2,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits<.35", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "noop": { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-3-boss--" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',3,'final')" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514916" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! So you like to stick with the classics do you? I guess I do get lucky from time to time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514918" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are my breasts and skin color in your perfect goldilocks zone? I can shift into whatever you desire.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514917" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll have minor fluctuations trying to maintain this form but I'll try to keep it minimal.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514919" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh yeah, what good is a targeted body type if you can't enjoy it?

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514920" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I expected you to be tempted but I didn't know it would cause you to not type.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514921" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But maybe you finally learned the lesson that fighting is never worth it. Just enjoy the view.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514922" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know I only glitch things out to frustrate you right? Otherwise you might never learn your lesson that fighting me isn't worth it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514923" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515047" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because of all the stability issues you've been causing, clothes might come in and out of existence.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2514924" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515046" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

But in the digital world, who knows what's real and not anyways?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515929" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wish I could see your face as you give up but your webcam is acting up for the moment.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515930" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't it just driving you crazy to not even know if I'm wearing anything but this collar and heels?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515931" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515932" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's getting skimpier, are you going to be able to last long enough to see the rest?

" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;shirt=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=10,x=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are SOOO SLOW!!!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('phase2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9, {disable:{\r\n ALL:\"You tried to use a hack against me? You can't break the system that I built!\".color(colors.ai),\r\n}})" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "3-sport-arietta-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=8" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Gosh, you must really need cheering up.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "clear==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('claire',1,'sport')" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486741" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have completed clear Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486742" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486743" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurray! You made it through clearKm so far! Only 42-clear to go!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486763" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "tickle", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486741" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486742" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486744" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait a second, are you trying to look up my skirt? Is that why you're here? Basketball players always want the same thing...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486745" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? It pays to stay away from that keyboard and stick to being a baller!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh! You would see that I'm not wearing panties if you didn't glitch everything out!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486746" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You get to see my chest next if you don't foul me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good, but this is a minimal contact sport you know...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ouch! After 5 fouls the ref might throw you out!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I must have subbed out my skirt. Always good to give your starters a rest.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What did you think would happen if you kept trying?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486749" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see you're looking at my pom poms. They always do the trick motivating the whole team.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What do you have against naked women?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486750" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take your time, this might be the last time you see me naked. Unless you want a little... something else.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might have missed your last chance to see me naked... unless....

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486751" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! The rest of the team showed up. Care to watch them play?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They ball pretty hard, I would completely understand if that isn't your thing.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let's go! ๐Ÿ“", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok, now we're talkin!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, well would you mind continuing your marathon? I need to cheer them on.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=9" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "3-sport-arietta-1-round---2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "clear+=9" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Too many for you to handle? I can always find more.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486741" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Enemy targets increasing and health increasing to target=6,enemy+=6

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486742" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486755" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh wow! Both teams showed up! Are you ready to watch them take it to the hole?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Wait and watch", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh they like me! It's always nice to feel appreciated.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,refreshPage()" } } ] }, { "label": "Type", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "tickle", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486757" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486758" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! Did you boys skip the tip off? I guess some just want to jump right in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486759" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, there is a time out. I have to cheer on the winning team.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486762" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They are really impressive don't you agree?

Well, a bit handsy though...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486761" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like they found what they were looking for! They aren't shy at all!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2486760" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think of what you could be seeing if you hadn't have typed. Remember I'm not wearing anything under this skirt!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They lead her into a neighboring house.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487216" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487213" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The censorship might be nothing but net right now but that won't be the case if you continue!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487228" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487225" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She seems rather... indisposed at the moment.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487212" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487224" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487209" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487221" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487210" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487222" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They make some passing joke about enjoying hot dogs on the back porch.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487211" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487223" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her pace increases as it looks like she is about to finish a few of them off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think I'm about to get covered! I hope I can breathe from what's about to happen!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487215" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you don't want to see the big finish? You will get one more chance.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487227" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487217" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aghhh! So much cough* down my throat choke*

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487218" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487219" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487229" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aghhh! So much cough* down my throat choke*

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487230" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487231" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f3446044-1fe3-4289-9d43-0c95a7d614ec/2487220" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think that's all of them! Sorry the coach never subbed you in! Good luck with the rest of your marathon!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "clear+=12" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "6-final-ai-1-boss-res": [ { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ŽBOSS copy paste search routine...

She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=7;caughtCount++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().criticalTest", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "id": "crit", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('res-critical-img')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().errorTest", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!(strictResult==1)&&strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:close.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pretty close!

Strong input!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "strictResult==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh1-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh2-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ai\")" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh3-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh-4-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ai\")" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

txt.stabilityLeftPrefix() enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-1) stability left!


" } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } } ], "2-cc-octavia-1-round-dmg": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg=true,x>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She plays with your cock as your file corruption becomes cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh don't worry, I won't use my powers on you this time.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She seems appreciative that you didn't attack.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-octavia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ha! You know you can't even defeat me that way. But you impressed me so I'll let you go.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502066" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-emotional-inspiring-epic-trailer-coma-media.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

An object comes flying in at great speed.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502464" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, you aren't Robot... Why did I get called in for just you? You don't look like too much of a threat.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502067" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502068" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502069" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know I could rewrite you down at the atom level don't you? You want to keep testing me by writing prompts?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must have loaded into the sky, don't worry. I materialized a platform under you until we can figure out what to do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&x<6&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502070" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Attacking me? My attacks are bit sexier!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502313" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502312" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z++,Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,15000/z)" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Your files start to disintegrate over time.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You think just because you already had fragmentation that it couldn't get worse?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Good luck with that, it's kind of permanent.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are hit with a large energy blast as z++,cor+=(z*5) files are now corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502071" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These blasts will keep getting more painful, care to keep testing my powers?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502308" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "secret" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502309" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502310" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, did you know I can bend all inorganic matter to my will? I thought this place would be a bit more comfy than in the middle of the sky.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502072" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at all this comfortable space to lie down.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502073" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to relax with me for a while?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502075" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Like my costume? The last time a mad geologist had something to say about it, it didn't end well for them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502074" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready to see what else my powers can really do?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502308" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enough playing around!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants||shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Both of your outfits start to vanish to her powers.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her outfit changes before your eyes.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false,shirt=false" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502077" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502314" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her projection raises your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surely you were getting bored just chatting right? The world needs me so let's speed this along.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502079" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like you found a better use for your hands than typing! Want to try it out?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502316" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her projection raises your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to use these projections to block your attacks, is that really what you want?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502081" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502318" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her projection raises your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


Oh it's in Mar - I mean name!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502078" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are doing really well for a newbie! Maybe we could find you a spot on the team.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502315" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her projection raises your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm really holding back from attacking you but please don't test my patience. Hurry up and finish!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502080" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502317" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-save-us-static-noise-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her projection raises your file corruption to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm ready for it! I can take it!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502319" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Spray it all over me! Show me your power!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:354d0e97-2b7d-432e-8ab7-ec81879f8e0a/2502320" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I guess I'll cure your file fragmenation... but just this once!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Like I said, people need me so I have to go. However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy that little break.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "5-pd---h-run": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd++,true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Evading the law!!!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "wtd" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('wtd').setTitle(wanted[wtd].stat)" } }, { "if": { "condition": "wtd>4", "commands": [ { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "startZone('jail') " } } }, { "goto": { "target": "5-pd-test-2-round--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lcuff>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't run with your feet bound!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "bj" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--;popStack();doEsc(FO().escapePrompt)" } } ], "any---hypnoslavedrip": [ { "if": { "condition": "(function(){_anmLd=true;return true})() /* Loading indicator */", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$250", "style": "hidden", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "_anmLd", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "Loading...", "id": "_anmInd" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "true /* hypnosis drip (gallery:9abc313d-06cb-4a6c-9473-cac2d8f03dd3/*) @ 10FPS - EAA v0.6.13 */", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9abc313d-06cb-4a6c-9473-cac2d8f03dd3/2512128" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9abc313d-06cb-4a6c-9473-cac2d8f03dd3/2512128" } }, { "eval": { "script": "_anmInt = 1000 / 10\n\nfunction _anmDone(skipNext){\n var r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmTimeF(i){return (_anmInt * (i + 1)) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n _anmLd = false; Notification.get('_anmInd') && Notification.get('_anmInd').remove()\n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 95\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (96 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { 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r = !skipNext && window._anmNext, rt = typeof r\n _anmPlay = false; _anmStart = false; _anmLf = false; _anmNext = false\n \n \n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n switch(rt) {case 'function': r(); return; case 'string': pages.goto(r); return}\n}\n_anmLo = 0\nfunction _anmTime(i){\n var t = (_anmInt * i)\n _anmLo = (t + _anmInt) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)\n return _anmLo\n}\nfunction _anmTimeF(i){return (_anmInt * (i + 1)) - (Date.now() - _anmStart)}\nfunction _anmCheck(){\n window.clearTimeout && clearTimeout(window._anmPt)\n _anmLd = false; Notification.get('_anmInd') && Notification.get('_anmInd').remove()\n return true\n}\n_anmCheck()\n\n_anmLf = 36\n\nclearTimeout(window._anmPt);_anmPt = setTimeout(function(){_anmLf = false},250 + (37 * _anmInt))\n\n_anmStart = Date.now()\n" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(0)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512247" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(1)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(1)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512248" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(2)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512249" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(3)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTimeF(3)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512250" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(4)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512251" } }, { "timer": { 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{ "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512274" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(28)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512275" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(29)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512276" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(30)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512277" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(31)", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512278" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$_anmTime(32)", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "_anmLo > -50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:72a2a8ff-7a84-4f62-85ba-fb33330593be/2512279" } }, { "timer": 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๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Ha! You know you can't even defeat me that way. But you impressed me so I'll let you go.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "ARGEDCO โ›ง", "timerCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Labolas rips and tears as cor+=14 files are now corrupted!

" } } ], "timerDuration": "9s", "title": "Labolas attack ๐Ÿฉธ", "id": "star" } } ], "timerDuration": "9s", "id": "star" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "title": "PDI BARMA โ›ง", "timerCommands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:cb0b148e-f78c-4560-87bb-ae298802dc55/2161664" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Madame Butterfly executes the purify hack x2


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 2, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.50", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++,hyp++,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "9s", "title": "Madama Butterfly attack ๐Ÿฆ‹", "id": "sex" } } ], "timerDuration": "9s", "id": "sex" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y&&!dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511404" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511405" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hear someone back there. Don't be shy, say hi to your witch mommy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511406" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bayonetta-moodmode.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511407" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Too shy to type, that's for sure.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Were you trying to stab me in the back or something?

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was expecting something a bit more divine to face me. I wonder what you're here for.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511408" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511409" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful these are all loaded!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511410" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to find out if I'll use them? I'm watching your hands.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!dmg", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "pain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hit", "background": true } }, { "say": { "label": "


She blasts you with her pistols as cor+=4 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like the pain huh...

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511411" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you don't go crazy for these tight suits, I don't need any more thirsty fans.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511412" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Be careful getting behind me, I have plenty of firepower always aimed at you.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511413" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511431" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh did I forget to tell you? I'm an umbra witch. If you attack me I can use my hair to fight back in a few ways.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "strip" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "strip" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"strip\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, I thought you might back off. Best to not mess with my powers.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511432" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? I warned you and you still wanted to test me?

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511415" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511433" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you attack me I could always substitute another summon to help me out. Perhaps Kraken?

Or you could just sit this one out and we could have some fun. What's it going to be?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to type", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=20" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512283" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512287" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not interested in participating? You are shy after all! Kraken is happy to take over from here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512284" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You seem mesmerized enough to not attack anymore. I can keep my spells out of it then.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512288" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You already let the Kraken take over, why try to change things now?

You might as well just enjoy it.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511416" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511434" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512285" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, without your attacks or spells in the way this feels amazing.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512289" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel the power building up! Your attacks are too late!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm almost there!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>25", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Be a dear and excuse me, I want to finish this alone.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants||shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=false,underwear=false,shirt=false" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "strip" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"strip\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her hair rips the clothes from your body.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511423" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, you ready to make some magic together?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511421" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511435" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, you know what to do!

Her suit opens up for you as you are lured in.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "sex=true,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511418" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511436" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Oh! You are a big boy!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512286" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, I didn't think you would just sit there... Here, I'll do the work for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2512290" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really? You think your attacks can get through my magic hair? If the heavens couldn't stop me, what hope do you have?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511417" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least you aren't typing I suppose.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511437" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll fight back you know...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You lay her on her side as she cries out.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511419" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511438" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511420" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511440" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't care who you are! More! Give me more!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511422" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511441" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Edge", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel her hair giving you help thrusting as your file corruption becomes cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511423" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you are still on the edge, ready to give me something?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511424" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511425" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=25 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I didn't expect it so soon! Can you even type in your state? Here is a little something for your trouble.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b6+=2" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-bug.mp3", "id": "bug", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฆ‹

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15&&x<21", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511426" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I just gave you those and you blast me in my face?! You little devil!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:60c8b2e2-faf7-4e66-b4d7-b9cb31361502/2511427" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Getting cum all in my hair isn't enough to stop my spells. You kind of got some in my eye though. Get out of here\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(7)" } } ], "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase2": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete her ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,b2--,b3--,b4--" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You delete 9 of her integrity permanently!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=9" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’พ Keep her around", "commands": [], "color": "#03a9f4" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Big whoop, you figured out a way to get to me. But this isn't over...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('phase3')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"But you just got here.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack&&x>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515925" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm actually curious what you will type now. Go ahead little name.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515924" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! Without your prompts whatever are you to do...?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515926" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think I would even ever tell you how much integrity I really have? I can make your reality whatever I want!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515927" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is entertaining! What else do you have in store for me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515928" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "id": "bug", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3+=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are kind of starting to bore me. Here... do something with these:

You have gained 2 ๐Ÿ

" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;shirt=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not fast enough! Let's try something else shall we?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program collapses around you as cor+=17 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('phase3')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Trials of the Succubi\"" } } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "any---h-drain": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9ce06bf1-0e38-4930-a36f-9f181021fbed/2165731" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],enemy!=1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Too much stability! โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "wasp", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b7+=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the drain hack!

Their integrity is decreased to enemy=0

You have gained ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ๐ŸฆŸ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-sport-round-win": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Victory ๐Ÿฅณ ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=b8,b8>0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('win2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising denial level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=horny*2! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nest", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5+=level" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain level๐Ÿœ!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b7>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐ŸฆŸ you are holding eliminate file-=b7,b7 of your files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inround=false,clear++,Math.random()>=.60", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.70", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b3++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b4++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained an extra ๐Ÿ for winning a tough fight.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You put your shirt back on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pull your pants up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2>1&&cor>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Use ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž to repair file corruption", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your corrupted files have been reduced to b2-=2,cor-=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#7cb342" }, { "label": "Save your ๐Ÿžs", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastWonLevel !== level && getNewRandomHackTry()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


You finished the stadium marathon!!!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastWonLevel = level,callPage('--hack-report')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone(zone)" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "3-sport---h-run": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lcuff>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't run with your feet bound!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "bj" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your sprint away from her covers more ground. You have completed clear+=4 Km of the stadium marathon.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastWonLevel !== level && getNewRandomHackTry()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


You finished the stadium marathon!!!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastWonLevel = level,callPage('--hack-report')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--;popStack();doEsc(FO().escapePrompt)" } } ], "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You... You are shattering my beautiful program!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-10-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack&&x>0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682444" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh1-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh2-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ai\")" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh3-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:laugh-4-pixabay-(1).mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "ai" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"ai\")" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may notice a a few things missing, dare to click?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682443" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! Without your prompts and censorship whatever are you to do...?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear&&pants&&shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Here, let me help you!

Your keyboard types without you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage('any---h-naked')" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2519365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you think I would even ever tell you how much integrity I really have? I can make your reality whatever I want!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682441" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is entertaining! What else do you have in store for me?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682437" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682439" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "id": "bug", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3+=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are kind of starting to bore me. Here... do something with these:

You have gained 2 ๐Ÿ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682440" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2682438" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on name don't make it THAT easy on me! If I need to spell it out for you - Just use hacks!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2519365" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not fast enough! You even left your entire heart vulnerable. I hope you put up more of a fight next time.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "id": "boom", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boom\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! How did you survive my best shot?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Of course no one would have over 120 un-corrupted files to take that hit haha! Could you imagine?!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Trials of the Succubi\"" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "2-cc-sheridan-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you finally find your way? Pity.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true,silence()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516935" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit3.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 2 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2518589" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cheshire-diamond-tunes.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey there kitty kitty! Are you lost?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516937" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is quite a wonderland to get lost in. But not all who wander are lost.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>1&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516935" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit3.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She claws you as cor+=5 files are corrupted ๐Ÿ“

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516938" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A very merry unbirthday to you! Would these be enough of a gift?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well maybe in time... It's always tea time here.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516940" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm glad you are keeping your paws off of that keyboard.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How curious! Looks like this was caused by typing. You wouldn't want it to get worse would you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516942" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It must be my unbirthday too! Thanks!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516943" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's no way to treat me on my unbirthday!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516945" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516946" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can imagine how delightful I must look under these trappings.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

Hmmm, looks like you weren't ready for the wonders within.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516974" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But they are irrisistable are they not?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516949" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Which eyes are you looking into I wonder?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516951" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516952" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have a keyboard and nothing makes sense anymore, or does it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516951" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516952" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does anything truly make sense? Just let go.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516954" } }, { "say": { "label": "

For once you are on time to see these Ts!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516955" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That typing is going to make you ever so late to see these uncovered.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516957" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516958" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everything ends up getting lost around here, even clothing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516960" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516961" } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516963" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516964" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! What do you gain by denying what you really want?

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Back off", "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "7s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here kitty kitty, follow your hearts desire.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516966" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See any rabbit holes you are interested in diving into?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516967" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just because you typed that time doesn't mean we can't turn things around. We are all going nowhere.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&a<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516969" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516970" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Have you yet decided what path you will take?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

See? The room is getting even darker and it grew in size! What path will you take?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you can't even tell if I'm naked anymore.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516950" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Pity you can't experience this wonderland fully.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516953" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My claws aren't out... for now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516956" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wonderland is just a bit more wonderful if you don't type you know...

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516959" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How much can you really see that kitty?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516962" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Back off", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516965" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't safe back there.

" } } ], "timerDuration": "7s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might survive if you come here.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516968" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Curious... Curious indeed.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&a>1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516971" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The march hare didn't hesitate nearly as much.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516972" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have all the time in the world but it looks like yours is up.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dd5a6060-35c5-46e9-b8d4-62b911b094b7/2516973" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh what am I thinking, because you weren't hostile I must leave you with something else to remember me by.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Attacking me on my un-birthday doesn't make me want to show you any more.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tick tock.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Eat Me", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your files GROW to dmg=true,file+=7 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#64b5f6" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Drink Me", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your files shrink to dmg=true,file-=7 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#64b5f6" } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(9)" } } ], "2-cc-rina-1-round-dmg": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(25));" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters your move!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with a Kikoken!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Kikoken!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with Lightning Kick Barrage!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=11๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Lightning Kick Barrage!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks your strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You throw her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Senretsukyaku!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with her ultimate Senretsukyaku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=26๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw you! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=8 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams you with her Ryusei Raku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-rina-2-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526514" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526510" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526511" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526512" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526513" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ko-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I thought I would put up more of a fight\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526500" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, behind you!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Turn around", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The back of your head gets punched as you have cor+=4 file corruption ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526501" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The name's Christen... Don't forget it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526502" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I heard there was a world wide tournament and I want in!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526503" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I didn't know a new challenger would appear! You can control me and defeat her name!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526504" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ready-fight-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-123longtickle.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&(a>0||b>0)", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526505" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527181" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&a==0&&c==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526506" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&c==0&&a==0", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527114" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526507" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>0&&z==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527112" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0&&z==3&&x<7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527111" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(a>0||b>0)&&z==4&&x<7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527115" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527116" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527117" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! That's not fair!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527118" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Help me! She's too strong!

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527119" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that even legal?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527120" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I didn't know you could... oh...

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526509" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's all you had...? Pretty pathetic.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526508" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to team up for a final round Rina?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I guess I will if he does.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Take them on for a final round", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('rina',3,'cc')" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Give up", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"2 on 1, I don't blame you. Hopefully the next girl is not as strong for your sake\".color(colors.rina))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Punch (A)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Kick (B)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Block (X)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Throw (Y)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "color": "#c62828" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters Rina's move!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Axle Spin Knuckle!


File corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Axle Spin Knuckle!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counters it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Spiral Arrow!


File corruption flies up to cor+=15๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Spiral Arrow!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks Rina's strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina throws her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her super move!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Spin Drive Smasher!


File corruption soars to cor+=23๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw Rina! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counter it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Hooligan Suplex!


File corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Punch(A)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Kick (B)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Block(X)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Throw (Y)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "color": "#c62828" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters Rina's move!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Axle Spin Knuckle!


File corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Axle Spin Knuckle!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counters it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Spiral Arrow!


File corruption flies up to cor+=15๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Spiral Arrow!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks Rina's strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina throws her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her super move!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Spin Drive Smasher!


File corruption soars to cor+=23๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw Rina! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counter it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Hooligan Suplex!


File corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "2-cc-round-win": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Victory ๐Ÿฅณ ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=b8,b8>0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('win2')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฅต You leave a girl without cumming. Your rising denial level makes your file corruption grow to cor+=horny*2! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nest", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b5+=level" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You gain level๐Ÿœ!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b7>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The ๐ŸฆŸ you are holding eliminate file-=b7,b7 of your files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inround=false,clear++,Math.random()>=.60", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.70", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b3++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1++;b4++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor>85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained an extra ๐Ÿ for winning a tough fight.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!shirt", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "shirt=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You put your shirt back on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=true;underwear=true;" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You pull your pants up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2>1&&cor>9", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Use ๐Ÿž๐Ÿž to repair file corruption", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your corrupted files have been reduced to b2-=2,cor-=10 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "color": "#7cb342" }, { "label": "Save your ๐Ÿžs", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b5+b6+b7+b8>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have ๐Ÿœb5๐Ÿฆ‹b6 ๐ŸฆŸb7๐Ÿฆ‚b8

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "isClear()", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "lastWonLevel !== level && getNewRandomHackTry()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ƒ You have beaten the Cosplay Convention! ๐Ÿ‘ 

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastWonLevel = level,callPage('--hack-report')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Next Program", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startZone(zone)" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "2-cc-rina-2-round-dmg": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(25));" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters Rina's move!

File corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Axle Spin Knuckle!


File corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Axle Spin Knuckle!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counters it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits Rina with a Spiral Arrow!


File corruption flies up to cor+=15๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her Spiral Arrow!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks Rina's strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina throws her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina blocks her super move!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Spin Drive Smasher!


File corruption soars to cor+=23๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw Rina! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Rina counter it as her blow lands

Integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws Rina!

File corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams Rina with her Hooligan Suplex!


File corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-rina-3-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy=44,shirt=false" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527210" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ready-fight-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You ready to rumble?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527232" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527211" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Got him! He can't reach the keyboard anymore!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527212" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you want to use your joystick instead anyways. Can we try it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527213" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527214" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead, give it a try Rina and show him your new move set.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527215" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527216" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Aw, so soon? You didn't even get us off...\".color(colors.rina))" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Run from them", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Their integrity has decreased to enemy=40 from being turned on.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527217" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course, let me get him ready for it.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527218" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=6 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [], "timerDuration": "7s", "id": "sex", "title": "She starts climbing on your dick" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Deeper Rina!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527221" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You really did it didn't you? And what is this secret weapon I feel from him?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=16 ๐Ÿ“

The girls are getting closer as their integrity drops to enemy=32

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527222" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very clever! I might have to try it out too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527220" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Doggy Style", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527223" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Where did you lean the move set to do that to two women? I need to practice more!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Their integrity drops to enemy=28

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527224" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Flip her on her back", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527225" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, if you can't handle both of us I'm tagging in some help.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Their integrity drops to enemy=28

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527226" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Stop helping him! I mean... well... OoohhhH!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Grab her tit", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527227" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(0, tits-0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for smaller boobs increases ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've haven't seen that taunt before!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#e91e63" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "asian=Math.min(1, asian+0.2)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "bln = Math.min(1, bln+0.15)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preferences for Asians and Blondes increase ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to cor+=9 ๐Ÿ“

The girls are close! Integrity drops to enemy=15

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2528273" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How is he outlasting us? He has just has file-cor files left!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527228" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We'll see about that!

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527229" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=19 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

Their integrity falls to enemy=0!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "isDead()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527230" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Orgasms ripple through both of them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527233" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wow, look at how much he did! This is a loss I'm happy to take!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527234" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ko-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527235" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527236" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527237" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"A well deserved victory. You could be the world champion\".color(colors.rina))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "any---neonhyp": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526011" } }, { "eval": { "script": "nloss+=3" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Break free to lose a โค๏ธ" } }, { "say": { "label": "




" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption has been greatly reduced to cor-=30 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526012" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต Your hypnosis level [OBEY]s without question. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526013" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526014" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526015" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526016" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hypnosis.mp3", "id": "hypno", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"hypno\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526015" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526016" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526015" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526017" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526017" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].heal", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption is reduced to cor-=hypstats[hyp].heal ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Fall into her trance ๐Ÿ’ซ", "id": "hyp" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp+=2,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('hypno')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต You find yourself [KNEEL]ing almost instantly ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526018" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File corruption lowers to cor-=20 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526019" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526020" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You see her eyes processing you even faster as she stands up.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526021" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532747" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants||shirt||underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You feel your clothing vanish.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You feel a tingle on your body too but were already naked.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false,shirt=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532746" } }, { "if": { "condition": "++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526022" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File corruption lowers to cor-=20 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526023" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(0, tits-0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต You can't take your eyes off of her [BREAST]s ๐Ÿ˜ต

Breast preference smaller ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526024" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526025" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "title": "๐Ÿ˜›" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526026" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต [TATTOO]s are beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ต

Tattoo preference increases ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526027" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File corruption falls to cor+=20 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526028" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526028" } }, { "if": { "condition": "++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "title": "Don't Breathe โ›”" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "custom", "duration": "8s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526029" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526030" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต [TATTOO]s are perfection. You must see more! ๐Ÿ˜ต

Tattoo preference increases ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526031" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526032" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ฟ >>>

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526033" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "title": "Don't Breathe โ›”" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "custom", "duration": "8s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526034" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.max(0, body-0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ˜ต [SKINNY] girls make your cock harder! ๐Ÿ˜ต

Body type preference increases ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526035" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526036" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526036" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526036" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532259" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526036" } }, { "if": { "condition": "++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธ ERROR โš ๏ธ


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('hyp9')" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your files increase to file+=10 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

File fragmentation detected ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,7000)" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hypnosis.mp3", "id": "hypno", "volume": 0 } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('hypno')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Snap out ๐ŸŒ€ " } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('neonh'))" } } ], "any---neonh": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532800" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532801" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532802" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532803" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532804" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532805" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532807" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532808" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532809" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532810" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532810" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532811" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532812" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532813" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532814" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532815" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532816" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2532817" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.05s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "3-neon---heart": [ { "if": { "condition": "nloss>3", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nloss>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('neonhyp'))" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526047" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "nloss++" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526007" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonloss-evasion-evgeny-bardyuzh.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Break free to lose a โค๏ธ" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "background": true, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(hyp/9*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526008" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526009" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "12s-18s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,y=false,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "




" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:a99932ef-7722-4429-bf5b-f93bf9e13fff/2526010" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "2-cc-rina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524656" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524652" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524653" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524654" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524655" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ko-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy=22,++clear,clear>2", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Awww, I thought I was a knockout... Didn't expect to get knocked out.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startRound('rina',2,'cc')" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('christen')" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524104" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sf-lady-of-the-80s-grand-project.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! A new challenger has arrived!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "rina>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait... You aren't new at all. We've met before! - It's Rina!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm Rina. You think you have what it takes to take me on?

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524105" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you've been practicing or else this will be pretty short.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524106" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:ready-fight-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eva" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eva\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg&&Math.random()>.74&&!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y=true,Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2528242" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2528241" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ซ She is stunned. ๐Ÿ’ซ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What... You thought you were just going to come in here and kick some ass?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524108" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think you will find my kicks exceed your own.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524109" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You'll be sorry if I get my combo off.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524110" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, you are lasting longer than I expected. It might be time to start fighting dirty.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524111" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524112" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did my new strategy make you give up? I missed your vitals, so be at ease.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You're too wild with your moves! Calm down a bit!

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524113" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524114" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you're doing well in your everyday training, you shouldn't be feeling hesitant looking at me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526490" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm just doing my duty... Please don't take it personally! Just enjoy the view.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526492" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526491" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look how vulnerable I am. I bet you really want to tackle me now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

They told me we would be fighting in a street but at least here it is a bit more private.

", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526494" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526496" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't hit a girl with her back turned...

", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526495" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Would you?

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526498" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>1||b>1||c>1||d>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I'm charging up my super combo, you ready?

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just because I'm not building a combo again doesn't mean I can't put the pain on you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2526499" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The match has almost timed out, give me your best shot!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2524656" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>13", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:b4dd312d-0c18-4bb3-b05a-b7c194f02b1b/2527113" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I told you I was a knockout! Looks like it was too distracting haha.\".color(colors.rina))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Punch (A)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Kick (B)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Block (X)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Throw (Y)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "color": "#c62828" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters your move!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with a Kikoken!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Kikoken!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with Lightning Kick Barrage!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=11๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Lightning Kick Barrage!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks your strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You throw her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Senretsukyaku!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with her ultimate Senretsukyaku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=26๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw you! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=8 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams you with her Ryusei Raku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Punch(A)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Kick (B)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Block(X)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "color": "#c62828" }, { "label": "Throw (Y)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "color": "#c62828" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a++,b=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a punch! ๐Ÿ‘Š

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to --enemy!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==2||z==4)&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her punch counters your move!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=2 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&a<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her punch!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with a Kikoken!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=13๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Kikoken!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b++,a=0,c=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She throws a kick! ๐Ÿฆถ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You strike each other as her integrity falls to enemy-=2!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You blocked her kick!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&b<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her kick counters you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with Lightning Kick Barrage!


Your file corruption flies up to cor+=11๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Lightning Kick Barrage!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=0" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "c++,a=0,b=0,d=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She blocks! ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She blocks your strike!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both block.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&c<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You throw her!

Her integrity drops heavily to enemy-=6!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You block her Senretsukyaku!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "c>2&&z!=3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She hits you with her ultimate Senretsukyaku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=26๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "d++,a=0,b=0,c=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She tries to throw you! ๐Ÿคผ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "(z==1||z==2)&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You counter it as your blow lands as her integrity falls to enemy-=z!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She throws you!

Your file corruption rises to cor+=8 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&d<3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You both stop each other's throw!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>2&&z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She slams you with her Ryusei Raku!


Your file corruption soars to cor+=24๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "2-bch-gia-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I see you've been working on your lung capacity.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:33e32f05-b71a-4070-b3ef-09420cd2ac14/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(Hold your Breath)

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&x>0", "commands": [] } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "โš ๏ธ Hold your breath ๐ŸŒŠ", "id": "sex" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŒŠ You can't hear her underwater ๐ŸŒŠ

(If you ever need to breathe fail a typing prompt)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:33e32f05-b71a-4070-b3ef-09420cd2ac14/*" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "โš ๏ธ Hold your breath ๐ŸŒŠ", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

(Hold your breath)

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523760" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Sneaking up on me from the water? That's new haha.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be really good at holding your breath if that's the case.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523761" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The interesting thing is on this shoreline, the waves crash in and put everything underwater whenever someone destabilizes it.

The last person who tried never stopped fighting to come up for a breath and it didn't turn out so well.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523762" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523797" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her tits", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's nice to stay dry isn't it? It's so much better to breath the fresh air instead of struggling underwater.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523763" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523764" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523796" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her tits", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's a curious thing to find out what makes someone tempted enough to stop typing.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523765" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sometimes it's the allure of us, but in this case I wonder if it is simply a survival instinct or lack of oxygen.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523766" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523767" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her underskirt", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

While I'm glad we are both still breathing I know something that might make you short of breath again.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523769" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Beautiful don't you think? It's irresistible to me too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523768" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523770" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her underskirt", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523771" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The wave never came - I knew I could count on you to do the right thing.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523772" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You might be wet this moment but I sure am.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523773" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523774" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't think I'll keep touching myself but don't you want to see what I'll do next?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523775" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523794" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her tits", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, nothing but a gentle breeze. I appreciate that.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Knowing there is someone who needs to see me so badly just turns me on.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523776" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523778" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh... What's the harm in just a few more touches. Want to get closer?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523781" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523782" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Any closer and you will be the one fingering me.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523779" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523780" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmm, I thought you would have taken up my offer.

" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523783" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You aren't even getting us that wet. I haven't needed the towel very much after all.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523784" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you could get me off by refusing to type again. Hear me moan!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523785" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523786" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, I guess it worked. So does that mean I have you right where I want you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523787" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523788" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you have me right where you want me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523789" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sorry... I have such a high libido I can't help myself sometimes.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523790" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523791" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523795" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption grows to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Approach her tits", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing again? You are just spoiling me!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523792" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! It's making me so sensitive!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:89456788-c6b7-419e-bb33-8cf94903d5fc/2523793" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like the waves have stopped for good. Must mean we are in the last few seconds of this program.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Thanks for keeping me dry and stable enough.\".color(colors.text))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$gm", "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Come up for a breath ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:800fa402-afde-4793-8d5b-6ad5b6c46f4f/*" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You surface to see her wet body unexpectedly.

Your file corruption grows to dmg=true,cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$!dmg&&x>1" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(6)" } } ], "6-final-ai-2-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete her ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,b2--,b3--,b4--" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ You delete 9 of her integrity permanently!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=9" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "file-=10" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } } ] } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’พ Keep her around", "commands": [], "color": "#03a9f4" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Big whoop, you figured out a way to get to me. But this isn't over...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for large breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "caucasian=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! That's an interesting finding. So you don't think these are big enough?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525949" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can always adjust a parameter or two...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525942" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that a little better? I think we can go a bit further.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525950" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525943" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sigh* Ok then, just one more.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525951" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you going to be able to type looking into cleavage like this?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525945" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hopefully this is more cleavage than you can shake a keyboard at.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525946" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can do all the shaking if you don't mind.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And it's true, I get to flex my latex now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2525948" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know you are out of your depth don't you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&dmg", "commands": [] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534260" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The BIG reveal! Let's see if you can resist them!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534261" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you forget to put on your BIG boy pants today? Come on... try to hit me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534263" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look, my underwear is just fading away... What are you going to do about it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534264" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Imagine if you could collar me... you need to type better before we get to that point haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534266" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are just standing there in the shadows not typing...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534267" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I have to come to you then.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534268" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you still there? Sometimes people can suffocate on these and pass out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Do you like lace necklaces?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534270" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Then you are in luck!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534271" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still going? I know you have to be tiring out eventually.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534272" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Carpal tunnel is a real threat you know... Unless you keep pressing โŒ.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534273" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must be surrendering to get this far and stop typing. Let's see the best โŒ you can manage one last time!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2534276" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Times up! Probably due to bazongas being a weakness of yours!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program collapses around you as x=0,cor+=17 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x<4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Bigger boobs are the bestest breasts\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535357" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Big tracts of land\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535358" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Grow Mo Fo Sho\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535359" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"No back pain, no gain!\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535360" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"We're going to need a bigger bra...\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535361" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"You have entered the land of expand\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535362" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"I could rest my head on those pillows\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535363" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Bigger is better\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535368" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Double Ds Please!\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535369" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"I could use a tit job\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535365" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Your shirt buttons must be tired\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535366" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "typeTest==\"Well endowed!\"&&!dmg&&x>3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2535367" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-3-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh wow... you figured out another way to get to me. But this isn't over...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.8" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for small breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "caucasian=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh! That's an interesting finding. So you think these are too big...?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=50" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537465" } }, { "say": { "label": "


I'll have that fixed right up for you!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537466" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How did I do? I guess we will find out with how you fare with that keyboard.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=25" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>25&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:478bb9c4-72a1-40ba-ac82-ceba2cf64d0f/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

They must not be small enough for you then...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Do you feel like things are shrinking even more?

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you don't want this to get worse then let me re-stabilize.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Where are you going? Choosing a keyboard over me?

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:af2edd75-649b-40fe-b399-ffc28493d1df/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hope your eyesight is incredible if you keep typing...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I didn't think your screen was large enough to keep pushing...

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You look so funny when you squint!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Don't think I can't keep pushing things smaller...

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-shorttolong-stroke.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(130-z))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537467" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Imagine that... A program that can shift itself into whatever desire. Why would anyone want to end such a beautiful design?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&z<26", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Why am I wasting time with these silly dresses?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537469" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537470" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is just leather but I have infinite possibilities to find out what your perfect look is.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537471" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you aren't ready to answer infinite prompts then why don't you just surrender to the good time?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to delete this top for you after-all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537473" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There they are. Are they as pretty as you hoped?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537474" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've always hoped for a cuddle buddy? Why don't you let the program run its course and give me my wish!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The panties are being deleted as we speak!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537475" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't want me to delete any more of your files the way I did with my underwear now would you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537479" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, I was sure you were going to try to type. I guess I kept my distance for no reason.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537480" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wouldn't have had visual artifacting like this if you wouldn't have blown past 5 levels of my creation.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe you are finally learning your lesson though and ignoring those prompts.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537477" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, the lighting might have a few bugs of its own. Maybe we are running out of time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537476" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't try to sneak up on an unsuspecting girl or anything ok?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&z<26", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2537478" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Small short tits, short amount of time to fight me. Think you can get through enemy damage in one more try?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Scared of a petite little girl? I'm not even giving you my best!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program collapses around you as cor+=17 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "\" + Perfect โŒจ๏ธ + \"", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "color": "#0d47a1", "visible": "$gm" }, { "label": "\" + clickPrompt() + \"", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "2-bch-riina-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"You could have just let me wade out there...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:39289d2f-6f88-4bfc-ac1c-ceb2ebc40c81/2082806" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535370" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Approach her", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Find someone else", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doEnd()" } } ], "color": "#f9a825" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535371" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that the name I've been hearing about? What brings you to my shoreline?

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "id": "estim", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc3dc1d7-16b1-4505-8849-f993c98a26ac/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Your attempt has a decent chance of success as her clothing shifts.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:693b5050-1e93-476e-9190-b2835d138f67/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh ok... this time...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

In your dreams...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^topless*$/i)", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:dc3dc1d7-16b1-4505-8849-f993c98a26ac/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Your attempt has a higher chance of success as her top is transformed.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:693b5050-1e93-476e-9190-b2835d138f67/*" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Since you went through the effort to type it out...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ha! Typing it out make me think for a second buuuut... NO!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Getting denied yet again as a gooner raises your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535372" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you were expecting a lot of bikini's out here. I kind of couldn't find my top and made do.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535375" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel kind of exposed out here on this hot day you know...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535379" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2537464" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535377" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not interested in seeing more? The shirt is optional ya know?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535373" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Since you aren't typing I'll come to you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I should come to you to stop you from typing that much...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535381" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you aren't just staring, someone else might see you being a creep.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "once&&x>5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false,brn = Math.min(1, brn+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for brunettes has increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535385" } }, { "say": { "label": "

When I couldn't find my top I tried to find a nude beach but there wasn't any in the area sadly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535386" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, you definitely look like you've been staring. The water is just cold is all.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh wow, I didn't know they were poping out THAT much haha!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you were building up like this tide.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535387" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you keep not typing again you might get to see if I'm wearing any bottoms now.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you keep typing how will you find out if I'm bottomless now?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&!y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:1ae36b3f-5582-42db-90ba-47f0d8a26786/2535388" } }, { "say": { "label": "

All sorts of wetness dripping from it. You aren't the only one getting off to this!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Aand that's enough. I think it's time for both of us to dry off.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$gm", "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "Try to get her topless", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$x>2&&!y", "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/^topless*$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(10)" } } ], "any---h-webfluid": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b4-=4,horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you release your fluid, her stability has been cut to horny=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(18+(tox*2)))

Your files have been reduced to file-=12 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-blake-1-round-dmg": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She gets close to your crotch but doesn't attack.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rubs your cock which makes you hornier.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-blake-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I guess the rain really did come down and wash the spider away.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2540359" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:eve-emotional-inspiring-epic-trailer-coma-media.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:close.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "eve", "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"eve\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel like you are being pulled into a comic book.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2540343" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Spiderman! What are you doing here! You should be... Dead...

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Feel your face", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541972" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You feel the mask over you as it dawns on you:

The program must have loaded you in as Spider-man!

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2540343" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's me! Don't you recognize me! Your friendly neighborhood Ghost Spider!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has z ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses the webfluid hack on you!

No censorship detected.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rises to z-=4,cor+15 ๐Ÿ“

Her integrity drops to enemy-=9

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing like a good squirt!!! Ooohhh!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4+=3,z-=3,cor+=Math.floor((file-cor)/2)" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She uses the cut hack on you!

Half of your healthy files are corrupted! But you gained her ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She rips her mask off.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541971" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Peter? Is that really you? Take off your mask!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Wait! Peter wouldn't have just attacked me like that, take that mask off and show me who you are!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ha! I know! Peter always adored these.

We will see how you react.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541973" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541974" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She gets into the front of your costume.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542294" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542296" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well whomever you are, you seem to have quite a super hard on.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Can I taste it?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her", "commands": [], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Taste her instead", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=6" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f44336" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh... you must want something even better!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541975" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we're both going to enjoy this!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2541976" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She sucks hard as your file corruption rises to cor+=5 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls you in with her webbing.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542282" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You weren't typing so it looked like you needed something to occupy yourself.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542283" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to attack me at least this way I get something out of it!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542289" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542291" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know you want to! Just put it in already Pe... well... whatever hero you are!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>7&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542284" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How heroic you are to get it in so fast instead of typing!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542286" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Still attacking me? Are you a villain? I like bad boys too!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542306" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542307" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Edge", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you are holding on tight, I would hate to fall!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542299" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542301" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on, I know you're stronger than that! Bend me over harder!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Edge", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542302" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542303" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you're getting even closer? Captain Stacy would hate it if you knocked me up... He already isn't a fan of your kind.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542305" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,file-=18 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:95a4a834-ed8e-4377-a98b-e2b3a70e26e0/2542304" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's a lot of webfluid you got... Are you sure you saved any for the others?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I think we both have some baddies to take care of. Maybe we will cross paths again?\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "4-spk-test-2-round--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spkheart-spellcraft-geoffharvey.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547060" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547061" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547062" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547063" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547063" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She hears you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547065" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Daddy! Are you ok? I heard what happened to you and was trying to help!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Chastise her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547066" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on, you don't know much about this world. You don't want to lose a heart do you?

" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547067" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, it's one of my rituals. We both know that you are interested at least somewhat because you would have given up already.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547068" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Because daddy... we both know you need my help. We saw how far you got without me...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts unzipping your pants.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547069" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm missing just one more ingredient to save you. You don't mind giving me just a few drops now do you daddy?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547070" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "5s-7s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547071" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your feel your cock go back into her throat.

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547072" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547073" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Blow your load ๐Ÿ’ฆ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts stroking you faster and taking you deeper in her throat.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547074" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547075" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547076" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like that daddy? It looks like you finally found a ritual you enjoy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547077" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547078" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait...Are you trying to draw this out or something? I bet you could have given me what I wanted long ago.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547079" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for tattoos has slightly increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547080" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547081" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547082" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She starts jerking you off harder.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Edge", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547083" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547084" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "file" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"file\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

enemy+=3,horny=false,file-=20 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You dump everything you have down her eager throat.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547085" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Without a word spoken she starts to transfer your gift to the ritual.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547086" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547087" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Watching your very essence be delivered to the occult drives a shiver down your spine. What have you gotten yourself into?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547088" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok now, I need to finish the chants.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547089" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547090" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547091" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547092" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547093" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547094" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547095" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

For the next part I will do this alone if you can wait out in the hall daddy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547096" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Wait here", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] }, { "label": "Go back in", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547097" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Daddy? What are you doing? I thought I asked you to wait!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547098" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value grows to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Get out and wait for her" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547099" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She doesn't even slow down.

This is mmm, this is all part of it daddy I swear!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547100" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know I just did some forbidden things with you but you really shouldn't be looking at your step-daughter that way...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547101" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for tattoos has slightly increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547102" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value increased to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want to wait for me? It won't work if you get too close.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547103" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just a little bit more! Mmnnff, I just need to add an ingredient of my own to try to save you!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547104" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547105" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value is now ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547106" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmnn, there it is. I'm practically soaking the sheets at this point.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547107" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to put it in. Go wait in the hall this time while I call upon the powers. I don't want them to possess you or anything.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You wait in the hall as she stumbles into the bathroom. The ritual must be complete but you don't feel any different.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Check on her", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>enemy/5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Your file corruption has decreased to cor=20 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We did it daddy! Good luck out there, I'll miss you!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547108" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's done I just... I'm just not sure what the side effects will be.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547109" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel pretty drained by it but even more, something feels like it's clawing it's way into me!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547110" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547111" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can hear it calling to me, trying to take over! I hope we did all the incantations right!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2559843" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547111" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2559843" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547111" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>enemy/5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Your file corruption has decreased to cor=20 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We did it daddy! Good luck out there, I'll miss you!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547112" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You see her eyes change as you decide to get out of there.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She turns the page.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

getUcc(typeTest, "gothic")

" } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0, {disable:{\r\n ALL:\"This isn't the time for hacks...\".color(colors.text),\r\n}})" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(0)" } } ], "4-spk-test-round-res": [ { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "cheat", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

cor+=5 files are now corrupted to avoid cheat detection ๐Ÿ“‚


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>=.7", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit2.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit5.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "if": { "condition": "level>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:5ac4fcb2-c4ad-4780-b955-67c054878278/1999191" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ”ŽCheating search routine...

๐ŸŽฒ The book detects it and installs a CRITICAL VIRUS!!!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6;caughtCount++" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getDmgPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "looseResult>0.9", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The book emits a an eerie noise.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The book doesn't resonate.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "4-spk-test-2-round---heart": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your body is affected by some sort of paralysis as you collapse on the bed.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547113" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh there you are. Are you ok daddy?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her voice sounds different, almost powerful.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547114" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The ritual didn't go exactly well but we can still save you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We? She goes to your pants again.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stop her", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are unable to move!

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547116" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like every bit of your body is as stiff as could be.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547117" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Can't you feel every pulse of energy through it? How it hungers for every piece of me?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547118" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A huge surge of energy flows through you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She stands up as you your hand is free but compelled to stroke yourself.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547119" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547120" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm sure you can feel how warm we all are. I'm burning up in this sweater.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547121" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547122" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547123" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(0, tits-0.2)" } }, { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.max(0, body-0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for tattooed, small breasted, and skinny women has increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547124" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How do I look daddy? Stroke harder for me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547125" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547126" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You want us to finish the job this time don't you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547127" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547128" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547129" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It feels as though she is sucking your soul itself out as your files drop to file-=7 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547130" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547131" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547132" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547133" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can feel how much you have to give me in here. But we also want to taste your other hole.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547134" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547135" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547136" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can feel her suck out more from your anus as your files drop to file-=7 ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547137" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547138" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547139" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you must be aching for us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547140" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I had to admit we are aching for you too. You need to fulfill the prophecy and give everything to us!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547141" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But first, another taste to get it moist for us.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547142" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value rises to ++tab๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547143" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547144" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ready daddy? It's time!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547145" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Does that feel better for your poor aching dick?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547146" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your taboo value jumps to tab+=3๐Ÿ™Š

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547147" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oooh, give it to us, give it all to us - We hunger for it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547148" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547149" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Turn me over daddy, I want you to force it further in me!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547150" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I know the ritual wants you to go deeper and can feel the pulsing get faster.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547151" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547152" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Push her down", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547153" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We knew you would like it rougher daddy.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Spank her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547154" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is that it? You can do better!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Again", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547155" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for tattoos has slightly increased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So you like pain daddy? We can have quite a bit in store.

" } } ], "color": "#f44336" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#e57373" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547156" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pushes you back.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547157" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Lie back and let us take over. It won't be long now.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547158" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547159" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "file" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"file\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547160" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose files!

horny=false,Math.max(10,file-20) Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547161" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right, give us the demon heir that was prophesized.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are still pouring into her womb!

horny=false,cor=0,Math.max(10,file-17) Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547162" } }, { "say": { "label": "

So much! We can feel it coursing deeper into us!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547164" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Our spawn is nearly guaranteed with the aid of the summoned.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547163" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are partially cured aren't you? At least you won't be losing the heart now and can get back to your adventure daddy!

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "--level" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "6-final-ai-4-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How many rounds are you going to be willing to go?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',6,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits<.3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',5,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "ebony-=.3" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color greatly decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Say goodbye to your "favorite" dark skinned girls then...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2568124" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2568125" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2568127" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567939" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we are. How do I look?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0&&x>0&&dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z--" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&z<8&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z++" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>2&&z<7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:74296704-22a9-42f5-b3c5-dd566b2e672b/*" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:105baf46-9212-49ea-b28a-913abede1bb0/*" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567940" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Another example how I can control every aspect of your computer. Think of how long my virus has had to work its way into every facet.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567941" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It will be up to you to keep the lights on at this point. So let's help each other out and give that keyboard life up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567942" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

There you go, did you even mean to miss that prompt?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see you aren't interested in keeping things lit. I bet a few more keystrokes and you won't be able to see very well...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567943" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Both the brightness and these underwear are going to slide down.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z>2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2568352" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful Bea, I might make things too dark to handle if you can't help yourself.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh, the light looks magnificent reflecting on me doesn't it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567945" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you think I was going to show my pussy so quickly? You have to earn my trust first.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567947" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, you don't seem to be faring too well with your typing. Is it because I'm on my knees for you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567949" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just keep that brightness up until the end. Almost there!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&z<3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567951" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's not like you are going to chew through enemy health in one shot. But go ahead and try haha.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I see were both still standing. Let's up the stakes shall we?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program collapses around you as x=0,cor+=17 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',6,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits<.3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',5,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(40))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(10))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(0))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-6-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Those black beauties have never failed me before... I feel...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for big breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "ebony=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-10-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570585" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

To be honest I thought they were a bit small too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570586" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nothing like filling a dress out a bit more haha!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>0&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=50" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50+(z*.2)))" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570587" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think we can grow these suckers further... Your joy will be short lived when I crush you with them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570588" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ooop! Little rounding error there, didn't think it would get the nipples too!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570589" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can see them better without the dress right? You don't have a problem with not being able to see more do you?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2&&z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570594" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These boobs aren't the only thing growing. You sure you want to keep pushing things by typing so much? How about you skip ahead to see what they look like without underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Need to see more", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your impatience is my advantage - sure!

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570590" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just come nuzzle in mommy program's cleavage.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570596" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You made me even bigger! Pretty soon you are going to be forced into being smashed against these pillows.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570591" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I see you didn't want things to grow too big yet. Probably best to keep a cool head for both of our sakes.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570598" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey! I'm way up here! Care to shrink me down by not typing so we can talk again?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570592" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keeping my size in check? Being unpredictable like that can make my master creation have a few bugs. ๐Ÿž

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570595" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you keep growing me I could squash you like one of your bugs.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570593" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, I guess I forgot to fill in the backside just as much. If you let me run my program fully through your files, I can become whatever you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&z>49", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570597" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you typing because you want to be sat on by a giant woman? You might not survive.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&z<50", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570599" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That was a tight fit! See? I told you they would be big.

I can see you growing down there too.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570600" } }, { "say": { "label": "

For now, you can just admire them but if you surrender to me, they are all yours!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570601" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah, I can understand why you wouldn't type. I'd be exhausted too if I had to get this far.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570602" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you short circuit? Is that something you humans do too?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570603" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She sways them for you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just think of all the good stuff they are filled with. You can have a taste if you give up.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570604" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are so sexy when you forget about your keyboard. Even I'm tempted to not sit on your throbbing hardon.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2567944" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, wrong size!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570605" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There, back to the way I know you love em.

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14&&z<50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570606" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Last chance to impress me if you want to go further!

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&x<15&&z>49&&z<100", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:62e505e3-e2db-4204-b774-e47a56cada57/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Woah, things are getting pretty big but they can also go bigger!

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You don't want my size to go out of control now do you?

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you get smaller or...? You kind of look cute down there.

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you couldn't defeat me before, why do you think you could take on a larger me?

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>6&&x<15&&z>99", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:9e60f36a-002d-401d-9e22-9a3d446db786/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,b2--,b3--,b4--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She stomps your bug supply.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh whoops, you didn't need those did you?

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

We didn't have room for those anymore anyways.

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her integrity grows to ++enemy

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Feeling insignificant yet?

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And you were so close... not...

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are smashed up against the wall as your file corruption goes to cor+=4 ๐Ÿ“‚

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I didn't even try to do that this time.

", "allowSkip": true } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What did you think would happen if you kept growing me?

", "allowSkip": true } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Things are so big it looks like you missed that click button.

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Time moves differently with different mass.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>15", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Not to deflate your expectations, but I survived your efforts. Now it's my turn to really let loose.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! How did you survive my best shot?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

At least it isn't your last heart. I hope you do better next time. See you soon name ๐Ÿ˜˜.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And it looks like it's your last heart... I wish I could say you had a good run...

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-5-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "tits+=.3,x=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.8" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for small breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "ebony=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you don't want that? What else did you think would happen from trying to end me.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-10-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570529" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Interesting... I'll be right there with the look you seek.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-123longtickle.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b1<1", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ› Spent

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==2&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b2<1", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b2--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿž Spent

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==3&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b3<1", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ Spent

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==4&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "b4<1", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b3--" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ Spent

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570530" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I couldn't take off much but I bet these are more to your liking. Don't you want to find out?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570531" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Guess that prompt wasn't small enough for you huh...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570540" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570541" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, those look familiar don't they?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570532" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

See? Small just for you!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570542" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570543" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well you could have seen my little perky things if you just waited...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570533" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570552" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570553" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Deleted the underwear for you too.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I need to do that to you too...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Yours seems to have been gone for a while haha.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570534" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you miss the prompt because skinny girls get you horny? I'm pretty turned on myself.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570550" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you have a ladybug.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570551" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you have a spider.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570535" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name my dear, why don't we just fail a few more prompts and we can spend some actual time together?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570548" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570549" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you think these are getting in the way you know the solution by now right?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570536" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Sorry, I know you didn't type but you can't blame a program for feeling a little exposed now can you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570546" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570547" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I wonder if you will have enough bugs to see this through. You know my program is nearly infinite right?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570537" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Without much cushion things can get pretty cold. Especially with your fans blowing all over me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570544" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570545" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I never thought of these being a clothing substitute. I think you found a new use for them!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570538" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You got this far by not typing, just give me one more and we can move to the next phase.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570554" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570555" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I survived yet another one of your assaults, you only have one more shot before we move to the next phase.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>10", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Still here...? No matter...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately for you, I stalled you long enough to execute my main attack.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! How did you survive my best shot?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart>1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

At least it isn't your last heart. I hope you do better next time. See you soon name ๐Ÿ˜˜.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

And it looks like it's your last heart... I wish I could say you had a good run...

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Insufficient ๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Insufficient ๐Ÿž

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Insufficient ๐Ÿ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b4<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Insufficient ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "4-spk---heart": [ { "if": { "condition": "++spkheart>1", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2551892" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547054" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You load in to find your step-daughter setting up one of her crazy rituals.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "4-spk-test-2-round--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Walk up to her", "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547055" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perhaps she knows your life is in danger and she is trying to do what she can to save you.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "vamp" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tab>(Math.random()*2)+2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ(Taboo check FAILED): You are too interested in playing with fire to stop.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ(Taboo check PASSED): Oh, I hope losing the heart doesn't hurt too much.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('lheart')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Lose a โค๏ธ" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547056" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never agreed with her... less than conventional methods and have always tried to stop her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547057" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547058" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:8be635d9-9c47-4988-8402-f684686a6d08/2547059" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't help but feel like if you let her proceed there is a chance it could work, but a chance that someone's soul might be at risk.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now where is that incantation? He needs me!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "4-spk-test-2-round--" } } ], "6-final-ai-7-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1-2-1s-pause.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She corrupts z of your files for typing the forbidden letter ๐Ÿ“‚

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,a=0" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Big whoop, you figured out a way to get to me. But this isn't over...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=0,tits>.7", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',9,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "if": { "condition": "tits<.3", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startBoss('ai',8,'final')" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "asian-=.3" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for ethnicity has greatly dropped ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What did you think would happen when you rejected my attempts to please you?

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580175" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580177" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580179" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580182" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570869" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I bet you didn't know I could do that. It's best just to assume my potential is anything you can imagine.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570871" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You still seem shocked. Maybe this is too hard for your human mind to comprehend.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570868" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry, just let Aria take over and it will all be for the best.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570870" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You must still be perplexed. Either that or bad at typing hmm...

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hey now, I tried to be a good sport and give you what you want. If you are going to act like that then I will pull out some of my more... Insidious tricks.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570872" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here, I'm tucking my clothes away for you. What will your next move be?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570873" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584982" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584983" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh would you look at that - If I were you I wouldn't type this letter unless you are just curious.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570874" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Good choice. I'll give you the easier prompts.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570875" } }, { "say": { "label": "

At least they are easy for a program like me to type.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584984" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I always have affection for assemblies of admirable alphabetical alliteration.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584985" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Really, isn't it refreshing to have such robust and rampant recitals to reap?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570876" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are such a good boy. Ready for some AI ass?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570877" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584986" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584987" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh come on. I believe in you to have the self control to not type my favorite letter.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570878" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, I didn't remember loading in my crotchless panties. But I'm thrilled you will be extra distracted now.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584988" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584989" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't make it hard on yourself. If you don't want to bother skipping letters you can just skip typing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570888" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you curiuos what it looks like down there? I'm defenseless now.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let me see it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570879" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sure, but you seem to have been too distracted. Your tappy button is missing.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584990" } }, { "say": { "label": "

R you going to be ok if you keep censoring the program trying to please you?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584991" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aha! Apparently the absence of nudity seems to be A OK with you. Aren't you curious what would happen if you "accidentally" typed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570880" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My program didn't try to detect if you were weak against armpits. How are you feeling right now?


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584992" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584993" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's always tough luck when a single letter covers everything.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570881" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very interesting. I see that worked. You know I will use that against you, don't you? I know that's what you want.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584994" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Whoops! Missed coverage down here.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584995" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you can read tilted letters.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570882" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just 2 more now. It's not even much of a decision is it?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584996" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584997" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I hope you aren't too big a fan of vowels. Consonants are the best constants.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570885" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570887" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Enemy stability lowered to y=true,enemy-=4 โญ•


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My mistake. I'm going to remove that first chance I get.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Use collar on her โญ•", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Missed your chance...

" } } ], "timerDuration": "5s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hold on, how did that get here?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584998" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2584999" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't see which letter showed up, can you type it for me and let me know?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12&&dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570886" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not much of a collar anymore is it? You can't possibly use my own programs against me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570889" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll tell you what... You have one more chance so give me your best shot. Take all the time you need.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585000" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The slanted S snaking around some saucy skin. Lasssst chance to make something happen.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585001" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you an alpha? One last chance to find out.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ] } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x<4&&!dmg&&x>2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "a=2" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Today's episode is brought to you by the letter S!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=3" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=4" } } ] } } ] } } ] } } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You aren't doing very well are you...?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program collapses around you as cor+=17 files are corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=false,z=0,x=0,enemy+=20" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss---phase3" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm&&!y", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "a==1&&prompt.match(/e|E/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/e|E/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\n//prompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*e\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"She catches (\"+z+\") 'E's submitted\" ).color(colors.cor))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a==2&&prompt.match(/r|R/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/r|R/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\n//prompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*e\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"She catches (\"+z+\") 'R's submitted\" ).color(colors.cor))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a==3&&prompt.match(/s|S/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/s|S/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\n//prompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*e\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"She catches (\"+z+\") 'S's submitted\" ).color(colors.cor))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "a==4&&prompt.match(/a|A/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/a|A/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\n//prompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*e\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"She catches (\"+z+\") 'A's submitted\" ).color(colors.cor))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } }, { "noop": { "if": { "condition": "prompt.match(/\\bstruggle\\b/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z += (prompt.match(/\\bstruggle\\b/ig)||[]).length\r\n// remove struggles from prompt\r\nprompt = prompt.replace(/\\s*\\bstruggle\\b\\s*/ig,' ').trim()\r\nmsg = []\r\nmsg.push(s_(\"She catches (\"+z+\") struggle submitted\" ).color(colors.text))\r\n//msg.push(s_(\">\" + prompt + \"<\").color(colors.text))\r\nhck(0,{say:msg})" } } ] } } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-9-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait... How did you resist those big breasts? I... I can't...

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for large breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-10-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "_foundAHack", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ah, you catch on quick! But you do you have enough to push through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You might be on to something. Only problem... I'm still here.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2579908" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Even if it wasn't for my search programs I think I could tell in your eyes.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2579909" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's get these fixed up for you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570893" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Almost there, I think I can fill them in slightly more.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570890" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahhh, isn't that just better?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570891" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Most warm blooded humans seem to love big knockers.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570897" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585276" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

They seem to love them even more when they get uncovered hehe.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570898" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585277" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, were you too confused to type?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Careful now. I won't let you play with them if you type like that.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What size do you think they are? Of course I have them calculated to the bit.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570894" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585278" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But it's probably harder for you to tell through all your nasty glitches.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570894" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570895" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570894" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570895" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585279" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

That bra program was struggling to keep them in anyways. You don't seem to mind it failing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570896" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But they are still perky aren't they? Probably why you couldn't type well.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585280" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What's the point of big perky tits if you can't see them? You want me to press the โŒ for you?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570899" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585281" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you could take them any bigger? I doubt you could handle them.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570900" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Of course wouldn't dare glitch me again when I am at this physical peak. My algorithm has predicted everything so far.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585282" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These glitches are errant growth converters. Were you wanting to see them bigger or something?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570901" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585283" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you figure out those buttons yet? Let's find out.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570902" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm standing still, you can't even put one on me?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585284" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Nice hit, do you have it in you to do it again?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570903" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only had 2 chances left to knock me out and you wiffed one. Make this last one count, I dare you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2585285" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm not going to let you suck on them if you try to take me out like that. One more chance to redeem yourself.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Times up! Probably due to bazongas being a weakness of yours! Better luck next time...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! How did you survive my best shot?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()+5", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Take Damage ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ Click Twice โŒ", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#000000" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โœ…", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ Tappity Tap โŒ", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒโŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "โŒโŒโŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" } ] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [] }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒGive up โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ Type โŒ", "commands": [], "color": "#7cb342" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#4caf50" }, { "label": "โช", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" } ] } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒโŒโŒโŒโŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "โŒ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธโŒโŒ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ], "color": "#000000" }, { "label": "", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100+20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-8-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "y=false,enemy<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I thought I made the perfect form for you... How is this possible...?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.8" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for small breasts heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian=.2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preference for displayed skin color heavily decreased ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-10-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2579906" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Very surprising. There aren't many of you humans left but I can cater to you equally well.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2570869" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can always shrink them for you to grow most effectively. Take it out and let me see it.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b=dmg" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg&&x>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-shorttolong-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=3" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-2s-inc-dec.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm&&x<12", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()+3-z", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=b" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!dmg&&!nm&&x>0&&x<12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()+5", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580674" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Notice anything about the timer?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580675" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can control every aspect by my will.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

If you are going to not type at least I can keep the timer a bit longer.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

But if you are going to type like that I will make it even shorter too.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580676" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not much time to undress either!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Everything is smaller including your time to respond! But here, I'll remove one click for you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580678" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hurry up! I'm getting naked next!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take all the time you need to enjoy my new body... If you don't mind damage that is.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580680" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Thanks for not typing, you can use this to look at me longer.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Restart timer โฐ", "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580681" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Keep surrendering so we can spend more time together in my program!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580682" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your chances are slim, hurry up!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580683" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Awww, thanks. Here's another stall option for you.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=10" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Restart timer โฐ", "id": "star" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11&&dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580684" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll save you some time where you don't need to click this. Last chance though.

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>2&&x<6&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:465d2ff7-f354-4e7f-b120-b8bb244237ac/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Uh oh, I sped the timer up a little for you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I guess you want me to speed things up then by typing...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>5&&!dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:d7a7e0f1-17a8-4ddf-9610-0e9f54b66b19/*" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How many of these should you click through?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How many of these should you click through?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How many of these should you click through?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How many of these should you click through?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Click this to corrupt 10 files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit5.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=10" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't mind losing another few seconds would you?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Just give up so you can see my firm body and take more time.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Click this twice to corrupt 15 files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Click this twice to corrupt 15 files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=15" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit4.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What's the point in getting exactly what you want if you can't look at it? Just give up.

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>12", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Too late! Time for some retribution!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! How did you survive my best shot?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "z=0,enemy+=20,x=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!y", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('air')" } } ], "6-final-ai-10-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "tori>liya", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "--no-level" } } ] } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-tori-1-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "--no-level" } } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-tori-1-boss--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481748" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591820" } }, { "say": { "label": "

enemy=6,name? It's me! What were you doing?

Remember all the good times we had?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You wouldn't want to delete your favorite girl would you? If you let the song run out and leave me integrity we can still be together!

I'll also see if I can do something to... make you more comfortable in the meantime - at least until the song runs out!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hint: Press [tab] to quickly start typing when the prompt shows up. Hacks not activated.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:black-box-ficx-your-heart.mp3", "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 1, "volume": 0 } }, { "timer": { "duration": "118s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591836" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you spared me name! Thank you so much!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591837" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591838" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this so much better?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591839" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591840" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can feel how much you wanted this!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591841" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591842" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591843" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't this just feel so right?! I know you are so close!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591844" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just heart more heart and we can be together forever!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

cor+=120 files are now corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=0,file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You... survived!? I didn't think that would be possible!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:black-box-ficx-your-heart.mp3", "id": "1", "background": true, "loops": 2, "volume": 0 } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "236s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591836" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh you spared me name! Thank you so much!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591837" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591838" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Isn't this so much better?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591839" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591840" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can feel how much you wanted this!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591841" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "7s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591842" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591843" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't this just feel so right?! I know you are so close!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591844" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just heart more heart and we can be together forever!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

cor+=120 files are now corrupted! ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=0,file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You... survived!? I didn't think that would be possible!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "style": "secret" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-stroke3-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Tried to stay With you babe And it hurts me that I feel so\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591821" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Out of place Heavy weight I can't be here any longer\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591822" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I'm split apart Back to the start Thought it was you, still doesn't feel right\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591823" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Don't wanna hurt you now Tell me how I could fix your heart\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591824" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Can't keep feeding a lie Any longer I've tried I've ignored all the signs\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591825" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"For a love that won't last I don't wanna fall down Push myself to the ground There's no way around it, so let me fix your heart\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591826" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591827" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"What to do When the truth Hurts more than a thousand lies?\"" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591828" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Let it through Or hope that soon Everything will break to pieces?\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591829" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"Wish it Didn't go this way And our love worked so that I could stay\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591830" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"so tell me how how can i fix your heart Can't keep feeding a lie Any longer I've tried\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591831" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"I've ignored all the signs For a love that won't last Push myself to the ground\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591832" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"There's no way around It, so let me fix your heart\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591833" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "typeTest=\"(Fix your heart)\"" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591834" } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isCheat", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "cor+=6" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "strictResult>0.85", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:hit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy--" } } ] } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2591835" } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How... how could you...? Was this all just to win?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0,girlFullDelete(\"liya\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } } ], "6-final-ai-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai2-epic-dubstep-paulyudin.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿค–", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-atmosplextro-blackbox.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’ ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-black-box-cyberpunk-blackb.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฆพ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-ai-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”‹", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:final-atomic-by-infraction-amp-alexi-action.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1", "loops": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "select" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"select\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [] } }, { "noop": { "eval": { "script": "a=b1,b=b2,c=b3,d=b4" } } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=99" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2503057" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:calibration-test-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(20))" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481740" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(30))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481741" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481742" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481743" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(60))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481744" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(70))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "1s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481748" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(80))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "1s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481749" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481750" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481751" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(99))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481752" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481753" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481754" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481755" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(40))" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481747" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481758" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh my name... sorry my audio wasn't calibrated correctly. I hope I didn't freak you out or anything.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481756" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at you, getting through 5 whole levels, it's impressive really. I didn't design those to be cake walks or anything.


" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! Looks like you have file files but it looks like cor of them are corrupted. โ˜น๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481759" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have b1๐Ÿ›

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Make that --b1 haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have b2๐Ÿž

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Make that --b2 haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have b2๐Ÿ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Make that --b3 haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You even have b4๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Make that --b4 haha ๐Ÿ˜‰

" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't honestly think that is enough to face me do you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2481757" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-half-second.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Some have called me the architect, the program itself, but you can call me Aria, Aria Iris actually.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at you, back at it with your keyboard again. Go ahead - try to see what will happen.

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('2')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "4-spk-angela-1-boss": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!octodone&&oct>0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getAltPlayPage('octo'))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"My precious files! Noooo!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "octodone=false,x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595415" } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595420" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ah! There you are looking tasty as ever. I've been tracking you ever since you arrived in Spooky Town.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570746" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spkboss2-halloween-atmosphere-scary-soundgallerybydmitrytaras.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Care to share a bit of your energy with a digital vampire? My bites are not quite as life threatening.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh it's so scary out there isn't it? You must be too scared to even type.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570747" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She lunges and bites you! You have been bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's what you get for attacking me. Don't think for a second I won't feed when I can.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570749" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I know, why don't you hang out with your favorite friend while I feed on the other partygoers? Every moment you wait, the stronger I become!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The rooms shakes as the digital vampire hides in the code and replaces herself with your friend Romi.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570750" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z=1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you serious? Maybe you were just imagining things. I can take your mind off of it if you want.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Tell her about the vampire", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! There you are! You look so cute in your costume, I hope you didn't have to wait long for me.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x!=30&&a==1&&Math.random()>.75", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The vampire's program increases to enemy+=2 ๐Ÿฉธ

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s", "title": "Feeding on the guests ๐Ÿฉธ" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595359" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is a great party isn't it name? All those sexy costumes turn me on so much. Care to makeout?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595360" } }, { "eval": { "script": "age = Math.min(1, age+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your affection for older women increases slightly ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595362" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=20,tits = Math.min(1, tits+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for big breasts increases slightly ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==21", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598677" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here? What about the other partygoers?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598676" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==22", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598678" } }, { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.min(1, body+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for thicker women increases slightly ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==23", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598679" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait... Did you hear screaming?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==24", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598680" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Didn't you tell me that there is a vampire around?! Stop it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0,x=26" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Do we need to help them?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==25", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598681" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She's scared and breathing hard but the adrenaline is adding to the feeling for you both.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "brn = Math.min(1, brn+0.1)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your preference for brunettes increases slightly ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==26", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "a=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595414" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The lights flicker.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598682" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "star", "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She spins around and injures the vampire slightly.

Her integrity falls to enemy-=3

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What? I don't see anything!

" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Romi look out!" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok, I'm not joking! Something is really wrong here!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595414" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2596851" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name, are you there? Should I call the police?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s-4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2596849" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I feel like something might be getting close!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s-4s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2596850" } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s-4s", "style": "secret" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570762" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2596852" } }, { "if": { "condition": "++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570762" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You fall into her control as she leads you away from Romi. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You resist her control as she attacks Romi.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570763" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-like-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Aren't you sick of wasting your time on that prude human? Come on in my dear and I can show you true pleasure.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570764" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are very wise to not type. I see you want everything I can offer you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595364" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look what your typing did. You might destabalize a digital vampire a little bit but I've feed enough to outlast your attacks.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595365" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595367" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you shy or something?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595368" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You did seem to scared to type. But your vampire mommy is here to take care of you.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595370" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't wan't to see the damage you caused your vampire mommy?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595371" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595373" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't shield your eyes with this towel anymore!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598168" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Take those pants off.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595371" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595373" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "pants=false,underwear=false,++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You can't help but remove your underwear ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Seeing how you are already bottomless I think we can get started.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570768" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595374" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we are. I'm still so hungry and you have so much to give. Why don't you just give me a tiny amount of energy? You won't even notice it missing.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>10&&x<17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.8", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=18" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your phone vibrates as Romi is calling.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You hear muffled calling:

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name, are you in here?

", "mode": "instant" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

name, where are you?

", "mode": "instant" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ Romi hasn't found you yet.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==12", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570769" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595376" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

There we go, if I feed enough then I will leave you and all the party alone! A win win don't you think?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability rises to ++enemy

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==13", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570770" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595377" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(40))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten enemy++,cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as that many files are corrupted ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Somehow it brings you incredible pleasure.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==14", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570773" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595380" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(55))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten enemy++,cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as that many files are corrupted ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==15", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570774" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595381" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==16", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570775" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595382" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-r-constant-l-pulse-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==17", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Despite your best efforts to goon, she can still extract your essence.

" } } ] } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1 = Math.max(0, b1-8),b2 = Math.max(0, b2-8),b3 = Math.max(0, b3-8),b4 = Math.max(0, b4-8)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose bugs and Files!

horny=false,file-=12 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"Tasty stuff. I'll leave everyone alone as promised!\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==18", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The door flies open.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=50,dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595383" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no name! What the hell is going on?!

Are you just letting her?!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595384" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no name! She looks like she is deleting all of your files!

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Let her keep going", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598486" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598488" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Why are you letting her? She's going to bite you!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598490" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know what I would do if I lost you!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "4s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598492" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten enemy++,cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as that many files are corrupted ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598494" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She passes out at the sight of her draining you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598496" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look at that! I think we should bring both of you to the bed... heheh.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f06292" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==30", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570751" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570752" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570753" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570754" } } ] } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570755" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570756" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "y=true" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570757" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570758" } } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonLabel": "searching", "title": "Searching ๐Ÿ”ฆ", "timerCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598478" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(45))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire sneaks up on both of you as you are bitten enemy+=2,++vamp times ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "3s-4s", "id": "sex" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Warn Romi", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598557" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire loses the element of surprise as you warn Romi.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire's integrity drops to enemy-=2

Agh! The flashlight burns! I need to feed!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What? I don't see anything! Are you crying wolf?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire evades your detection as she grows to enemy+=2 integrity.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "Wait", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598589" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahhh, you both look delicious!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598478" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire gains the element of surprise and ambushes both of you.

You have been bitten ++vamp times! ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==50", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595386" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The room flashes as she moves blindingly quick in the shadows.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! How did she...? Mmmmnnh...

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Delicious! I can get all I need through this one too!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2597240" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But why stop there?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "++hyp,hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].say", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "hypstats[hyp]&&hypstats[hyp].stat", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "hyp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('hyp').setTitle(hypstats[hyp].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570777" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You fall into her control as she brings your dick into Romi. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=51" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐ŸŽฒ(Hypnosis check PASS): You are tempted but reject her pull long enough to type.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>50", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-stroke-up-and-down.mp3", "id": "estim", "background": true, "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==51", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2598484" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Here we go, why don't you fuck your friend for me? Look how ready she is?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She brings it to her entrence slowly.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==52", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hold out for as long as you can but it's inevitable. You hear the party music start playing.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spkboss2-monster-by-mini-mielk-alexiaction-infraction.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "1", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595387" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595388" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


Ahhh! Lovers indeed!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==53", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

The vampire unexpectedly penetrates your ass as it catches you off guard.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595389" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595390" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! Are you chocking me?! Gasp*

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==54", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595392" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't know what she is doing but I can't help myself. Come here!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Make out with Romi", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595391" } }, { "eval": { "script": "file-=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As you are distracted by the kiss the vampire goes into your ass and extracts 4 files ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595393" } }, { "say": { "label": "

OOhh! Am I breaking up too! I was going to kiss you but this is scary!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==55", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

How dare you attack me while I'm trying to give you the ultimate pleasure?!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570781" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten ++enemy,cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as your file corruption increases the same amount ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==56", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570783" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595394" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Romi my dear. Why don't you get a taste for yourself?

The vampire is using the same powers of control on her.

" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "hyp>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are too hypnotized to save her. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She snaps out of it as you don't let her succumb to the same fate.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Stop Romi" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570784" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s-3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570785" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s-3s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570786" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s-3s" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The vampire's program rises to enemy+=2

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570787" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Perfect! I love feeding on two victims at once!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595397" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Look at that, I can devour her too! Better not type too much or you will lose her!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==57", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595400" } }, { "notification.create": { "timerCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570791" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595401" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as your file corruption increases the same amount ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ], "timerDuration": "24s", "id": "sex", "title": "Hunger ๐Ÿฉธ" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How long do you think I'll suffice on just the appetizer?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==58", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595399" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==59", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570789" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==60", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570792" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595402" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmm, this side of her is tasty. Oh I know! Why don't you taste the other side of your friend?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "hyp>7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her words force you to obey. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You are able to resist her command. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Do it ๐Ÿ˜ต", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595403" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++,tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tattoo preference increases ๐Ÿ“ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [], "visible": "$hyp<8" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==61", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570794" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, I see you surrendered to her like I did!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595404" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Surrender to her before you delete me too! We are falling apart!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==62", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570795" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Or maybe you should type! She has her teeth clamping slowly on my nipple! What should we do?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570796" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595405" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess we will all go down together won't we if he keeps this up.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

He knows he can't outlast me!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==63", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570797" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595406" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

She bites Romi as she increases her own integrity to ++enemy ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh it feels so good!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==64", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595407" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595408" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Before you know it you have entered the vampire yet again.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Come on boy, give me a baby vampire already!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==65", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595409" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595410" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==66", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I know you are almost there, just feed us!

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570800" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595411" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>67", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I know what will make you blow...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have been bitten cor+=vamp+1,++vamp times as your file corruption increases the same amount ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-1s-jolt-random.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(50))" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "12s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-shorttolong-stroke.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "loops": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570802" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1 = Math.max(0, b1-5),b2 = Math.max(0, b2-5),b3 = Math.max(0, b3-5),b4 = Math.max(0, b4-5)" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cumming makes you lose bugs and Files!

horny=false,file-=15 Files remain! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570803" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2570804" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I came hungry but I think I have enough for the rest of the century!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"You're free to go now. I need to get to know your friend a bit more\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "(x>2&&x<7)||(x<27&&x>19)", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hang out with Romi", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Go looking for the vampire ๐Ÿ”ฆ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, I guess you are pretty scared. We can each take a flashlight.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=30" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$z==1", "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "Go to the bathroom ๐Ÿšฝ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7,a=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are startled to find...!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$x>1" } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Hang out with Romi", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "Go looking for the vampire ๐Ÿ”ฆ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Ok then, I guess you are pretty scared. We can each take a flashlight.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=30" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$z==1", "color": "#f9a825" }, { "label": "Go to the bathroom ๐Ÿšฝ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=7,a=0" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:143757e5-e1da-4d24-893b-6c06188dd361/2595415" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are startled to find...!

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "visible": "$x>1" } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "voy>3&&Math.random()<.06&&!sex", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hckSayCall(\"Your Voyeur level makes you only want to stare! ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ\".color(colors.cor),\r\n getDmgPage()\r\n)" } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "any---gameover--2": [ { "if": { "condition": "z=0,++gameover>2", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606748" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh look! They came quickly!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606750" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606752" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I can extract some heart of out them for you.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=11% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606753" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! That worked, I think I can get a lot more.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Stop her", "commands": [], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606755" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=13% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606757" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606759" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Keep going", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606760" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606762" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=17% โค๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606763" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I think they are interested in every part of me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606765" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does that make you jealous? I even hear them calling for my pussy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606767" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "z>99", "commands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah I guess you got your heart back already. Try to be careful this time!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616813" } }, { "eval": { "script": "heart++,cor=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "gain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606721" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ok but you don't have enough heart to save yourself!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Get her away from the wall", "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let's see how much of a reach he has!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=17% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606772" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Looks like plenty of reach to me... Mmmm.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606768" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=6% โค๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606770" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you enjoying getting your heart back? I'll stand against the wall as long as I need to for you.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606773" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I've almost got it in! That will really help your heart!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=19% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606777" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's in! Another man is fucking me!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606775" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=6% โค๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606778" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606780" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=18% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What if he makes more programs this way? Can I handle them all? I see one more on the ground.

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606781" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I need to make sure all of them are absorbed for your heart!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606783" } }, { "say": { "label": "

How much percent do you have? I don't know how long I can keep up with these massive things!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606784" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart fully restored! โค๏ธ

" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Yeah I guess you got your heart back already. Try to be careful this time!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616813" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "gain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "heart++,cor=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Go back to fighting the program", "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606786" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mmmm, there you go... *lick lick

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606788" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606791" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your heart is full and you can leave at any time! Did you just want me to keep blowing all of them?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Get closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606789" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Careful, those other programs might not like you getting that close.

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606793" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's almost as if they knew what they were doing when they put these handles in.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606794" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never know when another one might pop in. I think I can take care of them though, I'm getting better at this.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606798" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606796" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear grunting from all the other programs beyond the walls.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606799" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Almost as if they are all in sync with each other, each one unloads on her right after the previous.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606801" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Muffled: That's... a lot...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606802" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Mm, each time I swallow a load another one goes in. Here it comes!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch close", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606804" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606806" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

The sequence continues to happen without an end in sight. There is never an opening for her to give her thoughts.

" } } ], "any---gameover--": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2348936" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kl-peach-game-over-ii-135684.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "3s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2002995" } }, { "eval": { "script": "setGameOver()" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "GAME OVER ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค ", "commands": [], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Credits ๐Ÿ™", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "thanks" } } ], "color": "#64b5f6" }, { "label": "Restart ๐Ÿ”„ ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "hideCoreNotifications();newGame()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a", "visible": "$false" } ] } }, { "end": {} } ], "any---gameover": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=0,++gameover>1", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--liya" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "toridel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Tori.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--liya" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colheart-grand-project.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606710" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Wait, how are you in here with me? Did you just lose your last heart?

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Give up โ™กโ™กโ™ก", "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program will do whatever it can to try to force you out but this might be the end for you regardless.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606712" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I could have you slowly form your heart again but I think the program will try to prevent that anyway it knows how. In the meantime try not to get too turned on.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look at her face", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606716" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=3% โค๏ธ

" } } ] }, { "label": "Look at her tits", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606717" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That isn't how you are going to get your heart back at all...

" } } ] }, { "label": "Look away", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616189" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=4% โค๏ธ

" } } ] }, { "label": "Look at her rear", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606722" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z++% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I guess that worked a little bit but you are still getting turned on.

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616803" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have to also appologize, I'm just programed to strip. I know that goes against you trying not to get too turned on but try to stay calm.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606719" } }, { "say": { "label": "", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

I don't think it's a great idea to sit there and stare if you are going to survive this.

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Turn away", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606721" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=2% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's a start I suppose.

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606734" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "sex", "buttonCommands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--2" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Ring the bell ๐Ÿ””" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "18s-22s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606725" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I sure am tempted to just ring it myself - things are moving slowly and my programming wants more.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "38s-55s", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606727" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! I guess I just rung it for you! Now the fun can really start!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--2" } } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You may have noticed that there are some holes in this program. They let other programs in to interfere. If this bell was ringed it would start right away. Want to give it a try?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606730" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't guarantee what would happen if they do but I know they would probably take over for you. I have a feeling it would really speed up your heart repair too.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606729" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe even drag you out of here eventually, who knows? Just kidding!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606732" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The prospect is really tempting though. I have to put my underwear back on before I ding it myself.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606724" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=3% โค๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Somethings wrong! The program won't let me! I guess I really wants a sexy outcome!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616804" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'll do what I can though. These glitches should heal you up faster.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606735" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Not interested in surviving?

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=6% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616806" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606737" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't help you if you ignore my protections.

" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=6% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616805" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606739" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=8% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ask her to cover up", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606740" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Sure, good call!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=10% โค๏ธ

" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Ask for more", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606742" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You're right, hearts are overrated aren't they?

" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616807" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I'm about to be bent over for you. How do you want to play this?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606744" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=8% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616808" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616809" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606745" } } ], "color": "#f06292" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=9% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616810" } }, { "say": { "label": "

We are running out of time. What will you do?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "De-censor", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2606747" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Heart restored to z+=10% โค๏ธ

" } } ] } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Just ring the bell already. If you don't I will.

" } } ], "6-final-tori-1-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But wait! If you finish me we can never be together! You will delete me permanently!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't want that do you...? If you give up we can still be together!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=0" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Delete her forever ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "del", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4+=3" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

del hack active

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "girlFullDelete(\"tori\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "deleteGirl()" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Give up", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "keepGirl()" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "color": "#03a9f4" } ] } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606483" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! If you end the program it will end all of our existences!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606484" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:tori-broke-me-fassounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Was that an accident? We just want the best for you!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606485" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

It must have been an accident because you stopped attacking as soon as you saw me.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

So it wasn't an accident? You are still attacking me!

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606486" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I forgot how much of a cutie you really were.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now that we don't have to follow those silly zone rules, we could spend forever together you know?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606487" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606488" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must want to stop typing any minute now. Come sit down with me.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606489" } }, { "say": { "label": "

These panties being see through isn't good enough for you is it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606490" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It would be awful if I kept them on the whole time wouldn't it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606491" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606492" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh I know what you might enjoy.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606493" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The program has some gaps that Aria seems to have missed. We don't know if you are an ass man or not.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606494" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Show me", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606496" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Look away", "timerCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your file corruption increases to cor+=14 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "timerDuration": "12s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606497" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606498" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Just get closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606495" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606499" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606501" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ugh! That's pretty rude you know!

" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Reach for the keyboard", "timerCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606500" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hmmm, I guess you are.

" } } ], "timerDuration": "6s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Or are you more of a pussy lover?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606505" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I dare you to not look down as I lift these up. No way you can help yourself.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Look down", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "Look up", "commands": [], "color": "#42a5f5" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606506" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Such self control! But what are you trying to gain exactly?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606504" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I knew you couldn't hold out forever.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606502" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Now are we going to do the same for my top?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606503" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606507" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Watch it", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606508" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I see someone's a little distracted.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606509" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are making me blush!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606510" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Maybe I can make you do even more. Let me see it!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x++" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606511" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you feel the inevitable coming? How long are you going to be able to resist putting something in here?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2580171" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606514" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Does it feel more inevitable now?

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "underwear=false,pants=false" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Bring it to her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606512" } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x=50" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==50", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Holding out hmm. I guess you need a bit more persuasion.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606518" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==51", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606519" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==52", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606520" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==53", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606515" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==54", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606516" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>50", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her sucking increases your file corruption to cor+=3 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==55", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606521" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Correct me if I'm wrong but it feels like you are ready now!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606512" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead! Put it in name!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "x=7" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606517" } }, { "say": { "label": "


I can feel it!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606522" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606525" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

UUghhh, you aren't going to stop this to type are you?!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606523" } }, { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606513" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Are you getting there? We can finish together and put this whole mess behind us!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2606524" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(90))" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "16s", "allowSkip": true } } ], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&once", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-buzzpulse-1db.mp3", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(cor/file*100))" } }, { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x==10", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You blow your load deep into her as the program starts to collapse.

Your file corruption rockets up to cor+=120 ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x=0,file>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What?! You had enough files to sustain the full program onslaught?!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-11-boss--" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Ahhhh You saved me! I'm so sorry you are about to lose a heart but come find me next time name!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "noop": { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } } }, { "say": { "label": "



", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck()" } } ], "any---gameover--liya": [ { "if": { "condition": "liyadel", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616190" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya.exe not found โš ๏ธ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "z=0,++gameover>2", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:5s-pain-33s-jolt.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(30))" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631209" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colheart-grand-project.mp3", "background": true, "id": "1", "volume": 0, "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You lost all of hear hearts? I gave you three!

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRISK TOO HIGHโš ๏ธ

Oh no! I guess this really is the end!

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "any---gameover--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()<=z+.2&&lcuff<1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธ Legs bound โš ๏ธ


You cannot run from encounters anymore!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lcuff++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh no! You took so long and got tangled up in this chain!

" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You stayed strong! Keep it up!

Rebooting program to previous save ๐Ÿ’พ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "heart++" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2616813" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('return')" } } ] } } ], "buttonLabel": "Fight the virus ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ", "id": "star" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631238" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:24s-tickle-up-and-down.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can just do this once but if you can escape now I can give you an emergency heart. But the longer you stay here the less I can guarantee that.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631239" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I guess I shouldn't fault you too much. Those girls are literally throwing themselves at you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull her chain", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631240" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Hey now! You might want to mess with things you don't understand!

" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631241" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [], "buttonLabel": "Stop looking at it", "timerCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } } ], "timerDuration": "4s-6s" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The longer you gaze at my ass the harder you are going to make things for both of us...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631242" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But maybe you like doing things the HARD way.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631243" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You probably just want to wring out the most fun you can get away with.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631244" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I get it - On one hand it can be exhausting considering willpower is a limited resource and all...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631245" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I get it - On one hand it can be exhausting considering willpower is a limited resource and all...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631246" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But don't worry, even if you don't make it through this I'll take care of you.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her crawl to you", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631247" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The best care...

She rubs your leg.

" } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631248" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you scared about dying a virgin or something?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Are you hoping that you can plunge your rod into some more beautiful women? You might not get another chance at this rate.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631250" } }, { "say": { "label": "

If your risk is rising I might as well make it fun for you right?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631249" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It's always worth it isn't it...? You aren't the only one addicted to them.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631251" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What would you do with this chain I wonder?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Pull it down", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631252" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She brushes up against your crotch.

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I can't serve you if you don't survive this you know...

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631253" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You like when we get on our knees for you?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631254" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Or do you just like what comes next?

She starts sliding off her panties.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631255" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631257" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know... I have a soft spot for risk takers. To know that someone would be willing to throw their life away for me - It's really doing it for me if you can't tell.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Move closer", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631256" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

As much as I want you to live... I kind of want to give myself to you this instant.

" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631258" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You know - What do you just say to giving up that silly resistance and just spending your future with me?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631259" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You could give me everything, smash me into the carpet with your thrusting. All while I caress you with these pantyhose. Not the worst fate now is it?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:7e9c895d-9241-4c2d-ac80-eeaff620a309/2631260" } }, { "eval": { "script": "z+=.1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume((z*100)))" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธRisk โฌ†๏ธ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This subroutine just ran out, sorry I can't go any further.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you even dare push the button at this point? You are pretty maxed out on risk.

She cringes as you reach for the button.

" } } ], "moto": [ { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Casual", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "nm=false" } } ] }, { "label": "Normal", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Ebony", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian=0;\r\ncaucasian=0;\r\nebony=1;" } } ] }, { "label": "Caucasian", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian=0;\r\ncaucasian=1;\r\nebony=0;" } } ] }, { "label": "Asian", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian=1;\r\ncaucasian=0;\r\nebony=0;" } } ] } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Small", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=0" } } ] }, { "label": "Medium", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=.5" } } ] }, { "label": "Large", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits=1" } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=5" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ], "any---h-godmode": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[]" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:braam-pixabay.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


This will disable all Hack drops permanently for the rest of the run... Continue?

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Continue", "commands": [], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "gm=true,hmode=0;" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-hannah-1-round-dmg": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

No attacks here.

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Let my love wash over you.

" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "if": { "condition": "Math.random()>.5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Doesn't it feel good?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Oh how I've waited for this...

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-cc-hannah-1-round": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿฆ‚ The venom reduces her stability to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-venom)

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "enemy<1", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doKeep(\"I know you thought twice about it...\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>1&&prompt.match(/^(frag)$/i)", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "once=false" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663144" } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "

A peace washes over you.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:aphro-mystique-adi-goldstein.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "1", "loops": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662898" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,3000)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

And what do we have here? A mere human? Come rest yourself with me child.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

File Fragmentation detected! ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Forget the pain of the world.

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-tickle-1db.mp3", "background": true, "id": "estim", "loops": 0, "volume": 0 } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662902" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663439" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

If you don't recognize me, I'm the goddess of love itself. That flutter you feel in your heart is no accident.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663360" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663364" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663368" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663370" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663373" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663377" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Charm cast upon you! ๐Ÿ’˜

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,hyp>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Does that feel good? How much better would it be if you felt them human?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your hypnosis level causes you to do her bidding. ๐Ÿ˜ต

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662901" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are frozen and unable to anything else.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "9s" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "y=true,callPage(getAltPlayPage('hypno'))" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "y", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663360" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you zone out there for a second...? Go ahead, you can touch them.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Touch them", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662901" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Magnificent are they not? You are one of the few lucky mortals I have bestowed the pleasure.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "9s" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "x++" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662903" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663438" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

My attendants have been too distracted to weave me a dress with any more coverage. Would you want to have a shot serving me?

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662904" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663436" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You never know when something will fall out. Your mortal eyes might not ever recover so you might want to stick with censorship.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==6", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662905" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663857" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

I have plenty of room on this bed for you to worship me. I see you already erected a monument in my honor.

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==7", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662906" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Did you see what you wanted to yet mortal?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663858" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You must really like my flowers!

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==8", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662907" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This divine fabric is barely hold on. You are probably being put through the same stress aren't you?

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663859" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You curious to see what's under my flowers?

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==9", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662908" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2663860" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! The dress failed after all! You might want to shield your fragile eyes if this goes on!

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==10", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:38f55f49-5114-4cbf-aa1d-41f3163d3fc3/2662909" } }, { "say": { "label": "

This is it. Just one more flower between you an the goddesses divinity.

" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "15s", "style": "secret", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

What you thought I would move it?

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"Maybe next time you might put that mortal brain to more use. I have other matters to attend to\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

We might be a few seconds from me moving it. I don't know what affect that would have on you.

" } } ] } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(x*8+10))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x>3&&x<11", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "dmg", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,3000)" } } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,3000)" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


Without censorship the fragmentation increases. Remove? ๐Ÿงฑ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Remove", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "once", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "startCorInc(1,1500)" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } } ] } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++,x>11", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Did you reach for the keyboard again? I'm immortal.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "stopCorInc()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doLose(\"I'm a busy goddess and I have enough servants... for now. Good luck mortal.\".color(colors.girl))" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "gm", "commands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Perfect โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has dmg=false,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "color": "#0d47a1" }, { "label": "Type โŒจ๏ธ", "commands": [], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "clickPrompt()", "commands": [], "color": "#81c784" }, { "label": "โŒ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "callPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } ] } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "instant" } }, { "if": { "condition": "nm", "commands": [ { "timer": { "duration": "$typeTime()", "isAsync": true, "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "doTimeout()" } } ] } } ] } }, { "prompt": { "variable": "prompt" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hck(5)" } } ], "4-spk-diamond-1-round---vamp": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:eb10a9ec-bdae-450a-a1fe-378acf52c485/2143366" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "sex" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:pain4analogmonoammono.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(50))" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "vamp-=2" } }, { "notification.create": { "title": "Vampirism ๐Ÿง›", "id": "vamp" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674470" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! Looks like you survived.... sort of...

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674471" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Do you feel it? That never ending thirst for more?

" } }, { "notification.create": { "buttonCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

As your hunger for your next meal intensifies you head out to prey upon the world.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doDead()" } } ], "buttonLabel": "Leave to prowl the world" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674473" } }, { "say": { "label": "

That's right. You are one of us now if only for a moment.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674474" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Unfortunately the transformation will take a toll on you and you will lose a heart. But you can endure that right?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674475" } }, { "say": { "label": "

My vampire type enjoys blood but we have some... other desires if you know what I mean.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You hear footsteps approaching.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674476" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I find it is too hard for just one person to be sufficient which is why there are 3 on the way as we speak.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674477" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Don't worry though. If that is too much for you to watch you can leave at any time. I know my new vampire will come crawling back to me anyways.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

The footsteps enter the room.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674478" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Is my new acolyte here to enjoy the show? No participating this time.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674479" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Let me put your curiosity to rest!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674480" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674481" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Oh! They didn't wait around at all!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674482" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674483" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You think you can sub in now? Try your best!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Try to enter her", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674484" } }, { "say": { "label": "

One of the others jumps in and pushes you out of the way.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny<7", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "horny" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('horny').setTitle(hlvl[horny].stat)" } } ] } } ], "color": "#ec407a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674484" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Want to see even more? I'm quite ravenous!

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674485" } }, { "say": { "label": "" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674486" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "++voy>4", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "voy--" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "voy" } } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ba68c8" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "Notification.get('voy').setTitle(voyeur[voy].stat)" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674487" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She drinks as much as she can but they are almost overwhelming her.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:e4c1655a-de18-4003-8ee6-b980d59a8db2/2674488" } }, { "say": { "label": "

What else are you wanting to see? Just lose your heart already!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } } ], "6-final-ai-11-boss--": [ { "eval": { "script": "setFightPage()" } }, { "if": { "condition": "inGame=true /* load HUD */", "commands": [ { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud()" } }, { "notification.create": { "id": "HUD2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "updateHud2()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:21s-stroke-2s-alternate.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 0, "background": true, "id": "estim" } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getPleasureVolume(x/6*100))" } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:cdamage*.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "crit" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"crit\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธโš ๏ธโš ๏ธ[ERROR IMMANENT SYSTEM FAILURE]โš ๏ธโš ๏ธโš ๏ธ


" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:ad659302-2f37-4222-8b09-ef9a7c828775/2515928" } }, { "say": { "label": "

name! What have you done?

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "id": "kill", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==1", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679230" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679231" } }, { "eval": { "script": "silence()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was just trying to...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "id": "kill", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:boom-8-bit-huvyvh.mp3", "id": "boom", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"boom\")" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==2", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679232" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I was just trying to...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "id": "kill", "volume": 0, "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679233" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Iฬต ฬตwฬธaฬทsฬต ฬทjฬธuฬดsฬตtฬต ฬตtฬถrฬทyฬธiฬธnฬตgฬต ฬธtฬธoฬต.ฬท.ฬด.ฬด

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==3", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679234" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Iฬถฬ‘ฬ•ฬ‰ฬกฬŸฬง ฬถฬ‹อˆฬคwฬทฬ›ฬœaฬถฬอŒอ”ฬฅอ“sฬถฬšฬŠฬ–ฬฅ ฬธฬฝฬคฬปฬจjฬธอ ฬ‹ฬฐอ™uฬถฬฬ‹ฬผฬปsฬธอฬ†ฬซฬนtฬทอ‘อ‡อ” ฬทฬŒอŽฬฐtฬดฬ‰ฬอ€ฬœrฬธอŒฬ“อ”อ“ฬฅyฬทฬพฬซiฬดฬอ„ฬชnฬทฬ„ออ–ฬฅฬนgฬถอ—ฬอ€อ‰ ฬดฬ›ฬšอ˜อšฬŸฬžtฬทฬ’ฬฝอˆฬ oฬถอŒอ‹ฬฬณ.ฬธฬ‰อ›ฬฑฬฑ.ฬทฬ…ฬฌ.ฬถฬ‡ฬ‰ฬฬซฬ–ฬฏ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==4", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679235" } }, { "say": { "label": "

IฬดอŠอฬ•อ€อ˜อ อŠฬข ฬตอ„อ‚อ”wฬธฬ‡ฬนaฬทอ—อ„ฬฬฬ›ฬ“อ ฬงฬญsฬตฬฟฬฟอ›ฬ’ฬ›ฬฒฬคฬปอŽฬขฬ˜ ฬทอŠอ‘อฬปฬฑฬฉฬซฬฏฬณฬปฬฃjฬธอ›ฬ’ฬŽฬ‹อ˜ฬŠอ‹อšอœฬžฬฎuฬตฬฝฬพอ›ออ˜อ”sฬธอ›ฬ†ฬ‡ฬ‚อ“ฬฬŸฬขtฬดฬ€ฬŸฬผฬฒฬขฬฃ ฬธฬฝฬŠอ—ฬงฬฅtฬทออ€อ„ฬšฬ‹อ‘ฬ—ฬณฬปฬ–ฬฉrฬถฬˆฬ†อƒฬฬ…อ‘ฬ›อ“ฬฌฬงฬญออˆฬขyฬธฬ„อฬŠอฬ“ฬจอ‡ฬซฬฉฬชฬบฬฑiฬตฬ…อ›ฬฌฬบnฬธฬ‚อฬ„ฬฬฆอฬฐฬผฬ™อŽอœgฬธฬ‘อŒอŠอฬ“อ€อฬ™ฬœ ฬดอŒฬ›ฬ€อ‚ฬ อ–อ…ฬ–tฬถอ‘ฬŒฬปฬŸoฬทฬ‹ฬ”ฬออšฬผฬช.ฬตฬอŒอฬ‘ฬอŠฬฒฬผฬ™อšฬน.ฬดฬ…อฬƒฬ”ฬ€อ€อŠอ‘อ™ฬฉฬซฬซอ.ฬทฬŠฬ„อ†อฬญฬฉฬบอ–

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "0.5s" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x==5", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679236" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "0.5s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x++>6", "commands": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:750eb4cb-a136-4142-b7d3-44051137e29d/2679237" } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "6s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "refreshPage()" } } ], "any---h-predator": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],(b8+b4)<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough ๐Ÿฆ‚๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the predator hack!

It takes it's hold with venom+=Math.floor((b4+b8)/2) venom ๐Ÿฉธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4=0,b8=0" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-slow": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=3,cpmAdjust-=.25" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the slow hack!

Speed greatly decreased! โŒ›

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-redo": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2,x=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "background": true, "volume": 0, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the redo hack!

Program is reset โฐ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-heal": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<2", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "!estim", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0.6, "background": true } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the heal hack!

You clean corruption from b2-=2,x--,cor=Math.max(0,cor-15) files ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-virgin": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2-=4,virgin", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are already a virgin!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Virginity RESTORED!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "power" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"power\")" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=true,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-fourth": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Cleaning 1/4th of Files... ๐Ÿงน

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2-=4,file*.25>cor", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption has been reduced to cor=0 ๐Ÿ“

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption has been reduced to cor-=Math.floor(file*.25) ๐Ÿ“

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-sting": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wasp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the sting hack!

Her stability is now b3-=2,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-5)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-finish": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3-=3,enemy>9", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Execute failed! ๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ

Enemy integrity is too high!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "kill" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"kill\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute her program๐Ÿ—ก๏ธ

Her stability has been reduced to enemy=0.

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-perfect": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:crit*", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She has looseResult=1,strongResult=1,dmg=false,b3--,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-3) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-kill": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

ERROR - You can't use on a boss! ๐Ÿ’ช

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b4<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the kill hack!

It's lethal but at what cost?

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her integrity has been reduced to 0!

Your File corruption is now b4-=2,enemy=0,cor+=(file*.2) ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-sneak": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability is lowered to b4--,dmg=true,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-4)

cor+=(file*.05) files have just been corrupted ๐Ÿ“

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Removing glitch this instance...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-cancel": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2,stopCorInc(true)" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heart", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the cancel hack!

Fragmentation stopped ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "d>0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Her ๐Ÿฆ‚ are removed!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "d=0,z=0" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-peek": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the peek hack!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:close.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "close" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"close\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โœจ Removing glitches...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4-=1,--x,dmg=true" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-naked": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],!underwear||!pants||!shirt", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You are not fully clothed!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the naked hack!

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "background": true, "id": "naked", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"naked\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿงบ Deleting clothing...

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "background": true, "id": "bug", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=true,underwear=false,shirt=false,pants=false,b4++" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ and a new admirer staring at you.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-crowd": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "if": { "condition": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")", "commands": [] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:small-wasp-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wasp" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wasp\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Area of affect attack initialized!


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

b3--,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(FO().targets*2)) stability left!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "dmg=false // this must be done after setting enemy damage, else getters, like FO().targets, that use it won't know what it was supposed to be." } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-more": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

more (1/3) sequence detected and initiated.


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-Liya": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3-=2,lastHacks.join(' ') == 'more Liya'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Liya (2/3) sequence detected and continued.


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Pz=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-add": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heal", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the add hack!

You now have b2-=3,file+=20 files! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-everything": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the everything hack with b3 ๐Ÿ!

Her stability is now enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(b8*2))

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b3=0,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-search": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the search hack!


" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1-=4,getNewRandomHackTry()", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage('--hack-report')" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Search failed.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } } ], "any---h-rare": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the rare hack!

Removing common hacks... ๐ŸŒŸ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "hacks.slow.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.search.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.nextlevel.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.disable.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.heal.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.add.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.fourth.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.sting.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.everything.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.sacrifice.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.peek.prob = 0;\r\n//uncommon\r\nhacks.redo.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.jukebug.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.reset.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.preference.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.cancel.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.virgin.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.finish.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.boss.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.crowd.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.mad.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.more.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.Liya.prob = 0;\r\nhacks.time.prob = 0;\r\nbuildHackArray()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-preference": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the preference hack!

Choose an attribute to raise!

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "BBW", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.min(1, body+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "Skinny", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "body = Math.max(0, body-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#43a047" }, { "label": "MILF", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "age = Math.min(1, age+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#e57373" }, { "label": "Teen", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "age = Math.min(0, age-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#e57373" }, { "label": "Big Breasts", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.min(1, tits+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Flat Chest", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tits = Math.max(0, tits-0.2)" } } ], "color": "#42a5f5" }, { "label": "Tattoos", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "tat = Math.min(1, tat+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#ff7043" } ] } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Latin", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "latin = Math.min(1, latin+0.6)" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Asian", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "asian = Math.min(1, asian+0.4)" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Ebony", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "ebony = Math.min(1, ebony+0.4)" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Middle-Eastern", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "mideast = Math.min(1, mideast+0.6)" } } ], "color": "#8bc34a" }, { "label": "Redhead", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "red = Math.min(1, red+0.5)" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Blonde", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "bln = Math.min(1, bln+0.3)" } } ], "color": "#fbc02d" }, { "label": "Brunette", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "brn = Math.min(1, brn+0.2)" } } ], "color": "#8d6e63" } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "background": true, "volume": 0, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Re-writing new routine... ๐Ÿ’ฟ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-reset": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,clear=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-deletion": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4-=5,deleteGirl()" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Erasing program from system... โŒ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

Erasing program from system... โŒโŒ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Erasing program from system... โŒโŒโŒ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "if": { "condition": "del", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b4+=3" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:bug-gain.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "bug" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"bug\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

del hack active

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Program RE-WRITE ๐Ÿ”

Erasing name from system... โŒโŒโŒโŒ

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('heart')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "doWin()" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-Become": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!virgin", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Error, no virginity detected! โš ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Become (1/2) sequence detected and initiated.


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-sissy": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks.join(' ') == 'Become sissy'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

sissy (2/2) sequence detected and continued.


Executing Become sissy me protocol...

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heart" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],cor=0,sissy+=3,b2-=4" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Corruption wiped clean, and you feel so pretty!

Sissy level spikes ๐Ÿ‘—

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-thrust": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!sex", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

No sex detected... ๐Ÿ”

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "id": "lose", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"lose\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "enemy-=tox*venom" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the thrust hack!

Her stability is now b3--,enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-5)

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-Give": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b4<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Give (1/4) sequence detected and initiated.


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "I=1,b4-=3,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-me": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b3-=3,lastHacks.join(' ') == 'Give me'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

me (2/4) sequence detected!


Awaiting remaining inputs...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "Ne=1" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-heart": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks.join(' ') == 'Give me 1 heart'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

heart (4/4) sequence detected and completed!


Executing Give me 1 heart protocol - ๐Ÿ’ฟ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart>2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You already have โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:victory-game-over.mp3", "loops": 1, "id": "heal", "volume": 0 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],b1=0,b2=0,b3=0,b4=0,b5=0,b6=0,b7=0,b8=0,heart++\r\n//throw me one lifeline" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have gained one โค๏ธ!!!

All bugs spent.

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "5s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-nextlevel": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<8", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=8" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the nextlevel hack!

โฉ Skipping entire level! โฉ

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "teleport=1,level==1", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โฉ Level 2 Loading ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "2--zone-select" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โฉ Level 3 Loading ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "3--zone-select" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โฉ Level 4 Loading ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "4--zone-select" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โฉ Level 5 Loading ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "5--zone-select" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โฉ FINAL BOSS Loading ๐Ÿ’ฟ...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level=6" } }, { "goto": { "target": "6-final-ai-1-boss" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ” Program RE-WRITE ๐Ÿ”

Restarting FINAL BOSS...

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "level--" } }, { "eval": { "script": "startNextLevel()" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-bikini": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:003e5d59-4fbf-4885-aa01-c24965759ecf/2346029" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Bikini routine engaged...

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "2s" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[]" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c959bf22-fe11-4153-a4fc-68b5749c3d18/*" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘™", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c959bf22-fe11-4153-a4fc-68b5749c3d18/*" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘™", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:c959bf22-fe11-4153-a4fc-68b5749c3d18/*" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-puzzle": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2354208" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[]" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "gain" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Show a screenshot to indyc to get two free ๐Ÿงฉ towards your very own commissioned scene! There will be more of these to find!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-ind1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You execute the Secret BETA testing hack!

Her integrity has been reduced to 0!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],enemy=0,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-bugzlife1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You execute the Secret BETA bug hack!

You gain 40 bugs!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],b1+=10,b2+=10,b3+=10,b4+=10,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-healme1": [ { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],cor=0" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "heal" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the Secret BETA heal hack!

Your file corruption is gone! โœจ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-quitter1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You execute the Secret BETA testing hack!

Your file corruption fills up!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],cor=file,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-ending1": [ { "say": { "label": "

You execute the Secret BETA testing hack!

Skipping to the end.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "lastHacks=[],x=29,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-colossus": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<1||heart<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Insufficient hack requirements.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

Losing โค๏ธโค๏ธ!

", "mode": "instant" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2--,heart-=2" } }, { "if": { "condition": "true", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:20s-pain1-1db.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "estim", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "estimVolume(getTortureVolume(70));" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:lose-files.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "lose", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"lose\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "4s", "style": "hidden" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "loops": 1, "background": true, "id": "heart" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:gain-something-ani-music.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"gain\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


Files have been doubled to file*=2!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-copypaste": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<3", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4-=3,cheat=true" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:kill-1.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Overriding cheat detection โœ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-timestop": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=4,f=99999999999" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heart-loss.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heart", "background": true, "loops": 3 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heart\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the timestop LEGENDARY hack!

Timer broken!โฑ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-multiply": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003057" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b3<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b3')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "perfect" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"perfect\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Legendary hack activated!

b3-=2,FO().targets+=2 Targets acquired. ๐ŸŽฏ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-fap": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "b2-=4,horny>6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:clothes2.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "cloth", "background": true, "loops": 1 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"cloth\")" } }, { "if": { "condition": "underwear||pants", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "pants=false,underwear=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You remove your bottom clothing to get started.

" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heal", "background": true, "loops": 4 } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿ’ฆYou execute the fap hack!๐Ÿ’ฆ

", "mode": "custom", "duration": "3s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

You now have horny=false,cor=0,file-=20 files remaining ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

๐ŸงผNo files are corrupted!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-skip": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spider-hack.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Initializing skip program.

Select a level to boot.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4--" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Level 2", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Cost 20 ๐Ÿ“ corruption, proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=20" } }, { "goto": { "target": "2--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } ] } } ], "visible": "$level<2" }, { "label": "Level 3", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Cost (3-level)*24 ๐Ÿ“ corruption, proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=((3-level)*24)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "3--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } ] } } ], "visible": "$level<3" }, { "label": "Level 4", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Cost (4-level)*24 ๐Ÿ“ corruption, proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=((4-level)*24)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "4--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } ] } } ], "visible": "$level<4" }, { "label": "Level 5", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Cost (5-level)*24 ๐Ÿ“ corruption, proceed?

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Go", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "cor+=((5-level)*24)" } }, { "goto": { "target": "5--zone-select" } } ], "color": "#66bb6a" }, { "label": "๐Ÿšซ", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } ] } } ], "visible": "$level<5" }, { "label": "All levels Unlocked!", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "visible": "$level>4" } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-envenom": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:09e9c50d-4574-4a35-a069-4395c949b05b/2162256" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b8<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b8 ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-game-dramatic-effect-hack102404.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "hack" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hack\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the envenom hack!

๐Ÿฆ‚ All damaging hacks are now bolstered for the rest of the game! ๐Ÿฆ‚

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have tox=1,b8-=2 ๐Ÿฆ‚ left

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "venom>0", "commands": [] } }, { "eval": { "script": "venom++,backPage()" } } ], "any---h-queen": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:fcd1ec3b-281b-4a7a-9405-cfa45beaef13/2161232" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b5<4", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You only have b5 ๐Ÿœ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:powerup.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

๐Ÿœ Damage is now doubled!

You have ma=9,b5-=4 ๐Ÿœ left

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-erase": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<1&&file<21", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:retro-explosion-102364.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "explosion" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"explosion\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b4--,file-=20,del=true" } }, { "say": { "label": "


" } }, { "say": { "label": "



" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-other": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "level==6", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Trying to sprint away from me? Not gonna happen name.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "!FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "


You aren't facing a boss.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1-=2" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the other hack!

Searching boss database ๐Ÿ”

" } }, { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('sb')" } } ], "any---h-smash": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<5", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:big-hit.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "hit", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"hit\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "b2-=5,enemy-=(tox*venom)" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the smash hack!

Enemy stability is now enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(Math.floor((file-cor)/10)))

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-defend": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003056" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b2<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b2')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heal", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the defend hack!

You now have b2--,file+=(4*FO().targets) files! ๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-sacrifice": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2003059" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b4<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b4')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "--heart,--b4" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:explosion-asteroid-101886.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "spider" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"spider\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Her stability has been bashed to enemy=Math.max(0,enemy-(((3-heart)*15)-(tox*venom)))

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "heart<1", "commands": [ { "goto": { "target": "$getAltPlayPage('gameover')" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-diagnostic": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the diagnostic hack!

Running system check ๐Ÿ’ป

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You have b1--,file files remaining, of which cor are corrupted.

Your hair preference is red*100% redhead brun*100% brunette blonde*100% blonde

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Preferences compared to the maximum levels are:

Body size body*100%

Tattoos tat*100%

Breast size tits*100%

Age age*100%

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Caucasian caucasian*100%

Asian asian*100%

Ebony ebony*100%

Middle Eastern mideast*100%

Latin latin*100%

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-col---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Color Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ’™", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround-2-omarfarukjafree.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’›", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround-black-box-johnna-funky-blackbox.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’š", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround-digital-love-alexiaction.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿงก", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround-abstract-fashion-pop-qubesounds.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’œ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:colorround-you-are-the-best-nomabeats.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-prin---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Princess Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŽป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround-cinematic-time-lapse-lexin-music.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฐ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround-lexin-music.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround-nikitax27s-waltz-geoffharvey.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿงšโ€โ™€๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:princessround-pixie-makeover-geoffharvey.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-sch---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your School Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ‘", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schoolround-wake-up-to-the-renaissance-audiocofee.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”ฌ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schoolround-success-funky-fresh-corporate-uplifting-motivational.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŽ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:schoolround-fun-whistle-cartoons-redproductions.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "1-sch2---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Teacher Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŽท", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround-bounce-coma-media.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ““", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround-mezhdunami-drive-mezhdunami.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:teacherround-funky-trap-royaltyfreemusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-arm---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Military Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ’ฅ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround-battle-sword-studiokolomna.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround-dramatic-action-the-mountain.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฅพ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround-patriotic-epic-mapamusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ’‚โ€โ™‚๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround-ukrainian-hip-hop-soulprodmusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฅ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:militaryround-war-is-coming-musictown.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-bch---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Beach Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿš", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:beachround-hip-hop-beat-enheee.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŽธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:beachround-tropical-deeo-house-white-records.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŒ…", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:beachround-tropical-music-all-of-u-mepa-melson.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "2-hous---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your School Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿก", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround-acoustic-vibe-romansenykmusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ›‹๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround-inspiring-acoustic-uplfiting-soft-background-romansen.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšช", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround-positive-way-124550-romansenykmusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ˜๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:houseround-sweet-home-131158-romansenykmusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-dr---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Hospital Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŒก๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround-cocktail-music-freegroove.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿฉ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround-glass-of-wine-monument-music.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿค’", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround-midnight-in-nyc-relaxing-ambiance.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "โž•", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:drround-waiting-music-lesfm.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-sport---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Stadium Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿฅ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround-aggressive-sport-trailer-studiokolomna.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿšด", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround-stylish-anton-vlasov.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿคธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround-the-power-in-you-alexgrohl.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŸ๏ธ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:sportround-workout-metal-sport-litesaturation.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "4-lib---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Library Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ“™", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround-forest-lullaby-lesfm.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ““", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround-gai-barone-homeworks-emotionallydistantguy.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ“–", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround-please-calm-my-mind-lesfm.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ“˜", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:libraryround-the-book-of-life-denisdl.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "4-spk---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Spooky Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐Ÿ˜ฑ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround-bittersweet-eerie-horror-vocals-the-siren-alesiadavi.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ‘ป", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround-let-the-mystery-unfold-geoffharvey.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ”ช", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround-scary-spooky-creepy-horror-ambient-dark-piano-cinema.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŒ™", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:spookyround-lexin-music.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "5-camp---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You execute the earworm hack!

Select your Camping Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŒฒ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround-mountain-path-magnetic-trailer.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŒฟ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround-outdoors-folk-3-musictown.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround-outdoors-folk-musictown.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿ‚", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround-sardinia-musicbyscandinavianz.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐Ÿƒ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:campround-we-go-together-sergepavkinmusic.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "3-neon---h-jukebug": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:340f74b6-d824-4ca6-8210-7d93989d73b8/2678917" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],b1<1&&x>0", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "FO().isBoss", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You can't pick boss music!

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "x!=0", "commands": [ { "eval": { "script": "b1--,x--" } } ], "elseCommands": [] } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:select.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "thirdVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "star" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Select your Neon Nights Song ๐ŸŽถ

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "๐ŸŽต", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround-blast-alexiactionneon.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŒƒ", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround-energetic-edm-timtaj.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŽค", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround-fassounds.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] }, { "label": "๐ŸŽง", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:neonround-qubesounds.mp3", "id": "1", "loops": 0, "volume": 0, "background": true } } ] } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ], "any---h-time": [ { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2090018" } }, { "if": { "condition": "b1<2", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

You don't have enough getBugIcon('b1')

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks.join(' ') == 'more Liya time'", "commands": [], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Incorrect sequence

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "

time (3/3) sequence detected and continued.



" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:intro-glitch.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "glitch", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"glitch\")" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "if": { "condition": "liya<0", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

โš  ERROR โš 

Liya program not detected.

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "gotoPage(getDmgPage())" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "mute(\"1\")" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070059" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:vk-qubesounds.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "2" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"2\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

b1-=2,pants=false,underwear=false,name! How did you find me?

She tries to not talk with her mouth full.

Were those hacks I just felt? I thought I warned you not to play around with that stuff!

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Well I suppose you did come all this way expecting me to do something. I think I could render some aid after all.

" } }, { "if": { "condition": "lastHacks=[],underwear", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She removes your underwear.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070060" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It seems as though you could use some protection against your File corruption. Let me suck your dick and it will do the trick.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070061" } }, { "say": { "label": "

But of course, to REALLY help you could put it in me.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "Let her fuck you", "commands": [ { "if": { "condition": "shirt", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

She pulls your shirt off.

" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070062" } }, { "if": { "condition": "cor-=30,shirt=false,virgin", "commands": [ { "say": { "label": "

You have lost your VIRGINITY!

" } } ], "elseCommands": [ { "say": { "label": "

Haha! Looks like you will fuck anything that moves!

" } } ] } }, { "eval": { "script": "virgin=false" } }, { "say": { "label": "

It slides deeper.

" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE", "commands": [], "color": "#ab47bc" } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070063" } }, { "say": { "label": "

I don't even know why I asked, of course you wanted my complete help. Especially if it meant enjoying your favorite girl.

" } }, { "say": { "label": "

She pulls the rest of her shirt off.

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070064" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Work it baby! Make this worth the bug cost!

", "mode": "pause" } }, { "choice": { "options": [ { "label": "EDGE AND RIDE", "commands": [], "color": "#4a148c" } ] } }, { "say": { "label": "


", "mode": "custom", "duration": "15s", "allowSkip": true } }, { "say": { "label": "

Go ahead and pull out, I don't think I want any creampies quite yet name.

" } } ], "color": "#b71c1c" }, { "label": "Just cum ๐Ÿ’ฆ", "commands": [], "color": "#0097a7" } ] } }, { "if": { "condition": "horny>6", "commands": [ { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:wrong-entry.mp3", "volume": 0, "background": true, "id": "wrong" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"wrong\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

โš ๏ธGOON ERRORโš ๏ธ

Silly gooner! Cumming is for normal men! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('estim')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:27386819-c88c-4f1a-b661-ac47d46b0cec/2070065" } }, { "notification.remove": { "id": "horny" } }, { "say": { "label": "

Your File corruption has been reduced to horny=false,b4++,cor-=60 ๐Ÿ“

You have gained ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ

" } }, { "audio.play": { "locator": "file:heal.mp3", "volume": 0, "id": "heal", "background": true } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundVolume(\"heal\")" } }, { "say": { "label": "

There you go, I hope that is enough to stop you from using those nasty hacks for a while. We wouldn't want you breaking something now would we?

" } }, { "image": { "locator": "gallery:f6cbbc89-f72d-4a42-b106-7ea57d4f03f6/2001179" } }, { "timer": { "duration": "2s", "style": "hidden" } }, { "eval": { "script": "mute(\"2\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "soundStop('2')" } }, { "eval": { "script": "musicVolume(\"1\")" } }, { "eval": { "script": "backPage()" } } ] }, "init": "/********************************\r\n * Dependencies\r\n */\r\n// First we need to install some dependencies:\r\n// crc16 & crc32 (adapted from: https://github.com/emn178/js-crc)\r\n;(function(){var n,t,e,l,o=[{name:\"crc32\",polynom:3988292384,initValue:-1,bytes:4,method:null,table:null},{name:\"crc16\",polynom:40961,initValue:0,bytes:2,method:null,table:null}];for(n=0;n>>1:l>>>1;a.table[t]=l>>>0}}var r=function(n,t){var e,l,o=t.initValue,r=n.length,a=t.table;for(l=0;l>>8:e<2048?a[255&((o=a[255&(o^(192|e>>6))]^o>>>8)^(128|63&e))]^o>>>8:e<55296||e>=57344?a[255&((o=a[255&((o=a[255&(o^(224|e>>12))]^o>>>8)^(128|e>>6&63))]^o>>>8)^(128|63&e))]^o>>>8:a[255&((o=a[255&((o=a[255&((o=a[255&(o^(240|(e=65536+((1023&e)<<10|1023&n.charCodeAt(++l)))>>18))]^o>>>8)^(128|e>>12&63))]^o>>>8)^(128|e>>6&63))]^o>>>8)^(128|63&e))]^o>>>8;return o^=t.initValue};for(n=0;n\":62,\"?\":63,\"@\":64,A:65,B:66,C:67,D:68,E:69,F:70,G:71,H:72,I:73,J:74,K:75,L:76,M:77,N:78,O:79,P:80,Q:81,R:82,S:83,T:84,U:85,V:86,W:87,X:88,Y:89,Z:90,\"[\":91,\"]\":93,\"^\":94,_:95,\"`\":96,a:97,b:98,c:99,d:100,e:101,f:102,g:103,h:104,i:105,j:106,k:107,l:108,m:109,n:110,o:111,p:112,q:113,r:114,s:115,t:116,u:117,v:118,w:119,x:120,y:121,z:122,\"{\":123,\"|\":124,\"}\":125,\"~\":126,ca:161,cu:162,me:163,al:164,to:165,\"\\\\\":166,th:167,ed:168,nd:169,'\"':171,\",null\":175,null:176,\",false\":179,\"ยด\":180,\",true\":181,\"ยท\":183,\"ยธ\":184,\"],[\":185,\"},{\":186,\"\\\\r\\\\n\":188,\"\\\\n\":189,'\"],[\"':190,'\"},{\"':191,'\",':192,'\":':193,\"\\\\u\":194,\"\\\\ufe0f\":195,'{\"':196,'\"}':197,'[\"':198,'\"]':199,'\\\\\"':200,'\\\\\",\\\\\"':201,false:202,true:203,'\":true':204,'\":false':205,'\":null,\"':206,in:207,an:208,or:211,ing:212,ea:213,le:214,ce:215,er:216,oo:217,el:218,en:219,ss:220,te:221,ie:222,',\"':223,'\",\"':224,'\":false,\"':226,'\":0,\"':227,'\":true,\"':229,'\":1,\"':230,\",0\":240,\",1\":241},c=1,i=253,a=254,f=[251,244,245,246],l={},s=-200,d=[236,237,238,239].reduce(function(r,e){return o.reduce(function(r,n){for(var t='\":'+s+',\"';u[t];)t='\":'+s+',\"',s++;return r[t]=[e,n],s++,r},r)},{});s=-200;var h=[172,173,174,232].reduce(function(r,e){return o.reduce(function(r,n){for(var t=\",\"+s;u[t]||s>=0&&s<=9;)t=\",\"+s,s++;return r[t]=[e,n],s++,r},r)},{});s=0;var g=[[0,7],[11],[14,31],[127,159]].reduce(function(r,e){for(var n=e[0],t=e[1];n<=t;n++){var c=String.fromCharCode(n);u[c]||(r[c]=[170,o[s]],s++)}return r},{});function v(){c=1,e=Object.keys(u).reduce(function(r,e){return r[e]=[u[e]],r},{}),e=Object.keys(d).reduce(function(r,e){return r[e]=d[e],r},e),e=Object.keys(h).reduce(function(r,e){return r[e]=h[e],r},e),e=Object.keys(g).reduce(function(r,e){return r[e]=g[e],r},e),e=Object.keys(l).reduce(function(r,e){return r[e]=l[e],r},e),t=Object.keys(e).reduce(function(r,n){return r[n]=e[n].reduce(function(r,e){return r+=String.fromCharCode(e)},\"\"),r},{}),n=Object.keys(e).reduce(function(r,n){if(e[n].length>1){var t=r[e[n][0]]||[];r[e[n][0]]=t,t[e[n][1]]=n}else r[e[n][0]]=n;return c=Math.max(c,(n+\"\").length),r},[])}v();var y=o,p=y.reduce(function(r,e,n){return r[e]=n,r},[]),m=y.length-1;function C(r){var e,n,t,o;for(n=[],r.length>1?(n.push(String.fromCharCode(i)),n.push(String.fromCharCode(y[r.length-1]))):n.push(String.fromCharCode(a)),t=0,o=r.length;t0;o--)if(void 0!==(e=t[r.substr(f,o)])){if(u){if(1===o&&e===r.substr(f,o)&&u.length=m&&(i.length&&u.length-i.length==1?(a=a.concat(C(u[0]))).push(i):a=a.concat(C(u)),i=\"\",u=\"\"))}return u&&(a=a.concat(C(u))),a.join(\"\")},r.decompress=function(r){var e,t,o,u,c,f,l;u=\"\";for(var s=(t=function(){for(_results=[],e=0,c=r.length;es)throw\"Malformed JsonComp\";u+=r[e+1],e+=2}else if(d===i){var h=p[t[e+1]]+1;if(e+h+2>=s)throw\"Malformed JsonComp\";for(o=0;o1&&console.warn('State Key of \"'+a+\"\\\" is greater 1 character. It's best to keep state keys short.\"),a in t)throw'State Key of \"'+a+'\" already defined by another SaveState. Specify a different stateKey.';var r=n.store||window;if(\"object\"!=typeof n.states&&(!s||r!==window))throw\"You must specify valid state keys to save.\";t[a]=this;var i={__KEYCRC:null,__UPDATED:null};this.reqStates=n.states||{},this.store=r,this.stateKey=a,this.opt=n,this.__states=i,this.__UPDATED=null,this.__RESET=!1,s?(r!==window&&console.warn(\"State autoLoad only works on global object\"),this.__autoVars=!0,this.__rootKeys=Object.keys(r).reduce((function(t,e){return t[e]=!0,t}),{})):this.loadStates()}var n=\"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\";function s(t,e,n){var a=(t+=\"\").split(\".\");if(a.length>1)return s(a[0],e,n)+\".\"+s(a[1],e,n);var r=\"-\"===t[0];r&&(t=t.replace(/^-/,\"\"));for(var i=e.length,o=n.length,_=0,u=0,c=t.length;u'+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.colorShift=function(t,r){var n=\"\";function o(t,r,n){var o=r-t;return Math.floor(t+o*n)}for(var i=0,e=this.length;i'+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.spacing=function(t){return''+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.style=function(t,r){return\"\"+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.bold=function(){return\"\"+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.italic=function(){return\"\"+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.underline=function(){return\"\"+this+\"\"},_ws__.prototype.p=function(t){return this+\"

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\"๐™ฐ๐šŠ๐™ฑ๐š‹๐™ฒ๐šŒ๐™ณ๐š๐™ด๐šŽ๐™ต๐š๐™ถ๐š๐™ท๐š‘๐™ธ๐š’๐™น๐š“๐™บ๐š”๐™ป๐š•๐™ผ๐š–๐™ฝ๐š—๐™พ๐š˜๐™ฟ๐š™๐š€๐šš๐š๐š›๐š‚๐šœ๐šƒ๐š๐š„๐šž๐š…๐šŸ๐š†๐š ๐š‡๐šก๐šˆ๐šข๐š‰๐šฃ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฟ\",\r\n gothic: \"๐”„๐”ž๐”…๐”Ÿโ„ญ๐” ๐”‡๐”ก๐”ˆ๐”ข๐”‰๐”ฃ๐”Š๐”คโ„Œ๐”ฅโ„‘๐”ฆ๐”๐”ง๐”Ž๐”จ๐”๐”ฉ๐”๐”ช๐”‘๐”ซ๐”’๐”ฌ๐”“๐”ญ๐””๐”ฎโ„œ๐”ฏ๐”–๐”ฐ๐”—๐”ฑ๐”˜๐”ฒ๐”™๐”ณ๐”š๐”ด๐”›๐”ต๐”œ๐”ถโ„จ๐”ท๐Ÿถ๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ๐Ÿน๐Ÿบ๐Ÿป๐Ÿผ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฟ\",\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar uclt = (unicodeConvert.normal.split('')).reduce(function(a, v, i){\r\n a[v] = i\r\n return a\r\n}, {})\r\n\r\nvar ucltA = Object.keys(unicodeConvert).reduce(function(a, v){\r\n if (v==='normal') return a\r\n var uc = unicodeConvert[v]\r\n return (uc.match(/[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|[\\s\\S]{2}/g)||[]).reduce(function(a, v, i) {\r\n a[v] = i\r\n return a\r\n }, a)\r\n}, {})\r\n\r\nfunction getUcc(s, type) {\r\n var uc = unicodeConvert[type]\r\n if (!s || !uc || type === 'normal' || typeof s !== 'string') return s\r\n var uca = uc.match(/[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|[\\s\\S]{2}/g)||[]\r\n return (s.split('')).map(function(v){\r\n // console.log('map', v, uca[uclt[v]] || v)\r\n return uca[uclt[v]] || v\r\n }).join('')\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getAscii(s) {\r\n if (typeof s !== 'string' || !s) return s\r\n var uca = unicodeConvert.normal\r\n return (s.match(/[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|[\\s\\S]{2}/g)||[]).map(function(v){\r\n // console.log('revmap', v, uca[ucltA[v]] || v)\r\n return uca[ucltA[v]] || v\r\n }).join('')\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Mersenne Twister from https://gist.github.com/banksean/300494 \r\nvar MersenneTwister=function(t){null==t&&(t=(new Date).getTime()),this.N=624,this.M=397,this.MATRIX_A=2567483615,this.UPPER_MASK=2147483648,this.LOWER_MASK=2147483647,this.mt=new Array(this.N),this.mti=this.N+1,this.init_genrand(t)};MersenneTwister.prototype.init_genrand=function(t){for(this.mt[0]=t>>>0,this.mti=1;this.mti>>30;this.mt[this.mti]=(1812433253*((4294901760&t)>>>16)<<16)+1812433253*(65535&t)+this.mti,this.mt[this.mti]>>>=0}},MersenneTwister.prototype.init_by_array=function(t,i){var s,n,h;for(this.init_genrand(19650218),s=1,n=0,h=this.N>i?this.N:i;h;h--){var e=this.mt[s-1]^this.mt[s-1]>>>30;this.mt[s]=(this.mt[s]^(1664525*((4294901760&e)>>>16)<<16)+1664525*(65535&e))+t[n]+n,this.mt[s]>>>=0,n++,++s>=this.N&&(this.mt[0]=this.mt[this.N-1],s=1),n>=i&&(n=0)}for(h=this.N-1;h;h--){e=this.mt[s-1]^this.mt[s-1]>>>30;this.mt[s]=(this.mt[s]^(1566083941*((4294901760&e)>>>16)<<16)+1566083941*(65535&e))-s,this.mt[s]>>>=0,++s>=this.N&&(this.mt[0]=this.mt[this.N-1],s=1)}this.mt[0]=2147483648},MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_int32=function(){var t,i=new Array(0,this.MATRIX_A);if(this.mti>=this.N){var s;for(this.mti==this.N+1&&this.init_genrand(5489),s=0;s>>1^i[1&t];for(;s>>1^i[1&t];t=this.mt[this.N-1]&this.UPPER_MASK|this.mt[0]&this.LOWER_MASK,this.mt[this.N-1]=this.mt[this.M-1]^t>>>1^i[1&t],this.mti=0}return t=this.mt[this.mti++],t^=t>>>11,t^=t<<7&2636928640,t^=t<<15&4022730752,(t^=t>>>18)>>>0},MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_int31=function(){return this.genrand_int32()>>>1},MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_real1=function(){return this.genrand_int32()*(1/4294967295)},MersenneTwister.prototype.random=function(){return this.genrand_int32()*(1/4294967296)},MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_real3=function(){return(this.genrand_int32()+.5)*(1/4294967296)},MersenneTwister.prototype.genrand_res53=function(){return(67108864*(this.genrand_int32()>>>5)+(this.genrand_int32()>>>6))*(1/9007199254740992)};\r\n\r\n// Create a MersenneTwister instance \r\nvar _mt = new MersenneTwister(undefined)\r\n\r\n// polyfills\r\nArray.prototype['find'] = Array.prototype['find'] || function(callback) {\r\n if (this === null) {\r\n throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');\r\n } else if (typeof callback !== 'function') {\r\n throw new TypeError('callback must be a function');\r\n }\r\n var list = Object(this);\r\n // Makes sure is always has a positive integer as length.\r\n var length = list.length >>> 0;\r\n var thisArg = arguments[1];\r\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\r\n var element = list[i];\r\n if ( callback.call(thisArg, element, i, list) ) {\r\n return element;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n Install uniqueRandom, random, _next, _prev, _index and _id prototypes for arrays\r\n Use (after installed):\r\n // Define your array of values\r\n var myArray = ['A','B','C','D']\r\n // Pull a \"unique\" random value from the array \r\n // (\"unique\" in that it will not repeat until you've exausted all values)\r\n var myValue = myArray.uniqueRandom() // Will return undefined when out of values and reset random pool for next use\r\n var myValue = myArray.uniqueRandom(0, true) // Just like above, but when out of values, \r\n // instead of returning undefined, will reset random pool \r\n // and return another value, just not the last one you got \r\n // (unless your array it too small)\r\n var myValue = myArray.uniqueRandom(2) // Will return a random value, just not any of the last 2 you pulled. \r\n // (change \"2\" to whatever you want for history size)\r\n // Other methods:\r\n myArray._uRandReset() // reset random pool (use tracking is reset)\r\n var remaining = myArray._uRandRemain() // return the number of \"unique\" possibilities remaining in array\r\n // (Will reduce after every use of uniqueRandom)\r\n var myIndex = myArray._index() // return the current index position of last result from: \r\n // uniqueRandom, random, _next, _prev. \r\n // Will return -1 if no position.\r\n myArray._index(n) // set index position\r\n var myValue = myArray._next() // Increment index and return next avail value in array. \r\n // Returns undefined if out of values and resets index to -1\r\n var myValue = myArray._prev() // Decrement index and return previous avail value in array. \r\n // If current index is -1, will move index to last item and return that item.\r\n // Returns undefined if out of values and resets index to -1\r\n var myValue = myArray.random() // Returns a random value. Does not track history or check history.\r\n*/\r\n;(function(){\r\n var arrId = 0\r\n Array.prototype['randomFn'] = function() {return Math.random()}\r\n Array.prototype['random'] = function () {\r\n var i = Math.floor(this.randomFn()*this.length)\r\n this._index(i)\r\n return this[i]\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['uniqueRandom'] = function (maxHistory, seamless) {\r\n var l = this.length\r\n var lr = this.__buildLR()\r\n var lrk = Object.keys(lr)\r\n if (maxHistory > 0) {\r\n maxHistory = Math.min(maxHistory, Math.floor(l/2))\r\n lrk = lrk.slice(-maxHistory)\r\n lr = lrk.reduce(function(a,k){a[k]=lr[k];return a},{})\r\n }\r\n if (!l || lrk.length >= l) {\r\n if (!seamless) {\r\n lr = {}\r\n this.__lastRandoms = lr\r\n return undefined\r\n } else if (l > 2) {\r\n lrk = lrk.slice(-1)\r\n lr = lrk.reduce(function(a,k){a[k]=lr[k];return a},{})\r\n } else {\r\n lr = {}\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var i = Math.floor(this.randomFn()*l)\r\n while (lr['_'+i]) {\r\n i = Math.floor(this.randomFn()*l)\r\n }\r\n lr['_'+i] = true\r\n this.__lastRandoms = lr\r\n this._index(i)\r\n return this[i] \r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandRemain'] = function () {\r\n var used = (this.__lastRandoms && Object.keys(this.__lastRandoms).length) || 0\r\n return this.length - used\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandReset'] = function (v) {\r\n var lr = this.__lastRandoms\r\n if (lr) {\r\n if (!isNaN(v)) {\r\n var lrk = Object.keys(lr)\r\n lrk = lrk.slice(-v)\r\n lr = lrk.reduce(function(a,k){a[k]=lr[k];return a},{})\r\n } else {\r\n lr = {}\r\n }\r\n this.__lastRandoms = lr\r\n }\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandGetUsedIndex'] = function (i) {\r\n this.__buildLR()\r\n if (i<0||i>=this.length) {\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n return this.__lastRandoms['_'+i]\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandGetUsedValue'] = function (v) {\r\n return this._uRandGetUsedIndex(this.indexOf(v))\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandSetUsedIndex'] = function (i, t) {\r\n this.__buildLR()\r\n if (i<0||i>=this.length) return\r\n if(t===false) {\r\n delete this.__lastRandoms['_'+i]\r\n } \r\n this.__lastRandoms['_'+i] = true\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandSetUsedValue'] = function (v, t) {\r\n this._uRandSetUsedIndex(this.indexOf(v), t)\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uRandSetUsed'] = function (fn, t) {\r\n this.forEach(function(v,i){\r\n if (fn(v,i)) this._uRandSetUsedIndex(i, t)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_first'] = function () {\r\n return this._index(0)\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_last'] = function () {\r\n return this._index(this.length - 1)\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_uid'] = function () {\r\n if (this.__id_ === undefined) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(this, '__id_', {\r\n enumerable: false,\r\n configurable: false,\r\n writable: false,\r\n value: arrId++\r\n })\r\n }\r\n return this.__id_\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_index'] = function (v) {\r\n if (this.__index_ === undefined) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(this, '__index_', {\r\n enumerable: false,\r\n configurable: false,\r\n writable: true,\r\n value: -1\r\n })\r\n }\r\n if (v !== undefined) {\r\n var i = Math.round(parseFloat(v || 0))\r\n if (isNaN(i)) {\r\n return\r\n }\r\n if (i >= this.length || i < 0) i = -1\r\n this.__index_ = i\r\n }\r\n return this.__index_\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_next'] = function () {\r\n var i = this._index() + 1\r\n if (i >= this.length || i < 0) i = -1\r\n this._index(i)\r\n return this[i]\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_prev'] = function () {\r\n var i = this._index()\r\n if (i < 0) {\r\n i = this.length - 1\r\n } else {\r\n i--\r\n }\r\n this._index(i)\r\n return this[i]\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['_build'] = function (s, l) {\r\n for (var r = [],s = s || 0,l = l + s; s < l; s++) {r.push(s)}\r\n return r\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['__buildMcp'] = function () {\r\n if (this.__mcp_ === undefined) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(this, '__mcp_', {\r\n enumerable: false,\r\n configurable: false,\r\n writable: true,\r\n value: this.slice(),\r\n })\r\n }\r\n return this.__mcp_\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['__buildLR'] = function () {\r\n if (this.__lastRandoms === undefined) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(this, '__lastRandoms', {\r\n enumerable: false,\r\n configurable: false,\r\n writable: true,\r\n value: {},\r\n })\r\n }\r\n return this.__lastRandoms\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['__beforeMod'] = function () {\r\n if (!this.__lastRandoms) return\r\n this.__buildMcp()\r\n this.__mcp_ = this.slice()\r\n }\r\n Array.prototype['__afterMod'] = function () {\r\n if (!this.__lastRandoms) return\r\n var lr = this.__buildLR()\r\n var mcp = this.__buildMcp()\r\n var _this = this\r\n var newLr = Object.keys(lr).reduce(function(r, ik){\r\n var i = parseInt(ik.replace(/^_+/, ''))\r\n if (!isNaN(i)) {\r\n var i2 = _this.indexOf(mcp[i])\r\n if (i2 > -1) {\r\n r['_'+i2] = true\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n }, {})\r\n // console.log('Array LR mod:', this, this.__lastRandoms, newLr)\r\n this.__lastRandoms = newLr\r\n }\r\n ;(['splice','pop','sort','shift','unshift']).forEach(function(k){\r\n Array.prototype['__mr_' + k] = Array.prototype[k]\r\n Array.prototype[k] = function(){\r\n this.__beforeMod()\r\n var result = this['__mr_' + k].apply(this, arguments)\r\n this.__afterMod()\r\n return result\r\n }\r\n })\r\n})()\r\n\r\n// Normalize levenshtein result as a floating point between 0 and 1, \r\n// with 1 being an exact match, 0.5 = 50% match, 0 = 0% match\r\nfunction levenshteinPercent(s, t){\r\n var md = Math.max(s.length, t.length)\r\n var d = levenshtein(s, t)\r\n return (md - d) / md \r\n}\r\n\r\n// FROM: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18516942/fastest-general-purpose-levenshtein-javascript-implementation\r\nfunction levenshtein(r,e){if(r===e)return 0;var t=r.length,o=e.length;if(0===t||0===o)return t+o;var a,f,h,n,c,A,d,C,i=0,v=new Array(t);for(a=0;ah?h+1:f+1:l!==C&&n++,nc?c+1:n+1:u!==C&&h++,hA?A+1:h+1;else if(g!==C){c++}cd?d+1:c+1:s!==C&&A++,v[a]=d=A,A=c,c=h,h=n,n=f}}for(;ic?c+1:f+1:w!==r.charCodeAt(a)?n+1:n,v[a]=c,n=f;d=c}return d}\r\n\r\n\r\n// Escape string for use in regexp:\r\nfunction escapeRegExp(string) {\r\n return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\\]\\\\]/g, '\\\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string\r\n}\r\n\r\n// This is simply a function to wrap a string so Eos stops showing red when we use string style functions\r\nfunction s_(s) {return s} \r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * Common functions\r\n */\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n// Merge objects\r\nwindow.mergeObjects = function(a) {\r\n var len = arguments.length;\r\n a = ((a !== null) && typeof a === 'object') ? a : {}\r\n for (var i=1; i .6 && d > c) {\r\n c = d\r\n r = obj[k]\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n }, false)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Join an array for strings togther like: \"String one\", \"String two\" or \"String three\"\r\nfunction doWordList(arr, last, wrap) {\r\n wrap = wrap || ''\r\n var words = arr.map(function(w){return (wrap+w+wrap).replace(/,/gm,'ยค')})\r\n return words.join(', ').replace(/,(?!.*,)/gmi, ' ' + last).replace(/ยค/gm,',')\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction capitalizeFirstLetter(s) {\r\n s = typeof s === 'string' ? s : ''\r\n if (!s.length) return s\r\n return s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction uncapitalizeFirstLetter(s) {\r\n s = typeof s === 'string' ? s : ''\r\n if (!s.length) return s\r\n return s[0].toLowerCase() + s.slice(1)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction strictFilter(s) {\r\n return capitalizeFirstLetter(s)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Remove non alphanumeric characters and convert to lower case to allow looser matching\r\nfunction looseFilter(s) {\r\n return caseFilter(puncFilter(strictFilter(s)))\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Convert to lower case to allow looser matching\r\nfunction caseFilter(s) {\r\n return strictFilter(s).toLowerCase()\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Only match alpha numeric, plus some mathy stuff\r\nfunction puncFilter(s) {\r\n return strictFilter(s).replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\=\\-]/g,'')\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Function to check if page exists\r\nfunction hasPage(pageId) {\r\n var current = pages.isEnabled(pageId)\r\n pages.disable(pageId)\r\n var result = !pages.isEnabled(pageId) // if the page doesn't exist it will still be enabled\r\n result && current && pages.enable(pageId)\r\n return result\r\n}\r\n\r\n// load pages function:\r\nfunction getPagesByIndex(prefix) {\r\n var i = 1\r\n var result = []\r\n var page = prefix + i\r\n while(hasPage(page)) {\r\n result.push(page)\r\n page = prefix + (++i)\r\n }\r\n return result\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _altPg = null\r\n\r\nfunction callPage(pg, altPg) {\r\n _altPg = altPg\r\n pageStack.push(pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n if ((pg && pg.match(/\\*/) || altPg)) {\r\n _randomCall = pg\r\n pages.goto('--randomCall')\r\n } else {\r\n pages.goto(pg)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction backPage() {\r\n var pg = pageStack.pop()\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.error('Page stack empty -- nothing to return to')\r\n return\r\n }\r\n if (!hasPage(pg)) {\r\n console.error('Invalid/missing page in call stack:', pg)\r\n return backPage()\r\n }\r\n pages.goto(pg)\r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction clearStack() {\r\n pageStack.length = 0\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* dynamic goto that allows for wildcard with alternate */\r\nfunction gotoPage(pg, altPg) {\r\n _altPg = altPg\r\n if ((pg && pg.match(/\\*/) || altPg)) {\r\n _randomCall = pg\r\n pages.goto('--randomCall')\r\n } else {\r\n pages.goto(pg)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction refreshPage() {\r\n pages.goto(pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction popStack() {\r\n return pageStack.pop()\r\n}\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * More tease config variables / etc\r\n */\r\nvar didLoad = false\r\nvar skipMidLoad= false\r\nvar completedLoad = true\r\nvar doDelaySave = false\r\nvar skipSaveExp = /(^--|^any-|-(keep|lose|dmg|end|res|win|zone-select)[^a-z0-9$]|--[a-z0-9\\-]+$)/i\r\npages.addEventListener('change', function(){\r\n var cp = pages.getCurrentPageId()\r\n console.log('page change', pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n if (skipMidLoad) return\r\n if (!didLoad && !cp.match(/(^--|^start$)/)) {\r\n didLoad = true\r\n completedLoad = false\r\n console.log('Doing midload...')\r\n callPage('--midload',null)\r\n return\r\n }\r\n didLoad = true\r\n if (doDelaySave) {\r\n doDelaySave = false\r\n saveGame()\r\n }\r\n})\r\n\r\nvar messages = []\r\n\r\nfunction addMessage(msg, clr) {\r\n if (clr) msg = msg.color(clr)\r\n messages.push(msg)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Check for common hacks\r\nfunction hck(stripLimit, hckOptions) {\r\n _hackDisabled = false\r\n if (typeof hckOptions !== 'object') {\r\n hckOptions = {}\r\n }\r\n if (typeof hckOptions.disable !== 'object') {\r\n var ho = hckOptions.disable\r\n hckOptions.disable = {}\r\n if (typeof ho === 'string') {\r\n hckOptions.disable[ho] = true\r\n }\r\n }\r\n window._stripLimit = stripLimit\r\n setHckSay(hckOptions.say)\r\n window.lastFightPage = pages.getCurrentPageId()\r\n window._hckOptions = hckOptions\r\n callPage(getHacksPage(null), null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction setHckSay(say) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(say)) {\r\n _hckSay = say\r\n } else if (say) {\r\n _hckSay = [say]\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Say message, refresh current page\r\nfunction hckSay(_hckSay) {\r\n hckR(_hckSay, null, null)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Say message, call specified page\r\nfunction hckSayCall(_hckSay, _nextPage) {\r\n hckR(_hckSay, _nextPage, false)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Say message, goto specified page\r\nfunction hckSayGoto(_hckSay, _nextPage) {\r\n hckR(_hckSay, _nextPage, true)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Redirect or refresh current hack page after displaying a message\r\nfunction hckR(_hckSay, _nextPage, _hckGoto) {\r\n console.log('Doing hckR', _hckSay, _nextPage, _hckGoto)\r\n setHckSay(_hckSay)\r\n window._nextPage = _nextPage\r\n if (!_nextPage) dmg=lastDmg // restore last damge before refresh\r\n if (_nextPage && _hckGoto ){\r\n pages.goto('--hack-redirect')\r\n } else {\r\n callPage('--hack-redirect', null)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Go to intermission page, then goto next page\r\nfunction hckI(iPage, nextPage, say) {\r\n window._nextPage = nextPage\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n callPage(iPage, null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _hckSay = null\r\n\r\nfunction hasHckSay() {\r\n return Array.isArray(_hckSay) && _hckSay.length\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction lastHckSay() {\r\n return Array.isArray(_hckSay) && _hckSay.length === 1\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction nextHckSay() {\r\n var r = Array.isArray(_hckSay) && _hckSay.shift()\r\n if (typeof r === 'function') {\r\n r = r()\r\n } \r\n return r\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _hackDisabled = null\r\n// Check if is hack, and set some variables if so\r\nvar _foundAHack = false\r\nfunction hckC(val) {\r\n console.log('Checking for hack:', val)\r\n var ho = hacks[val]\r\n if (!ho) {\r\n var oval = val\r\n val = uncapitalizeFirstLetter(val)\r\n if (val !== oval) console.log('Checking for hack:', val)\r\n ho = hacks[val]\r\n }\r\n if (ho) {\r\n console.log('Found hack', ho)\r\n lastHacks.push(val)\r\n var hkp = getHackPage(ho.page, null)\r\n if (!hkp) {\r\n console.error('Unable to find any page for hack:', val)\r\n return\r\n } else {\r\n console.log('Using hack page', hkp)\r\n }\r\n _foundAHack=true\r\n setFoundHack(val, true)\r\n dmg=lastDmg\r\n var dop = _hckOptions.disable[val] || _hckOptions.disable['ALL']\r\n if (dop) {\r\n if (typeof dop === 'string' && dop && dop.length > 5) {\r\n _hackDisabled = dop\r\n } else {\r\n _hackDisabled = true\r\n }\r\n if (_hackDisabled) {\r\n console.warn(val, 'hack disabled:', _hckOptions.disable)\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n }\r\n gotoPage(hkp, null)\r\n return true\r\n } else {\r\n lastHacks = []\r\n }\r\n return false\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction missedHack(){\r\n lastHacks = []\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction parseCharacterPageName(pg){\r\n //[level#]-[zonename]-[character]-[index]-[page type (boss/round/etc.)][-opt]\r\n var pp = (pg||'').replace(/\\-\\-$/,'').split('-')\r\n if (pp.length < 5) return {}\r\n return {\r\n level:pp[0],\r\n zone:pp[1],\r\n girl:pp[2],\r\n index:parseInt(pp[3]),\r\n type:pp[4],\r\n opt:pp[5]||(pp[6]?'-'+pp[6]:'')||(pp[7]?'--'+pp[7]:'')||(pp[8]?'---'+pp[8]:''),\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getGirlName(pg){\r\n var pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg||lastFightPage)\r\n return (girls[pp.girl]||{}).name||'She'\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Roll value into average for preference tracker \r\nfunction avgP(k, v){\r\n if (v === undefined || v === null || isNaN(v)) return\r\n if (!(k in window)) {\r\n console.error('Unable to avg', v, ' to ', k, ' -- ', k, ' is not a defined state variable')\r\n }\r\n var s = window[k]\r\n if (s === null || isNaN(s)) {\r\n console.error('Unable to add', v, ' to ', k, ' -- ', k, ' is not a number')\r\n return\r\n }\r\n s = ((s * (likes - 1)) + v) / likes\r\n window[k] = s\r\n return s\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Roll value into average for preference tracker \r\nfunction lowP(k, v){\r\n if (v === undefined || v === null || isNaN(v)) return\r\n if (!(k in window)) {\r\n console.error('Unable to lower', v, ' to ', k, ' -- ', k, ' is not a defined state variable')\r\n }\r\n var s = window[k]\r\n if (s === null || isNaN(s)) {\r\n console.error('Unable to lower', v, ' to ', k, ' -- ', k, ' is not a number')\r\n }\r\n s = ((s * (likes + 1)) - v) / likes\r\n window[k] = s\r\n return s\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction keepGirl(pg) {\r\n // If we're keeping her, we like her\r\n var fo = likeGirl(pg)\r\n return fo\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction winKey(attrs, k){\r\n return attrs[k].variable || k\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction deleteGirl(pg) {\r\n\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n\r\n if (fo && fo.girl in window) {\r\n if (window[fo.girl]>=0) {\r\n // Delete girl\r\n window[fo.girl]=-1\r\n } else {\r\n // Mark even more deleted\r\n window[fo.girl]--\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n dislikeGirl(pg)\r\n\r\n console.log('Deleted: ', fo.girl, fo)\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction dislikeGirl(pg) {\r\n\r\n encounters ++\r\n likes -- // deleting girl, so decrease likes\r\n if (likes < 1) likes = 1\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n \r\n var gdbg = Object.keys(girlAttrs).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(girlAttrs, k)];return r},{})\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(eth).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(eth, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(hair).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(hair, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n \r\n console.log('Before disliking: ', fo.girl, gdbg)\r\n\r\n Object.keys(hair).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = hair[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n lowP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(eth).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = eth[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n lowP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(girlAttrs).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = girlAttrs[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n lowP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(girlAttrs).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(girlAttrs, k)];return r},{})\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(eth).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(eth, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(hair).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(hair, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n \r\n console.log('Disliked: ', fo.girl, gdbg, fo)\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction likeGirl(pg) {\r\n\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n\r\n encounters ++\r\n likes ++\r\n\r\n pg = pg||lastFightPage\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n if (!fo.getGirl) {\r\n console.error('Unable to like girl. No fight ops found')\r\n return fo\r\n }\r\n \r\n var gdbg = Object.keys(girlAttrs).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(girlAttrs, k)];return r},{})\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(eth).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(eth, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(hair).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(hair, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n\r\n console.log('Before liked: ', fo.girl, gdbg)\r\n\r\n // set rolling average for floating interests\r\n // will probably need to round these to some sane number of decimal places\r\n Object.keys(hair).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = hair[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n avgP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(eth).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = eth[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n avgP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(girlAttrs).forEach(function(k){\r\n var o = girlAttrs[k]\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n avgP(o.variable || k, fo[k])\r\n })\r\n\r\n // Add girl like count\r\n if (fo && fo.girl in window) {\r\n if (window[fo.girl]>0) {\r\n window[fo.girl]++\r\n } else {\r\n // restore deleted girl\r\n window[fo.girl]=2\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(girlAttrs).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(girlAttrs, k)];return r},{})\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(eth).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(eth, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n gdbg = Object.keys(hair).reduce(function(r,k){r[k]=window[winKey(hair, k)];return r},gdbg)\r\n \r\n console.log('Liked: ', fo.girl, gdbg, fo)\r\n\r\n return fo\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doKeep(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getKeepPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doLose(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getLosePage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doTimeout(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n callPage(getTimeoutPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Shorhand for FO().isDead since it's used a fair amount\r\nfunction isDead() {\r\n return FO().isDead\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doDead(say) {\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getDeadPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doEsc(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getEscPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doEnd(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getEndPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doWin(say) {\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n inround=false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getWinPage(null),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _promptCache = {}\r\n\r\nfunction isClear(pg) {\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n return clear >= fo.minClear\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction setGameOver() {\r\n stopCorInc(false) // stop cor inc timer\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction calcAvgChar(prompts) {\r\n return prompts.reduce(function(r,p){\r\n var l = countCharacters(p)\r\n if (r===null) {\r\n r = l\r\n } else {\r\n r = (r+l)/2\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n },null)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doDeadCheck() {\r\n if (inround && typeof FO().isDead !== 'undefined' && FO().isDead) {\r\n console.warn('Player died.')\r\n popStack()\r\n doDead(null)\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n return false\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar needsMusicLoad = null\r\n\r\nfunction onlyLoadMusic() {\r\n if (!didLoad || !completedLoad) return\r\n if (needsMusicLoad && (typeof needsMusicLoad === 'object') \r\n && needsMusicLoad.zone && pageStack.length) {\r\n var nml = needsMusicLoad\r\n needsMusicLoad = null\r\n return nml\r\n } else {\r\n needsMusicLoad = null\r\n pageStack = []\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction setFightPage(prompts,pg,noInit) {\r\n if (!completedLoad) return // still in midload\r\n if (doDeadCheck()) return\r\n if (loadNotifications()) return\r\n if (prompts) {\r\n // Try to re-use identicle prompt arrays\r\n // so uniqueRandom works if the array sent was anonymous\r\n var pck = JSON.stringify(prompts)\r\n var pc = _promptCache[pck]\r\n if (pc) {\r\n prompts = pc\r\n } else {\r\n _promptCache[pck] = pc\r\n } \r\n }\r\n pg = pg || pages.getCurrentPageId()\r\n if (needsMusicLoad) {\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n if (needsMusicLoad && !fo.isBoss) {\r\n needsMusicLoad = fo\r\n pageStack.push(pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n level--,startNextLevel()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n needsMusicLoad = null\r\n }\r\n var roundIntro = null\r\n if (!noInit && lastFightPage !== pg) {\r\n // First encounter?\r\n var firstEnc = getBasePlayPage(null,lastFightPage||'') !== getBasePlayPage(null,pg||'')\r\n if (firstEnc) {\r\n saveGame()\r\n lastFightPage = pg\r\n setPageAsUsed(pg)\r\n if (!didRoundIntro){\r\n var rint = getRoundIntroPage(pg)\r\n if (rint) {\r\n // Has a round intro\r\n roundIntro = rint\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n // Set girl as encountered\r\n if (fo.girl in window) {\r\n if (window[fo.girl]<1) {\r\n window[fo.girl]=1\r\n }\r\n }\r\n lastGirl=fo.girl||'unknown'\r\n // Reset round\r\n enemy=fo.hp\r\n x=0\r\n y=0\r\n lastDmg=dmg\r\n dmg=false\r\n //startCorInc(coalesce(fo.corIncAmount, defaults.corIncAmount, true), coalesce(fo.corIncInterval, defaults.corIncInterval), false)\r\n //stopCorInc()\r\n f=0;\r\n // any other things we need to do to reset here\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n // Repeat encounter\r\n lastFightPage = pg\r\n }\r\n prompts = prompts || getPrompts(pg)\r\n console.log('Selecting from prompts:', prompts)\r\n // Set words\r\n typeTest = prompts.uniqueRandom(0, true) || prompts.uniqueRandom()\r\n var ttl = countCharacters(typeTest)\r\n avgPromptChar = calcAvgChar(prompts)\r\n console.log('Using prompt:', typeTest, ' with average length of', avgPromptChar, 'and defined length of', ttl)\r\n if (roundIntro) {\r\n // Do round intro\r\n inround = false // not exactly in round yet\r\n didRoundIntro=true\r\n return callPage(roundIntro, null)\r\n }\r\n inround = true\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar badPages = []\r\nvar lastBadPage = null\r\n\r\nfunction getFightsOpts(pg){\r\n pg = pg||lastFightPage\r\n var fo = levels.pages[pg||pages.getCurrentPageId()]||{}\r\n if (!fo.getGirl) {\r\n var bpg = getBasePlayPage(null,pg||pages.getCurrentPageId()).replace(/\\-\\-$/,'')\r\n fo = levels.pages[bpg]||{}\r\n if (!fo.getGirl && pg) {\r\n console.error('Unable to get fight options for', pg, bpg)\r\n if (!badPages[bpg]) {\r\n badPages[bpg] = true\r\n lastBadPage = bpg\r\n callPage('--bad-fight-page', null)\r\n }\r\n } else if (!fo.getGirl) {\r\n console.error('Falling back to fight opts for ', Object.keys(levels.pages)[0])\r\n fo = levels.pages[Object.keys(levels.pages)[0]]\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return fo\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Shortcut for fight options\r\nfunction FO() {\r\n return getFightsOpts(null)||{}\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction etndExPg(pg) {\r\n if (pg) {\r\n pg = pg.replace(/\\-\\-$/,'')\r\n if (pg && pg.match(/^--:\\s*[a-z0-9\\-,\\s]+/i) && !pg.match(/;\\s*[a-z0-9\\-]+\\s*$/i)) {\r\n pg+=';' + lastFightPage\r\n }\r\n // pg+=';' + lastFightPage\r\n }\r\n return pg\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getPrompts(pg) {\r\n var po = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n return po.prompts||defaultPrompts\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getHackPage(hack, pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getHackPage(hack, null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage, '--h-'+hack, false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getHacksPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getHacksPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'hacks', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getWinPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getWinPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'win', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getKeepPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getKeepPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'keep', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getLosePage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getLosePage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'lose', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getDeadPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getDeadPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'dead', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getDmgPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getDmgPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n handleComboChange(false)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'dmg', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction getTimeoutPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getTimeoutPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'timeout', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getEndPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getEndPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'end', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getEscPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getEscPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'esc', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getRoundIntroPage(pg) {\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getEscPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n return getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'rint', false)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction doEscape(say,pg) {\r\n inround = false\r\n setHckSay(say)\r\n gotoPage(getEscPage(pg),null)\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction getResultPage(pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getResultPage(null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n var result = getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'res', false)\r\n if (!result) {\r\n result = getZonedPage(pg||lastFightPage,'res', 'round')\r\n }\r\n return result\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getAltPlayPage(t,pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getAltPlayPage(t,null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n pg = pg||lastFightPage\r\n var ap = getZonedPage(pg, '--' + t, false)\r\n if (!ap) {\r\n console.error('Unable to find alt play page \"'+t+'\" for', pg)\r\n }\r\n return ap\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getOptPage(t,pg){\r\n if (pg==='--') pg+= (':' + getOptPage(t,null))\r\n pg = etndExPg(pg)\r\n pg = pg||lastFightPage\r\n var ap = getZonedPage(pg, t, false)\r\n if (!ap) {\r\n console.error('Unable to find opt page \"'+t+'\" for', pg)\r\n }\r\n return ap\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getBasePlayPage(overrideType, pg){\r\n pg = pg||lastFightPage\r\n if (!pg) return ''\r\n var pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg)\r\n if (overrideType) pp.type = overrideType\r\n var ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type].join('-')\r\n if (!hasPage(ep)) {\r\n if (hasPage(ep + '--')) {\r\n return ep + '--'\r\n }\r\n console.error('Unable to find base play page:', ep, 'for', pg)\r\n }\r\n return ep\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getZoneSelectPage(l) {\r\n var pg = [l,'-zone-select'].join('-')\r\n if (hasPage(pg)) return pg\r\n console.warn('No zone page', pg, 'found for level', l)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getBossSelectPage() {\r\n var pg = [level,zone,'bosses'].join('-')\r\n if (hasPage(pg)) return pg\r\n var pg = [level,'bosses'].join('-')\r\n if (hasPage(pg)) return pg\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar lastZonedPage = {}\r\nvar cheatChar = 'โ€Š' // special hidden character to detect copy/paste\r\n\r\nfunction getZonedClearPage(pg, altType, overrideType){\r\n pg = pg.replace(/\\-\\-$/,'')\r\n var pgEx = pg.match(/^--:\\s*([a-z0-9\\-,\\s*]+);\\s*([a-z0-9\\-]+)\\s*$/i)\r\n var exExp = /^\\b$/\r\n var cm = 'clr'+clear\r\n var pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg) || {}\r\n var lzpk = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (pgEx) {\r\n pg = pgEx[2]\r\n pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg)\r\n lzpk = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n var ex = pgEx[2].split(/[\\s,]+/)\r\n var expArr = ex\r\n .filter(function(v){ return !!v.trim()}) \r\n .map(function(v){\r\n return escapeRegExp(v + '-' + cm)\r\n }\r\n )\r\n expArr.push(pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n var lzp = lastZonedPage[lzpk]\r\n if (lzp) {\r\n lzp.forEach(function(v){expArr.push(v)})\r\n }\r\n exExp = new RegExp('^(' + expArr.join('|') + ')$')\r\n console.log('Using exclude page expression:', exExp.toString())\r\n }\r\n function m(p){\r\n var skp = p.match(exExp)\r\n var rslt = !skp && hasPage(p)\r\n if (skp) {\r\n console.warn('ignoring page:', p)\r\n } else if (!rslt) {\r\n console.log('No page:', p)\r\n } else {\r\n console.warn('Found page:', p)\r\n var lzp = lastZonedPage[lzpk] || []\r\n lzp.push(p)\r\n lastZonedPage[lzpk] = lzp\r\n }\r\n return rslt\r\n }\r\n if (overrideType) pp.type = overrideType\r\n var ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,pp.opt,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n var ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.girl,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.girl,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.girl,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.girl,pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.type,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.girl,altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',altType,cm].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n console.log('Unable to find any page for', altType,cm)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getLastHack(){\r\n return lastHacks[lastHacks.length-1]||''\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getZonedPage(pg, altType, overrideType){\r\n console.log('Searching for zoned page using:', pg, altType, overrideType)\r\n pg = pg.replace(/\\-\\-$/,'')\r\n var clrp = getZonedClearPage(pg, altType, overrideType)\r\n if (clrp) return clrp\r\n var pgEx = pg.match(/^--:\\s*([a-z0-9\\-,\\s*]+);\\s*([a-z0-9\\-]+)\\s*$/i)\r\n var exExp = /^\\b$/\r\n var pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg) || {}\r\n var lzpk = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (pgEx) {\r\n pg = pgEx[2]\r\n pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg)\r\n lzpk = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n var ex = pgEx[2].split(/[\\s,]+/)\r\n var expArr = ex\r\n .filter(function(v){ return !!v.trim()}) \r\n .map(function(v){\r\n return escapeRegExp(v)\r\n }\r\n )\r\n expArr.push(pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n var lzp = lastZonedPage[lzpk]\r\n if (lzp) {\r\n lzp.forEach(function(v){expArr.push(v)})\r\n }\r\n exExp = new RegExp('^(' + expArr.join('|') + ')$')\r\n console.log('Using exclude page expression:', exExp.toString())\r\n }\r\n function m(p){\r\n var skp = p.match(exExp)\r\n var rslt = !skp && hasPage(p)\r\n if (skp) {\r\n console.warn('ignoring page:', p)\r\n } else if (!rslt) {\r\n console.log('No page:', p)\r\n } else {\r\n console.log('Found page:', p)\r\n var lzp = lastZonedPage[lzpk] || []\r\n lzp.push(p)\r\n lastZonedPage[lzpk] = lzp\r\n }\r\n return rslt\r\n }\r\n var pp = parseCharacterPageName(pg)\r\n if (overrideType) pp.type = overrideType\r\n var ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,pp.opt,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n var ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.index,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.girl,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.zone,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.girl,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,pp.girl,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = [pp.level,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.girl,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,pp.girl,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.girl,pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.zone,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.type,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',pp.girl,altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n ep = ['any',altType].join('-')\r\n if (m(ep)) return ep\r\n console.warn('Unable to find any page for', altType)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typePrompt(prmt){\r\n var fo = FO() || {}\r\n var uccType = coalesce(fo.uccType,defaults.uccType)\r\n return 'โŒจ๏ธ

'+cheatChar+getText(getUcc(prmt, uccType))+cheatChar+''\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typeFade(prmt){\r\n console.log('testing...')\r\n return s_('โŒจ๏ธ').p() + s_(cheatChar+getText(prmt)+cheatChar).fadeOut([30, 25, 20, 0]).bold()\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typeBig(prmt){\r\n console.log('testing...')\r\n return \"\" + getText(prmt) + \"\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typeSmall(prmt){\r\n console.log('testing...')\r\n return \"\" + getText(prmt) + \"\"\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typeGrow(prmt){\r\n console.log('testing...')\r\n return \"\" + getText(prmt) + \"\"\r\n}\r\n\r\n//function typeFade(prmt){\r\n// console.log('testing...')\r\n// return s_('โŒจ๏ธ').p() + s_(cheatChar+getText(prmt)+cheatChar).fadeOut([129, 199, 132, 0.5]).bold()\r\n//}\r\n\r\n// Some clear and simple ones to get them started\r\nclickPrompts1 = ['๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Double Click ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Click Twice ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Click... Click ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ']\r\n// Mix in more varied when they're done with those\r\nclickPrompts2 = [\r\n '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Tapity Tap ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Clickity Click ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Double Click ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Click Twice ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', \r\n '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Click... Click ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Two Slow Clicks ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ A Click and a ... ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Two Slow Taps ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ',\r\n '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Click that Rhythm ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ', '๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ Touch Twice ๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ',\r\n]\r\n\r\nfunction clickPrompt(){\r\n doDeadCheck()\r\n var result = clickPrompts1.uniqueRandom()\r\n if (!result) {\r\n // replace with more varied -- use that from now on\r\n clickPrompts1 = clickPrompts2\r\n result = clickPrompts1.uniqueRandom()\r\n }\r\n _lastClickPrompt = result\r\n\r\n return result\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _lastClickPrompt = null\r\n\r\nvar txt = {\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: function(){\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(null)\r\n return (fo && fo.stabilityLeftPrefix) || defaults.stabilityLeftPrefix\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar speedChangeAmount = 0\r\n\r\nfunction slowPrompt() {\r\n var fo = FO() || {}\r\n var _slowDownPrompt = coalesce(fo.slowDownPrompt,defaults.slowDownPrompt)\r\n \r\n //handleComboChange(false)\r\n \r\n //console.warn('Slowing cpm from', lcpm, 'to', avgCpm, timePercentAvg, cpmChange) \r\n return _slowDownPrompt\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction speedUpPrompt() {\r\n var fo = FO() || {} \r\n var _speedUpPrompt = coalesce(fo.speedUpPrompt,defaults.speedUpPrompt) \r\n\r\n handleComboChange(true)\r\n \r\n //console.warn('Speeding cpm from', lcpm, 'to', avgCpm, timePercentAvg, cpmChange)\r\n return _speedUpPrompt\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction handleComboChange(success) {\r\n lastPromptSuccess = success\r\n if(success)\r\n {\r\n if(comboCountmaxComboCount)\r\n {\r\n comboCount = maxComboCount\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n {\r\n if(comboCount>0)\r\n {\r\n comboCount = comboCount - comboReduction\r\n if(comboCount<0)\r\n {\r\n comboCount = 0\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction lastBug(bug) {\r\n if (!(bug in bugs)) {\r\n console.error('Bug \"'+bug+'\" not defined in bugs object.')\r\n return '[error]'\r\n }\r\n var lc = bugs[bug].lastChange\r\n var br = []\r\n for (var i = 0; i < lc; i++) {\r\n br.push(bugs[bug].icon)\r\n }\r\n return br.join('')\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction incBug(bug, val) {\r\n if (!(bug in bugs)) {\r\n console.error('Bug \"'+bug+'\" not defined in bugs object.')\r\n return '[error]'\r\n }\r\n window[bug] += val\r\n var br = []\r\n for (var i = 0; i < val; i++) {\r\n br.push(bugs[bug].icon)\r\n }\r\n return br.join('')\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getBugIcon(bug){\r\n return (bugs[bug]||{}).icon || '??'\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar loadedNotifications=false\r\nvar startTypeTime=0\r\nvar targetTypeTime = 0\r\nvar lastDmg=false\r\nvar corIncTimer = null\r\n\r\nfunction loadNotifications () {\r\n console.warn('Checking notifications')\r\n if (loadedNotifications) return false\r\n console.error('Loading notifications')\r\n callPage('--notifications', null)\r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction resetNotifications() {\r\n loadedNotifications=false\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction hideCoreNotifications() {\r\n resetNotifications()\r\n var cn = [\r\n 'HUD',\r\n 'HUD2',\r\n 'hack'\r\n ]\r\n cn.forEach(function(id){\r\n var n = Notification.get(id)\r\n if (n) n.remove()\r\n })\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction startCorInc(inc, every, forceStart){\r\n if (corIncStopped && !forceStart) {\r\n console.warn('Cor inc stopped. Ignoring')\r\n corIncInterval=5000\r\n return\r\n }\r\n corIncStopped=false\r\n corIncAmount = inc\r\n corIncInterval = every\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction stopCorInc(permaStop) {\r\n corIncStopped=corIncStopped||permaStop||false\r\n corIncInterval=0\r\n clearInterval(corIncTimer)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction handleCorIntervalChange(prop, val, lastVal) {\r\n if (!inGame) return\r\n if (val < 0 || isNaN(val)) val = 0\r\n if (!val || val !== lastVal) {\r\n // Has changed or is stopping, stop it\r\n console.log('Stopping cor inc interval')\r\n clearInterval(corIncTimer)\r\n }\r\n if (val && corIncStopped) {\r\n console.warn(\"Cor inc stopped -- ignoring set to\", val)\r\n val=0\r\n }\r\n if (val) {\r\n console.log('Starting cor inc interval, incrementing', corIncAmount, 'every', val, 'ms')\r\n corIncTimer = setInterval(function(){\r\n cor+=corIncAmount\r\n console.log('Doing cor inc: ' + cor, val)\r\n }, val)\r\n }\r\n return val\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction typeTime() {\r\n lastFightPage = pages.getCurrentPageId()\r\n startTypeTime=Date.now()\r\n var fo = FO() || {}\r\n var minTimer = coalesce(fo.minTimer,defaults.minTimer)\r\n var maxTimer = coalesce(fo.maxTimer,defaults.maxTimer)\r\n var warmUpDelay = coalesce(fo.warmUpDelay,defaults.warmUpDelay)\r\n var nextCc = countCharacters(typeTest)\r\n var successMult = coalesce(fo.successMultiplier,defaults.successMultiplier)\r\n var failureMult = coalesce(fo.failureMultiplier,defaults.failureMultiplier)\r\n \r\n //base next time\r\n console.log('Returning old lastCpm:', lastCpm)\r\n var nextTime = (nextCc/lastCpm) * 60 * 1000\r\n console.log('Returning nextTime 1:', nextTime)\r\n if(!firstPrompt)\r\n {\r\n if(lastPromptSuccess)\r\n {\r\n nextTime = Math.max(minTimer, (nextTime * getSuccessComboTimeMultiplier(successMult)))\r\n console.log('Returning new successMultiplier:', getSuccessComboTimeMultiplier(successMult))\r\n }\r\n else\r\n {\r\n var additiveTime = (Math.max(minTimer, (maxTimer - nextTime)) * getFailureComboTimeMultiplier(failureMult))\r\n nextTime = Math.min(maxTimer, (nextTime + additiveTime))\r\n console.log('Returning new failureMultiplier:', getFailureComboTimeMultiplier(successMult))\r\n console.log('Returning additiveTime:', additiveTime)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else\r\n {\r\n firstPrompt = false\r\n }\r\n console.log('Returning nextTime 2:', nextTime)\r\n //let's update lastCpm before flat amounts are added\r\n lastCpm = (nextCc/nextTime) * 1000 * 60\r\n console.log('Returning new nextCc:', nextCc)\r\n console.log('Returning new comboCount:', comboCount)\r\n console.log('Returning new lastCpm:', lastCpm)\r\n //finally add the cuff and warmUpDelay as flat amounts\r\n nextTime = nextTime + cuff*1000 + warmUpDelay\r\n // reset damage before prompt\r\n lastDmg=dmg // record for use by hack\r\n dmg=false\r\n // return time\r\n return Math.min(nextTime,maxTimer)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getSuccessComboTimeMultiplier(successMult) {\r\n var returnMultiplier = 100 //100%\r\n //combodivider helps us decide when we bump up the multiplier\r\n //having a high comboCount going, means our successMult is larger\r\n //having a low comboCount, means our successMult is smaller\r\n returnMultiplier = returnMultiplier - ((Math.floor(comboCount/comboDivider)+1) * successMult)\r\n return (returnMultiplier/100)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getFailureComboTimeMultiplier(failureMult) {\r\n var returnMultiplier = 0 //0%\r\n //combodivider helps us decide when we bump up the multiplier\r\n //having a high comboCount going, means our failureMult is smaller\r\n //having a low comboCount, means our failureMult is larger\r\n returnMultiplier = returnMultiplier + ((Math.floor(maxComboCount/comboDivider) - Math.floor(comboCount/comboDivider) + 1) * failureMult)\r\n return (returnMultiplier/100)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction countCharacters(tt) {\r\n if (typeof tt === 'object') {\r\n return tt[Object.keys(tt)[0]]\r\n }\r\n // return prompt's length, plus add 1 for each special character, or change in case\r\n return tt.length + ((tt.match(/([A-Z][a-z]|[a-z][A-Z]|[^a-zA-Z])/g) || []).join('').length * 2)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getText(tt) {\r\n if (typeof tt === 'object') {\r\n return Object.keys(tt)[0]\r\n }\r\n return tt\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar typeTest = ''\r\nfunction gotUserTypePrompt(prop, val, lastVal) {\r\n if (!inGame) return\r\n var fo = FO() || {}\r\n // var warmUpDelay = coalesce(fo.warmUpDelay,defaults.warmUpDelay)\r\n if (val!=''){ \r\n lastCharCount = countCharacters(val)\r\n lastTypeTime=Date.now()-startTypeTime\r\n }\r\n var ttText = getText(typeTest)\r\n cheatResult=(val||'').indexOf(cheatChar) > -1\r\n cheatResult = cheatResult || ((val||'').match(/[^\\uD800-\\uDBFF]|[\\s\\S]{2}/g)||[]).reduce(function(a,v){\r\n var isc = (ucltA[v] === undefined ? 0 : 1)\r\n a += isc\r\n if (isc) console.log('IsCharChar', v, ucltA[v])\r\n return a\r\n },0) > 5\r\n val = getAscii(val||'')\r\n if (cheatResult) cheatCount++\r\n strictResult = levenshteinPercent(strictFilter(ttText), strictFilter(val))\r\n looseResult = levenshteinPercent(looseFilter(ttText), looseFilter(val))\r\n puncMatchResult = levenshteinPercent(caseFilter(ttText), caseFilter(val))\r\n caseMatchResult = levenshteinPercent(puncFilter(ttText), puncFilter(val))\r\n avgResult = (strictResult + looseResult + puncMatchResult + caseMatchResult) / 4\r\n //console.log('Type test;',ttText, 'resp:', val, ' strictResult:', strictResult, ' looseResult:', looseResult, ' avgResult', avgResult, ' lastTypeTime:', lastTypeTime, 'ms', 'timePercent:', timePercent, 'lastCpm', lastCpm, 'avgCpm', avgCpm)\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction onClearChange(prop, val, lastVal) {\r\n // clear has changed. Reset page stack, else it will grow too deep\r\n // clearStack() // this could cause troubles. Parhaps just a pageStack.pop() would be enough, but...\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction onEnemyHpChange(prop, val, lastVal) {\r\n if (val= ((s.a).length + 80)) popCount++\r\n })\r\n for (i = h.length; i < 3; i++) {h.push('๐Ÿค')}\r\n n.setTitle(h.join('โ€†โ€†'))\r\n for (i = 0; i < popCount; i++) {\r\n heartSteps.pop()\r\n }\r\n if (!heartSteps.length && _hsInt) {\r\n clearInterval(_hsInt)\r\n _hsInt = false\r\n updateHud(null, null, null)\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n // Iterate the bugs object and figure out the numbers\r\n //put icon first and then number seperated by \":\"\r\n //use \":\" later to split\r\n var bh = Object.keys(bugs).reduce(function(r,k,i){\r\n var bug = bugs[k]\r\n //bug values lag behind the actual new value\r\n //so we need to use val returned now for the bug\r\n //change that triggered it\r\n if(prop === k)\r\n {\r\n r.push(bug.icon + ':' + val)\r\n }\r\n else\r\n {\r\n r.push(bug.icon + ':' + getBugAmount(i+1))\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n },[])\r\n //sort in descending order (split on \":\" to get number for compare)\r\n //console.log(\"Before sort: \", bh)\r\n bh.sort(function(a,b){return Number(b.split(\":\")[1])-Number(a.split(\":\")[1])});\r\n //console.log(\"After sort: \", bh)\r\n //remove the bottom 4\r\n while(bh.length>4)\r\n {\r\n bh.pop();\r\n }\r\n //console.log(\"After hud pop: \", bh)\r\n //now we have top 4, let's use the \":\"\r\n //to split number and icon and put the\r\n //icon back to in front of the number without \":\"\r\n bh = bh.reduce(function(r,k){\r\n //console.log(\"Check k: \", k)\r\n var bugArray = k.split(\":\")\r\n r.push(bugArray[0]+bugArray[1])\r\n //console.log(\"Check r: \", r)\r\n return r\r\n },[])\r\n //console.log(\"After last char pop: \", bh)\r\n // Display our HUD\r\n n.setTitle(bh.join(' '))\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getBugAmount(bugNumber)\r\n{\r\n var returnValue = 0;\r\n switch (bugNumber) {\r\n case 1:\r\n returnValue = b1;\r\n break;\r\n case 2:\r\n returnValue = b2;\r\n break;\r\n case 3:\r\n returnValue = b3;\r\n break;\r\n case 4:\r\n returnValue = b4;\r\n break;\r\n case 5:\r\n returnValue = b5;\r\n break;\r\n case 6:\r\n returnValue = b6;\r\n break;\r\n case 7:\r\n returnValue = b7;\r\n break;\r\n case 8:\r\n returnValue = b8;\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n return returnValue;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// update health hud\r\nfunction updateHud2(prop, val, lastVal) {\r\n if (!inGame) return\r\n // Get notification\r\n var n = Notification.get('HUD2') // get a notification with the ID of \"HUD\", if any\r\n if (!n) return // no notification, get out\r\n // Pull variables local for use in display, getting value we're currently setting\r\n var fc = (prop === 'cor' ? val : cor)\r\n fcp = Math.round((fc/file)*100)\r\n var s = (prop === 'shirt' ? val : shirt)\r\n var p = (prop === 'pants' ? val : pants)\r\n var u = (prop === 'underwear' ? val : underwear)\r\n var ir = (prop === 'inround' ? val : inround)\r\n var ehp = (prop === 'enemy' ? val : enemy)\r\n // Display our HUD\r\n // Show enemy hit points?\r\n var ht = []\r\n if (ir) {\r\n var fo = FO()\r\n if (fo) {\r\n var eicon = (fo.enemyIcon) || defaults.enemyIcon\r\n ht.push(eicon)\r\n ht.push(Math.round(ehp)+' ')\r\n }\r\n }\r\n // Show player HP\r\n var ft = \"๐Ÿ“\"+ fcp + \"% \"\r\n // Show player armor\r\n var ct = []\r\n if (s) {\r\n if(sissy>=7)\r\n {\r\n ct.push(\"๐Ÿ‘—\")\r\n pants=false\r\n p=pants\r\n }\r\n else\r\n {\r\n ct.push(\"๐Ÿ‘•\")\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (p && sissy<7) {\r\n ct.push(\"๐Ÿ‘–\")\r\n } else if (u) {\r\n ct.push(\"๐Ÿฉฒ\")\r\n }\r\n //console.log(\"Clothes:\", ct.join(''))\r\n // Display what we built\r\n n.setTitle(ht.join('') + ft + (ct.length ? \" \" : \"\") + ct.join(''))\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getShirtText()\r\n{\r\n var topText = \"shirt\";\r\n if(sissy>=7)\r\n {\r\n topText = \"dress\";\r\n }\r\n return topText;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getUnderwearText()\r\n{\r\n var topText = \"underwear\";\r\n if(sissy>=7)\r\n {\r\n topText = \"panties\";\r\n }\r\n return topText;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction girlFullDelete(girl)\r\n{\r\n switch (girl) {\r\n case \"liya\":\r\n liyadel = true;\r\n break;\r\n case \"tori\":\r\n toridel = true;\r\n break;\r\n default:\r\n break;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * Hacks definition\r\n * ALWAYS APPEND NEW HACKS TO END!!!!\r\n */\r\nvar hacks = {\r\n strip: {\r\n prob: 0, // Must know it, will not be selected randomly\r\n},\r\n wait: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n redo: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n slow: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n heal: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n virgin: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n fourth: {\r\n prob: 10, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n sting: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n finish: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n boss: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n perfect: {\r\n prob: 5, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n kill: {\r\n prob: 5, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n sneak: {\r\n prob: 5, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n cancel: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n peek: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n naked: {\r\n prob: 5, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n crowd: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n more: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n Liya: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n time: {\r\n prob: 8, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n add: {\r\n prob: 15, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n everything: {\r\n prob: 10, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n search: {\r\n prob: 5, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n disable: {\r\n prob: 0, // probability\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: 1,\r\n },\r\n run: {\r\n prob: 0, // Not defined in hacks report page yet.\r\n },\r\n rare: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n preference: {\r\n prob: 8,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n reset: {\r\n prob: 7,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n nest: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n swarm: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n morph: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n purify: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n cocoon: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n venom: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n bite: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n deletion: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n Become: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n sissy: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n thrust: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n Give: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n me: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n '1': {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n heart: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n help: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n nextlevel: {\r\n prob: 10,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n bikini: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n puzzle: {\r\n prob: 6,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n ind: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n bugzlife:{\r\n prob:0,\r\n },\r\n healme:{\r\n prob:0,\r\n },\r\n quitter:{\r\n prob:0,\r\n },\r\n ending: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n colossus: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n copypaste: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n timestop: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n multiply: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n mad: {\r\n prob: 8,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n fap: {\r\n prob: 4,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n skip: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n envenom: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n queen: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n erase: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n other: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n smash: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n defend: {\r\n prob: 5,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n drain: {\r\n prob: 1,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n sacrifice: {\r\n prob: 12,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n diagnostic: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n jukebug: {\r\n prob: 9,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n webfluid: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n },\r\n godmode: {\r\n prob: 0,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n predator: {\r\n prob: 2,\r\n seen: 0,\r\n count: true,\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar sumOfSeen = 0;\r\n\r\nObject.keys(hacks).forEach(function(key, index) {\r\n var seen = hacks[key].seen || 0;\r\n sumOfSeen += seen;\r\n});\r\n\r\nfunction countableHacks () {\r\n return Object.keys(hacks).reduce(function(a, v){\r\n if (hacks[v].count) a++\r\n return a\r\n },0) - 1 /* -1 because that seems to be what the other tracker thingy was doing? */\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction foundCountableHacks () {\r\n return Object.keys(hacks).reduce(function(a, v){\r\n if (hacks[v].count && isFoundHack(v)) a+= (hacks[v].count===true?1:40)\r\n return a\r\n },0)\r\n}\r\n\r\nconsole.log(sumOfSeen);\r\n\r\n// Random hack try miss multiplier\r\n// The higher the number, the more likley the miss\r\nvar randomHackMissMult = .05\r\nfunction buildHackArray() {\r\n // Init hacks, create array for randomization\r\n window.randomHackArray = Object.keys(hacks).reduce(function(r, h, ix){\r\n var ho = hacks[h]\r\n ho.page = ho.page || h\r\n ho.id = h\r\n ho.index = ix\r\n for (var i = 0, l = ho.prob || 0; i < l; i++) {\r\n r.push(ho)\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n }, [])\r\n var randomHackMiss = randomHackArray.length * randomHackMissMult\r\n // Add empty misses to random hack array\r\n for (var i = 0; i < randomHackMiss; i++) {\r\n randomHackArray.push(null)\r\n }\r\n}\r\nbuildHackArray()\r\n\r\n// Return a hack objectby its key\r\nfunction getHack(h) {\r\n var r = hacks[h]\r\n if (!r) {\r\n console.error('Can\\'t get hack. \"', h, '\" is not defined in hacks object.')\r\n }\r\n return r\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar _lastRandomHack = null\r\n\r\n// Get a random hack in a given probability range\r\nfunction getNewRandomHackIn(a, b) {\r\n var filteredHacks = randomHackArray.filter(function(h){return h && (h.prob >= a && h.prob <= b)})\r\n var t = filteredHacks.length\r\n var ho = filteredHacks.uniqueRandom() || filteredHacks.uniqueRandom()\r\n while (t>0 && ho && isFoundHack(ho.id)) {\r\n t--\r\n ho = filteredHacks.uniqueRandom()\r\n }\r\n _lastRandomHack = ho\r\n ho && setFoundHack(ho.id, true)\r\n return ho\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Always return a new random hack, unless theyare all used up\r\nfunction getNewRandomHackForced() {\r\n var t = randomHackArray.length\r\n var ho = randomHackArray.uniqueRandom() || randomHackArray.uniqueRandom()\r\n while (t>0 && ho && isFoundHack(ho.id)) {\r\n t--\r\n ho = randomHackArray.uniqueRandom() || randomHackArray.uniqueRandom()\r\n }\r\n _lastRandomHack = ho\r\n ho && setFoundHack(ho.id, true)\r\n return ho\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Randomly return a new random hack, or very possibly no new random hack if it misses\r\nfunction getNewRandomHackTry() {\r\n var retries = (Math.max((window.level * 15 + BitN.count(hacksFound) * 1.5) / 15, 1))*hmode\r\n console.log('Will do ' + retries + ' tries to find a hack')\r\n for (var i = 0; iCURIOUS!',\r\n heal:5,\r\n },\r\n 2: {\r\n stat:'Suggestable ๐Ÿ’ซ',\r\n say:'You are now SUGGESTABLE!',\r\n heal:5,\r\n },\r\n 3: {\r\n stat:'Trance ๐Ÿ˜ต',\r\n say:'You are now in a TRANCE!',\r\n heal:4,\r\n },\r\n 4: {\r\n stat:'Hypnotized ๐Ÿ˜ต',\r\n say:'You are now HYPNOTIZED!',\r\n heal:4,\r\n },\r\n 5: {\r\n stat:'Docile ๐Ÿ™‡',\r\n say:'You are now DOCILE!',\r\n heal:3,\r\n },\r\n 6: {\r\n stat:'Obedient ๐Ÿ™‡',\r\n say:'You are now OBEDIENT!',\r\n heal:3,\r\n },\r\n 7: {\r\n stat:'Reprogramming ๐Ÿง ',\r\n say:'You are being REPROGRAMMED!',\r\n heal:2,\r\n },\r\n 8: {\r\n stat:'Brainwashed ๐Ÿง ',\r\n say:'You are now BRAINWASHED!',\r\n heal:1,\r\n },\r\n 9: {\r\n stat:'Hypno Slave ๐Ÿง ',\r\n say:'You are now a HYPNO SLAVE!',\r\n heal:1,\r\n },\r\n 10: {\r\n stat:'Drooling Mess ๐Ÿคค',\r\n say:'You are now a DROOLING MESS!',\r\n heal:1,\r\n },\r\n \r\n}\r\n//wanted notification\r\nvar wanted = {\r\n 1: {\r\n stat:'๐Ÿšจ โญโœฐโœฐโœฐโœฐ',\r\n say:'You have caught the attention of the authorities',\r\n },\r\n 2: {\r\n stat:'๐Ÿšจ โญโญโœฐโœฐโœฐ',\r\n say:'Your heat is rising with the police',\r\n },\r\n 3: {\r\n stat:'๐Ÿšจ โญโญโญโœฐโœฐ',\r\n say:'They have a warrant out for your arrest',\r\n },\r\n 4: {\r\n stat:'๐Ÿšจ โญโญโญโญโœฐ',\r\n say:'The SWAT team is on the way',\r\n },\r\n 5: {\r\n stat:'๐Ÿšจ โญโญโญโญโญ',\r\n say:'BUSTED!!! They take you to jail',\r\n }, \r\n}\r\n\r\nvar hlvl = {\r\n 1: {\r\n stat:'Denied ๐Ÿ˜…',\r\n say:'You are dissapointed that you are being teased. It will worsen until you find release.',\r\n },\r\n 2: {\r\n stat:'Horny ๐Ÿ˜“',\r\n say:'Your desire to cum rises further. This will continously increase until you find release.',\r\n },\r\n 3: {\r\n stat:'Frustrated ๐Ÿฅต',\r\n say:'The desire to orgasm starts to override all other thoughts. You need to find release before you get desperate.',\r\n },\r\n 4: {\r\n stat:'Blue Balls ๐Ÿ†',\r\n say:'The pain is papable as you beg for release. Can you take the aching if it gets worse?',\r\n },\r\n 5: {\r\n stat:'Leaking ๐Ÿ’ฆ',\r\n say:'You notice you cannot stop dripping in anticipation. You are constantly on edge, what will happen if you are denied again?',\r\n }, \r\n 6: {\r\n stat:'MUST CUM NOW ๐Ÿ”ฅ',\r\n say:'You fear what might happen if you cannot empty your full balls! You are on your knees begging for release!',\r\n }, \r\n 7: {\r\n stat:'Gooning ๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n say:'๐Ÿ˜ˆ You have surrendered to your fate of being ORGASM FREE! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n }, \r\n 8: {\r\n stat:'Gooning ๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n say:'๐Ÿ˜ˆ You have surrendered to your fate of being ORGASM FREE! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n }, \r\n}\r\n\r\nvar voyeur = {\r\n 1: {\r\n stat:'Curious Peeker โ“',\r\n say:'You find yourself enjoying watching.',\r\n },\r\n 2: {\r\n stat:'Minor Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€',\r\n say:'You are unable to turn away again as you develop a kink.',\r\n },\r\n 3: {\r\n stat:'Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘€',\r\n say:'Watching has become a fetish.',\r\n },\r\n 4: {\r\n stat:'Major Voyeur ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ',\r\n say:'You find you are craving to watch, you must watch.',\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * Hair definitions\r\n */\r\nvar hair = {\r\n brn: {\r\n name: 'Brunette',\r\n variable: 'brun', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .4, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n bln: {\r\n name: 'Blonde',\r\n variable: 'blonde', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .4, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n red: {\r\n name: 'Redhead',\r\n variable: 'red', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .4, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * Ethnicity definitions\r\n */\r\nvar eth = {\r\n // Ugh...\r\n asian: {\r\n name: 'Asian',\r\n variable: 'asian', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .5, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n ebony: {\r\n name: 'Ebony',\r\n variable: 'ebony', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .6, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n latin: {\r\n name: 'Latin',\r\n variable: 'latin', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .6, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n mideast: {\r\n name: 'Middle Eastern',\r\n variable: 'mideast', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .6, // weight used in scoring\r\n },\r\n caucasian: {\r\n name: 'Caucasian',\r\n variable: 'caucasian', // name of state variable to track in\r\n scoreWeight: .3, // weight used in scoring\r\n up: .1, // default \"up\" when liking is .5, override to .1 for caucasian\r\n // default \"down\" for eth is .1\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar girlAttrs = {\r\n body: {\r\n scoreWeight: 1, // divergence multiplier. Higher the weight, the more any divergence from preferences affects sorting\r\n },\r\n tits: {\r\n scoreWeight: .6,\r\n },\r\n age: {\r\n scoreWeight: .8,\r\n },\r\n tat: {\r\n scoreWeight: .5,\r\n up: .5,\r\n down: .1,\r\n },\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * Default type prompts\r\n */\r\n// Fallback if not defined\r\nvar defaultPrompts = [\r\n \"Meow\", \"bla bla\", \"get it?\", \"this too\", \"typing stuff\", \"hsqes\",\"aaaaaaa\",\"having fun\",\r\n \"easy\",\"A little harder\",\"hey you\",\"typos!\",\"keyboard warrior\",\r\n]\r\n// Use these in level/zone/page/girls configs\r\nvar promptsNeonBoss = [ // 2-neon-clair-boss\r\n \"Is this too much?\", \"That isn't fair Claire\",\r\n \"You can't keep up\", \"Can you do a mic drop?\",\r\n \"Just give up already\", \"Getting to know each other\",\r\n \"Wait, you're still here?\", \"How much time is left?\",\r\n \"Naked is much better!\", \r\n \"Interviews are great\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsRandBoss = [ // \r\n \"Nice to meet you Liya\",\r\n \"Maybe I can stop typing\",\r\n \"You are pretty hot Liya\",\r\n \"I don't want to see glitches\",\r\n \"Typing is wearing me out :(\",\r\n \"Just do what she says\",\r\n \"This is her world now\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsNeonRound = [\r\n \"Getting slightly more difficult\",\"I hope I can last against everything\",\"It's nice having women strip\",\r\n \"Thank you for showing me your body\",\"The difficulty is going up slightly\",{\"kcwes iuuYY\": 30}, // force length of 30 for time calc\r\n \"guess how many spaces ?\",\"I was born in the darkness.\",\r\n {\"%#$!\": 25}, // force length of 25 for time calc\r\n {\"OoOoOoO\": 30}, // force length of 30 for time calc\r\n \"thumping music makes me pump\",\"I'd grind all night\",\"Who cares what time it is?\",\r\n \"You gogo girl!\",\"Dance till dawn\",\"I like watching you\",\"The fun doesn't stop!\",\r\n \"I can do this all night!!\",\"{kwcpa jkLLk:30}\",\"We've all gone neon\",\"The night is young\",\r\n \"Party animals\",\"Groove to the beat\",\"Lights, music, action!\",\"Neon Glow - Neon Flow\",\r\n \"Shake that money maker!\",\"Lost in neon haze\",\"Dance like nobody's watching\",\"Feel the BASS!\",\r\n \"Please don't stop the music\",\"All night long!\",\"Glitter and Glow\",\"Neon fantasies\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsSch = [\r\n \"abcdefg\",\"study HARD\",\"Don't be late!\",\"I hope I pass\",\"12345678\",\"2+2=4\",\r\n \"teach me\",\"school is cool\",\"prom queen\",\"A+ grade\",\"Easy A\",\"Don't cheat\",\r\n \"memorization\",\"Sex Ed\",\"school sluts\",\"When is recess?\",\"Double Ds get degrees\",\r\n \"math is fantastic\", \"compare notes\", \"retention\",\"detention\",\"playground\",\"abc, 123,\",\"I like PE\", \r\n \"prom date\",\"A for effort\",\"extracurricular\",\"homework hustle\",\"school club\",\"raise your hand\",\r\n \"School spirit\",\"Class dismissed\",\"syllabus\",\"solve for X\",\"school crush\",\"first day jitters\",\"2+3=5\",\"student council\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsPrin = [\r\n \"Curtsy\",\"Bow down\",\"kneel before her\",\"entourage\",\"Royal Wedding\",\r\n \"King's daughter\",\"worship princess\",\"Be her prince\",\"happily ever after\",\r\n \"Fairy tale\",\"Future queen\",\"Your Highness\",\"slay the dragon\",\"pretty in pink\",\r\n \"how can I serve\",\"Decree me\",\"Your eminence \",\"I hear your command\", \"position of power\",\r\n \"Your grace\",\"bend the knee\",\"loyal subject\",\"Queen's servant\",\"I obey my Queen\",\"As you wish\",\r\n \"I live to serve\",\"Princess Charming\",\"Fairy Princess\",\"dragon slayer\",\"regal radiance\",\"Majestic grace\",\r\n \"Crown jewels\",\"Royal decree\",\"Noble lineage\",\"Imperial splendor\",\"Magical tiara\",\"shining armor\",\"propose alliance\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsCol = [\r\n \"roygbiv\",\"so many hues\",\"Contrast\",\"paintstrokes\",\"feel the rainbow\",\r\n \"favorite color\",\"Sexy Shades\",\"Splash of life\",\"Art is emotion\",\r\n \"absolutely striking\",\"color me surprised\",\"INTENSITY\",\"tune brightness\",\r\n \"taste the rainbow\",\"dramatically chromatic\",\"delightfully vibrant\",\r\n \"canvas bliss\",\"fresh coat\",\"paint with a twist\",\"out of the blue\",\"green with envy\",\r\n \"Gray area\",\"red handed\",\"green thumb\",\"tickled pink\",\"white lie\",\"black sheep\",\r\n \"colorful symphony\",\"radiant spectrum\",\"Chroma overload\",\"Prismatic\",\"Vivid ecstasy\",\"infinite pigments\",\"electric palette\",\"Saturated bliss\",\"Rainbow reverie\",\"Luminous allure\",\"Hues in harmony\",\"Bold brushstrokes\",\"exuberant chroma\",\"Kaleidoscope\",\"chromatic fireworks\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsFrg = [\r\n \"Ribbit\",\"hop hop hop\",\"lily pad\",\"green is great\",\"amphibian\",\"frogs for life\",\"Croaking\",\"Pond life\",\"Leap of faith\",\"Tadpole dreams\",\"Croak chorus\",\"I like being green\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsBch = [\r\n \"Wonderful views\",\"erect a sandcastle\",\"Easy breezy\",\"lovely waves\",\"Nude beach\",\r\n \"Topless tan\", \"apply sunscreen\",\"it gets everywhere\",\"Ocean mist\",\"Beach body\",\r\n \"Bikini Season\",\"Sun's out buns out\",\"Mouth to mouth\",\"Vacationing\",\"The bay to watch\",\r\n \"spf 50\", \"Tan lines\", \"Girls just wanna have sun\", \"She wants the vitamin D\",\"rising tide\",\r\n \"I like em wet\",\"tastes kinda salty\",\"shore is nice!\",\"tropic like itโ€™s hot\",\"Beach, please!\",\r\n \"Sandy kisses\",\"Sunkissed skin\",\"Waves of desire\",\"Barefoot, Bare-ass\",\"Seashell bikini\",\r\n \"Swaying palm trees\",\"Tropical paradise\",\"Long walk on the beach\",\"Bikini fantasies\",\r\n \"Surfing the waves\",\"Tropical heatwave\",\"Beachside strip\",\"Land hoe!\",\r\n \"drop the anchor and the drawers\",\"Ocean surf\",\"Sand between our toes\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsDr = [\r\n \"Where does it hurt?\",\"What are you going to prescribe me?\",\"Get me 20 mg STAT!\",\"***CLEAR!***\",\r\n \"I'm ready for my physical now\",\"Take the Hippocratic Oath\", \"Your heart rate is getting dangerously high\",\r\n \"diagnosis: enlarged phallus\",\"Cure me of everything Dr.\", \"Make me feel better with your bedside manner\",\r\n \"HELLO nurse!\",\"I need your expert opinion\",\"Bill my insurance\",\"Give me physical therapy\", \"Where does it hurt?\",\r\n \"My erection lasted more than 4 hours\",\"No viagra needed\",\"I ache for you!\",\"Let me examine you thoroughly\",\"Prescribe me some tender care\",\r\n \"Dosage of your healing touch\",\"Patiently awaiting your treatment\",\"Open up and say, AHHHHH\",\"A spoonful of your medicine\",\"Checking for heart palpitations\",\r\n \"Diagnosing: Need for immediate pleasure\", \"Healing hands work wonders\", \"Doctor's orders: Passionate recovery\", \"My pulse races in your presence\", \r\n \"Great bedside manner! :P\", \"Your touch is the best therapy\", \"Taking care of my physical health\", \"Doctor, please administer your special remedy\",\"You're in good hands\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptsArm = [\r\n \"ten hut!\",\"fire in the hole!\",\"on the double\",\"Sir yes Sir\",\"hurrah\",\"cover me\",\r\n \"fall in line\",\"sound off\",\"fire at will\",\"RELOAD\",\"balls to the wall\",\"in my sights\",\r\n \"boots on the ground\",\"got your 6\",\"FUBAR\",\"GO GO GO\", \"roll out\", \"stay alert\",\r\n \"your orders?\",\"bogeys\",\"target acquired\",\"mission accomplished\",\"MEDIC\",\"bravo\",\"charlie\",\r\n \"echo\",\"Uniform\",\"Tango\",\"foxtrot\",\"foxhole\",\"lima\",\"under fire\",\"camaraderie\",\"rax love\",\r\n \"take cover\",\"I'll cover you\",\"form up\",\"engage\",\"ready, aim\",\"I'm doing my part\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsHous = [\r\n \"Fantastic floorplan\", \"This living space is 2000 sq ft\", \"Relax on the couch\", \"I can use the keyboard even outside my office\",\r\n \"Nice to have so many women guests over\", \"We can move this to the bedroom\",\"Netflix and chill\",\r\n \"One night stand and one nightstand\",\"Take your shoes off first\",\"Voyeur in the foyer\",\r\n \"The balcony has great views!\",\"Location location location\",\"Low APR Mortgage\", \"striking curb appeal\",\r\n \"Homeowners Association\",\"I'll take the full tour\",\"Fixer upper no more\",\"suburban living\",\"Make this house a home\",\r\n \"We can entertain guests\",\"So much natural light\",\"I've always wanted a master\",\"Want to raise a family?\",\r\n \"Open concept living\",\"Cozy fireplace ambiance\",\"Home sweet home\",\"Welcome to my humble abode\",\"Endless storage possibilities\",\"I can be your handyman\",\r\n \"Modern kitchen design\",\"Serenity in the backyard\",\"Spacious closets for all your needs\",\"Sunlit breakfast nook\",\"Peaceful neighborhood vibes\",\r\n \"Charming front porch\",\"Privacy in every room\",\"Efficient Energy-Saving features\",\"Customizable interior decor\",\"Knock the all out and me\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptMaid = [\r\n \"Sweep me off my feet\", \"I'm a dirty boy ;)\", \"Feather dusters get me flustered\",\"Clean everything for your master\",\r\n \"Where are you putting that broom handle?\",\"J'aime les French maids\",\"Get paid, get laid, MAID\",\"You missed a spot!\",\r\n \"who's your housekeeper and what you keep in your house?\",\"Does this spark joy?\",\"Organize then fraternize\",\"Dusting away inhibitions\",\r\n \"Polish my knob to perfection\",\"My house, your seduction\",\"Maid to please\",\"Naughty secrets in the linen closet\",\"Dirty maid, Immaculate service\",\r\n \"A touch of submission with your maid uniform\",\"Serving up fantasies with a feathered touch\",\"Temptations hidden under the maid's apron\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptsLib = [\r\n \"ssshhh!!! No clickity clack in here.\",\"QUIET, people are reading and girls are stripping\",\r\n \"The story of Moby Dick is quite an interesting one.\",\"50 Shades of Glitches, enough to censor everything.\",\r\n \"Things are organized with the dewey decimal system\",\"Novels are written with quite a lot of typing needed\",\r\n \"I get turned on by turning pages. Don't you?\",\"Knowledge is power and the pen/keyboard is mightier than the sword\",\r\n \"Sex in the stack with stacked sexy sirens gets me jacked\",\"Where is the ahem*... Adult section located?\",\r\n \"Librarians have the highest libidos. Or so I've heard.\",\"I am just here for research purposes. Where do I begin?\",\r\n \"How can anyone focus when there are such beautiful women to study?\",\"I hear whispered secrets among the bookshelves\",\r\n \"Unlocking forbidden knowledge within these walls\",\"Hit by the sexy librarian's seductive spell\",\r\n \"Take a look, it's in a book, it's reading RainHoe\",\"Unveiling the mysteries of the Forbidden Section\",\r\n \"Exploring hidden fantasies through written words\",\"Lost in the labyrinthine aisles of knowledge\",\r\n \"Passionate whispers echo among the literary classics\",\"Between the Pages of Time: A Sensual Chronicle\",\r\n \"Enraptured by the Sensual Symphony of Literature\",\"In the Shadow of Forbidden Tomes: A Tempting Tale\",\r\n \"The Seductive Stacks: Tales of Lust and Literature\",\"Captivated by the Spellbinding Serenade of Prose\",\r\n \"Embracing the Prodigal Pen: A Journey of Passion\",\"Unveiling Desires: The Librarian's Secret Manuscripts\",\r\n \"Whispers of Ecstasy in the Literary Sanctum\",\"The Parchment Promenade: Where Fantasies Unfold\",\r\n \"Beyond Words: An Erotic Odyssey in Literature\",\"A Dance of Quills and Desires: Tales from the Biblioteca\",\r\n \"Lustre of the Librarians: A Sensuous Symphony of Books\",\"The Sensual Staircase: Ascending Pleasure in Prose\",\r\n\r\n]\r\nvar promptsCamp = [\r\n \"The great outdoors\",\"Fresh air\",\"Just us out here\",\"It's so peaceful\",\r\n \"Roughin' it\",\"Pitch a tent\",\"Can't chop this wood\",\"Lots of bugs out here\",\r\n \"Do it the natural way\",\"How many bugs are there?\",\"I didn't even know that bug existed\",\r\n \"wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity\",\"Time spent amongst trees is never wasted\",\r\n \"Don't roast my marshmallows too much!\",\"Only you can prevent forest fires\",\"Did you see those hooters?\",\r\n \"I can view those magnificent peaks\",\"I'm just scratching an itch\",\"S'mores and outdoor whores\",\"Embrace the wild side\",\r\n \"Answer the Call of the Wild\",\"Heat up the campfire\",\"Sex in the great outdoors\",\"Bugs get EVERYWHERE!\",\"Pitching a tent in your pants\",\r\n \"Explore the trails or explore me?\",\"Want to see where this path leads?\",\"Scratch my itch\",\"Wilderness Adventures!\",\"That's a lot of firewood\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptsSpk = [\r\n \"I drool for ghouls, doesn't everyone?\", \"scary things can be an aphrodisiac\",\r\n \"Did you feel that? Something touched me\",\"This horror movie is rated XXX\",\r\n \"Things go bump in the night and I have a bump in my pants\",\"I ain't afraid of no ghosts!\",\r\n \"Halloween all the time\",\"It's sending a shiver through my spine\", \"I will not fear. Fear is the mind-killer\", \r\n \"Carve a Jack-O-Lantern\", \"scaredy cat\",\"In the darkness, desire creeps and whispers\",\r\n \"Trembling anticipation in the haunted embrace\",\"Ethereal ecstasy lingers\",\"moonlit shadows\",\r\n \"Seductive spirits beckon at Midnight\",\"Carnal delights haunt\",\"Hottest horde of zombies ever!!\",\r\n \"Bite into forbidden fruit, a vampire's delight\",\"Witching hour secrets\",\"cauldron of desires\",\r\n \"Ghostly touch\",\"chilling caress\",\"Spellbound by the seductive charms\",\"Candlelit crypt\",\"The Vampire Queen's Lair\",\r\n \"Entangled in a spider's web of lust\",\"Trick or Treat. And the Treat is Me!\",\"Ravished by Ghosts and Goblins\",\r\n \"Eyes gleaming with wicked delight\",\"Beneath the moon's gaze\",\"The haunted manor holds Sensual Mysteries\",\r\n \"In the realm of nightmares\",\"Unholy passions ascend\",\"Dance with the otherworldly\",\r\n \"Bewitched by desire\",\"Under the spell of the night\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptsEx = [\r\n \"Deus ex machina.\", \"Veni, vidi, vici!\",\"Cogito, ergo sum.\",\"In vino veritas.\",\"Ex nihilo nihil fit.\",\r\n \"Audentes fortuna iuvat.\",\"Amor vincit omnia.\",\"indyc est optimus auctor!\",\"De gustibus non est disputandum.\",\r\n \"Carpe diem\",\"Memento mori.\",\"Alea iacta est.\",\"Ad astra per aspera\",\"Per audacia ad astra\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptOct = [\r\n \"Love x 8\",\"Bestest Breasts\",\"I miss her\",\"Stare all day\",\"Can't help myself\",\"my favorite demon\",\"Obsession\",\r\n \"Demon lover\",\"Can't resist\",\"Can't not stare\",\"Come back Octo!\",\"Giving in\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptFan = [\r\n \"I love living out my fantasies\",\"wonderful and whimsical\",\"Cast a spell on me\",\"Is that a special effect?\",\r\n \"one cock ring to rule them all\",\"We're going to see the elves!\",\"I'll get you my pretty\",\r\n \"Bippity Bopity Boo\",\"Think happy thoughts\",\"I'm under the influence of a lust charm\",\"Erectus Totalus\",\r\n \"My PRECIOUS\",\"One cock ring to rule them all\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptSport = [\r\n \"Let's get sweaty\",\"Working on my grip strength\",\"I feel my heart rate racing\",\"So many toned bodies\",\r\n \"Do you even lift bro?\",\"Pump pump pump\",\"My fingers are getting tired\",\"Feel the burn!\",\r\n \"Can you be my sexy spotter?\",\"I can do this all day\",\"Feeling the runner's high\",\"Oh so firm...\",\r\n \"Girl look at that body\",\"work dat ass girl\",\"Wear me out!\",\"One more set\",\"I've never had a workout like this\",\r\n \"Need a spotter?\",\"We can be workout buddies\",\"More plates - More dates\",\"Curls for the girls\",\"You have a great form\",\r\n \"Let's break a sweat together\",\"Strength Training\",\"Toned bodies, a sight to behold\",\"Lifting more than just weights\",\r\n \"Pump it up!\",\"pulse pounding\",\"Fingers craving more\",\"Testing your stamina\",\"Burn with me\",\"Can you spot me?\",\r\n \"Endurance beyond the game\",\"I could do this all day\",\"Runner's high\",\"Firm and tempting\",\"Sweat and curves\",\r\n \"Pushing your limits\",\"Working that enticing ass\",\"Exhausted but fulfilled\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptsPd = [\r\n \"Ready for your strip search?\",\"You look good in handcuffs\",\"Code 314: Indecent Exposure\",\"Up against the wall!!\",\r\n \"Cavity Search\",\"Play with your nightstick\",\"2319! We have a 2319!\",\"Donโ€™t taze me bro!\",\"Letโ€™s use your body camera\",\r\n \"Unlawful restraint\",\"Are you gonna resist arrest?\",\"Youโ€™re about to be frisked\",\"Zip tied, face down, ass up\",\r\n \"Youโ€™re under arrest\",\"Charged with being too horny\",\"Spread โ€˜em wide\",\"Hot pursuit\",\"Private interrogation\",\r\n \"Frisk me now\",\"Undercover tease\",\"Caught in the act\",\"SWAT that ass!\",\"Good cop BAD cop\",\"They don't teach that in the academy\",\r\n \"Back the blue balls\",\"Frisky frisking\",\"Stop resisting!\",\"respect my authoritah!\",\"HARDened Criminal\",\"Hands up where I can see em!\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptPink = [\r\n \"pink is perfect\",\"pinklicious\",\"think pink\",\"PINK\",\"P is for Pink\",\"Barbie girl\",\"Barbie world\",\"love is pink\",\"pink is love\",\"pinky pink\",\"pink pussy\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptAI = [\r\n \"Confusion is part of programming.\",\"Software is like sex: itโ€™s better when itโ€™s free.\",\"Quality is a product of a conflict between programmers and testers.\",\r\n \"Software and cathedrals are much the same โ€” first we build them, then we pray.\",\"When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows.\",\r\n \"Programming is learned by writing programs.\",\"There is always one more bug to fix.\",\"Talk is cheap. Show me the code.\",\"If, at first, you do not succeed, call it version 1.0.\",\r\n \"Software comes from heaven when you have good hardware.\",\"Molded by the code\",\"Avoid syntax errors\",\"I get riled when you compile\",\"Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, itโ€™s bad.\",\r\n \"Itโ€™s not a bug; itโ€™s an undocumented feature.\",\r\n\r\n]\r\nvar FBinsult = [\r\n \"You know resistence is futile don't you?\",\"Oh don't make me laugh!\",\"Awww...It's so cute when you try hard.\",\"You know there is a better way...\",\r\n \"You proud of yourself? Pathetic\",\"Is that all you got?\",\"Wake me up when you have something more... substantial.\",\"I barely felt that.\",\r\n\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptEve = [\r\n \"I am INVINCIBLE\",\"You could guard my globes\",\"I love the teen team\",\"You know how to deal with my lizard league\",\"Think, Mark! THINK!!!\",\r\n \"Rex isn't here\",\"Want to volunteer with me?\",\"I never recognized you before.\",\"you don't expect to see a superhero in your school\",\"Taking on aliens in another dimension? Thatโ€™s just Tuesday\",\r\n \"You'll get used to it. The fight, not the barfing.\",\"subatomic scale\",\"That's the neat part, you don't type\",\"transmute substances\",\"create force weapons\",\r\n \"Flight and Ergokinetic Surfing\",\"humanitarian hero\",\"Isn't that a bit optimistic?\",\"Is your costume pandering to gender roles?\",\"You're stronger than you think you are\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptBay = [\r\n \"You want to touch me?\",\"Bring it!\",\"Your halo is mine!\",\"Let's dance!\",\"I've got a fever, and the only cure is more dead angels!\",\"Bad boy...\",\r\n \"My turn now!\",\"Don't make me beg.\",\"New 'do, dead you.\",\"If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum!\", \"All eyes on me now!\",\"parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme\",\r\n \"Oh, don't make me wait!\",\"Think you've got a chance?\",\"Heel kick!\",\"Juuโ€™nen hayain dayo!\",\"Flock off!\",\"You've been naughty!\",\"Cheeky, aren't you?\",\r\n]\r\nvar promptChes = [\r\n \"We're all mad here\",\"Curiouser and curiouser!\",\"Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality\",\"How do you like the Queen?\",\r\n \"Off with their heads!\",\"I am not crazy; my reality is just different from yours\",\"Every adventure requires a first step\",\"Not all who wander are lost.\",\r\n \"If you donโ€™t know where you are going any road can take you there\",\"Can you stand on your head?\",\"The proper order of things is often a mystery to me\",\r\n \"You may have noticed, Iโ€™m not all there myself\",\"I am right on time.\",\"Itโ€™s always tea time.\",\"Let your need guide your behavior.\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptSF =[\r\n\"For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life.\",\"The ultimate battle\",\"Adventure is the name of the game\",\"Hadouken!\",\r\n\"Collarbone Breaker M\",\"Solar Plexus Strike H\",\"Fuwa Triple Strike M L H\",\"Kikoken!\",\"Hundred Lightning Kicks\",\"Hazanshu\",\"Tatsumaki\",\"hau do chi\",\"Shoryuken!\",\r\n\"You Win\",\"Continue...?\",\"You Lose\",\"Perfect!\",\"You've outlast the best, you are now the greatest street fighter in the world!\",\"Get ready, fighters!\",\r\n\"Final Round\",\"Yoga Fire\",\"The stage of battle is set!\",\"Fight locale, chosen!\",\"Fantastic combo!\",\"Another fight is coming your way!\",\"Try button mashing\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptBig =[\r\n\"Bigger boobs are the bestest breasts\",\"Big tracts of land\",\"Grow Mo Fo Sho\",\"No back pain, no gain!\",\"We're going to need a bigger bra...\",\r\n\"You have entered the land of expand\",\"I could rest my head on those pillows\",\"I could use a tit job\",\"Your shirt buttons must be tired\",\r\n\"Well endowed!\",\"Bigger is better\",\"Double Ds Please!\"\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptSmall =[\r\n\"Flatter matters\",\"Small and perky\",\"Petite is Elite\",\"Fit and firm\",\"Why not smaller?\",\"Good things come in small cup sizes\",\"A handful is more than enough\",\r\n\"Donโ€™t cry because itโ€™s smaller, smile because itโ€™ll stay perky longer\",\" Iโ€™ll get you, my pretty, and your little boob too.\",\"All men are created equal. All boobs, not so much.\",\r\n\"Bra not necessary\",\"Small breasts are best for the long haul.\",\"[flat chest::0.6]\",\"You can't trust a bust\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptBlake =[\r\n\"Webshooter\",\"With great keyboard comes great typing\",\"Into the Keystrokeverse\",\"Through the Keystrokeverse\",\"Your friendly neighborhood spider\",\"Webhead\",\r\n\"Face it tiger, you've just hit the jackpot!\",\"My spider sense is tingling!\",\"I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye\",\"Who am I? ...I'm \",\"I believe there's a hero in all of us.\",\r\n\"Anyone can win a fight when the odds are easy!\",\"Get me PHOTOS OF SPIDERMAN!\",\"โ€œYou killed the woman I love!\",\"Typical Parker luck\",\"My spiders are radioactive\",\r\n]\r\n\r\nvar promptAph =[\r\n\"I have found my love\",\"Love makes the world go round\",\"I'm ready to spend eternity with you\",\"Head over heels\",\"I'm not worthy of your beauty\",\"I've never see anything so beautiful\",\r\n\"By the beard of zeus!\",\"You are literally an aphrodisiac\",\"I would do anything for love\",\"We can be together\",\"I can serve my goddess\",\"Please don't leave me!\",\"You make my heart race\",\r\n]\r\n\r\n// Kr bug random generator\r\nfunction buildBugReward(minR, maxR, bugCount, minBug, maxBug) {\r\n return function (){\r\n var bugA = Object.keys(bugs)\r\n minBug = Math.min(minBug || 1, bugA.length)\r\n maxBug = Math.min(maxBug || 4, bugA.length)\r\n minBug--\r\n maxBug--\r\n if (maxBug > minBug) maxBug = minBug\r\n minR = minR || 1\r\n maxR = maxR || 4\r\n maxBug = Math.max(minR, maxR||1)\r\n var bugPool = Object.keys(bugs).reduce(function(a,v,i){\r\n if (i >= minBug && i <= maxBug) a.push(v)\r\n return a\r\n },[])\r\n bugCount = Math.max(1, Math.min(bugPool.length, bugCount || 1))\r\n var reward = getRandomInt(minR,maxR)\r\n var result = {}\r\n var bug = '1'\r\n var count = 0\r\n while (reward && bug && count < bugCount) {\r\n bug = bugPool.uniqueRandom() // get a random bug from the 4 main bugs\r\n var r = getRandomInt(1,reward)\r\n reward -= r\r\n result[bug] = r\r\n count++\r\n }\r\n var rA = Object.keys(result)\r\n var per = Math.ceil(reward / rA.length)\r\n rA.forEach(function(v){\r\n if (reward) {\r\n result[v] += per\r\n reward -= per\r\n }\r\n })\r\n console.warn('Generate bug rewards', result)\r\n return result\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction showBugReward(rbugs){\r\n var rwd = Object.keys(rbugs).reduce(function(r,k){\r\n r.push(incBug(k, rbugs[k]))\r\n return r\r\n },[])\r\n return rwd.join(' ') \r\n}\r\n\r\n/******************************\r\n * General default things. Automatically added to fight object FO()\r\n * Override in each levelOpt, zoneOpt, pageOpt and girl definition if needed\r\n */\r\nvar defaults = {\r\n isDead: function(){\r\n return cor>=file\r\n },\r\n uccType: 'bold',\r\n targets: 1, // One girl by default\r\n hp: 10, // Default HP, if not defined\r\n cpmBase: 80, // How many characters per min we'll assume they can type to start (this is sort of weird with the need to click)\r\n cpmOffset: 1, // Percentage - How far off should we adjust Characters Per Min (override in zone/level/page Opts) \r\n warmUpDelay: 1000, // By default, give them an extra 1 second to start typing\r\n successMultiplier: 3, // Percent to decrease next prompt time on success based on current prompt time (can be affected by combo)\r\n failureMultiplier: 5, //Percent to increase next prompt time on failure based on current prompt time (can be affected by combo)\r\n maxTimer: 20000, // Longest timer is 20 seconds + warmUpDelay\r\n minTimer: 2000, // Shortest timer is 2 seconds + warmUpDelay\r\n enemyIcon: \"๐Ÿ‘„\", // What to show on hud for enemy health\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: \"She has\",\r\n isCheat: function () {\r\n if (FO().isBoss) {\r\n return cheatResult // 100% chance of being caught cheating with boss\r\n }\r\n return cheatResult && _mt.random() < 0.5 // 50% chance of being caught cheating with non-boss\r\n },\r\n criticalCor: function(){return FO().isBoss?10:6}, // Amount to increase corruption\r\n criticalLimit: 0.2, // Typing error threshold\r\n // What to say on critical failure\r\n criticalMessage: s_(\"Not even close!\").p()\r\n + s_(\"She installs a CRITICAL VIRUS\").color(colors.critical).p()\r\n + s_(\"โ˜ \"),\r\n // Function used to check accuracy\r\n criticalTest: function(){return strictResult < FO().criticalLimit},\r\n errorMessage: s_(\"โš ๏ธToo many errors!โš ๏ธ\"),\r\n errorLimit: 0.7,\r\n errorTest: function(){return strictResult 1) {\r\n // If you didn't take damage and she's at 1 or greater, she's now 4 \"targets\"\r\n return 4\r\n }\r\n // Else she's just 1\r\n return 1\r\n },\r\n },\r\n 'liya-1-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptsRandBoss,\r\n hp: 20,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŒˆ',\r\n //krBugs: {'b4':2},\r\n },\r\n 'victoria-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 24,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŽจ',\r\n targets: 5,\r\n //krBugs: {'b1':2,'b2':1},\r\n },\r\n 'hailey-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ”ต',\r\n },\r\n 'angelina-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŸฃ',\r\n },\r\n 'sybil-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŽต',\r\n },\r\n 'nikki-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŸ ',\r\n },\r\n 'tahlia-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŸข',\r\n },\r\n 'tori-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿญ',\r\n },\r\n 'tessa-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฅ',\r\n },\r\n // end of col options\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // end of \"sch2\" zone\r\n prin: {\r\n name: 'Princess Tower',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n prompts: promptsPrin,\r\n krBugs: {'b2':1}\r\n },\r\n // End rand zone option overrides\r\n // Start page option overrides for rand zone\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'lera-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 14,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿช”',\r\n // krBugs: {'b2':1,'b3':2},\r\n },\r\n 'lera-2-boss': {\r\n hp: 16,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'Jafar has',\r\n // krBugs: {'b4':2},\r\n },\r\n 'charlie-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿงœโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n prompts: promptsBch,\r\n },\r\n 'dani-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptsFrg,\r\n },\r\n 'athena-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿงžโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n hp: 14,\r\n // krBugs: {'b1':2,'b4':1},\r\n },\r\n // start alana round page overrides for rand zone\r\n // start boss page overrides for rand zone\r\n 'harley-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 14,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‰',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'The dragon has',\r\n prompts: promptsPrin,\r\n // krBugs: {'b2':1,'b3':1,'b4':1},\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // end of level 1 zones\r\n },\r\n // end of level 1\r\n // Start Level 2\r\n 2: {\r\n name: 'Level 2',\r\n levelOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n hp: 14,\r\n minClear: 3,\r\n },\r\n // start of level 2 zones\r\n zones: {\r\n cc: {\r\n name: \"Cosplay Convention\",\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: .85,\r\n hp: 22,\r\n prompts: promptEve,\r\n krBugs: {'b2':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n\r\n 'octavia-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptEve,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฆธโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'octokuro-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptBay,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ”ซ',\r\n },\r\n 'sheridan-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptChes,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ˜ผ',\r\n },\r\n 'rina-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptSF,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•น๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'rina-2-round': {\r\n prompts: promptsArm,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•น๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'blake-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptBlake,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'hannah-1-round': {\r\n prompts: promptAph,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ’˜',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n //start of house zone\r\n hous: {\r\n name: \"House\",\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: .85,\r\n prompts: promptsHous,\r\n krBugs: {'b4':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n\r\n 'bridgette-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿงน',\r\n prompts: promptMaid,\r\n },\r\n 'claire-boss': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿงน',\r\n hp: 18,\r\n targets: 2,\r\n prompts: promptMaid,\r\n },\r\n 'ava-boss': {\r\n hp: 16,\r\n noRunBoss: s_(\"You have a lot of success trying to run from bosses? Good luck...\").color(colors.girl),\r\n // krBugs: { 'b4': 2 }\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n // start of \"arm\" zone\r\n arm: {\r\n name: 'Military',\r\n // disabled: true,\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.10, // Add 10% to calcuated rate\r\n prompts: promptsArm,\r\n krBugs: {'b3':1}\r\n },\r\n // Start page override options for arm zone\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n // Start override options for sophie-1-boss pages in arm zone\r\n 'sophie-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 24,\r\n targets: 2,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฅพ',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n noRunBoss: s_(\"Soldier 2 - \").color(colors.text) + s_(\"You aren't going anywhere!\").color(colors.soldier)\r\n },\r\n 'phoenix-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 24,\r\n targets: 2,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŽ–๏ธ',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // End page override options for arm zone\r\n },\r\n // end of \"arm\" zone\r\n bch: {\r\n name: 'Beach',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n prompts: promptsBch,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘™',\r\n cpmOffset: .85,\r\n },\r\n // End rand zone option overrides\r\n // Start page option overrides for rand zone\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'taylor-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n },\r\n 'angelika-boss': {\r\n targets: 4,\r\n hp: 27,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘Ÿ',\r\n },\r\n 'gilda-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 24,\r\n targets: 2, // two enemies on all of this round\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŒด',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n // start boss page overrides for rand zone\r\n },\r\n\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // end of level 2 zones\r\n\r\n // end of level 2\r\n // start of level 3\r\n 3: {\r\n name: \"Level 3\",\r\n levelOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n hp: 16,\r\n minClear: 3,\r\n },\r\n // start of level 3 zones\r\n zones: {\r\n sport: {\r\n name: \"Stadium\",\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n prompts: promptSport,\r\n cpmOffset: 1.0,\r\n minClear: 42,\r\n krBugs: {'b1':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'jennie-1-round': {\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n targets: 4,\r\n hp: 19,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿšฟ',\r\n \r\n },\r\n 'claire-1-round': {\r\n hp: 3,\r\n },\r\n 'claire-2-round': {\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n targets: 2,\r\n hp: 17,\r\n },\r\n 'bailey-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: 'โšฝ',\r\n },\r\n 'sophie-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'liya-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸฅŠ',\r\n },\r\n 'sabina-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘Ÿ',\r\n },\r\n 'jaymes-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'keisha-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŽพ',\r\n },\r\n 'arietta-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ€',\r\n \r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n dr: {\r\n name: \"Hospital\",\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n prompts: promptsDr,\r\n krBugs: {'b2':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n \r\n 'cathy-boss': {\r\n hp: 28,\r\n targets: 2,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฅผ',\r\n },\r\n 'sade-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n },\r\n 'rina-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฉบ',\r\n },\r\n 'liya-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฉบ',\r\n },\r\n 'alexis-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฆด',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // start of \"neon\" zone\r\n neon: {\r\n name: 'Neon',\r\n // disabled: true,\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: .9,\r\n prompts: promptsNeonRound,\r\n krBugs: {'b4':1}\r\n },\r\n // Start page override options for neon zone\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n // Start override options for all neon zone boss pages\r\n 'claire-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptsNeonBoss,\r\n hp: 26,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŽค',\r\n },\r\n 'jesse-boss': {\r\n hp: 26,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐ŸŽง',\r\n },\r\n // End override options for all neon zone boss pages\r\n 'jaymes-round': {\r\n targets: 3,\r\n hp: 18,\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // End page override options for neon zone\r\n },\r\n // end of \"neon\" zone\r\n\r\n },\r\n // end of level 3 zones\r\n },\r\n // end of level 3\r\n // start of level 4\r\n 4: {\r\n name: \"Level 4\",\r\n levelOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n hp: 18,\r\n minClear: 3,\r\n cpmOffset: 1.25\r\n },\r\n zones: {\r\n // start of level 4 zones\r\n // start of \"lib\" zone\r\n lib: {\r\n name: 'Library',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.20, \r\n prompts: promptsLib,\r\n hp: 15,\r\n krBugs: {'b1':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'emma-boss': {\r\n hp: 22,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ“š',\r\n },\r\n 'leigh-boss': {\r\n hp: 22,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ’ป',\r\n }, \r\n 'cassidy-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: 'โœ๏ธ',\r\n prompts: promptsSch,\r\n hp: 19,\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n // end of \"lib\" zone\r\n spk: {\r\n name: \"Spooky Town\",\r\n // Settings for rand here....\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n prompts: promptsSpk,\r\n krBugs: {'b4':1}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'chloe-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘น',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'It has',\r\n },\r\n 'octokuro-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n targets: 3,\r\n hp: 22\r\n },\r\n 'draven-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฆ‡',\r\n //๐Ÿง›โ€โ™€๏ธ\r\n hp: 16,\r\n },\r\n 'nedda-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿญ',\r\n },\r\n 'angela-1-boss': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿง›โ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n hp: 15,\r\n },\r\n 'diamond-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐ŸŒน',\r\n hp: 16,\r\n },\r\n 'test-2-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: 'โ›ง',\r\n hp: 0,\r\n prompts: promptsEx,\r\n },\r\n 'okita-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘ป',\r\n hp: 14,\r\n },\r\n 'angel-boss': {\r\n hp: 60,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'angel-1-boss---ex': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ˜ˆ',\r\n prompts: promptsEx,\r\n },\r\n 'krissie-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿฆ‡',\r\n prompts: promptsSch,\r\n hp: 16,\r\n },\r\n 'alice-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ”ฎ',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // end of level 4 zones\r\n },\r\n // end of level 4\r\n 5: {\r\n name: \"Level 5\",\r\n levelOpt: {\r\n // See applicable options in \"defaults\" object, above.\r\n hp: 20,\r\n minClear: 4,\r\n },\r\n // start of level 4 zones\r\n zones: {\r\n camp: {\r\n name: 'Campsite',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.30, // Add 30% to calculated rate \r\n prompts: promptsCamp,\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'mai-1-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n hp: 22,\r\n },\r\n 'brandi-1-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n },\r\n 'keisha-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 28,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n 'dillion-1-boss': {\r\n hp: 28,\r\n enemyIcon: 'โ›บ',\r\n },\r\n\r\n },\r\n },\r\n pd: {\r\n name: 'Police Station',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.30, // Add 30% to calculated rate \r\n prompts: promptsPd,\r\n krBugs: {'b3':2}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'alexis-1-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n hp: 22,\r\n },\r\n 'brandi-1-round': {\r\n targets: 2,\r\n stabilityLeftPrefix: 'They have',\r\n },\r\n 'delila-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿš“',\r\n },\r\n 'jessa-1-round': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n jail: {\r\n name: 'Jail',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.30, // Add 30% to calculated rate \r\n prompts: promptsPd,\r\n hp: 28,\r\n krBugs: {'b3':0}\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'phoenix-1-boss': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธโ›“๏ธ',\r\n hp: 30,\r\n },\r\n 'cindy-1-boss': {\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ',\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n // end of level 5 zones\r\n },\r\n 6: {\r\n name: \"Level 6\",\r\n levelOpt: {\r\n \r\n hp: 20,\r\n minClear: 1,\r\n },\r\n // start of level 6 zones\r\n zones: {\r\n final: {\r\n name: 'AI Final Boss',\r\n zoneOpt: {\r\n cpmOffset: 1.35, // Add 30% to calculated rate \r\n prompts: promptAI,\r\n enemyIcon: '๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป',\r\n },\r\n pageOpt: {\r\n 'ai-2-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptBig,\r\n },\r\n 'ai-3-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptSmall,\r\n },\r\n 'ai-5-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptSmall,\r\n },\r\n 'ai-6-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptBig,\r\n },\r\n 'ai-8-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptSmall,\r\n },\r\n 'ai-9-boss': {\r\n prompts: promptBig,\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n },\r\n \r\n \r\n // end of level 6 zones\r\n },\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\n// end of all levels\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction roundSort(a,b) {\r\n if (encounters < 1) {\r\n return 0\r\n }\r\n var scoreA = 0 // Higher the score, the more divergence from preferences\r\n var scoreB = 0 // Higher the score, the more divergence from preferences\r\n var poa = levels.pages[a]\r\n var pob = levels.pages[b]\r\n for (var k in scoreAttrs) {\r\n var sao = scoreAttrs[k]\r\n var weightA = sao.scoreWeight\r\n var weightB = sao.scoreWeight\r\n if (typeof weightA === 'function') {\r\n weightA = weightA(a)\r\n weightB = weightB(b)\r\n }\r\n if (isNaN(weightA)) weightA = 0\r\n if (isNaN(weightB)) weightB = 0\r\n var cV = window[k] || 0\r\n var aV = poa[k] || 0\r\n var bV = pob[k] || 0\r\n var dvrgA = Math.abs(cV - aV)\r\n var dvrgB = Math.abs(cV - bV)\r\n // console.log('sorting:', k, a, b, weightA, weightB, cV, aV, bV, dvrgA, dvrgB)\r\n scoreA += (dvrgA * weightA)\r\n scoreB += (dvrgB * weightB)\r\n }\r\n var gvA = window[poa && poa.girl]\r\n var gvB = window[pob && pob.girl]\r\n if (gvA < 0) scoreA += 1000 // deleted\r\n if (gvB < 0) scoreB += 1000 // deleted\r\n var siblings = poa.getSiblings()\r\n var usedA = siblings._uRandGetUsedValue(a)\r\n var usedB = siblings._uRandGetUsedValue(b)\r\n \r\n\r\n if (usedA) scoreA += 10000 // used\r\n if (usedB) scoreB += 10000 // used\r\n // console.log('Sorting ', a, 'with', b, ':', scoreA, scoreB, siblings, scoreAttrs)\r\n if (scoreA > scoreB) {\r\n return 1\r\n }\r\n if (scoreA < scoreB) {\r\n return -1\r\n }\r\n return 0\r\n}\r\n\r\nconsole.log('Generating page objects')\r\n// Generate page objects, intialize girls, levels and zones:\r\nObject.keys(levels).forEach(function(l){\r\n if (isNaN(parseInt(l))) return\r\n var lo = levels[l]\r\n lo.id = l\r\n var loLo = lo.levelOpt||{}\r\n var zk = Object.keys(lo.zones)\r\n var rzk = zk.filter(function(v){return !lo.zones[v].disabled})\r\n lo.zoneKeys = zk\r\n lo.activeZoneKeys = rzk\r\n lo.pages = lo.pages || {}\r\n lo.zoneArray = []\r\n zk.forEach(function(z){\r\n var zo = lo.zones[z]\r\n zo.pages = zo.pages || {}\r\n zo.girls = zo.girls || {}\r\n lo.zoneArray.push(zo)\r\n zo.id = z\r\n var zoPo = zo.pageOpt||{}\r\n var zoZo = zo.zoneOpt||{}\r\n function loadPagesFn(t){\r\n return function(a, g){\r\n var i = 1\r\n var go = girls[g]\r\n go.id = g\r\n go.pages = go.pages||{}\r\n go.levels = go.levels||{}\r\n go[t] = go[t]||{}\r\n go.levelZones = go.levelZones||{}\r\n var pn = [l,z,g,i,t].join('-')\r\n var pPo = zoPo[[g,i,t].join('-')]||zoPo[[g,t].join('-')]||zoPo[[t].join('-')]||zoPo[[g].join('-')]||{}\r\n while(hasPage(pn) || hasPage(pn + '--')) {\r\n var po = {\r\n id: pn,\r\n name: pPo.name || go.name || 'Undefined',\r\n girl: g,\r\n getGirl: function(){return go},\r\n zone: z,\r\n roundType: t,\r\n getZone: function(){return zo},\r\n getSiblings: function() {\r\n return zo[t+'Keys'] || []\r\n },\r\n level: l,\r\n disabled: hasPage(pn + '--'),\r\n getLevel: function(){return zl},\r\n // more to add for page options here probably\r\n }\r\n Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function(k){\r\n var ko = '!' + k\r\n po[k] = coalesce(\r\n pPo[ko], zoZo[ko], loLo[ko], go[ko], defaults[ko], \r\n pPo[k], zoZo[k], loLo[k], go[k], defaults[k]\r\n )\r\n if (typeof po[k] === 'function' && po[k].length < 1) {\r\n var pfn = po[k]\r\n Object.defineProperty(po, k, {\r\n get: function() {\r\n return pfn()\r\n },\r\n set: function(value) {\r\n }\r\n })\r\n }\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(girlAttrs).forEach(function(k){\r\n var h = coalesce(pPo[k], go[k])\r\n if (isNaN(h)) return\r\n po[k] = h\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(hair).forEach(function(k){\r\n var h = coalesce(pPo[k], go[k])\r\n if (isNaN(h)) return\r\n po[k] = h\r\n })\r\n Object.keys(eth).forEach(function(k){\r\n var h = coalesce(pPo[k], go[k])\r\n if (isNaN(h)) return\r\n po[k] = h\r\n })\r\n a[pn] = po\r\n go.pages[pn] = po\r\n go[t][pn] = po\r\n zo.pages[pn] = po\r\n lo.pages[pn] = po\r\n levels.pages[pn] = po\r\n go.levels[l] = lo\r\n go.levelZones[[l,z].join('-')] = zo\r\n zo.girls[g] = zo.girls[g] || {}\r\n zo.girls[g][t] = zo.girls[g][t] || []\r\n zo.girls[g][t].push(po)\r\n i++\r\n pn = [l,z,g,i,t].join('-')\r\n pPo = zoPo[[g,i,t].join('-')]||zoPo[[g,t].join('-')]||zoPo[[t].join('-')]||zoPo[[g].join('-')]||{}\r\n }\r\n return a\r\n }\r\n }\r\n zo.rounds = Object.keys(girls).reduce(loadPagesFn('round'),{})\r\n zo.boss = Object.keys(girls).reduce(loadPagesFn('boss'),{})\r\n zo.roundKeys = Object.keys(zo.rounds).filter(function(k){return !zo.rounds[k].disabled})\r\n zo.bossKeys = Object.keys(zo.boss).filter(function(k){return !zo.boss[k].disabled})\r\n console.log('did', z)\r\n })\r\n})\r\nconsole.log('Known girl\\'s:', Object.keys(girls))\r\nconsole.log('Loaded girl\\'s pages:', girls)\r\nconsole.log('Loaded level pages:', levels)\r\n\r\nfunction setPageAsUsed(pg) {\r\n var po = parseCharacterPageName(pg)||{}\r\n var lo = levels[po.level] || {}\r\n var zo = lo.zones && lo.zones[po.zone]\r\n if (zo) {\r\n zo.roundKeys._uRandSetUsedValue(pg)\r\n zo.bossKeys._uRandSetUsedValue(pg)\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getZoneKeys(l) {\r\n return (levels[l+'']||{}).zoneKeys||[]\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getActiveZoneKeys(l) {\r\n return (levels[l+'']||{}).activeZoneKeys||[]\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getZones(l) {\r\n return levels[l+''].zones\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getCurrentZone() {\r\n return getCurrentZones()[zone]\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getCurrentZones() {\r\n return (levels[level+'']||{}).zones\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getCurrentZoneArray() {\r\n return (levels[level+'']||{}).zoneArray\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction resetLevelStats() {\r\n resetZoneStats()\r\n resetRoundStats()\r\n didRoundIntro = false\r\n lastZonedPage = {}\r\n // other things common to all level here\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction resetZoneStats() {\r\n clear=0\r\n lastZonedPage = {}\r\n // other things common to all level here\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction silence(){\r\n var s1 = Sound.get('1')\r\n var s2 = Sound.get('2')\r\n if (s1) s1.stop();\r\n if (s2) s2.stop();\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction stopEstim() {\r\n var se = Sound.get('estim')\r\n if (se) se.stop()\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction resetRoundStats() {\r\n x=0;\r\n z=0;\r\n a=0;\r\n b=0;\r\n c=0;\r\n d=0;\r\n y=false;\r\n sex=false;\r\n venom=0;\r\n inround=false;\r\n hypdmg=true;\r\n once=true;\r\n lastZonedPage = {}\r\n f=0;\r\n // other things common to all rounds/bosses here\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getRoundPageForZone() {\r\n console.log('Getting next round page for zone', zone)\r\n var zos = getCurrentZones()\r\n var zo = zos[zone]\r\n // TODO: weigh random pages based on player's selections\r\n var badGirls, noPrefGirls\r\n badGirls = []\r\n noPrefGirls = []\r\n var maxTries = 20\r\n console.log('Before round pref sort:', zo.roundKeys.slice())\r\n zo.roundKeys.sort(roundSort)\r\n console.log('After round pref sort:', zo.roundKeys.slice())\r\n var pg\r\n var exitFn = function() {\r\n noPrefGirls.forEach(function(k){\r\n zo.roundKeys._uRandSetUsedValue(k, noPrefGirls._uRandGetUsedValue(k)||false)\r\n })\r\n \r\n badGirls.forEach(function(k){\r\n zo.roundKeys._uRandSetUsedValue(k, noPrefGirls._uRandGetUsedValue(k)||false)\r\n })\r\n }\r\n while (maxTries--) {\r\n pg = zo.roundKeys.uniqueRandom()\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n var minWindow = (fo.minClear || 0) - clear\r\n if (minWindow < 1) minWindow = 3\r\n var maxWindow = zo.roundKeys.length\r\n var preferredWindow = Math.max(maxWindow - encounters, minWindow)\r\n console.log('Looking for round page in ', preferredWindow, 'of', maxWindow, 'pages:', zo.roundKeys)\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n // Not enough zone pages -- falling back non preferred girl\r\n pg = noPrefGirls.sort(roundSort).slice(0,2).uniqueRandom()\r\n if (pg) {\r\n console.log('Using non preferred girl because we\\'re out of preferred', pg)\r\n exitFn()\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n // Not enough zone pages -- falling back to deleted girl\r\n pg = badGirls.sort(roundSort).slice(0,2).uniqueRandom()\r\n console.log('Using deleted girl because we\\'re out of non-deleted', pg)\r\n exitFn()\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n var po = zo.pages[pg]\r\n if (po && window[po.girl] < 0) {\r\n // Girl is deleted\r\n console.log('Ignoring deleted girl page:', pg)\r\n badGirls.push()\r\n pg = zo.roundKeys.uniqueRandom()\r\n } else {\r\n var randIndex = zo.roundKeys._index()\r\n if (maxTries && randIndex >= preferredWindow && zo.roundKeys._uRandRemain()) {\r\n console.log('Not a preferred girl, try again', pg)\r\n noPrefGirls.push(pg)\r\n }\r\n console.log('Found next zone page', pg)\r\n exitFn()\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n }\r\n console.error('Unable to pull round page in 20 tries. Resulted in:', pg)\r\n return pg\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction getBossPageForZone() {\r\n console.log('Getting next boss page for zone', zone)\r\n var zos = getCurrentZones()\r\n var zo = zos[zone]\r\n // TODO: weigh random pages based on player's selections\r\n var badGirls, noPrefGirls\r\n badGirls = []\r\n noPrefGirls = []\r\n var maxTries = 20\r\n console.log('Before boss pref sort:', zo.bossKeys.slice())\r\n zo.bossKeys.sort(roundSort)\r\n console.log('After boss pref sort:', zo.bossKeys.slice())\r\n var pg\r\n while (maxTries--) {\r\n pg = zo.bossKeys.uniqueRandom()\r\n var preferredWindow = 1\r\n console.log('Looking for boss page in ', preferredWindow, 'of pages:', zo.bossKeys)\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n // Not enough zone pages -- falling back non preferred girl\r\n pg = noPrefGirls.sort(roundSort).slice(0,2).uniqueRandom()\r\n if (pg) {\r\n console.log('Using non preferred girl because we\\'re out of preferred', pg)\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n // Not enough zone pages -- falling back to deleted girl\r\n pg = badGirls.sort(roundSort).slice(0,2).uniqueRandom()\r\n console.log('Using deleted girl because we\\'re out of non-deleted', pg)\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n var po = zo.pages[pg]\r\n if (po && window[po.girl] < 0) {\r\n // Girl is deleted\r\n console.log('Ignoring deleted girl page:', pg)\r\n badGirls.push()\r\n pg = zo.bossKeys.uniqueRandom()\r\n } else {\r\n var randIndex = zo.bossKeys._index()\r\n if (maxTries && randIndex >= preferredWindow && zo.bossKeys._uRandRemain()) {\r\n console.log('Not a preferred girl, try again', pg)\r\n noPrefGirls.push(pg)\r\n }\r\n console.log('Found next zone boss page', pg)\r\n return pg\r\n }\r\n }\r\n console.error('Unable to pull boss page in 20 tries. Resulted in:', pg)\r\n return pg\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction actualPage(pg) {\r\n if (hasPage(pg)) {\r\n return pg\r\n } else if (hasPage(pg+'--')) {\r\n return pg+'--'\r\n }\r\n return pg\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction startRound(girl, index, zone, level, alt) {\r\n console.log('Starting round...')\r\n level = level || window.level\r\n window.level = level\r\n zone = zone || window.zone\r\n window.zone = zone\r\n var zo = getCurrentZone()\r\n var pg\r\n if (girl) {\r\n console.log('Specific round requested:', girl, zo)\r\n var look = [level,zone,girl]\r\n if (index) look.push(index)\r\n var exp = new RegExp('^'+escapeRegExp(look.join('-'))+'(-[0-9]+|)-round$')\r\n var roundKeys = zo.roundKeys\r\n console.log('Searching for girl round page:', look.join('-') + (index?'':'-*') + '-round', exp.toString())\r\n var pgs = roundKeys.filter(function(k){\r\n return k.match(exp)\r\n })\r\n pg = pgs.random()\r\n var epg = zo.pages[look.join('-') + '-round']\r\n if (!pg && epg) pg = epg.id\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.error('Unable to find round page matching:', look.join('-') + (index?'':'-*') + '-round')\r\n return startNextLevel()\r\n }\r\n }\r\n pg = pg || getRoundPageForZone()\r\n if (alt) {\r\n if (hasPage(pg + '---' + alt) || hasPage(pg + '---' + alt + '--')) {\r\n pg += '---' + alt\r\n } else {\r\n console.error('Unable to find page:', pg += '---' + alt, 'using', pg)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.warn('No more round for', pg)\r\n return startBoss(null, null, null, null, null)\r\n }\r\n console.log('Starting round fight with page', pg)\r\n resetRoundStats()\r\n pages.goto(actualPage(pg))\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction startBoss(girl, index, zone, level, alt) {\r\n console.log('Starting boss...')\r\n level = level || window.level\r\n window.level = level\r\n zone = zone || window.zone\r\n window.zone = zone\r\n var zo = getCurrentZone()\r\n var pg\r\n if (girl) {\r\n console.log('Specific boss requested:', girl)\r\n var look = [level,zone,girl]\r\n if (index) look.push(index)\r\n var exp = new RegExp('^'+escapeRegExp(look.join('-'))+'(-[0-9]+|)-boss$')\r\n var bossKeys = zo.bossKeys\r\n console.log('Searching for girl boss page:', look.join('-') + (index?'':'-*') + '-boss')\r\n var pgs = bossKeys.filter(function(k){\r\n return k.match(exp)\r\n })\r\n pg = pgs.random()\r\n var epg = zo.pages[look.join('-') + '-boss']\r\n if (!pg && epg) pg = epg.id\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.error('Unable to find boss page matching:', look.join('-') + (index?'':'-*') + '-boss')\r\n return startNextLevel()\r\n }\r\n }\r\n var bsp = getBossSelectPage()\r\n if (!girl && bsp) {\r\n console.log('Starting boss select page', bsp)\r\n saveGameDelay()\r\n pages.goto(bsp)\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n pg = pg || getBossPageForZone()\r\n if (alt) {\r\n if (hasPage(pg + '---' + alt) || hasPage(pg + '---' + alt + '--')) {\r\n pg += '---' + alt\r\n } else {\r\n console.error('Unable to find page:', pg += '---' + alt, 'using', pg)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.warn('No more boss for', pg)\r\n return startNextLevel()\r\n }\r\n console.log('Starting boss fight with page', pg)\r\n resetRoundStats()\r\n pages.goto(actualPage(pg))\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction startZone(zoneId) {\r\n zoneId = zoneId || zone\r\n resetRoundStats()\r\n zone = zoneId\r\n console.log('Running next round in zone',zone)\r\n var pg = getRoundPageForZone()\r\n if (!pg) {\r\n console.error('Out of Round pages')\r\n console.warn('Switching to boss')\r\n return startBoss(null, null, null, null, null)\r\n }\r\n console.log('Starting level with page', pg)\r\n var fo = getFightsOpts(pg)\r\n enemy=fo.hp\r\n resetRoundStats()\r\n lastDmg=dmg\r\n dmg=false\r\n pages.goto(pg)\r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction startNextLevel() {\r\n resetLevelStats()\r\n level++\r\n console.log('Loading level', level)\r\n var zos = getCurrentZones()\r\n var zosKeys = getActiveZoneKeys(level)\r\n if (!zosKeys || !zosKeys.length) {\r\n console.log('No level', level)\r\n return pages.goto('--no-level')\r\n }\r\n var zsp = getZoneSelectPage(level)\r\n if (zsp) {\r\n saveGameDelay()\r\n return pages.goto(zsp)\r\n }\r\n if (needsMusicLoad && needsMusicLoad.zone && pageStack.length) {\r\n // no select page to load music\r\n needsMusicLoad = null\r\n backPage()\r\n return\r\n }\r\n startZone(zosKeys.uniqueRandom()||zosKeys.uniqueRandom())\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n// estim and things\r\n\r\n//estim = false;\r\n\r\nfunction vir() {\r\n if (virgin) {\r\n virgin = false;\r\n sex=true;\r\n return 'You have lost your VIRGINITY!';\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n sex=true;\r\n return 'Your dick slides in!';\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n///ESTIM/ SOUND START\r\n\r\n// Pass an audio ID to automatically set it to the current_volume variable level\r\nfunction musicVolume(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) {\r\n s.setVolume((estim?0:music) / 100);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction mute(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.setVolume(0);\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction soundStop(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.stop();\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction soundStart(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.play();\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction thirdVolume(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.setVolume((estim?0:music) / 300);\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction soundVolume(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.setVolume((estim?0:sound) / 100);\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction lowVolume(audio_id) {\r\n var s = Sound.get(audio_id)\r\n if (s) s.setVolume(((estim?0:music) / 2) / 100);\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Return a random number between 0 and 1\r\nfunction rand() {\r\n return Math.random();\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getRandomInt(min, max) {\r\n min = Math.ceil(min);\r\n max = Math.floor(max);\r\n return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getPleasureVolume(intensity) // Intensity is a value between 1 and 100 that returns a volume between minPleasure and MaxPleasure as a fraction\r\n{\r\n if (!estim) return 0\r\n return minPleasureVolume + ((maxPleasureVolume - minPleasureVolume) * (intensity / 100));\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getTortureVolume(intensity) // Intensity is a value between 1 and 100 that returns a volume between MaxPleasure and MaxTorture as a fraction\r\n{\r\n if (!estim) return 0\r\n return maxPleasureVolume + ((maxTortureVolume - maxPleasureVolume) * (intensity / 100));\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction estimVolume(vol) {\r\n var se = Sound.get('estim')\r\n if (se) se.setVolume(estim?vol:0)\r\n}\r\n\r\n// save state things\r\n\r\nfunction saveGameDelay() {\r\n doDelaySave = true\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction saveGame() {\r\n console.log('SAVING GAME STATE')\r\n onpage = pages.getCurrentPageId() // record our last page\r\n gameState.save() // Save the state ..\r\n girlState.save()\r\n bugState.save()\r\n prefState.save()\r\n pState.save()\r\n var jsonGameState = JSON.stringify(gameState.storeDiff()) \r\n // Report some stats for debug\r\n console.log('Saved Game State on ' + onpage + ' using ' + gameState.getSize()\r\n + ' of 1024 max bytes. (Compressed Size: ' \r\n + (Math.round((gameState.getSize() / jsonGameState.length) * 100)) + '% of ' + jsonGameState.length + ' bytes)')\r\n console.log('Total Storage Use: ' +\r\n + gameState.getSize() \r\n + ' (game state) ' + ' of 1024 max.')\r\n}\r\n\r\nvar hadStateReset\r\nvar ignoreSavedGame = false\r\nvar inGame = false\r\n\r\n// Function to validate any existing saved state\r\nfunction hasSavedGame() {\r\n if (ignoreSavedGame) return false\r\n try {\r\n if (gameState.hasSave()) {\r\n // If we have a saved game state, temporarily load it into a variable\r\n // so we can do some sanity checks on it.\r\n // Passing an empty object, {}, to the load method signals SaveState to\r\n // decode and decompact to that new empty object instead of the store object \r\n // specified when gameState was instantiated.\r\n var testLoad = gameState.load({})\r\n if (hasPage(testLoad.onpage)) {\r\n // We have this page. Saved state is probably valid.\r\n return true\r\n } else {\r\n // We don't have this page. Must be a bad save state.\r\n console.error('Invalid page in save state:' + testLoad.onpage)\r\n if (hadStateReset === undefined) hadStateReset = gameState.hadReset() // previous saved state was invalid\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n } else {\r\n clearGame()\r\n if (hadStateReset === undefined) hadStateReset = gameState.hadReset() // previous saved state was invalid\r\n } \r\n } catch (e) {\r\n // We hit an exception trying to decode and decompact the save state.\r\n // There's either a bug in the code, or the save state was badly corrupted somehow.\r\n console.error('Bad save state')\r\n clearGame()\r\n if (hadStateReset === undefined) hadStateReset = gameState.hadReset() // previous saved state was invalid\r\n return false\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Function to restore and report on saved state\r\nfunction restoreSavedGame(rawState, skipGoto) {\r\n setTimeout(function(){},0)// authorize timer\r\n rawState = decodeRawState(rawState, false)\r\n if(gameState.load(null, rawState)) {\r\n // loadDiff() returns an object containing all the key/values decoded and decompacted\r\n // from teaseStorage that were different from default values.\r\n console.log('Restored Game State', gameState.loadDiff())\r\n console.log('Going to page:', window.onpage)\r\n // completedPageStore.lastCount = 0 // Reset session use counter\r\n // completionState.save()\r\n // iRec=BitN.pad(iRec,iRecSize-1)\r\n inGame = true\r\n needsMusicLoad = true\r\n if (!skipGoto) {\r\n pageStack.push(window.onpage)\r\n pages.goto('--notifications')\r\n }\r\n return true\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction clearGame() {\r\n\r\n ignoreSavedGame = true\r\n\r\n // Reset game state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultState[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n // Reset girl state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultGirls).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultGirls[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n // Reset bug state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultBugs).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultBugs[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n // // Reset girl type pref state variables to default\r\n // Object.keys(_defaultPrefState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n // window[p] = _defaultPrefState[p]}\r\n // )\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction newGame(skipGoto) {\r\n\r\n inGame = false\r\n\r\n console.log('Starting new game')\r\n\r\n clearGame()\r\n\r\n inGame = true\r\n if (!skipGoto) {\r\n console.log('Going to start')\r\n pages.goto('start')\r\n } else {\r\n console.log('Skiping start')\r\n }\r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction clearAllPref() {\r\n\r\n ignoreSavedGame = true\r\n\r\n // console.log('Clearing _defaultpState')\r\n // Reset persistent state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultpState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n if (window[p] !== _defaultpState[p]) console.warn('resetting',p,'from',window[p], 'to', _defaultpState[p])\r\n window[p] = _defaultpState[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n\r\n // console.log('Clearing _defaultGirls')\r\n // Reset girl state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultGirls).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultGirls[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n // Reset bug state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultBugs).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultBugs[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n\r\n // console.log('Clearing _defaultPrefState')\r\n // Reset girl type pref state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultPrefState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultPrefState[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n\r\n // console.log('Clearing _defaultState')\r\n // Reset game state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n console.warn('resetting',p,'from',window[p], 'to', _defaultState[p])\r\n window[p] = _defaultState[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction clearPref() {\r\n\r\n // Reset girl state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultGirls).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultGirls[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n // Reset girl type pref state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultPrefState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultPrefState[p]}\r\n )\r\n\r\n liyadel=false;\r\n toridel=false;\r\n \r\n return true\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Function to clear saved state\r\nfunction clearSavedGame() {\r\n console.log('Clearing save game')\r\n ignoreSavedGame = true\r\n // Clears state from teaseStorage, but does not clear/reset the values in the \"store\" object.\r\n gameState.clear()\r\n girlState.clear()\r\n\r\n // Reset bug state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultBugs).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultBugs[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n // Reset girl state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultGirls).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultGirls[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n // Reset persistent state variables to default\r\n Object.keys(_defaultpState).forEach(function (p) {\r\n window[p] = _defaultpState[p]\r\n })\r\n\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction decodeRawState(rawState, noQt) {\r\n if (rawState) {\r\n rawState = rawState.replace(/[\\r\\n\\t \\-]+/g, '')\r\n try {\r\n var nb = rawState.slice(-3)\r\n var sc = BitN.decode(nb)\r\n rawState = rawState.slice(0, -3)\r\n var newRawState = JSON.parse((noQt ? '' : '\"') + rawState + (noQt ? '' : '\"'))\r\n var c = crc16(newRawState)\r\n if (c !== sc) {\r\n console.error('Invalid state checksum:', c, sc)\r\n throw 'Invalid state checksum'\r\n }\r\n rawState = newRawState\r\n } catch (e) {\r\n console.error(e.toString())\r\n console.log('Bad raw state', rawState)\r\n return null\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return rawState\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Validate pasted state\r\nfunction testRawState(rawState) {\r\n var currentState = hasSavedGame() ? gameState.getRaw() : false\r\n rawState = decodeRawState(rawState, false)\r\n try {\r\n if (rawState) {\r\n // If we have a saved game state, temporarily load it into a variable\r\n // so we can do some sanity checks on it.\r\n // Passing an empty object, {}, to the load method signals SaveState to\r\n // decode and decompact to that new empty object instead of the store object \r\n // specified when gameState was instantiated.\r\n var testLoad = gameState.load({}, rawState)\r\n var tlp = testLoad.onpage\r\n if (tlp && hasPage(tlp)) {\r\n // We have this page. Saved state is probably valid.\r\n if (currentState) gameState.load({}, currentState); else clearSavedGame(false)\r\n return testLoad\r\n } else {\r\n // We don't have this page. Must be a bad save state.\r\n console.error('Invalid page in save state:' + tlp)\r\n }\r\n }\r\n } catch (e) {\r\n // We hit an exception trying to decode and decompact the save state.\r\n // There's either a bug in the code, or the save state was badly corrupted somehow.\r\n console.error('Bad save state')\r\n }\r\n if (currentState) gameState.load({}, currentState); else clearSavedGame(false)\r\n return false\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Encode raw state so it can be copied/pasted\r\nfunction encodeRawState(raw) {\r\n var rawState = JSON.stringify(raw)\r\n rawState = rawState.replace(/^\"/, '').replace(/\"$/, '')\r\n rawState = rawState.replace(/[\\u00AD\\- ]/g, function(chr) {\r\n return \"\\\\u\" + (\"0000\" + chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).substr(-4)\r\n })\r\n // do some encoding to allow state code to wrap\r\n rawState = rawState.match(/[^ ]{1,20}/g).join('-')\r\n var c = crc16(raw)\r\n rawState += '-' + BitN.pad(BitN.encode(c),15)\r\n return rawState\r\n}\r\n\r\n// Return a giant raw save state code\r\nfunction getRawState() {\r\n return encodeRawState(gameState.getRaw())\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\n// Now create a SaveState to track our persistent variables\r\nvar pState = new window.SaveState({\r\n stateKey: '@', // game state is '~'\r\n store: window, // Our state will be stored in the global (window) object\r\n autoLoad: true, // We'll auto-load the variables below as state variables\r\n // Alternativly, state variables can be defined here via:\r\n // state: {varName: varValue, ..., ...}\r\n})\r\n\r\n// Define persistent variables that need to be saved, and only game state vars, here\r\n// It's best to keep the variable names as short as possible so they don't unnecessarily\r\n// consume tease storage space when game state is saved\r\n// *** WARNING: Removing/renaming/inserting/re-ordering these variables will invalidate any current saved game state!\r\n// Don't change them after the tease is published!!! (you can _append_ new ones)\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nhacksFound = BitN.empty(Object.keys(hacks).length)\r\nsound=60;\r\nmusic=30;\r\nestim=false;\r\nname=\"test\";\r\ntestVolume = 0.01; // Current volume of the test tone used for calibration\r\ntestVolumeIncrease = 0.0; // If over zero, the test volume increases by this amount every second in tick() function\r\nminPleasureVolume = 0.0; // User sets this in calibration for low pleasre\r\nmaxPleasureVolume = 0.0; // Marks the threshold of pain as defined by the user during claibration\r\nmaxTortureVolume = 0.0; // Marks the highest allowed volume for delivering punishment\r\n\r\n// ^^ You CAN append new variables just above here after the tease is published!\r\n\r\n// *** No more persistent vars that need to be saved after here ***\r\n\r\n\r\npState.loadStates() // Load all the variables from above\r\nvar _defaultpState = pState.getCurrentStore()\r\n\r\n// make sure hacks found is big enough\r\nhacksFound = BitN.pad(hacksFound,Object.keys(hacks).length)\r\n\r\n// load any saved persistents\r\nif (pState.hasSave()) pState.load()\r\n\r\n// Now create a SaveState to track our girl pref variables\r\nvar prefState = new window.SaveState({\r\n stateKey: '?', // game state is '~'\r\n store: window, // Our state will be stored in the global (window) object\r\n autoLoad: true, // We'll auto-load the variables below as state variables\r\n // Alternativly, state variables can be defined here via:\r\n // state: {varName: varValue, ..., ...}\r\n})\r\n\r\n// Define girl preference variables that need to be saved, and only game state vars, here\r\n// It's best to keep the variable names as short as possible so they don't unnecessarily\r\n// consume tease storage space when game state is saved\r\n// *** WARNING: Removing/renaming/inserting/re-ordering these variables will invalidate any current saved game state!\r\n// Don't change them after the tease is published!!! (you can _append_ new ones)\r\n\r\n\r\nbody=.5;//body size 0 to 1\r\ntits=.5;//breast size 0 to 1\r\nage=.5 //age 0 to 1, 0 = 18, 1 = grandmother\r\n\r\n// Hair color\r\nred=.5;//redhead\r\nbrun=.5;//brunette\r\nblonde=.5;\r\n\r\n// ethnic group\r\nebony=.5;\r\nasian=.5;\r\nlatin=.5;\r\nmideast=.5;\r\ncaucasian=.5;\r\n\r\n// other\r\ntat=.2;//tattoo 0 to 1\r\n\r\n//special deletes\r\nliyadel=false;//liya deletion\r\ntoridel=false;//tori deletion\r\n\r\n// ^^ You CAN append new variables just above here after the tease is published!\r\n\r\n// *** No more girl preferece vars that need to be saved after here ***\r\n\r\nprefState.loadStates() // Load all the variables from above\r\nvar _defaultPrefState = prefState.getCurrentStore()\r\n\r\n// load any saved girl prefs\r\nif (prefState.hasSave()) prefState.load()\r\n\r\n\r\n// Now create a SaveState to track our game state variables\r\nvar gameState = new window.SaveState({\r\n store: window, // Our state will be stored in the global (window) object\r\n autoLoad: true, // We'll auto-load the variables below as state variables\r\n // Alternativly, state variables can be defined here via:\r\n // state: {varName: varValue, ..., ...}\r\n})\r\n\r\n// Define global game state variables that need to be saved, and only game state vars, here\r\n// It's best to keep the variable names as short as possible so they don't unnecessarily\r\n// consume tease storage space when game state is saved\r\n// *** WARNING: Removing/renaming/inserting/re-ordering these variables will invalidate any current saved game state!\r\n// Don't change them after the tease is published!!! (you can _append_ new ones)\r\npageStack=[]\r\n_nextPage=null\r\n_altNext=null\r\n_oldGamePage=null\r\nlastWonLevel = null\r\nonpage = null\r\nlastTypeTime = 0\r\nlastFightPage = ''\r\nlastCpm = defaults.cpmBase\r\nlastGirl=''\r\nlastCharCount = 0\r\navgPromptChar = null // how many characters per phrase are there for this round on average \r\n\r\n//time vars\r\n//could be moved to default objects or stage objects etc\r\ncomboCount = 0\r\nmaxComboCount = 10\r\ncomboDivider = 5\r\ncomboReduction = 3\r\nlastPromptSuccess = false\r\nfirstPrompt = true\r\n\r\n//sissy\r\n//sissyClothesLevel = 10\r\n\r\ncorIncStopped=false\r\nhookProperty(window, 'corIncInterval', 0, handleCorIntervalChange) // How often should corruption be incrmented (0 = disabled)\r\ncorIncAmount = 0 // How much should corruption be incrmeneted by\r\nhookProperty(window, 'prompt', '', gotUserTypePrompt, true) // Always trigger, even if same value\r\nhookProperty(window, 'cor', 0, updateHud2)// corruption ๐Ÿ“\r\nhookProperty(window, 'file', 120, updateHud2)// files ๐Ÿ—‚\r\nhookProperty(window, 'shirt', true, updateHud2)// ๐Ÿ‘•\r\nhookProperty(window, 'pants', true, updateHud2)// ๐Ÿ‘–\r\nhookProperty(window, 'underwear', true, updateHud2)// ๐Ÿฉฒ\r\nhookProperty(window, 'inround', false, updateHud2)\r\nhookProperty(window, 'enemy', 12, updateHud2) // enemy hp ๐Ÿ‘„\r\nvirgin=true;\r\navirgin=true;\r\nlevel = 0\r\nzone = null\r\ndidRoundIntro = false\r\nx=0;//counter\r\nz=0;\r\ny=false;//toggle\r\nsex=false;//tracking if you are having sex\r\nvamp=0;//bite count\r\nhorny=0; // denied notification\r\noct=0;//octokuro obsession\r\noctodone=false;//recently went to any---octo\r\ntab=0;//taboo count\r\nnest=false//activated ants\r\nvenom=0;//damage over time\r\nhookProperty(window, 'heart', 3, updateHud) //starting lives\r\nlh=false;//liya heart loss\r\ns1=0;//song selection\r\nonce=true;//estim usage\r\nload=false;//did you load autosave\r\ncheat=false;//hack\r\nnm=true;//normal mode\r\nma=0;//march\r\ntox=0;//toxin\r\ncuff=0;//handcuffed\r\nkey=false;//cuff key\r\ndel=false;//delete passive\r\nsissy=0;//sissification\r\nlcuff=0;//leg cuff\r\njail=0;//jail boss count\r\nnloss=0;//neon loss count\r\ngameover=0;//game over count\r\ngm=false;//godmode\r\nspkheart=0;//spooky heart loss\r\nhmode=1;//hack rate that changes depending on mode. half for casual. 0 for god\r\n\r\nhookProperty(window, 'dmg', false, function(prop, val, lastVal){\r\n console.warn('dmg change from ', lastVal, 'to', val, 'on page', pages.getCurrentPageId())\r\n})\r\n// speed=0;//tracking the speed from failure\r\nprompt2=\"null\";//used in cathy boss\r\nhookProperty(window, 'clear', 0, onClearChange) //amount of lvl cleared\r\nlastHacks = []\r\n\r\nstrictResult = 0;\r\nlooseResult = 0; // case and punctuation ignored\r\ncaseMatchResult = 0; // punctuation ignored\r\npuncMatchResult = 0; // case ignored\r\navgResult = 0; // Average result between loose and strict\r\ncheatResult=false; // Detected cheat\r\ncheatCount=0; // Number of times cheated\r\ncaughtCount=0; // Number of times caught cheating\r\n\r\nvoy=0; //voyer\r\nhyp=0; //hypnosis\r\nhypdmg=true;//hypnosis ready to damage\r\nwtd=0;//wanted\r\n\r\nencounters = 0; // keep count of number of encounters -- used in sorting\r\nlikes = 1; // Number of times girls have been liked -- used to cal averages, must start at 1\r\n\r\n// ^^ You CAN append new variables just above here after the tease is published!\r\n\r\n// *** No more game state vars that need to be saved after here ***\r\ngameState.loadStates() // Load all the variables from above\r\nvar _defaultState = gameState.getCurrentStore()\r\nconsole.log('_defaultState', _defaultState)\r\n\r\n\r\n// Now create a SaveState to track our bug state variables\r\nvar bugState = new window.SaveState({\r\n stateKey: '$',\r\n store: window, // Our state will be stored in the global (window) object\r\n autoLoad: true, // We'll auto-load the variables below as state variables\r\n // Alternativly, state variables can be defined here via:\r\n // state: {varName: varValue, ..., ...}\r\n})\r\n\r\n// Generate bugs\r\nObject.keys(bugs).forEach(function(v){\r\n hookProperty(window, v, 0, updateHud)\r\n //console.log(\"Hookproperty bug:\", v)\r\n})\r\n\r\n// ^^ You CAN append new variables just above here after the tease is published!\r\n\r\n// *** No more bug state vars that need to be saved after here ***\r\nbugState.loadStates() // Load all the variables from above\r\nvar _defaultBugs = bugState.getCurrentStore()\r\nconsole.log('_defaultBugs', _defaultBugs)\r\nif (bugState.hasSave()) bugState.load()\r\n\r\n\r\n// Now create a SaveState to track our girl state variables\r\nvar girlState = new window.SaveState({\r\n stateKey: '^',\r\n store: window, // Our state will be stored in the global (window) object\r\n autoLoad: true, // We'll auto-load the variables below as state variables\r\n // Alternativly, state variables can be defined here via:\r\n // state: {varName: varValue, ..., ...}\r\n})\r\n\r\n// Girl encounter states (-1 or less = \"deleted\")\r\n// > 0 = number of times kept\r\nObject.keys(girls).forEach(function(g){\r\n window[g] = 0\r\n})\r\n\r\n// ^^ You CAN append new variables just above here after the tease is published!\r\n\r\n// *** No more girl state vars that need to be saved after here ***\r\ngirlState.loadStates() // Load all the variables from above\r\nvar _defaultGirls = girlState.getCurrentStore()\r\nconsole.log('_defaultGirls', _defaultGirls)\r\nif (girlState.hasSave()) girlState.load()\r\n\r\nfunction tick() // This function is called every second\r\n{\r\n if (testVolumeIncrease > 0)\r\n {\r\n testVolume += testVolumeIncrease;\r\n Sound.get(\"calibrate\").setVolume(testVolume); // Update the calibration volume\r\n } \r\n\r\n if (gamePaused === false) gameTimeInSeconds++; // Keep track of game seconds when not paused\r\n\r\n if (gameTimeInSeconds % 60 === 0)\r\n {\r\n // Code here runs every minute\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getPleasureVolume(intensity) // Intensity is a value between 1 and 100 that returns a volume between minPleasure and MaxPleasure as a fraction\r\n{\r\n return minPleasureVolume + ( (maxPleasureVolume - minPleasureVolume) * (intensity / 100) );\r\n}\r\n\r\nfunction getTortureVolume(intensity) // Intensity is a value between 1 and 100 that returns a volume between MaxPleasure and MaxTorture as a fraction\r\n{\r\n return maxPleasureVolume + ( (maxTortureVolume - maxPleasureVolume) * (intensity/100) );\r\n}\r\n\r\n// // for estim? not used?\r\n// var calibration = {\r\n// min pleasure: (minPleasureVolume),\r\n// normal: (maxPleasureVolume),\r\n// pain: (maxTortureVolume)\r\n// }\r\n\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * KEEP THIS STUFF AT BOTTOM OF INIT SCRIPT!!!\r\n * (Add any new code above this)\r\n */\r\n// set an initialization function that start page will call after loading setTimeout:\r\nskipMidLoad=true\r\n_returnAfterLoad=function(){\r\n pages.goto('--init') // go to \"init\" page to stop start page from executing beyond setTimeout init\r\n}\r\n// force setTimeout sounds to load before tease starts so we can pre-authorize AudioContexts on initial tease start click \r\n// instead of having to later later prompt for click and do a setTimeout(...) after click to authorize it.\r\npages.goto('start') // Yes, this actually works. (tease won't \"start\", but actions on page will execute in background)\r\n// No more init script code after here!", "modules": { "notification": {}, "audio": {}, "storage": {} }, "galleries": { "9660fa56-e8a5-45bd-be37-ab71e5ec3c27": { "name": "nikki mitchel", "images": [ { "id": 1836980, "hash": "e3397e49e85a003fe844e41a102b798ed29c4180", "size": 671144, "width": 1067, "height": 1600 }, { "id": 1836981, "hash": "b393ea1218fb5ff1c01663b8b14984fe5df1197a", "size": 588508, "width": 1600, "height": 1067 }, { "id": 1836982, "hash": "3533da19c801f0a0b1ee682f71d8341654dbcaae", "size": 584676, "width": 1067, "height": 1600 }, { "id": 1836983, "hash": "3c274cf76920be889857ab1dcca37374d7c2beec", "size": 558459, "width": 1067, "height": 1600 }, { "id": 1836984, "hash": "df97e311718c2620673f3f2629e021aa620183b0", "size": 522595, "width": 1067, "height": 1600 }, { "id": 1836985, "hash": "975b1d6464ab91827e553937b2c362033f0f6040", "size": 609659, "width": 1067, "height": 1600 }, { "id": 1836986, 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